TOWN NEWS Coalhurst, Alberta MAY 10 12 19 26 30 JUNE 1-7 2 9 11 May 10, 2015 Mother’s Day Committee of the Whole 7:00 p.m. Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Committee of the Whole 7:00 p.m. Volunteer Appreciation Barbeque (pg 24) MAY Miners Days Spring Sale Community Centre May 16, 2015 9am – 3pm Seniors’ Week 2015 Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Committee of the Whole 7:00 p.m. Spring Open House (pg 23) Community Yard Sale Town of Coalhurst May 16, 2015 The bookmobile will be in Town every 2 weeks. ** Subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of Alberta, Section 22(2)(a) and Section 38(z), information submitted to Town Council, including personal information, such as name, address and phone number of the writer may be disclosed to the public and the media at the public Council or Committee meeting. Spring Sale Community Garage Sale Spring Clean Up Coalhurst Clean Up Seniors Conference Coalhurst Buds & Blossoms Contest FCSS News Community Events Calendar Coalhurst Good News Centre Community Promotion Bylaw Enforcement Council Minutes CES/CHS Information Town of Coalhurst Spring Open House Volunteer Appreciation Barbeque Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Seniors Conference Community Centre May 25, 2015 9am 3 4 5 6 7 8 9/10 11/12 13 14 15 16 19 23 24 JULY Canada Day Celebration Wednesday July 1, 2015 Details to Follow AUGUST Coalhurst Miners Days August 7&8, 2015 Details to Follow OCTOBER The Town News is published monthly By the Town of Coalhurst 100-51 Avenue, Box 456 Coalhurst, Alberta TOL OVO Telephone: (403) 381-3033 Fax: (403) 381-2924 E-mail: Web site: Deadline is 9:00 a.m. the 6th of each month Classified ads: $3.00 Display ads: $10/quarter page $20/half page $40/whole page Subscriptions $12/year(add GST to all prices) 2nd Annual Family Fun Run Saturday October 17, 2015 Details to Follow Check out the Web Page at for updated information of Community Events. SENIORS’ WEEK JUNE 1-7, 2015 ADS ARE PAYABLE UPON SUBMISSION Please take the time to honour the Seniors in the Community for their many contributions. 1 TOWN OF COALHURST Waste & Recycle Coalhurst Reuse Weekend May 8, 9, 10 The Town of Coalhurst would like to introduce its second Reuse Weekend. On May 8, 9, and 10 residents are invited to take this opportunity to clear out usable, unwanted items that are taking up space in their homes. Residents can place any items that are suitable to reuse on their property in front of their house on Friday evening and mark them with a FREE sign or sticker. Over the weekend, people are invited to cruise the streets and help themselves to any of the goodies, free of charge. The event is over on Sunday evening at 7:00 p.m. Anything remaining after 7:00 p.m. Sunday, May 10th must be taken back in by the owner. For more information call the Town Office at 403-381-3033. Examples of giveaway items can include: - books, CDs and DVDs - furniture, electronics and small appliances - sports equipment and toys - kitchen gadgets, dishes, cutlery, pots and pans - unwanted gifts - clothing Give away etiquette: Respect other people’s property, belongings and traffic laws. Consider the safety of items left out for reuse and consult the Consumer Product Safety Bureau if unsure. The Town of Coalhurst hopes residents will take part and enjoy a weekend perusing through the neighbourhoods in search of new-to-you treasures! This weekend will coincide with Spring Clean Up, being held May 20th, to help cut down expenses. (Watch for spring clean up details in Town News and on web site.) NO NO CASH TRASH SAFETY & 2 SPRING SALE CRAFTS BAKED GOODS TRADE SHOW ITEMS NEW & NEW 2 YOU ITEMS SATURDAY, MAY 16, 2015 COALHURST COMMUNITY CENTRE 9 AM - 3 PM CONCESSION AVAILABLE FREE ADMISSION TABLES SOLD OUT 3 4 YOU MUST HAVE YOUR SPRING CLEAN UP ITEMS OUT BY 8:00 A.M. Branch Chipping Please follow these guidelines WEDNESDAY, MAY 20th ITEMS PLACED OUT AFTER THAT TIME WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE HOMEOWNER/RESIDENT. WE WILL NOT BE DOING FOLLOW-UP COLLECTIONS PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW THE INFORMATION ON THIS PAGE. … Do not include branches with roots, dirt, leaves, metal or other refuse. … Pile branches so as not to obstruct pick up … Branches should be stacked in one direction and piled as neatly as possible. WE WILL COLLECT UNACCEPTABLE ITEMS (THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL NOT BE COLLECTED) ** Bagged yard waste and household waste ** Furniture and appliances except refrigerators, freezers and air conditioning units ** Tree roots and tree stump separated from branches NO construction or renovation material NO concrete, lumber, roofing shingles, siding material NO dirt or piles of sod NO paint, solvents, oils, antifreeze NO car parts or car bodies NO refrigerators, freezers or air conditioner units PLEASE ENSURE: -Grass and leaves are bagged. Please do NOT pile them loose in your alley. -Material should be neatly stacked and SEPARATE from your regular weekly garbage pick-up. -We will not enter private property to collect – alley line is private property line, curb for front pick-up. -Please be sure that objects you do not want disposed of are not in your alley or collection area. ARE YOU RENOVATING? Renovation, construction and landscaping waste will NOT be collected during Spring Clean Up 2015 Please…..Take it to the Lethbridge landfill (403-327-3288), or rent a garbage bin from a private hauler. Please place TV’s, Bikes, Appliances and Metals in separate piles in pick up area 5 6 7 Coalhurst Buds & Blossoms Contest Beautifying our Community together! Prizes to be given, judging to be done July 14, 2015 Prizes awarded for 1st, 2nd & 3rd Announced at the pancake breakfast during Miners Days 8 9 10 COMMUNITY EVENTS CALENDAR Sun Mon Tue Wed MAY 2015 Thu For up to date information check: Fri Sat 1 2 8 9 The Town Web site at The sign at the Town entrance Watch for great community events in the Town News! 3 4 5 6 7 55+ Meets 7pm 10 Karate Club 6:30-8:30pm @ Community Centre Cubs/Scouts Community Centre 6:30pm CKSA Soccer Miners Park CKSA Soccer Miners Park 11 12 Karate Club 6:30-8:30pm @ Community Centre 17 Sparks/Brownies/Guides Community Centre 6:30pm CKSA Soccer Miners Park CKSA Soccer Miners Park 13 14 55+ Meets 7pm Karate Club 6:30-8:30pm @ Community Centre Sparks/Brownies/Guides Community Centre 6:30pm CKSA Soccer Miners Park CKSA Soccer Miners Park CKSA Soccer Miners Park CKSA Soccer Miners Park 18 19 20 21 Victoria Day Holiday Karate Club 6:30-8:30pm @ Community Centre 24 Cubs/Scouts Community Centre 6:30pm Karate Club 6:30-8:30pm @ Community Centre Cubs/Scouts Community Centre 6:30pm CKSA Soccer Miners Park CKSA Soccer Miners Park 25 26 Seniors Conference Community Centre 9am -3pm Karate Club 6:30-8:30pm @ Community Centre CKSA Soccer Miners Park 55+ Meets 7pm Karate Club 6:30-8:30pm @ Community Centre CKSA Soccer Miners Park 27 CKSA Soccer Miners Park CKSA Soccer Miners Park 28 55+ Meets 7pm Cubs/Scouts Community Centre 6:30pm Sparks/Brownies/Guides Community Centre 6:30pm Karate Club 6:30-8:30pm @ Community Centre CKSA Soccer Miners Park 31 11 Sparks/Brownies/Guides Community Centre 6:30pm CKSA Soccer Miners Park 55+ Club Drop In 10am Youth Centre Open 12-18 years 7pm-10pm 15 55+ Club Drop In 10am Youth Centre Open 12-18 years 7pm-10pm 22 16 MINERS DAYS SALE COMMUNTY CENRE 9AM -3PM COMMUNITY YARD SALE COALHURST 23 55+ Club Drop In 10am Youth Centre Open 12-18 years 7pm-10pm 29 55+ Club Drop In 10am Youth Centre Open 12-18 years 7pm-10pm 30 COMMUNITY EVENTS CALENDAR Sun Mon Tue Wed JUNE 2015 Thu Fri 1 2 3 4 5 Karate Club 6:30-8:30pm @ Community Centre Cubs/Scouts Community Centre 6:30pm 55+ Meets 7pm Sparks/Brownies/Guides Community Centre 6:30pm 55+ Club Drop In 10am CKSA Soccer Miners Park CKSA Soccer Miners Park Karate Club 6:30-8:30pm @ Community Centre CKSA Soccer Miners Park CKSA Soccer Miners Park Sat 6 Youth Centre Open 12-18 