Academic CV - College of the Holy Cross

Andrea Borghini
Curriculum Vitae
(Last Revised: April 14th 2015)
1 College Street
01610 Worcester MA
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Department of Philosophy, College of the Holy Cross (August 2013 – ongoing)
VISITING PROFESSOR, University of Urbino 'Carlo Bo,' Urbino (Italy) (academic year 2014 – 2015)
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, Department of Philosophy, College of the Holy Cross (August 2007 – August 2013)
DIRECTOR, Global Society Cluster, Montserrat Program, College of the Holy Cross (August 2013 – May 2014)
VISITING PROFESSOR, University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo (Italy) (Fall 2012; Spring 2014; Fall 2014)
VISITING PROFESSOR, Department of Philosophy, University of Turin (Italy) (October 2009 – March 2010)
ASSOCIATE MEMBER, University Seminar on Comparative Philosophy, Columbia University (2008 - 2009)
SUBJECT GUIDE: PHILOSOPHY, (August 2011 – July 2014)
AOS: Metaphysics; Philosophy of Biology; Philosophy of Food
AOC: Early Modern Philosophy; Philosophy of Science; Logic; Philosophy of Language; Aesthetics;
Interdisciplinary: Classics of Western Ethical and Political Thought
Columbia University, New York, NY, 2001–2007
DISSERTATION TITLE: On the Necessity and Sufficiency of Universals
Università degli Studi di Firenze, Florence, Italy, 1996–2000
LAUREA IN PHILOSOPHY (Summa Cum Laude), October 2000
DISSERTATION TITLE: David K. Lewis’s Theory of Possibility
Ø The Metaphysics of Life Sciences (with Elena Casetta), Bloomsbury Publishing, London, under contract
(projected date of publication: December 2016)
Ø A Critical Introduction to the Metaphysics of Modality, Bloomsbury Publishing, London, under contract
(projected date of publication: December 2015)
Ø David K. Lewis: guida per gli increduli [David K. Lewis: Guide for the Incredulous], Carocci Editore, Rome, under
contract (projected date of publication: 2015)
Ø Filosofia della biologia [Philosophy of Biology] (with Elena Casetta), Carocci Editore, Rome, 2013, ISBN:
Ø Il genio compreso. La filosofia di Saul Kripke, (with Christopher Hughes, Marco Santambrogio, and Achille C.
Varzi), Carocci Editore, Rome, 2010, ISBN: 9788843054022
Ø Che cos’è la possibilità [Possibility: What Is It?], Carocci Editore, Rome, 2009, ISBN: 9788843048045
Journal Articles
[1] 'Natural Properties and Atomicity in Modal Realism' (with Giorgio Lando), Metaphysica 16: 103-121
[2] 'I confini di un taglio' ['The Boundaries of a Cut'], in E. Casetta and V. Giardino (eds.), Mettere a fuoco il mondo.
Conversazioni sulla filosofia di Achille Varzi [Putting the World Into Focus. Conversations on the Philosophy of Achille
Varzi], Isonomia, Vol. 4, 2014: 13-22
[3] 'Development and Natural Kinds: Some Lessons from Biology' (with Marco J. Nathan), Synthese 191 (2014):
[4] 'Dimmi da dove viene e ti dirò che cos’é' (with Andrea Baldini) ['Tell Me Where It Is From and I Will Tell
You What Is It'], Allegoria, 25 (2013): 168-183
[5] 'Food in the Metaphysical Orders: Gender, Race, and the Family,' Humana.Mente 22 (2012): 1-23
[6] 'The Adverbial Theory of Properties,' Metaphysica, 13 (2012): 107-123
[7] 'On Being the Same Wine,' Rivista di estetica (special issue on wine edited by N. Perullo), 51 (2012): 175-192
[8] 'Quel che resta dei generi naturali' (with Elena Casetta) ['Natural Kinds: What’s Left'], Rivista di estetica 49
(2012): 247-273
[9] 'One More Reason Not to Tense the Copula,' Logic and Philosophy, 0 (2011): 20-33
[10] 'Natural Properties, Supervenience, and Mereology' (with G. Lando), Humana.Mente 19 (2011): 79-104
[11] 'On the Logic of Soccer Patronage' (with A. Baldini), Soccer and Society 12 (2011): 569-585
[12] 'Tratti, sessi e generi. Un dialogo' (with Elena Casetta) ['Traits, Sexes, and Genders. A Dialogue'], Rivista di
bioetica 19 (2011): 35-53
[13] 'Esistono proprietà intrinseche?' ['Are There Intrinsic Properties?'], Rivista di estetica, 43 (2010): 231-245
[14] 'David K. Lewis', Analytical and Philosophical Explanation 2 (2010)
[15] 'Ermes e Afrodite. Un dialogo' ['Hermes and Aphrodite. A Dialogue'], Rescogitans, 7.11.2010
[16] 'A Dispositional Theory of Possibility' (with Neil E. Williams), dialectica 62 (2008): 21-41
[17] 'La durata naturale di un genere naturale' ['The Natural Time of a Natural Kind'], Rivista di estetica, 39 (2008):
[18] 'I marchi di origine e i miraggi del nominalismo legislativo' ['Labels of Protected Origin And The Mirage of
Legal Nominalism'], Rescogitans, 5.2.2008
[19] 'Onestà intellettuale e globalizzazione: come cambierà la filosofia?' ['Intellectual Honesty and Globalization:
How Philosophy Is Going to Change'], Rescogitans, 24.01.2008
[20] 'Introduzione' ['Introduction'], Annali del Dipartimento di Filosofia, XII (2007): 173-180
[21] 'Virtù e vizi del concretismo' ['Virtues and Vices of Concretism'], Annali del Dipartimento di Filosofia, XII
(2007): 181-193
[22] 'Generale e particolare' ['General and Particular'], in Chora V, 14 (2007): 27-36
[23] 'Event Location and Vagueness' (with Achille C. Varzi), Philosophical Studies 128 (2006): 313-336
[24] 'Counterpart Theory Vindicated: A Reply to Merricks,' dialectica 59 (2005): 67-74
[25] 'Quante cose ci sono in Piazza dei Miracoli?' ['How Many Things Are There in Piazza dei Miracoli?'],
Rescogitans, 12.17.2005
[26] 'Un Mondo di Possibilità. Realismo Modale Senza Mondi Possibili' ['One World of Possibilities. Modal
Realism Without Possibile Worlds'], Rivista di estetica, XLIV (2004): 91-104
[27] 'Oggetti Possibili e Oggetti Esistenti. La teoria di David K. Lewis' ['Possible and Existent Objects: David K.
