Agenda Number: PC15-01, DRC15-01 PC MEETING: April 7, 2015 DRC MEETING: April 9, 2015 REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION & DESIGN REVIEW COMMISSION SUBJECT: Glenn Farms Subdivision, Lots 2 and 3 Request approval of a Preliminary Site Plan for two multi-tenant flex buildings totaling 99,528 combined square feet on 10.28 combined acres located on East Shelby drive just west of the proposed extension of Progress Road. EXHIBITS: Applicant’s cover letter (3/10/15) Preliminary Site Plan (received 3/11/15) Site Rendering (received 3/11/15) Building Elevations (typical of both buildings) (received 3/11/15) 5. Viper LED Light Fixture Detail (received 3/11/15) 1. 2. 3. 4. INTRODUCTION: Brenda Solomito-Basar, representing property owner Glenn Farms Corporate Park Number One GP (Curtis Wegener), is requesting a recommendation from the Planning Commission (PC) and Design Review Commission (DRC) for approval of a Preliminary Site Plan to create two multi-tenant flex buildings by a separate pending subdivision (PC14-30). The Board of Mayor and Aldermen (BMA) will consider any recommendations tentatively on April 27, 2015. The subject property is zoned RI: Restricted Industrial, with property to the north also zoned RI. To the south of the subject property is vacant land zoned MPO: Medical-Professional-Office and vacant property to the west is zoned FAR: Forest-Agricultural-Residential. The subject property is in close proximity to the right-of-way of I-269 (under construction) and the shared corporate limits of Piperton (in Fayette County) and Collierville (Shelby County). KEY QUESTIONS: The PC and DRC, as applicable, may find the following questions helpful in determining whether the application for a Preliminary Site Plan complies with the Zoning Ordinance and Design Guidelines: 1. What is the relationship of this Preliminary Site Plan (Lot 2 and 3) to the Glen Farms Preliminary Subdivision Plat (a PC concern)? The pending subdivision (PC14-30) will create seven “pad-ready” industrial lots along Shelby Drive and extend Progress Road southward. This subdivision will create Lot #s 2 and 3, and provide infrastructure to serve these lots. Building permits for the proposed buildings cannot be issued until the Final Subdivision Plat is approved by the Planning Commission and recorded. Before that can happen, the applicant must enter into a Development Agreement with the BMA for the installation of the subdivision infrastructure (water lines, septic tanks and dry sewer lines, road access, ingress/egress easements, etc) and the work be substantially completed. This subdivision is zoned to allow warehousing, research and development, and light manufacturing uses, which may not be appropriate in other parts of Town. Glenn Farms will create a campus-like setting, with industrial traffic diverted away from residential, office and commercial areas and collector streets. Over time, this industrial area will be heavily screened from the adjoining land uses/zoning districts that are not industrial and the portions of an industrial building that are visible from public 4/2/2015 4:07:32 PM Page 1 of 7 roads should be designed to meet commercial standards to the maximum extent practicable. With these first two buildings, the applicant intends to establish a “high tech” design theme for the industrial park where the low wall at the intersection of Progress Road and Shelby Drive, roof forms, building heights, materials, site layouts, green-tinted windows, and canopies all relate closely to one another, creating a unified “campus” appearance. 2. Is the use of tilt-up concrete panels appropriate in this context (a DRC concern)? Likely, given the industrial zoning, the use of three different colors of gray and variation (textured panels, 4-inch deep joints, varied rooflines) to provide horizontal and vertical relief on the large facades, and use of tilt-up concrete construction in the immediate vicinity. The rear façades, which have loading docks and are less ornate, will not be visible off the lot. Clay-fired brick is the most appropriate material for commercial and office areas, and the Design Guidelines say that “portions of an industrial building that are visible from public roads should be designed to meet commercial standards to the maximum extent practicable,” except for remote walls; however, the Guidelines acknowledge that “brick has not historically been used on all facades of all buildings” (Chapter III). Given the use (industrial flex space), intent to create a high-tech campus theme (see Exhibit 1 for applicant’s vision for the development), and use of tilt-up construction in the area (Exact Commerce Building), a significant question for the DRC is whether the applicant has designed the project to meet commercial standards “to the maximum extent practicable.” 