NORTHAMPTON MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (TOP-UP) MBA Mode of study: Online Learning Duration: 24 MONTHS Entry requirements: Admission to our Distance Learning MBA (Top-up) is based on applicants passing the Pearson Edexcel BTEC HND Level 7 Diploma in Management Studies and/or Business delivered at Colbourne College, and having the required 2 years appropriate full time work experience prior to starting the course. The programme has been designed to enhance your knowledge and skills developed in previous postgraduate study. The MBA enables you to consider issues in an organisation wide or total business context. Skills in analysing business and organizational problems are emphasised. The focus of the programme is in developing holistic strategic thinking within an organisation. The ability to recognise and exploit opportunities and the development of strategies and plans to cope with managing change are addressed. You will be instructed in management research techniques appropriate to Master’s degree level learning to enable you to fulfil the demands of the programme assessment scheme and in particular, satisfactorily completion of a dissertation. *This course is a 10 credit introductory module followed by a 50 credit project. WORCESTER BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT (TOP-UP) BA (HONS) DEGREE Mode of study: In-class OR Online Learning Duration: 24 MONTHS University of Worchester Duration: 39 MONTHS Northampton Or Monroe College Entry requirements: Admission to the Distance Learning BA (Hons) Business and Management is based on applicants passing the NCC Education Level 5 Diploma in Business OR the Pearson Edexcel BTEC HND Level 5 Diploma in Business delivered at Colbourne College. The programme builds upon the vocational approach of HNDs and encourages you to take a critical and analytical approach to your understanding of business (particularly in the Strategic Management and Business Dissertation areas). The programme is challenging and hard work but you will gain a real sense of achievement, an improved skill set and increased career opportunities. It enables you to combine your business and management work with online learning study and give you the confidence to progress to Master’s level study. Students who complete the required Pearson Edexcel/NCC courses would also be eligible to come on to campus. Applications will be considered by The University of Northampton or NCC/ University of Worchester on an individual basis and will be subject to the normal entry requirements of the University such as English language proficiency. 1 COLBOURNE UNDERGRADUATE BUSINESS PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS NAME OF INSTITUTION: Colbourne College ADDRESS: 6 Hillview Avenue, Kingston, Jamaica / 1110 Brickell Avenue, Suite 430, Miami, FL 33131 TELEPHONE NO: 876-906-8085/ 876-857-5911 / 954-793-0424 FACSIMILE NO: 876-906-8401 ADMINISTRATOR’S E-MAIL: STUDENT SERVICES EMAIL DEPARTMENT MANAGING PROGRAM: TITLE OF PROGRAMME: Faculty SPECIFICATION AND ACCREDITATION CODE: AWARDING BODY: PROGRAMME IDENTIFICATION: SPECIALIZATIONS DETAILS OF ACCREDITATION AND APPROVALS: Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Business & Edexcel Level 7 Professional Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership L5: 500/8239/5 & L7: 501/0998/4 Pearson Edexcel (of Pearson College, London) Colbourne Undergraduate Program – Business And Management • Accounting • Health And Social Care • Human Resources Management • Hospitality, Travel And Tourism (with Cabin Crew Training For Flight Attendants) Management Colbourne College is registered by Ministry Of Education in Jamaica as a private tertiary institution and is a duly Appointed Representative for University Of Northampton, UK & Monroe College, NYC for Final Year(s) Degree Progression for BTEC holders. Colbourne College is an International School and Approved Pearson Edexcel Centre for the UK BTEC suite of management and business undergraduate and post-graduate programs which are generally acceptable internationally onto final year(s) of the Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees. Pearson Edexcel also known as just Edexcel, is one of England, Wales and Northern Ireland's five (5) main examination boards. Pearson BTECs are accredited by the UK Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulations (Ofqual) at BTECs are also recognized in the United States for final year(s) university progression by NACES approved agency A2Z Evaluations, LLC. NACES agencies are recognized by the US Department Of States for evaluating foreign credentials for verification for US higher education and immigration purposes at Maxine Samuels, PgD, MBA, CMgr FCMI Executive Director Of Programs & CEO, Colbourne College HEAD OF FACULY (QUALITY ASSURANCE AND VERIFIER) • Antioch University, USA (2014 – present) PHD In Leadership And Change Program – Organizational Management (COHORT 14) • Chartered Management Institute of London, UK (2013) Fellow And Chartered Manager • University Of Sunderland, UK (2013) Masters Of Business Administration (MBA) • Colbourne College, JA (2012) Pearson, UK L7 Postgraduate Diploma In Strategic Management And Leadership • Colbourne College, JA (2011) UK L4 & L5 Diploma In Business • Colbourne College, JA (2003) University Of Cambridge International Examinations, UK L3 Diploma In Business 2 ASSIGNMENTS REQUIREMENTS EFFECTIVE SUMMER 2015 Two written examinations are administered as midterm and final papers: 30% 1. Mid-semester consists of 60 questions - multiple choice and short answer and values 10% of the course grade. 