The Congregation Mishkan Israel More than a place. We’re a community. May 2015 Series 99, Number 8 CMI 175th Anniversary Special EventS MAY May 1-3 IN OUR SYNAGOGUE MEMBERSHIP CORNER WELCOME TO NEW MEMBERS The Congregation extends a warm welcome to new members: Jody & William Damsky One of the nicest ways to honor a special occasion is to sponsor an Oneg Shabbat and/or pulpit flowers for services. Congregation Mishkan Israel is grateful to the following Oneg Shabbat/Flower Sponsor May 9 - Flowers and Oneg given in celebration of Sophie Sonnenfeld becoming a Bat Mitzvah with love from Mommy, Daddy, Lauren and Benji. May 16 – Oneg given in celebration of Joshua Blumenthal becoming a Bar Mitzvah and in loving memory of Grandpa Blumenthal with love from Grandma. CONNECT WITH CMI ONLINE 175th Anniversary Blog Want to read more about past as well as upcoming 175th Anniversary events? Check out our new blog at: If you have comments to an existing blog or suggestions for content, e-mail 175@cmihamden. org. Keep up-to-date with all CMI events. Check our website regularly at You will find announcements, upcoming events, calendar, worship service times, and contact information. New members can join the congregation, and everyone can register for religious school and nursery school, pay your bills and make contributions. And don’t miss the slideshow of recent events – it changes frequently so check back often! We have several e-newsletters to keep our congregational family informed of upcoming events, recent passings, and school events. If you’re not currently receiving our e-newsletters, contact Jennifer at so that you can get on the distribution list. CMI is on Facebook.Click the icon on our website or go to You’ll want to “like” us. 2 ONEG SHABBAT & PULPIT FLOWERS May 16 - Flowers given in celebration of Joshua Blumenthal’s Bar Mitzvah with love from Grammie & Nanny. May 30 – Flowers and Oneg given in celebration of Elliott Wyndorf becoming a Bar Mitzvah with love from the Perlman Wyndorf family. To arrange for your sponsorship, contact Merav at (203) 288-3877 or SIMCHAS! Mazel Tov to Kyle Moyher & Jessica Wallace on the birth of their daughter, Riley. Mazel Tov to Amy & Mike Miller on the birth of their daughter Eve Remy. TODAH RABAH SHABBAT WELCOME TEAM Thank you to our greeters: April 10 Sarah Greenblatt & Suzanne Johnson 11 Martha Weisbart 17 Cliff and True Wolff, Joan Lipin & Richard Shaw 18 Martha Weisbart 24 Melanie Hellwig & Jim McLellan For more information about our Team of greeters, contact co-chairs Karen Kimball at kjkimball@ or Richard Shaw at • (203) 288-3877 Rabbi Herbert N. Brockman MODELING DIALOGUE First Seder was very difficult for me this year. There I was surrounded by my two sons, my wife and family from Seattle, upstate New York and Pennsylvania and friends from New Haven. And yet I could not help but think of the 147 Christian families from Kenya who would not be celebrating Easter together that same weekend. The places at their tables would be empty. Their children, students at Garissa College University on Holy Thursday, the day before Good Friday and Seder, had been attacked by al-Shabaab and the Christian students had been separated out from the Muslim students, and were, in the words of one survivor, “slaughtered.” Innocent lambs. Yet again, innocents killed seemingly in the name of religion. Jews in a kosher supermarket in Paris, Christians in Africa, Muslims in India...... Where was the moral outrage of people of “good faith?” Is there “good faith”? So I turned to the one place where people of faith gather, to study, to learn about each other, to celebrate their commonalities as they explore their diversity in an open and safe environment, Hartford Seminary. There the “Abrahamic traditions” meet on common ground. I have the privilege to serve on the Seminary Board and on its Academic Programs Committee. But even there was silence. I decided that I could not be silent. So I wrote to the president and invited the Board to join me in writing a statement condemning the use of religion as an excuse to commit heinous crimes, to advance political agendas or to simply exert power! It turned into an incredible experience for me and the Board. As we tweaked the words of the draft, we learned from each other, learned about the importance of language and even more importantly about how people, motivated by their “higher angels” could join their voices together for the common • (203) 288-3877 human good. We must not be afraid to engage one another in dialogue. It took patience and effort to move beyond our differences, concerns for blaming the other, wanting to push our own historical perspectives. It was the beginning of transforming a group of disparate clergy, academics, business professionals and wealthy contributors into a group of thoughtful and caring people who shared common ideals about the place of faith in our own lives and the effect it should have on our larger world. We were able to acknowledge that each have been both victims and perpetrators, and be sensitive that we don’t paint with broad brushes about the “other.” Next time there is an issue, I suspect it will be easier to reach out to one another. The following is the statement that we came up with. LEADERSHIP A MESSAGE FROM THE RABBI “The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of Hartford Seminary has watched with dismay the rising tide of violence being done around the world in the name of religion. Of especially grave concern to us is the violence directed against members of religious communities by assailants thought to adhere to other faiths. As Muslims, Jews and Christians who have joined together in friendship and respect at Hartford Seminary, we deplore this violence. The killing of Christian students in Kenya, the murder of three young Muslims at a university in North Carolina and the gunning down of shoppers at a Jewish market in Paris are but a few of many recent incidents that have come to our attention. We declare that such atrocities are totally contrary to the ideals of our Abrahamic faiths. The surge of anti-Christian terrorism in Africa, growing Islamophobia in America and the recrudescence of antiSemitism across Europe must be condemned by all people of faith. As an institution, Hartford Seminary is committed to celebrating our religious commonalities as we explore our diversity in an open and safe environment. So as individuals, we unite with one another in rejecting the very idea that religion ever should be used to excuse these evils. The “slaughtering of the innocent” is not a part of any of our faith convictions. The faith of those who perpetrate such evil is nihilism, as much a renunciation of the God Continued on page 6... 