Lewis’s Theory'], Kykeyon, March 2002: 67-77
Articles in Volume
[28] 'Gustare la natura: riflessioni estetiche tra gastronomia e biologia' ['Tasting Nature: Aesthetic Considerations
Between Gastronomy and Biology'], in N. Perullo (ed.), Cibo, estetica e arte: convergenze tra filosofia, semiotica e
storia [Food, Aesthetics, and Art: Convergences Between Philosophy, Semiotics, and History], ETS, Pisa, 2014: 33-46
[29] 'The Metaphysics of the Thin Red Line' (with G. Torrengo), in F. Correia and A. Iacona (eds.), Around the
Tree. Semantical and Metaphysical Issues Concerning Branching and the Open Future, Kluwer, Synthèse Library:
Dordrecht, 2013: 105-125
[30] 'Metafisica e ontologia (o dell’inizio)' (with Tiziana Andina) [Metaphysics and Ontology (or of the
Beginning)], in T. Andina (ed.), Filosofia contemporanea: di che cosa si occupano oggi i filosofi, Carocci Editore, Rome,
2013: 25-57 (English translation: Bridging the Analytical Continental Divide: A Companion to Western Philosophy,
Brill, Amsterdam and Boston, 2014: 8-37)
[31] 'Universalism and the Argument from Indifference,' in A. Hall and G. Klima (ed.), The Demonic Temptations of
Medieval Nominalism, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, 2011: 25-37
[32] 'Introduction: Lessons from the Scientific Butchery' (with M.H. Slater), in J. Campbell, M. O’Rourke, and
M.H. Slater (eds.), Carving Nature at Its Joints. Topics in Contemporary Philosophy. Vol. 8, MIT Press, Cambridge
(MA), 2011: 1-32
[33] 'What Is a True Ribollita? Memory and the Quest for Authentic Food,' in T. Piazza (ed.), Secret and Memory in
the Information Age, Afrontamento, Porto, 2011: 93-106
[34] 'Essere categoricamente e poter essere e non essere' ['On Being (Categorically), and Being Potentially, and Not
Being'], Verità. Annuario e bollettino della Società italiana per la filosofia analitica 2010, Milano: Mimesis, 2011: 251259
[35] 'Generals and Particulars,' The Analytical Way: Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference of Analytic Philosophy,
College Publications (King's College), London, 2010: 379-395
[36] 'When a Soccer Club Becomes a Mirror' (with A. Baldini), in E.T. Richards (ed.), Soccer and Philosophy, Open
Court, 2010: 302-316
[37] 'Geni, Ricette e Integrazione' ['Genes, Recipes, and Integration'], Zoon Politikon 2010 – Volume I. On Democracy
and Social Integration, Firenze, Le Lettere, 2010: 369-378
[38] 'Dispositions and Their Intentions: Is There a Problem?,' in G. Damschen, R. Schnepf and K.R. Stueber
(eds), Debating Dispositions: Issues in Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Mind, Berlin: DeGruyter, 2009:
[39] 'Why I Am Not A Tropist,' in M. Okada and B. Smith (eds.) Proceedings of the First Interdisciplinary Ontology
Meeting (InterOntology 2008), Keio University Press, Tokyo, 2008: 93-98
[40] 'Counting Individuals with Leibniz,' in VIII Internazionaler Leibniz Kongress: Einheit in Der Vielheit, H. Berger, J.
