Support, Training & Resources 2015 15 Updated April 20 “A child without education is like a bird without wings.” - Tibetan Proverb Coeus Education Ltd was formed in 2014. It is uniquely positioned as one of only a few training and support providers exclusively for primary schools. We have over twenty years experience at senior level (incl. Headteacher and LA) and are uniquely placed to provide support that is relevant, creative, practical and above all has impact. This brochure provides only a summary of our services. Page 3 : RAISE Online Assessment Page 4 : Primary Computing Page 5 : Key Stage 1 Resources Page 6 : Training Courses & Bite Size Briefings Page 8 : Whole School Resources Page 9 : Key Stage 2 Resources Page 10 : Global Education Resources Page 11 : Free Resources You can find full details, including dates and prices on our website : RAISE Online Assessment... Page 3 Primary Computing Support... We have years of experience in delivering high quality ICT / computing to children at primary school. We can offer a range of support including : - one day INSET courses on delivering the new computing curriculum - longer term in-school support which can include whole-staff training, individual, class based or key stage based - support for the schools’ computing co-ordinator in developing policies, assessments and a curriculum relevant to your school Alternatively, we have produced a support pack for schools to use independently. This provides assessment, end of year statements, suggested activities and ‘ready made’ materials to use in school. To order, visit our website and go to the ‘Publications’ page. Page 4 KS1 Resources... We have produced a range of resources to support teachers in Key Stage 1. Each of these packs has been written as a ‘time-saver’ for busy teaching staff. Each pack is produced as a digital copy. This allows schools to print off as many copies of the contents as they want, whilst keping costs at a low level. They are available to order on-line from our wesbsite. Page 5 Training Courses & Bite-Size Briefings... Our ‘Bite Size’ Briefings are short courses designed to get ‘straight to the point’. They last no more than two hours and all participants BRIEFINGS receive a ‘support pack’ to follow up the sessions which contains practical ideas to implement back at school. BITE SIZE The briefings planned for 2015 include : - Scrutiny & Marking in the Primary School - Teaching Calculation Effectively - Using iPads In the Primary School - Primary Computing - Coordinators Role - The Simple SEF - British Values - What ? How ? - Computing In the EYFS - Raising the Achievement of Boys More briefings will be arranged as the need is identified. To find out more about our briefings (including dates and venues) OR to book onto one, simply visit the website by going to : Page 6 TRAINING EVENT In addition to our briefings, we offer a series of one day long courses. These are designed to give the participant a real understanding of the issue as well as being able to receive a wealth of relevant resources to take away. The courses planned for 2015 include : - School Management Essentials - Accelerating Spelling & Grammar Achievements - Assessing Without Levels - Lesson Observations Using the OFSTED Framework - Mastery of English and Maths - Outstanding History in the Primary School - Outstanding Geography in the Primary School - Outstanding Computing in the Primary School - Senior Manager Inspection Training - Supporting Pupils With EAL In the Primary School To find out more about our courses (including dates and venues) OR to book onto one, simply visit the website by going to : Page 7 Whole School Resources ... Teaching Assistants Pupil Premium A training pack for TAs which helps them to improve their practice and focus on impact and achievement. A resource to help schools plan effective use of their Pupil Premium money and be accountable for it. Governors’ Handbook British Values A pack helping schools to deliver the British Values element of the new curriculum. A handbook supporting Governors undertake their legal duties. Simply written. Covering all the key areas. New for 2015... The Simple SEF .. this pack for school managers and governors provides a framework for producing a simple and easily updateable SEF for primary schools. The booklet comes with a CD containing useable versions of the forms. Available From Feb 2015 Page 8 Key Stage 2 Resources ... Key Stage 2 Teaching Pack .. this teaching pack contains eight lesson plans (and resources) for teaching about Benin (in West Africa) one of the options available for schools history teaching at KS2. Available Feb 2015 Maths Trail .. ...this pack is a ready made maths trail for KS2 which is written around the theme of undertaking a ‘top secret’ mission. The pack contains each of the challenges, a set of instructions and a set of certificates. The pack also contains a set of extension tasks. Available Jan 2015 A Region in Europe .. ...this pack is a ready made pack with eight lessons (and accompanying resources) to support the KS2 geography requirement of a region in a European country. Available May 2015 Page 9 International Resources ... We have produced a series of photo-packs to support the global / international dimension of the curriculum in schools. There are currently three available and each cost just £30. They are delivered as digital images for you to use, accompanied by simple notes about the photographs and their respective country. Tailored Support for Schools ... We are able to provide bespoke / tailored programmes, INSET or educational materials for schools throughout the UK and abroad. Contact us to discuss your needs and we’re sure you’ll be surprised at how cost effective these can be. “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela Page 10 Free Resources ... We are committed to supporting primary schools in delivering an outstanding curriculum. We have therefore established our ‘free resources’ page. These are some high quality resources that can be used to support teaching in schools. Currently available are : - Selection of Ready to Use Certificates - Governors Prompt Packs - Photopack of Italy - Chinese New Year Pack Ethical Commitment ... As a company we believe we should give back a little of what we get. We have therefore committed to donate 10% of our annual profits to charitable causes related to children. In 2015 we will be supporting a group of three village schools in India. Page 11 Our Values ... ... simple to understand and apply Q uality ... high quality, but value for money R elevance ... supporting the issues facing scchools today C reative ... always looking for ways to deliver C haritable ... we will ensure that 10% of all our profits in a year will be given to charities supporting children at home and abroad VALUES S implicity And Finally ... You Can Contact Us In A Number of Ways ... Website : E-mail : Tel : (+44) 07590 010093 Fax : (+44) 01704 330366 Registered Company No 09100200 VAT Reg : GB 191 2068 18 Reg Address : 145 - 157 St John Street, London, EC1V 4PW
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