3 “Maccabee, Mac, Mac, Mac, Maccabee, Mac, Mac, Mac, Maccabee, Mac, Mac, Mac, Mac, Mac, Mac, MAC, MAC!” This is one of the verses of the song “Lots of Latkes” that the Jr. Choir sings at Chanukah. It needs a little tweaking. I believe it should be: Maccabeat, Mac, Mac, Mac, Maccabeat, Mac, Mac, Mac, Maccabeat, etc.! So, what does it all mean? It means that The Maccabeats are almost here! The CMI Fundraiser/ Family Event of the Year on May 31st at 3:30 p.m. is upon us. In case you forgot, “The Maccabeats” are one of the foremost Jewish a capella groups in these fine 50 states. Just go on to YouTube, type their name and indulge yourself in their infectious talents. By now you have purchased tickets for yourself, your children and have told all of your friends to come too! Why wouldn’t you? For the price of a movie and a Happy Meal you are getting premier, live entertainment. As your Cantor why do I promote this so much? Why am I up on my soapbox? Because music is as important as mother’s milk. It is the door to our soul and to higher learning. Your child’s educational development will have a marked effect if they learn music, learn to sing or learn to play an instrument. According to the website pbsparents at, “Research has found that learning music facilitates learning other subjects and enhances skills that children inevitably use in other areas. A musicrich experience for children of singing, listening and moving is really bringing a very serious benefit to children as they progress into more formal learning,” says Mary Luehrisen, Executive Director of the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation, a not-for-profit association that promotes the benefits of making music. This is only one tiny example from a myriad of studies that have been done on music and child development. Yet, music is still being cut from schools and even synagogue’s budgets. I find this particularly stunning. The very thing that draws people in is found to be expendable. Yet, Jews everywhere have not fallen prey to this bean counter mentality. They know the intrinsic value of a quality Jewish musical experience and they are supporting it. You only have to go to YouTube once more and type HaZamir Festival 2015. HaZamir is a Alan Lakin We have more wonderful things planned for this month in celebration of our 175th Anniversary and the Congregation Mishkan Israel community. We start with our history weekend May 1 which not only celebrates our history but also honors members who are descendents of some of the founders of this congregation. Some of them will be speaking at a history panel on May 2. Cantor Jonathan Gordon will also join us Saturday evening along with Rabbi Brockman and Cantor Giglio to celebrate Havdallah. For those newer members out there, Cantor Gordon was Cantor at Congregation Mishkan Israel from 1981 until 1998. On Sunday morning we will be bringing our Religious School students to our former home on the corner of Orange and Audubon Streets for a special event hosted by Aces’ Educational Center for the Arts. Brotherhood will be hosting their annual Deli/Comedy Night on Saturday May 9. It is always an event not to be missed. I can already smell the brisket and corned beef aromas coming from the kitchen. Family Day will be on the last Sunday of Religious School, May 17. Lots of activities are planned to make this a fun event for the whole family – and the pizza truck will be cooking up fresh pizza for all to enjoy. We end the month with our annual Cantor’s Concert on May 31 - this year featuring The Continued on page 6... SAVE DATE THE LEADERSHIP Cantor Arthur Giglio Continued on page 6... 4 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE CANTOR’S NOTES 2015 FRIDAY, JUNE 5 • 6:30 PM • (203) 288-3877 The State of Israel celebrated its 67th birthday on April 23, 2015, so it is an appropriate time to look back on how attitudes towards Zionism and Israel evolved during the history of Mishkan Israel. It may seem surprising to current members of CMI, but for many decades Mishkan Israel was not supportive of the Zionist movement. Under the leadership of Rabbi David Levy (18931913), the congregation embraced the American Reform movement in Judaism and, as part of that movement, CMI rejected all claims to a Jewish national identity, renounced the traditional hope for Messianic resurrection in the land of Israel, and firmly declared America the one and only homeland of American Jews. At the dedication of the new synagogue on Audubon Street in 1897, Rabbi Levy said, “We are not Hebrews, that is, we do not know that we are descended from them. The Hebrew is an archeological race and we are Jews. We are not again a distinct nationality, that is, we do not look forward to the restoration of Palestine. We belong to the nation in which we were born and live. I, for example, am an American. We are a distinct community bound together by ties of a common religious faith.” The 1917 Balfour Declaration, announcing the British support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, stimulated CMI to reassert its opposition to political Zionism. In 1922 the Congregation was asked to allow a representative of the World Zionist Organization to speak at the Temple, and at the urging of Rabbi Mann, the Board unanimously refused to lend support to a pro-Zionist speaker. The request was denied so that “our congregation might continue to be an outstanding protest against Zionism in all its forms.” However, there are indications that the opposition was weakening, when the Sisterhood voted in 1921 to send a small donation to Palestine. In the 1930’s under the leadership of Rabbi Siskin, there was a detectable moderation in the position of CMI towards Zionism: it could be characterized as a shift from anti-Zionist to nonZionist or ambivalence. This reflected a change in the position of the national Reform movement, which had offered support for political and cultural Zionism in 1937. For example, members of the Board of Trustees of CMI were allowed to attend • (203) 288-3877 meetings of the Jewish National Fund Emergency Campaign for the Settlement of German Jewish Refugees in Palestine. The turning point in the Congregation’s attitude towards Zionism came at the close of World War II: opposition virtually disappeared after the revelations of the horrors of the Holocaust and the establishment of the State of Israel. In 1947 CMI allowed a representative of Hadassah to address the congregation with emphasis on the humanitarian position of Hadassah in Palestine and their philanthropic endeavors. Although most members were still leery of political Zionism, supporters of the Zionist cause had grown more