CATHAY MOTION PICTURE AWARDS 2015 REGISTRATION FORM This set of document consists of ten (10) pages (Including of all Annexes). Team Name (if applicable) Participant #1 (Team Leader) Mr/Ms/Mdm/Dr (Please circle one) Date Of Birth: Full Name: (Please underline your family name) NRIC Number: Mobile Number: Email Address Participant #2 Mr/Ms/Mdm/Dr (Please circle one) Date Of Birth: Full Name: (Please underline your family name) NRIC Number: Mobile Number: Email Address Participant #3 Mr/Ms/Mdm/Dr (Please circle one) Date Of Birth: Full Name: (Please underline your family name) NRIC Number: Mobile Number: Email Address How did you/ your team know about Cathay Motion Picture Awards 2015? (Please tick where applicable. You may select more than one option.) eDM WhatsApp CMPA 2014 Participant Friends/ Family/ Colleagues Facebook School (please indicate): ___________________________________________________________ Interest Groups (please indicate): ____________________________________________________ Others: ___________________________________________________________________________ 1|Page CATHAY MOTION PICTURE AWARDS 2015 AGREEMENT 1. I/We declare that the motion picture which will be submitted will be an original creation and no part of it will infringe any intellectual property or copyright belonging to a third party. 2. I/We hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Cathay Organisation Holdings Ltd and related companies for any claims, loss, damages costs, and expenses whatsoever arising from any infringement. 3. I/We agree that Cathay Organisation Holdings Ltd and its related companies shall not be liable for any cost associated with the production of the motion picture. Cathay Organisation Holdings Ltd shall not be liable for any loss or damage to property, personal injuries or death arising from or related to Cathay Motion Picture Awards 2014 4. I/We hereby give Cathay Organisation Holdings Ltd the full and unconditional rights, at no cost, to use and/or reproduce the motion picture in whichever way Cathay Organisation Holdings Ltd deems fit. 5. I/We agree to give Cathay Organisation Holdings Ltd the right to use any entry for any publicity, marketing and education purposes through any channels deemed fit by Cathay Organisation Holdings Ltd. 6. I/We hereby agree that if the submitted motion picture by me/us is selected to be one of the four (04) winning entries, Cathay Organisation Holdings Ltd shall be given full ownership rights including intellectual property rights and copyright to the motion picture and I/we shall no longer retain any rights thereto. 7. I/We have read, understood and agreed with the “Rules and Regulations” (refer to Annex A) of Cathay Motion Picture Awards 2015. ACKNOWLEGDEMENT: Name of Participant #1 : _____________________________________ Signature/Date : _____________________________________ Name of Participant #2 : _____________________________________ Signature/Date : _____________________________________ Name of Participant #3 : _____________________________________ Signature/Date : _____________________________________ 2|Page Annex A CATHAY MOTION PICTURE AWARDS 2015 RULES AND REGULATIONS Cathay Motion Picture Awards 2015 (hereinafter known as “the Competition”) is organised by Cathay Organisation Holdings Ltd (hereinafter known as “the Organiser”). 1. Participation Eligibility The Competition is open to all Singaporeans, Permanent Residents and foreigners working or studying in Singapore. A minimum of one (01) and a maximum of three (03) participants per team are allowed. If participant(s) is under the age of 21 years old, the parent/ legal guardian consent form (refer to Annex B) must be signed. Cathay’s staff and their family members as well as employees of appointed suppliers for the Competition will not be allowed to take part. 2. Registration 2.1. Registration online and by mail Online registration and mail registration period is from 1st March 2015 to 30th April 2015. Documents required for registration for the Competition are as follows: o Completed registration form o Completed parent/ legal guardian consent form(s) <where necessary> o Four (04) ticket stubs from any Cathay Cineplex for movie(s) watched during the period of 1st March 2015 to 30th April 2015 Documents can be sent to the Organiser in two (02) ways: o Email to [ticket stubs must be scanned and submitted together with registration form and consent form(s) <where necessary>] OR o Post it to Cathay Ad-House Pte Ltd 22 Martin Road, #03-01, Singapore 239058 Attention to: Mizushima Emi / Anson Ong All documents for online or mail registration must be submitted by 30th April 2015. Any team/individual that has late or incomplete submission will not be allowed to take part in the Competition. Teams with confirmation number must still report on the Briefing Day by 9am, to be considered as eligible. 