HOLIDAY HOME WORK SESSION 2015-16 Holiday Home Work Class VI A +B English Lit I : Do one page writing everyday. Find the meanings of difficult words and make sentences of those words. English Lang I : Practice exercise of verbs The Present Tense and The Past Tense. Practice Letters and Essays from the Topic given in text book. Hindi Lt. : Hindi Lang. : i<+k;s x;s ikBksa ds iz0 m0] ”kCn vFkZ ;kn djsa rFkk viuh iqLrd ls 15 “kCn ysdj okD; cukb;sA eqgkojs] foykse] i;kZ;okph “kCn ;kn djsa rFkk fucU/k ^^le; dk egRo** ij fuca/k fy[ksAa Maths : 1. Practice Ten question everyday in Maths Practice Note book and do the 2. Works book till page 30. Physics : Read the chapter Measurements thoroughly. Learn all the important definitions and formulas. : Read chapter – 2, Do exercises and worksheets of chapter 1 & 2. Learn question/Answer chapter – 1. : 1. Learn all Q/A & exercise of L - Life on Earth. 2. Read L – Classification of plant. : 1. Learn all the questions & answers of L-1 (short & long) 2. Learn the following terms of L-1. 3. Learn the fill ups. 4. Learn true & false of L-1. 5. Stick the pictures of the ancient period coins in (notebook). 6. SW on a project file. Find out the question /answer of L-2 early man 7. Paste the pictures of early man in your file. : 1. Mark fill in the blanks of L-1 in the book only. 2.Paste the pictures of different types of dances on a chart paper. 3. Mark Question and Answer of L-1 in book only. : Learn all the work done in copy & book. : 1. Learn the questions & answer exercised in class. 2. Collect some more current affairs. : Translation of Sanskrit. : Write fifteen pages in writing book & ten pages in writing note book & learn all written work : Read the chapter The study of maps and learn the Q/Ans and exercises related to the chapter and practice diagrams Chemistry Biology History Civics Computer G.K. Sanskrit Urdu Geography HOLIDAY HOME WORK SESSION 2015-16 Holiday Home Work Class VII A +B English Lit : Do writing everyday (1 page) and find difficult words and make sentence. English Lang. : Practice essays and letters from the topics given in textbook and solve comprehension from new activity book. : i<+k;s x;s ikBksa ds iz0 m0] ”kCn vFkZ ;kn djsa rFkk viuh iqLrd ls 15 “kCn ysdj okD; cukb;sA Hindi Lang. : eqgkojs] foykse] i;kZ;okph “kCn ;kn djds viuh S.W. dkWih esa fy[ksa rFkk ^^iqLrd esyk** ij fuca/k fy[ksa rFkk vH;kl djsAa Hindi Lt. Sanskrit : ikB yksV~ ydkj ds vH;kl dk;Z ;kn djukA ir~ /kkrq :Ik yksV~ ydkj esa ;kn djsaA Maths : Practice Ten questions in Maths practice notebook everyday and do the workbook till page 30. Physics : Read the chapter Measurements and ‘Motion’ thoroughly and learn all the important definitions and formula. Chemistry : Solve the worksheet of ch-1 and practice the criss- method solving of equations. Learn matter taught. Write Q/Ans of ch- ‘Practical chemistry’ in class work notebook. Biology : 1. Do the question/answer given of lesson – Organization in turning world. 1. Learn all exercise Q/Ans done of l – Basic Biology 2. Make one chart related to your syllabus. History : 1. Learn question /Answer of L-1 ‘Advent of Christianity’. 