numerous and vocal in their support of the Jewish State. When Rabbi Goldburg took over in 1948, he embodied not only a commitment to social justice and human rights, but also a dedication to the Zionist cause. In his installation address he acknowledged that “there are those who do not share my feelings of happiness at the establishment of the Republic of Israel,” but he openly declared his Zionist allegiance to the congregation. He saw no conflict with acknowledging that the congregants were bound to the United States, to which they owed their full political allegiance and loyalty, while at the same time supporting the new State of Israel. CMI 175th Anniversary CMI’s 175th Anniversary: A Look Back at Our History: Zionism Over the next 65 years, under the leadership of Rabbi Panoff and then Rabbi Brockman, all traces of anti-Zionism faded away and support for the State of Israel became part of the foundational principles of Mishkan Israel. As to be expected in an intellectually active and liberal minded congregation, however, the support has been tempered with concerns about the internal politics of the State of Israel and relations with the Palestinians. One concern is with the role of the Reform movement in Israel. As early as 1983, Rabbi Panoff told the congregants: “We need to raise our voices on behalf of Reform Judaism in Israel. Our love and commitment to Israel cannot blind us to the fact that the Reform movement in Israel needs our moral and political support and our financial assistance.” Today Rabbi Brockman echoes those sentiments in his appeals to the congregation to support the voice of Reform Judaism in Israel by voting ARZA, in order to strengthen Reform Judaism’s values and ideals, Continued on page 6... 5 LEADERSHIP Rabbi’s Message Continued from page 3... whom we worship as it is a renunciation of humanity itself. We assert that love and peace are at the heart of Islam, Judaism and Christianity. These are the lessons taught by the Prince of Peace in the New Testament, the Mosaic challenge of becoming “a lover of peace and a pursuer of peace” in the Torah and the will of Allah as expressed in the Quran. In the fervent hope that all such violence will end one day, we come together in prayer for the victims and their families.” CANTOR’S NOTES continued from page 4... High School Choir with chapters(small choirs) all over the country and in Israel. They come together once a year to perform a truly magnificent concert under the guidance of their brilliant director Maestro Matti Lazar. They performed at Avery Fisher Hall on March 22nd and my daughter Lina sang in it as an Alumni. There were 350 Jewish Children singing together in harmony. In my humble opinion, to hear them is to hear the voice of God! It is the primordial stuff of dreams, hope and joy. During the Holocaust when Jews were without food, family and life itself, they still made music! If we continue to support music, not only monetarily but with our hearts and souls we will lead the world into the next millennium. There will be a new breed of Heifetz, Rubenstein, Horowitz, and Bernstein who will overwhelm all with their breadth of talent. I know what you are thinking! Oy, the Cantor has run amok! Well, maybe I have but I truly believe that while Jews are the people of the Book and the Torah is the written word of God, our music is the whisperings of creation, which is always re-creating itself. We bring our families and our children to concerts like HaZamir and the Maccabeats so they can be moved and inspired. Maybe somewhere deep inside it will spawn a dream and dreams are the stuff of life! See you on Sunday May 31st at 3 PM. 6 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE continued from page 4... Maccabeats. This also promises to be a great family event. The financial success of the Cantor’s Concert is critical to balancing our budget for this fiscal year that. The ticket prices were kept low to make this affordable for everyone to attend. For those of you able to provide additional financial support, your additional donation or sponsorship of this event will help make this a financial success for our congregation. The Board of Trustees has a goal to develop a strategic plan for Congregation Mishkan Israel’s future. In early April we put together some focus groups that we feel represents an accurate cross section of our families. Many of you will be invited to participate in one of these groups. These focus groups are important in insuring that Congregation Mishkan Israel is responsive to our membership and is prepared to take on the challenges facing us in the next several years. Your guidance will help insure our success in the future. Thank you for your support. A Look Back at Our History continued from page 5... including equality, egalitarianism and peace. Rabbi Brockman has not shied away from discussing controversial political issues in his sermons, and has worked hard to help congregants deal with difficult current issues, such as the violence that erupted in Gaza this past summer. In addition, the Social Action Committee has sponsored a film series focusing on IsraeliPalestinian issues, allowing congregants an opportunity to share their ideas and feelings. Mishkan Israel today is a place where congregants can support the State of Israel while also seeking to understand the political complexities of the Middle East. IS SOMEONE IN THE HOSPITAL? Area hospitals are not permitted to notify us when a congregant has been admitted. If you know of a congregant who is in the hospital and would appreciate a call or visit, please contact Rabbi Brockman’s office at (203) 288-3877 or cmirabbi@ • (203) 288-3877 History Weekend Friday, May 1 • 7:30 PM 175th Anniversary Scholar-in-Residence Service With guest speaker Rabbi Gary Zola, Executive Director The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives, and Professor of the American Jewish Experience, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati. Saturday, May 2 • 7:00 PM Havdallah Program & History Panel Former CMI Cantor Jonathan Gordon (1981-1998) & Cantor Giglio will lead havdallah. Shari Rabin, our historian will moderate a panel of members whose families date back to the 19th century. The panel will include: Sandra Barnes, Tamar Gendler, Cantor Jonathan Gordon, Ellen Landowne, Betsy Rosenthal, Rabbi Andy Sklarz, and Andy Ullman. . Sunday, May 3 • 10:00 AM ACES Tour 175TH ANNIVERSARY KEY EVENT CMI 175th Anniversary The CMI Community will visit CMI’s old building (1897). Our religious school students will present nine different periods in CMI’s history. We will enjoy ACES choir and take a tour of the building. Parking will be available on the street or in the parking lots across the street. There will be free shuttles to take unaccompanied students to and from ECA. The shuttles will be leaving CMI at 9:30 a.m and will return by 12:00 noon. In order for your child to use the shuttle, you do need to reserve a space in advance. Call or e-mail Merav at (203) 288-3877 or CMI•785 Ridge Road Hamden, CT 06517•203-288-3877• • (203) 288-3877 7 CMI 175th Anniversary The CMI 175th Anniversary History Quiz (Answers at bottom of the page) 3. Which rabbi spoke out in support of Reform Judaism in Israel? 