PO Box 57-099
Mana 5247
Email: coastalquilters@gmail.com
Next Meeting
Saturday 11th, 2015
Janet Forbes & June Nixey from Shut-in Stitchers*
Doors open 1:15pm
~ What to bring to Meeting ~
*Janet & June would really appreciate donations of cotton fabric and thread (you may have half used reels
you no longer need) for Shut-in Stitchers. There will be a box in the foyer for these donations. Thank you!
Show & Tell: This is your chance to show off what you’ve been working on, finished or not. We’d love to see
and get inspired! If you prefer not to have your quilt photographed for the web site or newsletter please
indicate to the photographer.
Library Books: Return books from last month and collect more.
Money: For the raffle, sales table and any overdue library books!
Sales Table: The idea of this is for you to bring along fabric, patterns, books etc. that you no longer have a
need for and donate it to the table. Your fellow members can then come along and purchase these goods and
all funds raised go towards the upkeep of our club. Bring your items in on the day or hand them over to
another member to bring in if you can not make it. If you bring produce (e.g. seedlings, fruit/veg, preserves)
please collect again at the end of the meeting if it has not sold.
Doors open at 1.15pm. Don't forget your mug or cup for your tea/coffee.
Helpers please arrive for your duties at 1pm
Show & Tell for March 2015
Meeting Roster
May 9th Workday
April 11th
Margaret Avery, Sue Chesterfield, Fiona Heiford
Shirley Earles, Jocelyn Todd
Ruth O’Neill, Jean Corin
Margaret Fawcett, Christine Johnco
Beverley Lowe, Linda McCutcheon
Alan Armstrong, Janine Armstrong, Linda Medcalf
Hall set-up 10:30am
Fiona Vining, Brenda White
Hall pack-up 3:30pm
Judith Shilling, Jennifer Roberts
Self Service
Noreen Tutt
Thank you for helping with rostered duties, this is your way of helping our club meeting run smoothly. An
outline of the duties follows later in the newsletter.
Here are just a few reminders for the beginning of the year.
 If you are not able to do your duty, it is your responsibility to find someone to cover your duty. If you
are unable to find a replacement, please contact Mary Goldsbury in plenty of time for her to try and find
another helper.
 The Hall and Frames duty people need to stay until the end of the meeting to pack up.
 Those on Frames should also help hold up the Show and Tell quilts please.
 If you are unsure of what your duty involves please talk to Lesley when you arrive.
Thank you in advance for doing the duties! They are really important and your efforts
are gratefully recognised.
Symposium Show & Tell March 2015
President’s Report – Lee Nattrass
Hello Fellow Quilters
I hear from members of the committee that there was a fabulous symposium Show and Tell at our March
meeting. I was sorry I couldn’t be there to see that, however the ‘Eagles’ beckoned for me in Auckland. It
had been 20 years since I saw them last and it was well worth the wait, even with Cyclone Pam.
At our April meeting we have June Nixey and Janet Forbes from ‘Shut in Stitches’ as guest speakers. I am
really looking forward to hearing from them. Although I have been aware of the fantastic work they do at
Arohata Prison, I have never heard them speak.
I would like to remind everyone that the club purchased a Fabric cutter with some die. This allows you to cut
up to 8 layers of fabric at once. The cutter is available on club days and at Sit & Stitch. Attached to the
newsletter is a flyer which outlines the die that we have available. Just a thought with a work-day coming up
in May you might like to give thought to a project and get it cut out on the day.
I look forward to seeing you all in a couple of weeks.
Yours in quilting
Silverstream Retreat
As I stood in one of the great showers at
Silverstream it was not difficult to count
my blessings. Here I was with lovely
like-minded friends with nothing to do but
sew and eat, although two of us did
manage a good walk one morning. What
more could I ask for?
Everyone seemed to be finishing or
making great progress on a variety of
quilts which elicited many oohs and ahs!
There was some wonderful work being
produced. There was no lack of
encouragement either.
One thing we need to remember is that it
is not appropriate to take photos of
anyones work without their permission
as for various reasons not everyone is
happy to have photos taken.
The next Silverstream retreat is the 1920th September. The cost will be slightly
more. Some members have requested
an extra night so there could be two full
days of sewing! I am looking into this
Block of the Month
March’s Holiday Blocks went to Valmai Copeland
April 25th sees the 100th anniversary of Gallipoli. Our poppy
block for next month is therefore quite appropriate.
