Power-law statistics and universal scaling in the absence of criticality Jonathan Touboul1, 2, ∗ and Alain Destexhe3, 4 1 arXiv:1503.08033v1 [q-bio.NC] 27 Mar 2015 The Mathematical Neuroscience Laboratory, CIRB / Coll`ege de France (CNRS UMR 7241, INSERM U1050, UPMC ED 158, MEMOLIFE PSL*) 2 MYCENAE Team, INRIA Paris 3 Unit for Neurosciences, Information and Complexity (UNIC), CNRS, Gif sur Yvette, France 4 The European Institute for Theoretical Neuroscience (EITN), Paris (Dated: March 30, 2015) Critical states are usually identified experimentally through power-law statistics or universal scaling functions. We show here that such features naturally emerge from networks in self-sustained irregular regimes away from criticality. Power-law statistics are also seen when the units are replaced by independent stochastic surrogates, and thus are not sufficient to establish criticality. We rather suggest that these are universal features of large-scale networks when considered macroscopically. These results put caution on the interpretation of scaling laws found in nature. PACS numbers: 02.50.-r, 05.40.-a, 87.18.Tt, 87.19.ll, 87.19.lc, 87.19.lm Criticality, whether self-organized (SOC) or the result of fine tuning, was invoked as the fundamental origin of a number of complex phenomena in natural systems, from sandpile avalanches to forest fires [1, 2]. It is usually identified by a typical scale invariance or power-law scaling of specific events, as evidenced in canonical systems, such as the sandpile [3] or the Ising model [4]. The relationship between power-laws in nature and criticality became popular after the seminal work of Bak, Tang and Wiesenfeld on the Abelian sandpile model [3]: there, it is proposed that systems can self-organize to remain poised at their critical state and that this may be a universal explanation for the ubiquity of power-law scalings in nature [1] Following this theory, a considerable number of publications reported the identification of power-law relations and SOC in many complex systems (see [2, 3] for reviews). At criticality, such systems show a number of scale-invariant statistics including the size, duration and shape of the avalanches. Here, we show that statistical mechanisms provide an alternative natural explanation for the emergence of power-law and scale invariant statistics in large-scale stochastic systems, which is particularly relevant to neuronal networks. In neuroscience, the theory that neuronal networks operate at a phase transition would not only be a mathematical curiosity, but could have important consequences in neural coding: a scale-invariant neuronal spiking activity could reveal the presence of long-range correlations in the system [5] and optimal encoding of information [6]. This is probably one of the reasons why the characterization of the statistics of collective spike patterns has been the object of intense research and active debate [7–10]. The first empirical evidence that neuronal networks may operate at criticality was provided by analysis of the activity in neuronal cultures in vitro, which display bursts of activity separated by silences. Based on an analogy with the sandpile model, these bursts were seen as “neuronal avalanches”, and were apparently distributed as a power-law with a slope close to −3/2, consistent with the distribution of sandpile avalanches [7]. These experiments used macroscopic measurements of firing events through local field potentials recordings, and avalanches were related to peaks in the signals. As this procedure may lead to spurious power laws related to the stochastic nature of the signal [10], in-depth exploration of in-vitro firing of several units were performed in cultured neurons [11]. These researches confirmed the presence of apparent power-law distributions of avalanche size and duration with critical exponents (respectively, −3/2 and −2), as well as the existence of a universal mean temporal profiles of firing events collapsing under specific scaling onto a single universal scaling function. These statistics were sometimes interpreted as the hallmark of criticality in analogy with canonical statistical physics models. And in addition, a few models of neuronal activity related scale-invariant statistics to criticality [11, 12]. Several models used a branching processes analogy (that rigorously only applies to networks having solely excitatory connections) and investigated how the activity propagates throughout the network: in this case when a spike induces the firing of more than one spike on average, there is an explosion of activity in the network, while if it induces less than one spike, the activity dies out after a typical time, and it is only at criticality, when a spike induces on average one spike, that one may obtain scale-free statistics. But avalanches are more described through the distribution of the periods of silence, and in biological neuronal networks, the presence of inhibition is fundamental in shaping the activity and can be a crucial element to the termination of avalanches. In this Letter, we show that networks with inhibition do not need to be at criticality to have power-law avalanche statistics as reported in experiments, but is rather