3. Will the light poles and fixtures comply meet Town standards (a PC and DRC concern)? Likely, but more information is needed. The Plans show that lighting is to be provided within the site with wallmounted fixtures and pole lights, but details were not provided on the combination lighting and landscape plan as required for a Preliminary Site Plan (see Condition E). The applicant provided cut sheets with the application materials that reflect their intent to use “Viper” style LED lights made by Beacon for both the wall- and pole-mounted fixtures (see Exhibit 5). These fixtures, or their equivalent, along with pole details, will need to be reflected on the Final Site Plan. The proposed fixtures will need to be full cut-off and comply with the Design Guidelines. If LED lighting will be used, this warrants careful review when a grid photometeric plan is provided related to light levels and light color. More detailed lighting information will come with the Final Site Plan (see Conditions E and J). DISCUSSION: Both lots “stand alone” for meeting the requirements in the RI: Restricted Industrial Zoning District. The bulk requirements and site data are summarized in a summary table (next page). Existing Conditions and Preliminary Site Layout (Exhibits 2 and 3): The Existing Conditions plan shows both lots with the existing contours, existing trees, and the public rights-of-way. The site rendering (Exhibit 3) also provides insight in the existing site conditions as well as the proposed layout. Lot #s 1 and 2 will each include one multiple tenant industrial building. The primary entrances of the buildings face away from each other, which creates a 125-foot wide truck loading dock area in the back that is well-screened due to the building configuration, landscaping, and low walls. Parking for the site is distributed around the fronts of each building, with no more than one bay (a 62-foot “blade” of parking) between the building and Progress Road, which complies with the Design Guidelines for this area. No parking will be created between the buildings and Shelby Drive. The extension of Progress Road will be constructed as part of a Preliminary Ssubdivision Plat (PC14-30) that is under review. Those improvements will include curb, gutter, and sidewalk per the Subdivision Regulations. The internal drive aisles and circulation within the site meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and the Fire Marshal. Pedestrian Access (Exhibit 3): The Design Guidelines (Chapter III.C.1.) emphasizes the importance of the pedestrian network in Collierville, declaring that the pedestrian network should be as complete as the vehicular 4/2/2015 4:07:32 PM Page 2 of 7 street network. There are new sidewalks proposed along Lot #s 2 and 3 and throughout the site for access to the parking and buildings, with two direct connections to the public sidewalk system (one on Shelby Drive and one on Progress Road). Preliminary Grading Plan (Exhibit 2): The grading for this industrial subdivision will create seven “pad-ready” lots ready for building construction. According to the Subdivision Infrastructure Construction Plans submitted with the Preliminary Subdivision Plat, a 0.82 acre regional detention facility will be provided within an easement on Lot #1 and will be constructed to accommodate runoff from Lot #s 1, 2 and 3. Another regional detention facility will likely be needed to the east of the Progress Road extension, but the exact location will not be known until site plans are submitted. Fine grading will occur incrementally with the development of site plans for each lot. A Drainage Report, including calculations showing the capacity of the downstream system to be built on Lot #1 will be reviewed by the Town Engineer with the Final Site Plan application. Site Data Summary and Bulk Requirements Applicable Lots 2 and 3 of the Glenn Farms Subdivision Total Combined – 10.28 Total Site Lot #2 – 5.02 Area (acres) Lot #3 – 5.26 Zoning RI: Restricted Industrial Total Combined – 95,000 Building Square Lot #2 – 46,000 Footage: Lot #3 – 49,000 1 space per 1,000 square Parking feet minimum Required/Provided: Lot #2 – 46/72 Lot #3 – 49/74 Maximum – 50%** Lot Lot #2 – 22.6% Coverage: Lot #3 – 21.6% Minimum – 20% Pervious Lot #2 – 45.1% Area: Lot #3 – 49.9% Minimum None in RI Lot Size Front- 40 feet Minimum Building Side- 25 feet Setbacks Rear- 200 feet* Minimum n/a Lot Width * Larger setback is due to TDEC protected stream ** It is estimated that, at build-out, the entire Glenn Farms industrial subdivision will contain 330,000 square feet of “business park” uses. A portion of the site and rooftop drainage will be collected into