“To assist every child in finding security, a sense of belonging and a place to call home.” fro m o u r board president Fiscal year 2013 was a year of doubling our efforts to regain profitability by increasing our outreach to agencies and organizations that place kids into our programs. I’m happy to report that we were able to maintain, and even increase, the high level of quality services provided throughout our organization while getting Youth Homes back into the black for the year. We ended our fiscal year last June with $117,000 in excess revenue over expenses, correcting the loss we experienced in fiscal year 2012. The team at Youth Homes - our therapeutic youth care workers, program directors and management - jumped at the challenge and delivered measurable results both financially and through the success of our kids and their families. One of the major efforts in 2013 was preparing a strategic plan to assess our current programs and take a focused look at Youth Homes’ strategy for the future. We intend to be as viable in 50 years as we are today. One of the key elements we are stressing is the ability to be agile in the face of an ever-changing funding environment and the fluctuating views of the federal government and the state on the best way to provide services to our youth and their families. We are evaluating current trends in the system in order to craft a flexible strategy which will allow us to anticipate and respond to changing market conditions while constantly improving the services we provide. Most importantly, we will always focus on the core values of Youth Homes – providing a safe place for kids to call home, and creating a foundation for kids to have successful lives as adults. Stay tuned as we discuss our strategic plan over the coming years. We offer two main services at Youth Homes – group living services (group homes) and family support services. In 2013, we served 305 youth in our group homes and 332 families through family services (we touched the lives of 223 kids and families daily throughout the year). It takes a monumental effort by the Youth Homes’ staff to create positive outcomes for our kids and their families. The team works long hours for modest pay, and deals daily with a level of emotional intensity that few people outside of their work understand. I want to say thank you to all of the staff for their efforts, and to their commitment to making a difference in the world, specifically in the lives of the kids and families affiliated with Youth Homes. I also want to recognize my fellow board members for working diligently together through another year. In closing, I want to thank you, our faithful donors, for continuing to believe in and support Youth Homes, because all kids deserve happiness, a healthy life and a bright future. Your participation and generous giving allows us to fulfill our mission. I believe that the efforts of the entire team at Youth Homes will lead to successfully serving thousands of kids and their families for many years to come. Warm personal regards – Last year I wrote about the incredibly generous communities we work within, and I don’t want to miss another chance to thank all of you who support us in spirit and deed. Without you, we wouldn’t be where we are today. This year, I want to talk a little about Montana. I am not native to Montana but it is the first place I chose to live; I have been here for 42 years now. I also lived in Butte and that has to count for a lot. What made me stay was not the beauty of the land but the beauty of the people. Dirk Williams was the first person who told me that Montana was a small city with really long streets. That is true for me-wherever I go I see familiar faces. Politics aside, Montanans have an incredible commitment to their neighbors, always pitching in and giving a hand up. The Youth Homes has grown out of Missoula and wherever we have gone we have found caring people who we need to fulfill our mission. This past year, I have experienced systems to serve youth and families moving and changing at light speed, faster than in any of my previous years working in Montana. There are lots of factors, one of which has been the changing of the guard. I have seen many of my peers -baby boomers, retire from leadership positions in State Government and the next generation step in. Boomers have worried way too much about other generations. I have often suggested not to worry but just to step out of their way. And, I think I was right. Today’s new leaders are bright, committed, hard working and have visions of what could and should be better. I have found them quick but thoughtful, opinionated but open, strong but inclusive. This has been a great year for me in working with new leaders. I appreciate their understanding that we are their partners in helping families be strong, helping children to grow and in forming the next generation and never leaving behind youth who are struggling with emotional challenges. The year ahead will demand more change, increased system and provider capacities and continued compassion. I am confident that Youth Homes can stay on that path and meet our goals for youth every day. O ur highlights from fiscal year 2013 After a tough financial year in 2012, staff and board focused on being even more available and agile in serving the needs of our major clients, resulting in a very stable and successful year where a number of programs grew. We can still claim that we have been able to sustain every service we ever initiated! We believe that the stability of our services means stability for our clients. We continue to prove our competence, our commitment, our flexibility and our relevance as times change but our mission stays the same. Last year we served 710 youth and their families through the array of services we provide, including through Partnership for Children, our alliance with Intermountain. The Youth Homes alone served 649 youth and families, with 305 served through our group living programs and 332 receiving family support services. That’s 213 people every day! We love permanency when it can happen for our kids –in the past 12 months we have had 4 adoptions! All of the 4 children were between the ages of 5 and 8 years old. Three were adopted in Missoula and 1 was adopted in Hamilton. The service that grew the most this year was definitely our Home Support services, working with youth where they are- whether with relatives or in state foster homes, to provide therapy, coaching and crisis planning. Our goal is to help the family forge better relationships and increase stability. This past year, we served 116 families with this critical service! Our InnerRoads Wilderness Program increased the number of youth and families we serve from an average of 12 a year (over the past five years) to 19 in our 2013 season! The outcomes we see coming out