The Cochise Free Free Serving All of Cochise County Volume IV, Issue 37 NEW SIZZLIN 6! Elfrida Valu Name Brand Items for a Great Price! Local Grocery Store 8am - 8pm 7 Days A Week Come on in & Check it Out 10382 N Hwy 191, Elfrida Super Senior Discount 96 oz Milk only $2.99 520-642-0312 DVO Rewards Accepted COMMUNITY EVENT: Celebrate Independence Day, Sat, July 4 all day & evening in Lions Park, Benson. Parade 9AM, Water Fight 10AM. Vendors, children’s activities & music. Pre-Fireworks events 7:30. Fireworks start 8:30. Safe So Simple Band 9:30PM. Happy 4th! COMMUNITY EVENT: Vacation Bible School at First Baptist Church of Douglas. July 20-24, 9am-1pm at 700 E. 10th Street. Theme is Journey Off the Map. Bible stories, games & snacks, K - grade 6. All children welcome. Info: Shirley 360-921-3492 COMMUNITY EVENT: Women's Club Christmas in July Bazaar. Sat, July 18, 9-5, at St. Patrick Church, Bisbee. Crafts, silent auction, raffles, BBQ lunch. Start your Christmas shopping early! Tuesday! (whole,2%,Fat Free) July 1, 2015 DRINKING WATER STORAGE TANKS Highest Quality - NOT Economy Grade Up to 5,000 Gallons - Storage or Hauling Mom and Pop Business - Great Prices - Free Delivery 1-800-603-8272 NMWATERTANKS.COM GARAGE SALE: Sat, July 4, 8am2pm at 5215 E. Sunizona Drive, Pearce, behind Mustang Mall. Desk, bookshelves, lamps, rocking chair, end tables, rugs, books, DVDs, storage cabinets, misc. Christopher's Heating & Cooling Service & Installation ~ Free Estimates Chris Sawyers 26 Years Experience 520-586-2490 Owner Licensed, Bonded COMMUNITY EVENT: Vacation Bible School, theme “Journey Off the Map”, First Baptist Church of Sunizona, July 6-10, 8:30am to Noon. All welcome. COMMUNITY EVENT: Elfrida Library hosts Music with Victoria on July 2 & 3, 2 PM each day. Call Library at 520-642-1744 to confirm event to take place. 520-220-7312 COMMUNITY SERVICE: History? Think Benson Museum. Community Service? Think Benson Museum. Volunteering? Think Benson Museum. Many jobs, you choose, 5th and San Pedro St. Call 520-586-3143 for info. FOR SALE: Dog crate, ultra-strong, double door/vertical sliding doors, 49 in. x 30.5 in. x 32.25 in. 520-508-4597 ROC K39 - 286316 Licensed Residential/Commercial ROC 199512 ROC 199513 Bonded BIDCO CONSTRUCTION INC. New Construction Remodeling Kitchen/Baths Joe Bidegain Jr. General Contractor · 28 years experience PO Box 847 Benson,AZ 85602 520-262-7713 For Sale FORECLOSURE- Tombstone 5 Acres, 3BR/2Bath sits high on a knoll. Fix up Needed $34,900 21 ACRES- Backs up to State Land in Pomerene. Nice useable land, private, desert trees. $35,000 10 ACRES- Great St David property next to Riparian Area and the San Pedro River. Older Well $45,000 FORECLOSURE- Immaculate 3BR/2Bath with detached workshop, 5 Acres, Views, Dragoon $59,900 20 ACRES- Touch the Cochise Stronghold! Gorgeous, secluded, panoramic views. Owner carry $75,000 20 ACRES- Benson, close-in,electric at lot line, great mountain views. Rolling terrain. $95,000 CREEK FRONTAGE-18.8 Acres, private well, septic, Oak Trees, Mountain Views! $95,000 AMAZING- on 9 acres, Pride of Ownership 2500 sq.ft. home with detached Garage/Shop, well $119,900 LIKE NEW- 2010 4BR/3Bath, 2330 sq. ft. 5.25 Acres, corrals, chicken house, VIEWS $129,900 LIKE NEW 3 BR/2 Bth, Fam Rm, Country Kitchen, Acre, Shop, Animal Pens $169,900 FARM- 16" Irrigation well, Electric, natural gas on property! 