MN RESUSCITATION CONSORTIUM Third Quarter 2013 Bring Back the Beat! Connecting bystander, pre-hospital and hospital initiatives to improve survival from Sudden Cardiac Arrest. If you are interested in being a part of this initiative – contact the MRC to find ways you or your organization can be involved: 612-626-1382 or [1] EVENTS The MRC has had many opportunities to train in the community, thanks to our wonderful partners. It is great to meet and chat with so many groups that have a passion and drive to provide safety education for their employees, volunteers, and participants. Young Adult Heart Foundation 5K - We are always excited to support the wonderful groups that are working with many of the heart survivors in our communities. At their second annual 5K, YAHF invited us to help with a CPR flash mob. It was a beautiful morning and wonderful event; we can’t wait for next year!!! CPR at the Zoo - As part of an ongoing relationship with the Minnesota Zoo, the MRC set up for a day of training with our great partners, the Minnesota SCA Survivors Network. We were located on the main walkway just outside the Aquatics center. We talked to many people and did lots of CPR training; maybe next year they will let us do pet CPR training....let us know if you are a pet CPR trainer and we will contact you for next year. Heart Safe Dinner - HeartSafe program from Allina Health held its annual Survivor dinner on September 26th at the Minnesota Science Museum. This years dinner included 40 plus survivors and guests. Dr. Charles Lick presented information on the successes of Heart Safe and activities in Minnesota. In addition to a survivor celebration, Wayne Schneider of Hennepin County EMS shared the story of his SCA event and recovery. Overall, it was a wonderful celebration of life and great fun to connect with friends and colleagues. Twin Cities Marathon - for the second year, the MRC and partners participated in training TCM volunteers and participants. A training session was held during the volunteer meeting prior to the race events and we were given a large and nice (carpeted in orange even) space for training in the Health Expo that is held at the St. Paul River Centre. Attendance was free and extremely busy for both days. We were fortunate to have help from the SCA Survivors Network and the St. Paul BLS Unit through the EMS Academy. The number of Minnesota communities that are working toward and applying for Heart Safe Designation continues to grow. If you are interested, go to Minnesota Department of Health website and search Heart Safe or follow this link: chp/heartsafecommunities.html [2] MISSION LIFELINE IN MINNESOTA Submitted by: Mindy Cook, RN BSN Director Mission: Lifeline North Dakota, Minnesota Each year, hundreds of thousands of Americans have the most serious type of heart a6ack known as an ST-‐elevated myocardial infarc=on, or STEMI, in which blood flow is completely blocked to a por=on of the heart. Unless the blockage is eliminated quickly, the pa=ent’s life is at serious risk. Currently, around two-‐thirds of STEMI pa=ents fail to receive the best available treatments to restore blood flow. Mission: Lifeline seeks to save lives by closing the gaps that separate STEMI pa=ents from =mely access to appropriate treatments. According to the Minnesota Department of Health, 8,566 people were hospitalized in Minnesota for acute heart a6ack in 2011, of those 2,284 were STEMIs. Although Mission: Lifeline is focused on improving the system of care for pa=ents who suffer from a STEMI in rural areas each year, improving that system will ul=mately improve care for all heart a6ack pa=ents. The rural MN Mission: Lifeline grant ini=a=ve is made possible by $6.5 million in funding including a $4.6 million grant from The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust. Addi=onal funding came from Medtronic Philanthropy, O6o Bremer Founda=on, the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community, Karla and Tim O’Donnell, Dakota Medical Founda=on, Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Founda=on, Mayo Clinic Health System Mankato, Thom Family Founda=on, John F. Rooney Family Charitable Founda=on, St. Luke’s Hospital in Duluth and its founda=on, the Midwest Affiliate of the American Heart Associa=on, and addi=onal supporters. “The major challenge to delivering =mely, state-‐of-‐the-‐are STEMI care to the rural pa=ent has been principally limited by access to an accurate diagnosis with subsequent rapid transport to PCI capable hospital. Time most certainly is muscle. Mission Lifeline has expanded the reach of the PCI hospital and treatment =mes op=mized with the tools, educa=on, and resources of Mission Lifeline. The result is access to the most advanced STEMI care for all pa=ents in Minnesota regardless of loca=on." Sco6 Mikesell, DO, FACC, STEMI Program Director/Interven=onal Cardiologist, St. Luke's Hospital, Duluth MN -‐ Mission Lifeline Minnesota Co-‐Chair “Mission: Lifeline is enhancing our exis=ng systems in rural communi=es and enabling us to get advanced level care for heart a6ack pa=ents in areas we had only dreamed about un=l now,” Ganesh Raveendran, M.D., M.S. Director, Sec=on of Interven=onal Cardiology and Cardiovascular Fellowship Program Cardiovascular Division University of Minnesota Medical School, Mission Lifeline Minnesota Co-‐Chair. “This amazing grant will allow Minnesota to take heart a6ack care to the next level across the en=re state. We will now have the opportunity to iden=fy a heart a6ack faster, and provide lifesaving treatments before significant damage, or even death occurs. It allows technology to foster coopera=on amongst emergency services and hospitals to do what is best for the pa=ent. We have all been affected by