Charles Commons Connections Annual Report 2010-2011 Connecting Students, Faculty, & Staff ABOUT CHARLES COMMONS CONNECTIONS Charles Commons Connections is a program designed to foster community at Johns Hopkins University. Faculty and staff are encouraged to participate by giving a small amount of their time to socialize with other faculty members, staff, and students. The program has been in effect since Charles Commons opened its doors in Fall 2006. Amy Shelton, Charles Commons Faculty Fellow 2006 - 2010 Michael Yassa, Charles Commons Faculty Fellow 2011 - Present Even more ways to connect with us! Craig Rosenblum, Charles Commons Graduate Assistant Corey Michalos, Assistant Director of Residential Life (Charles Commons Area) BECOME A FAN FOLLOW US CONTACT US TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY REPORT, 2010 – 2011 ACADEMIC YEAR…..………………………………………,…………….4-9 PROGRAMS HELD DURING THE 2010-2011 ACADEMIC YEAR……………......….………………….………10-20 LIST OF FACULTY, STAFF, & ADMINISTRATORS WHO HAVE PARTICIPATED IN PROGRAMS THIS YEAR ….....21-24 LIST OF EXPENDITURES FOR THE 2010-2011 ACADEMIC YEAR……...……………..………………….…...25-26 SUMMARY REPORT, 2010-2011 ACADEMIC YEAR The Charles Commons Faculty-In-Residence program continues to bridge the gap between the academic and residential settings. Our programs have helped enhance the personal growth and development of students by providing opportunities for informal interaction and fostering connections with faculty, staff, and administrators. In our fifth year of existence, the organization has continued to expand and garner excitement amongst even more members of the Hopkins community than ever before. One hundred and ten different faculty, staff, and administrators attended programs in the 2010-2011 academic year, more than twice as many as in the entire 2009-2010 academic year. (There were fiftysix participants in the Fall and including returning faculty, 65 participants in the Spring.) Over the last two years of the Charles Commons Connections program, every single academic department from the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences and Whiting School of Engineering has had faculty participants! From Biomedical Engineering to Philosophy to Mathematics to History, this large variety of participating faculty has enabled us to reach out to all kinds of students. Moreover, it has helped to make more even people aware of the student-faculty programming opportunities that we provide. We have continued to invite many of the faculty who teach introductory level courses, as the majority of students can relate to these faculty members. Our programs have given these students and faculty the opportunity to interact with each other on a more one-on-one basis, something that ordinarily would not have occurred in such a large lecture hall. Additionally, we have encouraged students to suggest faculty and staff that they would like to get to know better, this way students have more of a say in the planning of our programming. 2008-2009 Year: 22 Different Participants 2009-2010 Year: 52 Different Participants 2010-2011 Year: 110 Different Participants 4 As per the request of many students, several faculty members and academic advisors from the Bloomberg School of Public Health have also attended our programs this year. By popular request from the students, Kelly Gebo, Director of the Undergraduate Public Health Program and Epidemiology Associate Professor, was even kind enough to join us this year at two different events. Through these kinds of student-faculty interactions, students have been able to learn about the many opportunities available to them on the Eastern Campus. We have also had select faculty and staff from the Carey Business School, the Peabody Institute, and The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine participate in activities, further helping to network students, faculty, and staff from each of the sub-schools of Johns Hopkins University. Furthermore, by inviting deans and provosts to our events, students have had the opportunity to socialize with many of the administrators of the University and learn of what their roles entail. Not only have our programs helped to enhance student interaction with faculty and staff, but we have also helped to facilitate and strengthen interaction between faculty and staff. By forming these relationships, we have helped faculty to extend their experiences beyond the classroom, giving them a greater appreciation for the Hopkins community. We have even had some faculty attend our events and through dialogue with their peers, meet future research collaborators! Through increased marketing, a greater variety of faculty participants, and improved quality of programming events, Charles Commons Connections has gained University-wide recognition. We have continued to see a sharp increase in student attendance, not only from residents of Charles Commons, but also from other undergraduate dormitories and off-campus housing facilities. In addition to Charles Commons, we have extensively advertised many of our events this year to the sophomore residents of McCoy Hall, directly inviting them to take part in many of our unique programming opportunities. Furthermore, several graduate students of the Homewood Campus and at the Peabody Institute have become involved in our programs and had the chance to interact with the faculty, staff, and undergraduate students. By co-hosting certain programs with other organizations this year, such as the Hopkins Organization for Programming (HOP), the Black Student Union (BSU), the Residential Advisory Board (RAB), Students Helping to Invent New Expressions (SHINE), the Reunion and Homecoming Alumni Office, and Nolan’s on 33rd Programming, we were able to reach out to many non-Charles Commons residents who may have been unaware of the faculty programming in our building. In 5 many of these co-sponsorships, we have been approached by the partner organization requesting for collaboration. This further demonstrates how Charles Commons Connections programming is identifiable across campus and shows the value that the University has placed on promoting dialogue and encouraging relationships between students and faculty. The JHU Gazette, The Johns Hopkins Newsletter, and Res-Life Courier have all written articles about many of our programming opportunities, allowing us to further expand and make students and faculty more aware of the Faculty-In-Residency program. As the Charles Commons Connections program continues to gain momentum, students have genuinely become more excited and enthusiastic about the programming opportunities that we offer. Nearly seven-hundred students have signed up on our Facebook group website so that they can easily follow the latest Charles Commons Connections