Herbst, and S. Erdner (eds.), Hannover, 2006, Vol. 1: 76-83
Encyclopedia Entries
[1] 'Metaphysics of Natural Food,' in P.B. Thomson and D.M. Kaplan (eds.), Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural
Ethics, Springer, 2014 [~2,500 words]
[2] 'Substantial Equivalence,' in P.B. Thomson and D.M. Kaplan (eds.), Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics,
Springer, 2014 [~2,700 words]
[3] 'Geographical Indications, Food, and Culture,' in P.B. Thomson and D.M. Kaplan (eds.), Encyclopedia of Food
and Agricultural Ethics, Springer, 2014 [~3,400 words]
[4] 'Authenticity in Food,' in P.B. Thomson and D.M. Kaplan (eds.), Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics,
Springer, 2014 [~3,000 words]
[5] 'Dispositional properties;' 'Extrinsic/intrinsic;' 'Ontological Committment;' 'Individual;' 'Natural Law;'
'Metaphysics;' 'Necessity;' 'Ontology;' 'Formal Ontology;' 'Possibility;' 'Principle of individuation;' 'Property;'
'Possible World Semantics;' 'Supervenience;' 'Tropes;' 'Universal-particular;' 'Dispute on Universals,'
all in L. Floridi and G.P. Terravecchia (eds.), Le parole della filosofia contemporanea [Words of Contemporary
Philosophy], Carocci Editore, Rome, 2009
Magazine Articles
[1] 'Meno male che l’OGM c’è' ['Glad GMOs Are Here'], Intelligence in Lifestyle 37 (January 2012): 148-149
[2] 'Ribollita metafisica' ['A Metaphysical Ribollita'], Intelligence in Lifestyle 36 (December 2011): 170
[3] 'Lezioni di macelleria scientifica' ['Lessons of Butchery and Science'], Intelligence in Lifestyle 35 (November
2011): 216-218
[4] 'Cibo, per piacere' ['Food, For Pleasure'], Intelligence in Lifestyle 34 (October 2011): 216
'Il cibo e il suo rimosso geografico' ['Food and Its Geographical Discharge'], in Alfabeta2 11 (July 4th 2011):
[1] 'Review of A. Hazlett, A Critical Introduction to Skepticism,' Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93: 408-409
[2] 'Review of P. Monaghan, Property Possession as Identity,' Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2012.06.38
[3] 'Review of Y. Dolev, Time and Realism,' Humana.Mente 8 (2009): 173-176
[4] 'Review of J. Westerhoof, Ontological Categories,' 2R 3 (2007): 113-124
[5] 'Review of S. Morini and P. Perconti, E-mail Filosofiche,' in Rivista di Estetica 32 (2006): 129-131
Translated the following texts in Achille C. Varzi (ed.), La metafisica analitica: antologia di testi [Analytic Metaphysics:
A Reader], Bari: Laterza, 2008, ISBN: 9788842083825
Ø D.M. Armstrong, 'Properties', in Kevin Mulligan (ed.), Language, Truth, and Ontology, Reidel, Dordrecht
1992: 14-27
Ø D.K. Lewis, 'Composition as Identity', in Id., Parts of Classes, Blackwell, Oxford 1991: 75-87
Ø D.K. Lewis, 'Against Overlap', in Id., On the Plurality of Worlds, Blackwell, Oxford 1986: 202-204
Ø D.K. Lewis, 'Causation', Journal of Philosophy, 70 (1973): 556-567
Ø T. Sider, 'All World’s a Stage', Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 74 (1996): 433-453
Ø D.C. Williams, 'The Elements of Being (I)', Review of Metaphysics, 7 (1953): 3-18
[1] contributed over 250 articles (600-800 words each) as a Philosophy Guide between August 2011
and July 2014
[2] Questions (passim) in J. Searle, Coscienza, linguaggio, società [Consciousness, Language, Society], Rosenberg &
Sellier, Turin, 2009
[1] 'The Relational Species Concept', Proceedings of the Ohio Philosophical Association, Volume 6 (2009),
PRESENTATIONS {*= invited}
'Human Diets and the Creation, Co-Optation, and Preservation of Biodiversity,' Evaluating Biodiversity,
Urbino (Italy), June 22-23, 2015
[2] 'Food and Philosophy: Four Case Studies' (three-hour workshop co-led with Ben Wurgaft), Advancing Public
Philosophy, San Francisco, USA, June 11-13, 2015
[3] 'The Role of Hunger in the Aesthetic Value of Gastronomic Experiences,' Art, Food, and Aesthetics, Naples
(Italy), May 21-23, 2015*
[4] 'Vindicating the Dispositional Theory of Possibility,' Dispositions in Science, Università degli Studi di Roma Tre,
Roma (Italy), April 20-21, 2015*
[5] 'Vindicating the Dispositional Theory of Possibility,' The Nature of Dispositions, Università degli Studi di
Urbino, Urbino (Italy), April 16, 2015*
[6] 'Philosophy of Food: Issues and Methods,' Università degli Studi di Urbino, Urbino (Italy), April 15, 2015*
[7] 'Dieting and Rule Following: The Case of Vegetarianism,' Moral Cultures of Food: Access, Production, and
Consumption from Past to Present, UNT Initiative in Food Culture and Environment, University of North Texas,
Denton (TX), USA, April 2-4, 2015
[8] Commentator of Jaclyn Rohel's 'Urban Indigestion: Global Interventions into Waste, Public Space and
Social Policy,' Feeding Cities: Ethical and Policy Issues in Urban Food Systems, Northeastern University, Boston,
March 27-28, 2015