80 Acres! Ingram Rd. Willcox $216,000 40 ACRES Dragoon area, House, Office, 6 Stall M-D Barn, Arena, Ag Well $229,900 PERFECT- Beautiful triple wide MFH 4BR/3Bath, 3040 sq. ft. detached Garage/Shop, well $249,900 OPERATING FARM- 40 Acre Fruit/Produce Farm, custom 4,100 sq. ft. Home Two Ag Bldgs, well $475,000 (520) 586-6156 Vail Internal Medicine Primary Care for Adults Dr. Azam, MD, MPH David Strout, Nurse Practitioner Now Serving Patients from Benson & surrounding areas ~ New Patients Welcome Same Day Appointments Available Convenient Blood Draw Available on Site " Your Doctor, Your Health " Also a Medical Weight Loss Expert Now offering a Customized Medical Weight Loss Program. Call Us: (520) 762-1557 298 E. 4th St., Benson Multiple Listing Service Don't Lose Your Cool Call Chris! FOR SALE: 2000 Toyota Corolla, $1200 OBO. 520-353-5760 Elfrida COMMUNITY EVENT: Bowie Swap Meet & Food Bazaar, Sat, July 4, starting 7:30AM at 117 Business Loop at Old Community Center. FREE! Bring your table to sell your items. Free community exchange table. Info: 520-847-5276 COMMUNITY EVENT: Thailand Trek at J-6 Community Bible Church is the theme for Vacation Bible School, July 13-17, 6pm to 8:30pm. Bible teaching, tasting Thaiinspired treats, closing celebration each day. K to 6 grade. Info: Gale 520-586-7929 REALTOR 25 minutes from Benson, I-10 Exit 279, turn right 13180 E. Colossal Cave Rd, Suite 150 The Cochise Trading Post 7/01/15 Page 2 520-586-9652 or For a Free Classified Ad YARD SALE: Fri-Sun, July 3 - 5, 7am-5pm, 532 E. Vail Ln, St. David, Authentic off Hwy 80. A little bit of everything, red hot deals, everything must go. GARAGE SALE: Thursdays & Take-Out USDA Inspected ~ We do all phases of animal processing ~ Saturdays, 7-noon, corner of Justin at Correcaminos & 4th St., Sunsites. Until all is gone! (inside Guzman's Meat Market) 1081 E. Birch Rd, Cochise AZ (Hwy 191 South / Birch Rd.) 520-826-7786 Furniture, clothes, collectibles etc. FOR SALE: RV washing machine. U pick up, $200 all hoses included. FOR SALE: Collection of Zane Gray Call Dan evenings 520-221-5494 westerns, 64 hardbacks. Purchased Whetstone area new back in the 60's. Real good condition, $260 cash only. Phillip 520-895-4115 Sierra Vista MOVING SALE: Household items, Near corner of Ramsey & Mosin Pet Sitting at your home glassware, SW Dinette Set w/6 Rds. $100 per stall or $375 for 4 padded chairs $100, end table w/oak 241 Haskell Ave stalls. 4 stall barn, share of hay Pomerene ~ J-6 ~ St David ~ Benson finish $15, Christmas stuff, picture n Probate and Wills Willcox, AZ 85643 frames. Call 520-678-5437 for appt. barn, round pen & turnout areas, 520-720-7084 Pearce (Sunsites) much more! Call Marshall for n Divorce/Family Law Guzman's Meat Processing, LLC Horse Boarding Self Care Livestock to Lizards C&B Handyman Services Servicing Cochise County Call Chris 520-461-5025 or 520-468-8106 10% DISCOUNT Licensed & Insured For Police, Firefighters & Military We Accept Credit Cards Call us - 24 Hrs a Day/7 Days a Week FOR SALE: Ruger 10-22 factory folding stock .22 rifle. Three 25 round mags scope, soft case. New in the Box, $450. 520-266-9706 Sierra Vista FOR SALE: 3-drawer pine Night Stand, excellent condition $75. 520266-9706 Sierra Vista Summertime Fun! Horsemanship Lessons for Children ~ Ages 10-17 $10/hour. Using my horses. Experienced instructor Benson area 520-221-1214 419-654-5422 FOR SALE: Golf Clubs with red, white & blue "Pro Classic" Bag. Complete set Wilson irons, Goliath driver, two putters. "Foot Joy" new size 10 shoes (never worn). $125. Call 520-940-0915. FOR SALE: 6' 20-wheel disc $500. 520-254-2490 Cochise FOR SALE: Large R/C ARF BiPlane with 4 stroke Saito engine and 6 channel radio, all accessories. All new in the box, $450. 