news on upcoming programs and faculty, staff, and administrators who plan to attend. In the expanding world of technology that we live in, we even have launched a Twitter account this past January so that students and faculty can follow us and communicate via tweets! The foundation of the program will always continue to be student and faculty interaction outside of the classroom setting. Each of the faculty participants has commented on the strength of the program and how they enjoy learning about the intricacies, dynamics, and pressures of student life. Many of the faculty attendees were so impressed that they have offered to come back and partake in future programs. We have even had several faculty and staff members that have contacted us requesting to attend, having heard about our organization from their colleagues. This year more so than ever, many of the faculty and staff have even attended programs along with their spouses, children, and pets where applicable! By including their families, it has been even easier to initiate interaction with the students, particularly when the younger children are involved. This has further helped to build and enrich the Hopkins community. The students are also extremely appreciative and enthusiastic of having the opportunity to interact on a regular basis with faculty members and their families in a setting essentially regulated by the students themselves. This interaction is free of the formality and limitations of the customary student-professor relationship. The regular availability of a Faculty-InResidence offers students with a mentor for intellectual, personal, and career growth, a resource that many students have made use of. 6 To complement our wide range of recreational programs, we have had many effective educationalstyle programs. Continuing from a tradition established last year, our educational series of programming known as “Fireside Chats” have helped to give students a unique perspective of our University. Complete with a full size mock fireplace, these programs have offered students the opportunity to better understand how the University operates. Last year, Dean Susan Boswell, Dean Paula Burger, and Vice Provost Michela Gallagher were gracious enough to attend this series of programming and inform the students of what their roles entail. This Spring, in one of our most highly anticipated events yet, President Ronald Daniels took part in this unique program and shared his future visions for the University in front of a crowd of sixty undergraduate students. New for this year, Charles Commons Connections launched a program that has allowed for students, faculty, and staff to give back to the community on their own time with “Project Warm Embrace.” As part of this initiative, Dr. Amy Shelton led gatherings where we taught students the basic skills needed to make a simple scarf. The students found knitting to be a great way to relax and develop fine motor skills. Many took satisfaction in being able to give back to the community by eventually donating their completed scarf to those in need, particularly with the cold winter season approaching. Nearly fifteen faculty and staff members have participated in this project, either by attending informal gatherings with students, donating yarn and needles, or sending us their completed scarves to include in the donation. Many members of SHINE, Students Helping to Invent New Expressions, have helped to promote and participate in this initiative. As per the request of many students, we have expanded the initiative beyond simple scarves and have also begun teaching those interested how to knit ski hats! To date, approximately 69 scarves and 8 ski hats have been hand knit by the students, faculty, and staff. This is a programming series that will continue through the summer months and into the upcoming new academic year. Another string of programming that Charles Commons Connections has newly instituted this year is the “Take Your Professor Out To Lunch” series. Compared to some of our more traditional events, this unique series of programming allows for more intimate student and faculty interaction over lunch at Gertrude’s Restaurant at the Baltimore Museum of Art. Sharing lunch and an informal conversation is a great way for students to explore educational and research opportunities, to identify or confirm career direction, to find common interests and hobbies, as well as build an educational relationship – an important factor when requesting a 7 future letter of reference. By limiting each lunch to a small group of 3-4 students, we have hoped to maximize the experience for those participants to help them form everlasting connections. To the delight of many students, we have continued to organize a number of off campus programs. In the Fall, we went apple picking at Baugher’s Farm in September and then on a ghost tour in Fells Point in October. When the weather warmed up in the Spring, we saw Shrek the Musical at the Hippodrome in March and took a group of students and faculty to an Orioles vs. Yankees baseball game at Camden Yards in April. Due to budgetary constraints and the expensive cost of transportation, it has been difficult to plan an extensive number of off-campus programs, however, we have still been able to provide students with these enjoyable programming experiences. ov Included below are the list of Charles Commons Connections programs for the 2010-2011 academic year, a list of the faculty and staff who have participated in them, and a list of expenditures. New for this year, our annual report also features direct feedback from students who voluntarily completed an online survey sharing their first-hand experiences. A total of 37 different programs were held over the year. 8 Impact that extends beyond the classroom… Nearly 200 undergraduate students completed a voluntary online survey in which we asked them to share their experiences at Charles Commons Connections events. Responses were anonymous, thus encouraging honest and candid feedback. Some of the student responses are listed below. “It was really nice to see how much the faculty wanted to be involved in student activities.” “One of the most memorable interactions I had was with Professor Shelton during Risotto Night. I had a chance to talk about how she got into trying different risotto menus and desserts, and it was really great because I could talk to her about something and connect with her cooking.” “Although I do not live in Charles Commons anymore, I look out for these events because they are events that no other organization on campus is providing.” “I had the opportunity to talk with Professor Gebo. As a public health major, having a candid conversation outside of an advising context doesn't happen often, so I really enjoyed that opportunity.” “It