[9] 'Butchery and the Boundaries of Agency,' Università degli Studi di Firenze, Florence (Italy), March 20, 2015*
[10] 'What It Is That We Know of a Wine When We Drink It?' (with Tommaso Piazza), Università degli Studi di
Parma, Parma (Italy), February 13, 2015*
[11] 'Butchery and the Boundaries of Agency,' The Boundaries of Agency, Cogito Research Centre, Università degli
Studi di Bologna, Bologna (Italy), February 9, 2015*
[12] 'Future Contingents and Necessary Possibilia,' Future Possibilities, Università degli Studi di Padova, Padua
(Italy), January 22-23, 2015*
[13] Discussant, Workshop on 'Biological Individuality: Genes, Organisms, and Species,' with Elena Casetta,
Andrea Gambarotto, and Charles T. Wolfe, Università degli Studi di Torino, Turin (Italy), January 12, 2015*
[14] 'The Metaphysics of Modality: Fictionalism, Combinatorialism, and Dispositionalism' (three seminars),
University of Urbino 'Carlo Bo,' Urbino (Italy), December 9-11, 2014*
[15] 'The Metaphysics of Modality: An Introduction,' University of Urbino 'Carlo Bo,' Urbino (Italy), November
27, 2014*
[16] 'Objectivity, Metaphysics, and Naturalism,' Department of Linguistics and Cultural Studies, University of
Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena (Italy), November 25, 2014*
[17] 'Naturalism, Realism, and Wine Expertise,' Forms of Naturalism, University of Roma Tre, Rome (Italy),
October 30-31, 2014*
[18] 'Specialty Cheese, Its Bacteria, and Their Genome,' Annual Meeting of the International Association for
Environmental Philosophy, New Orleans (USA), October 25-27, 2014
[19] 'David Lewis: Method and Metaphysics' (two seminars), University of Urbino 'Carlo Bo,' Urbino (Italy),
October 14-15, 2014*
[20] 'Lewisian Metaphysics: A Diagnosis for the Incredulous and the Credulous,' Workshop on Metaphysics. A(nother)
Junior-Senior Debate, University of Roma Tre, Rome (Italy), June 26, 2014*
[21] 'Life Matters: Conversations Between Biology and Philosophy' (with Elena Casetta), University of Padua,
Padua (Italy), June 25, 2014*
[22] 'Causal Mechanisms of Reinforcement in the Social Sciences' (with Marco J. Nathan), Fifth Congress of the
Société de Philosophie de Science, Lille (France), June 25-27, 2014 [in absentia]
[23] 'Life Matters: Conversations Between Biology and Philosophy' (with Elena Casetta), Circolo dei Lettori,
Turin (Italy), June 23, 2014*
[24] 'Causal Mechanisms of Reinforcement in the Social Sciences' (with Marco J. Nathan), Triennial Conference
of the Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Rome (Italy), June 18-20, 2014
[25] 'Plato, Augustine, and the (Un)Philosophical Pleasures of Eating,' Liberal Arts and Core Texts in Our Students’
World, Association for Core Texts and Courses, Los Angeles, April 10-13, 2014
[26] 'Action as Classification in Kosher Butchery,' Mindful Body in the Arts of Eating, Center for Body, Mind,
Culture, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, January 23-24, 2014
[27] 'The Boundaries of a Cut,' Workshop on Realism and Ontology, Department of Philosophy, University of Roma
Tre, Rome (Italy), January 13, 2014*
[28] 'Life Matters: Conversations Between Biology and Philosophy' (with Elena Casetta), Department of
Foundations of Science, University of Urbino 'Carlo Bo,' Urbino (Italy), December 17, 2013*
[29] 'Authenticity in Wine,' University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo (Italy), December 12, 2013*
[30] 'Redundant Causation in the Social Sciences' (with Marco J. Nathan) Philosophy of Science in the 21st Century:
Challenges and Tasks, Lisbon (Portugal), December 4-6, 2013
[31] 'Beauty, Hunger, and the Palate,' Conversations IX: Grounding Aesthetics, Cave Hill Philosophy Symposium, The
University of the West Indies at Cave Hill (Barbados), November 11-13, 2013
[32] 'Escape from Gastroland: Imagining New Landscapes for the Italian Culinary Culture,' Values in the
Environment: Relations and Conflicts, Tenth International Institute for Applied Aesthetics International Summer
Conference on Environmental Aesthetics, Lahti (Finland), August 1-3, 2013
[33] 'Atoms and Perfectly Natural Properties: Why the Principle of Recombination Does Not Secure Plenitude'
(with Giorgio Lando), Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association, University of
Exeter (England), July 12-14, 2013 [in absentia]
[34] 'The Edible Joints of Reality,' Labont Seminar, University of Turin (Italy), July 9, 2013*
[35] 'Pasta: Taxonomy and Identity,' Pasta: Taste, Culture, Techniques, Pistoia (Italy), July 2-5, 2013*
[36] 'Food and Social Integration in Contemporary Italy,' Santa Croce Colloquia. School of History, Theory, and Social
Critique, Santa Croce sull’Arno (Italy), June 20-22, 2013*
[37] 'What It Is That We Know of a Wine When We Drink It?,' (with Tommaso Piazza) Philosophy of Language
in Gargnano, Gargnano (Italy), June 3-5, 2013*