a generic macroscopic feature of such networks related to fundamental properties of large interacting systems with inhibition. In order to observe scale-free avalanches, neuronal networks must display periods of collective activity of broadly distributed duration interspersed by periods of 2 (see raster plot in Fig. 1(B)) [15]. This sharply contrasts with the SI state, in which we can define avalanches and find that these events display the same statistics assumed to reveal criticality in cultures [11]. Fig 1(A) represents the raster plot with typical avalanches taking place. Strikingly, both avalanche duration and avalanche size show excellent fit to a power law, validated by Kolmogorov Smirnov test of maximum likelihood estimator [16]. Moreover, the exponents we find for the fits are close from the critical exponents of the sandpile model, as also found in cultures [11]. In particular, we find that the size s of the avalanches (number of firings during one avalanche) scales as s−τ with τ = 1.63 (Fig. 1(C)), close to the theoretical value of 3/2, and to the neuronal culture scaling (1.7 reported in [11]). The distribution of the duration t of the avalanches scales as t−α with α = 1.86 (Fig. 1(D)), close to the theoretical value of 2 in the sandpile model (1.9 in neuronal cultures [11]). Moreover, let us note that the typical deviations from the power laws seen in this spiking model are consistent with experimental data: they are rather qualitatively compatible with a underlying sub-critical regime, as found experimentally [11]. As a result, the average number of neuron firing scales very nicely as a power of duration with positive exponent γ = 1.23 (Fig. 1(E)), similar to what was observed in neuronal cultures (with a similar exponent 1.3), and which is consistent with Sethna’s size-duration universal scaling relationship [14] silence: this is typical of the Synchronous Irregular (SI) regimes (see e.g. [13]), known to reproduce the qualitative features of spiking in anesthetized animals or cultures. Although partially ordered and partially disordered, SI regimes occur in a wide range of parameter values (all in inhibition-dominated regimes) [13] and are not very sensitive to modifications of biophysical parameters. It is distinct from the Asynchronous Irregular (AI) regime, in which neurons fire in a Poisson-like manner (and no period of silence occurs), typical of the awake activity and where no avalanche can be found. It is also distinct from the Synchronous Regular Regime (SR), in which collective activity is synchronized and quasi-periodic. In the SI regime the inhibition dominates the excitation, and when the activity invades the network, it will naturally die out due to inhibition. This is what we observe in the simulations in Fig. 1 in a sparsely-connected network of excitatory and inhibitory integrate-and-fire neurons [13]. We investigate the statistics of spike units in both cases (see Fig. 1). (A) 1000 500 500 0 0 Rate Neuron index (B) 1000 1 1000 3 2 1200 4 1400 5 1600 1800 2000 6 2200 7 5 Time (s) 6 10 5 4 4 10 s−1.63 3 10 3 10 2 10 1 −1.86 1 10 10 0 10 0 10 t 2 10 0 1 10 2 10 0 10 3 10 10 Avalanche size 1 10 (F) 1.9 4 〈s〉(t;T) 2 10 3.5 3 2.5 1 10 −1.226 ~T 0 10 0 10 Avalanche duration (# bins) 〈s〉(t;T) / T0.23 4.5 α−1 = γ. τ −1 2 10 10 8.5 10 5 10 7.5 7 (E) 6 10 6.5 Time (s) Mean Avalanche size Event Frequency (C) 6 5.5 (D) 1 10 Avalanche duration (# bins) (G) 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 2 1 1.5 0 5 10 15 Time t (#of bins) 20 25 0.9 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 t/T FIG. 1. Avalanche spike statistics in the sparsely connected integrate-and-fire model [13] with N = 5 000 neurons in the SI and AI states. (A) Raster plot of the SI together with the firing rate (below). (B) Raster plot in the AI state: spiking is asynchronous and faster (notice that the time window is shorter compared to A for legibility): no silence period arises. In the SI states, (C) avalanche size and (D) avalanche duration scale as power law (dashed line is the maximum likelihood fit), and averaged avalanche size scales as a power law with the duration avalanche duration according to the universal scaling law [14] (E). Average avalanche shapes collapse onto the same curve (F,G) very accurately. First, in the AI state, the sustained and irregular firing does not leave room for repeated periods of quiescence at this network scale, preventing the definition of avalanches 2 10 (1) But one can go to an even finer scale and consider the averaged shape for an avalanche of fixed size. Typical profiles for three different durations are plotted in Fig. 1(F). These shapes were shown to actually collapse onto a universal avalanche shape when time is normalized by the total duration T and the mean number of active neurons is normalized by T γ−1 where γ is defined above. The avalanches of Brunel’s model in the SI state show very nicely this scale invariance with the particular coefficients found, as we show in Fig. 1(G) and consistent with neuronal cultures findings. These scalings are not specific to the particular choice of parameters used in our simulations: we consistently find, in the whole range of parameter values corresponding