Program Design Lecture

Robert dos Remedios, MA, CSCS, MSCC
Hammer Strength Clinic
University of Washington
March 28th, 2015
•  Lon Record, Hammer Strength, Henry Ruggiero and his en6re staff here at UW •  All my mentors, coaches, and friends in this industry who have helped me on my LONG Journey (too many to men6on) •  TO ALL OF YOU!!!! •  To my Wife Francine and my daughter Annabella !
Sam m
About Myself…. •  Former Head Strength & Condi6oning Coach at College of the Canyons, Santa Clarita, CA •  2006 NSCA Collegiate Strength Coach of the year •  Master Strength & Condi6oning Coach CSCCa •  Author of 2 worldwide best-­‐selling books (Men’s Health Power Training, Cardio Strength Training) •  2015 is my 27th year in Strength & Condi6oning Let’s STOP this already! Programming and crea9ng training programs is NOT rocket science….it IS , however, A SCIENCE Understanding and Using a
“Plug and Play” Movement Training
Movement “Menus” Think of your programming being based on a series of movements categories – each one has a menu with mul6ple exercises that can plugged into your workout Essen6al Training Movement Pa_erns / Categories • 
Push Pull Core* Explosive Squat/Step/Lunge Hinge/Flex Considera6ons when Choosing Exercises • 
Familiarity and comfort Equipment Mul6ple Planes of movement Bilateral / Unilateral Warm-Up and Activation
Pre-workout Routine
Crea6ng a Simple Warm-­‐up and Aci6va6on Rou6ne •  Foam Rolling •  Turkish Get-­‐up x 2 •  Ke_lebell Complex x 5 (Goblet Squat, RDL, Swing, Judo Pushup) •  Mini-­‐Band lateral walks, monster walks, and Glute Bridges Creating your Workout
Building Your Plug-­‐in Template •  Try to Superset and Tri-­‐set your exercises •  Goals are to address all essen6al movement pa_erns •  Brief but intense training sessions The Template 2-­‐3 Days/Week -­‐ Category Explosive Core Prehab* Squat/Step/Lunge Pull Mobility Hinge/Flex Push Mobility The Template 3-­‐4 Days/Week -­‐ "Push" Category Explosive Core Squat/Step/Lunge Ver6cal Push Horizontal Push Mobility The Template 3-­‐4 Days/Week -­‐ "Pull" Category Explosive Core Hinge/Flex Ver6cal Pull Horizontal Pull Mobility Plugging in Exercises Category Explosive Core Prehab* A B Hang Cleans Muscle Snatch Band Pallof Press Ab Wheel DB Cuban Press TRX W-­‐T's Squat/Step/Lunge Front Squat Pull Chin-­‐ups Mobility Triangles Hinge/Flex Push Mobility Drop Lunge TRX Row Squat to Stand KB Swing TRX SHELC DB 1-­‐arm Bench Push Press Bretzel ASLR Plugging in Exercises "Push" "Pull" Category Category Explosive Clean Pulls Explosive DB H.Snatch Core Body Saw Core Landmine Squat/Step/Lunge Step-­‐up Hinge/Flex GHR Ver6cal Push Push Press Ver6cal Pull Chin-­‐ups Horizontal Push DB 1-­‐arm bench Horizontal Pull DB 3 pt. Row Mobility Bretzel Mobility ASLR Periodization
Alterna6ng Linear Cycling Concept is simple: Alternate between Hypertophy and Strength/
Power Cycles every 2-­‐3 weeks year-­‐round. This insures that you are not away from either for long and are constantly varying loads/
volumes Sample Cycles Weeks Explosive Exercises Compound Exercises 1-­‐3 3 x 5 3 x 10 4-­‐6 3 x 3 3 x 5 7-­‐9 5-­‐4-­‐3 3 x 8 10-­‐12 3-­‐2-­‐1 5-­‐4-­‐3 Plug and Play! Knee-­‐
Squat Explosive Front Olmpic Lips* Squat Back USB Cleans Squat KB+Bands Split Squat Side Slide* TRX+Sleds RFE Squat Drop Goblet Squat Cossack* Bearhug Squat Slide* 1-­‐leg Squat* GHR Core-­‐
Push Core-­‐Rot plank Ab Chins Bench* Med balls wheel Pallof press Pullups TRX* planks* Rot Rows* Pushup* plank* Saws TRX Push TRX Rows* Press grappler* TRX* Back Ext SHELC* Push Jerk 1/2 TGU kb strict press Landmine Jumps Med Balls Knee-­‐
Lunge Hip/Hinge/
Flex Pull Front Swings* reverse RDL Density Training Concepts
Density Formarng…. Hypertrophy = Sets of 8 using 10-12 RM
Strength = Sets of 5 using 6-8RM
Format = either X amount or rounds or X
amount of total minutes
“Density” Sessions Explosive Push Pull Knee Hip Core Mobility Exercise Hang Clean DB 1-­‐arm Bench Chins Walking Lunge DB 1-­‐leg RDL Body Saw Triangle Post-workout Components
Other Essen6al Training: •  “Finishers”
•  Sport Speed
•  Energy System Training / Conditioning
•  Strongman
•  Sledwork (frontal plane emphasis)
•  Reactives / Expolsives
•  Team Building activities – Competition /
Full-Body Lift
Density Session
Robert dos Remedios