> 12 The Gazette Advertiser, Rhinebeck, N. Y., Thursday, August 28,1W0 Dutchess County Fair resultsArts and crafts The following Northern Dutchess residents w e r e n a m e d w i n n e r s Monday In the annual a r t s and crafts show a t the Dutchess County F a i r . T h e numbers 1, 2 and 3 designate w h e r e the w i n n e r s placed. SECTION A F I N E ARTS Children's A r t up to 12 years of age: F i g u r e Painting, 1. Kelleen M c G e e , Rhinebeck, 2. Charlotte M a r k , Staatsburg, Landscape Painting, 2, T a r a Smith, Salt Point; Abstract Painting, I. David M o u n t a n . Rhinebeck, 2 Nicole Smith, Salt Point. Any Other Subject, 1. T o m m y Frost, Rhinebeck, 2. Chris H o m k o , Pough keepsie, 3. Kevin M c L a u g h l i n , Hyde P a r k ; Drawing, 1. T a r a S m i t h , 2. Tara M c K e e v e r , Clinton Corners, 3. Sean Burns, Clinton Corners; Sculpture and Con structlon, 1. Paul M c L a u g h l i n , Hyde P a r , 2. Kevin M c L a u g h l i n , Hyde P a r k . PAINTINGS any a g e : P o r t r a i t s , I Margaret Maguire, Rhinebeck, 2. Catherine Gill. Red Hook; Landscape, 3 Cicely Perrotte, Staatsburg; Seascape, 1. Carol Abeling, Salt Point; Still L i f e , 3. Elsie Rock, Hyde P a r k ; Any Other, I Susanne Babcock, Hyde P a r k , DRAWING Any Age: Landscape, I. Cicely Perrotte, Staatsburg, 2. Sharran F i n g a r , Tivoli; Still Life, 1. Cheryl Sagreti, Rhinebeck; Animals. Birds, 2 Susanne Babcock, Any Other Subject, I Cicely Perrotte; SCULPTURE Any Age: Junior Champion, T o m m y Frost, Rhinebeck, Head or whole a n i m a l , 1. Sharran F i n g a r ; Abstract. 1. Susan Lobotsky, Rhinebeck, P H O T O G R A P H Y black and w h i t e , any age Still Life. 3. Susan Lobotsky; SECTION B HTUSEHOLD CRAFTS Cildren's Crafts age8-11: Any handcrafted a r t i c l e , I Daniele L a w t o n , Stanfordville, Junior Crafts age 12 17:Pottery, hand crafted article, 2 T a r a Smith. Salt Point; Quilling, l. w t i n a Baright, Rhinebeck. Leathercratt, I wkaren Tamburren, Stanfordville, 2. wtina Baright, Rhinebeck; Decoupage. 1. Tina Baright, Rhinebeck, Wood A r t i c l e , Carved or sculptured, 1. wgwyneth Oberly, Rhinebeck, Any other, 2 Tina Baright, Rhinebeck; Liquid e m b r o i d e r y , 1. Tina Baright, Rhinebeck, 2. Suzanne L a F o r g e , Rhinebeck; Miscellaneous crafts no kits; Pressed floaer picture, 1. Lisa Teator, Tivoli; Weaving. 1. Rody Engle, Rhinebeck, Christmas o r n a m e n t , 1. Tina B a r i g h t , Rhinebeck, Potpourri, 2. M a n d i D u n c a n . Stanfordville, 2. Sherry StraJey, Stanfordville ADULT CRAFTS Age l»-»4 Pottery, hanecrafted. 1. Susan Lobotsky, Rhinebeck, 2h M o i r a M c L a u g h l i n , Hyde Park, G r e e n w a r e , 1. Louise Innella, Rhinebeck, l Mary Ann White. Rhinebeck. 2 Pat S m i t h , Salt Point, 2. H i l d a E a t o n . Rhinebeck; Scale Models: Dollhouse, 1 Lou W a c k e r . Rhinebeck, 2. Ralph Haskins. Rhinebeck; F u r n i t u r e . 