of our services continue to be strong with: o 88% of the youth served were stable in our care and with our services. o 88% were able to move from our services to a lower level of supervision. o 79% made progress in school. o 91% of the youth we served left with a more positive plan for their futures. o 92% of the youth we served left with a stronger relationship with their caregiver(s). o 87% of the youth served through our Dan Fox Family Care Program left with a stronger relationship with their parents. Run 4 Kids had another highly successful team, (again sponsored by Montana Rail Link) raising over $95,000 from the efforts of the 120 team members who participated the full or half Missoula Marathon or 5k. Special thanks to the Missoula Marathon and Run Wild Missoula for working with us over the past six years to make this a success for our organization, and for all of the great celebrative events they have created for the Missoula Community. “Highlights” continued Our Youth Farm produced over 25,000 pounds of vegetables for CSAs and to distribute to our homes and other low-income individuals. Our July ‘Evening at the Farm’ raised money to pay wages to our Youth Farmers. We will have up to 7 youth fully employed at the Farm this summer and other group home kids will volunteer weekly to earn their share of vegetables and experience hard yet rewarding work. We love our partnership with Garden City Harvest and Cori Ash, Farm Manager! Forced to close its state-run Girls Transitional Home in Great Falls, the State Department of Correction awarded Youth Homes a contract to provide transitional living and case planning for female juvenile parolees from Riverside Correctional Facility at our shelters in Missoula and Hamilton. We feel those placements have been very successful in assisting the girls in making the changes needed to return to their community. The Flathead and Bitterroot Youth Homes had their most successful fundraising year s ever, raising $56,000 at our Bitterroot Gala and $31,000 with the Glacier Challenge, a multi-event endurance race. Both achieved their highest net incomes while providing a really fun time for all involved. Some major staff changes happened this year. Anna Green replaced Kay Crowe as Program Director in our Bitterroot Youth Home. Michael Hudson left his role in the InnerRoads Wilderness Program to be the Therapist at our Susan Talbot Boys Home. Amy Schaer moved up from Program Manager to Program Director at InnerRoads. We had to say goodbye to Chuck Wayland, Therapist at our Dennis Radtke Home for Boys. Carleigh O’Brien is now our therapist there. In heading a community group of youth service providers, the Youth Homes received a $174,000 grant over two years to address the needs of youth in crisis due to emotional challenges. This will allow access to shelter in an urgent situation as well as follow up and in-home support and coaching for families. This effort brings ten agencies serving emotionally disturbed youth in the Missoula community together to share the workload. Of the 10 youth we served at Tom Roy in the last year, six graduated high school, two earned their GED and 2 are still working toward a high school diploma. Last spring ‘13 we unveiled our new Website. Check it out at www.youthhomesmt.org. We have hit the million dollar mark for our Campaign for Self-Reliance and were able to begin construction on our new Tom Roy Youth Guidance Home. The LEED certified Home will be completed in May 2014. The youth are currently housed next door to the lot and are able to see the progress on their new home. We are so excited to unveil the newest of our group home designs and are so grateful to the many donors who made this possible. More thanks and celebration to come in 2014! (We are still about $50,000-$75,000 from our goal. If you are interested in helping please contact us.) C urrent assets C as h i n v e s tm e n ts ac c o u n ts r e c eivable pledges P r e p a i d e x p e nses T o tal current assets F u r n i tu r e a n d Equipm ent V eh i c le s B u i ld i n g s C on s tr u c ti o n in P rogress Lan d A c c u m u late d depreciation Net p r o p e r ty, plant and equipm ent P l e d g e s r e c e ivable End o w m e n t total assets L iabilities and net assets C u r r e n t L i a b i lities Lon g T e r m L i a b ilities Total L iabilities 2013 2012 $576,544 $1,023,052 $290,377 $1,023,217 $451,309 $63,681 $13,109 $415,295 $106,667 $11,008 $ 2 ,1 2 7 ,6 9 5 $ 1 ,8 4 6 ,5 6 4 $153,895 $224,632 $2,558,894 $49,515 $374,243 -$1,466,834 $153,895 $224,632 $2,558,894 $18,726 $374,243 -$1,346,126 $ 1 ,8 9 4 ,3 4 5 $ 1 ,9 8 4 ,2 6 4 $54,834 $299,462 $23,333 $244,353 $ 4 ,3 7 6 ,3 3 6 $ 4 ,0 9 8 ,5 1 4 $446,455 $368,477 $441,164 $395,807 $ 8 1 4 ,9 3 2 $ 8 3 6 ,9 7 1 t ota l av e ra ge da ily s e rv ice s e rv e d s tay ce ns us program bitte rroot y outh home f lathe a d y outh home s hirle y miller atte ntion home s us a n ta lbot boy s home s us a n ta lbot home f or girl s de nnis ra dtk e home f or boy s tom roy y outh guida nce hom e inne rroa ds wilde rne s s p r o g r a m Shelt er & Long Ter m Gr oup Car e 44 59 5.7 Shelt er & Long Ter m Gr oup Car e 73 42 6.9 Shelt er 113 26 6.4 Ther apeut ic Gr oup Car e 14 126 3.8 Ther apeut ic Gr oup Car e 13 250 4.5 Ther apeut ic Gr oup Car e 11 283 5.3 Long t er m Gr oup Car e 15 286 6.5 W ilder ness Tr eat m ent 22 32 5.2 305 N/ A 44.3 Ado pti o n Se rv i c e s 1 N/ A N/ A Fo s te r Ca re 33 116 12 84 98 911 147 N /A 340 285 9.7 30.9 9.7 21 98 s ub- tota l f o r fa m ily s u p p o r t 344 N/ A 169.3 tota l f o r a l l p r o g r a m s 649 N /A 213.6 s ub- to ta l f o r g r o u p c a r e DAN FOX FAMILY CARE PROGRAM $3,354,560 U n r e s tr i c te d & tem porarily $206,844 P er m a n e n tly restricted Total N et A ssets $ 3 ,5 6 1 ,4 0 4 $3,078,146 $183,397 H o me Suppo rt Se rv i c e s $ 3 ,2 6 1 ,5 4 3 O utpa ti e nt Se rv i c e s To ta l li a b i li ties and Net Assets $ 4 ,0 9 8 ,5 1 4 Tra ns i ti o na l Suppo rt Se rv i c e s $ 4 ,3 7 6 ,3 3 6 Ca s e y Fa mi l y Se rv i c e s Donors of $10,000 and above Dennis and Phyllis Washington Foundation, Gallagher Western Montana Charitable Foundation, High Stakes Foundation, Knitting Factory Presents, Max and Betty Swanson Foundation, Missoula Federal Credit Union, Montana Rail Link, Jeanne and Paul Moseley, Network for Good, Oro Y Plata Foundation, The Steele-Reese Foundation, United Way of Missoula County, Tom and Sharon Walsh, William H. and Margaret M. Wallace Foundation Donors of $5,000 to $9,999 Tammy and Gary Bedey, First Interstate Bancsystem Foundation, First Interstate Bank - Billings, First Interstate Bank - Missoula, GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, Llewellyn Foundation, Northwestern Energy, Susan and Roy O’Connor, Rotary Club of Kalispell Daybreak, Schwab Charitable Fund, Chris and Jeannie Siegler, John and Sue