Circular The

A Newsletter for the Genesee Valley Sock Machine Club
Volume 7, Issue 2
March-April, 2012
Frederic D. Hauck
2428 English Road
Rochester, NY 14616
Cover Photo
by Sue Hodge
GVSMC meeting of February 11, 2012
Mile Post School, Pittsford, NY
Seventeen members gathered around
Our Club Banner and an Erlbacher Gearhart Knitting machine
the Editor
Greetings to All,
This is the first issue of the Circular newsletter to
be published in 5 years. It was started in 2006 when
the club was founded, but other priorities prevented
publication for a long time. Fortunately, e-mail filled
in for communications, and the club has been held
together by our active members. We have grown to
32 members in 6 years.
In that time members have bought one or more
sock machines and have learned to make beautiful
socks. It is a hobby, and it has brought joy to a wonderful group of friendly people.
On February 11, 2012, we had 17 members on
hand at the Mile Post School in Pittsford, NY. An
ambitious agenda for the day included demonstration
of an Erlbacher Gearhart Knitting Machine. Mr.
David (Peewee) Erlbacher loaned the machine to
Fred Hauck for a 3-month period.
The agenda called for members to make two
scarves by each member turning the crank 50 turns.
One scarf was raffled to a member of the club and
the other is destined to be a gift to the Erlbacher
family. Thank you, Sue Hodge, for donating the
yarn. A spare sock machine was set up with 4 needles to make I-cords for name tag neck strings. Neck
strings were needed for the new name tags given to
members on arrival.
Several new members were introduced and the
group gathered about our banner and the Erlbacher
Knitting Machine for a photo.
We had a record attendance for the day and a record membership established for the club. At a brief
business meeting, officers were elected with unanimous approval and are listed on the back cover.
There was no shortage of things to do. Members
went about making socks, giving and receiving instruction and having a fun time. Lunch consisted of
“dish to pass” and, my was that ever good!
Thanks for the additional photos and articles submitted for publication. The newsletter depends on
support from the members. Please submit photos, articles, news, etc. for publication.
Thanks to all for a very successful day.
Upcoming Events; 2012
Regular Club meetings are on the second Saturday of the month. Meetings are sometimes
hosted by members, and are frequently held at
the Mile Post School in Pittsford, NY.
February 25 Officers meeting
March 10; Meeting hosted by Sharon Grimes at
11633 Fletcher Chapel Road, Medina, NY.
Bring a dish to pass and let Sharon know you
plan to attend. See map in this issue.
March 29, 30-31; Erlbacher Gearhart 2nd Annual
Crank In and Open House! 3265 William Street
Cape Girardeau, Missouri. See page 3.
April; No meeting planned yet.
April 29; Old Fashion farm Days at Honey
Locust Farms, Caledonia, NY. Demonstrators are
April 27-29, Friday, The 2012 Nashville
(Indiana) Crank-in. The Brown County Library
June 9 or 16 EastWest Alpaca Ranch Open
House. Sock machines welcome.
July 12-15 Alpaca fiber fest, Cuba, NY.
July 12-15, 2012 CSMSA Convention Location:
Denver. CO
September 15-16 Hemlock Fiber Festival, Hemlock, NY.
September 16 Old Fashion Farm Days, Babcock
Museum, Somerset, NY
Sock Machines For Sale
Bickford, F&P, Gearhart, and Auto Knitter for
sale. Peewee said the Erlbacher machine on loan
can be sold locally instead of returning it. Call if
interested. 585-261-1271
Fred Hauck
Officers Planning Meeting
Sue Hodge asked officers to meet for a planning
session at a local restaurant on February 25. Meeting agendas and organization will be discussed.
State of our Club Message
by Fred Hauck
The GVSMC is steadily growing in membership,
and to keep pace with the official or formal operations of our club, it is desirable to upgrade the Constitution through active participation of club members. Therefore, members are invited to suggest constructive amendments for that objective. Our Constitution is published online in our web site at http:// Click on “Bylaws” link.