the impact of heart disease amongst our family and friends, and this grant is a major victory in the ba6le to improve the health for all of Minnesota! “Richard Mullvain Cardiovascular Clinical Pharmacist STEMI Program Manager for Essen=a Health, Mission Lifeline Minnesota Co-‐Chair. In collabora=on with stakeholders represen=ng hospitals, individual ambulance services and regional EMS Medical Directors, the project will enhance many cri=cal elements of an op=mal STEMI system of care: a system-‐wide data tool for quality measurement and improvement; ongoing medical provider training and STEMI educa=on; coordina=on of protocols for rural EMS and hospital personnel; regional plans for rapid transport of pa=ents; and a public educa=on campaign on heart a6ack symptoms and the need to call 9-‐1-‐1. funding focused on enhancing rural systems is being awarded for hospitals and ambulance services to enhance 12 L ECG equipment and training. The first in-‐person bi-‐annual MN M:L task force mee=ng was held on August 29, 2013 in St. Cloud with 100 representa=ves from EMS agencies, referral and PCI receiving hospitals. All five of the PCI hospitals in the designated rural area had a team present and every rural EMS region was represented. Addi=onally 3 task force webinars have been conducted, and many commi6ees have been formed and ac=vely mee=ng including the EMS advisory commi6ee, Quality commi6ee, 2014 STEMI Conference Planning commi6ee, and the Execu=ve Leadership commi6ees. The NW and WC EMS regions have gone through the applica=on, evalua=on, and award for 12 L ECG Equipment. Currently the NE and Central regions are open for 12 L ECG equipment applica=ons. Five Rural MN PCI Receiving hospitals are all eligible for grant funding to support AMI data collec=on through the ACTION GWTG registry as well as pre-‐hospital 12 L receiving system sonware. Rural MN Referral hospitals will be eligible to start applica=ons to support 12 L ECG receiving systems sonware beginning in Jan of 2014. For more informa=on on the MN M:L Ini=a=ve please visit the website at [3] MRC Media Release Playing at a theater near you.......CPR? Sudden Cardiac Arrest accounts for almost 300,000 deaths per year. Survival is tragically low at approximately 8% na=onwide. Minnesota has one of the highest survival rates in the na=on but we can do be6er. One way we can improve this is by increasing the number of SCA pa=ents that receive bystander CPR. Around the country, bystander CPR rates are as high as 61%, however in Minnesota, our bystander CPR rate is nearly half at only 34%. That means 66% of Minnesotans suffering sudden cardiac arrest are not gepng one of the easiest and poten=ally life saving procedures. A large percentage of sudden cardiac arrest happens in the home and sadly, this popula=on has a 50% less chance of receiving CPR than events that occur in public. The MRC, in an effort to bring CPR awareness to the public, has produced a CPR public service announcement (PSA) that will be in 14 Minnesota theaters beginning November 22nd. This video will be played prior to every movie, on every screen during the release of some exci=ng new movies. In addi=on, certain theaters will play the CPR PSA every five minutes on their in-‐lobby screens. This means that 138 screens, 7 days a week for 7 weeks = almost a half a million views!!!! The video is also being distributed along with our other PSA’s to cable channels around the state. (you can view and download these videos on our website under Bystander Tools) Movie theaters include : Century 9, Hutchinson; Eden Prairie IMAX; Mall of America; CineMagic Washington Square, Detroit Lakes; CineMagic 7, Aus=n; Hollywood 12, Rochester; Movies 8, Mankato; Marcus Safari 7, Moorhead; Mon=cello 15; Grand Rapids Cinema 8; East Bethel Cinema, Anon; Marcus Duluth; Wehrenberg Rochester Galaxy 14; and Highland Theater, St. Paul. Spotlight on...... ♥ Plymouth Rotary Rotary is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. In 201 countries worldwide, approximately 1.2 million Rotarians belong to more than 33,000 Rotary clubs. The Minnetonka-Plymouth Rotary Club was chartered in 1978, (renamed the Rotary Club of Plymouth) and since then the club has had a dedicated membership of approximately 50 energized local residents who believe and follow the Rotary theme "Service Above Self." In recent years, as the western suburbs of Minneapolis have experienced rapid and significant growth, our club has evolved into a group of members who either conduct business or reside in or near the city of Plymouth. To reflect this geographic trend, we have recently changed our club name to The Rotary Club of Plymouth. The Rotary Club of Plymouth has partnered with Allina Hospitals and Clinics to begin a new signature project called Heart Safe Plymouth. The goal is to make the community a safer place to live, work, and play. Work on this effort began over a year ago and culminated the past September 24th, when the Heart Safe Designation was presented to Mayor Kelli Slavik during a city council meeting. This designation represented the hard work done by the Rotary Club and their partners over the last year to train more than 500 citizens in CPR; to identify and register 128 AEDs throughout the community; and to assist with AED placement by donating 2 AEDs. The group continues their work by providing classes and continuing to spread the importance of knowing CPR and how to use an AED. [4] Upcoming Event: Dispatch / Community Academy 2013 Next month the MN Resuscitation Consortium will hold its first Dispatch and Community Academy. This one day academy (flyer page 7) is focusing on the two areas that have a big impact on bystander CPR: dispatchers rapidly identifying cardiac arrest and coaching the