reminds you that your professors are people with families too and not just intimidatingly smart professors.” “I regularly attend these events and absolutely LOVE the stress-release events that happen around finals time!” “I enjoyed interacting with faculty during the Celebrity Poker Tournament. This is a great event, because everyone lets their guard down, and you really get to know who professors really are. I met Dr. Mark and Amy Foster, from the engineering department. It was great to meet professors from a department different from my own, but share similar likes as I do. It was a lot of fun!” “Professor Spiegel and I had a really interesting conversation about a new class she was making, and I was able to give her some feedback.” “It was great getting to know Dr. Yassa - he's really nice and is going to be a wonderful resource!” “All events are very fun and exciting. They allow everyone to be involved, interact with faculty members, and have a fun experience. It is like a break from schoolwork, which is something that is needed here at Hopkins on a daily basis.” “Professor Scheinerman recognized me from one of his classes and allowed me to directly help him cook food!” “I had a memorable experience during the fireside chat with President Daniels. I haven't been afforded many opportunities to interact with the President of the University. It was memorable, because the President is more often a phantom figure that is heard of, but never seen. This was a great opportunity!” “Charles Commons Connections provides a wideranging variety of programs, which is helpful in attracting many residents. The programs are also very meaningful in that they always have intentions of helping residents, whether it be providing study breaks with tips on stress-relieving, or connecting residents with the Hopkins faculty by inviting faculty members from many different departments.” “I got to meet and talk with an alumni office representative who taught me a lot.” PROGRAMS HELD DURING THE 2010-2011 ACADEMIC YEAR PROGRAMS HELD DURING THE 2010-2011 ACADEMIC YEAR August 21, 2010 16 Students 2 Faculty/Staff Corey Michalos Amy Shelton September 2, 2010 130 Students 1 Faculty/Staff Corey Michalos September 7, 2010 305 Students 9 Faculty/Staff Jennifer Al Naber Andrew Douglas Emily Fisher Shannon Frattaroli Corey Michalos Rebecca Pearlman Amy Shelton Richard Shingles Renee Streib September 21, 2010 60 Students 3 Faculty/Staff Anne Irwin Tillinghast Corey Michalos Amy Shelton Welcome Back Luncheon with the Shelton Family Dr. Amy Shelton, husband Matt, and son Ryan were able to formally introduce themselves to the Charles Commons Staff over a welcome back lunch. Amy, Craig, and Corey informed the RAs about what Charles Commons Connections is and what events they had planned for the upcoming year. Icebreaker games were played to help everyone get to know each other. Decorate a Doorstop with Charles Commons Connections! Paints were available for residents to use to decorate a doorstop with their suitemates. By using the doorstop throughout the year, we hoped to promote community in the building by allowing residents to get to know one another. Residents were able to stop by, discuss how the first week of classes were going, and meet their new neighbors of the building. Welcome Back Reception with Rita’s Ices This program gave us the opportunity to personally welcome the new residents of Charles Commons to the building by serving Rita’s Ices. We were able to elicit ideas for future programs, as well as to inform students of some of the exciting programs that we already have planned. Many students also took the time to fill out suggestion forms, letting us know which faculty and staff members they would like to see attend upcoming programs. As they enjoyed their ices, the students, faculty, and staff were all able to interact with one another. Date Night Dinner with Anne Irwin Tillinghast: Salmon Dinner Residents were encouraged to come with a special someone to enjoy a delicious salmon dinner, prepared by Anne (Assistant Director of Athletics & Recreation) and her husband Peter (‘97 A&S Alum). For those students that were interested in knowing how the meal was prepared, Anne and Peter gave them a cooking demo and allowed for them to help prepare the meal. After dinner, the students enjoyed making their own ice cream with a hand crank. 11 September 25, 2010 45 Students 6 Faculty/Staff Jennifer Al Naber Veronika Jicinska Mike McCloskey Corey Michalos Amy Shelton Mieka Smart Students were very enthusiastic about this program and were willing to wake up early on a Saturday morning to go apple picking. At Baugher’s Farm, we were able to pick from a wide variety of apples, enjoy the farm’s market, go on a hay ride to the apple trees, and visit the petting zoo. This program also gave students the opportunity to get off campus and enjoy the fall weather. Students were able to interact with faculty members and their families while on this trip. October 12, 2010 Faculty Dinner with Dr. Amy Shelton: Risotto Night 70 Students 6 Faculty/Staff Lisa Feigenson Shaun Grahe Justin Halberda Samer Hattar Corey Michalos Amy Shelton October 13, 2010 200 Students 8 Faculty/Staff Shabina Bahl Sayeed Choudhury Donniell Fishkind Lisa Folda Shaun Grahe Corey Michalos Rachel Navarre Amy Shelton October 17, 2010 45 Students 12 Apple Picking at Baugher’s Farm 6 Faculty/Staff Joel Bader Shelly Fickau Corey Michalos Narutoshi Nakata Amy Shelton Tonyce Thompson Dr. Amy Shelton prepared a wonderful Risotto Dinner for the students. By inviting many faculty and staff members to attend this Faculty Dinner, it gave students the opportunity to introduce themselves and interact on a more one-on-one basis. For desert, a few of the Charles Commons resident advisors helped to make some delicious amaretto chocolate pizza. Stargazing on the Charles Commons Roof Dr. Amy Shelton’s husband Matt, an amateur astronomer, headed this unique event by bringing his own telescope up to the roof. Students were able to view the moon, Jupiter, and various star constellations. From the roof, everyone was able to get a phenomenal view of the Homewood campus. When students became too cold on the roof, they were able to come back inside and enjoy refreshments and hot chocolate while interacting with the faculty and staff present. Fun facts were also located throughout the building to educate students about the solar system. Ghost Tour & Shopping in Fells Point Students have frequently requested that we continue to organize more off campus programs, particularly to places like Fells Point which are not as accessible to them. Prior to the start of the Ghost Tour, there was time for the faculty, staff, and students to interact and explore Fells Point while eating dinner and going shopping. During the