to the SI state of Brunel’s model, and in particular, away from phase transitions, similar apparent power-law scalings with similar scaling exponents. We conclude that these statistics are not a hallmark of criticality in this system, but rather correspond to the statistics of synchronous irregular states prominent both in anesthesia and cultures in which power-laws have been found experimentally [7, 17]. The observation of such scaling relationship in noncritical simple models of neuronal networks suggests that the observed scaling is due to other mechanisms. The classical theory of the thermodynamics of interacting par- ρ˙ t = −αρt + σξt with (ξt ) a Gaussian white noise. This choice is interesting in that the distribution of excursions and their times is known in closed form [20]. These distributions are, of course, not heavy tailed: they have exponential tails with exponent α. We investigated the collective statistics of N = 2 000 independent realizations of Poisson processes with this rate. The resulting raster plot is displayed in Fig. 2(A). While the firing is an inhomogeneous Poisson process, macroscopic statistics show power-law distributions for the size (τ = 1.3, Fig. 2(B)) and for the duration (α = 1.7, Fig. 2(C)), both statistically significant [16], and yielding the classical linear relationship between average avalanche size and duration with a coefficient γ = 1.3 satisfying the classical relationship (1). Averaged shapes of avalanches of a given duration are again the same curves rescaled through the universal scaling rules of critical events (Fig. 2(D,E)). Similar results were found using other choices of irregular rate functions (not shown). At this point, we conclude that power-law statistics of avalanche duration and size, as well as collapse of avalanche shape, may arise in non-critical systems, they even appear in networks in which firing times are statistically independent. Therefore, they do not necessarily reveal how neurons interact, but rather the presence of a hidden dependence of all neurons on the same fluctuating function. A similar hypothesis was formulated as the origin of Zipf’s law in nature in high dimensional data with latent variables [21, 22]. Here, the situation is very different in that we are not considering the frequency of data, and moreover because neuronal networks are responsible of generating their own ‘latent variable’ that naturally emerges from network interactions, while pairs (of p-uplets) of cells become independent. 500 250 Rate 0 4 3 2 1 0 5 Time (s) 5 6 Event Frequency 10 10 5 10 4 10 ~s 3 10 ~t 4 10 1.3 1.7 3 10 2 10 2 10 1 10 1 10 0 0 10 0 10 1 2 10 3 10 4 10 10 10 0 10 5 10 2 3 10 4 10 10 2 8 s (t,T) / T 0.4 7 6 5 4 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 3 2 0 1 10 Avalanche duration (# bins) Avalanche size s (t,T) ticle systems states that in large networks (such as those of the brain), the correlations between neurons vanishes. This is also known as Boltzmann molecular chaos hypothesis (Stoßzahlansatz ). In our context, in the limit of large networks, neurons behave as independent jump processes with a common rate, which is solution of an implicit equation, as shown in various network models [18, 19]. This motivates the study of ensembles of neurons made of statistically independent Poisson processes, with identical rates. The case of constant rates corresponds to AI regimes, but to generate a stochastic surrogate of the SI regime, we must consider non-homogeneous rates with periods of silence. An obvious choice would be to replay the rates extracted from the SI state, and indeed such a surrogate generated power-law statistics (not shown), but in this case we could not rule out whether the powerlaw statistics are encoded in the rate functions. To show that this is not the case, we generated a surrogate independent of the rate functions, by using a common rate of firing of the neurons given by the positive part ρ+ t of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process: Neuron index 3 0.8 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time t 35 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Normalized time t/T FIG. 2. Avalanches statistics in the independent Poisson model with Ornstein-Uhlenbeck firing rate (α = σ = 1). Apparent power-law scalings, together with scale invariance of avalanches shapes. This being said, we are facing an apparent contradiction. Indeed, our theory provides an account for the presence of critical statistics in networks in the SI regime, but discards AI states as possibly having critically distributed avalanches. Evidences of critical statistics of avalanches in-vivo in the awake brain have been reported, but are more scarce and controversial. Unlike neuronal cultures, the activity in the awake brain does not display bursts separated by silences, but is sustained. Using a macroscopic measurement of neuronal activity, the Local Field Potential (LFP), power laws could be shown from the distribution of peaked events [9]. However, the emergence of this statistics may also be accounted for by the random nature of the signal and the thresholding procedure used in this analysis, and moreover these power-laws may not be statistically