Aligning the ASCA National Model and PBIS: Strengthening

Aligning the ASCA National Model and
PBIS: Strengthening Evidence-Based
Practices for School Counselors
Dr. Emily Goodman-Scott, Assistant Professor, Old Dominion
Dr. Peg Donohue, Assistant Professor, Central Connecticut
Dr. Jennifer Betters-Bubon, Assistant Professor, University of
Overview of Presentation
We have chosen select slides to
be posted online; all will be
available to participants after
the presentation
School Counseling/ASCA Model
Aligned with PBIS
What are School Counselors
Already Doing to Support Tier 1?
Acting proactively!
 Focusing on academic, behavioral, and
social skills
 Bullying-prevention
 Social skills
 Conflict resolution
 Character education
 Transition to middle and high school
 Academic/graduation and career plans
What are School Counselors
Already Doing to Support Tier 1?
School-wide curriculum
 Examples:
Olweus Bullying Prevention
Second Step
Student Success Skills
What are you currently
implementing for Tier 1?
What are School Counselors
Already Doing to Support Tier 2?
Individual counseling
 Group counseling
 Crisis responses
 Consulting and collaborating: teachers,
parents, community providers
What are you currently implementing
for Tier 2?
What are School Counselors
Already Doing to Support Tier 3?
Referrals to other providers; ensure
appropriate educational placement;
students with chronic, complex issues.
What are you currently implementing
for Tier 3?
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tell us about the data process in your
school, in relation to school counseling.
How do you collect data for the three
How do you use this data?
Evidence-Based Practice
Are recommended for use in all three tiers
of prevention
Ranging from school-wide lessons to small
group curricula