2. The Final Paper consists of two parts: (i) Multiple choice and short answer paper comprising of 60 questions valuing 10% of the course grade. (ii) Oral Presentation – Group Activity: 10%. This takes place week 12 of the semester. The above information applies only to courses without a practicum component. Courses with a Practicum Component: a. Practicum/lab 50 marks b. Written Component 50 marks Colbourne stresses performance-based assessments. Our written assessments are so structured primarily with essays, multiple choice and case analysis, based on the assumption that performance assessments are pedagogically valuable and reliable reflections of student achievement. Specifically, in context of the achieving of our desired students’ outcome, performance based assessments have the following values to the students’ evaluation processes: • Performance assessments support the teaching and the learning of problem-solving skills, criticalthinking skills, and multidisciplinary understanding--all of which are essential for enhancing the students’ achievements. • Performance assessments provide an effective measure of student strengths and weaknesses. In addition, performance assessments are more interesting for students, and, therefore, engage students in the assessment process, stimulating enhanced students’ achievements. Case Study And Individual Presentation: 70% Term Paper 1- 4 is a research based project with written report and individual presentation. The Term Paper values 60% of the course grade. The Term Paper has three primary sections; Section one: Introduction Section two: Findings And Discussions Section three: Recommendations And Conclusion To pass a course the students must demonstrate the ability to apply theory and practice to produce results. Students are assigned field study as a part of the research component of the course that supports the teaching and learning of problem-solving skills and critical thinking skills, essential for enhancing the students’ achievements. In turn the student must show evidence including but not limited to identifying and applying concepts, analyzing and solving problems, estimating and interpreting results, and stating results and appropriate conclusions using correct terminologies. The faculty provides initial and midpoint support to the student to assist and assess learning outcomes. TERM PAPER DEFENSE: Each student is required to orally defend each term paper presented. The Presentation values 10% of the coursework grade. Students must pass the oral defense of the Term Paper to be awarded a PASS on the Term Paper. A Student who fails to successfully defend the Term Paper will FAIL the Term Paper. Oral Defense are conducted the first week of April, August and December. 3 TERM PAPER RESEARCH WRITING CRITERIA FOR L5 & L7 PROGRAMS A sample Question (AC) is answered on page 7-9 (Student’s Exemplar) All Term Papers are task based on and assessed in the work context. It requires you to: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Conduct Research Link Research to a work-case. Benchmark. Be working or be on an internship with access to the organization (L7 Students) OR To design two organizations (L5 Students): I. The Management Firm - in which you will work as a management consultant (your employer) AND II. The New Enterprise - which you will base your research on (your client’s company) – this can be the company in which you are now employed. What you MUST do before you start the Term Papers: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Research Skills Pdf Worksheet (Induction). Research Skills Online Test (Induction) – You must score over 90% on the test. Submit your research score to Online Grammar Quiz – You must score over 70% on the test. Attend a Research Writing Session online or face-to-face. Attend a Term Paper help session with the faculty advisor online or face-to-face. Attend an iTutor help session with the library assistant online or face-to-face. Construct the two companies outlined in the assignment term paper task (L5 Students). Fully complete the company background template and submit to Download the company background template and the Referencing Hand-outs on iTutor. Download the iTutor Search Help Page on iTutor front Page. (9) Create your Company Outline and its Leadership Construct (L7 Students). Resources, Knowledge and Skills you will need to start the assignments: 1) 2) 3) 4) Essay-writing Skills. Grammar and Syntax Skills. Harvard Referencing Style. Research skills: how to cite from different sources; how to use Harvard referencing; how to collect data; how to discuss and compare the data collected; how to make recommendations; and how to write a conclusion. 