Talbot, TJX Foundation, US Bancorp Foundation Donors of $2,500 to $4,999 Anonymous, CFC of Western Montana, George and Lynda Corn, Roy Delong, F. Morris and Helen Silver Foundation, Frontier-West - LLC, Good Food Store, Janet and Gary Kalkstein, National Philanthropic Trust, Payne West Insurance (Payne Financial Group - Inc.), Patti Prato and David Boring, Ravalli Family Medicine, Elizabeth and Harry Saxton, Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program, Wagon Mountain Foundation- Inc., Whitefish Community Foundation - Quinn Family Fund Donors of $1,000 to $2,499 Bob and Jane Becker, Bibler Resources Company, Big Sky Brewing Company, Geoff and Nancy Birnbaum, Boone Karlberg, Judy and Bill Brodsky, Caras Nursery, Nick and Karen Chickering, Janet Chilcote, Calvin and Marva Christian, Community Medical Center, Karen and Dr. Ken Dial, Bob and Susan Disney, Don “K” Chevrolet - Subaru, Laure and Richard Drake, Mike and Louise Easton, Enterprise Holdings, Elizabeth Evans, Fairytales ‘n’ Fantasies, Flathead Orthopedics, Four Paws PC, Dennis and Tracy Golder, James and Jean Hagan, Jay and Donna Haglund, Dale and Jackie Hanson, Matt and Lisa Hayhurst, Valerie Hedquist and Edward Calligan, Jody Hollenbeck, Teri Horn, Tom Hudson, Imperial Sovereign Court of Montana, Mimi and Mark Jergens, Christopher and Malin Johnson, Jones Brothers Trucking Inc., Pam Kamera, Lambros Community Foundation, Colin Lane, Dr. Donald and Joan Lodmell, Martha and David Lowery, Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital, Massa Home Center, Robert and Bonnie Minto, Missoula County Tavern Owners Association, Missoulian, Montana Community Foundation, Muralt Family Foundation, Robin Tawney Nichols and William Nichols, Wyatt Perkins and Sharon Ritchie, Mike and Gay Peterson, Marc and Shellie Pitman, Liz Rantz, Rapp Family Foundation, Marvie and Roland Redmond, Anne and John Remien, Judith Ruggie, Sage & Cedar, Soroptimists of Hamilton, Soroptimists of Whitefish, Jan and Michael Sousa, Joseph and Irene Topel, Vali Cooper & Associates, Pam and Sandy Volkmann, Whitefish Community Foundation Continued next page Donors continued Donors $500 to $999 Advanced Technology Group, Alpine Granite Accents - Inc., Rob Amrine, David and Shirley Atkins, Big Sky Eye Care Clinic, Craig and Julie Birgenheier, Bitterroot Drug, Bitterroot Valley Kiwanis, C2C - LLC, Christine Coffin and Rick Fuhrman, Jeremiah and Alaina Clinton, Commodity Center - Inc., Kari Crist, CTA Architects Engineers, John Cuches, D.A. Davidson and Co., Briar and Heidi Diggs, Dorsey & Whitney Foundation, Dr. Stephen Seninger and Mrs. Daphne Herling, Dorcie and Mark Dvarishkis, David and Sylvia Edgell, Farmers State Bank, Brett Felton, Felton Dental Care, First Presbyterian Church, James and Maureen Flightner, Britney and Matthew Fregerio, Galusha, Higgins & Galusha, Gap Foundation, Garden City Janitorial, Glacier Dental Group, Carol and Gary Graham, Hamilton High School Booster Club, Shannone and KC Hart, Riikka Hess, Shannon Hilliard, Randolph Jacobs, James Neustrom and Dwight Auch, JCCS Certified Public Accountants, Allisun and Nick Jensen, Bill and Dori Johnston, Nancy Kelly, Frank and Jane Kisselbach, Kiwanis Club of Helena, Sarah Lane, Beau and Julie Larkin, Chris Love and Ron Skinner, Gwen McKenna, Katherine and Ronald Messer, Robert and Denise Messer, Michael Small and Deborah Allard, Bill and Sheila Miller, Mary Minor-Smith, T.C. and C.M. Origitano, Monica and Dave Paoli, Patricia Rosa and Paul Policastro, Paul Ryan & Associates, Nancy and Brad Pickhardt, Ran and Char Pigman, Pigman Builders, Pleiades Foundation, Albert Price, R. P. Ellis Fine Jewelry, Ravalli County Bank, Raymond James Global Account, Lindsay Richards and Thomas Roberts, Tom and Susan Roy, Saint Francis of Assisi Parish, Colin and Amber Sherrill, Chuck and Niki Shonkwiler, Soroptimists of Missoula, South Hills Evangelical Church, Barbara and George Stanley, State Farm Insurance, Ed and Shirley Sullivan, Mary and Robert Sullivan, Jani Summers, Tompkins & Peters, CPAs, Topp Company, Linda Jo and Dan Tuxbury, Nancy and David Tyrell, Valley Bank, Carolyn Walker, Warren Neyenhuis and Margaret Tonon, Vicki Watson, Fred and Carolyn Weisbecker, Tiffany and Alan Wellman, Wheaton’s, Whitefish Community Foundation - Kramer Family Fund, Whitefish Physical Therapy and Sports Rehab, Betty and Tom Wilkins, Dr. Jerry and Judy Williams, Whitney Williams, Greg and Amy Yockey, Susan and Bret Young Donors $250 to $499 Levi and Kim Anderson, Art Focus, Fine Arts and Framing, John and Kathleen Bartos, Anthony Beltramo, Bitterroot Motors Inc., Black Star Draught House, Blackfoot Communications, Van Blakely, Peggy and Charles Bloom, Dr. Fred and Diane Bodholt, Bohyer, Erickson, Beaudette & Tranel, PC, Thomas and Ann Boone, Rick and Mary Borden, Phil and Marcy Bornstein, Jean Bowman, Anne and Scott Breum, Scott Brooke, Browning, Kaleczyc, Berry & Hoven, PC, Buffalo Wild Wings, Jessica and Clint Burson, Carey Law Firm, Varen Chapman, Zach and Nicole Cheetham, Chic Harbine Equipment, Children’s Denistry of the Rockies, Chuck’s Grinding, Corvallis United Methodist Men’s Group, Judy and Bill Cox, Crowley Fleck, PLLP, Datsopoulos MacDonald & Lind PC, Nancy and Bill DeCou, Kielian Dewitt, Jackie and Keith Dyer, Eisenger Motors, Mae Nan Ellingson, Dr. Steve and Jacque Ellis, Wendy Ervin, Kaweh EtminanRad, Exit Realty Bitterroot Valley, Susan Falsey, Dominic Farrenkopf, Blaise and Cynthia Favara, First Interstate Bank - Hamilton, First Presbyterian Church of Kalispell, First Security Bank, Kristine Foot, Daniel Gallacher, Cecilia Garland, Garlington, Lohn, & Robinson, Great Northern Brewing Company, Lyle and Gail Grimes, Kelly and Shane Hart, Virginia Hillhouse, Diedra and Alan Hoyt, Hungry Horse Liquor Store, Frederick and Martha Ilgenfritz, In Mocean, Anne Jablonski, James G. & Marcia Valeo Charitable Foundation, Jason Cohen and Heather Liebe, Helia Jazayeri, Michael Johnson, Julia Jones, Kalispell Regional Medical Center, Kathleen Ort and John Duffield, Ramey and Jesse Kodadek, Casey and Kamra Kolendich, Ladies of St. Francis Assisi Catholic Community, Law Office of Peter Leander, Lincoln’s Silver $ Bar and Gift, Land Lindbergh, Cheryl Loberg, Angie Lopach Tranel, Blake and Caryn Ludwig, B.A. Madden, Angie McGinnis, McKinstry Charitable Foundation, Justin and Merry Merth, Milodragovich, Dale, Steinbrenner & Binney, Pc, Angelika Mitchell, Dennis Moore, Moore, Cockrell, Goicoechea & Axelberg, P.C., Myles and Bethany Morris, Mickey and Francie Mulholland, Dr. Roger and Margaret Newman, Lora O’Connor, Patricia O’Keefe, Paoli Kutzman, P.C., Erik and Paula Peterson, Phillips Haffey, PC, Pierce Flooring, Linda Pijon, Powell Surveying - Inc, Prudential Montana Real Estate, Ron Ramsbacher, Carl Rebich, Red Robin of Missoula, Reep, Bell & Laird, PC, Rick Fuhrman and Christine E. Coffin, Gary Lynn