Huck l eb er r y’s R esta ur a nt & B a nq uet Fa ci li ty 1916 South Marquette Road Prairie du Chien, WI 53821 Voice: (608) 326-5488 Fax: (608) 326-8584 E-mail: http:// Banquet Hall Pricing Page Created on: March 29, 2015 and valid through May 31, 2015 Huckleberry' s i s equipped with a fabulous banquet hall facility , and is available for any of your group planning needs. W e acc ept r e servati ons fo r all groups and size s, and for any occa sion. W e can help with your wedding reception, co ck tail party, reunion, fam ily or com pany party, holiday celebration, busine ss m eeting, auction, club m eetings, training se ssion, sem inar...whatever you need ! Our facility includes buf fe t capabilities and a full bar. Dining sele ction s can be m ade from our Br eakfa st, Lunch, or Dinner Menu, o r can be created specifically for your event. W e can be a s sim ple or a s creative as you desire . We also o ffer a full sel ec tion of bo th classic and specialty appetizers and desser ts. When you are ready to plan for your event, please call us. Phone us a t: (608) 326-5488 E-m ail us at: info@huckleberry Our normal business hours are: Monday through Thursday: 6am through 9pm Friday & Saturday: 6am through 10pm Sunday: 7am through 8pm All prices in this document are listed per person, unless otherwise indicated. TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR THIS DOCUMENT: PAGE 2: PAGE 3: Huckleberry’s Meals Prices Huck’s Hot Dishes, Sandwiches, & Misc. Prices Huckleberry’s Banquet Hall Pricing Page ( ) © 2002 PAGE 1 of 4 PAGE 4: Huck’s Basic Breakfast Prices Huckleberry’s Meals Prices (per person) POU LTRY* 3Pc. Baked or Fried Chicken Chicken Almondine Chicken Cordon Bleu Turkey & Dressing Stuffed Chicken Breast STEAKS & SEAFOOD* $10.99 $10.99 $12.99 $12.99 $12.99 Stuffed Salmon Baked or Fried Cod Fried Fantail Shrimp Prime Rib – 8 oz. Prime Rib – 10 oz. TWO-MEAT COMBINATIONS* Chicken & Ham Chicken & Pork Chicken & Fried Shrimp Chicken & Beef Chicken & Swiss Steak $11.99 $11.99 $12.99 $12.99 $13.99 BEEF* Roast Beef – 8 oz. Beef Tips Swiss Steak – 8 oz. Tenderloin – 8 oz. PORK* Pork Tenderloin & Dressing Baked Ham Stuffed Pork Chops Market Market Market Market Market $13.99 $12.99 $13.99 Market PASTA** $11.99 $10.99 $11.99 Spaghetti Lasagna Chicken Alfredo (6 oz.) Shrimp Alfredo(6) $7.99 $8.99 $9.99 $13.99 *INCL UDES CH OI CE OF P OTATO, V EG ETABLE, AND SALAD ** INCL UDE S CH OI CE OF SALAD, AND BR EADSTI CK ALL M EAL PRICES INCLUD E BREAD & BUTTER, COFFEE, AND M ILK Choice of Vegetable Choice of Potato or Rice Choice of Salad Corn Green Beans Baked Beans Baby Carrots Wisconsin Blend California Blend (add .75) Green Bean Casserole (add .75) Grilled Mixed Veggies (add .75) Broccoli (add .75) Asparagus (add 1.00) Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Baked Potatoes Au Gratin Potatoes Scalloped Potatoes Oven Roasted Reds Cheesy Potatoes (add .75) Wild Rice Blend White Rice Pasta Lettuce Fruit Jell-O Coleslaw Cottage Cheese Fruit Fluff D esserts: Bread Pudding Cheesecake Pie Ice Cream Cake or Brownies Cookies (2) M iscellaneous Extras: $1.99 $1.99 $1.79 $0.99 $0.99 $0.99 Stuffing Veggies & Dip Cheese & Cracker Tray Cheese & Sausage Tray $1.79 $1.49 $1.99 $2.99 Prices and quantities are based on standard serving sizes, not “All You Can Eat”. Any food added will be billed based on volume. Prices are per person based on buffet service. Add $2.00 per person for service by the plate. Add $.50 per person for ½ and ½ combinations. Huckleberry’s Banquet Hall Pricing Page ( ) © 2002 PAGE 2 of 