Topological Data Analysis Part II: Stability of persistence barcodes Ulrich Bauer TUM February 5, 2015 1 / 31 2 / 31 2 / 31 2 / 31 2 / 31 2 / 31 What is persistent homology? 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 δ 3 / 31 What is persistent homology? 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 δ 3 / 31 What is persistent homology? 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 δ 3 / 31 What is persistent homology? 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 δ 3 / 31 What is persistent homology? 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 δ 3 / 31 What is persistent homology? 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 δ 3 / 31 The pipeline of topological data analysis point cloud distance function sublevel sets topological spaces homology vector spaces barcode intervals 4 / 31 The pipeline of topological data analysis point cloud P ⊂ Rd distance function sublevel sets topological spaces homology vector spaces barcode intervals 4 / 31 The pipeline of topological data analysis point cloud distance P ⊂ Rd x↦d(x,P) function sublevel sets topological spaces homology vector spaces barcode intervals 4 / 31 The pipeline of topological data analysis point cloud distance function P ⊂ Rd x↦d(x,P) f ∶ Rd → R sublevel sets topological spaces homology vector spaces barcode intervals 4 / 31 The pipeline of topological data analysis point cloud distance function f ∶ Rd → R sublevel sets topological spaces homology vector spaces barcode intervals 4 / 31 The pipeline of topological data analysis point cloud distance function sublevel sets f ∶ Rd → R t↦f −1 (−∞,t] topological spaces homology vector spaces barcode intervals 4 / 31 The pipeline of topological data analysis point cloud distance function sublevel sets topological spaces f ∶ Rd → R t↦f −1 (−∞,t] K ∶ R → Top homology vector spaces barcode intervals 4 / 31 The pipeline of topological data analysis point cloud distance function sublevel sets topological spaces K ∶ R → Top homology vector spaces barcode intervals 4 / 31 The pipeline of topological data analysis point cloud distance function sublevel sets topological spaces homology K ∶ R → Top t↦H∗ (Kt ;F) vector spaces barcode intervals 4 / 31 The pipeline of topological data analysis point cloud distance function sublevel sets topological spaces homology vector spaces K ∶ R → Top t↦H∗ (Kt ;F) M ∶ R → Vect barcode intervals 4 / 31 The pipeline of topological data analysis point cloud distance function sublevel sets topological spaces homology vector spaces M ∶ R → Vect barcode intervals 4 / 31 The pipeline of topological data analysis point cloud distance function sublevel sets topological spaces homology vector spaces barcode M ∶ R → Vect B(M) intervals 4 / 31 The pipeline of topological data analysis point cloud distance function sublevel sets topological spaces homology vector spaces barcode intervals M ∶ R → Vect B(M) R → Mch 4 / 31 The pipeline of topological data analysis point cloud distance function sublevel sets topological spaces homology vector spaces barcode intervals P ⊂ Rd x↦d(x,P) f ∶ Rd → R t↦f −1 (−∞,t] K ∶ R → Top t↦H∗ (Kt ;F) M ∶ R → Vect B(M) R → Mch 4 / 31 Stability of persistence barcodes 5 / 31 Stability of persistence barcodes for functions Theorem (Cohen-Steiner, Edelsbrunner, Harer 2005) If two functions f , g ∶ K → R have distance ∥f − g∥∞ ≤ δ then there exists a δ-matching of their barcodes. 