The ECHO St. John United Methodist Church 3921 Murray Hills Drive - Chattanooga, TN 37416 A New You JANUARY 2014 CHURCH : Phone - 423.892.2257 Fax - 423.855.7880 web - Sessions: Pastor LaDuke will be star ng a new sermon series on January 5th: “A New You for A New Year”. The new year is a great me to begin working on becoming more the person you want to be. 01/05/2014 – “WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get”. How we see things de‐ termines how we feel about them. We will be looking at how to stop seeing things in an unhealthy way and begin seeing them through eyes of faith. Read Numbers 13:17 ‐20. VISITATION MINISTER: Rev. Dallas Beck 01/12/2014 – “Se ng Goals by Faith”. Much of the failure to achieve what we want in every area of our lives has to do with the failure to set goals, or se ng goals unrealis cally, or se ng them too low. What are the goals for your life? Meditate on CHILDREN’S PASTOR: these scriptures before worship: Proverbs 3:5‐6, 1 Corinthians 9: 26, Philippians Mr. Dale Dye 3:12. 01/19/2014 – “A New You‐What It Takes to Really Change”. It can be done! We YOUTH/YOUNG ADULT PASTOR: will be looking at the principles of change our lives for the good: Dedica on‐I must Dr. Jacqueline Davis Gines commit my body to God / Concentra on: I must refocus my mind / Evalua on: I must take inventory of my life / Coopera on: Importance of a support group / Affir‐ CHANCEL CHOIR DIRECTOR: ma on: I must fill my life with love / Mo va on: I must nurture my enthusiasm. Study Romans chapter 12 especially verses 1‐12. Ms. Judy Reich 01/26/2014 – “Prayer that Changes Us”. Isaiah 40:31 (nlt) ““Those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and WORSHIP LEADER: not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” Also read Ma hew chapter six where Mr. Ian Porter Jesus teaches us how to pray. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: 02/02/2014 – “Facing Reality with Faith”. It seems that one of the things we have Mr. Tommy Messer the most difficulty in doing – and that causes us much problems – is accep ng reali‐ ty. But when we know we can trust God we can face reality boldly. Read Ma hew 8:23‐2, Philippians 4:6‐7. PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR: Ms. Debby Aldridge 02/09/2014 – “God’s Secret to A Total Makeover”. It can happen to you. God in‐ Phone - 423-894-5210 tends for it to happen to you – a makeover that will change your life forever. Ephesians 4:23 (niv) “Be made new in the a tude of your minds.” Romans ORGANIST: 12:2 (niv) “Do not conform any longer to the pa ern of this world, but be trans‐ Ms. Joyce Stanbery formed by the renewing of your mind.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23 (tev) “May the God who gives us peace make you holy in every way and keep your whole being—spirit, CUSTODIAN: soul, and body—free from every fault at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Ms. Jessica Wilson PASTOR: Dr. Kenneth W. LaDuke A Day of Discipleship Wonderful Wednesdays Are Here Again!! Wonderful Wednesdays begin again on January 15. Schedule: 5:00 Prayer Time in the Sanctuary 5:30 Supper you must register in advance. 5:30 Youth. 6:00 Hand bell Prac ce. 6:30 – 7:30 All classes. 7:30 – Choir Prac ce . 6:30 Classes: Youth in the K House next door. Jr. High in the GAP classroom Children –in the Cra Room Young Adults – in the Learning Center Women’s Study – on the Track (Very Bad Women of the Bible) Pastor’s Study – on the Track (What Is Spirituality?) Men’s Study in the Library Nursery is provided from 6:15p.m. un l 7:45 p.m. We have a new food provider for the start of the new year. Come and try us out. A "Day of Discipleship" will take place at the District Office at Brainerd UMC this Sunday, January 12, 2014. Schedule: 2:00 p.m.: Gathering and fellowship 2:30 p.m.: Worship 3:10 p.m.: Workshops. Areas of study will be Children’s Ministries, Evangelism & Community Outreach, Financial Officers, Lay Leaders & Board/ Council Chair, Lay Servant Ministries and SPRC Mem‐ ber Training. 5:00 p.m.: We will come together and help package 10,000 meals with Stop Hunger Now. This is a perfect opportunity for you to learn more about the different areas of service in the Methodist Church. All of our church leaders are encouraged to par cipate. It’s All About Spirituality Pastor’s Wednesday Night Study Rev. LaDuke will be star ng a Wednesday evening study of Chris an Spirituality on January 15th, at 6:30 p.m in a classroom on the track. What is true spirituality? What is spirituality not? How do I know if I’m spiritual? How do I know if someone else is spiritual? How do I become more spiritual? What does God want/expect/require of me? Session 1. W S ? Micah 6:8; Ma hew Chapters 5‐7; James chapter 1; James 1:27 Session 2. S W G . So, what does this mean and how do we accomplish it? Proverbs 3:5‐7; Psalm 55:22; Psalm 1; Psalm 119:105; Ma hew 22:34‐40; Philippians 2:12‐13; Session 3. T H Q S : I S ? 