2.SW find out and write all the question/Answer of L-2 ‘Rise of Islam in a project File 3. Fill in the blanks and true/False of L-1. Civics : 1. Learn Question/Answer of L-1 ‘some basic features of India’s Constitution. in the book only. 2. Mark Short Q/A of L-2.’The Indian Legislative’ in the book only. 3. Stick the picture of some Presidents and Prime Minister on a chart paper. Computer : Learn work done in copy and book. Practice Binary Number and Decimal number conversion. G.K. : Learn pages 4-7 and 14-17. Urdu : Learn all written work of notebook and write ten pages in writing notebook and fifteen pages in writing book. Geography : Read the chapter The study of weather and learn all its exercises and question/answer and practice diagrams related to the chapter. HOLIDAY HOME WORK SESSION 2015-16 Holiday Home Work Class VIII A + B English Lit : 1. Revision of ACT I SCENE I 2. Two Charts on (a) Roman god of doors’ Janus (b) Chart on ‘golden Fleece’ story. 3. Learn all the word – Meanings of Act I SCENE I. 4. Composition of 250-300 words. (a) The Commercialization of festival has eroded Its real significance write for or against the topic. (b) Write on a picnic you and your friends decide to go sailing un fortunately your boat capsizes in a violent storm. How ever some of you manage to swim to safety – Give a vivid account of the incident. © Write about a wedding ceremony of your friend in which you took an active part. (d) You are a spectator at a cricket match. Trouble erupts suddenly in the stadium and you witness a riot among the crowd. Give a vivid description of the scene. (e) India as you would like to see in the next twenty years. Hindi Lt. : ¼lkfgR; lkxj½ d{kk eas i<+k;s x;s ikBksa ds iz0 m0] ”kCn vFkZ ;kn djsaA ikBksa dk iqu% /;kuiwoZd i<+sA Hindi Lang. : vifBr xa|ka”k ds iz0 m0 Lang. Copy esa djsAa foykse “kCn S.W.Copy esa Djsa] Book ls Page – 259 – 260 vk”khZokn rd rFkk ;kn Hkh djsaA vuSkipkfjd i= ua0 1 ist ua0 129 S.W.Copy esa fy[ksAa Sanskrit : iB /kkrq :Ik A ifB’;fr A ist ua0 18 dfj’;fr A Hkfo’;fr ¼fy[kdj ;kn djsAa ½ Maths : 1. Solve check your progress exercise of all the chapters taught. 2. Complete maths S.W for given chapters. 3. Practice 5 sums daily and solve in a practice note- book date wise. 4. Learn and write table 2 to 20. Physics : Read the chapter 2 (Measurement of mass, length, volume and time) thoroughly and learn all the important definitions and formula. Chemistry : Solve the unit test papers of the chapter 3 taught (in book). Learn the question/Answer of the same. Biology :1. Do the Q/Ans given of chapter Plant and animal tissue in Biology C.W Note book. 2.Draw Diagram related to the Questions. 3.Learn all Q/Ans of cell: The Unit of Life and Introduction to Biology(Lesson1) 4.Select the topic on your own and make a chart based on the syllabus. History/ : 1. Learn Q/Ans of the lesson 1 the Harappa Civilization. (Short & Long both) 2. Draw on a Chart ‘‘Indus Valley Pottery’’. 3. Project on : The Religion of ‘’Indus Valley People’’. Stick 5 pictures of the animals whom they worshipped. Civics : 1. S.W- Find out all the short Q/Ans of Lesson 1 ‘Our Constitution’ in new S.W copy 2. Learn all the Q/ Answer of Lesson on 1. Computer : Learn work done in Copy. Complete project work. G.K. : Work of 1st Unit to be Learnt Current Affairs to be written in the note book. Urdu : Learn all the written work, write ten pages in writing note book & fifteen pages in writing book. HOLIDAY HOME WORK SESSION 2015-16 Holiday Home Work Class IX A + B English Lit. : Assignment set. English Lang : Assignment set. Hindi Lt. : d{kk eas i<+k;s x;s ikBksa ds iz0 m0] ”kCn vFkZ dks /;kuiwoZd i<+ dj ;kn djsAa O;kdj.k i;kZ;okph ¼vkWlw ls fdj.k ½ S.W.Copy esa djsAa Hindi Lang. : Lang. Note Book esa ^^tk[kks jk[ks lkbZ;k¡ ekj lds u