6 / 31 Stability of persistence barcodes for functions Theorem (Cohen-Steiner, Edelsbrunner, Harer 2005) If two functions f , g ∶ K → R have distance ∥f − g∥∞ ≤ δ then there exists a δ-matching of their barcodes. • matching A → B: bijection of subsets A′ ⊆ A, B′ ⊆ B ∣ 6 / 31 Stability of persistence barcodes for functions Theorem (Cohen-Steiner, Edelsbrunner, Harer 2005) If two functions f , g ∶ K → R have distance ∥f − g∥∞ ≤ δ then there exists a δ-matching of their barcodes. • matching A → B: bijection of subsets A′ ⊆ A, B′ ⊆ B ∣ • δ-matching of barcodes: 6 / 31 Stability of persistence barcodes for functions Theorem (Cohen-Steiner, Edelsbrunner, Harer 2005) If two functions f , g ∶ K → R have distance ∥f − g∥∞ ≤ δ then there exists a δ-matching of their barcodes. δ • matching A → B: bijection of subsets A′ ⊆ A, B′ ⊆ B ∣ • δ-matching of barcodes: • matched intervals have endpoints within distance ≤ δ 6 / 31 Stability of persistence barcodes for functions Theorem (Cohen-Steiner, Edelsbrunner, Harer 2005) If two functions f , g ∶ K → R have distance ∥f − g∥∞ ≤ δ then there exists a δ-matching of their barcodes. 2δ δ • matching A → B: bijection of subsets A′ ⊆ A, B′ ⊆ B ∣ • δ-matching of barcodes: • matched intervals have endpoints within distance ≤ δ • unmatched intervals have length ≤ 2δ 6 / 31 Stability for functions in the big picture Data point cloud distance Geometry function sublevel sets Topology topological spaces homology Algebra vector spaces barcode Combinatorics intervals 7 / 31 Stability for functions in the big picture Data point cloud distance Geometry function sublevel sets Topology topological spaces homology Algebra vector spaces barcode Combinatorics intervals 7 / 31 Stability for functions in the big picture Data point cloud distance Geometry function sublevel sets Topology topological spaces homology Algebra vector spaces barcode Combinatorics intervals 7 / 31 Stability for functions in the big picture Data point cloud distance Geometry function sublevel sets Topology topological spaces homology Algebra vector spaces barcode Combinatorics intervals 7 / 31 Interleavings of sublevel sets Let • Ft = f −1 (−∞, t], • Gt = g −1 (−∞, t]. 8 / 31 Interleavings of sublevel sets Let • Ft = f −1 (−∞, t], • Gt = g −1 (−∞, t]. If ∥f − g∥∞ ≤ δ then Ft ⊆ Gt+δ and Gt ⊆ Ft+δ . 8 / 31 Interleavings of sublevel sets Let • Ft = f −1 (−∞, t], • Gt = g −1 (−∞, t]. If ∥f − g∥∞ ≤ δ then Ft ⊆ Gt+δ and Gt ⊆ Ft+δ . So the sublevel sets are δ-interleaved: Ft Ft+2δ Gt+δ Gt+3δ 8 / 31 Interleavings of sublevel sets Let • Ft = f −1 (−∞, t], • Gt = g −1 (−∞, t]. If ∥f − g∥∞ ≤ δ then Ft ⊆ Gt+δ and Gt ⊆ Ft+δ . So the sublevel sets are δ-interleaved: H∗ (Ft ) H∗ (Ft+2δ ) H∗ (Gt+δ ) H∗ (Gt+3δ ) Homology is a functor: homology groups are interleaved too. 8 / 31 Persistence modules A persistence module M is a diagram (functor) R → Vect: 9 / 31 Persistence modules A persistence module M is a diagram (functor) R → Vect: • a vector space Mt for each t ∈ R 9 / 31 Persistence modules A persistence module M is a diagram (functor) R → Vect: • a vector space Mt for each t ∈ R (in this talk: dim Mt < ∞) 9 / 31 Persistence modules A persistence module M is a diagram (functor) R → Vect: • a vector space Mt for each t ∈ R (in this talk: dim Mt < ∞) • a linear map Ms → Mt for each s ≤ t (transition maps) 9 / 31 Persistence modules A persistence module M is a diagram (functor) R → Vect: • a vector space Mt for each t ∈ R (in this talk: dim Mt < ∞) • a linear map Ms → Mt for each s ≤ t (transition maps) • respecting identity: (Mt → Mt ) = idMt and composition: (Ms → Mt ) ○ (Mr → Ms ) = (Mr → Mt ) 9 / 31 Persistence modules A persistence module M is a diagram (functor) R → Vect: • a vector space Mt for each t ∈ R (in this talk: dim Mt < ∞) • a linear