Application for Admission The Collaborative MBA A joint program of Bluffton University, Canadian Mennonite University, Eastern Mennonite University and Goshen College 540-432-4026 THE COLLABORATIVE MBA APPLICATION 1 Application for Admission The Collaborative MBA: A joint program of Bluffton University, Canadian Mennonite University, Eastern Mennonite University and Goshen College PERSONAL INFORMATION: Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last First Middle Maiden or birth Phone: Cell: ___________________________Home:_____________________________ Work:__________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip County Country _____________________________ Email address:_______________________________________________________________________ SSN: __________________________________ Date of birth: _________/_________/____________________ Month Day Year How did you first hear about the Collaborative MBA program? ☐ Postcard mailing Please enter the following information as requested by the U.S. Department of Education. ☐ Ad in the “Marketplace” ETHNIC BACKGROUND ☐ Ad in “The Mennonite” Are you Hispanic or Latino? ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Ad in the “Mennonite World Review” ☐ Ad in Sojourners ☐ Bluffton University website ☐ EMU website ☐ Goshen College website ☐ The Collaborative MBA website RACE: CHECK ONE OR MORE ☐ Black or African American ☐ White ☐ Native American or Pacific Islander ☐ Asian ☐ American Indian or Alaska Native ☐ Other________________________________________________ ☐ A friend SEX: ☐ Male ☐ Female ☐ An alumnus CITIZENSHIP: ☐ Other ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ☐ U.S. Check one concentration of interest: (this can be changed at a later date) ☐ Permanent resident of US ☐ Leadership ☐ Student visa ☐ Health care administration ☐ Finance ☐ Leading nonprofits ☐ Conflict transformation ☐ Sustainable organizations ☐ Intercultural leadership ☐ Dual citizenship: U.S. and ________________________________ ☐ Special visitor citizen of:_________________________________ DENOMINATION:_________________________________________ If Mennonite: ____________________________________________ (Conference) _______________________________________________________ (Congregation) ☐ Self designed 540-432-4026 THE COLLABORATIVE MBA APPLICATION 2 ACADEMIC CREDENTIALS: Degree or Certificate Major/Subject Granting Institution Location Date Earned ADDITIONAL COLLEGE LEVEL COURSE WORK COMPLETED AND/OR OTHER SCHOOLS ATTENDED: Course Title College/University Length of Course Dates Attended Type of Credit (CEU, undergrad., grad.) EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: (or attach a resume, begin with most current) Employer ________________________________________________ From_____________________ To _____________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title/ Duties ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Supervisor ___________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________ Employer ________________________________________________ From_____________________ To _____________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title/ Duties ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Supervisor ___________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________ Employer ________________________________________________ From_____________________ To _____________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title/ Duties ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Supervisor ___________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________ THE COLLABORATIVE MBA APPLICATION 3 FINANCIAL AID AND EMPLOYER OR THIRD PARTY REIMBURSEMENT: If you wish to apply for financial aid, you must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Will you apply for financial aid: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Do not know yet If you have applied, approximate date: ________________________ Do you need forms? ☐ Yes ☐ No Are you applying for veteran’s benefits? ☐ Yes ☐ No Do you expect to receive employer or third party reimbursement? ☐ Yes ☐ No (If yes, please include policy) PERSONAL WRITTEN STATEMENT: Submit via email a two-page personal statement answering the following three questions: 1. What goals and objectives do you have for yourself in completing this program? 2. What contributions will you make to this program based on your life and work experiences, your commitments, and your values? 3. The Collaborative MBA involves reading, studying, writing and “attending” class sessions. How will you structure your weekly schedule in order to accommodate these activities? ADMISSIONS CRITERIA AND PROCEDURES: All applicants are requested to provide the following documents and information: 1. The Collaborative MBA application with a non-refundable $25 fee. 2. Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution or equivalent. A PDF of the following should be uploaded: 3. Official transcripts listing all college or university courses taken. 4. GMAT or GRE scores are required for applicants with less than seven years of work experience. Those with seven years of work experience are encouraged to take either the GMAT or GRE if their academic and workplace records do not show strong quantitative and communication skills. 5. International students must provide TOEFL scores. 6. Two letters of recommendation. One recommendation must be from your current supervisor. The second recommendation can be from an individual who can comment on your professional and/or academic qualities Please choose your preference for enrollment for your MBA degree. Please select one of the following: ☐ Bluffton University ☐ Canadian Mennonite University ☐ Eastern Mennonite University ☐ Goshen College ☐ It does not matter to me Signature ______________________________________________________________________ Date _________________________ 540-432-4026 THE COLLABORATIVE MBA APPLICATION 4 THE COLLABORATIVE MBA NONDISCRIMINATORY POLICY The Collaborative MBA reserves the right to select students on the basis of academic performance and personal qualifications. The Collaborative MBA is in compliance with all applicable federal regulations pertaining to nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap, sex, race, color, national or ethnic origin in its recruitment, admission, educational, athletic, financial aid and employment policies and programs. ☐ I have enclosed a $25 application fee ☐ Please charge the $25 application fee to my credit card account: ☐ Visa ☐ MasterCard ☐ Discover Credit card account number ____________________________________________________________________________________ Three digit number from back of card ________________ Expiration date ______________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________________ Date _________________________ SUBMIT APPLICATION Please submit (by mail or electronically to email below) payment, application and all required documents to your school: Office of Adult and Graduate Studies Bluffton University 1 University Drive Bluffton, OH 45817-2104 Phone: 419-358-3897 or 800-488-3257, option 4 Email: Canadian Mennonite University MBA Program PMitch Krohn, Enrollment Coordinator 500 Shaftesbury Boulevard Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3P 2N2 Phone: 877.231.4570 Email: Eastern Mennonite MBA Program Patty Eckard, MBA Program Administrative Assistant 1200 Park Rd. Harrisonburg, VA 22802 Phone: 540-432-4150 Email: Goshen College MBA Program Kendra Ramseyer, Enrollment Counselor 1700 South Main St. Goshen, IN 46526 Phone: 574-535-7458 Email: 540-432-4026 THE COLLABORATIVE MBA APPLICATION 5
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