LOCALFIRSTBLOOMINGTON.ORG localfirstbloomington.org THANK YOU for picking up our guide! W e asked the Local First Bloomington business members and a number of Bloomington residents, from students to professionals, to give us a list of their favorite gifts from local, independent businesses in Bloomington, and we created a guide that was made for Bloomington, by Bloomington. We also asked our business members to give us a list of the items they are most excited about on their shelves this year. Some are best sellers and some are simply favorites of the owners, who we consider to be experts in their fields. We can guarantee that some of these items will be your new favorites, too. There are many possibilities here, from retail, to food and beverage, to entertainment or experiential gifts like dance lessons or theater tickets, to charitable donations. There is something for everyone on your list and with a large range of prices because this list was created by so many different kinds of people. Make a difference with your money this year and keep it in your town. You will improve your community and feel more connected at the same time. Could anything be more important? A special thanks to all of those who went out of their way to contribute to our list. Sincerely, LOCAL FIRST BLOOMINGTON BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jenny Mack Margie Rice Erica Sagon Alan Simmerman Alison Zook Benjamin Schulz, Chair Jacqui Bauer, Vice Chair Susan Bright, Treasurer Prianka Rayamajhi, Secretary Matt Hottell Tim Lemper LOCAL FIRST BLOOMINGTON STAFF — Sally Meyer, membership coordinator 1 HOP LOCAL? WHY S 1. Protect our local economy. Locally-owned businesses pay taxes here—not in another state or on another continent. Those taxes help provide us with the services and infrastructure we need. 2. Owners of local, independent businesses are more invested in their businesses and communities. The 2012 Indie Impact Survey in Salt Lake City found that local retailers returned 52 percent of their revenue to the local economy, while national chain retailers returned 13.6 percent. 3. Additionally, local, independent businesses give two and a half times more per employee to local nonprofits than larger firms. 4. Protect our environment. Local owners are often more invested in the environmental conditions of their city. They work with and for their neighbors. Many local businesses also tend to be situated well for models that support walking and biking. 5. Ownership matters. Local business owners know Bloomington and they know your needs. If you have a suggestion or request or want to thank them for a job well done, you can sit down with the owner. { { “I found shopping local for the holidays to be much more satisfying than previous years when I wasn’t focused on supporting local businesses. I liked knowing that my purchases were helping to support Bloomington business, and I enjoyed the personal interaction with local business owners. If I couldn’t find something, or needed a suggestion, it was nice to talk with people who took pride in their business and its products/services.” -SARAH STUP, FINELIGHT 2 YOUR SHOPPING T F I H S CAMPAIGN L ocal First Bloomington is proud to participate in the Shift Your Shopping Campaign. This campaign, representing more than 40,000 businesses across North America, encourages residents to take job creation and economic concerns into their own hands by exercising their power to strengthen their own local economies. This is an effective strategy all year-round, but especially important at the holidays: The National Retail Federation reports that the average holiday shopper plans to spend an average of $737.95 on holiday gifts and seasonal merchandise in 2013. That’s down slightly from the previous year, but NRF is still forecasting overall holiday retail sales in November and December to grow 3.9 percent, to $602.1 billion, over 2012. Keeping that money in your community will have a proven impact. In addition, annual surveys over the last four years show that places that “go local” do better. The Institute for Local Self-Reliance found that businesses in communities with an active “buy local first” initiative run by a local business organization reported average revenue growth of 8.6 percent in 2012, compared to 3.4 percent for those in areas without such an initiative. The annual survey includes responses from 2,377 independent businesses across the country. All of those campaigns operated with support from the American Independent Business Alliance (AMIBA) and/or Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE). Shift Your Shopping combines the efforts of ILSR, AMIBA and BALLE with more than 150 local business alliances comprised of over 38,000 local businesses. Shift Your Shopping is a reminder to support locally-owned and independent businesses, particularly during the holiday season. Thank you for participating in Bloomington, Indiana! 3 LOCALFIRSTBLOOMINGTON.ORG JOIN LOCAL FIRST BLOOMINTGON We have individual and family memberships, as well as business memberships. USE OUR DIRECTORY Bookmark the Local First Bloomington Directory on your phone or computer to easily find local businesses that offer the items and services you need. Each business in the directory is an authenticated local, independent business. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK AND TWITTER Facebook: Local First Bloomington. Twitter: @LocalFirstBloom SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER Keep up with the latest news on Local First Bloomington and local, independent businesses in Bloomington and Monroe County. { ‘Tis the season of… “My experience was the best I’d ever had. I enjoyed shopping (without my kids!) downtown, grabbing coffee, and soaking up the holiday cheer. Business owners were largely helpful and appreciative of my business, and I felt good about the gifts I was buying. I found that I needed fewer ideas from people, as while I was shopping in these small shops and boutiques I would come across unique finds that suited a person on my list perfectly.” -‐Children’s Bikes -‐Tune-‐ups -‐Bike Storage -‐Hot Coffee 812.336.0241 th 401 E. 10 Street rev.bikeandbean@gmail.com revolutionbikeandbean.com { Come visit us at the shop for all of your cycling needs this winter, or to talk bikes over one of our delicious lattes! -ABBY NOROOZI, THE GREEN NURSERY 4 GIFT GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS RETAIL / PAGE 6 FOOD & BEVERAGE / PAGE 32 ENTERTAINMENT & EXPERIENCES / PAGE 35 CHARITABLE DONATIONS / PAGE 36 We use this symbol throughout the guide to identify businesses that were Local First Bloomington members as of press time. Want to join