map Ms → Mt for each s ≤ t (transition maps) • respecting identity: (Mt → Mt ) = idMt and composition: (Ms → Mt ) ○ (Mr → Ms ) = (Mr → Mt ) A morphism f ∶ M → N is a natural transformation: 9 / 31 Persistence modules A persistence module M is a diagram (functor) R → Vect: • a vector space Mt for each t ∈ R (in this talk: dim Mt < ∞) • a linear map Ms → Mt for each s ≤ t (transition maps) • respecting identity: (Mt → Mt ) = idMt and composition: (Ms → Mt ) ○ (Mr → Ms ) = (Mr → Mt ) A morphism f ∶ M → N is a natural transformation: • a linear map ft ∶ Mt → Nt for each t ∈ R 9 / 31 Persistence modules A persistence module M is a diagram (functor) R → Vect: • a vector space Mt for each t ∈ R (in this talk: dim Mt < ∞) • a linear map Ms → Mt for each s ≤ t (transition maps) • respecting identity: (Mt → Mt ) = idMt and composition: (Ms → Mt ) ○ (Mr → Ms ) = (Mr → Mt ) A morphism f ∶ M → N is a natural transformation: • a linear map ft ∶ Mt → Nt for each t ∈ R • morphism and transition maps commute: Ms fs Ns Mt ft Nt 9 / 31 Interval Persistence Modules Let K be a field. For an arbitrary interval I ⊆ R, define the interval persistence module C(I) by ⎧ ⎪ ⎪K C(I)t = ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩0 if t ∈ I, otherwise; 10 / 31 Interval Persistence Modules Let K be a field. For an arbitrary interval I ⊆ R, define the interval persistence module C(I) by ⎧ ⎪ ⎪K if t ∈ I, C(I)t = ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩0 otherwise; ⎧ ⎪ ⎪idK if s, t ∈ I, C(I)s → C(I)t = ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ otherwise. ⎩0 10 / 31 The structure of persistence modules Theorem (Crawley-Boewey 2012) Let M be a persistence module with dim Mt < ∞ for all t. 11 / 31 The structure of persistence modules Theorem (Crawley-Boewey 2012) Let M be a persistence module with dim Mt < ∞ for all t. Then M is interval-decomposable: 11 / 31 The structure of persistence modules Theorem (Crawley-Boewey 2012) Let M be a persistence module with dim Mt < ∞ for all t. Then M is interval-decomposable: there exists a unique collection of intervals B(M) 11 / 31 The structure of persistence modules Theorem (Crawley-Boewey 2012) Let M be a persistence module with dim Mt < ∞ for all t. Then M is interval-decomposable: there exists a unique collection of intervals B(M) such that M ≅ ⊕ C(I). I∈B(M) 11 / 31 The structure of persistence modules Theorem (Crawley-Boewey 2012) Let M be a persistence module with dim Mt < ∞ for all t. Then M is interval-decomposable: there exists a unique collection of intervals B(M) such that M ≅ ⊕ C(I). I∈B(M) B(M) is called the barcode of M. 11 / 31 The structure of persistence modules Theorem (Crawley-Boewey 2012) Let M be a persistence module with dim Mt < ∞ for all t. Then M is interval-decomposable: there exists a unique collection of intervals B(M) such that M ≅ ⊕ C(I). I∈B(M) B(M) is called the barcode of M. • Motivates use of homology with field coefficients 11 / 31 Interleavings of persistence modules Definition Two persistence modules M and N are δ-interleaved 12 / 31 Interleavings of persistence modules Definition Two persistence modules M and N are δ-interleaved if there are morphisms f ∶ M → N(δ), g ∶ N → M(δ) 12 / 31 Interleavings of persistence modules Definition Two persistence modules M and N are δ-interleaved if there are morphisms f ∶ M → N(δ), g ∶ N → M(δ) such that this diagrams commutes for all t: Mt Mt+2δ ft ft+2δ gt+δ Nt+δ Nt+3δ 12 / 31 Interleavings of persistence modules Definition Two persistence modules M and N are δ-interleaved if there are morphisms f ∶ M → N(δ), g ∶ N → M(δ) such that