2.2. Walk-in Registration Walk-in registration starts from 8.00am to 9.30am on 2nd May 2015 at: The Cathay Cineplex Level 6, 2 Handy Road Singapore 229233 3|Page Annex A Documents required for registration for the Competition are as follows: o Completed registration form o Completed parent/ legal guardian consent form(s) <where necessary> o Four (04) ticket stubs from any Cathay Cineplex for movie(s) watched during the period of 1st March 2015 to 30th April 2015 o Identification document(s) for verification purposes All documents for registration must be submitted on 2nd May 2015. Any team/individual that submits the documents after the briefing commences or has incomplete submission, will not be allowed to take part in the Competition. 3. Briefing Day A confirmation email will be sent to each successful online or by mail registration to attend the Briefing Day. Briefing for the Competition will be held at 10.00am on 2nd May 2015 at: The Cathay Cineplex Level 6, 2 Handy Road Singapore 229233 Every registered participant is required to be present for the briefing, otherwise the team will be disqualified. o Theme for the Competition will be announced at the briefing. o The Competition will officially commence at 12.00pm on 2nd May 2015. 4. Submission 4.1 Criteria for Motion Picture to be Eligible Motion picture submitted must be exactly eighty (80) seconds long. It must have a title and credits [need not be inclusive in the eighty (80) seconds]. Title and credits should not be more than thirty (30) seconds. Motion picture must be original and must not infringe on any third party rights. Motion picture can be filmed in any genre, except for animation (this includes any animation techniques e.g. stop motion) Original or library music is allowed. Motion picture should preferably be in English language or in a local language (Mandarin, Malay and Tamil) with English subtitles. Teams are to note that usage of any forms of Chinese and/or Indian dialect(s) may result in nonscreening of the motion picture due to the Media Development Authority’s regulations. Motion picture which contains expletives, vulgarities, pornography and any actions deemed detrimental towards Cathay’s name and brand in a verbal or non-verbal manner will be immediately disqualified. Watermarks (e.g. for preview or the participant(s)’ name) must not cover or block the screen and impede the viewing and/or assessment of the motion picture. 4|Page Annex A 4.2 Format for submission: There are two (02) phases of submissions. Phase One (01) of submission is mandatory for each participating team/individual while Phase Two (02) is only applicable to the top 15 finalists. Phase One (01) – Mandatory for all participating teams/individuals Using YouTube as a platform, each team/individual is required to upload the entry for Cathay Motion Picture Awards 2015 via a YouTube link. Items required for submission includes all of the below: o Specific URL for fully uploaded video link o Completed submission form (refer to Annex C) The above-stated items for submission must be emailed to by 8.00pm on 5th May 2015. Incomplete or late submission will be disqualified. The time and date of submission will be based on the Organiser’s email server. Phase Two (02) – Only applicable to the Top 15 finalists The top 15 finalists will be announced on on 20th May 2015 and contacted via the registered contact details. Below are items that have to be submitted for Phase Two (02). All soft copy materials should be stored in either one (01) thumb-drive or hard-disk that will be non-returnable. The thumb-drive or hard-disk must be clearly labelled with the team’s name, contact number and content: Motion Picture o Format: MOV o Frame Size (HD): 1920 x 1080 (Landscape) o Frame rate: 24p o Audio: 48kHz o Apple ProRes or equivalent codec Poster for Motion Picture o Final Artwork submitted in the below dimension: o 1080 x 1920 pixels (Portrait) o Resolution: At least 300 dpi The thumb-drive or hard-disk, together with submission form, must be dropped off at the Organiser’s office by 6.00pm on 22nd May 2015. Address details below: Cathay Ad-House