CLAUDE-PHILIPPE LIEVENS Av. de la Dame, 19 B1325 Dion-Valmont F R E E L A NC E WE B DE VELOP ER +32 (0) 478 24 30 80 SKILLS Hello, I’m a freelance ASP.NET web developer with a wide range of skills in front-end & back-end programming, design and project management. QUICK LEARNER ATTENTION TO DETAIL TEAM PLAYER + INDEPENDENT GOOD COMMUNICATOR BACK-E ND CSS3 C# / .NET 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 LANGUAGES EDUCATION DI GI TAL DES IGN ASP.NET MVC Javascript jQuery SOLUTION ORIENTED VERSATILE F RON T- EN D HTML5 Birth 08.08.1986 Driving license B SQL Photoshop Node.js Angular IIS French English Entity Wireframing Framework Proficient Mother language 2005 - 2008 Bachelor in Applied Communication IHECS - Brussels Graduated with honours. 2004 - 2005 Language study year EF 6 months - U.K. (EF Brighton) 3 months - Netherlands (Jeroen Bosch, Vught). 2008 - 2010 Master in Marketing and Advertising IHECS - Brussels Gratuated with high honours. Thesis on Search Engine Optimisation InDesign 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Phonegap 1998 - 2004 CESS Secondary education Institut Saint-Joseph - Libramont Option Scientific. Illustrator Fireworks Cinema 4D Dutch Intermediate Sept. 2010 - May 2011 Microsoft .NET Developer Trainingship 6 months - Technocité (Mons). Cursus given by I.T. companies WaveNet, OrdiTech, I.T. Optics, Fucam, in partnership with Cefora. Apr. 2011 Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist Microsoft Innovation Center - Mons MCTS 70-536 - .NET Framework 2.0. EXPERIENCE MAY 2015 - CURRENT / WAVRE FREELANCE WEB DEVELOPER Development of web sites, apps and mobile applications. code pilot OCT. 2014 - APR. 2015 / BRUSSELS FRONT-END DEVELOPER Developed a S-FTP based interface to exchange financial data between the legacy billing platform and the centralized SAP sofware. Analyzed financial misalignments between various data sources (legacy Platform, SAP, WinBooks) and implemented automated procedures to reconcile transactions. Created technical specifications and followed-up an offshore development team. Project management done on Scrum/Agile framework. APR. 2011 - SEPT. 2014 / BRUSSELS WEB DEVELOPER / DESIGNER Designed and developed 20+ websites and web apps : e-commerce, CMS, B2B, mobile. Completed projects under budgets and deadlines. Managed the global process of web projects : project management, planning, analysis, strategy, workflows, wireframing, design, integration, development, testing/QA. Architected and developed a customizable e-commerce platform with ERP connectivity. Integrated PayPal and Ogone payment solutions. Involved in the architecture and implementation of complex business logic applications for clients such as Belgacom, Mondelez, ESISC, Alken Maes. Created marketing material for corporate products/services : emailings, keynotes and case studies. HOBBIES FEB. - MAY 2010 / BRUSSELS STRATEGY INTERN Concepted social media adhesion worfklows for various brands (Jameson, Smart, Danone) on Facebook, Twitter and micro-sites. SPORT ACT I V I TI E S CU R R E NT L E ARN IN G • Long distance running • Swimming • MTB / Cycling • Triathlon • Reading • Voluntary work for asbl AnoréVie (eating disorders) • Travelling • Dutch • Node.js and full-stack js • Objective-C / iOS SDK • Prince 2 (project management) CLAUDE-PHILIPPE LIEVENS WEB DEVELOPER / DESIGNER Av. de la Dame, 19 1325 Dion-Valmont Belgium Driving license B Belgian / Single Birth 08.08.1986 +32 (0) 478 24 30 80
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