bio-retention swales along the Progress Road frontage. “Bioswales” are landscape elements designed to remove silt and pollution from surface runoff water. The water's flow path, along with the wide and shallow ditch, is designed to maximize the time water spends in the swale, which aids the trapping of pollutants and silt. It is common to see bioswales around parking lots, where substantial automotive pollution is collected by the paving and then flushed by rain. The bioswale, or other type of biofilter, wraps around the parking lot and treats the runoff before releasing it to the watershed or storm sewer system. Preliminary Utility Plan (Exhibit 2): Electricity and water are available to the site, but sewer is not available yet in the area. The applicant has received approval from the Shelby County Health Department to use septic tanks for Lot #s 2 and 3 until sewer lines are extended to the area, but such approval for all seven lots are needed before the Board of Mayor and Aldermen (BMA) should enter into a development agreement with the subdivision infrastructure. The applicant plans to install “dry” gravity sewer lines in new 20-foot public sewer easements along the creek. Once sanitary sewer service is extended to the area, the property owners will be required to abandon use of the septic systems and tie to the Town’s public system. Special notes will be placed on the plats and in the property owners association (POA) documents related to this requirement. Preliminary Landscape & Lighting Plan (Exhibit 2): There is a 40-foot buffer provided along both Progress Road and Shelby Drive. Additional pervious area is located to the south due to a protected stream, area reserved for the planting of mitigation trees, and a septic system for use until sanitary sewer is provided to the area. There are street trees along both street frontages, foundation plantings around the building, and a low wall at the intersection of Progress Road and Shelby Drive (as required by the Design Guidelines for major intersections), and the parking lots are screened with evergreen shrubs. A 4.5-foot grass strip will be created between the new 5-foot public sidewalk to be installed by this application. Lighting is provided within the site with wall-mounted fixtures and pole lights, but details were not provided on the combination lighting and landscape plan as required for a Preliminary Site Plan (see Condition E). The 4/2/2015 4:07:32 PM Page 3 of 7 applicant has indicated that they plan to use “Viper” style LED lights made by Beacon for both the wall- and pole-mounted fixtures (see Exhibit 5). These fixtures, or their equivalent, along with pole details, will need to be reflected on the Final Site Plan. The ground sign locations have not been shown. Any light fixtures for the ground sign must be labeled, fully shielded, and the fixtures screened with evergreen shrubs. Tree Preservation & Mitigation Ratio (see Exhibit 2): All existing trees that will remain on Lot #s 2 and 3 after the Final Subdivision Plat is recorded will be preserved; however, several existing trees will be removed because of grading and infrastructure installation associated with the seven-lot Glenn Farms Industrial Subdivision. According to the subdivision plans, 512 existing trees will be preserved; however, 226 existing trees will be removed to install the subdivision infrastructure and to make the lots “pad ready”, which does not include 78 trees being removed to extend Progress Road. The applicant has asked the Planning Commission with the Preliminary Subdivision Plat application to approve what equates for a formula of 1.23 new trees installed per 1 tree removed, which is almost “tree-per-tree” replacement, with native species mitigation trees installed along the existing protected stream and in the Shelby Drive median. Additional mitigation trees will not have to be planted with the site plans for Lot #s 2 and 3. Preliminary Elevations (Exhibit 2): The primary fronts of the buildings face east (towards Progress Road) and west (towards a private drive between Lot #s 1 and 2). These facades have been designed with a “storefront” appearance broken into multiple bays with anodized aluminum storefront windows and green metal canopies. Banding, columns, texture and articulation (4-inch deep reveals) of the façade and roof have been incorporated into the tilt-up concrete panels, which are the primary building material used on the building. Tilt-up panel construction is used to reference a nontraditional cement building processes and is a material this is most appropriate for industrial areas or in commercial areas when a masonry veneer is to be applied. For the proposed tilt-up concrete building, the walls are created by assembling forms (which is how the textured panels and 4-inch deep reveals will be created) and pouring large slabs of concrete called panels directly at the job site. The panels, which will be very wide and tall, are then tilted up into position around the building's slab. Tilt-up panel construction (not used on the proposed building), is similar to precast concrete, which is appropriate as primary façade material in commercial areas usually for trim, accent, or wall panels. The precast concrete building process is similar to tilt-up construction, but pre cast concrete panels are instead produced indoors in forms at a manufacturing facility and are trucked to the job site. Precast concrete panels are usually smaller and more manageable and a more versatile material for architects. Three different colors of gray are used on the front and side facades visible off the lot, but the unadorned rear façade is a “remote wall” and is appropriate for less ornamentation. The differing materials, colors, and textures for these large buildings add visual interest and reduce their scale. More information is needed about the colors and materials proposed with the Final Site Plan (see Conditions C and D). Signage is not included in this approval. A sign permit application shall be submitted to the Planning Division prior to the erection of any signage. Traffic/Circulation: This subdivision is being planned for access control with curb cuts allowed at median breaks on Shelby Drive. The private service drives to be built with each building will also help limit curb cuts due to the shared ingress/egress easements. A portion of this site plan shows a drive being built in the ingress/egress easement on Lot #1. It is estimated that, at build-out, the entire Glenn Farms industrial subdivision will contain 330,000 square feet of “business park” uses. A Level II traffic impact study was required for this industrial subdivision, which 4/2/2015 4:07:32 PM Page 4 of 7 looked at vehicular trip generation and included an evaluation of the nearest intersections. The study concluded the development (at build-out) will generate 453 vehicular trips during the morning and 201 trips during the evening peak hour, which will have a minimal impact on the roadway network developing in the I-269 area. All intersections will continue to operate at a level of service (LOS) “C”, with the Town needing to make adjustments to the timing of the Shelby Drive and US Highway 72 intersection at some point. Progress Road will be extended to the southernmost terminus of the property with the subdivision infrastructure and have a similar cross section to the existing Progress Road segment to the north (four lane section with a center turn lane). Shelby Drive is already improved per the Major Road Plan. NEXT STEPS: x Board of Mayor and Aldermen (BMA) Approval of Preliminary Site Plan: The Planning Commission (PC) and Design Review Commission (DRC) must review the Preliminary Site Plan application any make a recommendation to the BMA. Once the PC and DRC have made recommendations, the BMA will consider the Preliminary Site Plan (tentatively scheduled for April 27, 2015). x Preliminary Subdivision Plat and Subdivision Infrastructure Construction Plans: The Preliminary Subdivision Plat will be reviewed by the PC on April 7, 2015. If approved by the Planning Commission, then the applicant must enter into a Development Agreement for the Subdivision Infrastructure Construction Plans with the BMA. x Final Subdivision Plat: The Final Subdivision Plat must also be approved by the PC at a future meeting. The Final Subdivision Plat must be recorded prior to the issuance of building permits for the buildings on Lot #2 and/or #3. x Final Site Plan Application(s): Assuming the BMA approves the Preliminary Site Plan, an application for approval of a Final Site Plan shall be submitted for review by the Departmental Review Team (DRT) followed by a Development Agreement to the BMA. The Final Subdivision Plat must be recorded prior to the issuance of building permits for the building on either lot. x Building Permit Review: Prior to the issuance of a building permit for either building, construction plans must be submitted to the Codes Department for review. PC EXAMPLE MOTION: Recommend approval of a Preliminary Site Plan (see Exhibit 2) to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen (BMA) for Glenn Farms Subdivision, Lots 2 and 3, which would allow two multi-tenant flex buildings totaling 95,000 combined square feet on 10.28 combined acres located on East Shelby Drive just west of the proposed extension of Progress Road, subject to the following conditions: 1. This development is subject to all applicable standard conditions of approval as adopted by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, Resolution 2006-54. 