and Nancy Roberts, Roger Ahrens and Judith Watkins, Rotary Club of Hamilton, Russ Read, D.D.S and Judy Frey, S.G.L. Investment Advisors Inc., Bonnie Schaer, Larry and Continued next page Donors continued Bonnie Schaer, M. J. and Dr. Michael Schutte, Donald and Mary Shaughnessy, Kay and Bob Sheridan, Jennifer Standley, Dr. Michael Stebbins, Stevensville United Methodist Church, Strauch Law Firm, Marguerite and Ronald Taylor, Darlene and Ed Timmerhoff, Tollefson Construction - Inc., Anne and Claude Tonnerre, Torrent Technologies, Karen and Burke Townsend, Gayle and Dick Walton, Chris and Lori Warden, Wayne Chamberlain and Elizabeth Grimley, M.D., Weber Greiser and Mary Langenderfer, Wells Fargo Advisors, Wendy Wing and Mark Kathrein, Whitefish Credit Union, Heather and Andy Wilcox, Pat Williams, Williams Law Firm, Betty Winchell, Tom and Leslie Wozniak, Denise and Roy Zimmer Donors $1 to $249 Carolyn Abbott, Ilana Abrahamson, Abrei Cloud and Michael Schaedel, Bill and Olga Adams, Advertiser Montana Printing, Affordable Drain Cleaning, Kirk Ahlberg, All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Allegiance Benefit Plan Management, M David Allen, Sarah Allen, Ruthy Allen, ALPS, Claudia Alt, Dan Alt, Linda Ambelang, Diane Amdor, Elizabeth Ametsbichler, Wolfgang Ametsbichler, Mary Lou and Bruce Amsden, Janet Anderer, Janet and Morris Andersen, Kendra Anderson, Estella and Jay Anderson, Maria Anderson, Jennifer Anderson, Bobbi Anderson, Katherine Anderson, Janet Anderson, Alex and Marlene Anderson, Danelle Anderson, Ann Mary Johnson and Marise Johnson, Jamie Antrim Gunlock, Cynthia Aplin, Alan Applebury, Cindy Archer, Yvonne Arena, Jonathan Arm, Jennifer Arm, Janet Armstrong, Clint and Joni Arneson, Stephen and Bonnie Arno, Melissa and Matt Arno, Ashley Arntson Lord, Suzanne and Donald Artley, Ray and Jeanne Arvish, Lindsey Ashmore, Bethany Atkins, Charles Auch, Dick Auerbach, John Ault, Emily Ausbrook, Jonathan Ayers, Donald and Marcia Babowicz, Clint Baertsch, Lori Bagley, Jeffrey Baker, DeeDe Baker, Stephen Baker, Dorleen and Phil Bakke, Amber Ball, Karen Ball, Lee and William Ballard, Kristin Balogh, Kandice Baney, Sarah Bannon, Bridget Barker, Marie Barnes, Cheryl Barr, Camille Barraclough, Flower Bartholomew, Cliff Bateman, Rebecca Bates, Max Bauer, Michael Baugh, Dayna Baumeister, Aaron Bay, Donna Beall, Bill and Luci Bean, Marjorie Bear Don’t Walk, Stacy and Tom Bears, Jo Beck, Taylore Beckman, Linda and Wayne Beddow, Maria Bednorski, Cathy Beecher, Pamela Before, Lindsay Beighle, Richard Beighle, Bruce Beighle, John Bell, Kenneth and Vikki Bell, Carolyn and Charles Bell, Judy Benjamin, Leslie Bennett, Becky Bennett, Donna Bennett, Stephanie Bennetts, Robert Benson, Julie and Adam Benson, James and Michele Benson, Janine Benyus, Dave and Brenda Berenyi, Jackie Berenyi, Katherine Berg, Kaye Bergman, Adele Bergstrom, Fred and Cathy Beringer, Lewzon Bertek, Jennifer Bertland, Penny Bertram, Linda Bierbach, Erin Bills, Kim and William Birck, John Bird, Gillian Bishop, Bitterroot Sub-Station, Bitterroot Valley People First, Mary Blair, Carol and Ross Blair, Barbara Blanchard, Lois Blevins, Jennifer Blood, Jeanne Bloom, Ellen and Blaine Bloomgren, Jeanne Bloomquist, Sandra and Bruce Blotkamp, Chad Blotkamp, Cheryl Boberg, Anne Bochlke, Linda Bodick, Tammy Bodlovic, Rebecca Bodnar, Marci Boehm, John Bohlinger, Wease Bollan, Hope Bollig, Sandra Bollom, Shaun Bonneau, David Boring, Rika Botzet, Gary Bowler, Michael and Jennifer Bowman, Mary Box, Patrick Boyle, Mary Boyle, Joanne Boyles, Christine Bradley, Phyllis Bradsby, Cheryl Bramsen, Daniel and Rebecca Brandborg, Loren Brandt, Vincent Bray, Thomas Bray, Megan Brennan, Cathy Brenneman, Mary Breton, Kathleen Brewer, Keolani and Robert Brewer, Christine Brick, Betsy Bridge, Ronald Brien, Elizabeth Briggs, Melanie Brock, Kate Brooke, Charlotte Brooke, Vivian and Joseph Brooke, Anders Brooker, Talasi Brooks, Susan and James Brown, Carlee Brown, R & B Brown, Sandra Brown, Claudia and Robert Brown, Jenifer Brown, Teresa Brown, Chris Brown, Anita Brown, Dr. John and Virginia Browne, Erin Browning, Joanna Browning, Joseph Browning, Kristen Browning, Dori Brownlow, Carol Bruneau, Marilyn Bruya, Eric Bucy, Adam Bucy, Jolie Buffalo, Nancy and Bruce Bugbee, Megan Bugoni, Susan Buhr, Victoria Bunn, Amber Burdeau, Leslie and Greg Burham, Nancy Burke, Roberta Burnett, Nicholas Burton, Sage Butcher, Polly Butler, E.J. Butts, Carly Buwalda, Brian Bybee, Caroline Byrd, Rebecca Byrne, Erwin and Ethel Byrnes, Katherine Caballero, Pat and Edna Cahill, Kay Cain, Judi Calahan, Jason and Danielle Calder, Barbara Callaghan, Sally Cameron-Russell, Kelsi Camp, Dr. Mary Ellen Campbell, Duncan and Kimberly Campbell, Canyon View Church, Randy Cardoza, Tania Cardwell, Chris and Megan Carey, Lorraine Carlson, Sara Carlson, Katie Carlson, Sandy Carlson, Daniel Carney, Mark Carpenter, Mindy Carver, Brian Casman, Hedi Casquilho-Gray, Kim Castagne, Michelle Cechovic, June Cechovic, Brad Cederberg, Wayne Chamberlain, Tim and Lisa Chamberlain, Barbara Chaney, Charles Renner and Susan Moore, Robin and John Cheetham, Barbara Cherosky, Lilian Chiang, Ray Chiang, Eileen Chontos, Helen Christensen, Aminda Cihlar, Amy Cilimburg, Ralph Cinfio, Jack Citrin, Sarah Citrin, Jim Clark, Kelly Clark, Ramona and Clarence Clark, Joanne Cleveland, Clinton Farms Greenhouse, Pamela Clute, Kathleen Clute, Kristen Clute, Caitlin Clute, Susan Clymens, Darci and Lane Coddington, Jack and Patricia Cohen, John Coley, Rebecca Collinson, Susan Colyer, Companion Pet Clinic, Brigitte Conner, Paul Conrad, Ruth Conroy, Constance Deklewa and Thomas McQuillan, Kari and Brodie Cooney, Jere Cooper, Pamala Cooper, Brigitte Cooper, Lauren Corcoran, Cori Ash and Eric Rasmussen, Justine Cornell, Sunni Corr, Patricia Corrigan-Ekness, Corvallis American Legion Auxilliary, Unit #91, Corvallis Tavern, Thomas Cosenza, Amy Coseo, Terry Cosgrove, Jim and Becky Cote, Dan and Molly Cottrell, Jessica Counts, Leigh Ann Courville, Theresa and Randy Cox, Judy Cox, Janine Cox, Eric Coyle, Janet and Bill Crandall, Chris Crane, Tina Crane, Deeann Cranmore, Cassandra Cranston, Diana Crants, CRD Timber & Logging, Barbara and Donald Creveling, Ina Crist, Lindsay Crocker, Margaret Cronin, Kari Cronk, Mark Crosbie, Candice Crosby, William Crow, Colleen Crowley, Alice Crum, Carlos Cruz, Cienna Cullen, Julia and Jonathan Cummings, Dr. Kim and Marilyn Curtis, Kathy Dahood, Lynn Daily, Mitzi Daily, Bill Daily, Marty and Terri Daily, Blane Dale, Robert Daniels, Richard Daniels, Christine Dascenzo, John and Kathryn Datsopoulos, Joan and Milton Datsopoulos, Datsopoulos, MacDonald and Lind, Danielle Dauenhauer, Daniel Daufel, Diane Daugherty, Caroline Davis, Rhonda Davis, Danelle Davis, Virginia De Leo, Kim DeAnda, Travis Deaton, Lucy and Bob Deaton, Rhonda and Steve Decker, Debra Decker, Deffy’s Motel, John and