I Speak Football

Expression of Interest Form
I Speak Football
Love football?
Want to gain qualifications
and experience?
Think football can help bring
communities together?
Help young
people to play
CMY has partnered with Melbourne City FC
to start a new project that uses football to
bring a sense of unity to the community.
We’re looking for volunteer Young Leaders
to join the project in Dandenong and
Sunshine. There are also limited places for
you to complete coaching or refereeing
As a Young Leader, you will plan and
deliver weekly football sessions for young
players (14-17 years) with the support of
CMY staff. These activities will also be a
chance for young people of all cultures to
learn about each other and play together.
The groups from Dandenong and Sunshine
will come together twice, for a skills
development day and again for an end
of year I Speak Football Cup.
Then become a
young leader in the
I Speak Football
Get qualified
as a coach
or referee
with others
Weekly session details:
• Must be 18-25 years old
• Live in or feel significantly
connected to Dandenong
or Sunshine
• Can commit to supporting
1 x 10 weekly football sessions
in Term 3
• Young Leaders will be
required to attend an
induction session during
the July school holidays.
• Young women and men
encouraged to apply
J C Mills Reserve,
Cnr Cleeland St and
Heatherton Rd
Dandenong VIC 3175
Mondays 3:30-6:30pm
Selwyn Park
Selwyn Street
Albion VIC 3020
Wednesdays 3:30-6.30pm
For more info
www.cmy.net.au/article/i-speak-football or contact
Rei on 0431 580 341 or rkori@cmy.net.au
Expression of Interest Form
Return this Expression of Interest Form by Friday, 19th June to Rei Kori:
rkori@cmy.net.au or at CMY, 304 Drummond St, Carlton, VIC 3053
Your details will not be disclosed to anyone outside CMY without your permission.
First Name
Last Name
Date of birth
Cultural background/s
Languages Spoken
☐ Dandenong (and surrounds)
☐ Sunshine (and surrounds)
Phone number/s
Email address
How did you hear
about I Speak Football?
☐ CMY staff member ☐ CMY Website ☐ Friend/family member
☐ The Mix e-newsletter ☐ Youth worker/teacher ☐ Football Club
☐ Other, please specify: __________________________________
1. Why are you interested in being a Young Leader for I Speak Football?
2. What experience have you had in playing football or as a young leader before?
Please check the box if applicable:
☐ I can attend an induction session during
the July school holidays
☐ I can commit to helping out after hours
during the weekly football sessions in Term 3
I can complete:
☐ refereeing or ☐ coaching accreditation
I can attend the:
☐ Dandenong or ☐ Sunshine sessions