2. Provide top and toe elevations along the wall on the Final Site Plan for the wall and fence along behind the northernmost parts of the building. 3. With the grid photometric plan on included with the Final Site Plan, ensure that the westernmost access drive is properly illuminated. The maximum light levels at the property line will not apply where there is an ingress/egress easement. 4. Provide a Traffic Control Plan with the Final Site Plan application. 5. Engineering comments applicable to the Preliminary Site Layout: a. Note #4 – correct the spelling of “meander”. a. Please label the 50’ drainage esmt. b. Ing./Egr. Esmt. – Please make sure that the plat esmt. matches exactly what you are proposing on these plans. c. Remove the water. d. Northern D/W on Progress – Labeled as 24’/44’ curb cut but it is dimensioned as 30’. e. Rear setback is shown as 100’. It is shown as 200’ on the plat. f. Site Data Table Lot 2 – The acreage listed does not match what is shown on the lot. 4/2/2015 4:07:32 PM Page 5 of 7 2. g. Site Data Table Lot 3 – The acreage listed does not match what is shown on the lot. h. Site Data Table – Double check the number of provided parking spaces you have listed and revise the data chart accordingly. Related to parking, address the following: i. Southwest of the #2 building – The number of spaces is labeled 8. There are only 7 spaces. And the spaces across the drive are labeled with 7 & 8. ii. Northeast of the #3 building – The number of spaces is labeled 9. There are 10 spaces. iii. Southeast of the #3 building – The number of spaces is labeled 12. There are 13 spaces. Engineering comments applicable to the Grading & Drainage Plan: a. Add a note that all drainage is Private. b. At the time of the Final Site Plan application, a detailed drainage report will be required. c. Provide a separate exhibit to show buffer calculations with the Final Site Plan application. d. Coordinate with the Town Engineer to determine if it is possible for DP-20 to empty into the wing-wall of the box culvert. e. The outlet pipes and headwalls DS-1 and DS-19 will need to be extended to discharge near the bottom of the stream and oriented to be more in line with the flow of the stream – These were extended some but they need to extend into the stream to discharge near the bottom elevation. f. At time of the Final Site Plan application, the size of the domestic water meters will need to be shown Utility Plan. DRC EXAMPLE MOTION: Recommend approval of a Preliminary Site Plan (see Exhibit 2) to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen (BMA) for Glenn Farms Subdivision, Lots 2 and 3, which would allow two multi-tenant flex buildings totaling 95,000 combined square feet on 10.28 combined acres located on East Shelby Drive just west of the proposed extension of Progress Road, subject to the following conditions: A. Identify how the solid waste needs of the development will be addressed. Provide, with the Final Site Plan, a detail of any dumpster enclosures. B. Show and label on the landscaping plans with the Final Site Plan the sight triangles, along with their regulatory basis and how measured. C. Change the labels of the “painted concrete” panels used on all parts of the building except for the rear/loading facades to read “painted & scored concrete tilt wall panel”. Use another label/note for the less-ornate concrete tilt wall panels used at the rear/loading facades. D. Label the color of the canopy, metal coping, gutters, downspouts, and the overhead doors. E. Provide details of all light fixtures on the Final Site Plan (e.g. fixtures P1, WP, and P2). These fixtures shall be full-cutoff fixtures. The color of the LED light shall be equivalent to metal halide. F. Provide at least one bicycle rack for each building and related detail with the Final Site Plan (D.G. III.D.2.). G. All parking areas shall use white striping to designate spaces (D.G. III.B.1). H. All ground and attached appurtenances (i.e. backflow preventers, utilities, meters, mechanical equipment, etc.) shall be screened with evergreen landscaping and/or a wall matching the principle façade and all rooftop appurtenances shall be screened by the parapet. Paint wall mounted appurtenances to match the color of the surrounding building material (D.G. III.H.). I. With the Final Site Plan, provide a roof plan indicating all rooftop appurtenances and indicate both a roofline and appurtenances on the elevations with a dashed line (Site Plan Checklist). Roof membrane shall not be visible from streets or adjacent property with the back of the parapet finished with the facade material (D.G. IV.C.). J. With the final site plan, provide the required “light corridor” on the grid and a data chart to demonstrate compliance with the lighting ordinance (min, max, average, etc) using the footcandle equivalent. Use white light for the LED and notes that describe the conversion methods (Town regulations are in footcandles). 