520-2669706 Sierra Vista WANTED: 2 portable sheds in excellent condition for local church. Donation to church for tax receipt preferred. Purchase negotiable. Will pick up. Call 520-366-6540 Lowell A. Jensen Attorney At Law 520-384-2279 Fax 520-384-2278 Call for Appointment 9:00 to 4:00 Mon. thru Thurs. n n n n n FOR SALE: Rabbit manure in 50 lb. feed bags. Great for gardens, flower beds, fruit trees, etc, will not burn plants, $2/bag. 520-507-2306 Kansas Settlement FOR SALE: Reliable, affordable transportation. 1997 Isuzu Rodeo, V6, 2WD, automatic, 70,000 miles. Well maintained, runs great, $3500. 520253-0330 Benson Real Estate Bankruptcy Debt Relief Agency Criminal Defense Personal Injury FOR RENT: Handyman special! 25 acres, large metal buildings, horse stables, doublewide home, $900/mo. Trade work for up to $450/mo. off rent. Yearly rental agreement required. Near Sunsites. Call 623512-0629 FOR SALE: EZ-GO Electric Golf Cart, $600. Call for more information. 520-642-1470 Koi Fish & Nursery, LLC · Koi Fish · Pond Liners · Fruit Trees · Gold Fish · Pumps · Shade Trees · Aquatic Plants · Nets · Shrubs · Bio-Filters · Native Plants 520-378-3710 · Cacti · Mulch Curt & Lisa Ogren 3828 Keeling Road, Hereford, AZ 85615 Men - Women - Children Gift Certificates Available info at MEXICAN FOOD · · · · by 384 E. 4th Street, Benson, AZ 520-586-9308 FOR RENT OR SALE: In McNeal/Elfrida, 3 BD/ 2 BA nearly new home. Secluded & peaceful, mountain views, on 4 acres, great for 2-3 persons. No smoking or inside pets. Rent is $630/month or purchase for $65,000 OBO. 520260-8794 WANTED: Upper kitchen 42" cabinets in good condition needed for a local church kitchen. Donation to church for tax receipt preferred. Will negotiate. Call 520-366-6540. Saturday, August 22, 2015 Northern Cochise County Friends of NRA Annual Dinner / Auction Girl Friday is available for all your This is the ONLY event sponsored by NRA in Northern Cochise County clerical service needs. Give me your data-entry monster and I will complete it for you and send it back lightning fast via e-mail, snail mail or hand delivered Transportation services also available. ~ Reasonable ~ Call for an appt. 520-686-2901 Willcox Elks Lodge 247 E. Stewart St. Willcox, AZ For Tickets & Information Contact 520-824-2299 or Over the past 2 years, NRA Foundation has funded over $40,000 in grants to Cochise County alone. Your contributions fund local & national shooting sports and education. So don’t miss out on an incredible chance to give back, while gaining a memorable experience! VISIT WWW.FRIENDSOFNRA.ORG FOR MORE WAYS TO GET INVOLVED The Cochise Trading Post 7/01/15 FOR RENT: 2 BR/2 BA manuf. home in St David. Great location, quiet, walking distance to schools & post office. Large shade trees, $675/month. Pets possible, no smoking. Available August 1st Call 520-204-5374 for more info. High Desert Antiques 274 E. 4th St, Benson JULY SPECIALS 25% off Books & Dishes 520-686-4258 Page 3 520-586-9652 For a Free Classified Ad 4th of July HandyMan Looking for Work Roofing, Painting, Yard work... Anything you need done, I'll do featuring Call Larry 520-686-4216 FOR SALE: Boulder SE Giant Bike, in new condition, email for picture ( Best offer. 