Local First Bloomington or update your membership? Our membership coordinator, Sally Meyer, would love to hear from you. Reach her at localfirstbloomington@gmail.com. Cover design by Kaye Lee Johnston Printed by Baugh Enterprises on Forest Stewardship Council-certified paper with recycled content { images provided by businesses { “I prefer to buy from a retailer who I trust has the knowledge it takes to stock the best piece of cookware, article of clothing or bicycle part. I also prefer that the profits from my purchases stay in my community rather than add to the fortunes of a few billionaires in Arkansas or masses of shareholders throughout the world.” -CHRISTINA CAMPOLL 5 RETAIL GIFTS AMERICAN FUTONS 105 S. Walnut St. • Futons • Furniture-sofas and platform beds • Futon covers • Cotton and buckwheat hull pillows • Handmade gifts ANDREW DAVIS 101 W. Kirkwood Ave., Suite 119; andrewdavismenswear.com • Our mission is to be continually inspired to bring you the finest men’s & women’s clothing and provide an equally great shopping experience. • “Clothes that make you look good!” —Susan Bright, Nick’s English Hut ANGLES CAFE & STORE IU Art Museum, 2nd Floor, 1133 E. 7th St. • Protest postcards and Galleria umbrellas (a favorite of Jeanne Leimkuhler, Center for Sustainable Living) ARGENTUM JEWELRY 205 N. College Ave. #100; argentum-jewelry.com • Terri Logan river stone and silver jewelry (a favorite of Miah Michaelsen, City of Bloomington) • Ruth Conway and Linda Knudsen’s Silk and Fire Lamps (a favorite of Miah Michaelsen) • Thomas Mann jewelry 6 RETAIL ATHENA 116 N. Walnut St. • Wooden jewelry (favorite of Marci Hughes, Friends of Art Bookshop) • Wide selection of jewelry and scented oils (a favorite of Hillary Detty, Monroe County History Center) • “I love Athena for their great crystal and stone collection.” – Kathy Smith, Creating Harmony, LLC • Amber pendants (favorites of Jaia Stidd, Sole Sensations) AZ VINTAGE 236 N. Morton St.; azvintagebloomington.com • Variety of vintage goods, specializing in the retro and mid-century style of the 1950s and ‘60s • Eclectic and constantly changing mix of affordable vintage furnishings and housewares • Wide range of clothing for men and women from the 1940s - ‘80s • Large selection of jewelry, shoes, and accessories • Locally handmade and modern gift items • Anything vintage! (a favorite of Talia Halliday, Conduit Press) • Stylish finds (favorites of Nancy Hiller, NR Hiller Design) • Cool finds (favorites of Jaia Stidd, Sole Sensations) BLACK LUMBER COMPANY 1710 S. Henderson St.; myblacklumber.com • Killowatt energy meter (a favorite of Jacqui Bauer, Local First Bloomington) 7 RETAIL BLOOMINGFOODS (find more bloomingfoods ideas in the Food & Beverage section) Near West: 316 W. 6th; East: 3220 E. 3rd St.; Downtown: 419 E. Kirkwood Ave.; Ivy Tech: 200 Daniels Way, Rm C133; Elm Heights: 614 E. 2nd St.; bloomingfoods.coop • Christmas trees • holiday greenery • Blue Q tote bags • handmade knits • holiday baked goods • “Bloomingfoods is a very precious gift to our community.” – Kathy Smith, Creating Harmony • Soapy Soap Company goods (a favorite of Talia Halliday, Bloomington Handmade Market) • Handwoven baskets at the Near West store (a favorite of Marci Hughes, Friends of Art Bookshop) • Elm Heights meat department (a favorite of Susan Bright, Nick’s English Hut) • Unemployed Philosophers Guild artifacts (a favorite of Nancy Hiller, NR Hiller Design) • Sushi (a favorite of Jaia Stidd, Sole Sensations) • Peachtree Mountain Truffles (a favorite of Don Galligher, Revolution Bike & Bean) • Organic chocolate (a favorite of Ruth Conway, By Hand Gallery) • Healthy, fresh, local and organic food (a favorite of Rick Dietz, Cardinal Spirits) BLOOMINGTON AREA BIRTH SERVICES 2458 S. Walnut St.; bloomingtonbirth.org • Jellycat toys • ErgoBaby carriers in lots of great colors and now in Petunia Picklebottom prints 8 AILIL RREETTA • Flip diapers with cloth and disposable inserts • Vitamin D drops for babies...great for winter • NoseFrida, the Swedish Nose Hose, is another great one for winter! BLOOMINGTON BAGEL COMPANY 113 N. Dunn (multi-location); bbcbagel.com • Sugar Bomb cookies (a favorite of Liz Sanders, Village Deli, Soma Coffee, and Laughing Planet) BLOOMINGTON COMMUNITY FARMER’S MARKET 401 N. Morton St., Saturdays 8am-1pm; bloomington.in.gov/farmersmarket • Alpaca yarn from Red Rosa Farm (a favorite of Michelle Giansante, Melody Music Shop) • Pastured meats from Schacht Farm (a favorite of Michelle Giansante) BLOOMINGTON COOKING SCHOOL 114 N. College Ave.; bloomingtoncookingschool.com • Jan Bulla-Baker’s Truffles (a favorite of Paul T. Ash, U.S.Post Office Retiree and McDoel Gardens Resident) BLOOMINGTON ENTERTAINMENT & ARTS DISTRICT (BEAD) visitbead.org BEAD is an economic development project of the City of Bloomington and is designated an official Indiana Cultural District by the Indiana Arts Commission. Some of our favorite gift items include: • Hand-pulled screen prints by Kim Ransdell at The Collective Press • Sabun soaps at the Visit Bloomington Visitor’s Center • Hand-crafted chocolate at Blu Boy Cafe and Cakery • Downtown Bloomington Gift Certificates from Downtown Bloomington, Inc. available at the Convention Center • Hand-felted blooming flower pins by Martina Celerin at By Hand Gallery 9 RETAIL BLOOMINGTON GUITAR & AMP 521 W. Kirkwood Ave., bloomingtonguitarandamp.com • Bloomington Guitar & Amp is a music store in Bloomington, IN specializing in a well-curated selection of used/vintage guitars and amps, new and used effects, accessories and repair services. • Guitar pedals and strings (a favorite of Cyrus Resur, Landlocked Music) BLOOMINGTON HANDMADE MARKET (Spring & Fall), Bloomington Convention Center *By the time the guide comes out, the Fall BHM will have come and gone, but these items are still available on the websites listed. • Deesum Designs Jewelry - can be found at Gathering: handmade popup shop. deesumdesigns.com • Teehaus Soap - can be found at Gathering: handmade pop-up shop. teehaussoaps.com • Starsprinkle Supercollider - can be found at Gathering: handmade popup shop. starsprinklesupercollider.com • Vincent Desjardins Illustrator - prints - can be found at Gathering: handmade pop-up shop. vincentdesjardins.com • Bets and Mags - amazing children’s toys and accessories. etsy.com/ shop/betsandmags twice a year BLOOMINGTON WINTER FARMER’S MARKET 909 E. 2nd St., Saturdays Dec.