2 Corinthians 13:5; Ma hew 10:39‐42; Mark 12:28‐31; Philippians 2:12‐13; Gala ans 5:22‐23; John 8:31‐32; Philippians 3:11‐16. Session 4. T S : C G B T ? Mark 9:24; 1 John 4:18‐19; James 1:17; Ephesians 1:14; 2 Corinthains 1:22; 2 Timothy 1:7; Romans 8:38‐39. Session 5. G D : S W – T P S G . Romans 12:2; 1 Corinthi‐ ans chapter two; Luke 21:15; Ma hew 13:54; Acts 6:3; Acts 6:10; 1 Corinthians 1:19‐25; James 3:15‐19. Session 6. T Session 7. P P S G J . 1 Corinthians 2:14‐15; Gala ans 5:22‐23; . Wrap‐up and preparing for a closer rela onship with God. REMEMBER IN PRAYER Memorial & Honorary Special Gifts Gi s have been made in memory of; Laverne Mullican by; Charlie & Cathy Umbarger Rick & Carmen Williams Stewart & Sue McLeod Joe & Pat Smith Fritz & Saundra Ve erick William Herrin Robert Klose Peggy Burris Becky Grissom James Mar n Corrine Campbell Hickory Valley Townhome Associa on Leon & Grace Williams John Sohmer Jessie Moore Lo e Marlin (Bill Navel’s mom) by; Owen & Janice Cook Jim & Fran Hiestand Earl & Emily Kelle Beverly Monroe Stewart & Sue McLeod Rick & Carmen Williams Warren & Susan Evere Fritz & Saundra Ve erick David & Claudia Garren Jim & Be y West Jessie Moore William Thompson (Dot People’s brother) by; Rick & Carmen Williams Lois Craig Jim & Be y West Charlie Zeanah by; Lois Craig Dorothy Cooper by; Leon & Grace Williams Bill Shelton Jr. by; Owen & Janice Cook Gi s have been made in honor of; Care & Share by; The River City Writers Club Gi s can be made by filling out a memorial slip and dropping it in the offering plate or going to and making an online gi . If you made a gi and it did not make it on the list please call the church office @ 413‐892‐2257. Our Nation & Our Military Vivian Tindell (Martha Murray’s mom) Martha Zimmerman (Bobbie Dietrich’s sister) Tony O’Rear (Joe O’Rear’s brother) Ongoing prayer concerns: Peggy Flora Kelly Peters Peggy Beck Peggy Harrison Elwanda Murray Jim Talley Joel Mondl Phillip Edwards Winnie Wheeler Nancy Stafford Harold Berry Bonnie Hunt Lee Geraldson Katherine Broyles Grace Smith Emily Kelle Bill Brevard Alta Liechty Carolyn Williams Sue Quillen Billie Holland Polly Bacon James Morrison Mary Ellen Owensby Wayne Berry Fred Morman, III Elizabeth Sansom Reba Trotter Debbie Retool Nancy Tilson Allison Duncan Bob & Wilma Honaker Julie Morrison Lois Craig Sunshine Shattle Noah Blue Sympathy Is extended to: The family of Laverne Mullican who passed away on December 4, 2013. The family of Bill Shelton Jr. who passed away on December 17, 2013. The family of Wanda Ford who passed away on January 4, 2014. Please remember these families in your prayers. Dona ons for the Homeless St. John is taking up dona ons for the homeless that will be delivered to the Cha anooga Community Kitchen for distribu on. They are in need of blan‐ kets, gloves, hats, socks, and volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering call Cathy Spangler @ 423‐756‐4222. Given the temperatures we have ex‐ perienced so far there is a great need for these items. If you would like to help out you can bring your dona on to the church office and we will get it delivered to the Community Kitchen, Thank you. The Wizard of OZ ‐ Cas ng Call February 9 2:00 Ages 6yrs ‐ 12yrs 5:00 Ages 13 and up 2013 has been an exci ng year of transforma on for St. John UMC and our Children's Ministry program was no Stage Right Produc ons brings you this classic story excep on. We now have the challenge ahead of rebuilding based on the popular book wri en by L. Frank Baum and revamping many of our programs to accommodate our which has been turned into a Broadway show and a new growth. We need people called into ministry with major mo on picture which is enjoying it's 75th children who will step up and become part of this exci ng anniversary in 2014. rebuild. If you would like to become part of Children's Stage Right holds open cas ng calls and considers Ministry in any way through teaching, working or planning everyone whether new to theatre or a veteran. It is please fee free to contact our Children's Pastor Dale Dye also a great forum for homeschool children if they don’t ( already have an outlet to explore theatrical arts. For more informa on or to download a Cas ng Call form go to the Stage Right webpage found at January KIDS Church Schedule January 5 - No Kids Church January 12 - KC in Room #111 or Movie Room January 19 - KC in Room #111 or Movie Room January 26– KC in Room #111 or Movie Room Children's Ministry Team Mee ng Sunday, January 12 ‐ 12:15 pm (Learning Center) Immediately following the service Sunday Jan 12th our team will be mee ng for lunch and planning our 2014 ac vi es. Anyone interested in helping or learning more is welcome to a end. Contact Dale Dye if interested in a ending the mee ng. St. John UMC Chancel Choir We Need You! The Chancel choir is looking for addi onal members to come join with us as we help in leading worship. No pre‐ vious experience is required, just the desire to want to be a part of this wonderful and talented group of people. Connec onal Giving Shared Giving aka Connec onal Giving enables United St. John UMC is a Safe Sanctuaries congrega on. Safe Methodists to do together what no single church can Sanctuaries means we make every effort to assure that our do alone. All of this, and so much more, because when children and youth have a safe, loving environment in which to explore the Love of Christ. We have put policies in place we join The United Methodist Church we promise faith‐ to dras cally reduce the risk of abuse and injury while in our fully to par cipate in its ministries through our prayers, presence, gi s, service, and witness. Paying our Fair care. Our volunteers are trained in proper procedures and Share (10% of General Funds) We become a part of ways of thinking to make sure every child has the something big and accomplish wonderful things in opportunity to grow without worry. Jesus’ Name. The Journey Sunday School Class Restructuring for a New Year Young Adult Ministries All Young Adults ages 18‐35 Are Encouraged to Par cipate The Journey Class next study will be star ng a new study, "10 Things Jesus Never Said: And Why You Should Stop We thank Dr. Jacqueline Gines for helping get the Believing Them" by Will Davis Jr. This is a study that Young Adult ministry to where it is today, and we unmasks commonly believed myths about our rela on‐ welcome a new team who will be assis ng our Young ship with God and shows readers how to replace this Adult ministry move forward. pervasive theology of failure with the truth of how Jesus Vesta Hudson is a lay minister within the United really feels about them. The class will have a breakfast on Methodist Church and she will be heading up Young Adult January 19, 2014 to hand out books and the study will Ministry. Her tle will be “Coordinator of Young Adult begin on January 26. Please contact Tom or Peggy Moyer Ministries” and she and Jamie will be assis ng in leading (423‐843‐3220) to reserve a copy of the book. young adult couples and those unmarried with children. Mike and Karen Parker will be leading ministry to single adults – this is mostly college and career, but extends from ages 18 through 35. “The Dames” is a group ministry that reaches out Chuck and Caroline Ward will also be working with to all of those ladies who are divorced, widowed, or young adults. They will be organizing and single. Our next mee ng will be Thursday, January 23, coordina ng special events. @ 5:30 pm. We will be mee ng at The Chophouse on We are really pleased to have these folks organiz‐ Gunbarrel Rd. Please make your reserva ons now and ing, coordina ng and leading this vital ministry. plan on bringing a friend. You’re Invited to the Dames Please contact “Dame” Judith (Judy) Reich @ 423‐903‐0513 or the church office @ 423‐892‐2257 if you are interested. Young Adult/New Bible Studies Both the Young Adult singles & couples are beginning new studies on January 15, when Wonderful Wednesdays start back. We want to encourage our young adults to come and be a part of these awesome small group studies. Covered Dish Church Fellowship January 26, @ 5:30pm we are having a covered dish church fellowship dinner. This is a great opportunity to meat and greet those in our church family you may have not had an opportunity to meet before. A Need for A New Ministry for 2014! The pastor is interested in talking to anyone who has an interest in helping with a ministry with middle adults ages 35 – 55. We need an organizer/planner, maybe a teacher – several people would be good. Please see Pastor Ken if you are interested. S T S C S M S ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ 9:00 ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ 10:00 S ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ 11:00 January Ushers: 9:00 a.m. ‐ Jean VanArnum, David Miller, Bill Navel, Lee Geraldson, & Fritz ve erick 11:00 a.m. ‐ Ma hew Twitchell January Worship Leaders: January 5th; 9 am ‐ Rick Williams 