1. Which of the following statements about Mishkan Israel’s attitude toward Zionism is TRUE? a. CMI embraced Zionism beginning in the 1920’s and gave it unwavering support. b. Zionism was too sensitive a subject and congregants didn’t want to mention it. d. Congregants were not concerned with Zionism at all and felt that it had nothing to do with their practice of Judaism. 2. Which one of the following was NOT a rabbi at Mishkan Israel? b. Sidney S. Tedesche c. Rabbi Brockman 4. Mishkan Israel, in the early 20th century, went through a period in Reform Judaism known as “classical” Reform. This meant that a. The congregation abandoned wearing both kipot and talit. b. Services were conducted only in English and Hebrew was not allowed. c. The Board decided to accept non-Jews as congregation members provided they knew how to make gefilte fish and matzo-ball soup. c. Moishe Pupik d. Robert E. Goldberg d. The congregation embraced the traditional hope for Messianic resurrection in the land of Israel. e. Louis Mann 2 0 1 5 b. Rabbi Panoff d. All of the above c. CMI became pro-Zionist after the State of Israel was born and Rabbi Goldburg endorsed it. a. Edgar Siskin a. Rabbi Goldburg CMI’s 175th Anniversary Celebrations Events January February 13 – Special Service – Honoring those married at CMI or by CMI clergy 21 – Wintertime Freylich 16 - MLK Service - Rabbi David Saperstein, guest speaker April 4 – Congregational Seder 17 – Special Service Honoring all CMI Volunteers May June 1-3 Special Service - History Weekend – honoring families dating back to mid 1800’s Guest speaker – Dr. Gary Zola 9 – Deli Nite 17 – Family Fun Day 31 – Cantor’s Concert – the Maccabeats July August October November 4 – Special Service Simchat Torah – Honoring youth and new members 16– Special Service - Honoring long term members Answers: 1.c, 2. c, 3. d, 4. a 8 March 1 - Art and Architecture Tour 13 – Offenbach Music Service – Honoring CMI musicians, singers and artists 22- Table Talk – Model Apartment 7 – GALA 13 – Special Service – Honoring veterans and first responders 5 - Annual Meeting September 4 – Special Service - Shabbat Under the Stars 13 - Rosh Hashanah 22 - Yom Kippur 27 – Sukkot 20 – Cemetery Tour December 4 – Special Service –Rabbi Rick Jacobs guest speaker 18 –Special Service - Honoring past presidents and current leadership 25 - Concert • (203) 288-3877 from this a cappella phenomenon. Originally formed as Yeshiva University’s vocal group, the Maccabeats have performed their own eclectic array of Jewish, American, and Israeli songs, around the world. Using nothing more than the unadulterated human voice, a clean-cut presentation, and a little Jewish humor, this unique group of singers is able to connect with fans of all backgrounds and ages. Sunday May 31, 2015 3:30 p.m. doors open 3:00 p.m. 175TH ANNIVERSARY KEY EVENT Enjoy an afternoon of Jewish music Congregation Mishkan Israel 785 Ridge Road Hamden, CT 06517 TICKETS: adults college students and ages 12-18 ages 6-12 children under 6 $20 $10 $ 5 free Advance ticket sales online at: For more information call (203) 288-3877 • (203) 288-3877 9 Social Action Social Action Committee News SAC to Welcome Filmmaker Alice Rothchild for Next Movie Night Boston-based Alice Rothchild, a physician, author, activist and filmmaker, is bringing her film, Voices Across the Divide, to CMI on Saturday, May 16, at 7:00 pm. Her documentary, released in 2013, uses personal interviews to tell the little known stories of what the Palestinians call the “Nabka,” or the catastrophe they regard as the establishment of Israel. Dr. Rothchild is an American Jew who was brought up with a keen awareness of the tragedy of the Holocaust and the miracle of the Jewish homeland in Israel. Voices Across the Divide is a moving and disturbing film that follows her personal journey as she begins to understand the Palestinian narrative, exploring through oral histories the Palestinian experience of loss, occupation, statelessness, and immigration to the United States. We hope you’ll join her for a viewing and discussion of Voices Across the Divide, the second film in our Israeli-Palestinian Film Series. (For more information about the film, please see COLLECTIONS The Social Action Committee continues its ongoing collection of nonperishable foods for the food pantry at Chris-tian Community Action. Please bring non-perishable goods to the collection bin in the rotunda. CCA requests that food be brought in sturdy bags or be double-bagged and prefers no glass containers. If you have any questions, contact Rick Molot ( Pe’ah Garden News “When you [plural] reap the harvest of your land, you [singular] shall not reap all the way to the corner of your field, or gather the gleanings of your harvest. You shall not pick your vineyard bare, or gather the fallen fruit of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger; I the Lord am your God.” (Leviticus 19:9-11) This is the mitzvah on which we build our Pe’ah garden. Last year we donated over 2,000 POUNDS of produce to local soup kitchens and food pantries. Come join the religious school and the Pe’ah members as we dedicate the garden this year and plant this years garden Sunday, May 10 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Don’t have a plot, but want to get your hands a little dirty? All skill levels are welcome! Donations Needed: Don’t have time to garden, but want to help us out some other way?? We are in need of a few things: 1. A NEW fridge! Ours is old and also is half freezer, which we don’t need! We would LOVE a chest style refrigerator. 