tour, students were able to learn about the history of Fells Point and explore many of the town’s haunted shops and residences. October 26, 2010 30 Students 3 Faculty/Staff Corey Michalos Amy Shelton Carol Mohr October 28, 2010 100 Students 9 Faculty/Staff Joel Bader Michael Beer Jason Eisner Kelly Gebo Kirsten Kirby Corey Michalos Carolyn Norris Amy Shelton Andrea Young November 6, 2010 40 Students 2 Faculty/Staff Corey Michalos Amy Shelton November 6, 2010 130 Students 9 Faculty/Staff William Ball Angus Burgin Steven David Marc Donohue Jeffrey Gray Corey Michalos Matthew Roller Amy Shelton Mieka Smart Project Warm Embrace: Knitting For The Community Gathering #1 For the first of two formal gatherings in the Fall semester, Dr. Amy Shelton taught students the basic skills needed to knit a simple scarf. The students found knitting to be a great way to relax and develop fine motor skills. Many took satisfaction in being able to give back to the community by eventually donating their completed scarf to those in need. Halloween Pumpkin Carving and Painting To celebrate Halloween, students were able to carve and paint pumpkins. Some students made their own designs, while others traced the patterns that were available from the carving and painting kits. Students were also able to decorate sugar cookies and enjoy toasted pumpkin seeds, apple cider, and candy while mingling with the faculty and staff present. Many of the faculty even brought along their younger children to participate in this event – an added bonus for the students of Charles Commons! Cake Decorating with Dr. Amy Shelton As a way to relieve stress, students were invited to help decorate a cake and cupcakes. We premade hundreds of cupcakes for the students to design with their choice of toppings. Dr. Amy Shelton also baked a cake that everyone collectively decorated with a playing card theme. As an added touch, we used fondant to make playing cards and poker chips. The cake was served that evening as part of the “Celebrity” Poker tournament. “Celebrity” Poker: Hopkins Hold ‘Em with Faculty & Staff Students were invited to Nolan’s on 33rd to play poker with their favorite faculty and staff “celebrities.” As they played, mocktails and other refreshments were available for all to enjoy. We co-hosted this program with the Residential Advisory Board (RAB), and as a result, we were also able to reach out to many non-Charles Commons residents who may have been unaware of the faculty programming in our building. Many students even came dressed up in suits, hats, and sunglasses to conceal their emotions and maintain a good poker face. In what proved to be one of our more effective programs of the year, students and faculty alike really seemed to enjoy the chance of playing poker and socializing with one another. 13 November 9, 2010 50 Students 4 Faculty/Staff Jennifer Al Naber Stewart Hendry Corey Michalos Amy Shelton November 22, 2010 30 Students 3 Faculty/Staff Heather Green Corey Michalos Amy Shelton December 5, 2010 Dr. Stewart Hendry, a popular Neuroscience Professor, hosted the third and final faculty dinner of the Fall Semester. The dinner consisted of a traditional Yankee pot roast dish, complete with mashed potatoes, vegetables, and salad. Many of the students even stayed an extra hour after dinner to sit down and talk with the staff and faculty while enjoying desert. Project Warm Embrace: Knitting For The Community Gathering #2 For the second time this semester, students were invited to participate in the Project Warm Embrace initiative. This second gathering gave us the chance to check in with students to see how they have been progressing. We were also able to reach out to many new students interested in contributing to the cause. Make Your Own Gingerbread House 8 Faculty/Staff Anne-Elizabeth Brodsky Claude Guillemard Beatrice Kondo Tobie Meyer-Fong Corey Michalos Judith Mitrani-Reiser Marie O’Connor Amy Shelton Students were able to celebrate the holiday season and use their creativity to build and decorate gingerbread houses, gingerbread men, gingerbread Christmas trees, and gingerbread cookies. With final exams nearing, this program provided for a social outlet for many of the stressed-out students of the building. Eight faculty and staff members attended this event, many of which decided to bring their young children to participate! Dr. Amy Shelton built a homemade gingerbread house for the occasion, complete with a mini snowman and hand-crafted furniture inside of the house! This was one of our most successful programs of the semester and was a great way for students to celebrate the end of classes. December 11, 2010 End Of Year “Stress-Busting” Brunch 120 Students 150 Students 14 Faculty Dinner with Dr. Stewart Hendry: Home Cooking 10 Faculty/Staff Paula Burger Joan Freedman Leslie Kendrick Corey Michalos Dean Moyar Amy Shelton Gabrielle Spiegel Patricia Thompson Louis Whitcomb W. Stephen Wilson To conclude the Fall semester, we decided to have a weekend brunch for all students to enjoy. A variety of faculty members were invited to attend to help prepare food and to interact with the students. Stressbusters also attended the program to give the stressed out residents of Charles Commons free backrubs and put them at ease. Near the conclusion of the brunch, we presented Dr. Amy Shelton with a farewell picture slideshow thanking her for all of her efforts while serving as the Charles Commons Faculty-In-Residence. Surprise guest and recent retiree Dean Paula Burger was kind enough to attend and give some concluding remarks of her own. January 30, 2011 16 Students Welcome Back Luncheon with the Yassa Family 2 Faculty/Staff Corey Michalos Michael Yassa Just days after moving in to Charles Commons, Dr. Michael Yassa, wife Manuella, and daughter Isabella were able to formally introduce themselves to the Charles Commons Staff over a welcome back lunch. The lunch also gave Mike and Manuella the opportunity to share some of their programming ideas for the new semester. February 1, 2011 Welcome Back Reception with Caramel Apples 200 Students 9 Faculty/Staff Jennifer Al Naber Tracey Angel Susan Boswell Shaun Grahe Corey Michalos Renee Streib Amy Shelton Michael Yassa Andrea Young February 10, 2011 As Michael and Manuella’s first official program, students were welcomed back to Charles Commons for the start of the Spring semester and given the opportunity to meet the new faculty-in-residence family. A number of faculty, staff, and administrators were invited to Charles Commons to assist in serving caramel apples and interact with the students of the building. Many students also took the time to fill out suggestion forms, lettings us know which events they would like to see duplicated from the Fall and which faculty and staff members they would like to see attend