this diagrams commutes for all t: Mt Mt+2δ ft ft+2δ gt+δ Nt+δ Nt+3δ • define M(δ) by M(δ)t = Mt+δ 12 / 31 Interleavings of persistence modules Definition Two persistence modules M and N are δ-interleaved if there are morphisms f ∶ M → N(δ), g ∶ N → M(δ) such that this diagrams commutes for all t: Mt Mt+2δ ft ft+2δ gt+δ Nt+δ Nt+3δ B(M) B(M(δ)) • define M(δ) by M(δ)t = Mt+δ (shift barcode to the left by δ) δ 12 / 31 Algebraic stability of persistence barcodes Theorem (Chazal et al. 2009, 2012) If two persistence modules are δ-interleaved, then there exists a δ-matching of their barcodes. 13 / 31 Algebraic stability of persistence barcodes Theorem (Chazal et al. 2009, 2012) If two persistence modules are δ-interleaved, then there exists a δ-matching of their barcodes. 2δ δ 13 / 31 Algebraic stability of persistence barcodes Theorem (Chazal et al. 2009, 2012) If two persistence modules are δ-interleaved, then there exists a δ-matching of their barcodes. 2δ δ • converse statement also holds (isometry theorem) 13 / 31 Algebraic stability of persistence barcodes Theorem (Chazal et al. 2009, 2012) If two persistence modules are δ-interleaved, then there exists a δ-matching of their barcodes. 2δ δ • converse statement also holds (isometry theorem) • indirect proof, 80 page paper (Chazal et al. 2012) 13 / 31 Our approach Our proof takes a different approach: • direct proof (no interpolation, matching immediately from interleaving) 14 / 31 Our approach Our proof takes a different approach: • direct proof (no interpolation, matching immediately from interleaving) • shows how morphism induces a matching 14 / 31 Our approach Our proof takes a different approach: • direct proof (no interpolation, matching immediately from interleaving) • shows how morphism induces a matching • stability follows from properties of a single morphism, not just from a pair of morphisms 14 / 31 Our approach Our proof takes a different approach: • direct proof (no interpolation, matching immediately from interleaving) • shows how morphism induces a matching • stability follows from properties of a single morphism, not just from a pair of morphisms • relies on partial functoriality of the induced matching 14 / 31 The matching category A matching σ ∶ S → T is a bijection S′ → T ′ , where S′ ⊆ S, T ′ ⊆ T. ∣ 15 / 31 The matching category A matching σ ∶ S → T is a bijection S′ → T ′ , where S′ ⊆ S, T ′ ⊆ T. ∣ Composition of matchings σ ∶ S → T and τ ∶ T → U: ∣ ∣ 15 / 31 The matching category A matching σ ∶ S → T is a bijection S′ → T ′ , where S′ ⊆ S, T ′ ⊆ T. ∣ Composition of matchings σ ∶ S → T and τ ∶ T → U: ∣ ∣ Matchings form a category Mch • objects: sets • morphisms: matchings 15 / 31 Barcodes as matching diagrams We can regard a barcode D as a functor R → Mch: 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 δ 16 / 31 Barcodes as matching diagrams We can regard a barcode D as a functor R → Mch: • For each real number t, let Dt be those intervals of D that contain t, and 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 δ 16 / 31 Barcodes as matching diagrams We can regard a barcode D as a functor R → Mch: • For each real number t, let Dt be those intervals of D that contain t, and • for each s ≤ t, define the matching Ds → Dt ∣ to be the identity on Ds ∩ Dt . 