[38] 'A Defense of Gastronomic Hedonism,' Temptation Symposium, The Norwegian Institute in Rome (Italy), May
27-28, 2013
[39] 'Fruits and Natural Kinds Pluralism,' Philosophy of Science in a Forest, Dutch Society for the Philosophy of
Science, Leusden (Netherlands), May 23-25, 2013
[40] 'Escape from Gastroland: Imagining New Landscapes for the Italian Culinary Culture,' Nation, Nationality,
Nationnhood: What's In a Name?, Second Albanian Society for the Study of English Conference on British and
American Studies, Tirana (Albania), May 2-4, 2013
[41] Commentator of Richard Dien Winfield 'Truth, the Good, and the Unity of Theory and Practice,'
Metaphysical Society of America Annual Conference, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester (MA), April 1213, 2013*
[42] 'Food, Art, Aesthetics, and Nature' (workshop co-hosted with Daniel Patterson), Convergence: Food, Philosophy,
and Art, University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo (Italy), April 4-5, 2013*
[43] 'Food, Art, and Nature,' Convergence: Food, Philosophy, and Art, University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo
(Italy), April 4-5, 2013*
[44] 'Escape From Gastroland: Imagining New Landscapes for the Italian Culinary Culture,' Consuming Italy:
Representations of Food in Italian Literature and Culture (panel organized by Daniele De Feo), Northeast Modern
Language Association, Tufts University, March 21-24, 2013*
[45] 'Mereology, Fundamentality, and One-Way Metaphysical Conventions,' Lectiones Commandiniane, University of
Urbino 'Carlo Bo,' Urbino (Italy), March 4, 2013*
[46] 'GM Foods: Ethical and Metaphysical Dilemmas,' Guest Lecture, Temple University, October 19, 2012*
[47] 'I’ll Have the Same. On the Metaphysics of Wine and Beer,' Institute of Philosophy, University of Porto
(Portugal), October 11, 2012*
[48] 'What Is It That We Know of a Wine When We Drink It?' (with Tommaso Piazza), SIFA 20th Anniversary
Conference, Alghero (University of Sassari), September 12-15, 2012 [in absentia, paper presented by
Tommaso Piazza]
[49] 'Fundamentality From a Mereological Point of View' (with Giorgio Lando), Reality-Making: Exploring
Fundamentals in Metaphysics, University of Nottingham, July 10-12, 2012 [in absentia]
[50] 'You Eat What You Are,' a panel with Nicola Perullo (University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo, Italy)
and Marco Bolasco (editor in chief, Slow Food Editore), Italian Food: Fact and Fiction, The Umbria Institute,
Perugia (Italy), June 8-9, 2012
[51] 'Fruits, Yeasts, and Cuts: On Nature’s Pluralism,' Holy Cross Nature Symposium, Tower Hill Botanical
Garden, Boylston (Mass.), May 22, 2012
[52] 'More Polenta, Less Cous-Cous: On Biological and Cultural (Dis)Integration,' The Languages of Food: Exploring
Representations of the Culinary within Arts, Cornell University (NY, USA), April 13-14, 2012
[53] 'The Fruit of Philosophers,' Università degli Studi di Perugia, Perugia (Italy), March 2, 2012*
[54] 'The Paradox of the Mindful Eater,' Mindful Body in Healing and the Arts, Florida Atlantic University, Center
for Body, Mind and Culture, Boca Raton, January 19-20, 2012
[55] 'Educational Systems: A Comparison Between USA and Italy Through Food,' University of Gastronomic
Sciences, Pollenzo (Italy), December 19, 2011*
[56] 'I Am, Therefore I Eat,' Life! Motions, Motives, Emotions, UCLA (California, USA), November 17-19, 2011
[57] 'Getting Nomic Necessity Out of Dispositions,' Sixth Latin Meeting in Analytic Philosophy, Faculty of
Letters, University of Lisbon (Portugal), November 2-4, 2011
[58] 'Natural Properties, Supervenience, and Composition' (with Giorgio Lando), “Another World is Possible.”
Conference on David Lewis, University of Urbino 'Carlo Bo,' Urbino (Italy), June 16-18, 2011
[59] Commentator of J. Divers 'Lewis – He Himself! – on the Analysis of Modality,' “Another World is Possible.”
Conference on David Lewis, University of Urbino 'Carlo Bo,' Urbino (Italy), June 16-18, 2011*
[60] 'Getting Nomic Necessity Out of Dispositions,' International Workshop: Knowledge and Modality, L’Aquila
(Italy), June 8-10, 2011
[61] 'Identity and Development' (with Marco J. Nathan), Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Science, Toronto
(Canada), May 13-15, 2011
[62] 'Some Remarks on Composition as Identity and Plurals,' Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (Italy), March 8,
[63] 'Identity and Development' (with Marco J. Nathan), College of the Holy Cross, Worcester (Mass., USA),
February 10, 2011*
[64] 'Diachronic Identity in Biology and Philosophy' (with Marco J. Nathan), Triennial Conference of the Italian
Society for Philosophy of Science, Bergamo (Italy), December 15-17, 2010
[65] 'Lewis on Fundamentality and Composition' (with Giorgio Lando), Metaphysics, Language, and Morality.