upcoming programs this Spring. Make Your Own Candy for Valentine’s Day 4 Faculty/Staff Jennifer Al Naber Corey Michalos Amy Shelton Michael Yassa Stations were set up throughout the CC Kitchen and outside corridor, teaching the students how to melt pretzels with white, pink, and red colored chocolate, make chocolates and chocolate covered lollipops, and much more. Some students chose to eat their creation, while others opted to gift wrap their candies to bring to roommates and friends for Valentine’s Day. Various arts and crafts were also available for students to make Valentine’s Day greeting cards and even origami! February 15, 2011 Fireside Chat with President Ronald Daniels 150 Students 60 Students 7 Faculty/Staff Jennifer Al Naber Ronald Daniels Shaun Grahe Corey Michalos Amy Shelton Michael Yassa Andrea Young As one of our most highly anticipated events yet, President Ronald Daniels was invited to Charles Commons to take part in our Fireside Chat series of programming. Sitting in front of a mock fireplace as has become customary for these chats, the President told the student audience about his life prior to arriving to Johns Hopkins as the “accidental academic.” Daniels then shared his future visions for the University, with particular focus towards potential changes in student life. After the informal talk, he fielded questions – ranging from the personal to the administrative. 15 February 17, 2011 20 Students 1 Faculty/Staff Amy Shelton February 22, 2011 60 Students 4 Faculty/Staff Jennifer Al Naber Corey Michalos Michael Yassa Andrea Young March 3, 2011 70 Students 4 Faculty/Staff Jennifer Al Naber Corey Michalos Ed Scheinerman Michael Yassa March 7, 2011 50 Students 8 Faculty/Staff Collin Broholm William Conley Feilim Mac Gabhann Jean-Christophe Reymond Erica Schoenberger Renee Streib Janet Weise Michael Yassa 16 Project Warm Embrace: Knitting For The Community Gathering #3 Dr. Amy Shelton returned to Charles Commons to help host our first formal Project Warm Embrace gathering of the Spring semester. Now almost five months underway, this initiative has quickly picked up momentum and has gained many participants eager to give back to the community by learning how to knit. By popular request, in addition to scarves, we began teaching students how to knit a simple winter hat! Taste of Mediterranean: Faculty Dinner with the Yassa Family For our first faculty dinner of the Spring semester, Michael and Manuella Yassa prepared a delicious Mediterranean style dinner for the students of Charles Commons. The informal atmosphere that our monthly dinners present proved to be a great way for everyone to socialize with the Yassa family. The star of the evening – 10-month old Isabella – had a blast showing all of the students her new fire truck toy! Vegetarian Chinese Faculty Dinner with Dean Ed Scheinerman Students helped to prepare a Chinese dinner with Engineering Vice Dean for Education Ed Scheinerman. The menu consisted of dumplings, lo mein noodles, and Szechuan egg plant. Not only did this program give residents the opportunity to meet and interact with Dean Scheinerman, but it also helped to introduce them to Vegetarian Chinese cuisine. Student-Faculty Trivia Night at Nolan’s on 33rd Students, faculty, staff, and administrators were invited to Nolan’s on 33rd to compete with and against each other in assorted trivia! Categories ranged from new and old pop culture, entertainment, music, sports, current events, and more! The fun and laid back atmosphere of Nolan’s was great for putting everyone at ease and in turn, made for a great environment for student and faculty interaction to take place. Trivia Night consisted of four rounds, and at the end of the night, a team centered around Assistant Director of Housing Renee Streib and resident advisor Buddy Sola proved to be victorious! Overall, this was a very successful event and may be worth repeating in future years. March 15, 2011 Study Break: Yogurt Parfaits, Make Your Own Stressballs, and more! 200 Students With Spring Break near and midterms looming, students were invited to take an earlier break – a study break – with Charles Commons Connections. Students and faculty were able to prepare their own yogurt parfait and make and decorate stressballs. Stressbusters also attended the program to give the stressed out students backrubs and put them at ease. Additionally, fliers listing healthy ways of dealing with stress and exam study tips were distributed to students in hopes of helping them prepare for their midterm exams. 7 Faculty/Staff Jennifer Al Naber Shaun Grahe Eileen Haase Corey Michalos Renee Streib Oleg Tchernyshyov Michael Yassa This program also coincided with the Grand Opening of the Trevor T. Adler ‘04 Common Room on the St. Paul 4th Floor! The room had recently been furnished with tables and chairs as well as cozy soft seating and hopes to serve as an additional study and recreational space for the students of Charles Commons to use. To celebrate the occasion, Grand Opening cake was presented for students, faculty, and staff to enjoy. April 1, 2011 “Celebrity” Poker Returns: Hopkins Hold ‘Em with Faculty & Staff 130 Students Back by popular demand, Charles Commons Connections and the Residential Advisory Board (RAB) co-hosted a “Celebrity” Poker Tournament. Students were invited to Nolan’s on 33rd to play poker with their favorite faculty and staff “celebrities.” For those students that weren’t poker fanatics, there were still opportunities to interact with the faculty and staff while playing board games or shooting pool. Refreshments were also available for all to enjoy and included mocktails, cupcakes, brownies, and other snack foods. Wayne Causion, Sr. Human Resources Coordinator for the Department of Epidemiology at the Bloomberg School of Public Health, proved victorious and was the winner of the entire tournament! 11 Faculty/Staff Michael Betenbaugh Wayne Causion Irene Ferguson Amy Foster Mark Foster Peter Froehlich Shaun Grahe Corey Michalos Laura Papish Stephen Stone Michael Yassa April 3, 2011 “Shrek the Musical” at the Hippodrome Theatre 35 Students For our first off-campus program of the Spring, students faculty, and staff had the opportunity to see “Shrek the Musical” at the Hippodrome Theatre. Prior to leaving campus, there was time for everyone to interact while enjoying brunch at Fresh Food Café. After brunch, we boarded our bus and headed towards downtown Baltimore for the start of what proved to be a fun afternoon! Students, faculty, and staff were able to roam around Baltimore city for an hour preceding the start of the show and enjoy the nice weather. Everyone enjoyed the Shrek performance and had a great time singing and dancing along with the musical acts. 8 Faculty/Staff Hedy Alavi Jennifer Al Naber Judy Fusting Kelly Gebo Linda Gorman Corey Michalos Michael Polydefkis Michael Yassa 17 April 10, 2011 Make Your Own Personal Pizza with Charles Commons Connections! 