Jennifer Degroot, Crystal Delaney, Marshall Delano, Patrick and Katherine DelHomme, Barbara Denman, Padraig Dennehy, Jane and George Dennison, Brian and Kathy Derry, Tom Deveny, Tom and Beverly Devine, Shirley and Walter Dezell, Beatriz Diaz, Peter Didonato, David and Roz Diggs, Greg Dillon, Jennifer Dinges, Sherri Dingley, DIRECTV, Dana Dister, DJ’s Electric, Tracy Dobie, Jenna Dodge, Heather Dokken, LeAnn Dolly-Powell, Jessica Domitrovich, Janet and Edward Donahue, Done Right Foundations, Dennis Doney, Lynette and David Donkle, Cheryl Dooley, Jim and Colleen Doolittle, Cathy Dorle, Tracey Dorsett, Gregory Dorsett, Sarsfield and Teresa Dougherty, Stacy Dougherty, Dorothy Douglas, Marc Dousset, Cheryl Drake, Jon and Karen Driessen, David and Ashley Driscoll, Trisha Drobeck, Natalie Drye, Kathryn and Michael Duffield, Jacquie Duhame, Rosalie Dumont, Larry Duncan, William and Lois Dunlap, Norman Dwyer, David Earle, Stephen and Kathy Earle, Stephen Eastlick, Michael Easton, Joyce Eck, Jenny Eck, Jen Edgell, Lisa Edmisson, Laurie Eggleston, Katie Ehler, Philip and Anne Eickhoff, Johnna Eisenmann, Chad Ekegren, Lacy Ekert, Lauretta Ekstrom, Thurston and Suzanne Elfstrom, Todd Eliason, Whitney Eliason, Jessica Eliason, Keven Elliff, Kenneth Ellis, Judy Ellis, Breanne Ender, Cory Engkjer, Nathan and Jane English, Tamara Enz, Susan Erickson, Clara and Ronald Erickson, Kim Ericsson, Erin Williams and Joe Easton, Larry and Linda Ertel, Valerie Espinoza, Valerie Espinoza, Stephanie Espinoza, Tia Espinoza, Tabitha Espinoza, Kelli Evans, Vanessa Evans, Tabitha Evans, Charmaine Everett, Ciara Everett, Carol Ewen, Ben Ewing, Lynn Fagan, Catherine Fahrenbruck, Jarrod Fancher, Robert Farnes, Joyce Faucher, Joyce Faucher, Kim Fee, Joan Feeley, Marianne Fehr, Ty Felton, Carole and Ron Felton, Jodie Ferro, Ellen Fetscher, Clinda Feucht, Peter Feuer, Lynda and Keith Fichtner, John and Sarah Fielding, Katherine Fielding, Chelsea Fimbel, Finstad’s Carpet One, First Presbyterian Church, First Security Bank - Great Northern Branch, Marjorie Fisher, Lindsay Fisher, Five Valley Motor Sports, Deirdre Flaherty, Rory Flaherty, Elizabeth Flasnick, Jeffrey Fleming, Jeff Fleming, Gary Flightner, Rick Floch, Christian and Nadeen Flohr, Natalie Flores, Nancy Fluck, Staci Flynn, Julie Fogarty, Robert Foisy, Garen Foley, Shannon Foley, Cristina Folz, Louis Fontana, Cynthia Ford, Patricia Forsberg, Neal Forsthoefel, Jackie Foster, Holly Foster, Brandi Foster, Ian Foster, Erin Foster-West, Susan Foust, Laura Fox, Britni Fox, Ardella Fraley, Thomas France, Exie and Tim France, Deborah Frandsen, Kendra Frazee, Rod Freeman, Joy French, Corie and Laurice Fritz, Charlene Frojen, Lynda Frost, Janet Fruechte, Margaret Fulton, Linda Fuqua, Brian Furey, Gabriel Furshong, Tanya Fyfe, Tracey Gage, John Gage, Gagliardi Insurance Services - LLC, Elaine and Richard Gagliardi, Jim Galipeau, Amy Gallatin, Jerome and Amy Gannon, Mark Garcia, Garden City Plumbing & Heating, Wynette Garnett, Carol Garrison, Misty Gaubatz, Agnes Gautier, Lori and Vincent Gavin, Thorin Geist, Julie Gemar-Williams, Rebecca George, Kate Geranios, Beth Gerken, Lawrence Gerstle, M.D., Jamie Gessner, Jay Getz, Leah Gibbs, Matt Gibbs, Morgan and Casey Giddings, Patty Gierke, Jack Gilbraith, Linda and Jim Gillison, Gail Gilman, Sandra Gilpin, Genentech Givingstation, Samantha Glaes, Janet Glassy, David Glazner, Bev and Steve Glueckert, Jacqueline Goeres, Brandie Goforth, Marilyn and George Gogas, Stephen and Gail Goheen, Melanie Golie, Barry Good, James Goode, Lin Goode, Lindsay Goodman, Rachel Gooen, Gordon Maus and Quinty Smith, Erik Gore, James Grandy, Donna Grant, Kathy Grant, Grantsdale Ladies Aid, Scott Gratton, Shawn Gray, Mary Graybeal, Douglas Green, Helen Greenberg, Craig Greenough, Timothy Greiser, Robert Griffin, Leigh Griffing, Jennifer Grillo, Carolyn Grimaldi, Grizzly Networking Professionals - Inc., Tracie Groenier, Groovz Studio of Dance and Fitness, Debby Grosse, Robert Grunewald, Molly and Travis Grutsch, Lori Guess, Jered and Jamie Guisinger, Jamie Gunlock, Diane Haddon, Susan Hadnot, Jennifer Haffey, Jean Hagel, Pam Haglund, Rich and Karen Haines, Scott Hall, Alan Hall, Helen Hallenbeck, Mike and Leslie Halligan, Kerry Hallin, Teresa Hamann, Lisa Hamer, Matt Hamill, Renae Hamilton Buchholtz, Hamilton Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitation Center, Renae Hamilton-Buchholtz, Laurie Hammill, Amy Hammill, Roy Handley, Michael and Lynne Hanford, David Hansen, Rochelle Hanson, Nicholas Harden, Richard Harding, Joan and David Hardy, Carolyn Harpole, William and Anne Harpster, Fiona Harris, Shannon Harris, Judith Hartz, Carolyn and James Hathaway, Becky Hatler, Kathleen Hauck, Dana Havelka, David and Kathleen Hayes, Melissa Hayes, Kelly Hayes, Michelle Hayler, Kara Haynes, Mary and Frank Head, Emily Hedrick, D’Et Heffington, Mary Heflin, Mignon Heggen, Faith Heinsch, Jane Heisler, Heidi Heitmann, Susan Held, Helena Community Credit Union, Hellgate Transportation, Andrea Helling, Don Helmbrecht, Jill Hemingway, Laura and Michael Henderson, Russell Hendrickson, Nycole Henes, Patricia Hennessey, Judy Henning, Laura Henning, Jill Herrick, Bob Herron, Jennifer Hershman, Curtis and Barbara Hesler, Emily Heyerdahl, Marjorie Heyman, Niki Hibbert, Alicia Hicks, Marni Higdon-Tooley, Patricia Hightower, Robin Hill, Scott Hill, Ruschel Hilmo, Josh Hilzendeger, Joe Hinnebusch, Kristi Hintz, Susan and Alan Hirsch, Hoagieville No 1, Anne Hobbs, Ronya Hoblit, Michele Hochnalter, Meredith Hodges, Esmarij Hoff, Marlene Holbrook, Saxon Holbrook, Lisa Holcomb, Ingrid Holliday, Dianna Holman, Sharon Holsapple, Jennifer Holt, Michael Horn, Crista Horn, Ginnie and Marvin Horner, Helga Hosford, Sandra Hoshaw, Kristen Hostler, Mary Houlihan, Jenna Hubbard, Michael Hudson, Lauren Hudson, Alexa Hudson, Cassondra Hughes, Kevin Huguet, Jennifer Hull, Denise Hultman, Laura Hunt, David Hunt, Spencer Hunter, Barbara Huntingdon, Kelli Hurth, Yun Hwa-Chiang, Carol Ibinger, Carl C Ibsen, Seth Ide, Wendy Ihde, Rick Imes, Insured Titles, Lance and Shelley Isaak, Jennifer Iverson, Anya Jabour, Starr Jackson, Jake Jackson, Doug Jackson, Danna Jackson, Laura Mae Jackson, Charlotte Jackson, Angela Jacobs, Lanni Jacobson, Stacy Jakob, Michelle Jardine, Charles Jarecki, Kevin Jarnagin, Rhonda & Jaylene, Jeanne Loftus and Greg Keeler, Karol Jedrykowski, Melody Jeffries-Peters, Kandy Jenkins, Mary Jenni, Barbara and John Jennings, Robert Jensen, Laurene Jensen, LuAnn Jensen, Jeanne Jensen, Bruce Jensen, Wendy Jerde, Ashley Jerman, Rosina Jesse, Cindy Jimmerson, John P. Garrity and Jean M. Thorstenson, Derek Johnson, Mike Johnson, Myra and Dallard Johnson, Jim and Sylvia Johnson, Cindy Johnson, Beau and Rhonda Johnson, James Johnson, Jessica Johnson, Lawrence and Margaret Johnson, Theone Johnson, Kari Johnson, Celeste Johnson, Stacey Johnson, Brigit Johnson, Christine