HIMACHAL PRADESH MID HIMALAYAN WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT COMPONENT THREE: ENHANCIMG MOUNTAIN LIVELIHOOD Sub component : Income generation for vulnerable groups WOOLLEN –KNITTING SUB PROJECT Prepared by: Dr Praveen K Jain HP Mid-Himalayan Watershed Development Project Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh, 176215 +91-98-160-32528 rhimzhim1999@yahoo.com VISION Himachal Pradesh (HP) is a mountainous state situated in Western Himalayas and known for its natural beauty and rich cultural and religious heritage. The state has diverse ecosystems, rivers and valleys ,and has a population of 6 million and cover 55,673 sq.km ranging from foothills of Shivaliks to the midhills (800-1600 mts above MSL), high hills and cold dry zones of the upper Himalayas. Despite the growing importance of tourism etc. the economy of the state is chiefly agrarian as nine out of ten households are rural and 80% of the people are involved in agriculture and contribute 22 % of the GDP as compared to 13 % from secondary and 65% from the tertiary sector. The cultivated area accounts for 6.2 lakh hectares and 80 % of this area is rainfed, with very poor productivity. Moreover there is a little scope to further improve the same due to scarcity of water. The scenario in case of animals (5.2 million) is not different as most of the animals are poor in production or are not productive at all. The improvement is less in the present scenario when the state is already running shortage of approximately 54.2 % and 38.2 % green and dry forage respectively. Due to low per capita income of the farmers their nutrition status is also low and most of them are malnutritious. As milk contribute very little in their dietary schedule. So we have to look for some other alternate for the poorest segment of the people (vulnerable groups) that may add to his income as well as to his nutrition. So that he may have better health and economy by additional livelihood activity. Sub- project Proposal Format 1. Identification Ward Village Panchayat Block District 2. 1-2 Pookri Pookri Batiyaat Chamba Details of the Group Name of the group Number of member in the group Name of the group leader/president Father’s name Name of group secretary Father’s name Name of the group account signatory (1) Father’s name Name of the group account signatory (2) Father’s name Name and address of bank Bank account number Name of resource person Contact no 3. Ganga, Saraswati 15 Each Omi, Kaushalya Anita, Phoolno Devi Anita, Maya Hp Coop Bank Banikhet 6299 Vimla devi 9418250622 Details of Beneficiaries S.N. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name of the beneficiary Father’s/ husband’s name Village Sex Caste Age 7. 8. 9. 10. 4. Village wise details of Beneficiaries if they are from more than one village (To be prepared for each participating village separately) S.N Mohalla/ward Total number of beneficiary family Castes 1. 2. 3. 5. Objectives the Sub-project 1. To create sustainable employment opportunities and income for the vulnerable group (ESPECIALLY WOMEN) 2. Capacity building of members of community level organization (SHGs, CIGs, etc.). 3. To improve the skills of knitting. 4. To capture a potential market for handy crafts . 5. Teamwork and leadership and build up of self confidence. 6. Nature of the proposed sub-project activity a) On-farm b) Non-farm c) Production related d) Processing related e) Services related f) Trade related 7. Measure sub-project activities Community mobilization: meeting with community, imparting knowledge of project especially livelihood options Group Forming: Forming group of interested and eligible members concerning to the activities, forming bye laws/constitutions, fixing duties and responsibilities within group. They will elect amongst themselves a president, secretary and a cashier. Capacity building: Exposure visits and training to the group members by resource person will be trained that will further disseminate the technical knowhow to other community members. Making of the woolen products : Buying the knitting machine and raw material and then making of the socks and other woolen products. Market Linkage: Establishment of better market linkages between producer and buyer. 