On February 11, 2012, in the presence of a quorum
of members, votes were cast for those nominated for
officers. Sue Hodge elected President; Lynn Sanger
elected Vice President; Mary Jo DiBella elected Secretary; Fred Hauck elected Treasurer. Voting was
unanimous for all positions.
There are 32 members in good standing.
Other needs
Volunteers are needed for;
Events Planner
Newsletter Editor
Membership Drive
Internet sock machine videos
There are now many online videos that provide excellent
instruction for sock machine owners: Here are a few to
get you started. Copy and paste to your browser.
Erlbacher Gearhart 2nd Annual Crank In
and Open House!
3265 William Street Cape Girardeau, Missouri.
Raffle Results
Barbara Ignatz won a scarf knitted by the members,
Kristi Jung won a Bent Rod Buckle and Donna
Mellander won a Bent Rod Basket. Items donated
by Fred Hauck.
Set Up Thursday March 29, Crank and Tour
March 30-31, 2012
Disassemble, Clean and Pack your Machine at
the Erlbacher Shop Sunday
Morning April 1, 2012
There is no charge to attend this crank in and
lunch is on us Friday and Saturday!
Demos will be every hour, shop tours will be on
the half hour, and qualified instructors will be
available for $15/hour (payable to the instructor)
for one on one instruction!
Lea Hauck, Stella Robison and Doreen Clark
representing the GVSMC. Old Fashioned Farm
Days, Babcock Museum, Somerset, NY.
Editor note; This invitation is open to all sock
knitters. The information was taken from the yahoo sockknittingmachines groups. Contact Jamie
Mayfield at for registration and hotel information.
Treasurer’s Report GVSMC Checking
Note: First Treasurer was Lesley Darling, second Treasurer, Carol Bonczek
Current Treasurer, Fred Hauck
All deposits are dues and only expense was banner
Transaction; check #
Open Account by Fred Hauck
Sue Hodge dues
deposit funds from former treasurer
Current status; 25 members; banner exp $54
Dues from DiBella, Llop, Auinger $20 each
Dues Laurie Hunt
Serena Rachels, check1026, Barbara Ignatz
2007 photo
Freda Peisley with Gearhart knitting Machine
I started weaving at age eight, and never
stopped being interested in all kinds of textiles. I
majored in textiles, and now teach spinning,
dyeing with natural dyes, weaving, tatting, rug
hooking, crazy quilt embroidery, at home and at
Genesee Country Museum in Mumford, NY. I
demo spinning and dyeing there May-Oct.
Among my non-textile interests are travel, gardening, cooking, and cheese making. I saw a
sock knitting machine at the Henry Ford Museum, and started looking for one. It took 20
years, then I met Fred Hauck, at our Finger
Lakes Fiber Festival in Hemlock. NY, and he
found one for me. He does a great job keeping
all our old machines running.
Freda Peisley
Lynn Sanger with her Gearhart 1914 Model B Knitting
Machine. On Saturday 20, 2008, at the Hemlock Fiber Festival, Lynn asked Fred Hauck to make repairs. The machine
was complete, including the original box with accessories, and
needed no more than new needles, cleaning and oil. Lynn also
has a LeGare Knitting Machine and keeps both machines busy
making socks. She teaches school and helps her husband,
Mark, run a farm on Clover Street, Pittsford.
The GVSMC is grateful for use of the Mile Post School.
Lynn and Carol Bonczek schedule use of the school when it is
needed for our meetings.
Notice the attractive stand Lynn uses for her machine,
lamp, and bobbin winder.
Map to Sharon Grimes Home, 11633 Fletcher Chapel Rd
Medina, NY
EastWest Alpaca Ranch
Kristi & Bryant Jung
691 Brownsville Rd.
Victor, NY 14564
Give us a call to schedule a visit:
or send us an email at:
The EastWest Alpaca Ranch is situated in the scenic
wooded drumlins of western New York. Just around
the corner from exit 44 off I-90 (New York State
Thruway), we are easily accessible as you drive
through the Finger Lakes country.