2. Ralph Haskins, Rhinebeck; Miscellaneous no kits. 1. Stan B. W a r d , Rhlnecliff, E g g e r y , any decorated egg, 1. E d i t h Glackson, Rhinebeck, 2. Ralph Haskins, Rhinebeck; W a l l hanging, I. M a r g a r e t H o l z m a n , Rhinebeck; Body adornment, l . Ann E n g e l , Rhi ebeck. Miscellaneous, 1. Carol Pellor, Salt Point, 2, Joanne M a r k s , Rhinebeck. Decoupage. any one a r t i c l e , 2. W i l l i a m Jaycox. Rhinebeck; W e a v i n g on loom no kits: w w a l l H a n g i n g , 1. M r s . Floyd Ingles, Rhinebeck; Liquid E m b r o i d e r y , 2. M o i r a M c L a u g h l i n , Hyde P a r k ; Silkscreen or stensil, 1. Pat G r e e n e , Staatsburg. Chair Seats: Caned, 1. Ellen Losee, H y d e P e r k ; F i b e r , E l l e n Losee, H y d e P a r k ; Miscellaneous, no kits: Collage, 3. T Rensburger, Red Hook, Paper M a c h e , 2. D a v i d Innella. Rhinebeck; Pressed f l o w e r , 1. w s h a r r a n F i n g a r , T i v o l i , 2. Pat S m i t h , Salt Point; Holiday articles, no needlework: Christmaseath of p e r m a n e n t articles, no greens, 2. Sally Benson, Salt Point. SENIOR CITIZEN CRAFTS t J and Up Pottery: H a n d c r a f t e d , 2. E m m a F r a n k , Hyde P a r k , F u r n i t u r e , 1. Willard Stenabaugh, Baptist Home, Rhinebeck; M a c r a m e : P l a n t e r , 1. George Knight, Baptist Hohe, Rhinebeck; Decoupage: Any one a r t i c l e , 2. F r a n k Bandwater, Baptist H o m e , Rhinebeck. Weaving on loom: Any one article, 1 M a r y Bernazza. F e r n c l i t f , Rhinebeck, Wood Article: C a r v e d or sculptured, I. Welding Mohr, Rineclitf; Pressed flowers, 1. G. Horne, M i l l b r o o k , 2. Louis Garvre.cht, Baptist H t m e , Rhinebeck; String or w i r e art, 1. w w e l d l n g M o h r . Rhlnecliff; Holiday articles, no needlework: Christmas wreath with permanent articles, no greens, 1. W m Stenabaughn Baptist Home, Rhinebeck. 2 M r s T F Chandler, Rhinebeck; T a b l e decoration, I. t i e : Helen Clements and Alice Rein, Baptist H o m e , 2. John H i c k e y , E l i i a v i l l e . Tree o r n a m e n t , O r i g i n a l , 1. Florence Ridley. Baptist Home; Best of Show Senior Citizen. George Knight, Baptist Home, Rhinebeck, Special Junior A w a r d , given for Originality by the Baptist H o m e , Rhinebeck to M a r y Pat Sauers, Poughquag. SECTION C HOUSEHOLD HANDIWORK ANDSTITCHERY SEWING: Infant or toddler's sieepwear, 2 Dolly Straley, Stanfordville, Child's sieepwear. 1 Beverly T a m b u r r i n o , Stanfordville, 2. Dolly Straley, Stanfordville. Child's pants or shorts, 2. Eolly Straley. Child's dress. 2 Dolly Straley, Stanfordville. Child's 2 or 3 piece outfit, 2 Dolly Straley, Stan tordville, Ladies skirt, long or short, 2 Beverly Tehburrino, Stanfordville, Ladies long dress, 2h Eliz Chestney, Pine Plains, Ladies dress, wool or double knit, 2 Cheryl M o r r i s o n , Rhinebeck; Ladies j u m p e r , 7 M a r g o t Behrens, Rhineclitf, Ladies vest, 2 Donna P i k e , Clinton; M a n o r boy's shirt, 1. Donna P i k e , Clinton, M a n or boy's suit, 1 Mrs F r a n k Bossolini, Pine Plains, Apron, l M a r i e Fletcher, Red Hook KNITTED AND CROCHETED GAR MENTS AND WEARING APPAREL Infant s w e a t e r , knitted oullover. I Joan Quick. Hyde P a r k ; infant sweater, knitted c a r d i g a n , I Brenda Cagle. Red HOOK, t Joan Quick, 2 or 3 pc. set, knitted infant to 2 yrs, 2 Joan Quick; Infant 2 or 3 pc set, crochet, I Elizabeth Kaufman, Rhinebeck. 2 Jean Micucci, Rhinebeck, Infant booties, knit, 1 Carol Ann F r e n z e l , Pine Plains, 2 Brenda Cagle, Red Hook, Infant booties crochet, 1 M a r g H i l l , Pine Plains, 2 Carol Ann F r e n z e l , Child sweater, crochet, 1 w m a r g Hill, 2 Jeanne M a r k s , Rhinebeck, Child sweater knitted pullover, I Jean Quick, 2 Joanne M a r k s . Rhinebeck, Child sweater. Knitted car digan, 1 Joan Quick, Hyde Park, 2 Donna Pike, Clinton Corners, Child 2 or 3 pc set, knit or crochet, 1 Elizabeth K a u f m a n . 