75 Students Students, faculty, and staff were invited to Nolan’s on 33rd for a fun and interactive pizza making lunch. A wide variety of toppings were available to choose from so that each person could customize their own creation. Aramark chefs helped to cook each pizza in the Nolan’s brick oven. While making and eating pizza, there was plenty of time for students, faculty, and staff to mingle with one another. The movie “The Hangover” was shown on the big screen projector for additional entertainment, and students were also able to shoot pool with one another for a relaxing Sunday afternoon. 8 Faculty/Staff Sara Berry Joel Grossman Timothy Heckman Corey Michalos Amy Shelton Joel Spruck Rene Vidal Michael Yassa April 12, 2011 50 Students 5 Faculty/Staff Corey Michalos Amy Shelton Lester Su Michael Yassa Andrea Young For our final faculty dinner of the Spring Semester, Mechanical Engineering Associate Research Professor Lester Su led a Japanese themed cooking demo with the residents of Charles Commons. Professor Su taught the students how to make miso soup, tempura green beans, soba noodles, steamed flounder with Napa cabbage, and miso-marinated roast pork. The interactive cooking demo helped to promote dialogue between all. April 21, 2011 “The Spoken Word” Slam Poetry, Featuring the Mayhem Poets 250 Students Co-sponsored along with the Hopkins Organization for Programming (HOP) and the Black Student Union (BSU), students, faculty, and staff were invited to “The Spoken Word,” a slam poetry event featuring both improv and stand-up comedy. The evening began with BSU student performers presenting their original work. The featured Mayhem Poets followed suit. The Mayhem Poets describe themselves as bringing a new twist to spoken word by “utilizing hip-hop rhythms and dynamic theatrical technique.” We invited faculty from the English and Writing Seminars departments to attend, and we were joined by Professor Tristan Davies and his wife (a Hopkins alum). While watching the performances, students were able to chat with faculty and staff in the casual Nolan’s atmosphere. 6 Faculty/Staff Jennifer Al Naber Tristan Davies Shaun Grahe Corey Michalos Rachel Navarre Andrea Young April 22, 2011 4 Students 1 Faculty/Staff Jane Greco 18 Japanese Food Faculty Dinner with Dr. Lester Su Take Your Professor Out To Lunch #1: Dr. Jane Greco While enjoying lunch, Dr. Jane Greco spoke with four students about her family, her undergraduate and graduate school experiences, and her career path. Said participating student Zoe Rammelkamp, “I thought it was really interesting to learn so much about Dr. Greco and about my classmates.” April 24, 2011 13 Students 2 Faculty/Staff Lawrence Cheskin Stewart Hendry Baltimore Orioles vs. New York Yankees with Students & Faculty A Trustee from the President’s Office was kind enough to provide us with tickets for a Baltimore Orioles baseball game in his luxury suite on both Friday, April 22 and Sunday, April 24. A select group of students, faculty, and staff were invited to take part in this exciting opportunity. On Friday, April 22, Tracey Angel (Housing & Conference Services) and Professor Lawrence Raifman (Psychological & Brain Sciences) had planned to join us and a group of 12 students, but unfortunately, the game was postponed due to inclement weather. On Sunday, April 24, under mostly sunny skies, Professor Lawrence Cheskin (Public Health) and Professor Stewart Hendry (Neuroscience) joined a group of 13 students to take in the game at Oriole Park at Camden Yards. Students and faculty were able to interact and enjoy the afternoon watching the game in the comfort of the suite. In a nailbiting extra inning game that featured homeruns and exceptional defense by both teams, the New York Yankees won by the score of 6-3. April 26, 2011 Study Break: Morning Bagel Brunch 175 Students With the school year almost over and classwork piling up, we wanted to provide the stressed out students with a morning brunch to help start their day off right! Coffee, orange juice, and freshly baked bagels were made available to the students as they exited the building to go to their morning classes. Faculty and staff were invited to attend to enjoy the brunch themselves and to chat with the students of Charles Commons. By holding a morning event, we were able to reach out to many of the early bird faculty members who were interested in participating in our programming opportunities. 7 Faculty/Staff Jennifer Al Naber Gregory Chirikjian Bruce Hamilton Corey Michalos Renee Streib Beverly Wendland Michael Yassa April 28, 2011 10 Students 1 Faculty/Staff Amy Shelton Project Warm Embrace: Knitting For The Community Gathering #4 Students were able to drop off their completed scarves and pick up more supplies for Project Warm Embrace knitting. By this point in the semester, nearly sixty different students, faculty, and staff members have participated in this initiative. In addition to the more conventional scarves, students were able to use a round loom to knit hats ranging in size from younger children to older adults. While knitting, the students and Dr. Amy Shelton were all able to talk about how the school year has been going, discuss their summer plans, and even share some knitting techniques. 19 May 1, 2011 End of Year BBQ and Sports Extravaganza 75 Students To celebrate the end of the year, students, faculty, staff, and administrators were invited to a BBQ. In addition to enjoying typical BBQ food, sporting equipment was available for students and faculty to play frisbee, wiffle ball, football, and soccer while socializing. Many of the participating faculty, staff, and administrators attended with their families and even their pets! By having this event located by the AMR BBQ Pit, we were able to reach out to many of the rising sophomore students that will be living in Charles Commons next year. This event helped to give them a flavor of the student-faculty programming that we provide. 17 Faculty/Staff Jennifer Al Naber Susan Boswell Jonathan Flombaum George Harley Corey Michalos Lloyd Minor Barbara Morgan Philip Morgan Katherine Newman Sai Prakash Lynn Roberts Ed Scheinerman Amy Shelton Sarah Steinberg Michael Trush Michael Yassa Andrea Young May 3, 2011 4 Students 1 Faculty/Staff Gregory Ball Take Your Professor Out To Lunch #2: Dean Gregory Ball For our second lunch of the series, Dean Gregory Ball and a group of four students enjoyed lunch at Gertrude’s Restaurant. Said participating student Angela Hsieh, “I loved the small group size – everyone got a chance to talk and it felt a lot more personal than Dean Newman’s dinners.” Student Erika Rodriguez said “It was great being able to talk to Dean Ball one-on-one instead of just being a face in a sea of 200+ students.” May 10, 2011 Study Break: Make Your Own Smoothie Night! 