Johnson, Joan Johnston, Pamela and William Jolly, Ellyn Jones, Carla Jones, Cathy Joy, Jeanene Jukkala, Jason Kainz, Elizabeth Kaleva, Kalkstein, Johnson & Dye, P.C., Ronald and Bobbie Kandarian, Shari Kappel, Sid Kaste, Kate McMahon and Bob Horne, Eric Katz, Tom and Kelly Katz, Darla Keck, Lucy Keller, Richard Keller, Brian Kelley, Juli J Kelly, Sarah Kelly, Jeanine Kelo, Jack Kempner, Tami Kenney, John Kenyon, Sherry Keogh, Peggy Kerins, KeyBank Foundation, Jaime Kicklighter, Michael Kidd, Kathi Kincaid, Zoe And Ron King, Lou King, Melanie Kinser, Daniel Kinzle, Corinne Kirscher, Brett Kisselbach, Caryl and Douglas Klein, Brody Klemer, Brenda Kline, Ellen and Robert Knight, Margaret Knoblock, Deborah Knudsen, Roni Kobel, Mark Kobos, James and Donna Koch, Jim and Nancy Kodadek, Sandra Koerner, Douglas Koester, Margaret Kohl, Tasha Kolosky, Patricia Kopecky, Randi Kopp, Eftychios Kordonouris, Santana Kortum, Nathan Kosted, Todd and Wendy Koster, Jaci Kovnesky, Jode Kraft, Suzin Kratina, Jim Krausch, Katrina Kreyenhagen, Mary Kay Kriley, Patricia Kruckenberg, Andrea Krutulis, KT’s Hay Loft, Ashley Kuehn, Gloria Kugler, Stefanie Kuhnhausen, Robin Kurth, Total Label, Jean Laber, Karen LaDuke, Sharon LaDuke, Amy LaFaver, Brian Laird, Jim Lake, Sophie and Daniel Lambros, Jo Ann and Ian Lange, Elizabeth Langley, Jacque Lanier, Kurt Larson, Andrew Larson, Yvette Larson, Carrie LaSeur, Mark Latrielle, Renita Laubach, April Laubach, Jean Laubach, Cheryl Lauridson, John Laux, Patricia Lay, Richard Lay, Leadership Montana, Priscilla Leavey, Craig LeCoure, Diana Lee, Sue Leferink, Eric Legvold, Sam and Marilyn Lemaich, Mike Lemm, Frank Lemperle, Natalie and Josh Lenderman, Tammy Lengyel, Charles and Susan Leonard, Ann Leque, Susan and Lawrence Levenstein, Carolyn Levetown, Andrew Levetown, Carmen Levick, Mary Lewis, Jim Lewis, Judith Lievesley, Ivar Lillebo, Dennis Lind, Virginia Lindauer, Catherine and George Lindbeck, Julie Linderman, Lawrence Lindgren, Clementine Lindley, Leslie Lindley, De Lindsley, Darcie Lindsley, Valerie Lindstrom, Kyle Lingscheit, Robert Lipofsky, Jorrun Liston, Julie Little, Warren Little, Hatton Littman, F Russell Lockner, Beth and Paul Loehnen, Marilyn Lofing, Ally Logan, Robin Lohans, Steve Loken, Caroline Lonski, Jennifer Loobey, Karen And Joe Loos, Rhonda and Harland Loose, Mike Lopach, Thomas Lopach, Nicole Lopez-Pruitt, Adelime Lord, Mary Lory, Tamara Love, Jamey Lowdermilk, Chris Lowenberg, Dana Lozier, Fred Luety, Christy Lukes, Lumber Wholesale Inc, Sarah Lynch, Stacey Lyons, Roxanne Lyson, MacArthur Company, Alyssa and Terry MacDonald, Melissa Mackenzie, Gail MacMillian, Lori Madden, Lynn Maki, Lisa Maki, Joanne and Robert Manchester, David Mangold, Elizabeth Manley, Deena Mansour, Whitney Maphis, Margaret and Edward Anderson, Carol Marino, Mary Marks, Liesel Marron, Ellen and Richard Marshall, Debbie Marshall, Karen Marsolek, Kat Martin, Tricia Martin, Monica Martin, Laryn Martin, Martyn Service Company Inc., Melanie and Lewis Matelich, Robert Continued next page Donors continued Matha, Robbie Mathiason, Celeste Mathis, Travel Matters, Shawna Mattson, Mike Mattson, Michele Mattson, Debora Matule, Maryellen Maurer, Douglas Maves, Johnathan May, Kailey Mayo, Matthew Mazuryk, MBH & Associates, LTD., Kevin and Diana McCann, Shaun McChesney, Karen Mccloud, Linda McClure, Doug and Michelle McConnaha, Eloise McConnaughey, Gabriel McCormick, Flora McCormick, Janel McCormick, Julie McCulloh, Christina Mccullough, Kathleen McDowell, Romy McGahan-Daniel, Donald McGee, Donald McGee, Timothy McGee, Terri McGillis, Patience McGinnis, Kelly McGloin, Casey McGowan, Gail McGregor, Tim McHugh, Corinne McIntosh, Betty McIntosh, Jeanette Mckee, Robert McKelvey, Bonnie McKenna, Dixie McLaughlin, Margaret McManus, Beth Meade, Sarah Mechtenberg, Cody MEixner, Rhonda Melton, Carol Merrilco, Kody Messerschmidt, Brenda Meyer, Steven Michel, Mary Middagh, Layne Middleton, Mikesell’s Fine Jewelry, Lisa Milch, Linda Miller, Trisha Miller, Stephen Miller, Stacey Miller, Reghan Miller, Amy Miller-Ward, Spring Mills, Kevin Miltko, Kimberly Mineo, Miranda Ming, Sandi Mintyala, Missoula Aging Services, Missoula Bone and Joint, Missoula County Employees Fund, Missoula Friends Meeting, Missoula Pediatric Dentistry, Missoula’s Office City, Angela Mlynarek, Richard Mockler, John Moffatt, Maggie Moffatt, Brad Monahan, Montana Book and Toy Company, Montana Northwest Company, Montana Resources, Ryan Montgomery, Sylvia Moody, Janice Moog, Mary and Jud Moore, Christopher Moore, Mark Moore, Mark and Pat Moreland, Stephanie Morris, Abby Morris, Teresa Morrison, Keira Morrow, Becky Mosbacher, Andrea Moser, Jeff Mouyios, Karen Mueller, Dawna Muir, Teresa Murphey, Sheila Murphy, Charla Murray, Maura Murray, Murry’s, Aidan Myhre, Anna Nadasdy, Norm Naef, Nancy Winslow and Doug Webber, M.D., Hatim Nazer, Katherine Nedrud, Arnold and Portia Nelson, Beth Nelson, Shellie Nelson, Greg Nemoff, Jessica Neuman, Maureen Nichols, Teresa Nichols, Mollyo Nicholson, Joseph Nickell, Kimmari Nielson, Linda and Ronald Noble, Penny Nord, Norman Art and Janelle Gentry, Ross Norman, Abbot and Jacky Norris, Thomas and Cindy Northey, Claude Novack, Angela Oakins, Shelley O’Brien, Sharon O’Brien, Barb O’Connell, John O’Connor, Tara Odebrecht, Diane Oelig, Sarah Ogburn, Robert and Toni Ogg, Hillary Ogg, Old Navy, Anita OldBull-BigMan, Susan OLeary, Claire Olivier, George And Faye Olsen, Marsha Olsen, Patricia Olson-Chilcott, John Oneill, Orange Street Food Farm, Katie O’Reilly, Mary Orizotti, Eileen and Harold Ort, Shannon and Dan Ortt, Karen Orzech, Vanessa Osborn, Osburn Irrigation, Jay and Peg Ottman, Diane Overholtzer, Jenise Overmier, James and Kathleen Owings, Josh Paffhausen, Amy Paffhausen, Marilyn Paker, Chris Palin, Micthell A Pallotta, Chris and Janet Palmer, Laurie Paniccia Case, Michael Parker, Donald Parry, Partners Creative Inc., Sean Pas, Sean and Brittany Pascoe, Steven Pascoe, Pat Corrick and Holly Rollins, Amanda Patel, Sarj Patel, Brittain Peck, Anne Pekoc, Debra Peltier, Paul and Margaret Perry, Peggy and Walter Peschel, Joanne Petelin, Shawn Peterson, Michael Peterson, Karin Peterson, Tim Peterson, Suzanne Peterson, Kristel Peterson, Audrey Peterson, Bruce and Susan Peterson, Katherine Peterson, Pam Peterson, Marilyn Peterson, Katherine Peterson, Rose and Gene Peterson, Steven Pfahler, Jayne and Russ Piazza, Lisette Pickens, Kathleen Pierce, Roberta Pilato, Kristine Pilgrim, Paula Pilquist, Mary Pilquist, Laura Pilquist, John Pilsworth, Michael and Andrea Pipp, Britt Pirrone, Play It Again Sports, Suzy Pliley, Andrew Podlipny, Magda Podlipny, Marjorie and Ralph Poffenberger, Ralph Poffenberger, Kevin Poffenberger, Melissa Poffenberger, Brian Poletti, Jody Pool, Poor Henry’s Bar, Marie Porter, Stephen and Kim Powell, Bob and Charlene Powell, Power Townsend Co., Martin and Jonell