Cointelegraph Marke0ng Audit This Marke+ng Audit is a brief analysis and review of your company's digital presence and ac+vity. It evaluates traffic channels, social media ac+vity, SEO tac+cs as well as other important factors that significantly affect our global presence and conversion rate. AFer evalua+on, we iden+fy various deficiencies, vulnerabili+es and other weaknesses your company faces. Through the provision of a Marke+ng Audit we suggest measures and recommenda+ons designed to overcome and resolve these challenges. OUR MAIN GOAL IS TO OPEN UP NEW MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES THAT WILL HELP TO ACHIEVE YOUR COMPANY'S GOALS: • Establish stable digital marke+ng performance; • Transform your aims into a stream of new customers; • Boost your sales and increase your profits. General Metrics: Traffic Sources We have iden+fied the main sources of desktop traffic for your website, which are as follows: 37,42% 21,98% 24,77% 15,54% Direct Referrals Search Social 0,27% 0,01% Mail Display Metrics: Traffic Sources • Direct: Direct traffic is defined as URLs that people either type in directly or reach via their browser bookmarks. Direct traffic visitors are one of the most important types of visitor your website can get. • Referrals: Referral traffic is used to describe visitors to your site that come from direct links to other websites rather than directly or from searches. Referral traffic increases the page ranking of your website, which boosts it in Google search results. • Search: Search engine traffic refers to the visitors who arrive on your site by clicking search results leading to it. • Social: Brings new visitors to your website through social media sites. • Mail: Shows how well you promote your products and services by ac+vely using your customers’ emails. • Display: Display traffic typically refers to traffic generated from banner or flash ads from other sites. Recommenda0ons: Traffic Sources We would highly recommend that you pay proper a\en+on to the each of the following sources of traffic in order to increase the stream of new loyal visitors. Referrals – Cooperate with popular traffic sources in your professional sphere. Obtaining referral traffic from a news outlet will boost both that coveted website trust flow and new visitors to your website. Search – We would highly recommend you implement proper SEO tac+cs in order to increase relevant search traffic. One of the best ways to get traffic to your website is through “long tail keywords” research. By targe+ng the right long tail keywords on your website, you can start increasing traffic and more importantly draw in those people who are specifically targeted for your business. Social – Is the first step in ensuring your website is proac+vely seen by your customers where they always are. We recommend you make working on your SM channels a TOP priority. Mail – Email marke+ng is a powerful tool to en+ce people to return to your website. The key is to build a large list of email addresses from visitors. Create an email communica+on known as a "teaser" and use your site as the "main a\rac+on“. Have an email strategy and do not spam. Display – This quickly brings you new and relevant visitors. Be innova+ve and always be specific when you start promo+on using banner ads – have a very clear call to ac+on. Metrics: Social Media Ac0vity According to our research we have iden+fied that your social media contributes 24.77% of your total website traffic. Your social media traffic is divided into the following propor+ons: Reddit 38,84% Twi\er 31,99% Facebook Linkedin Youtube 26,39% 1,66% 0,28% Recommenda0ons: Social Media Ac0vity Always follow the rule of PersonalizaFon The rules of engagement between brands and their customers are changing. We are now living and working in a connected world, in which customers expect their contact with a brand to always be consistent, whether that’s online, via mobile or in person. As connec+vity increases, so too will the level to which consumers expect a personal and personalized service. If you don’t develop personal experiences with your customers you could be at risk of losing them to more engaging compe+tors. • Make more posts on Reddit and Bitcointalk; • Generate and promote only relevant content; • Link all your official Google + channels on your website implemen+ng certain tracing codes. Metrics: Engagement Rate According to our research, the Engagement Rate is calculated by taking the 10 last posts PTAT (people talking about this) mul+plied by the coefficients and divided by the total number of likes. FBER= ( posts likes*0.5 + shares + comments*2.5) / page likes * 100 FacebookER= 1,95 ( Your goal ≈7,4) TWER= ( retweets*0.5 + favorites + replies*2.5) / page likes * 100 Twi\erER= 2,16 ( Your goal ≈ 12,3) A good engagement rate should be a least 10% of all page likes/subscribers. Recommenda0ons: Engagement Rate Analyzing your social media presence we would highly recommend you follow sugges+ons below. Facebook and TwiLer acFviFes: • Review the length of your posts; • Ask your fans more ques+ons; • Encourage your fans to ask more ques+ons on your topics; • Like other Pages and interact with them; • Make reposts of the sources that have interes+ng content for your audience; • Make tags to community opinion leaders; • Conduct surveys; • Open your Page and let users communicate with you; • Create more engaging posts; • Increase the variety in your posts; • Improve your +ming. Recommenda0ons: Blog Analyzing your marke+ng efforts we would highly recommend that you start running a blog. It will bring you a stable reputa+on as a market expert and as a result you will more quickly convert visitors into customers and clients. You will also drama+cally increase traffic to your website. • Run a blog on