Tap into the flows Mission Set up and maintain an excellence network of Internet Innovation Hubs - iHubs In collaboration with best Accelerators EIT ICT Labs and its X-Europe outreach FIWARE FIWARE tech Open software platform for the creation of innovative cloud-based applications and services Powerful and easy to use modules that allow developers to quickly and costeffectively build their applications Context-aware applications Connect to the Internet of Things Real-time processing of data and content BigData analysis Incorporate advanced user interface capabilities Open APIs that are public and royalty free, supported by open source reference implementations Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMPfGeGF5r8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVGCoiUBXvI&list=PLR9elAI9JscTRPzMcDfGcyZ3fjtbOh VkO http://fi-ware.org FIWARE introduction FI-WARE: Targeting developers needs What How Rich web-based User Experience Advanced UI Enablers Connect apps to the physical world IoT-M2M Enablers Manage open data at large scale and transform it into knowledge Data/Context Enablers Benefit from open innovation (crowd-sourcing, apps composition) Integration and Composition Enablers Reach target users, monetize Business & Delivery Framework (revenue-share, cross-selling, …) Ensuring Privacy, Security and Trust Security Enablers Take the most of infrastructures while keeping costs lower and under control Advanced Cloud Enablers Access from everywhere, adapt to devices Enablers easing interface to Network and Devices FI-WARE Generic Enablers The FI-WARE Platform comprises a set of technological “Generic Enablers” which are considered general purpose and independent from any “usage area” Generic Enablers provide open interfaces: To Application Developers (APIs) To support interoperability with other Ges Building with other GEs a FI-WARE Reference Architecture Domain-specific platforms = FI-WARE + specific enablers SMART Agrifood Apps Domain specific enablers FI-WARE GEs SMART City Apps SMART Factory Apps EIT ICT Labs BLENDED LIFE IN A CONNECTED WORLD EIT ICT Labs: A Pan-European Innovation and Education Ecosystem A EIT ICT Labs’ mission is to drive European leadership in ICT-related innovation to foster economic growth and enhance the quality of life of European citizens.. Pan-European Ecosystem: A Vibrant Ecosystem of Innovation Hotspots Core Partners represent some of the world’s leading organisations, universities, research institutes and companies in the field of ICT Affiliate Partners of EIT ICT Labs Europe’s needs and opportunities Deploy ICT in the European environment and industry (innovation with ICT) • • • • • Quality of life in our cities Intelligent environments A healthy life Sustainable energy supply Made in Europe and secured critical infrastructures Create a safe and competitive European ICT infrastructure (innovation in ICT) • Future Communication • Service and Data Infrastructures • Safe Cyberspace 2009 – 2013: Accomplishments i3h spinning iHub web Incubating Internet Innovation Hubs – the Quest for best Accelerators iHub Network 02/2015 iHub City Bolt Malaga CIE Oulu ClujHub Cluj-Napoca EIT ICT Labs / Aalto Helsinki EIT ICT Labs / ELTE Budapest EIT ICT Labs / iMinds Eindhoven EIT ICT Labs / IMDEA Madrid EIT ICT Labs / Inria Paris EIT ICT Labs / Inria Sophia-Antipolis EIT ICT Labs Italy Trento EMGI Tel Aviv etventure Berlin Faubourg Numérique St Quentin iCatapult Budapest INiTS Vienna InovaJet Prague IPN Incubadora Coimbra Poznan IIH Poznan Technoport Luxembourg Tehnopol Tallin FIWARE-based business cases I have a product /service idea, how to realise it? Wich SaaS, PaaS, IaaS? I have a mature business idea on Cloud/Cleantech/eHe alth/Mobility/Media&e Learning, who could accelerate? I have a service to offer for public sector actors (Mairie, RATP, EDF…), how to reach them? We need data analytics professionals, who could educate? I have a prototype how to validate it and get objective references? My business needs scaling up, where to find/develop a business delivery platform for a global scale? Market for iHub activities iHub Customers iHub Membership benefits Start-ups Corporates FIWARE-Acceleration-as-aService FIWARE-enabled Corporate Innovation FIWAREness FIWARE Data FIWARE Data Quality Label Startup Exchange Startup collaboration Exchange of expertise Soft Landing Standardization support International scalability Corporate / Smart City prtnerships Access to acquisition tools Partnerships iHub Community iHub Community iHub Community iHub Services to be ramped up FIWARE-Acceleration-as-a-Service FIWARE training and technical support I&E coaching Legal consultancy (including IPR, OS licensing, global business creation) Market studies Prototyping and testing FIWARE-enabled corporate innovation FIWARE technical support, FIWARE training Industry 4.0 consulting Tech and talent scouting Corporate entrepreneurship training Prototyping and Testing FIWARE Data FIWARE platform fosters open data sharing. The data is collected, secured, anonymised and cleaned, various tools area available for both static and dynamic use of FIWARE open data iHub Community Interactive platform Events Hackathons iHub features A physical hotspot Brings together web entrepreneurs, mentors, investors, technology developers & experts, public sector innovators and large industry representatives. I.e. it connects to deal flows of mature startups (clear product and market focus), partnerships and finance. Connects to an accelerator that provides business development and backend services as well as offers work spaces FIWARE savvy Connects to special infrastructures, e.g. for energy, city, mobility, health, education, open data, 3D printing, testing. Sensitive to grassroots movements Own legal entity Willingness to grow European and global Together = Better A few good reasons why iHub network Together = Better More deal flows of Business ideas Teams Technologies Finances Partners Mentors Infrastructures Together = Better iHub Quality guarantee Best practices Better processes Quality assured Quality sparred Quality as an entry ticket to more deal flows Together = Better Smith’s S’s and more Smart Socially wanted Structured Successful Scaling Supported i3h supported Stage Gate process KPIs How What Selection • • • • • • • • Legal Facilities Infrastructure Portfolio (SMEs, XEU) Tech. Support Ecosystem Business Idea Revenue Model 1. Incubators will present an application based on a template including all the points above. Business Idea will sketch companies, projects, outcomes with FI technology. 2. Selection process with F6S portal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Physical_spot[0-5] Legal: y/n Filab: [0-5] Support: [0-5] #companies #smes #public_bodies Gate 1: Links • • • • • Link to FICore Link to ICTLabs Commitment with companies Resource commitment Branding (Portal, Logos, etc.) 1. Incubators will be introduced to FICore and EIT ICT Labs teams and establish collaboration agreements 2. Signed agreements incubated with companies 3. I3H Portal, Logos on the incubator website 1. 2. #companies #smes Gate 2: Awareness • Awareness Events: investors, companies, public bodies, large companies 1. Physical and online events held by the Incubator 1. 2. 3. #events #attendees #investors Gate 3: Results • Demo Events: investors, companies, public bodies, large companies 1. Physical and online events held by the Incubator 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. #events #attendees #investors #companies #public_bodies Together = Better « The iHub network offers much more than expected! » « The collaboration with iHub network partners is truly valuable: agile acceleration, support, partner eco-system, pan-European level and reach, complementary partners exchanging their expertise… » « We could do many great things with this iHub network, offer services and packages we couldn’t do alone » FIWARE Open Calls 2014-2016 Open call process Go to http://www.f6s.com/i3h/apply# and fill in the application form! The next cut off date for selecting the best hubs into iHub Network is March 31, 2015. The invitation for the shortlisted hubs will be sent out on April 15 to join the 2nd bootcamp in May 2015. Grants available for outstanding achievements Mulțumesc! susanna.avessta@eitictlabs.eu
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