2. Kathleen Husted, Child dress or coat, 2 Joanne M a r k s , M a n ' s sweater, crochet, 1 M a r y Butti, Rhinebeck, M a n ' s knitted pullover with sleeves, 1. wdoris Herdina, Red Hook, 2 Kay G e r m a n n , Clinton Corners, Ladies sweater, knitted pullover with sleeves, 1 Jane Knoblock, Red Hook, 2 M r s F r a n k Bossolini, Pine Plains, Ladies sweater, cardigan, 2 Mrs Milton Warner, Rhinebeck; Poncho, Knit or crochet, 2 Jean M i c u c c i , Rhinebeck, Cape, knit or crochet, 1 M a r y Butti, Rhinebeck, 2 Jean Micucci, Stole, knit, 1. M r s . H Decker, Rhinebeck; Stole, crochet, 1 Cobi Nijenhuis, Staatsburg, Vest, crochet. 2 M a r g H i l l , Pine Plains, Hat. k n i t t e d , 1. Joan Quick, H y d e P a r k , Socks, knit or crochet. 1. Jeanne M a r k s . 2 Joan Quick, Scarf only, knit or crochet, 1 Bertha Fousek, Rhinebeck, 2 Joan Quick", T-ryae" P a r k ; Scarf and hat set, knit or crochet, I Joan Quick, M i t t e n s or gloves, knit or crochet, 1. Joan Quick, 2. Joanne M a r k s CROCHET A N D KNITTING except garments: A f g h a n , crocheted one piece, 1. Con stance Owens, Staatsburg, 2. M a r y Butti, Rhinebeck; A f g h a n , crocheted strips or panels, 2. M a r t h a Rohde, Rhinebeck; Afghan, knitted one piece, 1. Jane Knobloch, Red Hook, Coverler tor infant, knitted, I. w i r e n e Callaghan, Rhinebeck. 2. Carol Anne F r e n z e l , Pine Plains; Coverlet, crocheted, l. B. Anifant, Hyde P a r k , 2 Carol Anne F r e n z e l ; Pillow, crochet, l Rebecca Reichin, Rhinebeck, Purse, 2 Cheryl Morrison, Rhinebeck, Doily, l C a r r i e Arnold, Rhinebeck; Pillowcase edge. 1, G. M c C l a n a h a n , Stanfordville; Handkerchief edge. 1. G. M c C l a n a h a n , Stanfordville; Any knitted or crochet a r t i c l e not listed above. 1, M r s F r a n k Bossolini, Pine Plains, N E E D L E P O I N T OR P E T I T P O I N T Chair or stool. 1 Desa H a e n Bowcock. Rhinebeck, 2 Carol Webb. Millbrook; Pillow, l a Deborah Bowers. H y d e P a r k , l b R. Rechla, Rhinebeck. 2b. Margot Behrens, Rhlnecliff; Handbag or totebag, 1. G. M c C l a n a h a n ; Any other needlepoint not listed, 1. G. M c C l a n a h a n ; CREWEL Pillow, 1 Gail Schuab, Rhinebeck, 2. Ellsa Mintiens, Stanfordville; Wall hanging, under 15 inches, 2 Donna Pike, Clinton Corners, EMBROIDERY A N D C U T WORK: Dish towel one. 1. Rose Berkowitz, Rhinebeck, 2. G. M c C l a n a h a n . Table runner or dresser scarf. 1. M r s . H. Decker, Rhinebeck, 2. M a r g o t Bahrens, Rhlnecliff. Pillow, 1 G. M c C l a n a h a n , Stanfordville; Hand or guest towel, 1 G. M c C l a n a h a n , Stanfordville, 2 M a r i e Fletcher, Red Hook, Pillowcase. I. Rose Berkowit, Rhinebeck, 2. G McClanahan; Wall hanging, over 15 inches. 1. M r s Frank Bossolini, Pine Plains. Any embroidery not listed, l M a r i e Fletcher, Red Hook, DOLLS Doll, handmade body and clothes, 1 Jean Rock. Hyde P a r k , 2. j o A n n e M a r k s . Doll, corn cob or corn husk. 1 Tina Baright, Rhinebeck, Puppets, 1 H a r r i e t Weber, Rhi ebeck; Any doll not listed, 1 Carol Burns, Clinton Corners. 2 Ruthf Moore, Red Hook, Any other run not usted, 2. JoAnne M a r k s , Rhinebeck OTHER N E E D L E C R A F T : Quilt, pieced, I. Rose Berkowitz. Rhinebeck, 2 Beth M a t h r a n g a , Staat sburg. Quilt, applique, 1 Alice Doyle, Rhinebeck, Quilt, m i x e d m e d i a , 1 Lory Ann Grundt, Clinton. 