2. “Have a Heart” traps. We need to keep our produce safe from critters, but don’t want to hurt them! We have one of these traps but would love a second one. 3. Wheel Barrows. Always could use as many of these as we can get! Contact Toni: 203.889.6864 The Committee also collects clothes for Immanuel Baptist Church’s “Clothes Closet,” which provides items at no charge to those in need. Gently used spring and summer clothing for children and adults are appreciated at this time of year. The clothing bin is located inside the CMI coatroom. For more information, contact Sarah at 10 • (203) 288-3877 Boston-based Alice Rothchild, a physician, author, activist and filmmaker, is bringing her film, Voices Across the Divide, to CMI. Her documentary, released in 2013, uses personal interviews to tell the little known stories of what the Palestinians call the “Nabka,” or the catastrophe they regard as the establishment of Israel. *Free admission We encourage contributions to our ongoing collections of food and clothing. Refreshments will be served. Help the CMI community in our mission. Half of the produce is grown for local soup kitchens & half is for gardeners to enjoy fresh herbs and vegetables at home. CMI•785 Ridge Road Hamden, CT 06517•203-288-3877• CMI•785 Ridge Road Hamden, CT 06517•203-288-3877• upcoming programs Upcoming Programs Dig in the dirt, make new friends (or chat with old ones) and be part of our Pe’ah Garden. You do not need to be an experienced gardener to participate. Volunteers are needed to help weed, harvest and to transport vegetables to the soup kitchen. Need more information? contact Toni Storlazzi at Hands Calm your mind, Energize your body, Open your heart, Ignite your spirit Come prepared to: Sweat, Work hard, Stretch, Meditate, Relax & Restore Sunday, May 17 For more information, contact Sue at (203) 288-9797 or Class is open to all CMI members & MINS faculty, staff, & parents $10 per class Drop ins are welcome Please bring a bottle of Water and a yoga mat CMI•785 Ridge Road Hamden, CT 06517•203-288-3877• • (203) 288-3877 CMI•785 Ridge Road Hamden, CT 06517•203-288-3877• 11 Scenes from our 175th anniversary 12 • (203) 288-3877 Scenes from our 175th anniversary • (203) 288-3877 13 upcoming programs BROTHERHOOD NEWS It is amazing that there‘s still snow in the air and on the ground as I write this in late March. But do have faith, it will all be gone by the time of the 10th Annual Brotherhood of Men and Women Comedy/ Deli Night on Saturday May 9th, just in time for Mother’s Day. There is still time to fill out the flyer and guarantee yourselves a seat for the show. Comedian Michele Balan is thrilled to be making a return appearance at CMI. Deli chef Bruce Birenbaum and his gang of helpers will once again provide a stupendous deli spread, with all the pastrami, corned beef, brisket (and more) that you can possibly eat. The music of the David Chevin Quartet will set the pace, even on your second or third trip through the line! Library News American Jews and America’s Game: Voices of a Growing Legacy in Baseball Ben-Gurion: Father of Modern Israel Lincoln and the Jews: a History Jewish Wisdom for Growing Older: Finding Your Grit and Grace Beyond Midlife A special thanks to those of you who have donated books in good condition to the library this yearthey are much appreciated! I have also enjoyed meeting and talking with many of you on Sunday mornings and I look forward to more of that next year! Happy Spring - finally!! 14 May is also the time when the Brotherhood of Men and Women completes distributing monies to worthy non-profits in and around our community through its Tzedakah Fund. We are also announcing the first year of availability of the new Greta Puklin Scholarship, available to children of CMI members who have an interest in pursing a Jewish Leadership Camp or Program experience. If you are interested in this scholarship, or have ideas for other giving opportunities for the BMW, please contact Tzedakah Chair, Matt Kerzner or me. Finally, it is time to assemble our Officers and Board for the 2015/16 year. Please contact me if you are interested in serving or know another congregant who is. We are an easy pathway to supporting and linking into the greater CMI community. The Annual Brotherhood of Men and Women Shabbat service, including installation of our 2015/16 Board and Officers, will be in June. Exciting END OF YEAR INVENTORY CLEAR OUT SALE! CMI Gift Shop Winter Hours: Sunday: 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Tuesday: by appointment Questions? Contact Toni at: Help us clear out our inventory to get ready for new stuff coming next Fall! Storewide sale! For the entire month of May, EVERYTHING is on sale 10% to 25% off. PEACE FLEECE YARN AND KITS 40% OFF! Sale only applies during Sunday Gift Shop hours, and not for weekday appointments. As always, 100% of net profit goes back to the religious school. • (203) 288-3877 upcoming programs CMI•785 Ridge Road Hamden, CT 06517•203-288-3877• Community Lag B’Omer Celebration! Please join us for singing, dancing, bonfires, food and fun! Sunday May 3, 2015 4:00-6:00pm at The JCC Campground 360 Amity Road, Woodbridge, CT 06525 (With inclement weather, the event will be held in the JCC auditorium) Free Admission and food available for purchase Sponsored by: Temple Beth Sholom, Congregation B’nai Jacob, Congregation Or Shalom, Temple Emanuel, Congregation Mishkan Israel, and BEKI Please RSVP to Beth Messina Or Jen Weissman with the number of guests attending, by April 26, 2015 The CMI community is invited. Come wish Mazel Tov to the CONFIRMATION CLASS OF 2015 Erev Shavuot/Confirmation Service SATURDAY, MAY 23 • 7:00 P.M. A reception given by the parents of the confirmands will immediately follow the service. CMI•785 Ridge Road Hamden, CT 06517•203-288-3877• • (203) 288-3877 15 school news Nursery School News Susan Witten Nason Early Childhood Director We are very happy that Spring is truly, (finally!!), here. We are thrilled to be going outside everyday for playground time, and also to tend to our garden that Ms. Paulina helps us with. We celebrated Passover in our classrooms, with our own little Seders, and enjoyed coming up with different ways to eat our matzah. For our April Tzedakah project we raised money for the March of Dimes, and some of us participated in the March of Dimes walk at Lighthouse Park. Our May Tzedakah project is collecting seed packets, (flowers, herbs, vegetables), for an organization called WinterSown. WinterSown is a not- for- profit organization that provides seeds and growing information to individuals, schools, and groups for educational purposes. They also provide seeds and growing information to people for supplementing their own meals with home-grown produce. They work to increase backyard habitats for wildlife and increase community and home-beautification projects. If you would like to donate seed packets you can leave them in the synagogue office. If you are interested in registering for summer camp, or the new school year, please see me. There are some classes that are already full, but there are still some available spots. Michelle Goldstein Religious School Director May is starting off with an incredible program on the 3rd at ECA, sharing with students our congregation’s