significant [10]. Double-exponential distributions seem to provide a better fit [8]. In an attempt to clarify this, we investigate whether if LFP peaks distribution can distinguish between critical and non-critical regimes. We considered the current-based Vogels and Abbott model [23] which provides synaptic currents which are more biologically plausible, and from which we can calculate LFP signals VLF P . Indeed, these signals are generated primarily by the synaptic currents and depend on the distance between neurons and electrode, as derived from Coulomb’s law [24]: VLF P = Re X Ij , 4π j rj where VLF P is the electric potential at the electrode position, Re = 230 Ωcm is the extracellular resistivity of 4 brain tissue, Ij are the synaptic currents of and rj is the distance between Ij and electrode position. Remarkably, applying to this more sophisticate model the same procedures as in the original paper [9], we found that the method cannot distinguish between structured or nonstructured activity: for a fixed firing rate and bin size, we have been comparing in Figure 3 the LFP statistics of the avalanche duration in a network of neurons in the AI regime (A) or in the SI regime (C) that shows partial order of the firing and saw no difference. We also compared the statistics to those of independent Poisson processes with constant rate (B): the three instances show power-law scaling of avalanche duration, with the same exponent, that seem to rather be related to the firing rate and bin size than to the form of the network activity. The scaling coefficient is again, close from 3/2, and varies with bin size. AI Poisson SI phenomenon. This is why we found the same scalings in stochastic surrogates. This also justifies why power-law scalings of avalanches were found in a model of spiking cells when excitation balances inhibition [25], the only regime in which the cells are in the SI state. But when it comes to macroscopic measurements, it is very difficult to conclude: both SI and AI regimes, as well as stochastic surrogates, display power-law statistics in the distribution of LFP peaks. This shows that systems of weakly correlated units, or their stochastic surrogates, can generate power-law statistics when considered macroscopically. Therefore, the power-law statistics of macroscopic variables tells nothing about the critical or non-critical nature of the underlying system. This potentially reconciles contradictory observations that macroscopic brain variables display power-law scaling [9], while no sign of such power-law scaling was found in the units [8, 26]. More generally, these results also put caution on the interpretation of power-law relations found in nature. Acknowledgments A.D. was supported by the CNRS and grants from the European Community (BrainScales and Human Brain Project). We warmly thank Quan Shi and Roberto Zu˜ niga Valladares for interesting discussions and analyses. 3 10 2 10 1 10 0 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 FIG. 3. Avalanche analysis defined from the macroscopic variable VLF P of a network of integrate-and-fire neurons with exponential synapses. Networks displaying an AI state (left), its stochastic surrogate (middle) or a SI state (right), all show similar macroscopic power-law statistics with a universal exponent close to -3/2, and plots are indistinguishable. We conclude that networks of neurons within synchronous irregular (SI) regimes may naturally display power-law statistics and universal scaling functions due to the combination of (i) an emergent irregular collective activity in a large-scale system, and (ii) the power-law statistics of such large-scale systems, due to molecular chaos.] In agreement with this, the same statistics are reproduced by a surrogate stochastic process where the periods of firing and silences are themselves generated by another stochastic process. This observation is evocative of recent results showing that Zipf laws can arise from the presence of hidden latent variable in high dimensional systems [21, 22]. Here, we showed that neuronal networks can naturally adopt a regime in which neurons are close to be independent, with similar irregular statistics. In such an analogy, the common rate could be seen as a latent variable, and both independence and irregularity build up only from the interactions between cells. In networks with irregular rates, power-laws and data collapse are therefore as universal as the molecular chaos ∗ jonathan.touboul@college-de-france.fr [1] P. Bak, How nature works (Oxford university press Oxford, 1997). [2] H. J. Jensen, Self-organized criticality: emergent complex behavior in physical and biological systems, Vol. 10 (Cambridge university press, 1998). [3] P. Bak, C. Tang, K. Wiesenfeld, et al., Physical review letters 59, 381 (1987). [4] M. Kardar, Statistical physics of fields (Cambridge University Press, 2007). [5] W. L. Shew and D. Plenz, The neuroscientist 19, 88 (2013). [6] D. R. Chialvo, Nature physics 2, 301 (2006). [7] J. M. Beggs and D. Plenz, The Journal of neuroscience 23, 11167 (2003). [8] N. Dehghani, N. G. Hatsopoulos, Z. D. Haga, R. A. Parker, B. Greger, E. Halgren, S. S. Cash, and A. 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