International Atomic Energy Agency Group Scientific Visit on National Legal and Regulatory Framework in Czech Republic PROSPECTUS Project Number & Title: RER/2/011 – Enhancing Energy Planning, Nuclear Power Infrastructures and Nuclear Safety Oversight for Countries Considering, Developing or Expanding Nuclear Power Programmes Place (City, Country): Prague, Czech Republic Dates: 31 August - 2 September 2015 Deadline for Nominations: 1 June 2015 Organizers: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in cooperation with the Government of Czech Republic through the State Office for Nuclear Safety (SÚJB). Host Country Organizer: Ms Silvia Habadova Czech Republic State Office for Nuclear Safety (SÚJB) Senovážné náměstí 9, 110 00 PRAGUE 1, CZECH REPUBLIC E-mail: Language: The training will be conducted in English Purpose: For the representatives of the nuclear regulatory bodies and/or Nuclear Energy Programme Implementing Organizations (NEPIOs) of countries embarking on nuclear power to get familiar with the Czech Regulatory Body (SÚJB) system regarding conduct of regulatory functions concerning the licensing and regulatory oversight of Nuclear Power Plants, mainly: Expected Output(s): - Regulatory framework at the host country (nuclear legislations, nuclear safety regulations, etc.; details of licensing/authorization process for NPPs; how the host country regulatory body conduct its main regulatory functions (namely, drafting regulations, authorization, regulatory review and assessment, regulatory inspection and enforcement and communication with the public and other stakeholders; etc.) - Safety infrastructure at the operating organization side; tasks, efforts/works strengthening the safety infrastructure; etc. (visit to a Nuclear Power Plant site) The participants are informed about the regulatory framework of Czech Republic which could be a good example for their own countries. The information received during the visit will contribute to establishment or enhancement of the regulatory infrastructure of the participants` countries. Scope and Nature: During the SV, information will be provided by SÚJB on: - Legal and regulatory framework in Czech Republic for the safety of Nuclear Power Plants Regulations and guides for the licensing and regulatory oversight of a Nuclear Power Plant Roles and functions of the regulatory body Authorization and licensing steps for Nuclear Power Plants Regulatory review and assessment, use of external support Regulatory inspection and enforcement Communication of the regulatory body with the public and other stakeholders Role of the regulatory body during nuclear and radiological accidents, incl. visit to emergency centre. Also, Temelin NPP site will be visited in order to observe the safety infrastructure at the Operating Organization. Background Information: The State Office for Nuclear Safety (SÚJB) is a regulatory body responsible for governmental administration and supervision in the fields of uses of nuclear energy and radiation and of radiation protection in Czech Republic. Its mission is “to protect the public, workers and the environment by conducting nuclear regulatory programmes in safety, security, radiation protection and safeguards, which fulfil key objectives in licensing and inspection in accordance with best international practices, capacity-building to ensure sustainability, overseeing the Czech Republic obligations under the international treaties, conventions and agreements in the nuclear sector, and administrative standards ,which support excellence in regulation”. The main operator of nuclear-energetic reactors in Czech Republic is ČEZ, a.s., who operates nuclear power plants in Dukovany and Temelín sites. Both Dukovany and Temelín NPP are constructed according to Russian projects as VVER type. Dukovany NPP operates 4 VVER 440 units providing 2040 MW electrical power. First unit was put in operation in 1985. Temelín NPP is equipped by 2 VVER 1000 units providing 2110 MW electrical power. Both units started commercial operation by the end of 2004. Within Dukovany NPP site, there are two more nuclear facilities operated by ČEZ, a. s.: Interim spent fuel storage facility (ISFSF) and Spent fuel storage facility (SFSF). All spent fuel produced in both NPPs is stored in specially constructed and approved casks (CASTOR type). Temelín NPP area includes Fresh fuel storage part and also a Spent Fuel Storage Facility (SFSF). Participation and This Group Scientific Visit is designed for participants/representatives from the countries at different stages of embarking on nuclear power. The target target countries: countries are: Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Croatia, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Poland, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey and Ukraine. Participants’ Qualifications: The nominees should be senior managers from the nuclear regulatory bodies and/or from the Nuclear Energy Programme Implementing Organization (NEPIOs). Nomination Procedure: Nominations for Scientific Visit should be submitted to the IAEA online through the Technical Cooperation Department’s InTouch system ( Should this not be possible, nominations may be submitted on the standard IAEA Nomination Form for Scientific Visit (available on the IAEA website: Completed forms should be endorsed by relevant national authorities and returned to the Agency through the official channels, i.e. the designated National Liaison Office for the IAEA Matters. The completed nomination forms should be sent to the Programme Management Officer for this project, Mr Ivan Videnovic, through IAEA Official Fax (+43-1-26007) or E-Mail (, not later than 1 June 2015. Nominations received after this date or which have not been routed through the established official channels cannot be considered. Administrative and Financial Arrangements: Nominating Governments will be informed in due course of the names of the candidates who have been selected and will, at that time, be given full details of the procedures to be followed with regard to administrative and financial matters. Selected participants from countries eligible to receive technical assistance will be provided with a round trip economy class air ticket from their home countries to Prague, Czech Republic, and a stipend sufficient to cover the cost of their accommodation, food, and minor incidentals. Shipment of accumulated meeting materials to the participants' home countries is not the responsibility of the IAEA. The organizers of the Scientific Visit do not accept liability for the payment of any cost or compensation that may arise from damage to or loss of personal property, or from illness, injury, disability or death of a participant while he/she is travelling to and from or attending the meeting, and it is clearly understood that each Government, in nominating participants, undertakes responsibility for such coverage. Governments would be well advised to take out insurance against these risks. References: Nuclear Safety Standards Series and Nuclear Energy Series Documents: - Considerations to Launch a Nuclear Power Programme, IAEA, Vienna (2007). - Milestones in the Development of a National Infrastructure for Nuclear Power, IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NG-G-3.1, IAEA, Vienna (2007). - INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR SAFETY GROUP (INSAG), Nuclear Safety Infrastructure for a National Nuclear Power Programme Supported by the IAEA Fundamental Safety Principles, INSAG-22, IAEA, Vienna (2008). - Governmental, Legal and Regulatory Framework for Safety, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSR Part 1, IAEA, Vienna (2010). - Establishing the Safety Infrastructure for a Nuclear Power Programme, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SSG-16, IAEA, Vienna (2011). - Licensing Process for Nuclear Installations, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SSG-12, IAEA, Vienna (2010). - Organization and Staffing of the Regulatory Body for Nuclear Facilities, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GS-G-1.1, IAEA, Vienna (2002). - Review and Assessment of Nuclear Facilities by the Regulatory Body, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GS-G-1.2, IAEA, Vienna (2002). - Regulatory Inspection of Nuclear Facilities and Enforcement by the Regulatory Body, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GS-G-1.3, IAEA, Vienna (2002). - Documentation for Use in Regulating Nuclear Facilities, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GS-G-1.4, IAEA, Vienna (2002). - Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources: International Basic Safety Standards, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSR Part 3, IAEA, Vienna (2014).
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