11 am ‐ Vesta Hudson January 12th; 9 am ‐ Rick Williams 11 am ‐ Jacqueline Gines January 19th; 9 am ‐ Rick Williams 11 am ‐ Lindsey Drury January 26th; 9 am ‐ Rick Williams 11 am ‐ Sam Hixon January Media; 9 am ‐ Jeane e Huddleston 11 am ‐ Mike Parker St John UMC is partnering with the YMCA for an a er school program. The gym will be open from 4pm ll 5:30 pm for kids to come and have ac vi es. Snacks are also provided. We are in need of volunteers for Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday to come and sit with the YMCA coun‐ selor un l 5:30pm. Upward Basketball The Upward season starts Saturday, January 11th. We are in need of volunteers for game days. We are also needing dona ons to help cover some scholarships for children who could no pay 100% this year. If you would like to help out please contact the church office 423‐892‐2257. WinterJam 2014 The St. John YOUTH will be going to WinterJam on January 12th, 2014. Please see pastor Jacqueline Gines for more informa on. Resurrec on 2014 The St. John YOUTH will be going to Resurrec on this year on January 17th thru January 20th. We are in need of do‐ na ons for scholarships to help some of the children to afford the trip this year. If you would like to help out please contact the church office 423‐892‐2257. STATS AT A GLANCE FINANCIAL REPORT CONTRIBUTIONS: 12/ 1/13 $9,986.00 12/8/13 $9,129.14 12/15/13 $9,803.77 12/22/13 $7,363.25 12/29/13 $5,828.76 ATTENDANCE REPORT 12/1/13 S S ‐ 90 W 12/8/13 S S ‐ 94 W 12/15/13 S ‐ 96 W 12/22/13 S ‐ 77 W 12/29/13 S ‐ 72 W A er School with the YMCA Food Assistance Program ‐ 186 ‐ 206 ‐ 223 ‐ 177 ‐ 141 New Newsletter Format In an attempt to make the events of St. John more widely known we have gone to a paper monthly newsletter. We hope this addresses some of the issues for those who don’t have email addresses and will give you a paper copy of events to put on your refrigerator. Your staff is constantly seeking ways to serve the congregation of St. John and we thank you for your support. St. John United Methodist Church is in ministry partnership with the Cha anooga Area Food Bank & The United Way (first call for help). This partnership works to get food into the hands of the needy by distribu ng vouchers to them so they can go to the food bank. One $10 voucher will feed a family of 2‐4 for two to three weeks. The food bank allows a family to come once a month for assistance. St. John’s par cipa on is the spon‐ soring of these families is by paying the $10 charge for the vouchers. Families larger than 4 receives a double voucher to accommodate their needs. In 2013 St. John UMC helped 260 individual families with vouchers. Among those families we helped some mul ple mes which added up to a total of 339 vouchers sponsored for 2013. This is only possible because of your generosity as a congrega on. The money for this program is not from the church’s budget, but is acquired through private dona ons from the church family of St. John UMC. Thank you so much for giving to this worth while need. Mon 6 Tue 7 8 Office Closed 1 Wed 9 10 am - Bible Study 10:30 - River City Writers Club 6pm - UMW Dinner 10am - UMW 2 Thu 9am - Jazzercise 10 9am - Jazzercise 3 Fri 9am -Upward Games 9am-FirstThingsFirst 9am -Upward Games 11 2 pm - CAC reserved 4 Sat 10am - Knit/Crochet 9am - Jazzercise 7pm -Church Council 7:30 - Choir Practice 14 10am - Knit/Crochet 10:30 - LaLeache 10am - Knit/Crochet 11:30 - Garden Club 7pm - Finance Mtg. 29 22 23 10 am - Bible Study 10:30 - River City 9am - Jazzercise Writers Club 5:30 -Wonderful Wed 5:30 - The Dames 21 28 10 am - Bible Study 9am - Jazzercise 10:30 - River City 5:30 -Wonderful Wed Writers Club 30 10am - Knit/Crochet 24 9am -Upward Games 25 9am - Jazzercise 31 9am - Jazzercise 18 15 16 17 10 am - Bible Study 10:30 - River City 9am - Jazzercise 1pm -Young @ Heart 5:30 -Wonderful Wed 5:30 - Photo Society 9am - Jazzercise January 2014 Sun 5 13 3 pm - Discipleship II 5pm - Youth Meeting 9am - Jazzercise 12 20 12:30 - Winter jam 3 pm - Discipleship II No YOUTH 9am - Jazzercise 19 27 3 pm - Discipleship II 4pm - SPRC Meeting Office Closed 5pm - YOUTH 9am - Jazzercise 26 3 pm - Discipleship II 5pm - YOUTH 5:30 - Covered Dish 9am - Jazzercise St. John UMC 3921 Murray Hills Drive Chattanooga, TN 37416 Schedule Sundays Traditional Worship ················ 9:00 am Sunday School ·······················10:00 am Contemporary Worship ···········11:00 am Wednesdays Wonderful Wednesdays ············ 5:30 pm Chancel Choir Practice ············· 7:30 pm Non Profit Organiza on U.S. Postage Paid Permit # 197 Cha anooga, TN
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