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 δ 16 / 31 Barcode matchings as interleavings We can regard matchings of barcodes σ ∶ C → D as natural transformations. • consider restrictions σt ∶ Ct → Dt of σ to Ct × Dt : ∣ ∣ Cs σs Ds Ct σt Dt 17 / 31 Barcode matchings as interleavings We can regard matchings of barcodes σ ∶ C → D as natural transformations. • consider restrictions σt ∶ Ct → Dt of σ to Ct × Dt : ∣ ∣ Cs Ct σs σt Ds Dt This way, we can regard a δ-matching of barcodes C → D as a δ-interleaving of functors R → Mch: ∣ Ct Ct+2δ Dt+δ Dt+3δ 17 / 31 Stability via functoriality? Ft Ft+2δ Gt+δ Gt+3δ 18 / 31 Stability via functoriality? H∗ (Ft ) H∗ (Ft+2δ ) H∗ (Gt+δ ) H∗ (Gt+3δ ) 18 / 31 Stability via functoriality? B(H∗ (Ft )) B(H∗ (Ft+2δ )) B(H∗ (Gt+δ )) B(H∗ (Gt+3δ )) 18 / 31 Stability via functoriality? B(H∗ (Ft )) B(H∗ (Ft+2δ )) B(H∗ (Gt+δ )) B(H∗ (Gt+3δ )) 18 / 31 Non-functoriality of the persistence barcode Theorem (B, Lesnick 2014) There exists no functor VectR → Mch sending each persistence module to its barcode. 19 / 31 Non-functoriality of the persistence barcode Theorem (B, Lesnick 2014) There exists no functor VectR → Mch sending each persistence module to its barcode. Proposition There exists no functor Vect → Mch sending each vector space of dimension d to a set of cardinality d. 19 / 31 Structure of submodules and quotient modules Proposition (B, Lesnick 2013) For a persistence submodule K ⊆ M: • B(K) is obtained from B(M) by moving left endpoints to the right, B(M) B(K) 20 / 31 Structure of submodules and quotient modules Proposition (B, Lesnick 2013) For a persistence submodule K ⊆ M: • B(K) is obtained from B(M) by B(M) B(K) moving left endpoints to the right, • B(M/K) is obtained from B(M) by moving right endpoints to the left. B(M) B(M/K) 20 / 31 Structure of submodules and quotient modules Proposition (B, Lesnick 2013) For a persistence submodule K ⊆ M: • B(K) is obtained from B(M) by B(M) B(K) moving left endpoints to the right, • B(M/K) is obtained from B(M) by moving right endpoints to the left. B(M) B(M/K) This yields canonical matchings between the barcodes: match bars with the same right endpoint (resp. left endpoint) 20 / 31 Structure of submodules and quotient modules Proposition (B, Lesnick 2013) For a persistence submodule K ⊆ M: • B(K) is obtained from B(M) by B(M) B(K) moving left endpoints to the right, • B(M/K) is obtained from B(M) by moving right endpoints to the left. B(M) B(M/K) This yields canonical matchings between the barcodes: match bars with the same right endpoint (resp. left endpoint) • If multiple bars have same endpoint: match in order of decreasing length 20 / 31 Induced matchings For any morphism f ∶ M → N between persistence modules: • decompose into M ↠ im f ↪ N 21 / 31 Induced matchings For any morphism f ∶ M → N between persistence modules: • decompose into M ↠ im f ↪ N • im f ≅ M/ ker f is a quotient of M B(M) B(im f ) 21 / 31 Induced matchings For any morphism f ∶ M → N between persistence modules: • decompose into M ↠ im f ↪ N • im f ≅ M/ ker f is a quotient of M • im f is a submodule of N B(im f ) B(N) 21 / 31 Induced matchings For any morphism f ∶ M → N between persistence modules: • decompose into M ↠ im f ↪ N • im f ≅ M/ ker f is a quotient of M • im f is a submodule of N B(M) B(im f ) B(N) • Composing the canonical matchings yields a matching B(f ) ∶ B(M) → B(N) induced by f ∣ 21 / 31 Induced matchings For any morphism f ∶ M → N between persistence modules: • decompose into M ↠ im f ↪ N • im f ≅ M/ ker f is a quotient of M • im f is a submodule of N B(M) B(im f ) B(N) • Composing the canonical matchings yields a matching B(f ) ∶ B(M) → B(N) induced by f ∣ This matching is functorial for injections: B(K ↪ M) = B(L ↪ M) ○ B(K ↪ L) B(M) B(L) B(K) 21 / 31 Induced matchings For any morphism f ∶ M → N between persistence modules: • decompose into M ↠ im f ↪ N • im f ≅ M/ ker f is a quotient of M • im f is a submodule of N B(M) B(im f ) B(N) • Composing the canonical matchings yields a matching B(f ) ∶ B(M) → B(N) induced by f ∣ This matching is functorial for injections: B(K ↪ M) = B(L ↪ M) ○ B(K ↪ L) B(M) B(L) B(K) Similar for surjections. 