150 Students With summer break nearing and the weather getting nice outside, students and faculty were invited to cool off, relax and enjoy self-made smoothies! Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, oranges, pineapple, and bananas were some of the fruit options to choose from. Many of the faculty even brought along their younger children to participate and interact with the students. By including their children, this helped us to facilitate student-faculty interaction. The program was intentionally scheduled for the night prior to the start of final exams, as it helped to serve as a de-stressing event. Stressbusters also attended the program to give the stressed out students backrubs and put them at ease. Additionally, fliers listing healthy ways of dealing with stress and exam study tips were distributed to students in hopes of helping them prepare for their final exams. This event was a great way to cap off a successful year of student-faculty programming. 12 Faculty/Staff Doug Barrick Andrew Cherlin Joelle Frechette Jane Greco Corey Michalos Kenneth Moss Laura Papish Adam Riess Glenn Schwartz Adam Sheingate Michael Yassa Benjamin Zaitchik 20 As part of Alumni Weekend, the Reunion and Homecoming Alumni Office invited some of the visiting alumni to join us. This event allowed us to network with these alumni and inform them of the student-faculty programming events that Charles Commons Connections offers. With many faculty and particularly administrators in attendance, this event served as a great way for many connections to be formed. LIST OF FACULTY, STAFF, & ADMINISTRATORS WHO HAVE PARTICIPATED IN PROGRAMS THIS YEAR (110 TOTAL) LIST OF FACULTY, STAFF, & ADMINISTRATORS WHO HAVE PARTICIPATED IN PROGRAMS THIS YEAR (110 TOTAL) Hedy Alavi Jennifer Al Naber Tracey Angel Joel Bader Shabina Bahl Gregory Ball William Ball Doug Barrick Michael Beer Sara Berry Michael Betenbaugh Susan Boswell Anne-Elizabeth Brodsky Collin Broholm Paula Burger Angus Burgin Wayne Causion Andrew Cherlin Lawrence Cheskin Gregory Chirikjian Sayeed Choudhury William Conley Ronald Daniels Steven David Tristan Davies Marc Donohue Andrew Douglas Jason Eisner Lisa Feigenson Irene Ferguson Shelly Fickau Emily Fisher Donniell Fishkind Jonathan Flombaum Lisa Folda Amy Foster Mark Foster Shannon Frattaroli 22 Joelle Frechette Joan Freedman Peter Froehlich Geography & Environmental Engineering Senior Lecturer; WSE Assistant Dean for International Programs; Environmental Engineering, Science and Management Program Chair Assistant Director of Residential Life Director of Housing & Conference Services Biomedical Engineering Associate Professor Director of Development, Department of Urology (School of Medicine) Vice Dean of Science & Research Infrastructure; Psychological & Brain Sciences Professor Environmental Engineering Professor Biophysics Professor Biomedical Engineering Assistant Professor History Professor Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Professor Dean of Student Life Expository Writing Lecturer Physics & Astronomy Professor Vice Provost; Dean of Undergraduate Studies (Retiree) History Assistant Professor Sr. Human Resources Coordinator, Department of Epidemiology (Bloomberg School of Public Health) Sociology Professor & Chairman Health, Behavior & Society Associate Professor (Bloomberg School of Public Health); Director of Johns Hopkins Weight Management Center Mechanical Engineering Professor Associate Dean for Library Digital Programs Dean of Enrollment and Academic Services President of The Johns Hopkins University Vice Dean for Undergraduate Education; Political Science Professor Writing Seminars Senior Lecturer Associate Dean for Research; Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Professor Associate Dean of Academic Affairs; Vice Dean for Faculty; Mechanical Engineering Professor Computer Science Associate Professor Psychological & Brain Sciences Associate Professor Director of Multicultural Affairs Director of Residential Life Biology Lecturer Applied Mathematics & Statistics Professor Psychological & Brain Sciences Assistant Professor Public Health Academic Advisor Electrical & Computer Engineering Assistant Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering Assistant Professor Health Policy & Management Assistant Professor (Bloomberg School of Public Health) Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Assistant Professor Director of Digital Media Center Computer Science Senior Lecturer; Johns Hopkins Gaming Lab Director Judy Fusting Kelly Gebo Linda Gorman Shaun Grahe Jeffrey Gray Jane Greco Heather Green Joel Grossman Claude Guillemard Eileen Haase Justin Halberda Bruce Hamilton Samer Hattar George Harley Timothy Heckman Stewart Hendry Anne Irwin Tillinghast Veronika Jicinska Leslie Kendrick Kirsten Kirby Beatrice Kondo Feilim Mac Gabhann Mike McCloskey Tobie Meyer-Fong Corey Michalos Lloyd Minor Judith Mitrani-Reiser Carol Mohr Barbara Morgan Philip Morgan Kenneth Moss Dean Moyar Narutoshi Nakata Rachel Navarre Katherine Newman Carolyn Norris Marie O’Connor Laura Papish Rebecca Pearlman Michael Polydefkis Sai Prakash Jean-Christophe Reymond Adam Riess Assistant Director of Homewood Reuinion Program (Office of Alumni Relations) Director of Undergraduate Public Health Program; Epidemiology Associate Professor (Bloomberg School of Public Health) Neuroscience Teaching Professor; Psychological & Brain Sciences Senior Lecturer; Associate Director of Neuroscience Undergraduate Studies Assistant Director of Residential Life; Advisor to the Hopkins Organization for Programming (HOP) Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Associate Professor Chemistry Senior Lecturer Gift Planning Associate Political Science Professor German & Romance Languages & Literature Senior Lecturer Biomedical Engineering Lecturer; Applied Biomedical Engineering Program Chair Psychological & Brain Sciences Associate Professor Economics Professor Biology Assistant Professor; Joint Appointment in Neuroscience Associate Director of Regional and International Programs (Office of Alumni Relations) Physics & Astronomy Professor Neuroscience Professor Assistant Director of Athletics & Recreation German & Romance Languages & Literature Lecturer Center for Leadership & Education Senior Lecturer Pre Professional Academic Advisor Biology Lecturer Institute for Computational Medicine Assistant Professor; Biomedical Engineering Assistant Professor Cognitive Science Professor History Associate Professor Assistant Director of Residential Life Provost and Senior Vice Present for Academic Affairs; Neuroscience Professor (School of Medicine); Biomedical Engineering Professsor (School