5) Knowledge of Plagiarism. 6) Syllabus: Course Content. 7) Lecturer’s Score Sheet. Skills you will develop completing the term paper: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Analytical Skills. Critical Thinking Skills. Business and Management Skills. Communication Skills. Interpersonal Skills. Referencing Skills: practice summarizing, paraphrasing and quoting directly from source. Review of Literature. Interviewing Skills. Data Collection Skills. 4 FOLLOW THESE RULES CAREFULLY TO PASS THE TERM PAPER Your work will not be assessed for a PASS if you do not observe the following rules meticulously and apply them to your work: RESEARCH WRITING GUIDELINES Read your question thoroughly. Research and gather the information using the key words in the questions for literature search. Start writing. Do correct referencing. Always have your hand-out on - Harvard Referencing Style - at hand before you start writing. Reference all the ideas in-text and end-of-text from the various sources you cite in your work. Plagiarized work will be awarded a FAIL grade immediately upon detection. Avoid direct quotations. Limit this only to definitions and unique phrases. Use the rules for direct quotations when you cite directly, that is, use someone’s word-for-word in your work. RESEARCH WRITING The following guidelines are standard for ALL research and essay writing submitted for a grade: (1) PARAGRAPH 1: Theses Statement Evaluation, Definition of key terms. (2) PARAGRAPH 2: Answer the Questions through 'listing' the answers only and referencing the Sources. Use an opening paragraph, then take SIX of the most suited researched answers into your work. Cite the work, list the answers, do not discuss in this paragraph. These citations are the sources you researched that MUST directly answer the research question / topic. Do thorough research to find many answers available on the topic to choose from. (3) PARAGRAPH 3, 4, 5 etc.: Explain/Describe/Rationalize/Evaluate/Analyze/Compare your findings through discussion. This requires you to take the points you listed in paragraph 2 and one-by-one discuss them in the following paragraphs. (4) FINAL PARAGRAPH: Link the main points of your findings as discussed in paragraph 3 etc. with your Case (organizational study). This can also be a concluding paragraph. You can use references in all paragraphs of your work - to the list, to the analysis and to the case application. CITE! CITE! CITE! The more you cite, the more marks you get. (5) Your answer for each question should be 450 – 600 words (L5 Students) OR 550 -1000 words (L7). (6) All draft of your work MUST be submitted for assessment must have the Reference Page. NOTE! * Markers’ objective is to determine the degree of research you have done. * Your objective is to do thorough research and prove that you have done sufficient research. * Include your Reference Page in ALL submission of your work. Use this format consistently for ALL your Writings. This format ensures you evenly answer the research question, analyze the findings, and match the findings to your case study as you are required to do. So do research. List the answers found. Cite the source correctly. Answers can be from textbook, website, interviews, manuals, journals etc. 5 ORGANISATION OF THE RESEARCH PAPER 1. Introduction (750 – 1000 Words). I. II. III. IV. V. Context (Discuss the assignment: about the case and your role in solving the organizational problems) Research Background And Scope – (what will you be discussing – see the syllabus) Rationale / Purpose Of The Research (What do you hope to achieve when you conclude the research) Objectives (see the learning outcomes on the syllabus) Methodology (how you conducted the research and primary and secondary sources used: textbook, website, interviews, manuals, journals etc.) 2. Discussion (Do the task by researching the answers and applying the findings to the case). 3. Recommendations (What are the recommendations that emerged from the study to solve the problems identified in the case – the recommendation should respond to the research objectives). 4. Conclusion (Summary of the main points discussed). 