years 7pm-10pm SENIORS WEEK JUNE 1-7, 2015 7 14 21 28 8 9 10 11 12 Karate Club 6:30-8:30pm @ Community Centre Cubs/Scouts Community Centre 6:30pm 55+ Meets 7pm Sparks/Brownies/Guides Community Centre 6:30pm 55+ Club Drop In 10am CKSA Soccer Miners Park CKSA Soccer Miners Park 15 Karate Club 6:30-8:30pm @ Community Centre Youth Centre Open 12-18 years 7pm-10pm CKSA Soccer Miners Park CKSA Soccer Miners Park 16 17 18 19 Karate Club 6:30-8:30pm @ Community Centre Cubs/Scouts Community Centre 6:30pm 55+ Meets 7pm Sparks/Brownies/Guides Community Centre 6:30pm 55+ Club Drop In 10am 22 23 24 25 26 Karate Club 6:30-8:30pm @ Community Centre Cubs/Scouts Community Centre 6:30pm 55+ Meets 7pm 55+ Club Drop In 10am Karate Club 6:30-8:30pm @ Community Centre Youth Centre Open 12-18 years 7pm-10pm 29 30 Karate Club 6:30-8:30pm @ Community Centre 13 20 Youth Centre Open 12-18 years 7pm-10pm 27 For up to date information check: The Town Web site at Karate Club 6:30-8:30pm @ Community Centre The sign at the Town entrance Watch for great community events in the Town News! 12 Coalhurst Good News Centre 5106 6th Street, Coalhurst, AB Sundays Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Family Bible Hour 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Children’s Sunday School 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. * Join us for lunch on the first Sunday of the month Wednesdays Prayer Meeting 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 Contact Information: Matthew and Rosa (403) 382-1759 Joe and Dina (403) 381-6679 Come join us as we learn from God’s word together. 13 TOWN OF COALHURST BUSINESS OWNERS BIG OR SMALL OR IF YOU OWN A BUSINESS IN LETHBRIDGE OR AREA WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT Dear Town of Coalhurst and area Business Owner: On behalf of the Town Coalhurst, I would like to invite your business to take advantage of this opportunity to participate in the full-color Coalhurst Community Promotion, Business and Relocation Guide magazine. This magazine will be used to promote the Town of Coalhurst. It will feature information including local demographics, education, recreation, a map and more. Similar magazines have been published in other municipalities in the past and have been extremely well-received, particularly by potential residents and investors. The publication will be distributed through the Town Office, Open Houses, Trade Shows, Investor Packages and Local Area Businesses. We are very excited about this publication and encourage your participation as your involvement will allow you to showcase your company and services. Your involvement in this promotional magazine will demonstrate a solid commitment to collaborative partnership marketing. I anticipate that your involvement will in turn be rewarded through heightened awareness of your business as well as the potential to increase customer traffic. The format of the publication will be directly related to the amount of support provided by local advertisers. By working together we can make this a great publication! We look forward to your participation and thank you in advance for your support. Due to publishing deadlines, time is of the essence. TNC Publications representative Mr. Dave Schneider will answer any questions you may have and can show you samples of similar promotional publications. Additionally, please feel free to contact me personally at 403-381-3033. R.K. Hauta Chief Administrative Officer PLEASE CALL DAVE SCHNEIDER AT 403-849-0962 FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO ARRANGE AN APPOINTMENT THIS IS A TIME SENSITIVE PROJECT SO DON’T DELAY 14 BYLAW ENFORCEMENT MEDIA RELEASE May 4, 2015 Recreation Trailers and Recreation Vehicles (those of such design as to be intended to provide a temporary sleeping accommodation) TOWN OF COALHURST MUNICIPAL CENSUS – CENSUS DAY MAY 20, 2015 Residents should be aware that Recreation Trailers and Recreation Vehicles are allowed to be parked on Town