of Medicine) Civil Engineering Assistant Professor Senior Housing Director Economics Senior Lecturer History Professor History Associate Professor; Jewish Studies Chair and Program Director Philosophy Associate Professor Civil Engineering Assistant Professor Associate Director of Annual Giving Dean of the Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences Biology Senior Lecturer English Lecturer Philosophy Visiting Assistant Professor Biology Lecturer Neurology Associate Professor (School of Medicine); Director of EMG Laboratory at Bayview; Director of Cutaneous Nerve Laboratory Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Lecturer German and Romance Languages & Literatures Junior Lecturer Physics & Astronomy Professor 23 Lynn Roberts Matthew Roller Ed Scheinerman Erica Schoenberger Glenn Schwartz Adam Sheingate Amy Shelton Richard Shingles Mieka Smart Gabrielle Spiegel Joel Spruck Sarah Steinberg Stephen Stone Renee Streib Lester Su Oleg Tchernyshyov Patricia Thompson Tonyce Thompson Michael Trush Rene Vidal Janet Weise Beverly Wendland Louis Whitcomb W. Stephen Wilson Michael Yassa Andrea Young Benjamin Zaitchik Geography & Environmental Engineering Professor Classics Professor and Chairman WSE Engineering Vice Dean for Education; Applied Mathematics & Statistics Professor Geography & Environmental Engineering Professor Near Eastern Studies Professor Political Science Associate Professor Psychological & Brain Sciences Associate Professor; Charles Commons Faculty Fellow Biology Lecturer; Director of TA Training Institute Public Health Academic Advisor History Professor Mathematics Professor Interim Vice Provost for Student Affairs Music Theory Department Chairman (Peabody Conservatory); Director of Peabody at Homewood Assistant Director of Housing Mechanical Engineering Associate Research Professor Physics & Astronomy Associate Professor Accounts Receivable Accountant (Carey Business School) Financial Aid Advisor (Carey Business School) Environmental Health Sciences Professor (Bloomberg School of Public Health); Deputy Director of Johns Hopkins Center for Urban Environmental Health; Director of Community Outreach and Education Core Biomedical Engineering Associate Professor WSE Assistant Dean for Academic Advising Biology Professor and Chair Mechanical Engineering Professor Mathematics Professor Psychological & Brain Sciences Assistant Professor; Charles Commons Faculty Fellow Assistant Director of Residential Life Earth & Planetary Sciences Assistant Professor The following faculty and staff members did not attend programs, yet they were gracious enough to assist in the “Project Warm Embrace” initiative by donating yarn, needles, and their completed scarves. Carol Blackburn Jeanette Brown Jean Goodwin Angela Hall Connie Heasley Barbara MacConnell Donna Neutze Ann Rentschler Liza Thompson Sue Waterman 24 Center for Talented Youth Cogito Project Coordinator Milton S. Eisenhower Library Assistant Chemistry Department Academic Affairs Administrator Data Administration Document Management Specialist Benefits Service Center Consultant Executive Assistant to the Deputy, Office of the Senior Vice President for Finance & Administration Center for Talented Youth Curriculum Developer Post-Baccalaureate Premedical Academic Advisor Post-Baccalaureate Premedical Director of Post-Baccalaureate Program Milton S. Eisenhower Research Librarian LIST OF EXPENDITURES FOR THE 2010-2011 ACADEMIC YEAR LIST OF EXPENDITURES FOR THE 2010-2011 ACADEMIC YEAR Fall 2010 8-21-10 9-2-10 9-7-10 9-21-10 9-25-10 10-12-10 10-13-10 10-17-10 10-26-10 10-28-10 11-6-10 11-6-10 11-9-10 11-22-10 12-5-10 12-11-10 Subtotal Welcome Back Luncheon with the Shelton Family Decorate a Doorstop with Charles Commons Connections! Welcome Back Reception with Rita’s Ices Date Night Dinner with Anne Irwin Tillinghast: Salmon Dinner Apple Picking at Baugher’s Farm Faculty Dinner with Dr. Amy Shelton: Risotto Night Stargazing on the Charles Commons Roof Ghost Tour & Shopping in Fells Point Project Warm Embrace: Knitting For The Community Gathering #1 Halloween Pumpkin Carving and Painting Cake Decorating with Dr. Amy Shelton “Celebrity” Poker: Hopkins Hold ‘Em with Faculty & Staff Faculty Dinner with Dr. Stewart Hendry: Home Cooking* Project Warm Embrace: Knitting For The Community Gathering #2 Make Your Own Gingerbread House End Of Year “Stress-Busting” Brunch $74.93 $56.00 $260.00 $237.64 $412.40 $102.47 $38.44 $750.00 $46.70 $199.89 $88.39 $25.00 $0.00 $46.70 $167.73 $137.54 $2643.83 Spring 2011 1-30-11 2-1-11 2-10-11 2-15-11 2-17-11 2-22-11 3-3-11 3-7-11 3-15-11 4-1-11 4-3-11 4-10-11 4-12-11 4-21-11 4-22-11 4-24-11 4-26-11 4-28-11 5-1-11 5-3-11 5-10-11 Misc $89.33 $126.17 $124.57 $300.00 $5.98 $150.79 $211.56 $0.00 $174.49 $78.97 $1267.50 $330.00 $156.59 $0.00 $77.00 $0.00 $163.96 $0.00 $342.32 $105.00 $0.00 $288.39 – $1000.00 Subtotal $2992.62 Grand Total $5636.45 * 26 Welcome Back Luncheon with the Yassa Family Welcome Back Reception with Caramel Apples Make Your Own Candy for Valentine’s Day Fireside Chat with President Ronald Daniels Project Warm Embrace: Knitting For The Community Gathering #3 Taste of Mediterranean: Faculty Dinner with the Yassa Family Vegetarian Chinese Faculty Dinner with Dean Ed Scheinerman Student-Faculty Trivia Night at Nolan’s on 33rd Study Break: Yogurt Parfaits, Make Your Own Stressballs, and more! “Celebrity” Poker Returns: Hopkins Hold ‘Em with Faculty & Staff “Shrek the Musical” at the Hippodrome Theatre* Make Your Own Personal Pizza with Charles Commons Connections! Japanese Food Faculty Dinner with Dr. Lester Su The Spoken Word Slam Poetry, Featuring the Mayhem Poets Take Your Professor Out To Lunch #1: Dr. Jane Greco Baltimore Orioles vs. New York Yankees with Students & Faculty Study Break: Morning Bagel Brunch Project Warm Embrace: Knitting For The Community Gathering #4 End of Year BBQ and Sports Extravaganza Take Your Professor Out To Lunch #2: Dean Gregory Ball Study Break: Make Your Own Smoothie Night! Homewood Multicultural Dinner Co-Program on 2-26-11 ($32.94) Gift Bags for Participating Faculty, Staff, Administrators ($255.45) Dean Susan Boswell’s Programming Contribution Note: Dr. Stewart Hendry was kind enough to treat the students for the 11-9-10 Faculty Dinner. *Note: JHU Housing & Dining and Aramark were kind enough to donate an additional $90 for 4-3-11 “Shrek the Musical at the Hippodrome” program in order for the faculty and staff to eat brunch with students at the Fresh Food Café. For more information on Charles Commons Connections Student-Faculty Programming, including event recaps, photos, and much more, visit us on Facebook. Charles Commons The Johns Hopkins University 3301 North Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland 21218
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