Name C.V. of Dr. Mohammed Ali Mohammed Ali Mohammed Ali Mohammed محمد علي محمد Address 8 Hadad st., El Shatbi, - Alex- شارع الحداد –متفرع من شارع بور سعيد –الشاطبى8 األسكندريه Birth date of 5/6/1964 تاريخ الميالد Tel. Email Marital status +203 4961880, 01120731820 Married, has two children متزوج ولديه طفالن الحالة اإلجتماعية Military services الخدمة العسكرية Performed أدي الخدمة العسكرية Education الدرجات العلمية Positions المناصب العلمية Ph.D Medical Biochemistry 1996 Cairo University. 1996 دكتوراه الكيمياء الحيويه الطبيه – المعھد القومى لألورام – جامعة القاھرة 1988 – 1992 …...Demonstrator of Biochemistry, National Cancer Institute, Cairo university. . جامعة القاھرة, المعھد القومي لألورام, معيد الكيمياء الحيوية1992 – 1988 1992 – 1996 ……Ass. Lecturer of Biochemistry, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. . جامعة القاھرة, المعھد القومي لألورام, مدرس مساعد الكيمياء الحيويةالطبيه1996 – 1992 1996 – 2001 Lecturer of Biochemistry, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. . جامعة القاھرة, المعھد القومي لألورام, مدرس الكيمياء الحيوية الطبيه2001 – 1996 2001 -2006….Ass. Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. المعھد القومي, استاذ مساعد الكيمياء الحيوية الطبيه والبيولوجيا الجزيئية2006– 2001 . جامعة القاھرة, لألورام 2006 to now…..Professor of molecular biology and medical Biochemistry ,National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. جامعة القاھرة,المعھد القومى لألورام, حتى األن استاذ للكيمياء الحيوية الطبية و البيولوجيا الجزيئية2006 2010 ( May – August )….Visitor Prof. Epindorff Faculty of Medicine , Hamburg university, Germany . 2010 ( October – until now )…..Prof. and coordinator of Biochemistry, Faculty of pharmacy, Gizan university. Publications: 1-Mohammad Ali, Saad El Gendy and Abdel Hady Ali. Expressed Nacetyltransferase as a possible new prognostic marker for bladder and breast cancer.Cancer Mlecular Biology,6(2):1291-1301,1999. 2-Sherif Y.Saad and Mohammad Ali. Effect of Taxol on the expression of transforming growth factor beta-1 in Ehrlich Ascities Carcinoma cells. Saudi pharmaceutical journal,7(2).1999. 3-Motawa El Houseini, Saad el Gendy, Mohammad Ali, Huussein Ismail, Abd El Naser Hamad and Nader Dahaba.Evaluation of basic fibroblast growth factor and matrix metalloproteinase in breast and bladder cancer patients.Bull.Egypt Soc. Physiol. Sci,19(2),1999. 4-Mohammad Ali, Abdel Hady,Wael Yassien and Nadia Zakhary. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 and tissue inhibitor marrix metalloprpteinase-2: A prognostic indicator for metastatic bladder cancer. Cancer molecular Biology,7(1),14331443,2000. Published as poster in the International Conference On Mechanisms of Antimutagenesis &Anticarcinogenesis. Mitchigan.USA,2000. 5-Abdel Hady Ali and Mohammad Ali.Homozygous deletion of P16 gene in bladder carcinoma in Egyptian Patients. J. Egyptian National Cancer Institute,12(1):2328.2000. Third Pan Arab Cancer Congress فاز ھذا البحث بالجائزة األولى كافضل بحث فى 6-Abdel Moneim Osman,Mohammad Ali, Abdel Hady Ali,and Mhammad Sayed. Modulation by Verapamil of Doxorubcin induced expression of multidrug ressistance gene (MDR)in Murine tumor cells .J. Egyptian National Cancer Institute,12(3):22112227,2000. 7-Mohammad Ali and Moustafa El Kabani. Relatio between p53/WAF 1 expression to clinicopathological features of Egyptian breast cancer patients.Cancer Molecular Biology,8:1613-1624,2001. 