-Mar. • Alpaca yarn from Red Rosa Farm (a favorite of Michelle Giansante, Melody Music Shop) • “Buy Local” Bumper Sticker from the Local Growers Guild (a favorite of Maggie Sullivan, CSL, LLG, LIFE Farms) BLU BOY CHOCOLATE CAFÉ & CAKERY 112. E Kirkwood Ave.; bluboychocolate.com • Chocolate cupcakes (a favorite of employees at the Buskirk-Chumley Theater) • Hot chocolate (a favorite of Jacqui Bauer, Local First Bloomington) 10 AILIL RERETTA BLUELINE MEDIA PRODUCTIONS 224 N. College Ave.; bluelinestyle.com • Photography for families and weddings • Paintings and photographs by local artists from the Blueline art gallery BOOK CORNER 100 N. Walnut St. • Rachel Peden’s Speak to the Earth, republished by the IU Press with foreword by Scott Russell Sanders (a favorite of Nancy Hiller, NR Hiller Design) • Jigsaw puzzles (a favorite of Marc Tschida, Press Puzzles) • Necco candy, magazines, and books (favorites of Nancy Hiller) BOXCAR BOOKS 408 E. 6th St.; boxcarbooks.org • Check out some of our local authors and zinesters! • The Stuff of Song: a zine collection of essays about songs, written by local writers • Media Interventions by Kevin Howley • Stunned Lungs poetry chapbook by Tara J. • A “free-rack” bursting at the seams with great reads! • Lynda Barry Books (a favorite of Una Winterman, Local First Bloomington founder) THE BRIAR AND THE BURLEY 101 W. Kirkwood Ave. #100; briarburley.com • The selection of unique pens and men’s bags (a favorite of Cory Burger, Monroe County History Center) 11 RETAIL BUSKIRK-CHUMLEY THEATER 114 E. Kirkwood Ave.; buskirkchumley.org • Variety of Bloomington t-shirts • Note cards and magnets featuring the historic Indiana marquee • Wooden puzzles and postcards of local scenes • Gift certificates redeemable for BCT events, off-site events, and merchandise BUTLER WINERY 1022 N College Ave.; butlerwinery.com • Wines – “I love drinking them and using them in Quilter’s Comfort’s Wine Jellies!” – Patricia Coleman, Patricia’s Wellness Arts Café & Quilter’s Comfort Teas BY HAND GALLERY 101 W. Kirkwood Ave., Suite #109; byhandgallery.com • Hand made gold and silver jewelry • Scarves of woven chenille and hand dyed silk • Functional and decorative hand made pottery • Fine crafted wood items • Hand knitted clothing • “By Hand Gallery offers a truly exquisite collection of local handmade arts and crafts. The go-to place for me for gift giving.” –Kathy Smith, Creating Harmony • Beautiful handmade Christmas ornaments (a favorite of Don Galligher, Revolution Bike & Bean) • Pottery by Marci Neiditz (a favorite of Talia Halliday, Gathering: handmade pop-up shop) • Posters by Collective Press (a favorite of Talia Halliday) • Handmade silk scarves (a favorite of Jacqui Bauer, Local First Bloomington) 12 AILIL RERETTA CACTUS FLOWER 322 E. Kirkwood Ave. #202; cactusflowerclothing.com • Free People tops (favorite of Mary Ann Gingles, Yarns Unlimited) CARDINAL SPIRITS 922 S. Morton St.; cardinalspirits.com • The Perfect Whiskey Glass: These tulipshaped whiskey glasses best express the nose and taste of a fine whiskey. These are the glasses we will use in our tasting room. • Cocktail Kit: Everything you’ll need to get started with home mixology, including a few classic cocktail recipes. Includes a shaker, cocktail strainer, bar spoon, 4 cocktail glasses, 4 steel drinking straws, a turned walnut muddler, a measuring jigger, and recipe cards. As an added bonus, each cocktail kit comes with an Cardinal Spirits t-shirt that is made in the US. CARDINAL STAGE COMPANY 900 S. Walnut St.; cardinalstage.org • The mission of Cardinal Stage Company is to advance professional theatre in Bloomington. We aim to cultivate a lifelong passion for the stage by offering diverse, high quality productions in tandem with outreach and educational initiatives that contribute to the cultural and economic vibrancy of South-Central Indiana. • Gift certificate to the holiday show (a favorite of Marc Tschida, Press Puzzles) THE CHILE WOMAN 1704 S. Weimer Road; thechilewoman.com • “Love her chile peppers, plants, tomatillos, and her pet llama, Petey!” — David Martin, David Martin Design 13 RETAIL THE COLLECTIVE PRESS I-Fell Building, 415 W. 4th St.; thecollectivepress.com • Prints and cards (favorites of Talia Halliday, Conduit Press) THE COMEDY ATTIC 123 S. Walnut St. (upstairs); comedyattic.com • Named One of Ten Best Comedy Clubs in the Country in the January 11 issue of USA Today • Tickets to a comedy show (a favorite of Jared Cheek, Landlocked Music) CONDUIT PRESS conduit-press.com • Hollow book safe with flask (favorite of Sheryl Woodhouse-Keese) • “Conduit Press’ amazing book safes - who hasn’t wanted to hide a flask, water gun or their mementos in a book?” —Sandy Baker, Mythdemeanor • Hollow book bases for eReaders (holds Kindle and Nook) • Book clocks • Book lamps • Refillable leather journals w/ embroidery • Book clutch CREATING HARMONY creatingharmonyllc.com • Gift certificates starting at $10 • Every year Creating Harmony donates 20% of each Internet sale made during the month of December to Heifer International, an organization that helps people move toward self-reliance. • Unscented Ivory Shea Butter (a favorite of Patricia Coleman, Patricia’s Wellness Arts Café) 14 AILIL RERETTA DEESUM DESIGNS deesumdesigns.com • handcrafted sterling silver jewelry with a flare toward nature (a favorite of Jim Halliday, Gathering: handmade pop-up shop) DISCOUNT BLINDS AND VERTICALS 3910 S. Walnut St.; blindsandverticals.com • “I love working with the folks at Discount Blinds and Verticals. They really know their business and have a real flare for design to help with choices.” – Kathy Smith, Creating Harmony, LLC EARTH AND WIND CREATIONS earthandwindcreations.com • “My friend Sandi Kidwell makes awesome homemade soap, sold online and at Sahara Mart. These are really good gifts for my mom and sisters.” — Josh Bennett, IU Library Student and IU Employee ELEGANT OPTIONS ANTIQUE & DESIGN GALLERY 4741 E. State Road 46 • Knit scarves (a favorite of Diane Ballard, Monroe County History Center) EQUILIBRIUM THAI MASSAGE & YOGA THERAPY equilibriumassage.com • Traditional Thai massage, stretching, acupressure, structural alignment, range of motion, joint mobilization • Yoga therapy, specializing in disability, rehabilitation, neurological conditions. Customized programs, in-home therapy sessions, clinical referrals • Cupping therapy, Thai-style fire cupping & flash cupping • Therapeutic yoga classes and specialized yoga therapy classes including yoga for MS and yoga for cancer. Private instruction in Hatha yoga and Thai yoga (Reusi Dat Ton) • Traditional Thai massage training and yoga therapy training 15 RETAIL FARMER HOUSE MUSEUM 529 N. College Ave. • The Farmer House museum is a non-profit museum located in Bloomington, Indiana. We are dedicated to remembering and interpreting everyday in life in Bloomington, Indiana, in the early to mid-20th Century. • “Old-fashioned cards and great things to look