Pte Ltd 22 Martin Road, #03-01 Singapore 239058 Attention to: Mizushima Emi / Anson Ong 5|Page Annex A 5. Film Rights and Market Participant(s) give the Organiser full and unconditional rights, at no cost, to use and/or reproduce the motion picture in whichever way the Organiser deems fit. Participant(s) agree to give the Organiser the right to use any entry for any publicity, marketing and education purposes through any channels deemed fit by the Organiser. Any of the motion pictures submitted may appear in the Organiser’s catalogue and may be viewed by any interested persons. Director’s and Producer’s contact information will be made available to any interested person for any publicity, marketing and education purposes. In the event where the submitted motion picture is selected as one of the four (04) winning entries, the Organiser shall be given full ownership rights including intellectual property rights and copyright to the motion picture and the participant(s) shall no longer retain any rights thereto. 6. Selection Process The Competition’s shortlisting committee will view the motion pictures submitted by the participant(s) and will shortlist the top 15. The top 15 finalists will be revealed on 20th May 2015 for judges’ evaluation and public voting. In case of a very poor quality motion picture received, the motion picture entry shall be disqualified at the absolute discretion of the Organiser, whose decision is final. Screenings of the shortlisted entries are subject to the clearance of the Board of Film Censors, Singapore (BFC) and the Media Development Authority (MDA). 7. Winning Entries Result of the top three (03) winners will be 100% determined by a qualified panel of eight (08) judges. From 20th May 2015 to 31st May 2015, the top 15 finalists will be judged based on the following judging criteria: o Originality o Production Quality o Entertainment Value In the event of a tie for any of the top three (03) winners, the winner will be determined based on the highest score on the first judging criteria, continuing thereafter to each judging criteria in order, as required to break the tie. Result for Viewers’ Choice will be 100% based on public voting. The top 15 finalists will be uploaded to for public voting from 20th May 2015 to 16th June 2015. All votes are subject to audit for verification of legitimate votes. In the event of a tie for Viewers’ Choice, the winner will be determined based on the highest score on reference to the judges’ scoring. The Organiser of the Competition has the sole right to decide all matters and disputes arising and all decisions by the Organiser and judges are final and conclusive and no correspondence will be entertained. 6|Page Annex A 8. Prizes The prizes will be presented to the winners at an Awards Ceremony scheduled on the evening of 3rd July 2015. It is compulsory for at least ONE (01) representative per participating entry to attend. The Best Motion Picture will be awarded with a “Best Motion Picture” Award, SGD20, 000 cash and an exclusive Cathay VIP Card for each participant worth SGD4, 000 to watch free movies for a year. The 1st Runner Up will be awarded with a “1st Runner-up” Award, SGD12, 000 cash and an exclusive Cathay VIP Card for each participant worth SGD4, 000 to watch free movies for a year. The 2nd Runner Up will be awarded a “2nd Runner-up” Award, SGD8, 000 cash an exclusive Cathay VIP Card for each participant worth SGD4, 000 to watch free movies for a year. The Viewers’ Choice will be awarded with a “Viewers’ Choice” Award and an exclusive Cathay VIP Card for each participant worth SGD4, 000 to watch free movies for a year. In the event where a participating entry wins one of the top three prizes and Viewers’ Choice, only ONE (01) Cathay VIP card will be extended to each participant. 9. Prize Money Distribution Winners will be required to sign a winner’s letter which will indicate that the cheque bearing the respective cash amounts of the top three (03) prizes shall be made to the submitted name and his/her bank account information, as agreed and signed by participant(s) of the winning entries. Should there be more than one (01) participant for the winning entry; the cheque will be issued to the submitted name. For the purpose of prize administration, the submitted name as above must have an active bank account opened in Singapore. 10. Past Winner’s Eligibility The winner(s) of Best Motion Picture Award will not be eligible to participate in the next Cathay Motion Picture Awards following this Competition. 