2. Edith Gurbel, Salt Point, Tatting, 2 Helen F u l l e r , Baptist Home, Rhinebeck, L a t c h point, pillow, 1 Lynda Lopez, Hyde P a r k , Any needlework not listed, 2 Alice L a y t o n . Rhinebeck HOLIDAY N E E D L E C R A F T Table cloth or runner, 1 Brenda Cagle, Red Hook, 2 M a r g o t Behren, Rhineclitf, Fireplace stocking, 2 Johanna Moore. Red Hook, Wall hanging, 2 Lory Ann Grundt, Clinton, Tree o r n a m e n t , e m b r o i d e r y , 1 Lory Ann Grundt, Clinton, Ornament, crewel. 1 Johanna M o o r e , Red Hook, Any other not listed, l Steven Swenson, RhmeOeck, 2 B a r b a r a Anifant, Hyde Park JUNIOR OEPT. T H R O U G H G R A D E 12 Latch point rug, 2 L a r a F r e n z e l . Pine Plains. Latch point, w a l l hanging, 1 Gudrun Pressmar, Stanfordville, 2 Karen Tamburrino, Stanfordville; Latch point, pillow, 2 Karen T a m b u r r i n o - Knitted or crocheted a f g h a n , 1. S t a c y Webb, Millbrook. Sewing, blouse or skirt, 1. Kathy J Leonard. Red Hook; Sewing, toy, 2 Teddy Losee, Hyde P a r k ; Holiday needlework article, 1 Stacey Webb, Millbrook, 2 C Chestney, Pine Plains, Any embroidered article, 1 Lauri West, Hyde Park, 2. T a r a Burns, Clinton Cor ners, Any needlepoint article, 2. Cindy Molella, Millbrook. Any crewel article. 1 Stacy Webb. M i l l b r o o k ; Any needlework not listed. 2. Denise A c k e r m a n , Hyde P a r k , Special a w a r d tor best a r t i c l e . Lauri West. Hyde Park SECTION D C U L I N A R Y 2 dilferent varieties of jelly, 1. Judy Alberg, Rhinebeck; 2 different varieties of pickles. 2 W m C. Moore, Red Hook, 2 different varieties of relish, 1. M R . Roach, Hyde Park, 2 G M c C l a n a h a n , Stan tordville, 2 different v a r i e t i e s of vegetables, I. Judy Alberg, 2 Sue Townsend, Rhinebeck, Loaf of yeast bread, white, 1 Sue Townsend; Loaf of pumpkin bread, 1 M a r g a r e t Mason, Red Hook; Loaf of zucchini b r e a d , 2. Johanna Moore, Red Hook. Loaf of any other quick bread, 1. M a r g a r e t M a s o n , 2 Susan Sicket, Red Hook, Cookies, d r o p c h o c o l a t e c h i p , l M a r g a r e t Behrens, Rhinebeck; Cookies, butter, undecorated, 1. Salley Benson, Salt Point; Cookies, peanut butter, 2. Heather Molella, Millbrook, Cookies, molasses, l Sue Townsend, Rhinebeck; Cookies, any other kind, 2. Tina Baright, Rhinebeck, Chocolate layer cake, 1. Nancy Stouten berg, Pine Plains, 2. J. Gower, Rhinebeck; Applesauce cake, 2. Bernice Moelle. Millbrook; Pineapple upside down cake, 1. Margaret Behrans. Rhineclitf, 2. M a r g a r e t M a s o n ; Pie, apple, 2. Steven Swenson, Rhinebeck; Pie, p u m p k i n , 1. Ellen Losee, Hyde P a r k , 2. Susan Shaefer, Hyde P a r k ; Gingerbread, 1. Sally Benson, Salt Point; Cornbread muffins. 1. Dolly Sheep champs Straley, Stanfordville, 2 G. Aperly. Rhinebeck; Chocolate nut fudge, 2. Nancy Stoutenberg, P i n * P l a i n s . S P E C I A L CLASSES - Children under 12, Cookies, any kind, I. Michelle A r n i f a n t . H y d e P a r k , 2. E r l k a Pearl, Rhinebeck, hon metion Chuck Goodwin, Red Hook; M a l e exhibitors, Cookies, drop, chocolate, 2. Kenneth Straley, Stanfordville; Open to anyone, Best decorated c a k e , 2. Beth M e y e r , Rhinebeck; For Dutchess County Residents only, Whole Wheat Bread, 2nd place, Sally Benson, Salt Point HOME W I N E M A K I N G Red wine. Best of Show, Oak Thorne, Millbrook SECTIONS HOUSEHOLD ANTIQUES Antique doll. 1. M a r i a M c L a u g h l i n . Hyde P a r k , Bedspread or woolen coverlet, 2. Florence Ridley. Baptist Home. Rhinebeck. Quilt, patchwork, quilted or tied, 1. M a r y Callahan, Rhinebeck; Candlestick. 