21 / 31 The induced matching theorem Define Mє by shrinking bars of B(M) from the right by є. Say K is є-trivial if all bars of B(K) are shorter than є. B(M) є B(M є) 22 / 31 The induced matching theorem Define Mє by shrinking bars of B(M) from the right by є. Say K is є-trivial if all bars of B(K) are shorter than є. Lemma Let f ∶ M → N be a morphism such that ker f is є-trivial. Then Mє is a quotient module of im f . B(M) є B(im f ) B(M є) M Mє im f 22 / 31 The induced matching theorem Define єN by shrinking bars of B(N) from the left by є. Say K is є-trivial if all bars of B(K) are shorter than є. Lemma Let f ∶ M → N be a morphism such that coker f is є-trivial. Then єN is a submodule of im f . є B(єN) B(im f ) B(N) N im f є N 22 / 31 The induced matching theorem B(M) B(im f ) B(N) M f N im f 22 / 31 The induced matching theorem є B(M) B(im f ) B(N) є M Mє f im f N є N 22 / 31 The induced matching theorem є B(M) є B(N) 22 / 31 The induced matching theorem Theorem (B, Lesnick 2013) Let f ∶ M → N be a morphism with ker f and coker f є-trivial. є B(M) є B(N) 22 / 31 The induced matching theorem Theorem (B, Lesnick 2013) Let f ∶ M → N be a morphism with ker f and coker f є-trivial. Then each interval of length ≥ є is matched by B(f ). є B(M) є B(N) 22 / 31 The induced matching theorem Theorem (B, Lesnick 2013) Let f ∶ M → N be a morphism with ker f and coker f є-trivial. Then each interval of length ≥ є is matched by B(f ). If B(f ) matches [b, d) ∈ B(M) to [b′ , d′ ) ∈ B(N), then b′ ≤ b ≤ b′ + є and d − є ≤ d′ ≤ d. є B(M) є B(N) 22 / 31 The induced matching theorem Let f ∶ M → N(δ) be an interleaving morphism. Then ker f and coker f are 2δ-trivial. 2δ B(M) 2δ B(N(δ)) 22 / 31 The induced matching theorem Let f ∶ M → N(δ) be an interleaving morphism. Then ker f and coker f are 2δ-trivial. Corollary (Algebraic stability via induced matchings) A δ-interleaving between persistence modules induces a δ-matching of their persistence barcodes. ±δ B(M) ±δ B(N) 22 / 31 Stability via induced matchings B(M) B(N) 23 / 31 Stability via induced matchings B(M) B(N(δ)) 23 / 31 Stability via induced matchings B(M) B(im f ) B(N(δ)) 23 / 31 Stability via induced matchings B(M) B(im f ) B(N(δ)) 23 / 31 Stability via induced matchings B(M) B(im f ) B(N(δ)) 23 / 31 Stability via induced matchings B(M) B(N(δ)) 23 / 31 Stability via induced matchings B(M) B(N) 23 / 31 Simplification of functions 24 / 31 25 / 31 25 / 31 25 / 31 Topological simplification of functions Consider the following problem: Problem (Topological simplification) Given a function f and a real number δ ≥ 0, find a function fδ subject to ∥fδ − f ∥∞ ≤ δ with minimal number of critical points. 26 / 31 Topological simplification of functions Consider the following problem: Problem (Topological simplification) Given a function f and a real number δ ≥ 0, find a function fδ subject to ∥fδ − f ∥∞ ≤ δ with minimal number of critical points. (Discrete) Morse theory: • Relates critical points to homology of sublevel set 26 / 31 Topological simplification of functions Consider the following problem: Problem (Topological simplification) Given a function f and a real number δ ≥ 0, find a function fδ subject to ∥fδ − f ∥∞ ≤ δ with minimal number of critical points. (Discrete) Morse theory: • Relates critical points to homology of sublevel set • Provides method