International Philosophical Symposium, Zagreb (Croatia), December 1-3, 2010
[66] 'Diachronic Identity in Biology and Philosophy' (with Marco J. Nathan), Ninth National Conference of the
Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy, Padua (Italy), September 23-25, 2010
[67] 'Genders, Sexes, and Sexual Characters' (with E. Casetta), Fourth Italian Conference on Analytic Ontology,
Bergamo (Italy), June 17-18, 2010*
[68] Commentator of A. Voltolini 'All the Existences that There Are,' 'Word and Object' Fifty Years Later,
Università di Roma 'La Sapienza,' Rome (Italy), May 28-29, 2010*
[69] 'Naïve vs Mediated Representations of a City' (with L. Morena and M. Pericoli), Department of Architecture,
Università degli Studi di Torino, Turin (Italy), May 24, 2010*
[70] 'Lewis on Recombination and Individuality,' Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (Italy), May 4, 2010*
[71] 'Lewis on Intrinsicness,' Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (Italy), April 27, 2010*
[72] 'Genders, Sexes, Sexual Traits,' Department of Biology, Università degli Studi di Torino, Turin (Italy), April
20, 2010*
[73] 'Living vs Non-Living,' Department of Biology, Università degli Studi di Torino, Turin (Italy), April 19,
[74] 'Geographic Indications and the Respect for Food Milieux,' Political Ecology and Environmental Philosophy, Colby
College, Maine (USA), April 9-10, 2010
[75] Expert Moderator for the Panel on 'Food Sustainability,' Fourth Session, Democrazia 2.0: Sustainability, Turin
(Italy), March 1-4, 2010*
[76] 'What Is Life, on Paper?,' XIth Labont Workshop: Monumentum.doc, Turin (Italy), January 11-12, 2010*
[77] Commentator of H. T. Engelhardt 'The Pluralistic Ethical Scenario in Western Societies' and J. Harris 'New
Possibilities in Medicine and New Ethical Choices,' XIII Conference: Immune Pathologies and Orphan Diseases,
Turin (Italy), January 21-23, 2010*
[78] 'Genes, Recipes, and Cultural Integration,' Sixth Italian-American Conference: Societies in the 21st Century, Pisa
(Italy), October 15-17, 2009*
[79] 'One More Reason Not to Tense the Copula,' Fifth Latin Meeting in Analytic Philosophy, L’Aquila,
September 2-4, 2009 [with comments by Fabrice Correia]
[80] 'The Ultimate Soccer Patronage: Or, When a Club Becomes a Mirror' (with A. Baldini), IAPS 2009, Seattle,
August 27-30, 2009 [in absentia, paper delivered by A. Baldini]
[81] 'What Does a Geographic Indication Indicate?,' State Sovereignity, International Law, and Ecological Integrity,
Florence (Italy), June 25-30, 2009
[82] 'The Relational Species Concept,' Ohio Philosophical Association, Athens (OH), April 4, 2009 (with
comments by Madeline Muntersbjorn)
[83] 'Memory and the Quest for Authentic Foods,' Seminario Internacional: Segredo e Memoria na era da
Informação, Porto, December 15-16, 2008*
[84] Commentator of Jan Westerhoff's 'Philosophical Problems from Nāgārjuna's Vigrahavyāvartanī',' Columbia
Society for Comparative Philosophy, New York, December 12, 2008*
[85] 'Universalism and the Argument from Indifference,' Annual Meeting of the Society for Medieval Logic and
Metaphysics, Creighton University, Omaha (USA), October 31-November 2, 2008*
[86] 'Universalism and the Argument from Indifference,' Eighth National Conference of the Italian Society for
Analytic Philosophy, Bergamo (Italy), September 25-27, 2008
[87] 'General and Particular,' Workshop on Meta-metaphysics, European Conference of Analytic Philosophy,
Cracow, August 21-26, 2008*
[88] 'The Natural Time Of A Natural Kind,' INCP 2008, University of Idaho, March 15-17, 2008
[89] 'Why I am Not A Tropist,' InterOntology08, Tokyo, February 26-27, 2008
[90] 'The Natural Time of a Natural Kind,' Third Italian Conference on Analytic Ontology, Turin (Italy),
November 15-16, 2007*
[91] Commentator of Raul Saucedo 'Parthood and Location,' Columbia-NYU Graduate Conference, New York
(NY), March 3, 2007*
[92] 'A World of Universals,' Università degli Studi di Padova, Padua (Italy), February 19, 2007*
[93] 'General and Particular,' Fordham University, New York (USA), February 5, 2007*
[94] 'General and Particular,' College of the Holy Cross, Worcester (USA), January 30, 2007*
[95] 'Counting Individuals with Leibniz' [in absentia], VIIIth International Leibniz Congress, Hannover
(Germany), July 24-29, 2006
[96] 'General and Particular,' Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Bergamo (Italy), May 31, 2006*
[97] 'Possible Worlds,' Università degli Studi di Firenze, Florence (Italy), May 25, 2006*
[98] 'Are There Intrinsic Properties?,' Second Italian Conference on Analytic Ontology, Pisa (Italy), July 5-7,
[99] Commentator of Carrie Figdor’s 'What Is an Extrinsic Property?,' Meeting of the Long Island Philosophical
Society, NYIT, Old Westbury (NY), October 16, 2004*
[100] 'From Properties to Individuals,' Sixth National Conference of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy,
Genova (Italy), September 23-25, 2004
[101] 'A Dispositional Theory of Possibility,' Workshop on Relations, Variables and Order, Geneva (Switzerland),
June 4-8, 2004*
[102] 'One World of Possibilities. Modal Realism Without Possible Worlds,' First Italian Conference on Analytic
Ontology, Padua (Italy), July 7-9, 2003*
[103] 'Desires,' LOA-CNR, Trento (Italy), May 21, 2003*
[104] 'Parts and Participants,' LOA-CNR, Trento (Italy), May 20, 2003*
[105] 'The Relational Species Concept,' UCSD Graduate Conference in Philosophy of Science, La Holla (CA), 1113 April, 2003
[106] Commentator of Katherine Dunlop’s 'Berkeley Metaphysical Objections to the Calculus,' Columbia-NYU
Graduate Conference, New York (NY), March 29-30, 2003*
[107] 'Vagueness and Event Names,' Fifth National Conference of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy,
Bergamo (Italy), October 3-5, 2002
[108] 'What is 'Acquaintance'?,' Università degli Studi di Padova, Padua (Italy),May 6, 2001*
Public Speaking
[109] 'The Place of Health and Fitness in Students’ Life,' College of the Holy Cross, November 6, 2013
[110] 'Eating: Pleasure or Duty?' Holy Cross Faculty and Staff Wellness Committee Lunch and Learn Discussion
Series, College of the Holy Cross, October 31, 2012
[111] 'Food,' Fishbowl Discussion, College of the Holy Cross, April 19, 2012
[112] 'Food and Space,' Food and…, Santa Croce sull’Arno (Pisa, Italy), June 4, 2010
[113] 'Bioethics and Enhancement,' Federazione Malattie Rare Infantili, Turin (Italy), October 20, 2009
[114] 'Le stravaganze dell'ordinario' ('On the Oddities of the Ordinary'), Scuola Media "Domenico Cavalca",
Vicopisano (Italy), December 18, 2008
COLLEGE OF THE HOLY CROSS, Department of Philosophy, Worcester, MA (U.S.A.)