your website; • Join blogging communi+es such as Blogloving etc.; • Have an Editorial Calendar; • Define trending keywords relevant to your business. Metrics: Geography We have iden+fied the leading countries where users originate from: United States United Kingdom 43,81% 9,77% Germany 4,38% Netherlands 3,89% Canada 3,84% Geo targe+ng refers to website visitors based on loca+on. Make sure to analyze your geo traffic in order to strengthen your website posi+ons in certain loca+ons depending on your global goals. Recommenda0ons: Geography As you can see your geography is very local, yet there are a lot of alterna+ve markets which are developing extremely fast. Depending on your goal each +me you plan a marke+ng ac+vity, be ready to prepare a unique campaign for each country. In promo+ng your services or product, always target a specific country, city or area and pay a\en+on to local trends. We have analyzed your company sector and your compe+tors and have found that your business line is in demand in these countries: 1. United States 2. United Kingdom 3. Canada 4. Netherlands 5. Germany • We recommend you use local market targe+ng to a\ract the most relevant audience. • To discover other countries we recommend you start working in the franchise market. Metrics: Top Referring Des0na0ons We have researched the paths of web traffic to find out the popular websites where user journeys begin. Website Your Page Rank: PR 0 Page Rank PR3 PR7 PR7 PR2 PR4 • • Finding which are the leading websites referring traffic to your compe+tors is a great way to discover business leads and opportuni+es. These could be affiliates, press or partner sites which might also be relevant to your website. Turn your a\en+on to the very important subjects of the link building strategy. Recommenda0ons: Referring Des0na0ons According to our survey we recommend you plan a solid backlink strategy along with good content – this will always work extremely well. • • Always consider a Page Rank of a website you aim to cooperate with. A good start will be a website with Page Rank 6. The more links from trusted web resources lead to your website, the more ranking authority you will get. Be aware that Google keeps its precise search ranking algorithms secret. To create relevant content that provides a good user experience you therefore need to pay a\en+on and stay unique – it will also help you build a proper leadership reputa+on within the market. Recommenda0ons: Email Marke0ng We have discovered that your email marke+ng contributes 0.27% of the total website traffic. Follow these recommenda+ons in order to use email marke+ng more effec+vely: • • • • • • • • Collect all your exis+ng contacts; Consider ways to obtain new contacts (for example you can add a subscrip+on form to your website or make a pop-‐up window to gain website subscribers); Try to collect as many contacts as you can at different conferences and mee+ngs; Use “trigger” and “teaser” tac+cs; Find out what type of news would be interes+ng for your subscribers; Segment your interest base; Make a media plan for your email ac+vi+es (for one segment a daily email is suitable, for another a weekly or monthly email would be more suitable); Make an appealing html message and generate relevant content to each segment of your base. NB: Don’t forget to obtain consent before add contacts to your base. Metrics: On-‐site SEO op0miza0on We have discovered that you need to analyze and audit your website from an onsite SEO perspec+ve. Some+mes you can easily miss a redirect, meta refresh or duplicate page issue. There are more than 250 factors that influence your website ranking. Status Page Content Size: 1,737,382 bytes Social Media Shares: 1,410 shares Page Content Speed: 1,737,382 bytes of content SEO test Passed: 15 passed Warnings: 0 warnings Errors: 3 errors Online Trust Indicators Trustworthiness: 75% Child Safety: 90% Categories Good site Recommenda0ons: Onsite SEO op0miza0on • Title Tag -‐ Length: 78 characters Your +tle tag should contain between 10 and 70 characters (spaces included). • Meta Descrip0on: Length: 33 characters Your meta descrip+on should contain between 70 and 160 characters (spaces included). • Google+ Publisher: Your website is missing a rel="Publisher" tag for linking to your Google+ Page. • XML Sitemap: A sitemap lists URLs that are available for crawling and can include addi+onal informa+on like your site's latest updates, frequency of changes and importance of URLs. This allows search engines to trawl the site more intelligently. • Underscores in URLs: We have detected underscores (these_are_underscores) in this URL and/or within your in-‐page URLs. You should instead use hyphens (these-‐are-‐hyphens) to op+mize your SEO. • Blog: In this tough and compe++ve internet marke+ng world, content marke+ng rules. While publishing your content on other sites might be a good strategy, publishing it on your own site garners more benefits. Star+ng a blog is a great way to engage with your audience and increase your online visibility by a\rac+ng qualified traffic from new sources. Recommenda0ons: Website Mobile Op0miza0on Be aware that Google’s Search Engine considers mobile-‐friendliness as a ranking signal! Therefore: • • Make the most important bu\ons/ links large enough to be tapped easily; Increase Website Mobile Download Speed, as yours is slow. Recommenda0ons: Website Usability Op0miza0on • Load Time -‐ 1.71 seconds (41.63 kB/s) Your website is too slow. Slow page load +me is one of the biggest complaints of web users. • Email Privacy Malicious bots scrape the web in search of email addresses and plain text email addresses are more likely to be spammed. • Above the Fold Content Place the most important content above the fold line.
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