at!” – Patricia Coleman, Patricia’s Wellness Arts Café & Quilter’s Comfort Teas FEAST BAKERY CAFE 581 E. Hillside Drive; feastcateringonline.com • Gift certificate to buy their delicious tamales (a favorite of Don Galligher, Revolution Bike & Bean) FRIENDS OF ART BOOKSHOP 1201 E. 7th, Fine Arts Building, IU Campus fa.indiana.edu/foart • Artists around the world have lately been turning to their bookshelves for more than just a good read, opting to cut, paint, carve, stitch or otherwise transform the printed page into whole new beautiful, thought-provoking works of art. “Art Made from Books” is the definitive guide to this compelling art form, and a great gift for those with a soft spot for art and books. • Koi Water Colors Pocket Sketch Box - a beautiful and handy travel watercolor kit. Pair it with a decadent Moleskine watercolor sketchbook for a special gift! • Unique jewelry and textiles made by IU Fine Art Students - including silkscreened tote bags and pouches made by the IU Textiles Artist Assembly and Bling Jewelry made by the IU Metals Guild. • Nikki McClure’s 2014 ‘Home’ calendar • Sibley Backyard Birding Postcards 16 AILIL RERETTA FULL MOON MILK SOAPS fullmoonmilksoaps.com • Felted Milk Soaps (favorite of Kathy Smith of Creating Harmony) • Full Moon Milk Soaps at Bloomingfoods (a favorite of Marci Hughes of Friends of Art Bookshop) • Our felted milk soaps make colorful and unique gifts and are some of our most popular items. The felt shrinks with the soap for a built-in scrubbie! We offer over twenty varieties of all natural milk soaps (and one vegan soap) with Juniper Berry, Pumpkin & Nutmeg, Cardamom Cafe, and Chocolate Rose soaps inspired by the fall and winter months. GALLERY 406 116 W. 6th St.; spectrumstudioinc.com • Framed photographic prints by Kendall Reeves. My current favorites are from A Home of Her Own: a funky old stove on author Jane Powell’s front porch in Oakland, California; a vintage kitchen vignette in Edith Sarra’s home near Gosport; still life in an old bathroom; a mind-bending view of intersecting planes in a Chicago loft designed by architect Jeanne Gang. (favorites from Nancy Hiller, NR Hiller Design) THE GAME PRESERVE 101 W. Kirkwood Ave., Ste. 117; gamepreserve.com • Selling hand-picked games since 1980, including puzzles of many varieties (a favorite of Marc Tschida, Press Puzzles) GATHERING: HANDMADE POP-UP SHOP Fountain Square Mall, Suite 125; bloomingtongathering.wordpress.com • Sadly Harmless Prints • Lit Knits hats, scarves and gloves (a favorite of Talia Halliday, Bloomington Handmade Market) • Soapy Soap Company handmade soap (a favorite of Talia Halliday) • Bearmojo monster bags 17 RETAIL GATHERING, CONTINUED • Tactile Melodies Constellation necklaces • Conduit Press products (a favorite of Talia Halliday) • Old Tobacco Road hand-crafted bags from recycled Army/Navy materials (a favorite of Talia Halliday) • Starsprinkle Supercollider prints and jewelry (a favorite of Jim Halliday, Bloomington Handmade Market) • Vincent Desjardin illustrations (a favorite of Jim Halliday) GOODS FOR COOKS (Find more Goods for Cooks ideas in the Food & Beverage section) 115 N. College, Suite 117; goodsforcooks.com • Unique kitchen accessories (a favorite of Diane Ballard, Monroe County History Center & Ruth Conway, By Hand Gallery) • Swiss Diamond Cookware (a favorite of Paul T. Ash, U.S.Post Office Retiree and McDoel Gardens Resident) • Cookie cutters and anything else for the kitchen (a favorite of Jason Evans Groth, Monroe County Public Library “It’s Your Money” project librarian) • Teapots (a favorite of Marci Hughes, Friends of Art Bookshop) THE GREEN NURSERY 509 E. Hillside Dr. Suite #103; thegreennursery.com • Bamboo Hape Toys • Sophie the Giraffe • Pip and Bean Capes (a favorite of Talia Halliday, Conduit Press) • Moulin Roty Dolls • Chewbeads Teething Jewelry • bumGenius diapers • Wooden Plan Toys: Rocking Horse, Farm Playset, Barn, Trains • Skuut Wooden Balance Bikes • Green Toys (made in the USA out of 18 AILIL RERETTA recycled milk jugs): School Bus, Fire Truck, Stacking Cups • Opposite of Far masks (a favorite of Talia Halliday) • Soapy Soap Company goods (a favorite of Talia Halliday) GREETINGS 429 E. Kirkwood Ave. • A small store that sells many items (a favorite of Susan Bright, Nick’s English Hut) HIDDEN CLOSET 109 E. Kirkwood Ave. • Hand-tooled leather bag (a favorite of Mary Ann Gingles, Yarns Unlimited) • Cool clothes (a favorite of Ruth Conway, By Hand Gallery) • Beautiful new and vintage dresses (a favorite of Marci Hughes, Friends of Art Bookshop) • Unique gifts (favorites of Jaia Stidd, Sole Sensations) HOWARD’S BOOKSTORE 101 W Kirkwood Ave., #116 • “So Cold the River” by Michael Kortya. This mystery explores West Baden Springs back in its heydey of gambling, mob activity, and of course murder. (a favorite of Maggie Sullivan, CSL, LLG, LIFE Farms) • Books (a favorite of Ruth Conway, By Hand Gallery) KAREN KNIGHT knight308@gmail.com, 812.361.3601 • Hula Hoops for happiness and fitness 19 RETAIL LANDLOCKED MUSIC 202 N. Walnut St., landlockedmusic.com Gift ideas for music lovers that you are scared to buy music for: • Turntable: nothing beats the sound of those old (and new) records (a favorite of Alison Zook, A.Z. Vintage) • Portable turntable also available. • Accessories: new needles, cleaning brushes, storage boxes, slipmats, record crates. • Headphones: many styles to choose from. • Landlocked tote bag full of LPs - new or used vinyl, just the right size! • New Music: recent releases from Arcade Fire, Pearl Jam, Of Montreal, Sleigh Bells, Avett Brothers, Paul McCartney, The Head & the Heart, Lily & Madeleine, Bright Eyes, Jimi Hendrix, Joe Bonamassa, Willie Nelson, Midlake, Dave Van Ronk, Johnny Cash and Slayer LP reissues. • “Tapes and tapes!” – Samuel Sveen, UEL ZING Coffee THE LAUGHING PLANET CAFÉ (find more Laughing Planet Ideas in the Food & Beverages Section) 322 E. Kirkwood Ave.; thelaughingplanetcafe.com • Laughing Planet T-Shirts—new and very cool design! • Gifted burritos (a favorite of Don Galligher, Revolution Bike & Bean) LENNIE’S 1795 E. 10th St.; lenniesgourmetpizza.com • Purchase $100 in Lennie’s gift cards and receive a free $20 gift card! Offer valid 11/29/13-12/23/13. MARDON SALON & SPA 124 E. Kirkwood Ave.; mardonsalon.com • Haircuts (a favorite of Jaia Stidd, Sole Sensations) 20 AILIL RERETTA MELODY MUSIC SHOP 402 W. 6th St., melodymusicshop.com • Yamaha classical guitars • Musical holiday ornaments • Christmas sheet music • Tama drumsets • Ibanez Jumpstart electric guitar/amp packs • Drum heads & sticks (favorite of Tyler Damon, Landlocked Music) MODA INDUSTRIA modaindustria.com • MOD Classics Collage Clock (aluminum