11. Awards Night The Awards Ceremony will be held on the evening of 3rd July 2015 to announce the Top 3 Winners and the Viewer’s Choice. This will be held at The Cathay Cineplex Level 5, 2 Handy Road Singapore 229233 The top three (03) winning motion pictures and Viewers’ Choice motion picture will be played for eight (08) weeks in Cathay Cineplexes’ circuit. Screening of motion pictures is subject to MDA’s approval. Details will be furnished and finalised closer to date via email The top 15 finalists will be featured as an exhibition at The Cathay Gallery in 2016. Details will be furnished and finalised closer to date via email. 7|Page Annex A 12. Right of Organiser The Organiser reserves the right to cancel, modify, suspend or delay the Competition. The Organiser reserves the right to amend these Rules and Regulations at any time and without notice. Participant(s) are advised to check for any updates. Participation in this Competition shall constitute acceptance of these Rules and Regulations and any amendment thereof. 13. Winners’ Commitment All registered team members of the winning teams (Best Motion Picture, 1st Runner Up, 2nd Runner Up and Viewers’ Choice) will have to commit to a photo-shoot for their photos to be taken for for CMPA 2016. 14. Governing Law The Competition and these Rules and Regulations shall be governed by Singapore Laws. Each participant irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts. 8|Page Annex B CATHAY MOTION PICTURE AWARDS 2015 PARENT / GUARDIAN CONSENT FORM IMPORTANT: This form is compulsory for all participant(s) below the age of 21 years old as at 2nd May 2015. This form is to be attached to the Registration Form. *Delete where appropriate I, NAME/NRIC _______________/_________________________ (Parent/Guardian)* of the Participant NAME/NRIC _______________/_________________________ am fully aware of his/ her participation in the Cathay Motion Picture Awards 2014 organised by Cathay Organisation Holdings Ltd. I fully understand and acknowledge the Rules and Regulations of Cathay Motion Picture Awards 2014 and all risks associated with the Competition. I have understood and agreed to the following: 1. The motion picture which will be submitted will be an original creation and no part of it will infringe any intellectual property or copyright belonging to a third party. 2. I hereby indemnify and hold harmless Cathay Organisation Holdings Ltd and related companies for any claims, loss, damages costs, and expenses whatsoever arising from any infringement. 3. I agree that Cathay Organisation Holdings Ltd and related companies shall not be liable for any cost associated with the production of the motion picture. Cathay Organisation Holdings Ltd shall not be liable any loss or damage to property, personal injuries or death arising or related to Cathay Motion Picture Awards 2014. 4. I hereby give Cathay Organisation Holdings Ltd the full and unconditional rights, at no cost, to use and/or reproduce the motion picture in whichever way Cathay Organisation Holdings Ltd deems fit. 5. I hereby agree to give the Cathay Organisation Holdings Ltd the right to use any entry for any publicity, marketing and education purposes through any channels deemed fit by the Cathay Organisation Holdings Ltd. 6. I hereby agree that if the submitted motion picture by my child/ward* is selected to be one of the four (04) winning entries, Cathay Organisation Holdings Ltd shall be given full ownership rights including intellectual property rights and copyright to the motion picture my child/ward* shall no longer retain any rights thereto. Name of Participant | Signature | Date Name of Parent/Guardian* | Signature | Date 9|Page Annex C SUBMISSION FORM Motion Picture Entry Details Title: Total Length: min sec Length with no title and credits: min sec URL of uploaded motion picture on Youtube: Brief Synopsis (100 words) Rationale (100 words) Music by: Genre (Please tick where applicable) Fiction Documentary Humour Experimental Fantasy Action Poetic Drama Musical Others: Acknowledgement from Team Leader/Individual Mr/Ms/Mdm/Dr (Please circle one) NRIC Number: Full Name: (Please underline your family name) Mobile Number: Email Address: *I declare that the motion picture which is submitted is an original creation and no part of it has infringed any intellectual property or copyright belonging to a third party. Signature/Date: 10 | P a g e
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