history! We hope that many of you are planning on joining us down there from 10:00-11:30! We will also be finishing out the year with an incredible 7th grade graduation and Teacher Appreciation service on Friday, May 15th. I hope that many members of our temple community can come to support these incredible groups of people! Finishing out our special weekend is Family Fun Day. On Sunday, May 17th we will have a Talent Show from 11:0012:00. Following that students are invited to join us for lunch provided by the Big Green Pizza Truck, Tye Dye, Bounce Houses and a performance by What’s on Tap Acapella featuring our very own Alex Forte! Parents are invited to join for $5. If you or someone you know is interesting in signing up for the Talent Show they should contact Michelle ( by May 3rd. We will close the month with our Shavuot Confirmation Service on May 23rd. It has been another wonderful year and I look forward to wrapping it up with you! May B’nai Mitzvah Sophie Sonnenfeld Daughter of Jeffrey & Clarky Sonnenfeld May 9, 2015 We will be closed Monday, May 25th for Memorial Day. Joshua Blumenthal Enjoy the short Spring- Summer is fast approaching! Son of Steven & Michelle Blumenthal May Birthday Blessings Celebrate your birthday at Family Services. May birthdays will be celebrated at the Family Service on Friday, May 15 at 7:00 p.m. If your child will be attending services in their birthday month, please call Tamara at 203-288-3877. 16 Religious School news May 16, 2015 Elliott Wyndrof Son of Julia Perlman & Gerald Wyndrof (z”l) May 30, 2015 • (203) 288-3877 • (203) 288-3877 17 Shavuot 11:00 a.m. Shavuot Service 24 3:30 p.m. Cantor's Concert The Maccabeats Monday Memorial Day Office & School Closed 7:00 p.m. Executive Committee 18 7:00 p.m. Board Meeting 11 4 31 25 9:00 a.m. Brotherhood Coffee Shop 9:30 a.m. Last Day of Religious School 10:00 a.m. Brotherhood Board 10:00 a.m. Chevra Hands 11:00 a.m. Family Fun Day 11:00 a.m. Confirmation 12:15 p.m. MITYOR meeting 17 9:00 a.m. Brotherhood Coffee Shop 9:00 a.m. Plant Sale 9:30 a.m. Religious School 9:45 a.m. 5th Grade Funeral Program 9:45 a.m. Yoga 10:30 a.m. 175th Anniversary Committee 11:00 a.m. Confirmation 10 175th Anniversary History Weekend 9:30 a.m. Religious School 10:00 a.m. 175th Anniversary Program @ ECA 10:00 a.m. Brotherhood Board Meeting 12:15 p.m. MITYOR Meeting 4:00 p.m. Community Lag B’omer Celebration 3 Sunday 12:15 p.m. Intermediate Hebrew 27 12:15 p.m. Intermediate Hebrew 20 12:15 p.m. Intermediate Hebrew 13 7:30 p.m. Social Action Committee 12:15 p.m. Intermediate Hebrew 6 Wednesday 11:00 a.m. Towers Fall Prevention Program 28 11:00 a.m. Towers Fall Prevention Program 21 11:00 a.m. Towers Fall Prevention Program 14 11:00 a.m. Towers Fall Prevention Program 7 Thursday 7:00 p.m. CMI Chorale 26 7:00 p.m. CMI Chorale 19 7:00 p.m. CMI Chorale 7:00 p.m. Ritual Committee 4:00 p.m. Religious School 12 7:00 p.m. CMI Chorale 4:00 p.m. Religious School 5 Tuesday May 2015 9:15 a.m. Bible Study 10:30 a.m. Morning Service Bar Mitzvah of Elliott Wyndorf 30 7:00 p.m. Erev Shavuot & Confirmation Service 10:30 a.m. Morning Service 23 9:15 a.m. Bible Study 10:30 a.m. Morning Service Bar Mitzvah of Joshua Blumenthal 7:00 p.m. Social Action Film Series 16 6:00 p.m. Deli & Comedy Night 10:30 a.m. Morning Service Bat Mitzvah of Sophie Sonnenfeld 9:15 a.m. Bible Study 9 175th Anniversary History Weekend 9:15 a.m. Bible Study 10:30 a.m. Morning Service 7:00 p.m. 175th Anniversary Havdallah Program & History Panel 2 Saturday calendar 6:00 p.m. Evening Service 5:30 p.m. Early Oneg 29 5:30 p.m. Early Oneg 6:00 p.m. Evening Service 22 5:45 p.m. 7th Grade Dinner & Graduation 7:00 p.m. Teacher Appreciation Family Service & Birthday Blessings 15 5:30 p.m. Early Oneg 6:00 p.m. Evening Service 8 7:30 p.m. 175th Anniversary Scholar-in-Residence Service Guest speaker Rabbi Gary Zola 175th Anniversary History Weekend 1 Friday mAY Yahrzeits May 1 Marvin Baltimore Jack Dudley Barnston * Pam Brockman Louis Bruskin Thomas F. Button * Emanuel Buxbaum * Charlotte A. Cahn * Alice Chorney * Barbara Arman Cohen Judith Adler Cole Gerson Davis Matilda Lublin DeFeo Norman Gans * David Shmu’el Gingis George A. Ginsburg * Martha E. Hollins Gold Bessie Goldberg Gertrude Goldberg Lillian Grace Chauser Goldberg * Samuel Goldstein Gerald Good * Fannie J. Goodman * Dao Duc Hau * Dorothy N. Hilcoff * Sidney E. Hilcoff * Florence S.Jacobs Emanuel Kapel George Kasden * Lillian Levine Leonard Louis Levy Lawrence Loeb Beatrice Lynes * Sarah Machol * Dr. Harry G. Moss * Valentine Naphtali Charles O’Brasky Everett Orzack Arthur G. Ostheimer Sonya H. Rashba Mark Reinstein Rachel Rotkopf Samuel Shernow * Goldie Silver Marion Goldbaum Silverstone * Rose Sklarz Robert Smith Morris Steinklein * Elizabeth Stone Ned Thomas * Bernice Drew Tropp Sherman Weiner Rabbi Marjorie Yudkin Dr. Arthur M. Yudkin * May 8 Morris H. Alderman Stanley H. Arffa Clara Glass Berke * Abraham Allen Bortner Glenna Brody Alex Brown* Pamela Rosoff Burrows * Maurice B. Caplan Glenn Davis Violet Farber * Joyce Lesnie Feller Rabbi David J. Forman Henrietta Proctor Forman Lillian L. Freedman * Helen Goldman Sybil Gordon Mildred Groves Daniel Kahn George Kaplan Seymour Kasper Koskl Khait Harry Komisar * Fannie Korman * Morris Korman * Abraham Krug Hova Lehtman Ruth Levine Alan Charles Lichtenstein * Shandl Litvak Jonathan Seth Lurier * Hattie Wisan Merriam Max Joseph Merritt Norman Osach Lisa Shoshana Ostfeld-Johns * Charles Rifkin * Benjamin Matthew Rosoff * J. Yale Rubin * Rosa Sagal * Harry Schneer Edward Schwartzman * Fred D. Schwarzkopf * Isaac William Serow * Miriam Smith Burton Sonnenfeld Dao Kim Lien Stevens * Aaron Stolzman * Carolyn Ullman Strauss * Joseph Ticotsky Dr. Arthur Weil * Howard Weiner In Memoriam Rene Charles Cartier William Hallo Anita Turner 18 May 15 Erna Ackerman Samuel Ackerman Frances Bell Bruce Berman * Arnold Berman Paul Blatter Harry V. Blegen Sarah Dombeck Block * Irving Blumenthal Morris Braverman Jack Breslav * Shirley L. Bruskin Philip Casher Clare Casher Freda Chauser * Zlata Cohen Carol Feder Edward Feldman Esther A. Fishman * Rozika (Rose) Frankenberger William Friedman * Bertram Geller David A. Gittleson * Annette Lipton Gold Arnold Moise Goldstein * Charles M.Grannick, Sr. * Corey Brand Hobbs Herman C.Jacobs Irene Kanter Sydney R. Kauffman * Helen Kerber Nettie L. Kleiner * Jeanette Lambert * Barnett Levine Ida Levine * Herman M.Levy * Henrietta M. Mann * Rose P. Montlick * Paula Olanik Serah RivaRifkin * David Rosenberg * Anna S. Rosenfeld * Alan LewisSchiff * Abraham Sheftel * Sidney Saul Silverberg* Esther Smith Belle Cohen Spodick Milton Stitelman Lillian B. Strauss * Fanny Swimmer Rose Swimmer