January 2008 Volume 2, Issue 1 Linus Links 2007—What a Year! Our first year has come and gone and what a year it has been. We officially began in January of 2007 and I was thinking if we received 500 blankets during the year, we would have done a great job. As we end 2007 and begin 2008 we received 1115 blankets from over 160 generous and giving women. Where can we go in 2008? Hopefully we will keep up the pace because there are even more children we can service. One of the goals for 2008 will be to donate 200 blankets to Toys 4 Tots—that’s 100 more than in 2007. We are still trying to find someone in the Medford/Ashland area to restart a chapter there. Until then, we continue to deliver 3 dozen baby blankets to the Rogue Valley Medical Center NICU every month. I try to keep my eye on the news and if there is a special need in that area, I will get a blanket to them. The Channel 12 news team has been a great help in providing addresses and other information in their area. I can’t begin to thank everyone personally for all they’ve done this year. Besides the blankets made and donated, we have had numerous bags of fabric donated—some we could use and some we had to pass on to other organizations. Many of these donations were anonymous so I have no way of sending a proper thank you. I wish all of you a blessed, healthy and prosperous New Year. Thanks for being a part of our team. Trudy Novak Chapter Coordinator Georgie Reed was responsible for blanket #700 and she also donated the most 810 Children Have Received Blankets From Project Linus Klamath Falls/Klamath Basin OR Special points of interest: Our largest number of blankets delivered at one time was 102 to Toys 4 Tots. The most blankets delivered in 2007 was 252 to RVMC-NICU. KUDOS to Wal Mart for donating $1,000.00 to our chapter. They also heard us when we said NO to closing their fabric department. blankets in 2007—81! Blankets to Exodus House I have made several call to Integral Youth Services as a place to donate blankets, but was never successful in speaking with anyone. Then along came the story in the Herald and News about Exodus House and I had a perfect contact. Kathy Cloyd and I met with them on December 17th and received a tour of their facility. What a wonderful service they provide. Great job Georgie and thanks so much. We delivered 25 blankets to them on Dec. 18th and will continue to service their needs. They also accept donations of any kind that could be used by older children and teens. Inside this issue: Why We Do What We Do 2 Make A Blanket Day 3 Blanket Guidelines 3 Getting to Know You 4 Why We Do What We Do Please continue to keep the Mikkelsen family in your prayers while their husband and father is deployed. And to the other men and women who are deployed defending our freedom—we appreciate what you do and you are not forgotten. More Thank Yous The best kind of sleep under heaven above, is under a blanket made with love. We finally have Sky Lakes Hospital on board as a recipient— three different areas are now using our blankets as noted in the thank you above. Ambulatory Surgery Center Day Surgery Family Birthing Center Page 2 A young lady at Klamath Union High School was a recipient of a Toys 4 Tots blanket. Her comment was, “this is the nicest Christmas present I have ever received.” It’s hard to believe a child of that age considers a blanket as her memorable Christmas gift. A very special thank you to: Tater Patch Quilts, Quilting Sisters, Kate’s Quilted Rooster and the Chiloquilters for hosting sew days for us. And I also need to include Novak’s Auto Parts for being a dropoff point for completed blankets and donated fabric. All of you are an integral part of what we do. Make A Blanket Day—Saturday, February 23, 2008 Our 2nd annual Make A Blanket Day will be held at Klamath Community College from 9 am to 4 pm. We will provide coffee, tea, water, muffins, lunch and sweets for dessert. You will need to bring your machine and/or knitting/crocheting. If you have a project you are working on, please feel free to bring it. If you need something to work on, kits will be available. Batting will also be available in you need to pin a quilt. We will have several opportunities to win door prizes. You will be voting on the challenge quilts— winners to receive 1) Janome Sewing Machine, 2) $100.00 gift certificate from Kate’s Quilted Rooster, 3) $100.00 gift certificate from Quilting Sisters and 4) $100.00 gift certificate from Tater Patch Quilts. Make a Blanket Day is a national event usually held the 3rd weekend in February, but that weekend conflicts with the Wings Festival so we opted for a different weekend. Hope to see many of you—there is plenty of room for everyone. 2007 Make a Blanket Day I just wanted to let you know that I thoroughly enjoyed being part of the Project Linus Sew Day yesterday. You gals have certainly set up the local Chapter very well and your devotion to keeping it up and running keeps it fun and interesting. Carol Blew "blewbird" Blanket Guidelines Blanket Sizes Preemie: 18” x 18” Baby: 30” x 30” - 36” Child: 40” x 55” - 60” Teen: 45” x 65” - 72” These are approximate sizes—kids AND blankets come in all sizes. We donate to all ages - infants through teens. Blanketeers I Need Your Help! ♥ When you turn in a blanket please make sure it has your name, telephone number and date turned in. ♥ Make blankets from NEW, CLEAN, WASHABLE materials in infant, child or teen friendly colors. ♥ Make blankets from cotton fabric, flannel, polar fleece, cotton or acrylic yarn. Rug yarn does not make a snuggly blanket. ♥ Please do not make blankets out of tapestry, burlap, felt, upholstery fabric, 70s type double knit, vinyl, wool or wool yarn. ♥ Crochet, knit, quilt or tie your blankets. ♥ Check and double check your blan- When blankets don’t meet the above guidelines, they are donated to another non-profit organization. Holiday Blankets ♥ Piece your blankets with every holiday fabric you can think of - Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween. These blankets can be given out any time of the year. ♥ Make holiday blankets, but don’t donate them until about a month before the holiday. That will give us time to get them delivered before the holiday. Klamath Falls/Klamath Basin Oregon Chapter News Patriotic Blankets We will continue to donate to Kingsley Field whenever requested. All of the blankets don’t have to be patriotic, but we would like for a lot of them to be patriotic. Page 3 Getting to Know You KAREN ALLEN Karen was the winner in name the newsletter contest. “Trudy asked me to write something about my business. Well, I am Karen Allen of Endless Stitch. My business is hand guided longarm quilting. The End. Just kidding! I received my longarm machine in January, 2001 after a lot of prayer and research I had ordered it about three months prior. I loved quilting and everything about it (cutting, piecing, quilting, teaching, etc.). At first I thought I would never get the hang of it. But slowly and surely I was able to make it work. In the time that followed, I had my friends and family help me decide on a name. My daughter-in-law designed my logo. And I now have (since September, 2004) a studio set up for the longarm machine business and all my quilting projects. I still love quilting and my goal is to help everyone that’s quilts or wants to quilt love it as much as I do. With the business I can still find the time for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren” Karen can be reached at Endless_Stitch@charter.net or 892-6931. Trudy Novak, Coordinator 2039 Del Moro St Klamath Falls OR 97601 E-Mail Newsletters If you received this newsletter in the mail and if you have a working e-mail address that you check fairly often, please send your e-mail address to trudyinkfalls@charter.net If you don’t have email, please find a friend who will copy the newsletter for you. This is the only one that will be mailed. When life is easy and everything seems to fall into place, we don’t learn anything. It’s when a tragedy strikes and all seems to be going wrong that we learn the most valuable lessons life has to offer. . . . . Kevin Sharp Trudy Novak, Coordinator 2039 Del Moro St Klamath Falls OR 97601 Third Thursday Yard Sale 4th of July Parade
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