cut with a waterjet) (a favorite of Una Winterman, founder of Local First Bloomington) • Web Cuff bracelets (leather cut with waterjet) (a favorite of Una Winterman) MONROE COUNTY HISTORY MUSEUM STORE 202 E. 6th St.; monroehistory.org • Pioneer bonnet and toys (a favorite of Maggie Sullivan, CSL, LLG, LIFE Farms) • assortment of fun books about Indiana including recipes, stories from local authors, and snippets of local history (a favorite of Maggie Sullivan) • Clay City Pottery pieces • Books written by local authors, Rachel Peden, Michael Shelden, Bob Hammel, Nancy Hiller and many more! • Historic remakes of children’s toys and books • Historic Places and Scenes in a custom woven coverlet, choice of Blue, Green or Red, bargain at $30 • “Best of Indiana” Gift Baskets at different price levels to meet everyone’s budget • 2nd hand books and films in the lobby (a favorite of Jane Walter, Spanish/English Interpreter) 21 RETAIL MYTHDEMEANOR mythdemeanor.com, crescentwench.etsy.com • Free delivery to Bloomington residents with the code “Shoplocal” on our webpage. • T-shirts featuring science legends Tesla or Oppenheimer • Funky upcycled neckties in a variety of designs • Handmade convertible bustle skirts • Printed suit jackets for men and women • Custom clothing and corsets in a variety of styles NR HILLER DESIGN 3450 S. Garrison Chapel Rd.; nrhillerdesign.com • “I love the craftswomanship of NR Hiller.” —Alison Zook, A.Z. Vintage • Cabinetry (a favorite of Paul T. Ash, U.S.Post Office Retiree and McDoel Gardens Resident) • Commission a piece of custom furniture made with local wood for someone special! NICK’S ENGLISH HUT (Find more Nick’s ideas in the Food & Beverage section) 423 E. Kirkwood Ave.; nicksenglishhut.com • Being open to serve YOU • Great Service • Great Food • Great Drinks • Nick’s Apparel 22 O’CHILD BOUTIQUE AILIL RERETTA 101 W. Kirkwood Ave., #108; ochildboutique.com • Tutu dress-up skirts (a favorite of Georg’ann, Chelsea, and Joy, Bloomington Area Birth Services) OLIVER WINERY (Find more Oliver ideas in the Food & Beverage section) 8024 N. State Road 37 and 105 N. College Ave.; oliverwinery.com • Gift Cards – the perfect solution for those who are hard to shop for • Rachel Henry Designs: puzzles for young children (also available at rachelhenrydesigns.com) (a favorite of Carey Beam, Bloomington resident) • Bella Bella Art Trivet, “gift for the perfect holiday hostess” (a favorite of Lisa Simmons, Indiana University) • Pottery from local artists Susan Snyder, Kristin Busch, and Amanda Weigl • “A great zinny Zinfandel.” – Samuel Sveen, UEL ZING Coffee • Sangria (favorite of Jaia Stidd, Sole Sensations) OPPORTUNITY HOUSE 907 W. 11th St., mcum.org • Opportunity House is a non-profit resale shop that has been serving Monroe County since 1968. • Unique gifts for everyone on your shopping list, from gently used practical items to one-of-a-kind objets d’art • Clothing for every holiday event, from formal dresses to cozy sweaters • Holiday decorations, cards, and wrapping THE OWLERY RESTAURANT 118 W 6th St.; theowleryrestaurant.com • Vegetarian dinner (a favorite of Jason Nickey, Landlocked Music) • “Some of the best salads in town!” – Sally Meyer, Local First Bloomington 23 RETAIL PATRICIA’S WELLNESS ARTS CAFÉ & QUILTER’S COMFORT TEAS 725 W. Kirkwood Ave., hartrock.net • Quilter’s Comfort certified organic loose leaf teas, herbal jelly, coffee jelly, wine jelly, beer jelly • Meditation Cushions by Ichiyo (One Leaf) Dharma Supplies • Locally created arts, crafts, cards, wool hats, art clothing, classes • Gift cards • Reiki, Reconnective Healing, Ho’oponopono, Aura Balancing, Creative Arts Play, Reiki Attunements PLAYER’S PUB 424 S. Walnut St., theplayerspub.com • “A gift of music every night from really talented musicians and welcoming to young musicians hoping to play with the oldies.” —Patricia Coleman, Patricia’s Wellness Arts Café & Quilter’s Comfort Tea PRESS PUZZLES presspuzzles.com • Locally crafted Bloomington-themed wooden jigsaw puzzles. • Performing arts, visual arts and sights of Bloomington themed puzzles. PYGMALIONS ART SUPPLIES 108 N. Grant St.; www.pygmalions.com • Bookmaking supplies like paper, bookboard, thread and decorative paper (a favorite of Marcella Hughes, Friends of Art Bookshop) • Skink Tail Blue custom color (a favorite of Samuel Sveen, UEL ZING Coffee) RACHAEL’S CAFÉ 300 E. 3rd St.; rachaelscafe.com • A friendly, inclusive, peaceful atmosphere for all • A favorite of Patricia Coleman, Patricia’s Wellness Arts Café & Quilter’s Comfort Teas 24 AILI L RERETTA THE RAIL 825 N. Walnut St., therailcocktail.com • Expertly crafted cocktails and delicious small plates (a favorite of Rick Dietz, Cardinal Spirits) • Lovely, historic atmosphere, great food and drinks (a favorite of Sally Meyer, Local First Bloomington) • “Anything and everything. Whatever is on special is going to be great.” —Adam Quirk, Cardinal Spirits RAINBOW BAKERY 201 S. Rogers St.; rainbowbakery.net • Bloomington’s first all-vegan bakery • Twin Peaks donuts (a favorite of Samuel Sveen, UEL ZING Coffee) RCV ROOFING 3957 W. Norway Ct.; rcvroofing.com • Roof replacement and repair • Gutters and siding • Roof & siding cleaning RCV HOME INSPECTION SERVICES rcvhomeinspections.com • Real estate home inspections • Pr-inspections • Certified home inspections REBECCA AND ME 333 S. Lincoln St. • Earrings/scarves and other lovely things (a favorite of Abby Noroozi, The Green Nursery) 25 RETAIL RELISH 204 N. Morton St.; relishbloomington.com • Pair of shoes (a favorite of Mary Ann Gingles, Yarns Unlimited) • Clothing or jewelry (a favorite of Nancy Hiller from NR Hiller Design) • Unique home furnishings (a favorite of Susan Bright, Nick’s English Hut) • Martini glasses, drinking glasses (favorites of Jacqui Bauer, Local First Bloomington) REVOLUTION BIKE AND BEAN 401 E. 10th St.; revolutionbikeandbean.com • Kid’s bikes (“They’re awesome!” —Sarah Stup, Finelight) • Revolution t-shirts to go with the bikes (a favorite of Sarah Stup) • “Espresso shots, black as bike grease.” —Samuel Sveen, UEL ZING Coffee RUNCIBLE SPOON 412 E. 6th St.; runciblespoonrestaurant.com • A cozy hideaway to enjoy a quality meal or a fine cup of coffee • “I love their certified organic, fair trade locally roasted coffee. This is the coffee for my Coffee Jelly!” –Patricia Coleman, Patricia’s Wellness Arts Café & Quilter’s Comfort Teas SADLY HARMLESS I-fell Building, 415 W. 4th St.; sadlyharmless.com, sadlyharmless.etsy.com • Affirmation Shadow Boxes - $20 (a favorite of Talia Halliday, Conduit Press) • Calendars • “Traveling Circus” print • Polar bear pendant • Limited edition printed shadow boxes (a favorite of Talia Halliday) • Animal