1. M r s . M a r g a r e t Antanaitis, Red Hook. 2. M a r i a M c L a u g h l i n , Hyde P a r k , Salt ( I n d i v i d u a l ) , 2. Judy Townsend, Rhinebeck; China cup and saucer, 1 Margo Behrens, Rhineclitf, Basket, handmade, 2 Pat Greene. Staatsburg. Toothpick holder, 1 Judy Townsend, Rhinebeck, 2 M a r i a M c L a u g h l i n , Hyde P a r k , Bell or bells, l M r s . H. Decker, Rhinebeck, 2. Judy Townsend. Rhinebeck, Toys, 2 M a r g a r e t Antanaitis, Red Hook. Hand tools. 1 Susan T r o t t i . Rhinebeck, 2 Brenda Cagle, Red Hook; Specimens of Carnival glass, l Agnes Chandler, Rhinebeck. 2 M r s T Remsburger. Red Hook, Specimens of cut glass, 1 Brenda Cagle. Red Hook, 2 Judy Townsend, Rhinebeck. Specimens of clear pressed glass, l Judy Townsend, 2 Pat Greene, Staatsburg, Northern Dutchess winners in the Open Class Sheep competition held Thursday, Aug. 21, at the Dutchess County Fair were: COLUMBIA Registered r a m l a m b , spring, l. and 2. W i l l i a m Ottaway, Pleasant v a l l e y , 3. D a v i d Bamford. Rhinebeck; Registered r a m , two years and older, 1 W i l l i a m O t t a w a y , 2. Becky Horton, Hyde P a r k ; Registered ewe lambs, spring, l . Judy B a m f o r d , Rhinebeck, 2. D a v i d B a m f o r d . 3. Becky Horton; Registered ewe, year and under two, 1. W i l l i a m O t t a w a y . 2. Judy B a m f o r d . 3. Peter B a m f o r d . Registered ewes two years and older, 1. Becky Horton, 2 and 3. William O t t a w a y ; Pen of three lambs and for registered flock, 1. W i l l i a m Ottaway. C H A M P I O N , William Ottaway; R E S E R V E , Becky Horton, Hyde P a r k . RAMBOUILLETT N N U D Hill F a r m of Pleasant Valley took first prize in ail categories including Registered r a m l a m b , spring, Registered R a m , one year and under two, Registered ewed l a m b , spring, Registered ewe, one year and under two. Registered ewe. two years ana older and Registered flock N N U D Hill F a r m also won Champion and Reserve CORRIEDALE Registered r a m l a m b , spring, 2 Carl P U l r i c h , Rhinebeck; Registered R a m one year and under two, 1 Carl P. U l r i c h . 2 Rich Haven Hill F a r m , Stanfordville, Registered ewe l a m b , spring, 1 Caroline A C e r i l l i , Red Hook, 2 Carl P. U l r i c h , 3 Carl P Ulrich. Registered ewe, l yr and under two. 1 Rich H a v e n Hill F a r m , 2. and 3 Carl U l r i c h . Pen of three lambs, l Carl Ulrich R E S E R V E Corriedale R a m : Carl P U l r i c h , C H A M P I O N Corriedale E w e Caroline A Cerilli, Red Hook. R E S E R V E Rich Haven Hill F a r m , Stanfordville Specimens of colored pressed glass. I. Judy Townsend, Rhinebeck, 2. Margot Behrens. Rhineclitf. Specimens of m i l k glass. 1. Susan Stickle. Red Hook. Silver spoon, c o i n , 1. R e b e c c a Recchia, Rhinebeck. 2 Susan Stickle, Red Hook. Silver spoon, sterling, 1. Judy Townsend. Rhinebeck, 2 Pat Greene, Staatsburg, Sterling spoon souvenir, 1 Margaret Antanitis, Red Hook, 2 Pat Greene, Staatsburg; J e w e l r y , 1. Margot Behrens, Rhinebeck. 