On June 4, 2011, members of GVSMC visited open
house at the EastWest Alpaca Ranch. Sock machines
were demonstrated by Fred Hauck, Carol Bonczek,
Sue Hodge, Mary Jo Dibella and Pat Barnhard. The
day was a rainout, but the great hospitality of the
Jung family brightened the day. A wonderful lunch
was served for the would-be demonstrators.
We thank the Jung family for inviting us.
This year, the Jungs plan to have an open house on a
sunny day in June.
Mary Jo DiBella is making a heel on her NZAK. That
stands for New Zealand Auto Knitter. The NZAK is a new machine modeled after the original machines from the 1920s.
They are made in New Zealand by Jacquie Grant and are becoming quite popular.
Mary Jo has several sock machines, including an Erlbacher
Gearhart Knitting Machine made in Cape Girardeau, MO.
Mary Jo attends as many crank ins as possible. She drove to
Texas last year to the CSMSA Conference, to Canada for the
First Great Canadian Crank in, and plans to be at the Erlbacher
Open House in March.
Mary Jo can be counted on to be where she is needed.
Laurie Hunt joined our group last year. She patiently
went after the challenge of turning heels, and then the
kitchner stitch. Now she makes socks factory perfect.
The Mile Post School in Pittsford, NY, is an excellent facility for sock making. The One-room school is well lighted
and has room for 20 or more sock machines. GVSMC sock
knitters make good use of the space.
Donna Mellander is adding her 50 turns to
a scarf that will be sent to the Erlbacher
family. The machine is on loan from The
Erlbacher factory. The yarn donated by Sue
Hodge has a computer generated pattern,
and was designed for socks.
Home made butter was churned
on the spot for the
lunch at the
Jack and Sherry Wheatley hosted a meeting at their alpaca/
llama ranch. Nothing was held back at the dish to pass lunch.
Freda Peisley turns the crank 50 turns to
make a scarf for our raffle. The Gearhart
knitter was set up with an eighty slot
cylinder so scarves would be wide. Barbara Ignatz won this scarf in the raffle.
The green Auto Knitter on the same
stand was set up with 4 needles to make
neck strings. Note the fancy yarn cone
donated by Sue Hodge.
Photo by Donna Mellander.
Fred Hauck removed the Erlbacher Gearhart Knitting Machine from it’s wooden carrying case and
set it up on a stand. Everyone had an opportunity to
use the machine. Club members each turned the
crank 50 times to make a special scarf for the Erlbacher family.
Cathy Hinze at Old Fashion Farm Days,
Caledonia, NY.
The Genesee Valley Sock Machine Club is an organization for Antique and Vintage Knitting machine Hobbyists. The articles and photographs in
this issue of the Circular speak volumes about our
club activities.
We hope you enjoyed reading it.
The Editor; Fred Hauck
The Wheatley’s Alpaca/Llama Ranch
Stella Robison with her Home Profit
Master machine at the Babcock Museum
Lea Hauck watches over our Gearhart machine
and display at the Babcock Museum
Vice President
Sue Hodge
Lynn Sanger
Mary Jo DiBella
Fred Hauck
Editor e-mail;
The Genesee Valley Sock Machine Club, (GVSMC) was founded in January 2006.
The purposes of this club shall be:
SECTION 1 To provide an organization for owners and operators of antique knitting machines
or sock machines.
SECTION 2 To encourage the preservation, restoration, and use of antique knitting machines.
SECTION 3 To aid in the education of members and the public about the history of antique
knitting machines through shared teaching experiences and demonstrations at various fiber arts
shows and festivals or at regular meetings planned by the members.
SECTION 4 The club shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian, and non-partisan.
The Circular
Fred Hauck
2428 English Road
Rochester, NY 14616
Address Correction Requested