roads for a period not to exceed 72 hours and for the purpose of loading and unloading only during the months of June through September provided that in so doing no obstruction is caused to vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Commencing May 20, 2015 Census Workers, hired by the Town of Coalhurst, will be knocking on all the doors in the Town of Coalhurst asking for information related to the number and age group of people residing in each residence. Prior to starting their work, the Census Workers will take an Oath of Confidentiality and all information collected will be kept confidential and used only for the production of aggregated statistics. All responses will remain anonymous – names will not be required with the questionnaire responses. Protection of privacy is guaranteed under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. All Census Workers will be wearing official identification. The Town roads are not your summer storage solution for your Recreation Vehicles and Recreation Trailers. Unless you are loading or unloading your RV’s they need to be moved off of the Town roads to an appropriate location. The work of the Census Worker is necessary for the continued viability of the Town. Every courtesy and full cooperation would be most appreciated. The information requested is essential for completing a successful census. It should also be noted that at no time throughout the year are utility, cargo, flatdeck, etc… type of trailers to be left unattached from a vehicle on any road within the Town of Coalhurst. These types of trailers need to be attached to a vehicle at all times when parked on a Town road and cannot be causing any obstruction to vehicular or pedestrian traffic. The information collected in a census allows the Town to ensure that maximum grant funds are received from the Federal and Provincial Governments, as many are awarded on a per capita basis, and helps the Town, and related agencies and organizations, plan for the future. The census is being conducted under the authority of the Municipal Government Act. Please take note of the above and feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Thanks. As residents of the Town know, a Municipal Census was done at this time in 2013 with a population count of 2301. The Census is to be completed by June 30, 2015. Town of Coalhurst Bylaw Enforcement Officer Cell: 403-915-4440 Town Office: 403-381-3033 Fax: 403-381-2924 E-mail: For more information please contact the Town of Coalhurst at 403-381-3033. Thanks for counting yourself in! 15 1. Committee Minutes: a. Recreation/Cultural Services Committee: held March 20, 2015 b. Community Enhancement Committee: held March 23, 2015 c. Town of Coalhurst/Palliser Regional Schools Board of Trustees: held March 24, 2015 Councillor Watson moved that the Committee Minutes presented in this meeting are accepted. Carried Unanimously 2. Internal Reports: a. Community Centre Donations: for the period of January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 showed donated use of the Community Centre to local organizations at a value equivalent to $8,635.00 b. Miners Memorial Park Donations: for the year 2014 showed donated use of the Ball Diamonds at a value equivalent to $375.00, donated use of the Social Area at a value equivalent to $1,900.00 and donated use of the Soccer Fields at a value equivalent to $4,050.00, for a total of $6,325.00. Councillor Watson moved that the Internal Reports presented in this meeting are accepted. Carried Unanimously 3. CAO Report: CAO Hauta presented a written report to Council. i. CAO Public Sale of Land 2014 Year End Audit Intermunicipal Committee Meeting Building Canada Fund – Small Communities Fund These Council minutes are edited. For official minutes, please contact the Town office. MINUTES OF THE APRIL 7, 2015 COUNCIL MEETING CITIZENS WITHOUT FORMAL NOTICE 1. Lethbridge RCMP: Constable Ceron met with Council to discuss any issues or concerns. • Car