Toby Swimmer Gertrude Turkel * Moshe Tziferman Helen Hess Van Daelen * Harry Weller ConstanceN. Williams Cerf Wolfe * Norman Zelin * Lillian Zellman May 22 Murray Alpert * Samuel Bailey John J. Bolton * Linda Lazaroff Brook Necia Biscoe Bush Frederick A. Carlow Albert Cheskis Florine Davis * Klara Babenko Esterlis Katherine Goodman * Harold “Bub” Hahn, Jr. * Joseph Hanina Morris Kamens * Nellie May Karlsruher * Rose Shelling Kelsey Harry Knapp Anna Kronick Bruce Lehman Abraham Levin Harvey Lifset Alissa Newett Joseph Oppenheimer * Dr. Lawrence Klempner Pious Gregory M.Proctor Regina Rosenberg * Babetta Rosenberg * Kathryn Klee Gips Ross * Arthur Morris Ross, Jr. * Samuel Rothchild * Ruth Schein Nathan Schreiber Phillip Shapiro Larry Shindler Jack Silberberg Daniel Silver Dr. Susan Spencer Samuel A. Stone Aaron Swimmer Isaac Swimmer Charlotte Lefkoff Tenin Lee Zimmerman May 29 Jack Abrams Karen Aqua Peter Esposito Mae Belle Farver Gussie Fox* Elise Galasso * Isadore Gedzelman Julius (Larry) Germaine Esther Germaine Betty Baskin Gleicher Sally Hirschman Goodman Adele Gredinger Kate Harrison * Rose Hartenstein * Milton Hollins Marcia Jacobs * Elizabeth Karp * Judith Koch Sadie Korzenowitz William Krug Albert A. Lappin * Adele Lichter Lev Mildred Molly Levine Bernard David Miller * Frank L. Porzillo Stanley T. Prosco * Marvin Schaefer Max Scheps Harry Schreiber Fenmore R. Seton * Jules Victor Stone Jane Silverman Waife Samuel J. White * Seymour Wilensky Abraham Zakar Julia Zakar In Sympathy Carole Cartier on the passing of her husband Rene Cartier Karen Kimball on the passing of her mother Magda Schneider Susan Liebel on the passing of her father Rene Cartier Marsha Moses on the passing of her aunt Anita Turner Nanette Stahl on the passing of her husband William Hallo Jennifer Levin-Tavares on the passing of her cousin David Kales Paul Turner on the Passing of his wife Anita Turner • (203) 288-3877 Zohar, iii, 110b MARCH 1 – APRIL 1, 2015 Rabbi Brockman’s Discretionary Fund In Appreciation of Gale Allanby RABBI HERBERT BROCKMAN Raymond, Karen, Janet, EVA BERSHTEIN’s paintings at the Steve, Josh, Allison, Mishkan Israel 175th Anniversary Ethan & Elana Bershtein Art Exhibit Lindy Lee Gold RABBI HERBERT BROCKMAN Barbara & Bob Miller RABBI HERBERT BROCKMAN In Honor of Sue & David Millen ELIANA ROSS’s Bat Mitzvah Sue & David Millen LARRY SCHAEFER & LINA LAWALL on the birth of their granddaughter In Memory of The Berdon Family NANCY T. BERDON The Berdon Family JEAN BERDON Irwin M. Braverman MOLLY BRAVERMAN Dana Brozinsky & John Keegan MORTON D. BROZINSKY Regina & Dr. Lawrence Dubin ERNEST FRANKENBERGER Regina & Dr. Lawrence Dubin FANNIE FRANKENBERGER Jane Farrington BERNARD SCHAEFER Michael & Erika Forte HENRY P. FORTE Michael & Erika Forte ALEXANDER PERLMAN Dana Friedman ELIAS FRIEDMAN Jacqueline Gold FANNIE LIPTON Larry & Roberta Harris HAROLD HARRIS Allan Hillman & Penny Marcus WILLIAM HALLO Matilda Peters Hlywa RACHEL SIDIS PETERS Nina Kimenker, WILLIAM HALLO Joshua Paul & Family Sue & David Millen DEBORAH ZELITCH Zelma Moss DEBORAH ZELITCH Zelma Moss RHEA KAETZ Linda Prosco STAN PROSCO Eleanor Rachleff-Serow MARSHALL J. RACHLEFF Sasha Sorochan GISYA TZIFERMAN Susan Webber MALCOLM WEBBER Susan Webber RAE WEBBER Marian Wexler JOHN J. FOX Rabbi Herbert N. Brockman Rabbinic Endowment Fund In Memory of Jim Horwitz & Sandy Allison BERNARD HORWITZ Jim & Cis Serling DONALD BERKOWITZ Jim & Cis Serling EDNA SACK Cemetery Chapel Restoration Fund In Memory of Howard Frankenberger MONROE FRANKENBERGER Alice Baxter Joel & Marion Garsten Robert & Wendy Lebson Robert & Wendy Lebson Robert & Wendy Lebson Bob & Maxine Wallace In Memory of NORMAN LEVINE RICHARD GARSTEN, father of Joel RICHARD BERKMAN Uncle, MITCHELL WAIFE Beloved father, SHOLOM OMI WAIFE RICK WALLACE Robert E. Goldburg Peace & Justice Fund In Memory of Henry & Bernice Giskin ROSE GISKIN Richard & Judith Insigna ROBERT SCHNITMAN Martin Korn, Dr. Sylvia Betcher DAVID S. KORN and Jeremy Korn Nancy Alderman Kramer ANNA VENER ALDERMAN Robert & Eileen Serow & Family LEAH SEROW The Sturtz Family JULES STURTZ Hunger Fund Brenda Arovas Leah Beech Irving & Harriet Calechman The DiPietro Family Saul & Sonya Goldberg Frederick Rosen Sanford & Carol Schreiber In Memory of PHYLLIS ZIMMERMAN JACK BEECH FANNIE CALECHMAN JACK BEECH BERTRAM EAGER LAWRENCE I. SANDERS HELEN HELLER William N. Kauffman Fund Paul Kauffman Marilyn Unger In Memory of BRUCE KAUFFMAN MARILYN ROSENFIELD DONATIONS “...who donates much to charity becomes the richer for it...” Benjamin Levine Scholarship Fund In Memory of George Levine BENJAMIN D. LEVINE Music Fund Neil & Marlene Greenberg Meir & Barbara Kryger Meir & Barbara Kryger Peter & Claudia Neilsen Jim & Cis Serling Michael & Gale Silverberg In Memory of WILLIAM BARKIN SAMUEL KRYGER DR. EARL ROSENBLUM MARION B. SILVERBERG DEBRAH ZELITCH MARION B. SILVERBERG Religious School Development Fund In Memory of The Sorochan Family DAVID SHMUEL GINGIS Religious School Scholarship Fund In Memory of Jim & Cis Serling MILDRED ORZACK Cemetery Fund In Memory of Steven Cohen DR. & MRS. SHEPARD N. COHEN Linda Greenhouse DOROTHY GREENHOUSE Ken & Ellie Levine ZELLY LEVINE General Fund Barbara Wareck • (203) 288-3877 19 DONATIONS Social Action Fund Jim & Cis Serling Karen Baar The Sturtz Family The Sturtz Family The Sturtz Family The Sturtz Family 2014-2015 CHAI APPEAL In Honor of The forthcoming marriage of ALLAN HILLMAN & PENNY MARCUS’ children In Memory of ELI BAAR LENA STURTZ LOUIS STURTZ ISADOR STURTZ LEAH STURTZ Abraham & Helen Ullman Youth Scholarship Fund In Memory of Mildred Greenwald Family Trust MILDRED GREENWALD Lila Liner JOHN LINER Other Contributions Helping Hands Sheila Greenstein, Carol Schreiber Cmi Now Livestreams Services While we always look forward to sharing the sabbaths and holy days together, we are pleased to announce we now live stream services so that members and friends who are unable to attend in person due to health or distance can still enjoy services and the holidays. Regular services are available for viewing on your computer or mobile device. Simply go to worship/livestream/. Copies of past services are available under the Archived Videos tab. If you do take advantage of this service, please let us know of your experience. At the same time, we look forward to seeing you in person again, soon. The initiation of livestreaming was made possible in part by a grant from the Jewish Home Building Fund Corporation. PROTOCOL FOR MI SHEBERACH (HEALING PRAYER) LIST To add or delete a name to our Mi Sheberach (healing prayer) list that is read at services, please call Rabbi’s office at (203) 288-3877. You must have permission from the individual to have their name read in public. (There is always the Hebrew option as well.) Names will remain on the list for one month, unless renewed or requested to be deleted. If you join us for services, you can add a name that evening by signing in with the greeter prior to the beginning of services. 