dks;** bl mfDr ds vk/kkj ij ,d dgkuh fyf[k;s t;”kadj izlkn dk thou ifjp; rFkk lkfgfR;d fo”ks’krkvksa dk o.kZu djrs gq, ^lUnsg* dgkuh dk lkj rFkk dgkuh dk mn~ns”; fyf[k;sA lqHknzk dqekjh dk thou rFkk dkO;xr fo”ks’krkvksa dk o.kZu dfj;s rFkk ^^ekr` eafnj dh vksj** dfork dk ifjp; nsrs gq;s dfork dk HkkokFkZ fyf[k;sA iq:’k iz/kku lektksa esa ukjh dk la?k’kZ] ?kj ifjokj dh lhekvksa ls ckgj ubZ pqukSfr;kW] fofo/k {ks=ksa esa ukjh ;ksxnku ns jgh gSA ukjh vkSj ukSdjh ( nksgjh Hkwfedk fdruh lEHko gS] fdruh t:jhA Hindi Proj. : Maths : 1. Prepare maths Project discussed in the class. 2. Solve all the chapter Tests of the chapters taught in the class. 3. Complete Maths SW for various chapters given. Physics : Do the given worksheet. Chemistry : Solve all the questions (Boards) chapter- periodic table Draw a flow chart and diagram of the Harber’s proces (study of compounds – Ammonia) Biology : History/ Civics : 1. Learn all the answer of civics Make a collage on a4 sheet. Illustrating the types of population and their effects. Thoroughly learn all the matter taught in the class. Make the chart on the topic given. 2. Complete the project of History in rough as discussed in class, on the given topic. 3. Complete short Ans/Ques in History (marked in the book). Computer : Learn work done in copy. Complete project work. Commerce : Revise the chapters taught and complete the Q/Ans of the chapters given. Economics : Project, Revise and learn all the chapters taught in class. HOLIDAY HOME WORK SESSION 2015-16 Holiday Home Work Class X A +B English Lit. : The board Assignment has been set. 1. Drama – MERCHANT OF VENICE Shed light on the two important character of the play. (a) Shylock (b) Antonio 2. Prose – “Justice knows neither friendship nor enemity.” Justify it with the help of the story” God lives in the Panch.” 3. Poetry – Doctor’s Journal entry for August 6 – 1945 Read the extract given below and answer the question that follow. Extract : “My breath was short, but bit by bit my strength seemed to revive, and got up at length”. (a) Who is the ‘I’ in the above extract? How does he describe the morning and what shocked him? (b) Who did he call for? Describe that person? Furthermore what shocked him? (c) State the ‘my’s’ condition just before this extract when he regained strength. What did he noticed? Who helped him? and how? (d) What happened to the my when a dreadful loneliness overpower him?? English Lang : Assignment has been set. Project from Pearls of Eng. Lang. Comprehension. . Hindi : d{kk eas i<+k;s x;s ikBksa ds iz0 m0] ”kCn vFkZ dks /;kuiwoZd i<+ dj ;kn djsAa .Lang. Copy esa i= la0 25 vius uxj@ {ks= ds LokLFk; vf/kdkjh dks i= fy[kdj vius {ks= esa ^^[kkus dh oLrqvksa esa feykoV** dh ?kVukvksa ds izfr mudk /;ku vkd`f’kr fdft,A ist ua0 220 vifBr x|ka”k ua0 17 if<+;s rFkk iz”u mRrj fyf[k, S.W. dkWih esa A foykse “kCn ist ua0 308 ykSfdd ls jpukrd S.W dkWih fy[ksa rFkk ;kn djsAa Maths : 1. Prepare maths project discussed 2. Solve worksheets and chapters taught in class including revision chapters. Physics : Do the given worksheet. Chemistry : Solve I.C.S.E papers of last 5 years. Make a separate numericals and equations notebook. Biology : (a) Make a collage on a4 sheet. Illustrating the effects of rise in population (b) Solve all Board questions from the year 2010-2014 of the chapters already done in class © Revise the taught lesson. History/ Civics : Complete the given worksheets prepare all the chapters Which are