Affirmations series 26 RETAIL SMITH’S SPORT & SHOE 1917 S. Walnut St., smithsshoecenter.com • Smart Wool Socks (favorite of Abby Noroozi, The Green Nursery) • Shoes (a favorite of Liz Sanders, Village Deli, Soma Coffee, and Laughing Planet) SOAPY SOAP COMPANY 300 W. Hillside Dr.; soapysoapcompany.com • $25 and $50 gift certificates • 3, 5, and 8 bar gift baskets • Create a customized soap • Our products are 100% Non-GMO • All ingredients are plant derived; none of our ingredients are derived from animals or animal products such as goat’s/cow’s milk, beeswax, or honey. SOLE SENSATIONS 414 S. College Ave.; solesensations.com • Smartwool Socks: Like the scroll of the mountain landscape, this sock offers beauty made in the mountains. • Goodhew Socks: These high performance fibers boast natural benefits including moisture management, odor control, and thermoregulation properties, keeping you warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. • Halflinger Slippers: Perfect for those days of relaxation, these slippers are the perfect mix of fun and comfort. • Orthaheel Footwear: Invented by leading Australian podiatrist, Phillip Vasyli, this shoe features biomechanical orthotic technology that supports your feet and helps realign the lower legs, reducing over-pronation and associated aches and pains. 27 RETAIL SOMA COFFEEHOUSE (Find more Soma ideas in the Food & Beverage Section) 322 E. Kirkwood Ave. and 1400 E. 3rd St.; iheartsoma.com • SOMA coffee ceramic mugs • SOMA coffee tumblers • SOMA T-shirts • SOMA gift cards SPECTRUM STUDIO 116 W. 6th St. Suite 110, spectrumstudioinc.com • Art prints (a favorite of Nancy Hiller, NR Hiller Design) T&T PET SUPPLY 2375 ½ S. Walnut St. • “We love T&T for dog food and special treats. They carry Merrick wet food and we always get ‘Thanksgiving Dinner’ and ‘Christmas dinner’ at the holidays.” —Elizabeth Williamson, Indiana University Foundation TIME FLIES ANTIQUE SHOP 725 W. Kirkwood Ave. • Statues (a favorite of Patricia Coleman of Patricia’ Wellness Arts Cafe & Quilter’s Comfort Teas) TWISTED LIMB PAPERWORKS twistedlimbpaper.com • Beer Paper Cards, made with recycled paper and spent barley from brewing Upland Beer! Set of four cards: wheat, pilsner, amber, and porter for $20 (a favorite of Paul T. Ash, U.S.Post Office Retiree and McDoel Gardens Resident) • Handmade Paper Cards, two sets of six cards each • Handmade Paper Cards with Stitched Handmade Envelopes, set of four 28 RETAIL UEL ZING 117 W. 6th St., uelzing.com • $10 ZING Drink Pack: 3 coffees (hot or iced), 3 ZING bolt stickers • $20 ZING Up the Ante: 1 pint zing CONK, 1 lb. ZING blend whole bean, 3 stickers • $30 ZING Me Up, Uel!: 1 quart zing CONK, choice of ZING shirt, 3 stickers • “Sam sells great cold-brewed iced coffee by the cup, or buy a bottle of his potent cold-brewed concentrate and mix your own iced coffees at home.” —Adam Quirk, Cardinal Spirits UPLAND BREWERY 350 W. 11th St. and 4060 Profile Parkway, uplandbeer.com • Upland growler and growler coozie • Upland T-shirt • Upland logo pint glass or Frankfort mug • Upland baseball hat • Growler of Winter Warmer (a favorite of Heath Byers, Landlocked Music) THE VENUE 114 S. Grant St.; thevenuebloomington.com • Art glass by Anne Ryan Miller, anneryanmillerglassstudio.com (a favorite of Nancy Hiller, NR Hiller Desgin) • Cathy Barton Art (a favorite of Patricia Coleman, Patricia’s Wellness Arts Café) • “Pride of Lion, Knot of Toads” beautifully illustrated children’s book from Bonnie Gordon Lucas, available through her Etsy store, etsy.com/ shop/MyBonnieDesigns (a favorite of Maggie Sullivan, CSL, LLG, LIFE Farms) • Mikey Newins jewelry (a favorite of Mia Beach, Bloomington Handmade Market and Paper Crane Gallery) • Avi Katz prints (a favorite of Marc Tschida, Press Puzzles) 29 RETAIL THE VENUE, CONTINUED • Charm House jewelry (a favorite of Talia Halliday, Gathering: handmade pop-up shop) • Cards by Joanne Shank (a favorite of Talia Halliday) VICTOR SETTLE JEWELERY 403 S. College Ave.; settlejewelry.com • “I love them for their fantastic customer service. They are not pretentious at all and work with you on something that fits your budget.” —Elizabeth Williamson, Indiana University Foundation • Precious stones (a favorite of Jaia Stidd of Sole Sensations) THE VILLAGE DELI 409 E. Kirkwood Ave.; villagedeli.biz • Village Deli T-shirts • Village Deli gift cards • Pubs of Bloomington posters WHITE RIVER CO-OP 1305 W. Bloomfield Rd. • Mittens (a favorite of Sarah Stup, Finelight) WONDERLAB MUSEUM GIFT STORE 308 W. 4th St.; wonderlab.org • Magnetic poetry kit; $13.50 (a favorite of Carey Beam, mother of 3 boys and IU Library Science student) • 3-D wood puzzle, $5.25 (a favorite of Carey Beam) • Mini moody faces for stocking stuffers (a favorite of Carey Beam) • Educational games for children (favorite of Don Galligher, Revolution Bike & Bean) • Science gifts and experiments for big kids (a favorite of Abby Noroozi, The Green Nursery) 30 RETAIL YARNS UNLIMITED 115 S. Walnut St., Suite A, yarnsunlimited.com • Knitting needles and beautiful handspun yarn (favorite of Marcella Hughes, Friends of Art Bookshop) • Brightly Colored Locally-Dyed Bamboo Yarn, gift for the knitter/crocheter (favorite of Lisa Simmons, Indiana University) • Namaste Cruelty-Free Bags • Harmony Knitting Needle Sets - made of laminated wood with variegated design • Handcrafted Fine Art Necklaces ADDITIONAL MEMBERS Amity Montessori School, 401 E. Allen St., amitymontessorischool.com Ann Schertz Photography, annschertz.com Baugh Enterprises, 1611 S. Rogers St., baughenterprises.com Bloom Magazine, 414 W. 6th St., magbloom.com Brinegar Eye Care, 4001 E. 3rd St. Suite 8, brinegareyecare.com Chartreuse by Annie, 104 E. Kirkwood Ave. #106, chartreusebyannie.com City of Bloomington, bloomington.in.gov The Dance Circus, 101 W. Kirkwood Ave., Suite 124, thedancecircus.com David Martin Design, 2112 S. Susie St., davidmartindesign.com Easy Go Lawn Care, 5929 W. Koontz Rd. FARMbloomington, 108 E. Kirkwood Ave., farm-bloomington.com Found, 804 W. Kirkwood Ave. Gallagher Properties, 107 N. College Ave. Suite 1 Jaclyn The Clutter Wrangler, 300 S. Fairview St., clutterwrangler.com Jeanne Walters Real Estate, 107 E. 6th St., jeannewalters.com Michael’s Uptown Café, 102 E. Kirkwood Ave., the-uptown.com Middle Way House, Inc., P.O. Box 95, middlewayhouse.org Mr. Copy, 501 E. 10th St., copysales.com Nelson’s Furniture Restoration, 6573 S. Old S.R. 37, nelsonsrestoration.com Olympus Properties, 2620 N. Walnut St. Suite 1000, olympusproperties.com Prime Source Office Products, 840 W 17th Street, Suite 9, primesourceop.com The Ryder Magazine, 504 W. 4th St., theryder.com 31 & BEVERAGE D O O F BLOOMINGFOODS (Find more Bloomingfoods ideas in the Retail section) Near West: 316 W. 6th; East: 3220 E. 3rd St.; Downtown: 419 E. Kirkwood Ave.; Ivy Tech: 200 Daniels Way, Rm C133; Elm Heights: 614 E. 2nd St.; bloomingfoods.coop • Chocolove Almonds and Sea Salt in Dark Chocolate (a favorite of Una Winterman, founder of Local First Bloomington) • Local Honey, Hunters Honey Farm (a favorite of Michelle Giansante, Melody Music Shop) • Pounds of Bloomington Coffee Roasters Mexico Light Roast (a favorite of Jason Evans Groth, Monroe County Public Library) • Dillman Farms Cherry Butter and Strawberry Rhubarb Jam (a favorite of Una Winterman) • Trader’s Point chocolate milk (a favorite of Michelle Hartz, Baugh Enterprises) BLOOMINGTON BREWING COMPANY 1795 E. 10th St., bbcbloomington.com • A growler of Ruby Bloom Amber (a favorite of Jeff Wuslich, Cardinal Spirits) BLOOMINGTON WINTER FARMER’S MARKET 909 E. 2nd St., Saturdays Dec.