8. Market description a) Which market will be targeted A good tourist market is available in nearby towns like Dalhousie, Banikhet , nurpur etc and a city market at around 75 km in Pathankot. b) Size and location of the market Local Nearby towns /cities c) Raw material procurement Locally available d) Price considerations Depends upon the market (generally the sale price is kept by excluding the labor by women as the profit is considered as the reward of part time employment) e) Promotion strategy To promote the production in bulk only than a big market can be captured Some brand name promotion. Still lots of scope to capture the market of Kullu products. 9. Operation strategy a) Site and facilities available To start with the industry can be started in some rental space in the village or in some abandoned building or set up of like some halls in Panchayat Bhawans etc. b) Equipment and/or machines available and required Hand knitting machine Wool c) Transportation and storage Easily trough local transport bus etc d) Timetable and schedules A year round activity. Production and sale may vary with the season. But tourist Market is available the full year. e) Monitoring and maintenance system At the initial stage we will do base line survey and yearly survey will be conducted of the beneficiaries. Key indicators for the monitoring are as: - Increase in production - Size of the group - Number of units sold - Increase in production o Replication 10. Inputs and resources required a) Physical Space of working b) Material Hand knitting machine Wool c) Financial For the knitting machine available at the 90/10 ratio in the project & initially supported by the raw material also. d) Human Traininer is available at the rate of 210.00 /- per member training for one week. e) Technical Skill oriented activity , no technical know how 11. Expected Benefits • To create sustainable employment opportunities and income for the vulnerable group (ESPECIALLY WOMEN) • Capacity building of members of community level organization (SHGs, CIGs, etc.). • To improve the skills. • To capture a potential market for handy crafts • Teamwork and leadership and build up of self confidence. 12. Details Expenditure head Details Non recurring expenses Instruments and hand knitting machine 5 no @ 4175/Training @210/- Recurring expenses Given in appendix Subtotal (A) Raw Material/wool Administrative and supervision cost Labor Rent Electricity Water Business Promotion Telephone and postage Stationery Miscellaneous Subtotal (B) Total sub-project cost (A+B) Amount in Rs COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS Sno 1 2 1 2 S n o 1 2 3 4 5 6 Particulars Fixed Costs Hand Knitting Machine Training /Capacity Buliding Variable Costs Wool For Socks Wool For Shawls Nos Rate 5 15 4175 210 1000 g 1000 g 300 500 VALUE CHAIN FOR WOOLLEN SUB PROJECT Units Sale No/ Wool Per Cost Total Price Item Day /Unit Month /Unit Cost /Unit Socks 5.00 100 150 46 6900 55 Baby Suits 2 300 60 130 7800 250 Shawls 3 500 90 277 24900 350 Muflars 8 200 240 110 26400 150 Caps 7 100 210 41 8700 50 Sweaters 2 550 60 205 12300 250 Depreciation on fixed cost @ 5% 1201 Profit/ Month Profit/Year Total Total Sale 8250 15000 31500 36000 10500 15000 88201 116250 1058415 1395000 13. Sources of finance a) Group/own contribution Rs. 2088.00 b) Project grant Rs.18787.00 c) Loan/credit from financial institutions Rs.- 14. Cost of production (per month) a) Monthly Recurring expenses Rs.87000.00 b) Depreciation on machine and building, etc. Rs.1201.00 c) Interest on loan Rs. 15. Income (per month) a) Sale of product Rs.116250.00 b) Bank interest Rs. 20875 3150 Profit 1350 7200 6600 9600 1800 2700 29250 35100 0 Per Women 1950 23400 16. Profit (per month) Income in Rs. - Cost of production in Rs. 116250.00 88201.00 17. Profit in Rs. 29250.00 Per women 1950.00 Resolution of the group Decision to undertake the above sub-project by the group was taken in the group’s general meeting held on (date) ______________, at _______________. Signature of the group secretary Signature of the group president/leader Members of Laxmi SHG who make knitting group The knitting machines as provided by the project “women group learning from the resource person smt, vimla devi . Wool as used for making woolen products Women displaying the woolen sweater they made on the knitting machine provided to them woolen products made on the knitting machine provided to the group
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