4 Tax and gratuity will be added on all food and beverage items. If you have something in mind that’s not listed on our menu, we can accommodate! Just call for more information if you don’t see what you’re looking for here. We also offer a wide selection of both classic and specialty appetizers and desserts. Huck’s Hot Dishes, Sandwiches, & Misc. Prices Hot Dishes Chicken Noodle Casserole Tuna Noodle Casserole Goulash Scalloped Potatoes & Ham Meatloaf Spaghetti Lasagna $6.99 $6.99 $6.99 $6.99 $7.99 $7.99 $8.99 Sandwiches Chicken Or Ham Salad On A Croissant Ham Or Turkey Sandwich Barbeque Pork Sandwich Beefy Mushroom Sandwich Grilled Chicken Sandwich Hot Dish Prices Include: Salad Bread & Butter Coffee & Milk Sandwich Prices Include: $7.99 $7.99 $7.99 $8.99 $7.99 Cup Of Soup or Fruit Cup Chips Cookie Coffee & Milk Miscellaneous Coffee, Milk, &Bakery Assortment Coffee, Soft Drinks, & Cookies Soup, Salad Bar, & Beverage Turkey & Ham Sandwich, Soup & Salad Bar, Cookies, Coffee, and Milk Fruited Chicken Salad on Lettuce, Sun Chips, Dinner Roll, Coffee, and Milk Desserts $2.99 $2.99 $6.99 $7.99 $7.99 Bread Pudding Cake Pie Cookies (2) Brownies Ice Cream Cheesecake $1.99 $0.99 $1.79 $0.99 $0.99 $0.99 $1.99 Prices and quantities are based on standard serving sizes, not “All You Can Eat”. Any food added will be billed based on volume. Prices are per person based on buffet service. Add $2.00 per person for service by the plate. Add $.50 per person for ½ and ½ combinations. Tax and gratuity will be added on all food and beverage items. If you have something in mind that’s not listed on our menu, we can accommodate! Just call for more information if you don’t see what you’re looking for here. We also offer a wide selection of both classic and specialty appetizers and desserts. Huckleberry’s Banquet Hall Pricing Page ( ) © 2002 PAGE 3 of 4 Huck’s Basic Breakf ast Prices 1. CHOICE OF ONE: 2. CHOICE OF ONE: 3. CHOICE OF ONE: Pancakes French Toast Biscuits Potatoes Sausage Bacon Ham Sausage Gravy Scrambled Eggs Egg Bake YOU R BREAKFAST MENU 1. 2. 3. 4. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Plus, Bakery Assortment Fruit Coffee & Milk $7.99 per person EXTRAS: Juice Potatoes CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST: $1.59 $1.59 Bakery Assortment, Milk, and Coffee $2.99 Prices and quantities served are based on standard serving sizes, and not "All You Can Eat". Any food added will be billed based on volume. Prices are per person based on buffet service. Add $2.00 for service by the plate. Add $.50 per person for ½ and ½ combinations. Tax and gratuity will be added on all food and beverage items If you have something in mind that's not on our menu, we can accommodate! Just call for more information if you don't see what you're looking for here. We also offer a wide selection of both classic and specialty appetizers and desserts. Price Honor Guarantee Prices quoted are good through the “valid through” date shown on page one. Booking and guaranteeing your event with us will lock in these prices. This document is © 2002 Huckleberry’s Restaurant. All rights reserved. This document may not be modified in any way. If you distribute this document, please be aware that this is a time sensitive document, and the valid dates are listed at the beginning of this document. If you do not possess a current document, please feel free to go to or phone us at (608) 326-5488 for current pricing. Huckleberry’s Banquet Hall Pricing Page ( ) © 2002 PAGE 4 of 4
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