Present: THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Council: 20 May 2015 Minutes of the Meeting held on 18 March 2015 Rt Hon Jim Bolger (Chancellor), Mr Mike Pohio (Pro‐Chancellor), Professor Neil Quigley (Vice‐Chancellor), Mr Paul Adams, Ms Renee Boyer, Dr Alison Campbell, Ms Jeanette Clarkin‐Phillips, Mr Merv Dallas, Mr Ian Fitzgerald, Dr John Gallagher, Mr Simon Graafhuis, Ms Jan Jameson, Mr Richard Jefferies, Dr Tom Ryan, Ms Shannon Stewart, Mr Kingi Turner, Mr Tony Whittaker Secretary: Ms Helen Pridmore In attendance: Ms Duanna Fowler, Mr Brandon McGibbon, Mr Andrew McKinnon (to item 17). 15.26 KARAKIA The meeting was opened with a karakia by Mr Mike Pohio. 15.27 APOLOGIES Received Apologies for lateness from Mr Richard Jefferies. 15.28 DECLARATION OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Confirmed The Conflicts of Interest Register dated 20 February 2015 (document C15/12). 15.29 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 11 FEBRUARY 2015 (PART 1) Confirmed The minutes of the meeting held on 11 February 2015 (Part 1) (document C15/13). 15.30 TANGI FOR DR API MAHUIKA Noted in discussion 1. That Mr Kingi Turner had represented Council at the tangi for former Council member Dr Api Mahuika. 2. That Mr Turner had carried Dr Mahuika’s Honorary Doctorate gown from the University of Waikato onto the marae and laid it on his coffin as a mark of respect on behalf of the University. 15.31 REPORT OF THE VICE‐CHANCELLOR (PART 1) Received 1. The report of the Vice‐Chancellor (Part 1) (document C15/14). 2. A further oral report from the Vice‐Chancellor, from which it was noted that: a. Professor Janis Swan, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, had been awarded the Skellerup Award for Chemical Bioprocess and Food for her distinguished contribution to food, bioprocess and chemical engineering in New Zealand b. the recent announcement by the Bay of Plenty Polytechnic and Wairariki Institute of Technology that they were exploring potential options for further collaboration had implications for the University. Noted in discussion 1. That the second place kapa haka group at the recent Te Matatini festival, Ōpōtiki Mai Tawhiti, had been coached by University staff member Te Kahautu Maxwell, who had also composed the works performed by the group; the University had had a very prominent position and profile at Te Matatini. 2. That the Waikato Regional Council had proposed changes to bus routes that would affect the number and timing of buses to campus; the Vice‐Chancellor undertook to ask the Head of Facilities Management to look into the matter on his behalf. 15.32 APPOINTMENT TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE Reported 1. That the constitution of the Finance Committee included up to six members appointed by Council, one of whom is both a member of Council and a member of the University staff. 2. That Professor Barry Barton had been a member of the Finance Committee under this provision until the end of his term on Council (31 December 2014). 3. That Dr Tom Ryan had expressed his willingness to be appointed to the Finance Committee. Resolved To appoint Dr Tom Ryan to the Finance Committee with effect from 18 March 2015. 15.33 NEW COUNCIL CONSTITUTION Reported 1. That at the meeting on 11 February 2015 it had been reported to Council that Government had passed the Education Amendment Bill No.2 on 10 February 2015 and that university and wānanga Councils needed to be reformed by 30 June 2016 at the latest. 2. That Council members had engaged in a preliminary discussion about the processes and principles that might guide the development of a new constitution and any associated statutes at the Strategy Workshop on 27 February 2015. Considered A paper from the Secretary to Council with regard to the development of a new Council constitution (document C15/15). Noted in discussion 1. That the merits of a more ’corporate’ governance model would need to be weighed against those of a more ‘representative’ governance model, taking account of the wording and intent of the new legislation which was to create more effective governance. 2. That Council’s new constitution would need to reflect the importance of its relationship with the Academic Board and with Māori. 3. That in parallel with the re‐constitution process, Council’s sub‐committee structure should also be addressed, taking account of the smaller number of Council members that would be available to serve on its sub‐committees as well as the need to ensure subject matter expertise in key areas. 4. That consideration should be also be given mechanisms other than Council membership for providing effective engagement with stakeholders. Resolved To appoint a small sub‐group comprising Rt Hon Jim Bolger, Dr Alison Campbell, Mr Ian Fitzgerald, Mr Mike Pohio and Professor Neil Quigley, to develop and lead a process for the development of a new constitution and to bring recommendations accordingly to the next meeting of Council. 15.34 CONFERMENT OF DEGREES AND AWARD OF DIPLOMAS AND CERTIFICATES Resolved To confer the degrees and award the diplomas and certificates set out in document C15/16. Noted in discussion That the Vice‐Chancellor was investigating the feasibility of holding a mid‐December graduation ceremony in future, in order to make it more feasible for international students to graduate in person. 15.35 2014 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO [Discussed under Part 2 of the Agenda] Resolved To approve the 2014 Annual Report of the University of Waikato, including the Financial Statements, as set out in document C15/20a, and authorise its public release. 15.36 DATE OF NEXT MEETING Reported That the next meeting of Council would be held on Wednesday 20 May 2015. 15.37 PROCEEDINGS WITH THE PUBLIC EXCLUDED Resolved That the public be excluded from the meeting to allow consideration of the following items: 13. Confirmation of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 11 February 2015 (Part 2) 14. Matters arising from the Minutes of the Meeting held on 11 February 2015 (Part 2) and not otherwise included in this agenda 15. Schedule of Reports to Council 16. Notes of the Council Strategy Workshop held on 27 February 2015 17. 2014 Annual Report of the University of Waikato 18. Report of the Risk Management Committee 19. Report of the Student Discipline Appeals Committee 20. Strategic Investment Fund 21. Staff Survey 2014: Areas for Improvement and Recommended Actions 22. Curriculum Enhancement Programme Progress Report 23. Renewal and Approval of University Insurance Policies 24. Law/Management Building Project Progress Report 25. Bay of Plenty Expansion Strategy Status Report 26. Visit by King Tuheitia 27. Report of the Vice‐Chancellor (Part 2) The interests protected under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and/or the Official Information Act 1982 which could have been prejudiced by the conduct of these proceedings in public were as follows: • Items 13‐16 concerned matters that had previously been dealt with at a meeting of Council from which the public had been excluded • Items 17‐27 concerned matters that needed to be protected in order to enable the University to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities. Helen Pridmore Assistant Vice‐Chancellor (Executive) and Secretary to Council
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