20 It is with immense gratitude that we acknowledge those families who, as of this publication, have responded to the menu of additional giving opportunities with a commitment above their standard dues and to the holiday appeal. Our Pacesetters: Anonymous* David & Karen Astrachan Harvey Cheskis Michael Dimenstein & Hedda Rubenstein** Andrew & Eileen Eder Sarah Greenblatt Judi Hahn Allan Hillman & Penny Marcus Jim Horwitz & Sandy Allison* Phyllis Kauffman Rob Kauffman Ruth Koizim Alan & Joan Lakin J. Lance Lichtor Sandy Milles* Lance Sauerteig Larry Schaefer & Lina Lawall Enid & Lou Scheps Cis & Jim Serling Judy & Mark Sklarz Clarky & Jeff Sonnenfeld Randy Wingate & Tanya Bilchik *Torah Circle Additional Gifts: Bernice Abrams, Jason & Suzanne Alderman, Norman & Caron Alderman, Mark & Marian Altman, The Astmann Family, Estelle Baltimore, Betsy Barnston, Alice Baxter, Michael & Jennifer Bennick, The Berdon Family, Elaine Blumenthal, Gertrude Blumenthal, Irwin Braverman, Stuart & Hedy Bush, Irv & Harriet Calechman, Jay & Carol Dharkow, Kinneret Chiel, David & Allison Cohen, Matthew & Michele Cohen, Phillip & Louise Danishevsky, Irma Evans, Claire Faiman, Jane Farrington, Lynne Franford, Bev Franken, Ruth Freedman, Gerry & Sonny Gale, Sam Geller & Donna Lehman, Tamar Gendler & Zoltan Szabo, Don & Janet Germaine, Saul & Sonya Goldberg, Neil & Marlene Greenberg, Larry & Roberta Harris, Jackie Henchel, Allan Hillman & Penny Marcus, John & Sue Hoffmann, Rob Homer, Mark & Sharon Horowitz, Phil & Chris Jaffe, Tony Kaplan & Marilyn Fagelson, Al Klevorick & Susan Bender, Carolyn Kone & Allan Rubenstein, Jerry Korman, Joel Kramer, Susan Kruger & Jonathan Dull, Meir & Barbara Kryger, Larry Levine, Joan Lipin, Loretta Lipka, George & Diane Lublin, Howard & Bobbi Lurie, Nancy Mendel & Tom Ross, William & Irene Miller, Ira & Marsha Moses, Nancy Olins, Anita Perlman, Julie Perlman, Norman Rashba, Carrie Redlich, Michael Ross & Beth Stenger, Karen Scholder, Sandy & Carol Schreiber, David & Merle Silver, Michael & Gale Silverberg, Joel Silverman, Jim & Jere Sirkis, Jeff Smith & Edith Rotkopf, Rabbi Hesch Sommer & Linda Waldman, The Sorochan Family, Pearl Spodick, Rabbi Steve & Caryl Steinberg, Alan Sturtz, Robee Vannorman, Bob & Maxine Wallace, Marc Wallman & Cynthia Carr, Barbara Wareck, Bert & Martha Weisbart, Marian Wexler, Richard & Marcia Witten, Joe & Myra Zelson • (203) 288-3877 aDS TO OUR READERS: If you use a service from one of our advertisers, please inform them that you are doing so because you saw their ad in the TO OUR READERS Bulletin. you would use a service from one of If Ifyou like to place anour ad advertisers, please inform them that in the Bulletin, Contact you are doing so because you saw Merav at their ad inCanaan the Bulletin. (203) 288-3877 If you would like to place an ad in the Bulletin, Contact Merav Canaan at (203) 288-3877 To all of our Customers, Members, Friends, and Family, The Helping Hands Community Thrift Store & Furniture Bank has helped people in need across Connecticut since 2010, including people with disabilities, transitioning from homelessness or military service or displaced by fire. Now we are hoping for a helping hand in return from the community after fire wiped through its West Haven warehouse. A D S Early in the morning on August 10th we had a destructive fire in our West Haven warehouse. The majority of our inventory was destroyed. This is not only a devastating loss to us, but also to the families we help in the charities we raise money for. We need your help. We need your donations. We need furniture, clothing, knick knacks, and housewares. Anything that you could donate we need. Your donations are tax deductible and you can choose what charity you would like to your donation to benefit. Members, please ask your donors and supporters to make donations to help out. Donors and shoppers please go through your gently used items and see if you have anything you can spare. Please tell your friends and family that we need your help. We need to restock so we can continue to help people in need. Licensed Bonded & Insured Reliable & Secure Every Cleaning Inspected & Guaranteed One Time or Regular Service 735-9988 Owned and Operated by Ken Campbell Ask about our Green Cleaning system for the health of your home and your family. • (203) 288-3877 cmi bulletin 203.288.3877 • 1321 ADS A D S 22 14 CMI BulletIn • DeCeMBeR 2014 • (203) 288-3877 MoRe than a plaCe. We’Re a CoMMunIty aDS • (203) 288-3877 23 The Congregation Mishkan Israel 785 Ridge Road Hamden, CT 06517 Return Service Requested Non Profit Org US POSTAGE PAID Time Value Data Deliver No Later than May 1 Next Bulletin Deadline 5/1/15 Permit #156 New Haven, CT THE CONGREGATION MISHKAN ISRAEL BULLETIN May 2015 Series 99, #8 Published monthly except July and August THE CONGREGATION MISHKAN ISRAEL 785 Ridge Road, Hamden, CT 06517 Phone: (203) 288-3877 Fax: (203) 248-2148 Rabbi Herbert N. Brockman, Ph.D., D.D. x236 Cantor Arthur Giglio x244 Jennifer Levin-Tavares, Executive Director x241 Michelle Goldstein, Religious School Director x237 Susan Witten Nason, Early Childhood Director x245 Alan Lakin, President MAY WORSHIP SERVICES & STUDY SHABBAT ACHARE MOT-KEDOSHIM Lev. 16:1-20:27 Friday, May 1 7:30 p.m. 175th Anniversary Scholar in-Residence Service Saturday, May 2 9:15 a.m. Bible Study 10:30 a.m. Morning Service 7:00 p.m. 175th Anniversary Havdallah Program SHABBAT BAMIDBAR Num. 1:1-4:20 Friday, May 22 5:30 p.m. Early Oneg 6:00 p.m. Evening Service Saturday, May 23 9:15 a.m. Last Bible Study 10:30 a.m. Morning Service SHABBAT EMOR Lev. 21:1-24:23 SHABBAT BEHAR-BECHUKOTAI Lev. 25:1-27:34 Friday, May 8 5:30 p.m. Early Oneg 6:00 p.m. Evening Service Friday, May 15 7:00 p.m. Family/Teacher Appreciation Service & Birthday Blessings Saturday, May 16 9:15 a.m. Bible Study 10:30 a.m. Morning Service Bar Mitzvah of Josh Blumenthal Saturday, May 9 9:15 a.m. Bible Study 10:30 a.m. Morning Service Bat Mitzvah of Sophie Sonnenfeld SHABBAT NASO Num. 4:21-7:89 SHAVUOT Saturday, May 23 7:00 p.m. Erev Shavuot/ Confirmation Service Sunday, May 24 11:00 a.m. Yizkor Service Friday, May 29 5:30 p.m. Early Oneg 6:00 p.m. Evening Service Saturday, April 25 10:30 a.m.Morning Service Bar Mitzvah of Elliott Wyndorf Service times are subject to change. For the most up-to-date information and to hear sample tunes from services, go to
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