Philosophy of Food Seminar (Spring 2016)
Problems in Metaphysics Seminar: Kinds in Nature and Society (Spring 2011)
Tutorial: Issues in the Philosophy of Food (Spring 2013, Spring 2011, and Spring 2008)
Tutorial: Renaissance Philosophy (Fall 2013)
Metaphysics (Spring 2012, Fall 2008; Fall 2007)
Philosophy of Biology (Spring 2011; Spring 2009)
Early Modern Philosophy (Fall 2012 and Fall 2007)
Theory of Knowledge (Spring 2008)
History and Philosophy of Logic (Fall 2015)
Symbolic Logic (Fall 2010)
Ø Introduction to Philosophy (Spring 2011; Fall 2010; Spring 2008; Fall 2007)
Ø Introduction to the Philosophy of Food (Fall 2008; Spring 2009; Fall 2011; Spring 2012; Fall 2012; Spring 2013; Fall
2013; Spring 2014; Fall 2015; Spring 2016)
Ø Tuscany and the Philosophy of Food (Summer 2014, four weeks course set in Panzano in Chianti, that I designed
and managed with a budget of approximately $100,000)
Ø Carving Reality at Its Edible Joints, Master in Food Culture and Communications (Fall 2012; Spring 2014; Fall
Ø Philosophy of Biology, Department of Philosophy (September – October, 2010)
Ø Contemporary Western Civilization, Columbia Core Curriculum (2004-2005; 2005-2006)
Ø History of Philosophy: from Aquinas to Kant, Department of Philosophy (Summer 2005)
Research Supervised
Ø Cindy Nguyen and Matthew Watson (with Michelle Sterk-Barrett, Director of the Donelan Office of
Community-Based Learning), Holy Cross Community Garden, Mellon Summer Research, Summer 2014
Ø Xavier Bellanca, Etica dell’alimentazione, Laurea Specialistica Dissertation, University of Turin, Department of
Philosophy, Fall 2012
Ø Andrea Sauchelli, Possibility and Counterfactuals: Williamson’s Theory of Modality, Ph.D. Dissertation, Scuola
Normale Superiore (Pisa, Italy), Dissertation Committee Member, defended on June 24, 2009
Ø Alexandra Dempsey: Albert Schweitzer and Environmental Ethics, B.A. Thesis Committee Member, April 24
Theses – External Examiner
Ø Elena Nulvesu, Conditional Sentences: Truth Conditions and Probability, University of Sassari (Italy), Ph.D. in
Philosophy, Spring 2015
Ø William Gabriel Mitchell, Liberacion Gastronómica! Lima’s Articulation of a Culinary Paradigm and Its Benefits to Its
Professional Practitioners, Boston University, Master Thesis in Gastronomic Sciences, Spring 2014
MIT Press; Synthese Library; Acta Analytica; APhEx; Australasian Journal of Philosophy; dialectica; Eidos; Ethical Theory
and Moral Practice; Erkenntnis; Humana.Mente; Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics; Mind; The Monist; Other
Education; Philosophia; Philosophical Inquiries; Philosophical Papers; Philosophical Quarterly; Philosophical Studies; Review of
Philosophy and Psychology; Rivista di estetica; Synthese.
Rescogitans,, December 2005–2012
Online Philosophy journal sponsored by the Arnoldo and Alberto Mondadori Foundation
Editorial Advisor
Philosophical Inquiries
Columbia Undergraduate Philosophy Review (now: The Gadfly)
Officer and Co-founder
Ø Fall 2006 – Spring 2009, Columbia Society for Comparative Philosophy, New York (U.S.A.)
Ø Fall 2001 - Spring 2007, Columbia University Metaphysics Club, New York (U.S.A.)