for canceling pairs of critical points 26 / 31 Topological simplification of functions Consider the following problem: Problem (Topological simplification) Given a function f and a real number δ ≥ 0, find a function fδ subject to ∥fδ − f ∥∞ ≤ δ with minimal number of critical points. (Discrete) Morse theory: • Relates critical points to homology of sublevel set • Provides method for canceling pairs of critical points Persistent homology: • Relates homology of different sublevel set 26 / 31 Topological simplification of functions Consider the following problem: Problem (Topological simplification) Given a function f and a real number δ ≥ 0, find a function fδ subject to ∥fδ − f ∥∞ ≤ δ with minimal number of critical points. (Discrete) Morse theory: • Relates critical points to homology of sublevel set • Provides method for canceling pairs of critical points Persistent homology: • Relates homology of different sublevel set • Identifies pairs of critical points (birth and death of homological feature) 26 / 31 Persistence and discrete Morse theory By stability of persistence barcodes: Proposition The critical points with persistence > 2δ provide a lower bound on the number of critical points of any function g with ∥g − f ∥∞ ≤ δ. 27 / 31 Persistence and discrete Morse theory By stability of persistence barcodes: Proposition The critical points with persistence > 2δ provide a lower bound on the number of critical points of any function g with ∥g − f ∥∞ ≤ δ. Theorem (B., Lange, Wardetzky, 2011) Let f be a function on a surface and let δ > 0. Construct a function fδ from f by canceling all persistence pairs with persistence ≤ 2δ. 27 / 31 Persistence and discrete Morse theory By stability of persistence barcodes: Proposition The critical points with persistence > 2δ provide a lower bound on the number of critical points of any function g with ∥g − f ∥∞ ≤ δ. Theorem (B., Lange, Wardetzky, 2011) Let f be a function on a surface and let δ > 0. Construct a function fδ from f by canceling all persistence pairs with persistence ≤ 2δ. Then fδ satisfies ∥fδ − f ∥∞ ≤ δ and achieves the lower bound on the number of critical points. 27 / 31 Persistence and discrete Morse theory By stability of persistence barcodes: Proposition The critical points with persistence > 2δ provide a lower bound on the number of critical points of any function g with ∥g − f ∥∞ ≤ δ. Theorem (B., Lange, Wardetzky, 2011) Let f be a function on a surface and let δ > 0. Construct a function fδ from f by canceling all persistence pairs with persistence ≤ 2δ. Then fδ satisfies ∥fδ − f ∥∞ ≤ δ and achieves the lower bound on the number of critical points. 27 / 31 Persistence and discrete Morse theory By stability of persistence barcodes: Proposition The critical points with persistence > 2δ provide a lower bound on the number of critical points of any function g with ∥g − f ∥∞ ≤ δ. Theorem (B., Lange, Wardetzky, 2011) Let f be a function on a surface and let δ > 0. Construct a function fδ from f by canceling all persistence pairs with persistence ≤ 2δ. Then fδ satisfies ∥fδ − f ∥∞ ≤ δ and achieves the lower bound on the number of critical points. • Does not hold for general complexes 27 / 31 Geometric stability 28 / 31 Čech and Vietoris–Rips complexes Let X ⊂ Rd . Given δ > 0, consider Cechδ (X) = {Q ⊆ X ∣ ⋂ Bδ (p) ≠ ∅} p∈Q Ripsδ (X) = {Q ⊆ X ∶ x, y ∈ Q ⇒ dM (x, y) ≤ δ} 29 / 31 Čech and Vietoris–Rips complexes Let X ⊂ Rd . Given δ > 0, consider Cechδ (X) = {Q ⊆ X ∣ ⋂ Bδ (p) ≠ ∅} p∈Q Ripsδ (X) = {Q ⊆ X ∶ x, y ∈ Q ⇒ dM (x, y) ≤ δ} Compare: • Čech complex: thresholded by circumradius 29 / 31 Čech