5. Reference Page. BASIC RESEARCH RULES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. In-text citation - Use Surname and year of publication (Samuels, 2014). In-text citation - you are citing placing the author in the front of your sentence: Samuels (2014). In-text citation - you are citing placing the author at the end of your sentence: (Samuels, 2014). Paraphrase, summarize or use direct quotation to cite all sources in your work. o Paraphrasing means that you rewrite the authors’ ideas in your own words. MOSTLY. o Summarizing means that you rewrite only the main points presented by the author. OFTEN. o Direct quotation is when you copied any part of the authors’ work word-for-word. RARELY. Add Reference Page at end of work that contains all sources in your work: author, publication year, editor, city, website and date retrieved etc. (use www.citethisforme to do your reference). Place the full stop or other quotations signs outside of your bracket, and not inside. When there are three or more authors as the source use: eg. (Samuels et al, 2014). If you are citing a source that is citing someone else: eg. (Bhayesh, 2014 cited by Nelson, 2015). Plagiarism is Failure to do ANY of the above. Plagiarism is immediate dismissal from program. THE BASIC RULE YOU MUST FOLLOW WHEN YOU USE DIRECT QUOTATIONS: 1. Use the open and closed quotation signs “ “ always to show that these are the direct words of others. 2. Use the author's surname and the year of publication that spoke or wrote the words. 3. Use page number, paragraph number, or section number where the words are written depending on whether it is a book or webpage. Use direct quotation in your work ONLY for word-for-word definitions or to capture unique quotes. This means that direct quotation should be RARELY used in your work. 6 Here is an example of how you could paraphrase and also use direct quote in your work: Leaders have the responsibilities to themselves and others to do what is right. They must set the direction for others to follow, inspire vision, and be innovative (, 2015). Further they expressed leadership as visionary - laying out directions for the team and organization to succeed and for a "dynamic, exciting and inspiring experience" (sec. 3). HERE IS ANOTHER EXAMPLE: (2015) provided that leaders have the responsibilities to themselves and others to do what is right. They must set the direction for others to follow, inspire vision, and be innovative. Further leadership is presented as visionary - laying out directions for the team and organization to succeed and for a "dynamic, exciting and inspiring experience" (sec. 3). REMEMBER THAT: There are two types of referencing: (1) In text e.g. (, 2015) or (2015) (2) End of Text Referencing e.g., (2015). What is Leadership?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 May 2015]. The end-of-text referencing is not placed in your work. When you are finished writing, you will create a reference page and post all references used in your work alphabetically on this page. WRITING STYLE o Times New Romans with font size 11. o There is no need to double space BUT put space between the paragraphs. o Always paginate your work. o Use block style. Do NOT INDENT your paragraphs BEFORE YOU SUBMIT YOUR WORK: o Edit your work thoroughly. Also have someone proof the work for you. o Do A Plagiarism Scan before submitting your work. o Include the plagiarism report in the hardcopy of the work. o Upload the softcopy of the work to o Bind and deliver the hardcopy of the work to: Colbourne College, 6 Hillview Ave, KGN 10. o You must submit your work on or before the deadline. 7 Colbourne College Term Paper Assignment Permission Form STUDENT’S NAME: DATE OF SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: ID NUMBER: STUDENT PHONE #: SPECIALISM: EMAIL ADDRESS: I have completed OR Attended: DATE RESULTS Student Officer Signature Dated By The (SSO) (1) Research Skills Pdf Worksheet (Induction). (2) Research Skills Online Test (Induction) – You must score over 90% on the test. (3) Submit your research score to (4) Online Grammar Quiz – You must score over 70% on the test. (5) Attend a Research Writing Session online or face-to-face.. (6) Attend a Term Paper help session online or face-to-face. (7) Attend an iTutor help session online or faceto-face. (8) Construct the two companies outlined in the assignment term paper task. (9) Fully complete the company background template and submit to (10) Download the company background template at iTutor Front Page. (11) Download the Referencing Hand-outs on iTutor. Submit This Form to student services advisor and await a response to commence the term papers. Response time is maximum two days. This form MUST be returned to you with all boxes approved and signed. You must return this form to EACH of your course lecturers to be granted the permission to submit term paper assignments for the course. Please ‘Upload’ the FULLY completed form at: 8 TEMPLATE FOR THE L5 BUSINESS CASE STUDY Business Name Business Type: Legal Framework Sole Trader ( For Profit ) Partnership ( ) Corporation ( ( ) Not-For-Profit ( Nature Of Business Activities: Describe the Business Activities BUSINESS ADDRESS Company Mission Statement Goals Of The Business Vision Statement Number Of Departments Number Of Staff Sector the Business Operates in Market Segment: Describe the Customer Type? Describe the products and Services Offered Business Potential: What makes the Business Competitive And Unique? Define Four Major Business Problems that the Business Is Experiencing 9 ) )
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