4/2/2015 4:07:32 PM Page 6 of 7 CONTACTS: Contact: Organization: Address: Phone: Fax: Email: Owner Applicant (Owner’s Representative) Curtis Wegener Brenda Solomito Basar Glenn Farms Corporate Park No. 1 GP 4278 Spotswood Avenue, Suite 207 Memphis, Tennessee 38117 901-683-6837 4/2/2015 4:07:32 PM Solomito Land Planning 2067 Kirby Parkway Memphis, TN 38119 901-755-7495 Page 7 of 7 Design Professional Project Planners Rusty Norville, P.E. Jaime Groce, AICP (Primary) Sean Isham, AICP Civil Engineering Solutions, LLC Town of Collierville 317 W. Market Street Dyersburg, TN 38024 500 Poplar View Parkway Collierville, TN 38017 731-285-1698 731-285-2096 457-2360 457-2354 &YIJCJU &YIJCJU AG FL= 371.17 CLP S37°42'25"E 33.69' S37°42'25"E 5.00' GV S89°43'57"W CLP Reference is hereby made to a Application for Greenbelt Assessment-Agricultural recorded in Instrument No. 05009751 and in Instrument No. 05009752 for conditions, restrictions, etc. that affect this property. Reference is hereby made to a 8' Wide Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division Electrical Easement recorded in Book 3946, Page 27 that affect this property. Reference is hereby made to Instrument No. 05094988 for conditions, restrictions etc. that affect this property. 26. 27. 28. L A N D S U R V E Y I N G, By: ______________________________ Daryl Menard, RLS Date President Tennessee Certificate No. 2135 M I L E S T O N E I N C. CLP 8.07' 30' X 30'WIDE DRAINAGE ESMT. PER PLANS N00°10'17"W 7.24' 377 C2 C 3 PP D AG S89°43'57"W 68.00' D N83°04'04"W 3 37 325. 85' E S89°43'57"W 2" PVC FL=375.68 374 37 CLP 7 163.78' 375 37 5 37 N88°50'27"W 9 30' WIDE DRAINAGE ESMT. PER PLANS FL=373.64 FL=375.18 C8 6-72 INLET TOP=381.45 27" RCP IN (N) FL=375.95 27" RCP OUT (S) FL=375.85 WHITTEN BEND INVESTORS, LP C0259S A00006, C0259S A0000 7, C0259S A0000 8 , C0259S A0000 9, C0259S A000 10, C0259S A000 11 INST. NO. 05094988 ZONED: MPO 46.05 Acres Remaining 37 5 6-72 INLET TOP=381.35 27" RCP IN (N) FL=375.38 27" RCP OUT (S) FL=375.28 GV PLAT SHOWING LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS ON PART OF THE 157 .67 ' S81°25'27" C7 7.93' S00°10'17"E 7.44' CLP FL=375.29 ± DMH TOP=383.63 48" RCP IN (NW) FL=377.22 30" RCP IN (W) FL=377.22 42" RCP OUT (S) FL=377.20 6-72 INLET TOP=383.25 18" RCP OUT (SW) FL=379.45 TOP OF DMH ELEV.=382.94 (NAVD 88) T.B.M. D 12054701 12054702 12054703 12054704 14037255 15008323 DATE: DECEMBER 9, 2013 COLLIERVILLE, TENNESSEE INSTRUMENT NO. 05094988 RECORDED IN WHITTEN BEND INVESTORS, L.P. PROPERTY NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. RECORDED IN INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENT N83°06'54"W CMP E EB GV FH INST. NO. OHE PP LP N S WV W R.O.W. EOP AG H/W P.B. PG. BK. CLP LEGEND: 374 6 823.47' 37 37 9 8 38 4 7 0 37 39 381 444. 47' CORRUGATED METAL PIPE EAST ELECTRICAL BOX GAS VALVE FIRE HYDRANT INSTRUMENT NUMBER OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL POWER POLE LIGHT POLE NORTH SOUTH WATER VALVE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY EDGE OF PAVEMENT ANCHOR GUY HEADWALL PLAT BOOK PAGE BOOK CONCRETE LIGHT POLE 38 6-72 INLET TOP=382.15 48" RCP IN (NE) FL=374.95± 48" RCP OUT (SW) FL=374.85 ± (HOLDING WATER) 38 3 FL=375.29 6-72 INLET TOP=382.40 48" RCP IN (NE) FL=375.50± 48" RCP OUT (SW) FL=375.50 ± (HOLDING WATER) 3 REVISION 387 S67 02"E 385 239 .9 0 ' N89°52'41"E 8.22' N00°04'10"W 12.00' LOTS 2 & 3 APPROVAL DATE °04' 376 37 8 39 1 S89°55'50"W 83.42' GLENN FARMS SUBDIVISION DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 3 C9 6-72 INLET TOP=386.37 (UNABLE TO ACCESS "BARRIERS") 40 3 D BOX CULVERT 1 NORTH OF 1 0 55.16' 55.16' 50.70' 55.16' SCALE: 1"=100' 50' 170.00' 170.00' 55.00' 170.00' SURVEY: MILESTONE LAND SURVEYING DESIGN BY: CES-RBN DRAWN BY: CES-RBN 03/09/15 03/09/15 03/28/14 100' 54.91' 54.91' 48.93' 54.91' 54.91' 48.93' CHORD 44.83' 54.91' 49.01' 54.91' 54.91' 48.85' 54.91' 192.29' 203.13' SHEET 1 OF PROJECT #: 1504 BOOK: SCALE: 1 " = 1 0 0 ' TENNESSEE REVIEWED DATE: DATE: DATE: COLLIERVILLE, EXISTING CONDITIONS/SURVEY 27.82' 27.82' 27.31' 27.82' CURVE TABLE RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT 25.00' 55.61' 50.63' 170.00' 55.16' 27.82' 55.00' 50.80' 27.37' 170.00' 55.16' 27.82' 170.00' 55.16' 27.82' 55.00' 50.61' 27.26' 170.00' 55.16' 27.82' 1541.38' 192.42' 96.33' 1674.54' 203.25' 101.75' 55.16' 27.82' 170.00' 50.70' 27.31' 55.00' 100' CURVE C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 N.T.S. VICINITY MAP Site DIVISION OF