and Vietoris–Rips complexes Let X ⊂ Rd . Given δ > 0, consider Cechδ (X) = {Q ⊆ X ∣ ⋂ Bδ (p) ≠ ∅} p∈Q Ripsδ (X) = {Q ⊆ X ∶ x, y ∈ Q ⇒ dM (x, y) ≤ δ} Compare: • Čech complex: thresholded by circumradius • Vietoris–Rips complex: thresholded by diameter 29 / 31 Čech and Vietoris–Rips complexes Let X ⊂ Rd . Given δ > 0, consider Cechδ (X) = {Q ⊆ X ∣ ⋂ Bδ (p) ≠ ∅} p∈Q Ripsδ (X) = {Q ⊆ X ∶ x, y ∈ Q ⇒ dM (x, y) ≤ δ} Compare: • Čech complex: thresholded by circumradius • Vietoris–Rips complex: thresholded by diameter We have: Cech δ ⊆ Ripsδ ⊆ Cechϑd δ 2 29 / 31 Čech and Vietoris–Rips complexes Let X ⊂ Rd . Given δ > 0, consider Cechδ (X) = {Q ⊆ X ∣ ⋂ Bδ (p) ≠ ∅} p∈Q Ripsδ (X) = {Q ⊆ X ∶ x, y ∈ Q ⇒ dM (x, y) ≤ δ} Compare: • Čech complex: thresholded by circumradius • Vietoris–Rips complex: thresholded by diameter We have: where ϑd = √ Cech δ ⊆ Ripsδ ⊆ Cechϑd δ 2 d 2d+2 is the largest circumradius of any simplex with diameter 1. 29 / 31 Čech and Vietoris–Rips complexes Let X ⊂ Rd . Given δ > 0, consider Cechδ (X) = {Q ⊆ X ∣ ⋂ Bδ (p) ≠ ∅} p∈Q Ripsδ (X) = {Q ⊆ X ∶ x, y ∈ Q ⇒ dM (x, y) ≤ δ} Compare: • Čech complex: thresholded by circumradius • Vietoris–Rips complex: thresholded by diameter We have: where ϑd = √ Cech δ ⊆ Ripsδ ⊆ Cechϑd δ 2 d 2d+2 is the largest circumradius of any simplex with diameter 1. Note that 21 ≤ ϑd ≤ √ 2 2 . 29 / 31 Interleaving of Čech and Rips complexes Using the logarithmic scale t = log δ: Cechexp t ⊆ Rips2 exp(t+log ϑd ) ⊆ Cechexp(t+2 log ϑd ) 30 / 31 Interleaving of Čech and Rips complexes Using the logarithmic scale t = log δ: Cechexp t ⊆ Rips2 exp(t+log ϑd ) ⊆ Cechexp(t+2 log ϑd ) Corollary The persistence modules H∗ (Cechexp t (P)) and H∗ (Rips2 exp t (P)) are (log ϑd )-interleaved. 30 / 31 Stability of Čech and Rips persistence Proposition Let P, Ω ⊂ Rn . Assume that P and Ω have Hausdorff distance < δ (i.e., P ⊆ Bδ (Ω) and Ω ⊆ Bδ (P)). 31 / 31 Stability of Čech and Rips persistence Proposition Let P, Ω ⊂ Rn . Assume that P and Ω have Hausdorff distance < δ (i.e., P ⊆ Bδ (Ω) and Ω ⊆ Bδ (P)). Then P and Ω have δ-close Čech persistence, i.e., H∗ (Cecht (Ω)) and H∗ (Cecht (P)) are δ-interleaved. 31 / 31 Stability of Čech and Rips persistence Proposition Let P, Ω ⊂ Rn . Assume that P and Ω have Hausdorff distance < δ (i.e., P ⊆ Bδ (Ω) and Ω ⊆ Bδ (P)). Then P and Ω have δ-close Čech persistence, i.e., H∗ (Cecht (Ω)) and H∗ (Cecht (P)) are δ-interleaved. Theorem (Chazal, de Silva, Oudot 2013) Let P, Ω be metric spaces. Assume that P and Ω have Gromov-Hausdorff distance < 2δ 31 / 31 Stability of Čech and Rips persistence Proposition Let P, Ω ⊂ Rn . Assume that P and Ω have Hausdorff distance < δ (i.e., P ⊆ Bδ (Ω) and Ω ⊆ Bδ (P)). Then P and Ω have δ-close Čech persistence, i.e., H∗ (Cecht (Ω)) and H∗ (Cecht (P)) are δ-interleaved. Theorem (Chazal, de Silva, Oudot 2013) Let P, Ω be metric spaces. Assume that P and Ω have Gromov-Hausdorff distance < 2δ (i.e., P ⊆ Bδ (Ω) and Ω ⊆ Bδ (P) for some isometric embeddings of both P, Ω into some metric space Z). 31 / 31 Stability of Čech and Rips persistence Proposition Let P, Ω ⊂ Rn . Assume that P and Ω have Hausdorff distance < δ (i.e., P ⊆ Bδ (Ω) and Ω ⊆ Bδ (P)). Then P and Ω have δ-close Čech persistence, i.e., H∗ (Cecht (Ω)) and H∗ (Cecht (P)) are δ-interleaved. Theorem (Chazal, de Silva, Oudot 2013) Let P, Ω be metric spaces. Assume that P and Ω have Gromov-Hausdorff distance < 2δ (i.e., P ⊆ Bδ (Ω) and Ω ⊆ Bδ (P) for some isometric embeddings of both P, Ω into some metric space Z). Then P and Ω have δ-close Rips persistence. 31 / 31
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