The pattern and template are at the end of the newsletter.
It seems there is a lull in the interest in the Block of the
Month at the moment. Thank you to those who have made
suggestions regarding BOM! We hope what we have in
store for later in the year will pique your interest.
Mini Retreat 22-23 May
From 1pm Friday to Saturday evening.
The advantage is going home to your own bed Friday night.
It is held in the Parish Centre of St Andrews, Steyne
Avenue, Plimmerton.
Cost is $20. Further details in registration form attached.
Lesley will be taking registrations at the next meeting.
Coastal Quilters Classes for 2015
Hello all. More wonderful projects for this year – hopefully something to suit everyone. Class lists will be
available at the April meeting – most are already over half full, so register early to ensure you don’t miss out.
Come and join us in these great classes – meet old friends, create new quilts and perhaps learn some new skills.
See you there!
Regards, Jan
Saturday 18 April
Spinning Stripes
Tutor – Shirley Mooney (CQ) Cost - $30
In this one day class we cut, then lay out the whole quilt before we sew. The cutting and layout will take most
of the day. The quantity of fabric you buy is up to you and your budget - any length from 1.5 metres up to 3
metres. The triangle size will depend on your stripe width repeat e.g. the finer the stripe, the smaller your
triangle size.
Saturday/Sunday 2/3 May
Foundation Piecing
Tutor – Noeline Johnston (Masterton) Cost - $60
Suitable for beginners who have never done foundation piecing before, or quilters who are wanting to gain
more knowledge and confidence in foundation piecing.
Saturday 6 June
Tutor – Noeline Day (Masterton)
Cost - $30
A modern quilt that can be made in a variety of colours – pick your favourite. One of the new Zen Chic
patterns by Brigitte Heitland.
Saturday 15 August
Basic Machine Quilting
Tutor – Dianne Barnden (CQ) Cost - $30
Following on from her hand quilting class last year, Dianne will show you the basics of machine quilting. This
is an ideal class if you have never done machine quilting before or wish to learn what you and your machine
can do.
Saturday/Sunday 3/4 October and Saturday 7
Tutor – Jenny Hughes Allan Cost - $90
This is NOT a class for beginners! Some homework
needed before the first class – Jenny will be attending the
June CQ meeting to explain the requirements. A month
between classes for more homework!
Saturday 28 November
Tutor – Anna Williams (Marton)
Cost - $30
A techniques workshop to gain the skills required to use the sewing machine to free motion quilt and add
trapunto to a 16”square piece of fabric which can be used as a cushion or centre of a quilt.
Suitable for all levels, with special attention to “new” free motion quilters wanting to improve their skills.
Aotearoa Quilters is coordinating a project to send quilts to Vanuatu following the devastating effects of
Cyclone Pam. They are seeking cot, small children’s and whole family quilts.
If anyone would like to help, further information is available on their website – www.aotearoaquilters.co.nz
. Look at the item headed Quilts for Vanuatu, published on 23 March, then on See here for details.
Minerva Bookshop, at 237 Cuba St is the Wellington drop-off place. If anyone has a quilt they would like
delivered, I would be prepared to collect them at the April meeting and deliver them to Minerva.
Christine McKenna (for Marge Hurst)
Lots of hard work going on at the Silverstream Retreat March 20-22. Quilts of all sizes and varieties
were worked on, knitting was done, and even a Bananagrams competition! You will notice the
essentials for every quilter are a cutting mat, rotary cutter, fabric, glasses and a little wine!
Newsletter Contributions
Part of what makes your newsletter interesting and
vibrant are contributions from you, the members. It
might be a quilting quote, a website or an article of
interest. Deadline for the May newsletter is 24
Please feel free to email contributions to Alison at
If you know of a member who has
suffered a bereavement or illness
please contact Rachel-Mary Perry
and a card will be sent on behalf of
the club to let them know we are
thinking of them.
You can find a copy of this newsletter and past issues
on our website –
Informal Stitching Groups
Sit ‘N Stitch
Hand Stitching Group
This is a great opportunity to put aside
dedicated time to work on those Works-InProgress. You’ll get inspiration, new ideas, help
for problems and you’ll get to know some of
your Coastal Quilter friends better. There will
be pinning tables available, along with laughs,
smiles, tea and goodies too!