ENGINEERING DMH TOP=387.11 18" RCP IN (N) FL=381.97 18" RCP IN (S) FL=382.12 18" RCP IN (E) FL=381.67 30" RCP OUT (S) FL=380.67 6-72 INLET TOP=386.32 (UNABLE TO ACCESS "BARRIERS") BRIDGE DEVELOPER: GLENN FARMS CORPORATE PARK NO. 1 GP ENGINEER: CIVIL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS, LLC ITEM No. 38 39 6-72 INLET TOP=383.96 (UNABLE TO ACCESS "BARRIERS") D DMH TOP=384.97 18" RCP IN (N) FL=379.53 18" RCP IN (S) FL=379.73 30" RCP IN (E) FL=378.68 46" RCP OUT (S) FL=378.25 6-72 INLET TOP=383.92 (UNABLE TO ACCESS "BARRIERS") PHASE 1 PROGRESS BUSINESS PARK (P.B. 216, PG. 1) T.B.M. - Temporary Benchmark - Top of DMH as located on Shelby Drive as shown hereon. Elevation = 382.94 (NAVD 88) 48" RCP IN (NW) FL=375.51 ± 36" RCP IN (E) FL=375.83± 48" RCP OUT (S) FL=375.83± (HOLDING WATER) GLENN FARMS CORPORATE PARK #1, GP PROPERTY 373 36.85 Acres INST. NO. 12054701, INST. NO. 12054702, INST. NO. 12054703, INST. NO. 12054704, INST. NO. 14037255, INST. NO. 15008323 GLENN FARMS CORPORATE PARK #1, GP 378 8' WIDE MEMPHIS LIGHT, GAS AND WATER DIVISION ELECTRICAL EASEMENT (BOOK 3946, PAGE 27) CERTIFICATION: T. I hereby certify that the elevations shown hereon were taken on the ground on December 9, 2013. T 25. Reference is hereby made to a Phase 1 of Progress Business Park recorded in Plat Book 216, Page 1 for conditions that affect this property. N 24. Reference is hereby made to a American Louisiana Pipe Line Company, Right-Of-Way Easement recorded in Book 140, Page 580 that appears to affect this property. Said easement is global in nature and, as such, could not be plotted hereon. 23. Reference is hereby made to a Truckline Gas Company, Right-Of-Way Agreement recorded in Book 124, Page 151 that appears to affect this property. Said easement is global in nature and, as such, could not be plotted hereon. 404.73' 370 373 37 5 387 D D R I V E GV 2 22. Reference is hereby made to a American Louisiana Pipe Line Company, Right-Of-Way Agreement recorded in Book 3625, Page 134 that appears to affect this property. Said easement is global in nature and, as such, could not be plotted hereon. 1113.75' 6 Milestone Land Surveying, Inc. 10360 Highway 70, Suite 1 Lakeland, TN 38002 Phone: (901) 867-8671 Fax: (901) 867-9889 D 21. Reference is hereby made to a Michigan Wisconsin Pipe Line Company, Right-Of-Way Agreement recorded in Instrument No. H8-2798 that appears to affect this property. Said easement is global in nature and, as such, could not be plotted hereon. A 20. Reference is hereby made to a 3' Wide Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division Electrical Easement recorded in Instrument No. 06146268 that may affect this property. We were unable to plot said easement do to insufficient information contained therein. E A 19. The approximate location of the gaslines shown hereon were plotted using some gas line markers located in the field and scaled from a survey done by James O. Wiles Surveying Co. (Fayette County Surveyor) dated January 12, 1999. For the exact location of said gaslines or gas line easements the proper authorities should be contacted. PP S89°43'57"W CLP 38 S H E L B Y GV DMH TOP=383.45 18" RCP IN (NE) FL=378.45 30" RCP IN (NW) FL=377.88 42" RCP IN (N) FL=377.86 48" RCP OUT (S) FL=377.31 6 18. The Fayette County and Shelby County line shown hereon was plotted from a survey done by James O. Wiles Surveying Co. (Fayette County Surveyor) dated January 12, 1999. Milestone Land Surveying, Inc. did not survey said county line. L A O 17. Reference is hereby made to a Michigan Wisconsin Pipe Line Company, Right-Of-Way Agreement recorded in Book 184, Page 535 that appears to affect this property. Said Agreement is global in nature and, as such could not be plotted. P S E 16. Reference is hereby made to a Trunk Line Gas Supply Company, Right-Of-Way Agreement recorded in Book 99, Page 421 that appears to affect this property. Said Agreement is global in nature and, as such could not be plotted. 2 R 15. Reference is hereby made to a American Louisiana Pipe Line Company, Right-Of-Way Agreement recorded in Book 112, Page 335 that appears to affect this property. Said Agreement is global in nature and, as such could not be plotted. PP FL=364.14 37 FL=376.11 ± (BURIED) 5 38 E. DMH TOP=386.37 30" RCP IN (NW) FL=384.87 30" RCP OUT (E) FL=384.17 6-72 INLET TOP=382.89 30" RCP OUT (SE) FL=378.52 374 14. Distances shown on this plat are in feet and can be converted to meters by multiplying by 0.3048. CLP 30' WIDE DRAINAGE ESMT. (P.B. 216, PG. 1) '3 28 4' 8° .9 S3 171 M S09 °08 '46" 128 .87 ' 13. Plat is valid only if print has original seal of surveyor. 