8-Mohammad Ali,Saad El Gendy, Hussein Ismail, Abdel Naser Hammad and Nader Dahaba. Expression of TGF-1 and MMP2,9 activties in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.The Egyptian Society of Clinical Chemistry Serving LaboratoryScience,27:303-312,2001. 9-Mostafa El Awady,Mohammad Ali, Wafaa Shousha,El Sayed El Mahdy and Marwa Khalil. Potentially modulated genes in bladder cancer.Cncer Molecular Biology,10:1909-1922,2003. Published as poster in EACR 2004, Insbrruk, Ausria. 10-Wael Yassin, Mohammad Ali,Abdel Hady Ali, Zeinb El Daardery and Sabry Sharawy.The P53/WAF1 dependent pathway in squamous cell carcinoma of bladder associated with Bilharziasis. The medical Journal of Cairo University ,71(4):201209,2003. 11-Mohammad Sayed and Mohammad Ali. Contribution of Nitric Oxide and Epidermal growth factor receptor in anti metastatic potential of Paclitaxol in human liver cancer cell(HebG2).J. Of The Egyptian Natinal Cancer Institute,17(!):3540.2005. 12-Mohammad Ali , Saad El Gendy, Abdel Baset El AAser and Sabry Sharawy.Nitric Oxide, matrix metalloproteinases(2,9) and tissue inhibitor matrix metalloprpteinase-1 levels in hepatocellular carcinoma of Egyptian patients. The Medical Journal Of Cairo University,73(1):119-123,2005. 13-Mohammad Ali and Gehan Abdel Wahab. Association between matrixmetalloproteinase2, membrane type 1 –matrix metalloproteinase and hepatocyte growth factor inbreast cancer patients.The Egyptian Society ofHaematology and Research,2(2):179-186,2006. 14-Mohammad Ali, Abdel Hady Ali , Wafaa Shousha, EL Sayed El Mahdy,andHeba Mohammad.The association of polymorphicN-Acetyltransferase (NAT-2) with breast cancer risk in Egyptian women.Arab J.Biochemistry &Molecular Biology,1(1):916,2006. 15-Mohammad AM, Abdel HA, Ahmed AM ,Wael T,Eiman G.Expression of cyclooxygenase-2 and 12-lipoxygenase in humanbreast cancer and their relation with HER-2/neu and hormonal receptors: Impact on prognosis and therapy. Indian Journal of Cancer,43(4):163-168,2006. 16-Abdel Hadi Ali,Mohammad Ali, Wael Yassien, Sabry Sharawy. Reverse transcriptase –PCR detection of Egyptian breast cancer micrometastasis using multimarker panel.The Medical Journal Of Cairo University.75(2):333-339,2007. 17-Mohammad AM, Mohammad MS, Attaby FA, Abo-Taleb H. N-acetyltransferase2 gene polymorphism in bladder cancer.Arabe J. Lab. Med.,33(1):83-92,2007. 18- Zeeneldin AA, Mohamed A M, Abdelhady A A, Taha F M, Goda I A, Abodeef W T. Survival effects of Cyclooxygenase-2 and 12- Lipooxygenase in Egyptian women with operable breast cancer. Indian journal of cancer .46 (1) :54-60 .2009. 19- Mohammad A . Mohammad, Naglaa R. Ismael, Sabry M. Shaarawy, Mahmoud M. El-Merzabani. Prognostic value of membrane type1 and 2 matrix metalloproteinase expression and gelatinase A activity in bladder cancer. Int J Biol Markers. 25(2) : 69-74. 2010. 20- Mohammad A. Mohammad, Ahmed A. Zeeneldin, Zakaria Y. Abd Elmgeed, Ebtsam H. Khalil, Said M. Mahdy, Hayat M. Sharada, Sabry M. Sharaawy, Abdel – Hady A. Aabdel-Wahab. Clinical relevance of cyclooxygenase-2 and matrix metalloproteinases ( MMP-2 and MT1MMP ) in human breast cancer. Mol Cell Biochem. 10.1007/s11010-012-1305-z. 2012. 21- Mohammed A Mohammed, Manar F Selem, Mohga S Abdalla, Hayat M Sharada, Abdel Hahy A Abdel Wahab. Urinary high molecular weight matrix metalloproteinases as non-invasive biomarker for detection of bladder cancer. BMC Urology. 13:25. 2013.
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