Prather, Presbyterian Women of Kalispell, Kelley Provost, Martha Pruitt, Kim and Randy Pryhorocki, Jeff Puckett, Kathleen Quam, Patrick Quinn, Rainbow’s End Natural Food, Tammy Rains, Merry Jo Rall, Laurie and James Randall, Debra and Steven Randall, E Liedeke Rappe, Brett Rasmussen, Deena Rathkamp, Kathee and Bob Raup, Robyn Redekopp, Scott and Debbie Reesman, Ken and Ginna Reesman, Kent Rehbein, Brenda Reid, Sherry Reid, LaRue Reilley, Jacob Reilley, Rob Reimann, Anne and Earl Reinsel, Mark Reinsel, Jean Ren, Ed and Pam Reuter, Juanita Reyes, Kent Reynolds, Ellen Rhodes, Melving Rice, Sheena Rice, L.J. Richards, Patty Richey, Brenda Richter, Rennan Rieke, Dianna Riley, Roxi and John Riley, Martha Ripley, Maureen Rissi, Sherry Ritter, River Rising, Kim Roberts, Ross Roberts, George Roberts, Kirsten Roberts, Shelly Robertson, Sara Robertson, Kimera and Brian Robertson, Kitte Robins, Ty Robinson, Rocky Mountain Bank, Alicia Rodriguez, Carlos Roel-Cruz, John and Alice Roemer, Colleen and Randy Rogers, Robert Rolfson, Mary and Layne Rolston, Jeff and Helen Rolston-Clemmer, David Romero, Cynthia Roper, Tim Rose, Deborah Rosen, Shirley Ross, Peter Rosten, Kathleen and Mark Rotar, Kimberly and Michael Roth, Stephanie Rothbauer, Karen Rowan, Lana Rowley, Ruth and Russell Royter, Naomi Rubin, Russ Lawrence and Jean Matthews, Marnie Russ, Ashley Russow, Elaine Ryan, Alexa Ryan, Becki Sage, Gwen Sage, Tracey Salazar, Andrew Salkin, James Sampson, Juli Sampson, Katharine Sampson, Mary Sand, Mikee Sandau, Julyn Sanders-Dewitt, Dianne Sandland, Melissa Sassaman, Elizabeth Sather, Burnell and Mary Saum, Amy Schaer, Kelly Schaer, Michael Schardt, Jay and Dana Schatz, Betty and Roy Scheafer, Lois Schelvan, Kristen Schelvan, Doreen Scheer, Jennifer Schlegel, Cody Schlenker, Cathy Schlenker, Casey Schlenker, Sara Schlesser, Kadyn Schmautz, Will and Jenae Schmautz, Greg and Sue Schmautz, Pamela Schneiter, Steve and Marlene Schnurr, Cathy Scholtens, Bob and Shirley Schottelkorb, Toni and Dan Schultz, Whitney and Nate Schwab, Lyndia Schwab, Christiana Schweitzer, Anne Marie Scott, Ruth Scott, Edgar Scott, Sara Scott, Duana Sechrest, Kim Seeberger, Pete and Jeni Seifert, Carol and Robert Seim, Jane and Robin Selvig, Jim and Cathy Semmelroth, Craig and Kimberly Serba, Donita Sexton, Donnie Sexton, Doreen Shafizadeh, Alison Shannon, Don and Marguerite Shattuck, Peter Shatwell, Paige Shaw, Beth Shaw, Rick Shaw, Theresa Shay, Nora Sheils, Brett Shelagowski, Molly Shepherd, Josephine Sheridan, Joyce Sheridan, George Sherry, Jane Shigley, Russell Shipman, Cynthia Shott, Billie and Dan Shovlin, Jennifer Shryock, Kim Sieber, Cheryl Siegel, Eric Siegfried, Timothy Sikorski, Taryn Sikorski, Kay Silk, Janette Silleck, Bernard and Janice Silverman, C. Janet Simms, Kimberly Sink, Brian and Karen Sippy, Sirius Construction - Inc, Russell and Jacqui Skadberg, Summer Slaght, Rebecca Slater, Karen Slattery, Tara Smart, Heather Smart, Johna Smasal, Deidre Smith, Jane Smith, Sara Smith, Sylvia Smith, Garon and Jane Smith, Sarita Smith, Helen Smith, Sarita Smith, Ah Smith, Jane Smith, Nicole Smith, Lauri Smith, Troy and Sandra Smith, Ryan Snyder, Leslie Snyder, Kristen Sohlberg, Marcille Sohlberg, Sten Sohlberg, Soleil Tanning and Nail Spa, Jane Solie, Clemens Solorzano, Karinna Solum, Julia Sondrol, Laurie Sonju, Michael Southam-Gerow, Joe Sowerby, Geoff Spencer, Eric Spielman, Robin Spratlin, Rebecca Sprunger, Bill Squires, Amy Stack, Tim and Sara Stahl, Edward and Laurie Stalling, Sally Stansberry, Elaine Starck, Lee Starck, Sara Starck, Jaime Stathis, Jana Staton, Jessica Statz, Scott and Julee Stearns, Roberta Steele, Eleanor Steinberg, Ph.D., Donnetta Stephan, Robin Stephens, Stetler Appraisals - Inc., Mary and Jack Stevenson, Michael and Michelle Stevenson, Dr. Randy and Jadene Stewart, Peter and Suzann Stickney, Crystal Stipe, Craig Stirling, Kathy Stockbridge, Molly Stockdale, Mary E Stone, Crystal Stonesifer, Sue Stoos, Linda Stoudt, Carol Strasheim, Myron Stroh, Julie Strople, Jennifer Strople, John Stuart, Carol Stutzman, Kyle Sullivan, Melissa Sullivan, Karen Sullivan, Karen Sullivan, Summit Beverage, Penny Sun, Cate Sundeen, Sunshine Factory Inc., Ann and Morgan Suter, Kenneth Sutton, Demian Swab, Dann and Lisa Swallow, Swanee’s Bar and Grill, Ronald Swanson, Annie and Jerry Swanson, Erika Swanson, Jim and Jean Swanz, Mary Jo and Chris Swartley, Raymond Sweeney, Carol Sylvester, Dana and Eric Syvrud, Ryder Szigeti, Julie Takishima, Rachel Tamblyn, Lee Tangedahl, Vaughn Taylor, Emily Taylor, Anette Taylor, Joanne Taylor, David Taylor, Casey Teske, Mary and Mark Thane, Garland Thayer, The Farran Group - LLC, The Irwin & Florence Rosten Foundation, Janis Tholen, Martin Tholen, Nancy Thomas, Bill and Susie Thomas, Becky Thomas, Heather Thomas, Heather Thomas, Tracy Thompson, Charles Thorne, Donald and Linda Thorson, Matthew Thuesen, Ron and Vicki Thuesen, Glenda Tillotson, Timberline Auto Center - Inc., Angela Tinsley, Terri Todd, Terri Todd, Greg Tollefson, Dennis and Julie Tonkinson, Mar Tonon, Morgan Towery, Barbara and Bill Trainor, Transportation Solutions, Pat Tresslar, David Trousdale, Deborah Trowbridge, Don and Nancy Tune, Robin Turner, Erin Turner, Mark Turner, Constance Tuttle, Julie Ulrich, Todd Underwood, United Methodist Women of Whitefish, Jan and Greg Utter, Larry Vaculik, Michele Valentino, Katie Van Dorn, David and Christine Van Mierlo, Charlie Vandam, Salina VanGaasbeck, Allison Varner, Julie and Ned Vasquez, Stacy Vetter, Callie Villanueva, Judith Visscher, Francesca Vitale, Holly Von, Krista Votaw, Julie Vyskocil, Emil Vyskocil, Bob and Margaret Wafstet, Margaret and Mike Wagner, Denise Wagner, Dana and Tamy Wagner, Wagner’s Home Furnishings, Rhonda and Bill Walker, Shirlee Walker, Michael Walkiewicz, Jessie Walrath, Lisa Walser, Richard Walsh, Noel Walther, Catherine Walton, Amanda Walton, Pat and Mike Wangen, Nancy Ward, Melissa Ward, Jennifer Ward, Alyssa Ward, Jana Warnell, Jill Warren, Faye and Daniel Warren, Dana Warren, Chelsea Warren, Megan Waters, George Watson, Shelly Wear, Jesse Webb, Susan Webb, Gayle and Brian Weber, Elisa Weber, Sharyl and John Weber, Robert Webster, Gretchen Webster, Ann Weiler, Carla Weiss, Monica Weisul, Callie Weitzel, Sharon and Fred Weldon, Lillian Wenger, Katharina Werner, Ann West, Brandt Westbrook, Barbara Westbrook, James Westfall, Candy Westre, Brad Wetmore, Gary Weyermann, Kay Whaley, Col. James and Jane Wheeler, Edward White, Linda Whittlesey, Lynn and Doug Whyte, Kirstin Wiegmann, Janice Wiersma, Abby Wiggin, Richard and Claudia Wilcomb, Cale Will, William Avey and Crystal Coffey-Avey, Lois and Shelton Williams, Sarah Williams, Jacob Williams, Suzanne Williams, Deborah Willis, Loretta Willoughby, R. S. Wilson, Steve and Catherine Wilson, Cathy Wilson, Bente Winston, Jan Wirak, Leaha Wirth, LAURIE WISBY, Emily Witcher, Jenna Witkowski, Gesche