2. Agnes Chandler. Rhinebeck, M e t a l a r t i c l e , brass. 1. Judy Townsend, Rhinebeck, 2 Margot Behrens, Rhineclitf; Iron a r t i c l e , 1. Judy Townsend, Rhinebeck, 2 Rebecca Recchia, Rhinebeck; Pewter article, 1. Judy Townsend, Rhinebeck; Cooper article, 1. Judy Townsend, Rhinebeck, 2. M a r g o Behrens. Rhineclitf; Tin article, I . Judy Townsend, Rhinebeck, 2 M a r g o Behrens, Rhineclitf Wood article, 1. Judy Townsend, Rhinebeck, 2. Rebecca Recchia. Rhinebeck. Specimen of crockery, 1. M a r g a r e t Anataitis, Red Hook. 2. Rebecca Recchia. Rhinebeck; Specimen of iron stono, l. Judy Townsend, Rhinebeck; Bottle, 1. M r s . M a r y Boehme, T i v o l i , 2. Pat Greene, Staatsburg; Old printed m a t e r i a l , I Desanka H a e n Bowcock, Rhinebeck, 2. M r . and M r s . W . Mohr, Rhineclitf; Specimen of flo blue, 1. Judy Townsend, Rhinebeck, 2. Linda M e t z , Hyde P a r k ; Kitchen w o o d e n w a r e . 1. Patricia Greene, Staatsburg, 2. Rebecca Recchia, Rhinebeck. A r t glass. 2. Agnes Chandler, Rhinebeck; Any household antique not listed, 2 Judy Townsend, Rhinebeck; Any household antique not listed, 1. Desanka Haen Bowcock, Rhinebeck. 2. M a r y Butti, Rhinebeck; Thimble, 1 Margaret Antanatis, Red Hook, 2. Pat Greene, Staatsburg; Antique Doll, 1862 Walking Doll, G r a n d A w a r d , M a r i a M c L a u g h l i n , Hyde P a r k . Household Articles Junior C r a f t s , M a c r a m e Jewelry, 1. Kathy Leonard, Red Hook, Wall, 3. T i n a B a r i g h t , Rhinebeck, P l a n t e r , 1. Rody E n g l e , Rhinebeck; Tie for second Jennifer Gower, Rhinebeck, Glenn Piker, Rhinebeck, Additional Special Awards Best knitted or crocheteo. Deris Her dina. Red H o o k ; Best afghan, Constance Owen, Staatsburg; Best Needlepoint. Deborah Bower, H y d e P a r k ; Best Quilt, Rose Berkowitz, Kninebeck; Best Junior A w a r d , L a u r i West, Hyde P a r k ; Best sewn article, M r s . F r a n k Bossolini, Pine Plains. SHEEP-HAMPSHIRE Registered ram lamb, spring, I Mustello's Clinton Brook F a r m , Clinton Corners, 2. Joe Thomas Butts, Pleasant Valley. 3 Avondale F a r m , Pleasant V a l l e y ; Registered r a m , one year and under two I Monica Ehnis. V e r b a n k ; Registered r a m , two years and older. 1. Avondale Farm, Pleasant Valley, Registered ewe l a m b , f a l l , 1 Monica E n n i s . Registered ewe l a m b , spring, 2 M o n c i a Ennis, 3. Mustello's Clinton Brook F a r m , Registered ewe, one yr and under two, 1. Joe Thomas Butts, 2 Monica Ennis, 3 Mustello's Clinton Brook Farm, Registered ewe, two yrs. and older l. Mustello's 2. Avondale F a r m , Pen of three lambs. 1. Avondale F a r m , Registered flock, 2. Avondale F a r m , C H A M P I O N H A M P S I R E . Mustello's Clinton Brook Farm, Clinton Corners RESERVE: M o n i c a Ennis, Verbank SOUTHDOWN Registered r a m l a m b , spring, 1. and 2. Susan Bulkeley, T i v o l i ; Registered r a m , one y r . and under two, 1. Echo Valley F a r m , Red Hook 3 Timothy M a r t i n , Staatsburg; Registered r a m , two years and older, 1 H i l a r y H a m , E l i z a v i l l e , Registered ewe l a m b , spring, 1 Susan Bulkeley, 3. Echo Valley F a r m , Red Hook, Registered ewe, one year and under, l. Susan Bulkeley; Registered ewe two years and older, 1. Echo Valley F a r m , 2. H i l a r y H a m , 3. Susan Bulkeley; Pen of three l a m b s , 3. Echo Valley F a r m ; Registered flock, 1. Susan Bulkeley; C H A M P I O N S O U T H D O W N R A M A N D E W E : Susan Bulkeley, Tivoli DORSET Registered r a m l a m b , f a l l , 1. North Breeze F a r m , M i l l b r o o k . 