-Mar. • Pastured meats from Schacht Farm (a favorite of Michelle Giansante, Melody Music Shop) BUTLER WINERY 6200 E. Robinson Rd.; butlerwinery.com • Wines and wine jelly (a favorite of Patricia Coleman of Patricia’s Wellness Arts Cafe & Quilter’s Comfort Teas) • “This is where I buy wine supplies—carboys, yeast, corks, and the supplies needed to make wine to drink and give as gifts.” —Josh Bennett, IU Library Student and IU Employee 32 THE CHILE WOMAN FOOD/BEV 1704 S. Weimer Rd.; thechilewoman.com • Chile pepper ristras (hanging strands of chiles) • Chile powder packets make great stocking stuffer GOODS FOR COOKS (Find more Goods for Cooks ideas in the Retail section) 115 N. College, Suite 117; goodsforcooks.com • Specialty vinegars (a favorite of Michael Simmons, Free University of Monroe County) THE LAUGHING PLANET CAFÉ (find more Laughing Planet Ideas in the Retail Section) 322 E. Kirkwood Ave.; thelaughingplanetcafe.com • Laughing Planet salsa--8oz and 16oz--perfect for holiday parties MUSGRAVE ORCHARD APPLE HOUSE 8820 N. Old State Road 37 • “They sell awesome apple cider (along with a lot of other things), but I use their cider to make Cyser (mead).” —Josh Bennett, IU Library Student and IU Employee NICK’S ENGLISH HUT (more Nick’s ideas are in the Retail section) 423 E. Kirkwood Ave.; nicksenglishhut.com • Nick’s Hot Sauce THE OWLERY 118 W. 6th St.; theowleryrestaurant.com • “Sunday brunch at the Owlery!” (a favorite of Taylor Dean of Boxcar Books and Ann Marie Neeley Burkhart of BABs) OLIVER WINERY (more Oliver ideas are in the Retail section) 8024 N. State Road 37 and 105 N. College Ave.; oliverwinery.com • Creekbend Vineyard Estate Bottled Wines – locally grown and bottled right here in Monroe County. Stop in and pick up a bottle of our 2010 Vidal Blanc Sparkling Wine, hand-produced in the traditional Champagne method. • Gourmet Wine and Food Gift Baskets & Boxes – Unique selections, wrapped and ready for giving. Available at the main tasting room or downtown. 33 FOOD/BEV ONE WORLD CATERING AND EVENTS 2234 W. Industrial Park Drive; oneworldcateringandevents.com • “Any sweet treat, especially their strawberry cupcakes!” (a favorite of Jessika Hane, Oliver Winery) RACHAEL’S CAFÉ 300 E. 3rd St.; rachaelscafe.com • Cup of Chamomile w/ Honey, “gift to me while out shopping for everybody else” (a favorite of Lisa Simmons, Indiana University) SOMA COFFEEHOUSE (Find more Soma ideas in the Retail Section) 322 E. Kirkwood Ave. and 1400 E. 3rd St.; iheartsoma.com • ¼ lb. holiday gift pack: Comprised of all FTO coffees including a Holiday Blend, an Indonesian, a Central American and an African Blend. STRANGER’S HILL ORGANICS strangershillorganics.com • CSA Membership, Full Share (for 3-5 people) or Half Share (for 1-2 people) SWEET CLAIRE 309 E. 3rd St., sweetclaire.com • Gourmet pastries (a favorite of Michael Simmons, Free University of Monroe County) UPLAND BREWERY 350 W. 11th St. and 4060 Profile Parkway; uplandbeer.com • Growler full of Dragonfly IPA (a favorite of David Martin, David Martin Design) 34 TAINMENT/EXPERIENCE R E T S EN THE BISHOP 123 S. Walnut St.; thebishopbar.com • Advance issue concert tickets, order online BLOOMINGTON COOKING SCHOOL 114 N. College, www.bloomingtoncookingschool.com • Gift certicates (Classes range from $45 - $54, though any amount is acceptable.) BLOOMINGTON PLAYWRIGHTS PROJECT 107 W. 9th St.; newplays.org • Season Tickets (a favorite of Sheryl Woodhouse-Keese) ISU THE MAY AGENCY Corner of 17th & Walnut, mayagency.com • Prepay your loved one’s insurance premium for an unexpected and thoughtful gift. • Provide your child with peace of mind by getting super inexpensive insurance for them as a kid – they can keep it cheap forever. PANACHE SCHOOL OF BALLROOM AND SOCIAL DANCE 325 E. Winslow Rd.; panachedance.com • “I’ve never not had a blast at a Panache class and they offer gift certificates so you can take a class with your special someone or pass on the gift of super-fun exercise.” (a favorite of Sandy Baker, Mythdemeanor) • 30 Day Unlimited Pass. With this pass, you can come to as many group dance classes or dance fitness classes as you can handle in 30 days! • 8 Lesson Pass. This pass can be used on any group dance class series or drop-in class here at our studio. • 30-Minute Private Dance Lesson - Free! Learn dance in a one-on-one format from a professional instructor for FREE! 35 RITABLE DONATIONS A H C The season is not only about giving gifts to the ones you love—it’s about giving to the community you love. Consider giving to these nonprofits: BLOOMINGTON AREA BIRTH SERVICES 2458 S. Walnut St.; bloomingtonbirth.org • BABS improves the health and lives of mothers and babies by improving birth outcomes, increasing exclusive breastfeeding rates, supporting parents with mood and anxiety disorders, providing new families with education and resources, and offering a gathering place for mutual support. Support this organization by giving any amount on their website (paypal) or via mail. BLOOMINGTON PLAYWRIGHTS PROJECT 107 W. 9th St.; newplays.org • The BPP provides opportunities for development, education, and production for promising and established writers and theatre artists in a professional environment. You can support the BPP by volunteering your time or donating in any amount to their annual campaign or in larger increments for their Rainy Day Fund. BOXCAR BOOKS 408 E. 6th St., boxcarbooks.org • Boxcar Books and Community Center, Inc. is a volunteer powered, non-profit organization that exists to provide new and used books, zines, magazines, and comics on topics of social justice, independent media, and fiction for the community; send literature of all types free of charge to prisoners in the Midwest; and to provide a meeting space for community and literary groups. Pay $10 or more to become a Friend and get 10% off all your books for life, with an additional 10% off the Sections of the Month! Email friends@boxcarbooks.org or stop by. BUSKIRK-CHUMLEY THEATER 114 E. Kirkwood Ave.; buskirkchumley.org • Donations can be made at the BCT Box Office or at buskirkchumley. org. Local financial support is essential to your community theater. 