caller or bystander on CPR and community programs creating more awareness, training more individuals and building confidence. Approximately 70% of cardiac arrests happen in the home, often with only one other person there. While that person may have had some training, they may be anxious about performing CPR. Prompt help from a dispatcher or frequent awareness and messaging that promotes confidence will promote CPR being started sooner and continuing until professional help arrives. Upcoming Events and Notes from Committee Meetings Committees: Bystander/Community; Pre-hospital; Hospital; and Advisory. Goals/Minutes for each committee are available by emailing The 3rd Quarter includes the months of July, August and September. We all feel the pull of lazy summer days, extended family vacations and enjoying the wonderful lakes in Minnesota. This makes us hope for a slow down in activities, however, it does not seem to be that way for the MRC. While July did offer a little slow down, August and September included many outdoor events and a rush of conferences around the state. These opportunities provide a chance, not only for more public CPR training, but also to meet and share information with health care professionals throughout the state. As we attend these events, we have been very pleased to learn that the word is out.... MRC is becoming very familiar throughout the state. Agencies have heard of the grants, data collection and our academies. This is very good news. It makes our job easier when the MRC is known. We know this is not only because of our work; a BIG thanks goes out to all of our partners - both agencies and individuals who have been promoting the work of the MRC. You are making the difference in Minnesota and because of your work - more lives will be saved. Remember, if you have stories or events that you would like shared; please send them to be included in the next newsletter or to be added to our Facebook/twitter/linked in sites. We want to promote the hard work and success that you are having in your area or community. MEMSA Conference at Jackpot Junction The various committees have been busy working on new and exciting initiatives; but there is always more work to be done. If you would like to participate on a committee, please email us with your interest and we will get you on the invitation list. Contact for more information. The Bystander Committee is expanding to include new members from different areas. They continue to collaborate on developing and promoting new ideas for increasing CPR training and AED awareness. Pre-hospital Committee is looking at ideas to promote protocol recommendations and encourage dispatch assisted CPR. Hospital Committee will meet in November and include discussion on in-hospital cardiac arrest training options. CPR Standards Committee will continue to work with ART in San Diego to develop a pilot program in one metro hospital. CARES Committee has continued to work on ways to manage sharing of information to help promote the work that is happening around the state. Upcoming events: October - Congenital Heart Walk; Twin Cities Marathon; Survive and Thrive; Survivors Summit November - Dispatch / Community Resuscitation Academy; AHA Scientific Sessions; Gopher Football; Hospital Committee Meeting December - Gopher Basketball; MRC Advisory Committee MRC Equipment Grant - Online Application due 10/31 [5] PRESENTATIONS AROUND THE WORLD AND RIGHT HERE AT HOME....... In late August, Dr. Yannopoulos presented at the ESC Congress 2013 in Amsterdam, Netherlands . He presented an abstract “Correlation between burst of thrombin and mircovascular obstruction (no reflow) during ST elevation myocardial infarction treated by primary percutaneous coronary intervention”. To continue to create awareness throughout the University of Minnesota and Fairview, a presentation was given at a Lillehei Symposium called “New Hope for the Suddenly Dead “. This presentation shared information on the MN Resuscitation Consortium and about current research and work that is being done with partners across the metropolitan area and across the state. In October, Dr. Yannopoulos was quoted in an interview which aired on Minnesota Public Radio and KARE11 News regarding extended CPR events in the metro area. To see the full story go to: New-device-helps-prolong-CPR-giving-doctors-moretime-to-save-patients Try this online tool from American Heart Association Check out your pit crew knowledge! GOALS FOR CPR QUALITY METRICS -What Makes Up High-Quality CPR? -What Do We Look For? -What Makes These Components Critical To Effective CPR? Use this link to watch a video on CPR quality metrics, take a CPR quality metrics quiz, and complete an activity on your Pit Crew goals! [6] [7] CARES Cardiac Registry to Enhance Survival Did you know? o o o o o 40 communities in 26 states 8 statewide registries Covers a catchment area of over 80 million More than 400 EMS agencies More than 900 hospitals MN would like to welcome North Dakota into the CARES family. MN has been able to bring North Dakota into CARES through the MRC. F-‐M ambulance and Jamestown Area Ambulance-‐Ringdahl EMS are the first and we are excited to work with them! Lucinda Klann MN State CARES Coordinator & Analyst Have you added a new CARES team member? Have your hospitals changed staff? Are your CARES entry skills a little fuzzy? We have monthly trainings! Please contact Lucinda for details. For more information on the MN Resuscitation Consortium – check out our website at or find us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn Campus location: 401 East River Parkway VCRC 102 Mailing: 420 Delaware St. SE MMC 508 Minneapolis, MN 55455 [8] Learn CPR
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