2. North Breeze F a r m ; Registered r a m l a m b , spring, 1 N o r t h Breeze F a r m ; Registered r a m , one year and under two, 1 North Breeze F a r m ; Registered ewe l a m b , fall 1. and 2. North Breeze F a r m ; Registered e w e l a m b , spring, 1. and 3. North Breeze F a r m , Registered e w e , one year a n d under tvyo Devln Kelly, Red hook, 3. T i m Thompson, Red Hook; Registered e w e , two years and older, 1. North Breeze F a r m ; Pen of lambs, 1. and 2. North Breeze F a r m , Registered flock, 1. North Breeze Farm, CHAMPION AND R E S E R V E D O R S E T , North B r e e z e F a r m . SUFFOLK Registered r a m l a m b , spring, 1. Stuart Gilbert, Red hook, 2. Echo Valley F a r m , Registered r a m , one year and under two, 1 Richard B a r r i n g e r , T i v o l i ; Registered R a m , two years a n d older, 1. Julia H a m . Registered e w e l a m b , spring, 1. Jean Crane, Red Hook, 2. Stuart Gilbert. Registered ewe, one year and under t w o 1. Stuart Gilbert. 3. Richard Barringer. Registered ewe, two years and older, 1. Jean Crane, 2. Stuart G i l b e r t . 3. Richard Dunn, Pleasant V a l l e y ; Pen of three lambs, 1. Stuart G i l b e r t 2. M a r t y Callahan and Richard B a r r i n g e r , 3. J e a n C r a n e ; Registered flock, 1. Stuart Gilbert, 3. Richard Dunn; C H A M P I O N S U F F O L K R A M , Stuart G i l b e r t ; R E S E R V E , Echo Valley F a r m , C H A M P I O N SUFFOLK E W E , Stuart G i l b e r t , Red Hook. ALL BREEDS M a r k e t l a m b , lightweight, 2. Christine M a r t i n , Staatsburg, 3. Wheatley F a r m , Stanfordville; M a r k e t l a m b , heavyweight, 1 Richard D u n n , Pleasant Valley, 2. Stuart G i l b e r t ; Carcass class, 1. Richard Dunn. 2. M o n i c a E n n i s , 3. N N U D Hill F a r m ; M a r k e t L a m b , m e d i u m weight, 1. Monica Ennis, 2. Caroline Cerilli, 3. Kevin Kelly; Sheep costume class, 1. Mustello family 2. R i c h a r d Dunn, 3. W i l l i a m Ottaway. L e a d L i n * and Wool G a r m e n t Classes Junior division, age IS and under 1. Ronald Mustello, Clinton Corners, 2. Monica Ennis, V e r b a n k , 3. Beth G r i f f i n , Red Hook. Senior division. 16 and over. 1. Jean C r a n e , Red H o o k , 3. Beth G r i f f i n . F i t t i n g and Blocking Classes Ages 9 12, 1. Nfckolas Klose, Red Hook, 3 Kathryn Cougler, Millbrook, Ages 13-15. I Ron Mustello, Clinton corners, 2. Chris Letteri. Salt Point, 3. Peter Klose. Red Hook. Aoes 1619. 1. Jeffrey T r a v e r . Pleasant Valley. 2. Kelsey Cougler Millbrook, 3. W i l l i a m Ottaway. Pleasant Valley. Ang us winners Aberdeen Angus winners at the Dut chess County F a i r f r o m Northern Dutchess a r e : Early summer yearling heifers, 2. Jennifer Smalstig, Millbrook, 3. Rally F a r m s , M i l l b r o o k ; April junior yearling heifers, 1. Rally F a r m s , 2. Rally F a r m s ; M a r c h junior y e a r l i n g heifers, 1. Trotwood F a r m , M i l l b r o o k , 3. Rally F a r m ; E a r l y iunior yearling h e i f e r s , 2. R a l l y F a r m ; RESERVE SUMMER CHAMPION: Jennifer Smalstig, Millbrook, Rally Timberlee Duchess, 249; JUNIOR CHAMPION F E M A L E : Rally F a r m s , Millbrook, Rally Enidabar 