Woerlein, Jean and William Woessner, Paula and Caleb Wofford, Lori Wolfe, Jeanne and Van Wolverton, Kristen Wood, Erica Woodahl, Sally and Thom Woodruff, Michael and Melissa Woods, Peggy Woods, Amanda Woolley, Chris Woolston, Carol Word, Worden Thane P.C., Sue Worthman, Jennifer Wright, Sally and Alden Wright, Stacie Wunsch, Marla Wyche, Bill Wyckman, Kathleen Wyse, Tiffany Yaeger, Lora Yates, Joe Yeager, Brian Yeagley, Kara Yedinak, April Yetter, Angela Yonce, Dean Yonkovich, Loren Yoshinaga, Daniel Young, Pei-Lin Yu, Emily Zachariasen, Nancy and Charles Zadra, Dr. Terry and Mary Zahn, Marina Zaleski, Jean Zosel meet our kids Angela Angela had been living in a nearby community when she was removed from her mother and step father’s home based on abuse and neglect allegations. At age 6, she was placed into “kinship care” with her paternal grandma, a woman she had only met once at the age of three. In the beginning of our involvement with Angela and her grandma, Angela was having violent verbal and physical outbursts, oftentimes causing injury to her grandma. She would also inflict pain on herself by banging her head on the floor or on the walls. She and her grandma were provided weekly in-home therapeutic services and support, 24/7 on-call crisis intervention assistance and Circle of Security parenting instruction. Due to the diligent See “Angela” next page “Angela” continued efforts put into the care and supervision of Angela by DFFCP, her grandma was able to help Angela settle in and make a home. Angela made remarkable progress learning how to trust and be vulnerable with her grandma rather than lashing out in anger. Even though she still had outbursts and difficulties managing her feelings and her pain, she learned to trust her grandma with her care and security. It was Angela’s relationship with her grandma that helped her see the world as a much safer, more optimistic place. It was her grandma’s relationship with our office that helped transform an angry, hurt child into a trusting and loving little girl with hopes for a happy future. meet our kids Jessie Jessie overcame years of abuse, neglect and self-harm to find family, passion, confidence and hope for the future. Until last summer, Jessie had never been part of a healthy, supportive, normal family. As a child in Texas, she witnessed her parent’s drug use and her mother’s mental illness, and she underwent sexual abuse at the hands of her father. At age 7, when her parents separated, she and her siblings moved to Montana to live with their grandparents. Here, she continued to experience sexual abuse by her grandfather and uncle. Jessie did not know who to trust, or the difference between love and abuse, care and neglect. At age 10, Jessie and her siblings were removed from her grandparents’ home. Jessie entered a foster home, where she lashed out by stealing, and exhibited obsessive behaviors like hoarding. Unable to stay with her foster family, she was moved to Youth Homes’ Talbot Home for Girls, where she continued the same activities and began to physically harm herself. Jessie was traumatized and socially anxious; she could not maintain her school enrollment and was soon hospitalized. For the next three years, Jessie bounced from hospital to group home to treatment center, and finally maintained progress at a local rehabilitation center. When asked where she wanted to live, she said that she had felt most safe and cared for at the Talbot Home for Girls, and she returned to the care of Youth Homes. It was in her next year and a half living at the Talbot Home for Girls that Jessie found safety, confidence and ultimately, a family. She committed to therapy and built relationships with staff, learning coping skills to keep from self-harming. She began to see herself as a survivor and her childhood as something that she could overcome. She gained control of her life, and began doing well in school. She even developed a passion for the sport of fencing, an outlet which gave her a sense of accomplishment and strength. During her first summer at Talbot, Jessie was able to visit her two brothers and their adopted family in New Jersey after being apart for five years. Her siblings’ adopted grandparents took an interest in Jessie, and soon offered her a foster home. She and her therapist participated in family therapy with them by phone and she visited again the following summer to build their relationship. Today, Jessie lives with the couple in New York City, and sees her brothers regularly. It is her first time with a stable and loving famSee “Jesse” next page “Jesse” continued ily, and she is thriving. She attends one of the best fencing schools in the country, and is aiming to attend college after she turns 18 this summer (she might even come back to attend the University of Montana). Jessie overcame her past, worked through her trauma and is entering adulthood whole and hopeful, with the support of trusted adults. This is the vision that we have for all of our kids at Youth Homes. meet our kids Josie This time of year, the darkness of winter days is long and pervasive; the light is fleeting and we sometimes need reminding that we have started the journey back toward the warmth of spring. This is how it is with our kids at the Flathead Youth Home. They arrive at our door with big problems and enormous needs. We know that like the long winter journey to spring, healing takes time. When kids come into our care, we are given the opportunity to make that journey with them and sometimes, the light shines so brightly. Josie lived at the Flathead Youth Home multiple times during her formative years. She was placed with us by Youth Court for minor offenses, but the deeper issue was the hard reality that Josie had been left on her own. Years before, when her home imploded, there was no one left to nurture and support this young and confused girl. Over the years, we have gathered pictures of Josie that look more like a family scrapbook than the life of a girl growing up in the system: a day at the museum, a birthday celebration, time with friends on the porch, playing soccer. We have been there for many of the big moments of her life. We are as much of a family to her as anything she has known. With us, Josie was able to obtain her GED, get a job, open a bank account and start saving money for her future. Her life looked so different from those early days of loss and confusion. There was fullness in places that once looked so empty. Last month, when Josie turned 18, it meant that she would be moving into her own apartment – on her own for the first time since things first fell apart. On her birthday, we said ‘good-bye’ to her, but told her it would not be for the last time – and Josie shined. We’ll look for her in the future in the next photo in our family album.
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