prowlings in area • U-turns by Kooyman Bakery on 51st Avenue Constable Ceron left the Council Chambers at 7:07 p.m. BY-LAWS/REPORTS The following reports were received and reviewed by Council: 1. CAO Report: Director of Operations Lewis presented a written report to Council i. Director of Operations • Sewer Inspection • Axia Connects Fiber Optic Cable • Leveling Lafarge Area • Landscape in the Sundance Park Councillor Edgecombe-Green moved that the Council of the Town of Coalhurst hereby approves the placement of underground fiber optic cables for telecommunication facilities in the Town of Coalhurst, by Axia Connect Limited, in accordance with the construction drawings provided by Rohl Geomatics Inc. in a March 6, 2015 letter. Carried Unanimously Director of Operations Lewis left the Council Chambers at 7:23 p.m. ii. Fire Chief 2015 First Quarter Report • Calls • Membership • General Deputy Mayor Slingerland moved that the Chief Administrative Officer’s Report is hereby accepted as presented. Carried Unanimously 4. Council Member Reports/Questions In addition to the internal committee meetings already reported, Council members gave reports on their attendance at external Boards, seminars, asked questions and provided other information. BUSINESS ARISING 1. Progress Report: Chief Administrative Officer Hauta provided a copy of the South East Access Collector Road progress report, as submitted to Lethbridge County, as per the Memorandum of Understanding between Lethbridge County and the Town of Coalhurst. BY-LAWS/REPORTS The following reports were received and reviewed by Council: 16 a. Councillor Caldwell: Chinook Arch Regional Library Board meeting – slight increase in Provincial funding in 2015 Budget, Southern Homes meeting, as a Green Acres Foundation representative b. Mayor Cassie: Alberta Emergency Management Agency Disaster Reception Area meeting c. Deputy Mayor Slingerland: Community Futures Lethbridge Region meeting – 3 year contract with Western Economic Diversification Canada 5. External Reports Community Futures Lethbridge Region: March Newsletter Councillor Edgecombe-Green moved that the External Reports presented in this meeting are\ accepted. Carried Unanimously b. Canadian Diabetes Association: The Clothesline Program Drop Box Deputy Mayor Slingerland moved that the Council of the Town of Coalhurst hereby approves the hosting of a Clothesline Program Drop Box, with placement at the Town’s recycling area, subject to maintenance by the Canadian Diabetes Association. Carried Unanimously c. Lethbridge County: Land Use Bylaw Amendment Deputy Mayor Slingerland moved that the Council of the Town of Coalhurst hereby authorizes Chief Administrative Officer Hauta to submit a letter to Lethbridge County indicating that the Town has no objections to the rezoning of the property, currently known as Lots 1 and 2; Plan 9711954, Lethbridge County, from Lethbridge Urban Fringe to Grouped Country Residential to allow the subdivision of the parcels, as presented in a March 24, 2015 Land Use Bylaw Amendment Notice. Carried Unanimously d. 2015 Annexation Application: Consent of the Landowners Assessment and Tax Concessions Councillor Edgecombe-Green moved that the Council of the Town of Coalhurst hereby approves a fifteen (15) year assessment and tax condition for the Consent of the Landowner letters associated with the 2015 proposed annexation application. Carried Unanimously Councillor Edgecombe-Green moved that Council retire to an “In Camera” Session at 8:37 p.m., under the authority of the Municipal Government Act and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, to discuss: 1. South East Access Collector Road: Update Carried Unanimously Councillor Caldwell moved that Council return to “Open” Session at 9:39 p.m. Carried Unanimously CORRESPONDENCE a. Coalhurst 55 Plus Society re: Thank You b. Statement from Premier Jim Prentice re: Changes in Cabinet Responsibilities c. Alberta Municipal Affairs re: MGA Review d. Alberta