5029, RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE: Jennifer Smalstig. Rally Timberlee Dutchess 249. April junior y e a r l i n g bulls, 1. Rally F a r m s ; Senior y e a r l i n g bulls, 1. Trotwood F a r m , Two-year old bulls, I . Rally F a r m ; SENIOR CHAMPION BULL: Rally Consort 618, R a l l y F a r m s ; R E S E R V E S E N I O R C H A M P I O N B U L L : Trotwood John, Trotwood f a r m ; R E S E R V E G R A N D C H A M P I O N B U L L : R a l l y Consort 61t>, Breeder (six h e a d ) , 1. R a l l y F a r m ; Dale Fletcher m e m o r i a l trophy for best pair bred and owned by exhibitor both sexes, l. Rally F a r m s , 3. Trotwood F a r m s fine quality. This comer unit is beautiful in teak and glass with shelves behind both sets erf doors On sale now' Sheep showman Donald Kading of Millbrook won senior champion s h o w m a n in sheep showmanship competition held Wednesday, Aug. 20 at the Dutchess County F a i r . Sally Tator of M i l l b r o o k took champion showman in the Iunior Simmental showmanship held F r i d a y , Aug. 22. Other Northern Dutchess winners w e r e : in junior showmanship, Nicholas Kloze of Red Hook, f i r s t ; Debbie Seymour of Red Hook, second. In intermediate showmanshio. Ronald Mustello of Clinton Corner*, F i r s t ; Monica Ennis of V e r b a n k , second; Nicholas Ktos* of Red Hook, T h i r d . In senior showmanship, Jeffrey T r a v e r of Pleasant V a l i e v . f i r s t ; Ronald Mustello of Clinton Corners, second: W i l l i a m O t t a w a y of Pleasant V a l l e y , third. DANISH DESIGN CENTER hjrniture/UghtinQ/Ruos/Dfaperios/Batri & Linen Shop Jewelry/arwierwore/Gtassware/Hotwctfie/Ccx*ww Restaurant mtOHUnOMOrmnmWKVNUHMWVOMLAHDMOKmu. 3WMainNteli,tough**tfMW.N.V 1iW1(PaftenQlotb)9l4-«?1-5o4S M o n - R i . 9 - 9 T h u r s ° - 9 S a t 10-5 Right now, Ford is offering high mileage and low financing. If you're tight for money right now (and who isn't?) your Connecticut, Dutchess and Putnam Ford Dealers can help. They can arrange financing for qualified buyers through the Ford Motor Credit Company. FORDCREDIT AVAILABLE w** ON ALL NEW CARS & TRUCKS If you qualify, you can get financing on a new Mustang, Fairmont or F-150 Pickup at attractive rates. You'll get a great buy too, became it's Ford Clearance Time. You'll also get great rnilenge. MPG ESTIMATES CITY HIGHWAY Mustang 23 EPA Est. MPG 3 8 EPA Est. MPG Fairmont 23 EPA Est. MPG 3 8 EPA Est MPG F-150 Pickup 16 EPA Est. MPG 2 5 EPA Est. MPG Use these estimates for comparison. Your mileage may differ depending on speed, distance and weather conditions. Actual highway mileage will probably be lower than estimated. Go ahead and buy a Ford. It's a good decision. [*For example. Cash price is $6,000. Total down oayment $800. Amount Financed $5,200. i ' N A N C E C H A R G E $1,129.76. A N N U A L PERCENTAGE RATE 10%. Deferred payment price $7,129.76^ Payment schedule: 48 monthly payments of $131.87. . FORD Msmm* THERE'S SPECIAL FINANCING ON GRANADA AND PINTO TOO. LOW 10% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE FINANCE RATE' IS AVAILABLE THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30TM FROM FORD CREDIT. SO HURRY! RHINEBECK yourlocal T & T F O R D , INC. Ford Dealer: ROUTE 9G Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com <$Q>
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