520-720-0311 FOR SALE: Mobile Home, 3BR/2BA on 1/2 acre, ready to move in, excellent condition, in Douglas, $36,500 OBO. 520-384-4155 ROCKIN' RON'S KARAOKE INE W R & EN BEE D GAR FREE ADMISSION FOOD! VENDORS! Horseshoe Tournament 5k RUN at 6 am 4th of July 5k Run Starting time 6AM $25 TO ENTER Race to be completed well before Parade lineup begins HOUSE FOR RENT Large 2,400 sq. ft. One of a kind home. Save utilities with 8 fans & swamp cooler. Eat in kitchen, DR, AZ Rm, LR, Den & Extra rm. 2 Bath, Laundry Room & Workshop, Carport, Tree house, BBQ & room for RV on fenced, So. side Benson lot. Fun family living, only $1075/mo FOR RENT OR LEASE: Two and one half acres, approx three miles from tomato hothouse. Have electricity and phone. Vacant land perfect for commercial or farm/ranch storage. Art @ 520-296-2877 988 S. Crazy Woman Rd Benson, AZ Phone or Text: 520-221-0373 Pampering for your Best Friend Dr. Ryan Barney & Dr. Lason Barney Accepting New Patients Benson Family Dental 801 W. 4th Street Benson, AZ 520-586-3241 SPACES AVAILABLE FOR ALL TYPES OF VENDORS! Call 520-586-3326 for info Carla Huffman FOR SALE: 2 solar hot water collectors, stand, pump, fittings, used to heat above ground pool, $250. 520-508-1385 Benson Willcox Family Dental 805 W. Rex Allen Dr. Willcox, AZ 520-384-4203 NOW OFFERING IN OFFICE SAVINGS PLAN Only for Patients with no Insurance Call for Details 520-586-3326 IC 4:00-11:00 pm GAMES LIVE MUS Best place in Benson to watch the Fireworks! Pawlished Pup, LLC Dog Grooming 480-313-4410 FOR SALE: 2008 Fleetwood Pioneer Spirit II Travel Trailer, like new condition, every modern convenience, fully equipped, $9250. 520-720-8814 in Mescal FOR SALE: 1977 Dodge Mini Winnie. Fully equipped for living, $2000. Mossberg 12 gauge with ammo, $400. Stevens 270 w/scope and ammo, $400. Call Larry 520-5070415 496 N. Ocotillo, Benson * EVENT T-SHIRT for all participants Military Hats, Flags, Pins, Collector Knives, 3-D Pictures Vintage Metal Signs & More at the Sierra Vista Lions Club Swap Meet every Sat & Sun. 1st row facing the parking lot. FOR SALE: Hoover Floormate Spinscrub hard floor cleaner. Works fine, like new. Manual included, clean canisters, $75. 520-221-0268 Tombstone FOR SALE: Parting out a 1999 Dodge Intrepid. Has new brakes and tires, but needs engine. Call for more info or appointment to inspect. 520720-4855, leave message if no answer. FOR SALE: Cascabel Land, 26.42 acres, stunning views, capped well, lower level land rising up to large flat mesa area. Recorded Survey, Mile Post 22, North Cascabel Road, $69,900. Financing available. Call 520-686-1724 FOR SALE: Guns, ammo & reloading equipment. Craftsman riding lawnmower, needs some minor work $100. 520-586-4590 J-6 M eridian Specializing in: Each Treatment specifically designed for You! Set off a Rocket for Freedom! Less Pain with Acupuncture - 15% off first time 520-881-6125 520-444-2349 cell 520-458-3804 Call for Appointment 30 years in Tucson ~ 7 years in Cochise County We buy Harley Davidsons Trike Specialists ACUPUNCTURE & WELLNESS Talena W. DeBaun, BA, MAc, LAc, CLC Different Strokes Parts & Accessories Sales & Service HELP WANTED: Super Lube Plus: Mature, qualified candidate, must have excellent customer service skills, learn & adapt quickly, basic computer skills, be a team player, comfortable in fast paced environment. Numerous trips up & down stairs. Must possess mechanical knowledge & aptitude. Fluent in written & spoken English. Current AZ driver license. Fax resume 586-4369 WANTED: Custodian to clean and feed animals at Tombstone Animal Shelter, 3 - 5 days a week, both a.m. & p.m. shifts. A stipend will be paid. Call 520-457-2545. FOR SALE: Two folding chaise lounges, good sturdy condition. Fold into bag to transport, compact. Will email pics, excellent condition, $30 for both. 520-221-0268 Tombstone FOR SALE: 40 acres, well, lush foliage, lawns, orchard, water rights, 1300 sq ft bungalow, fenced, $120,000. 520-240-9709 Elfrida o se Compl e chi Cle aning Now Offering Saturday Appointments LLC Clean Up! after your big Independence Day Party 520-249-6599 or 520-586-4738 Page 4 520-586-9652 For a Free Classified Ad · Carpet Cleaning · Regular Cleaning · Deep Cleaning Move Out Cleaning te C The Cochise Trading Post 7/01/15 FOR SALE: Three year old sow, very gentle, approx. 