The Hand stitching group will meet at the
home of Marge Hurst on the
following dates in 2015:
6 May, 3 June, 5 August, 2 September, 7
October, 4 November
1-5pm St Andrew's Church Hall
Plimmerton, 4th Saturday in the month.
The next Sit ‘N Stitch for 2015 is 26th April
All welcome. Enquiries to Lesley Hall
See you there!
On 1 April, and 1 July the meetings will be
held at the home
of Gloria Wilding, also in Pukerua Bay.
Ring Gloria at 0223140510 or email her
at gloria3045@gmail.com for instructions
to get to her house.
It has been very busy with ANZAC Day approaching fast. At
this stage we are at over 26,000 poppies now and still counting
and will be receiving poppies till April 1st 2015. The effort here
in NZ has been overwhelming some days. So many crafters
have got behind this fabulous project and made poppies and
offered their time to stitch panels. I am incredibly proud and
humbled by what we have done.
So on Anzac Day 2015, 11 and half panels will be displayed at
the Airforce Museum in Christchurch, three will be at Omaka
Aviation Heritage Centre and six and half will be displayed at
the Navy Museum in Devonport, Auckland.
Then later in the year they will be on display in other places so
more New Zealanders can see our tribute.
Lisa Wallace – Co-ordinator
Events Calendar
CQ Meeting
Highway 16 Quilters Exhibition, Kumeu Community Hall, 35 Access
Road, Kumeu – just north of Auckland. Entry $5.00. Merchants, quilts and a
cafe.10am – 4pm on Saturday and 10am – 3pm on Sunday.
Fibre Arts NZ – 5-day Residential Workshops in Whanganui.
Picton Quilters’ exhibition to celebrate their 20th anniversary. Port
Marlborough Pavilion, Endeavour Park, Waikawa Rd, Picton. 10am-4pm daily
Auckland Quiltmakers Annual show and sale of work. Open from
10am to 5pm both days, Parnell Community Centre, Jubilee Building, 545
Parnell Road, Auckland
Town & Country Quilters, Waitoki, An Airing of the Quilts, Rotary
House, 2 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Silverdale. 10am – 4pm. Entry gold coin
donation to Hibiscus Hospice. Raffle (proceeds to Hibiscus Hospice), Merchant
stalls, sales tables and light refreshments available.
Fabric-a-Brac sale, Fabric, Buttons, Trims, Accessories, Coffee. 10am
to 1pm, St Annes Hall, Emmett Street, Newtown, Wellington. Come and
support Mary Potter Hospice.
September 12
November 14
December TBA
CQ Workday
Kapiti Coast Quilters Exhibition – Southwards Car Museum
CQ Meeting
CQ Meeting
CQ Meeting
CQ Meeting
CQ Work Day
CQ Meeting
CQ Meeting
Marlborough Mini-Symposium, Marlborough Girl’s College, Blenheim
Symposium Christchurch
Suggestion Box
Have you changed your address?
We welcome suggestions of
speakers, classes and ideas from all
members. The suggestion box
allows members to share ideas and
suggestions and even complaints!
The suggestion box is located on the
sign in table in the foyer.
– snail mail or email?
If so please let Mary Goldsbury know so she can update
lists and keep you in touch with the Coastal Quilters
activities. If you have changed your address you will also
be required to accept Yahoo's invitation to rejoin the email
list. Or you can create your own Yahoo account and you
can then change your details whenever you need to.
Here are a few quilting blogs
you might find interesting.
The Quilter's Last Will and Testament*
I,___________________________, being of sound mind (a statement which does not bear close
examination) do hereby record my last will and testament.
Knowing that ____________________________, my _________________ (husband, sister, or friend) hasn’t
the least understanding or appreciation for, or for that matter, knowledge of my extensive fabric collection,
which collection is suitably deposited in sundry places for safekeeping.
Knowing also that ___________________________ has already notified the local dumpster to pick up and
dispose of the before mentioned collection "willy-nilly" (the thought of which causes me a most severe case of
Therefore, I do will this collection and all other collections related to it, to my dear friend and fellow fabric
preservationist, _________________________.
It is my wish that she/he, upon hearing of my death and obtaining clear proof that I did not manage, although
goodness knows I tried, to take it with me, would come to my home post haste, before the dumpster, and
search out my collection which is similarly stored at her own abode.
That she should rescue said collection and stack it in my quilting studio, along with my sewing machines,
frames, old buttons, lace, patterns, quilts, dolls and works in progress.