Municipal Affairs re: Additional Funding Allocation to the 2014 Municipal Sustainability Capital Program e. AUMA re: MSI Funding Announcement f. Rural Health Services Review Committee re: Final Report g. AUMA re: Questions Budget 2015 h. Vice President – Towns Alberta Urban Municipalities Association re: Facebook Mentorship Forum i. FCM re: President’s Corner Update j. Alberta Municipal Affairs re: 2014/15 Alberta Community Partnership Program Intermunicipal Collaboration Component Approval k. Partners For the Saskatchewan River Basin re: Membership and Financial Support Councillor Caldwell moved that the correspondence presented in this meeting is hereby acknowledged and filed. Carried Unanimously These Council minutes are edited. For official minutes, please contact the Town office. OTHER BUSINESS a. Volunteer Recognition: Nomination Councillor Caldwell moved that the Council of the Town of Coalhurst hereby approves the volunteer recognition nomination for Katie Harrold, in accordance with Policy No. 00-01-12 – Volunteer Appreciation Awards. Carried Unanimously MINUTES OF THE APRIL 21, 2015 COUNCIL MEETING DELEGATIONS 1. 2014 Financial Statements: Mark DeBlois and Riley Honess, 17 KPMG, met with Council to present the Audit Report and Financial Statements for the Town of Coalhurst for the year ended December 31, 2014. Councillor Caldwell moved that the Audit Report and the Financial Statements for the Town of Coalhurst for the year ended December 31, 2014 be accepted, as presented by KPMG. Carried Unanimously Mr. DeBlois and Mr. Honess left the Council Chambers at 7:15 p.m. Add: 3.a. In writing, to the attention of the Chief Administrative Officer, who, at his discretion will determine if it will be approved. Carried Unanimously b. Risk Management Committee: held April 13, 2015 c. Municipal Subdivision and Development Authority: held April 14, 2015 d. Committee of the Whole: held April 14, 2015 Councillor Edgecombe-Green moved that the Council of the Town of Coalhurst hereby accepts the proposal, dated January 30, 2015, as submitted by Emergency Communications Network, LLC in Ormond Beach, Florida, regarding a web-based Code RED System Licence for emergency communication purposes, at the quoted annual cost of Two Thousand Dollars (USD) ($2,000.00), and in accordance with the other terms and conditions as contained in the proposal. Carried Unanimously e. Finance Committee: held April 15, 2015 Councillor Watson moved that the Committee Minutes presented in this meeting are accepted. Carried Unanimously 3. CAO Report: CAO Hauta presented a written report to Council. i. CAO Regional Community Peace Officer Program Annexation Open House Lethbridge Northern Irrigation District Development Permit Inquiry Director of Corporate Services Bullock left the Council Chambers at 7:55 p.m. Deputy Mayor Slingerland moved that the Council of the Town of Coalhurst reschedule the first Regular Council meeting for the month of May, 2015 to Monday, May 4, 2015. Carried Unanimously ii. Bylaw Enforcement Officer Administrative Activities Enforcement Activities Occurrence Reports Councillor Watson moved that the Chief Administrative Officer’s Report is hereby accepted as presented. Carried Unanimously 4. Council Member Reports/Questions In addition to the internal committee meetings already reported, Council members gave reports on their attendance at external Boards, seminars, asked questions and provided other information. a. Councillor Edgecombe-Green: Miners Days Committee meetings BUSINESS ARISING 2. Progress Report: Chief Administrative Officer Hauta provided a copy of the South East Access Collector Road progress report, as submitted to Lethbridge County, as per the Memorandum of Understanding between Lethbridge County and the Town of Coalhurst. 3. 