800 lbs. Had one litter, $500. 520-384-9249 Willcox FOR SALE: 1964 Ford 4 x 4, ¾ ton flatbed, 292 engine, 4 speed, 8000 lb. bumper winch, $3000 OBO. 520-7202638 Benson Horseshoe Cafe & Bakery 6 Registered Boer Does DAILY MINI BREAKFAST SPECIAL $4.50 5-14 Months Old $150-$300 928-828-5959 6:00 AM -11:30 AM FIND US ON FACEBOOK! What will you find at Living Faith Fellowship 1028 N. Pomerene Rd? FOR SALE: Secluded 4+ acre parcel near Elfrida only $12,000!! Storage conex on site. Near BLM land, great for off-the-grid living! Owner financing at $500 down, $200/mo. 500-400-8964 FOR SALE: Very good fax machine $50. Yamaha full keyboard with stand & instruction book, excellent, $90. 520-384-9249 Willcox FOR SALE: 1980 GMC 6000 series, large V-8, Allison transmission with 1000 gallon water tank, $4500 OBO. 520-720-2638 Benson FOR SALE: 30" cut riding mower, 8 hp, $300. Lumber rack for small truck, Nissan, Toyota or Ranger, $100. 520-221-1694 Benson FOR SALE: 8 drawer chest of drawers, dark brown, $65. Located at 536 N. Crooked Lane, Mescal. 520586-9140 FOR SALE: Used truck tires: size LT 235/80/R17 and P265/70/R17 $30 each OBO. 265/60/R18, $40 ea. Call 760-427-6785 Dragoon Served with French Fries & Cole Slaw ~SATURDAY PRIME RIB~ $15.99 FULL BAR~FREE WIFI~DESSERT CLUB New Listing! $2.50 BLOODY MARY'S DAILY 6AM - 10AM $3.50 MARGARITA'S 11:00 AM- 8:00 PM 520.586.2872 Office: 520-720-9688 Cell: 520-850-5681 154 E. 4th Street, Benson, AZ Diane Kurzhals, Broker/Owner FOR SALE: 1996 36' Bounder motor home, one slide, W/D combo, side-by-side refrigerator, needs some TLC, $12,000. May trade for a nice vehicle. Call John 520-507-1203 Cochise FOR SALE: 1985 16' Aries pull trailer, sleeps 6, like new condition. New floor, roof, toilet & water pump. Orchard with producing fruit & nut trees Must see to appreciate, $3500. 520378-0833 Hereford WANTED: Collector looking for FOR SALE: Video production FOR SALE: New Extra Sport adult FOR SALE: Cab over camper, fixermilitary insignia patches, pins, badges, equipment. Formats: Hi 8/8mm- life flotation vest, red, size S-M, $35. upper, $300 OBO. Call 760-427-6785 Dragoon photographs, books for private VHS/S-VHS & DVD. Audio & video 520-335-2873 Sierra Vista mixers, manuals, all cables & much collection. Call 520-255-1116. FOR SALE: Five adjoining lots, more. Free local set up, $3500 will $2,500 each. Located near Cochise, trade/best offer. 520-586-3175 AZ, just off paved Hwy 191. Owner FOR SALE: 1 ton chain hoist $65. financing at $75 down, $75/mo. Antique Victor portable crank payments. Will consider phonograph $275. 520-508-1385 Benson reasonable trade. 623-512-0629 Quaint St David Home on 1.16 Acre Parcel FOR SALE: Tres Amigos Cantina bar, 4' x 6' x 2', pine & copper, $350. 520-271-2478 Mescal FOR SALE: 2 BR/2 BA single wide, 30 acres, private well, new A/C & furnace, 12 miles east of Bisbee, $100,000. Call Frank 520-841-0159 $88,500 Offering a Variety of Storage Options: Various unit sizes, RV, Boat, Auto, Trailer and Container Storage. For All Your Handyman Needs... We accept all major Credit cards HOUSECLEANING In Benson, St. David, Mescal, J-Six, Pomerene & (Willcox?) Reasonable Rates Call 520-307-1389 leave message AZ E G A R O ST 4U Secure facility with gated access for your peace of mind! Like us on facebook! 1628 E RAMSEY RD. I-10 Exit 306 Pomerene Rd, go north to Ramsey (frontage road) & east ½ mile. 520-586-2320
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