taught. Computer : Complete Project given Revise class as basis of all Computations, Introducing Java. Commercial/ Studies : Complete the project work learn the chapters taught. Economics : Project, learn chapter which has been taught. HOLIDAY HOME WORK SESSION 2015-16 Holiday Home Work Class XI A English Lit. : Revise all the chapters completed in the class along with written work. English Lang : Assignment set. . Physics : Do the given work sheet. Chemistry : Make the project on the given topics. Biology : Make the project on the given topics. Maths. : Do the chapter test of the Series and sequence, prepare Quadratic equation. Computer : Data Representation & Programming to be revised. Sec. B Hindi : 1. okD; “kq) djuk 1 ls 50 ] ist ua0 217 ls 216 2- eqgkojs vFkZ ,oa okD; iz;ksx & v ls vks rd izR;sd v{kj ds ikWp ikWp eqgkojs ds vFkZ fy[kdj mUgas okD; esa iz;ksx fdft,A ist ua0 232&236 Sec. B dgkuh rFkk dfork i<+k;s x;s ikBksa dks /;kuiwoZd i<+uk] HkkokFkZ rFkk iz0 m0 dj ;kn djukA dgkuh jpuk fdft, ftldh vkjEHk bl izdkj gS %& ^^esjk ,d iM+kslh &&&&&&&&&&**djsaA HOLIDAY HOME WORK SESSION 2015-16 Holiday Home Work Class XI B English Lang. : Assignment set. English Lit. : Revise all the chapters completed in the class along with written work. Maths. : Do the chapter test of the Series and segment and prepare Quadratic equation. Computer : Data Representation & Programming to be revised. Accountancy : Revise the chapter taught. Economics : Prepare a project. Revised all the chapter done in the class. Commerce : Prepare and practice whatever has been taught in the class. Sec. B Hindi : 1. okD; “kq) djuk 1 ls 50 ] ist ua0 217 ls 216 2- eqgkojs vFkZ ,oa okD; iz;ksx & v ls vks rd izR;sd v{kj ds ikWp ikWp eqgkojs ds vFkZ fy[kdj mUgas okD; esa iz;ksx fdft,A ist ua0 232&236 Sec. B dgkuh rFkk dfork i<+k;s x;s ikBksa dks /;kuiwoZd i<+uk] HkkokFkZ rFkk iz0 m0 dj ;kn djukA dgkuh jpuk fdft, ftldh vkjEHk bl izdkj gS %& ^^esjk ,d iM+kslh &&&&&&&&&&**djsaA HOLIDAY HOME WORK SESSION 2015-16 Holiday Home Work Class XII A +B English Lit. : Revise all the chapters taken in the class and the assignment of much Ado About Nothing. English Lang : Unit 8 composition writing and Unit 7 report writing. Practice of prepositions and phrasal verbs from any grammar book. . Physics : Do the given work sheet. Chemistry : Complete the project work and solve 5 years board papers of Ionic Equilibria and chemical kinetics. Biology : Work projects on the topic given and prepare a report of the life cycle asked plus solve all the board question from 2010-2014 of the chapter already done in class. Maths. : Chapter test of Determinants Matrices. Inverse trigonometric function. Computer : Revise Boolean algebra, complete the given project work. Sec. A Hindi dgkuh jpuk fdft, ftldk vfUre okD; gks ^^;g lc esjh ekrk th @firkth ds ekxZn”kZu dk gh ifj.kke Fkk fd eSa bl eqdke rd igqWp ldk@ ldh** fn;k x;k dk;Z iw.kZ djukA okD; “kq) djuk ist ua0 222 & 225] 101 & 150 rd eqgkojs & v ls x rd izR;sd v{kj ds 5 & 5 eqgkojksa ds okD; iz;ksx djukA : Sec. B i<+k;s x;s ikBksa dks /;kuiwoZd i<+uk] rFkk iz0 m0 ;kn djukA 1½ dFkk lqjfHk 2½ dkO; rjax Economics : 1. Project completion 2. Revise the chapters taught in the class. Commerce : Complete the project on given topics. Complete the worksheets. Accountancy : Complete the project work given. Practice the questions of Partnership Dissolution Comparative and common size statement.
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