After she/he has done this, she/he should purchase refreshments for my friends not yet departed, which
friends are also her/his friends, and every last one shall be in that room and they shall hold a wake and say
lovely and kind things about me until they run out and then they shall divide amongst themselves, by lot, my
wonderful collection.
I shall be hovering over that very spot until this is done. _______________________ shall then quit this spot
and close the door, leaving trivialities to those who do not understand. This is my wish on the matter.
Signed: ____________________ Date: ___________
Notarized: __________________ Date: ___________
*This is not a legal document
Written By Elinor Peace Baily,
Published in "The Cloth Doll"
Spring/Summer 1990
Quiltville Custom Quilting – http://www.quiltville.com
Committee Members
Vice President
Classes & Workshops
Newsletter Editor
Raffles & Sales
Sit ‘n Stitch & Retreats
Almoner & Silverstream Retreats
Lee Nattrass
Yvonne Wilson
Christine McKenna
Yvonne Wilson
Mary Goldsbury
Jan Wills
Alison Spurdle
Virginia Ramsey
Yvonne Wilson
Lesley Hall
Alison Spurdle
Rachel-Mary Perry
235 8829
239 9238
479 7079
239 9238
239 8431
06 379 8959
233 8940
233 1730
239 9238
233 8194
232 4597
233 8940
Valued workers: Thank you!
Sharon Ferguson (Chief Tea Lady), Linda Wakefield, Christine Blitz, (Library),
Lisa Avery (Raffle), Valmai Copeland (BOM)
April BOM – Poppies
With the 100th anniversary of Gallipoli coming up very soon we have a fusible appliqué
12 inch block Poppy for the April meeting.
14 inch square of black cotton
2 x 2.5" wide 12 inch long strips of red/scarlet - colour of Anzac poppies, solid or tone
on tone
4 inch square of green - not yellow green, more blue green or green
10 inch scrap of green for stems
Small piece of black for the two centres.
Double sided, fusible interfacing - eg visalene 12 inch square
Either draw the petals, centres and leaf shapes on the interface paper or cut out the
shapes from the paper pattern and pin to the fabric. There will be variation between
blocks so no need to sweat about being very precise.
Fuse the interfacing to the BACK of the fabric.
Cut out the petals, centres and leaves. Remove the backing paper. Arrange on the
black background, overlapping the petals a little till you are pleased with the
poppy shapes. Add a black and green centre to each poppy. At this stage I like to slip
a piece of fusible backing paper under the flowers and iron them so you have two flower
units that are easy to move, and don't loose component pieces if there is a breeze.
Make sure to leave at least an inch around the edges of the block as the aim is for a
finished 12 inch block, 14 inch seems big but we know how appliqué tends to move and
change when stitched on.
Now cut your stems to suit the arrangement you like. Tuck one end of the stem under
the flower. Tuck the base of each leaf
under the stem. Consider if you
would like an extra leaf, or to add a
bud or whatever.
When happy with the layout remember that 1 inch margin - fuse
the poppies, leaves and stems to the
background by pressing with a hot
Bring the poppy block to the April
Coastal Quilters
Friday 22-23 May 2015.
St Andrews Hall, Steyne Ave, Plimmerton.
PO Box 57-099
Mana 5247
Phone:-_____________________________ Email:-_________________________
Please tick days attending.
Friday 1pm – Saturday evening.
Cost $20
Saturday only Cost $20
Dietary Requirements: Gluten free Vegetarian
Saturday dinner optional 7pm at the Taj Indian restaurant
For booking purposes please tick if intending to come to the Taj
For admin purposes,
Are you: Hand sewing
Bringing your own table
1pm. Bring shared meal for Friday night tea (5.30-6pm), also shared baking for
afternoon tea
- Packup 8.30-9pm
Saturday (after breakfast) 8.30 -9am - Bring shared baking for morning & afternoon tea.
Lunch- bring your own, although there is usually plenty of baking!
Full refunds will only be given if cancellation is notified 1 week prior or if a replacement is found.
If the Retreat is cancelled due to under subscription refunds will be given.
Needs List :Sewing Machine (& instruction book)
Threads (& Spare needles)
2 projects that you would like to get done over the weekend
Sewing kit – scissors, pins, un-piker
Pattern or book you are working from
Iron & board if you need one Small rubbish container (ice cream pot)
Optional Drink bottle - Own sewing chair - though they are provided.