36 CHARITY • Your donations will help keep the Indiana marquee blinking, allow local artists to access this historic venue, and bring nationally- known performers to our community. CARDINAL STAGE COMPANY cardinalstage.org • Founded in 2006, Cardinal Stage Company began with an ambitious goal: to establish a professional regional theatre in Bloomington. Cardinal Stage Company relies on the generosity of individual donors, businesses, and foundations to present top quality theatrical productions and to provide outreach and educational opportunities in an effort to cultivate a lifelong passion for the arts in audiences of diverse ages, cultures and economic backgrounds. Create a meaningful donation to inspire and support programming. CENTER FOR SUSTAINABLE LIVING simplycsl.org • Join at the Individual level for $20 or Family level for $25. You can also contribute at any amount to help sustain this important organization that generates fiscal sponsorship for many of your other favorite local organizations. COMMUNITY JUSTICE AND MEDIATION CENTER cjam.org • CJAM promotes a civil and just community through mediation, education, and restorative justice. CREATING HARMONY, LLC harmonyscents.com • Creating Harmony, LLC is not a nonprofit, but they do have a Pay It Forward Program that encourages charitable giving. Creating Harmony offers selected items that are available at no charge. The only requirement is that the customers receiving these products agree to do something of equal value for whatever cause or good they believe in. For example, for the price of a bar of soap, you can give a loaf of bread to a local homeless person, babysit free for your neighbor or donate clothing to a women’s shelter. • Every year Creating Harmony donates 20% of each Internet sale made during the month of December to Heifer International, an organization that helps people move toward self-reliance. 37 CHARITY FRIENDS OF ART BOOKSHOP 1201 E. 7th St, Fine Arts Building Room 120, Indiana University facebook.com/foabooks • Profits from the Bookshop are used to fund scholarships and provide travel and research monies for students in Indiana University’s Henry Radford Hope School of Fine Arts. Friends of Art membership (between $20-$500) benefits include a generous 10% discount on almost everything in the Bookshop for an entire year - including jewelry, gifts, and, of course, our wide array of art-related books. LOCAL FIRST BLOOMINGTON localfirstindiana.org • LFB supports and celebrates local, independent business in Monroe County and provides consumer education about how local, independent business supplies our economy and provides all community members with a high quality of life. Memberships available for individuals and families. LOCAL FOOD BLOOMINGTON greendove.net/localfood.htm • Local Food Bloomington promotes local food and locally owned food resources since 2001. Your contribution helps sustain this web resource. (a favorite of Patricia Coleman, Patricia’s Wellness Arts Café & Quilter’s Comfort Teas) MONROE COUNTY HISTORY MUSEUM 202 E. 6th St.; monroehistory.org • Give the gift of membership this season! Your gift is 100% tax deductible and gives all year! Members receive free admission, special member only invites, our “Historian” newsletter 6 times a year, 10% off in our gift shop, reduced rates for our meeting space and much more! Membership levels start at $35. MONROE COUNTY HUMANE ASSOCIATION 3410 S. Walnut St.; monroehumane.org • Gift a donation in someone’s name (favorite of Paul Mui, Oliver Winery) MOTHER HUBBARD’S CUPBOARD 1010 S. Walnut St.; mhcfoodpantry.org • The recipient of your gift to MHC will receive a personalized card informing them of your gift. Please provide name and mailing information for your recipient. 38 CHARITY • Give $50: Feed a family of 4 for a week; Give $100: Sponsor a child in the Youth Garden program for a season; Give $250: Sponsor a course in our nutrition education series. SYCAMORE LAND TRUST sycamorelandtrust.org • SLT offers a way for you to conserve your favorite properties through outright ownership and conservation easement agreements with private landowners. (a favorite of Sheryl Woodhouse-Keese) THE UPDRAFT SUPPLEMENTARY SCHOLARSHIP PROJECT usspkids.org • We help low-income and foster children achieve their dream of a higher education by awarding supplemental scholarships for one-, two-, four-year and advanced degrees. WFHB wfhb.org • WFHB, started in 1993, is a nonprofit, volunteer-powered community radio station, depending on direct local support to pay for their broadcast operations. Their award-winning news programming provides an open forum for the community to explore issues and events affecting life in south central Indiana and beyond. Become a member starting at $60 and receive premiums such as their Lotus Live or Local Live albums, recordings from their very own studios that you can’t get anywhere else. WINDFALL DANCERS 1101 N. Dunn; windfalldancers.org • Windfall seeks to ignite a passion for dance in the community by providing quality instruction, engaging performances, innovative community outreach, and an environment for creative expression. Donations to Windfall Dancers assure that dance remains a vibrant and intricate part of Bloomington. Your contribution may be used to sponsor dance classes for a child, purchase materials and equipment for production of events, help maintain our beautiful, one-of-a-kind facility, or cover costs associated with one of our outreach programs. Every donation makes a HUGE difference. Donations start at $5. We also encourage giving to the many other Local nonprofits. 39 AINING MEMBERS T S U S WE THANK YOU! Commercial Printing Digital Color Printing Bulk Mailing Services Promotional Products Apparel Embroidered & Screenprinted Graphic Design Database Management 812-334-8189 www.baughenterprises.com 1611 South Rogers Street • Bloomington, IN 47403 C have a cup of heer Shopping is Social. On Twitter @LocalFirstBloom On Instagram #ShopBtown On Facebook Local First Bloomington LocalFirstBloomington.org Take a coffee break during the holiday rush at the mezzanine coffee bar at Elm Heights. www.bloomingfoods.coop Elm Heights 614 E. 2nd Street Buy Art. Buy Local. Buy Downtown. visitbead.com
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