ffid RT,Tqd frfr-g COCHIN SHIPYARD LIMITED +H/rochi - 6s2 or 5 16 April 2015 No: P&A/18(L7sll2ooo INSURANCE TINKED MEDICAL ASSISTANCE SCHEME FOR THE RETIRED EMPLOYEES OF CSL PAYMENT OF RENEWAL AND OTHER FEES FOR THE YEAR 2015.15. 1. - Cochin Shipyard Limited has introduced lnsurance Linked Medical Assistance Schemes for the benefit of the following categories of retired/resigned employees. Annual renewal fee scheme for the year 2015-16 being 10% of the individual insurance premium is Rs 231O.OO (rounded). The following table shows the total amount towards annual renewal fee for the installment of one time enrollment fee to be paid to Cochin Shipyard Limited by the respective category of retired empleyees, if they wish to avail the medical treatment assistance as regulated under the Group Medical Insurance Policy. and or 2nd 2. sl Categories of retired Employees 2Ot4=L5 (Rsl No A WORKMEN L Those workmen PAID 4 2,000.00 (lf not already paid) 2,310.00 2,000.00 (lf not already paid) 2,310.00 Nil Nil 2,000.00 (lf not already paid) 15,000.00+2310.00 Or 17,000.00+2310.00 Not Applicable 23,058.00 Those workmen who retired during ALOL20O7 and 01.04.2007 on superannuation or under VRS/VPRS after 15 years of service in CSL 3 {Rs} PAYABLE who retired prior to 01.01.2007 on superannuation or under VRS/VPRS after 15 years of service in CSL. 2 2015-16 Those workmen who retired after 01.04.2007 on superannuation and paid the one time enrolment fee of Rs 50,000/- or Rs 40,000/- as the case may be in lump sum. Those workmen who retired between 1.01.2007 and 01.05.2014 on superannuation and paid the first installment of one time enrolment @ Rs 15,000/- or Rs 17,000/- as the case mav be. 5 Those workmen who retired after 01.01.2007 under VRS/VPRS or resigned after 15 years service in CSL. Those workmen who retired on 6 ttlot Applicable 11,529.00 superannuation between 0t.04.2007 (50% and 01.05.2014 but did not pay onetime enrollment fee and wish to join scheme by paying 5Oo/o of ofthe premium) premium. B SUPERVISORS AND OFFICERS 1 Those supervisors and officers who retired prior to 01.01.2007 on superannuation or under VRS/VPRS after 15 years of service in 3 4 2,310.00 2,000.00 2,310.00 CSL Those supervisors and officers who retired after 01.01.2007 on superannuation after 15 years of service in CSL. Those supervisors and officers who resigned after to 01.0L.2007 after 15 years of service in CSL Those supervisors and officers who retired after 01.01.2007 under VRS/VPRS after 15 years of service h csL. 2 2,000.00 (lf not already paid) (lf not already paid) Not 23,058.00 Applicable (Fullpremium) Onetime payment Not Applicable @ 3% of the last pay drawn multiplied by the number of remaining months of service had he/she continued in CSL service until 60 years of age. + Annual renewal fee of 2,310.00 3. The following medical treatment assistance are available subject to the terms and conditions of the Group Medical Insurance Policy issued by M/s United India lnsurance Company Limited. sl Type of lllness/Treatment Limit of coverage No 1 2 3 4 ln-patient treatment for ill nesses other than critical illnesses . Out-patient treatment for critical illnesses defined in the lnsurance Policy Document. Out-patient treatment for illnesses other than critical illnesses. In-patient treatment for critical illnesses defined in the lnsurance Policy Document. Up to Rs 2,00,000.00 for a family of 6 members on floater basis durins the policv period. Up to Rs 1,50,000.00 per person covered under the family unit during the policy period (out of an ad hoc Corpus amount of Rs 2.5 Crores for lP and OP treatment for CSL as a whole). Up to Rs 20,000.00 for a family of 6 members on floater basis during the policy period. Up to Rs 6,00,000.00 per person covered under the family unit during the policy period (out of an ad hoc Corpus amount of Rs 2.5 Crores for lP and OP treatment for CSL as a whole). The fees applicable to the respective categories payable to CSL may be sent by either a crossed cheque or Demand Draft in favor of Cochin Shipyard Limited or in cash athe cash counter of CSL, latest by 30.04.2015. Please take note that those retired employees who had not so far opted to join the scheme are given the last chance to join the scheme now. For further clarifications, if any, please contact Shri C R Thankaraj, Manager (Welfare) at 25Ot4L2 or Shri Shithil Nath K G, AM (Finance) at 2501416 (w * arflg/tvt DVarghese) F6r criqfi (std'. iT canl General Manager (lR&Adminl
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