2015 Annexation Application: Consent of the Landowners Assessment and Tax Concessions Deputy Mayor Slingerland moved that the Council of the Town of Coalhurst hereby rescind. Carried Unanimously Deputy Mayor Slingerland moved that the Council of the Town of Coalhurst hereby approves a twenty (20) year assessment and tax condition for the Consent of the Landowner letters associated with the 2015 proposed annexation application. Carried Unanimously BY-LAWS/REPORTS The following reports were received and reviewed by Council: 2. Committee Minutes: a. Policy/Bylaw Review Committee: held April 13, 2015 Mayor Cassie moved that Mayor Cassie and Chief Administrative Officer Hauta are hereby authorized to accept and sign the Town of Coalhurst Fire Quality Management Plan, as presented by Fire Chief Conte. Carried Unanimously Mayor Cassie moved that the Council of the Town of Coalhurst hereby approves the amendments to the Coalhurst Fire Department Standard Operating Guidelines, as presented by Fire Chief Conte. Carried Unanimously Mayor Cassie moved that the Council of the Town of Coalhurst hereby approves Policy No. 00-01-24 – Use of Grills for implementation, as amended by Chief Administrative Officer Hauta: Delete: 3.a. and 3.b. 18 b. Mayor Cassie: Local Issues Committee meeting, Mayors/Reeves meeting – concentrated on health issues, Highway No. 3 Association – looking into economic plan for twinning the highway c. Councillor Caldwell: Coalhurst 55 Plus Society meeting – seniors’ needs assessment survey, Chinook Arch Regional Library – launch of new bookmobile d. Councillor Watson: Coalhurst 55 Plus Society meeting – seniors’ needs assessment survey 5. External Reports a. Community Futures Lethbridge Region: April Newsletter Councillor Caldwell moved that the External Reports presented in this meeting are accepted. Carried Unanimously Meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m. Coalhurst Elementary School For all the up to date information on Coalhurst Elementary School go to: Find all the latest news, notices, events, links and pictures on the school web site. Coalhurst High School For all the up to date information on Coalhurst High School go to: Find all the latest news, notices, events, links and pictures on the school web site. CORRESPONDENCE a. City of Lethbridge re: Fire Dispatching Annual Per Capita Fees b. Alberta Fire Chiefs Association re: Volunteer Firefighters Awareness Week c. Alberta Seniors re: Municipal Grants For Housing Management Bodies d. Alberta Municipal Affairs re: Minister’s Awards for Municipal Excellence Councillor Edgecombe-Green moved that the correspondence presented in this meeting is hereby acknowledged and filed. Carried Unanimously “ THE SECRET OF COALHURST” Week Specials May 8&9: special for Mother's Day: 10" round cake reg. $19.95 sale $ 14.95 12-16: 1 dz. cookies reg. $ 5.50/7.25 sale $ 4.95/6.75 19-23: 1 dz. harvest buns $ 3.99 sale $ 3.50 26-30: 6 sprits cookies reg. $ 5.75 sale $ 4.95 OTHER BUSINESS a. The Sunny South News: Vacation Planning Guide Councillor Caldwell moved that the Council of the Town of Coalhurst hereby authorizes Chief Administrative Officer Hauta to make arrangements for the placement of a quarter page ad in the Sunny South News Vacation Planning Guide at a cost of Two Hundred and Eight Dollars ($208.00) plus GST. Carried Unanimously b. Evcon Equipment Ltd.: BOBCAT S570 Update Deputy Mayor Slingerland moved that the Council of the Town of Coalhurst hereby accepts the quote, as proposed from Evcon Equipment Ltd. in Lethbridge, Alberta for the update of the S570 T4 Bobcat SkidSteer Loader in the amount of Two Thousand Nine Hundred Dollars ($2,900.00), plus GST. Carried Unanimously Tuesday – Friday 8am-6pm Saturday 8am-4pm 514 51 Ave, Coalhurst, 403 394 7676 JMS Plumbing Heating & A/C Box 410 Coalhurst, AB 403-892-1134 Residential and light commercial service & installation company 19 ROYAL TOUCH Trish’s PAINTING Personalized One-On-One Service Interior and Exterior Residential and Commercial Painting Accommodating to your schedule 403-388-4587 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Coalhurst, AB BOB MUHLY CELL (403) 394-6199 HOURS: Monday – Thursday 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. Walk-ins welcome 10% off for seniors WILL OPEN SATURDAYS WITH ADVANCE NOTICE Get a new summer style Book your appointment now! Catering to Women, Men, Children Call Trish to inquire about Specials 20 Ron Lagemaat REALTOR® sutton group – Lethbridge (403) 320-6411 Buying or Selling in Coalhurst? No One Knows Coalhurst Better! Your Friends and Family will Love living in Coalhurst too! Check out what’s for Sale in town: It’s interesting, you know. It seems Southern Alberta just has the ability to not only weather an economic storm, but thrive within it! 5117 8 Street, Coalhurst 5bedroom, 3 full bathrooms Bungalow-style, over 2800sq. ft. In total living space! High quality craftsmanship, many energy-efficient features. Main floor laundry. $359,900 MLS® LD0055697 Despite the downturn in oil prices, which has certainly had its negative effects on many Albertan families, we have seen a great increase in sales in the housing market here. And it looks to be coming to Coalhurst as well this spring!! After a couple disappointingly slower years, it would seem recent announcements by the Province regarding long-awaited and needed improvements to the main intersection have made Coalhurst a consideration again amongst Buyers. We hope the trend continues or perhaps improves even more if the promise is kept following the election. 622 50 Avenue, Coalhurst Sweet suite potential Just 12 minute drive to University. 4 bedroom bi-level with basement kitchen and entrance. Backs onto park. $254,900 MLS® LD0049196 So now when things are turning upwards, if you are planning to buy this year, there’s a good-looking inventory and great value. Call me today and we will discuss your buying needs and timing to optimize your choices and buying power. 641 Spruce Drive, Coalhurst NEW! Ashfield Homes Inc. Completely finished 4 bedroom home backing onto park! Huge garage. $374,900 MLS® LD0042675 Alternatively, if you are looking to sell while things are heating up, call me for a free Comparative Market Analysis where I will meet with you to evaluate what your home would sell for in today’s market in Coalhurst. I will build a marketing plan with you to create the opportunity for a successful sale and obtain the best dollar value for your home! #25 – 5301 2 Street, Coalhurst 2 bedroom mobile home, requires some finishing. New shingles 2014. Newer flooring. Near Parks and School. (Not intended to solicit properties currently under contract with a Brokerage.) $26,900 MLS® LD0044384 Call or text: 403-393-5582 email: Ron Lagemaat, REALTOR® When Quality Matters. 21 403-892-2802 Affordable Transportation FLAT RATES From Coalhurst to West Side: $10.00-$15.00 Downtown $10.00 Hospital Area $15.00 Walmart Area (North or South) $20.00 Lethbridge Airport $25.00 Within Town Of Coalhurst $5.00 Holds Up To Six (6) Passengers 2015 prices 22 OPEN HOUSE The Council of the Town of Coalhurst is hosting a Spring Open House. All residents are invited to come out and meet Council and Administration. Discuss your concerns, ask your questions or simply take the opportunity to get to know your Council members. Date: Time: Place: June 11, 2015 7:00 p.m. Coalhurst Community Centre – Ron Coombes Room Possible topics of discussion: - Access road - Annexation - Storm drainage improvements - 2015 Capital and Operating Budget - Future planning - Bylaw enforcement - Town Shop - Anything that may be of concern to you See you there! 23 ATTENTION ALL COALHURST VOLUNTEERS!!! Town Council wishes to recognize all our valued Volunteers who contribute so willingly of their time and energy to enhance quality of life in Coalhurst. All Volunteers and their families are invited to an Appreciation Barbeque Saturday, May 30th from 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm At Miner’s Memorial Park Note: minors will be present so no alcohol will be allowed at this function 24
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