96" RCP 0 37 2 12. If this survey plat is also provided in electronic form, the electronic copy must be compared to the original hard copy issued at the survey date with its original seal to insure the accuracy of the information and to further insure that no changes, alterations or modifications have been made. No reliance should be made on a document transmitted by computer or other electronic means unless first compared to the original sealed document issued at the time of the survey. PP 38 6-72 INLET TOP=362.86 42" RCP IN (N) FL=356.75 42" RCP OUT (S) FL=356.75 37 1 11. Governmental jurisdictional areas, if any, which might impact on the use of the premises were not located. No liability is assumed by the undersigned for any loss resulting from the exercise of any governmental jurisdiction affecting the use of the premises. CLP FL=364.07 9 6-72 INLET TOP=362.85 42" RCP IN (N) FL=356.55 42" RCP OUT (S) FL=356.55 E 1" 10. Subsurface and environmental conditions were not examined or considered as a part of this survey. 9. There may be underground or non-visible utilities, drain and/ or sewer lines across this property that are not shown. The proper utility authorities should be contacted for more specific locations and information on underground utilities. 8. There may be non-visible underground utilities crossing or serving this property of which we have no knowledge. 37 6-72 INLET TOP=375.41 18"X30" RCP IN (NW) FL=371.55 18"X30" RCP OUT (S) FL=371.55 "E '29 32 0 ' 7 .6 20 7. Underground pipes were assumed to be straight from structure to structure. 6. This property does not appear to be located in a Special Flood Harzard Area per Flood Insurance Rate Map, Map No. 47047C 0395 C, Community Panel No. 470401 0395 C, Effective Date: November 5, 2008. 5. This property does not appear to be located in a Special Flood Harzard Area per Flood Insurance Rate Map, Map No. 47157C 0495 F, Community Panel No. 470263 0495 E, Effective Date: September 28, 2007. 4. All deed book references shown hereon are recorded in the Register's Office of Fayette County and Shelby County, Tennessee. PP DMH TOP=374.95 18" RCP IN (N) FL=371.62 18"X30" RCP OUT (SE) FL=371.52 3. This plat was prepared without benefit of an abstract of title. No liability is assumed by the undersigned for loss relating to any matter that might be discovered by an abstract or title search of the property. 2. Bearings are relative to NAD 83. 1. Plat prepared for Grace Development. NOTES: 30' WIDE DRAINAGE ESMT. (P.B. 216, PG. 1) S50°30'58"W 20.01' PP D C1 2 38 PHASE 1 PROGRESS BUSINESS PARK (P.B. 216, PG. 1) 6 C 6-72 INLET TOP=375.33 15" RCP IN (N) FL=372.24 18" RCP OUT (S) FL=371.99 C5 FAYETTE COUNTY, TENNESSEE SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE 374 The contours lines shown hereon were plotted for convenience only. Milestone Land Surveying, Inc. did not do a complete Topographic Survey of the subject property. 59'50" E 119. 75' SMH TOP=386.82 IN (N) OUT (S) FL=377.42 N16° ? 320.37' SHELBY CO. TN FAYETTE CO. TN 269 INTERSTATE S 269 PROGR ESS ROAD 37 4 "E 8° 6 3-SURVEY-EXISTING.DWG S3 40 N03°11'57"E '29 N03°11'57"E 32 0' 227.75' 8° (Unde r Const ruction ) S3 7 .2 Inters tate 40 9 STATE OF TENNESSEE INST. NO. 12020884 INST. NO. 12001018 40 COLLIERVILLE, SHELBY COUNTY PIPERTON, FAYETTE COUNTY C4 37 0 STATE OF TENNESSEE INST. NO. 12020884 INST. NO. 12001018 38 41 8 4 3 1 Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" Building "2" West Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" Building "2" East Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" Building "2" South Elevation 2 5 Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" Building "2" Partial Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" Building "2" North Elevation Keynotes: 1 1 NORTH t 60' 120' SCALE: 1"=120' 0 a R Site Rendering.dwg M l P . s ea nt LOT 1 Storm Water Detention PREPARED BY: CIVIL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS, LLC 317 WEST MARKET DYERSBURG, TN 38024 (P) 731.285.1698 OWNER/DEVELOPER: GLENN FARMS CORPORATE PARK GP 4728 SPOTSWOOD, SUITE 207 MEMPHIS, TN 38117 (P) 901-683-6837 COLLIERVILLE, TENNESSEE GLENN FARMS SUBDIVISION Site Rendering d a o ONLY ONLY LOT 2 218,814 S.F. 5.02 ACRES 46,000 S.F. BUILDING 67 SPACES F.F.E. = 381.00 Shelby Drive &YIJCJU LOT 3 228,990 S.F. 5.26 ACRES 49,000 S.F. BUILDING 74 SPACES F.F.E. = 381.00 Progress Road ONLY 4 3 1 Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" Building "2" West Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" Building "2" East Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" Building "2" South Elevation 2 5 Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" Building "2" Partial Elevation Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" Building "2" North Elevation 1 1 &YIJCJU Keynotes:
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