o Academic Affairs Council Department Representative, August 2011 – August 2013
o Department Webmaster, August 2010 – present
o Phi Sigma Tau Honor Society Faculty Coordinator, August 2010 – present; August 2007 – August 2009
o Department Colloquia Coordinator, August 2008 – August 2009
o Philosophy Club Coordinator, August 2007 – August 2009
o Study Abroad Department Representative, August 2008 – August 2009
o Philosophy Department Assessment Committee, Spring 2011 and Spring 2009
o Philosophy Department Open House, Department representative, Fall 2012, Spring 2012, Fall 2011, Spring
2011, Spring 2009, Fall 2008, Spring 2008
o Second-Year Academic Extravaganza, Department representative, Fall 2011, Fall 2008 and Fall 2007
o Strain Award and Markham Memorial Scholarship, Committee Member, Spring 2013, Spring 2012, Spring 2009,
and Spring 2008
o Graduate Studies Night, Fall 2013, Fall 2010
o Department Representative to Computer Science Department External Review, Fall 2013
o Committee on Faculty Scholarship, Committee Member, August 2010 – August 2012
o Center for Interdisciplinary and Special Studies, Committee Member, August 2008 – August 2009
- Special Programs Committee Chair
o Committee on Faculty Research, Committee Member, May 2013 – August 2013
o Committee on Intellectual Property Policy, Committee Member, February 2011 – May 2011
o Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Program Director, August 2010 – August 2011
o Fenwick Scholars, Committee Member, Spring 2009
o Vannicelli Prize, Committee Member, Spring 2009
o Washington Semester Program, interviewer, Spring 2014, Spring 2013, Spring 2012, Spring 2011, and Spring
o Semester Away Program, interviewer, Spring 2009 and Fall 2008
o Study Abroad Program, interviewer, Fall 2008
o Studio Art Reviews, reviewer, Fall 2011, Fall 2010, Spring 2009, Fall 2008, Spring 2008
o Ignatian Pilgrimage, participant, Summer 2012
o Justice in Higher Education, Holy Cross delegation, Fairfield University, June 18-21, 2009
o Being a Holy Cross Student, teacher, Fall 2012
o Visions Weekend, taught classes for prospective ALANA students, Spring 2012 and Spring 2011
o Vegetable and Fruit Garden, Co-Founder and Coordinator, Fall 2008 – present
o Radio Libera Italiana, WCHC, DJ, September 2010 – present
o Second Information Festival and Fair, Dinand Library, Tuesday September 27th, 2011
o El Salvador and Nicaragua Immersion Program, dinner host, Saturday April 25, 2009
o Mexico Immersion Program, dinner host, Friday April 11, 2008
o Holy Cross Food Nation, faculty advisor, April 2014 – present
o HC Women’s Club Soccer Team, faculty advisor, May 2009 – May 2010, May 2012-present
o HC Club Soccer, faculty advisor, August 2007 – August 2009
o Jenks Seminar, participant, Spring 2009 and Spring 2008 (seminar coordinator: Bill Roorbach)
o Diversity Listening Session, Thursday, March 26, 2009
o Conversation About Faith, Justice, and Culture, Campion House, February 21, 2008
DAVIS EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION (in collaboration with professors Stephanie Crist, Daina Harvey, Kelly WolfeBellin, and––as project manager––Dr. Michelle Sterk-Barrett), Fall 2015, sub-grant to create institutional change
by embedding environmental service-learning projects into courses, ($4,000)
FACULTY DEVELOPMENT GRANT, Summer 2015, awarded by the College of the Holy Cross Center for Teaching
to support the design of a new course in the History and Philosophy of Logic ($250)
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION GRANT, Fall 2014, research grant awarded by the College of the Holy Cross for the
book project The Metaphysics of Life Sciences, Bloomsbury Press, London ($2,000)
CHARLES & ROSANNA BACHELOR-FORD FOUNDATION GRANT, Summer 2014, research grant awarded by the
College of the Holy Cross for the project 'The Philosophy of David K. Lewis' ($3,500)
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION GRANT, Fall 2013, research grant awarded by the College of the Holy Cross for the
book project A Critical Introduction to the Metaphysics of Modality, Bloomsbury Press, London ($1,200)
CHARLES & ROSANNA BACHELOR-FORD FOUNDATION GRANT, Summer 2013, research grant awarded by the
College of the Holy Cross for the project 'Carving Nature at Its Edible Joints: A Philosophical Perspective on
Fruits and Cuts' ($3,500)
FACULTY DEVELOPMENT GRANT, Summer 2012, awarded by the College of the Holy Cross Center for Teaching
to support research directly relevant to the yearlong seminar on the philosophy of food taught during academic
years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 ($1,000)
ARDIZZONE JUNIOR FACULTY EXCELLENCE AWARD, Summer 2011, research grant awarded by the College of the
Holy Cross to the outstanding junior faculty fellowship proposal ($3,500)
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION GRANT, Fall 2010, research grant awarded by the College of the Holy Cross for the
book project Philosophy of Biology, Carocci Editore, Rome, (with Elena Casetta) ($2,000)
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION GRANT, Spring 2009, research grant awarded by the College of the Holy Cross for
the book project Saul Kripke, Carocci Editore, Rome, (with Christopher Hughes, Marco Santambrogio, and
Achille C. Varzi) ($2,000)
CHARLES & ROSANNA BACHELOR-FORD FOUNDATION GRANT, Summer 2008, research grant awarded by the
College of the Holy Cross for the project 'The Adverbial Theory of Properties' ($3,500)
BOWDERY FELLOWSHIP, 2006-2007, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Columbia University
LINA KAHN ESSAY PRIZE, 2005, yearly awarded by the Department of Philosophy, Columbia University, to the
best essay in Metaphysics written by a graduate student within the Department
CORE CURRICULUM SUMMER FELLOWSHIP, Summer 2005 and Summer 2006, awarded by Columbia College,
Columbia University
GSAS SUMMER FELLOWSHIP, Summer 2003, awarded by the Department of Philosophy, Columbia University
GSAS FELLOWSHIP, 2001–2006, awarded by the Department of Philosophy, Columbia University
CLASS OF 2000 AWARD, 2000, yearly awarded by Università degli Studi di Firenze, Florence (Italy) to the earliest
graduates in the class
HIGH SCHOOL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD, 1996, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Florence (Italy), to the college
freshmen entering with the highest grades
Italian (first language.) Some German, French, and Spanish. Read only: Latin