Agenda Numbers: PC15-05 MEETING DATE: April 7, 2015 REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION SUBJECT: Resolution 2015-20 – Request approval of a resolution to approve the Magnolia Preserve Planned Development Outline Plan 1. 2. EXHIBITS Applicant’s Cover Letter (2/25/15) Resolution 2015-20 (4/7/15) A. Outline Plan B. Conditions of Approval Neighborhood Meeting Notes (2/24/15) Magnolia Preserve Design Standards (3/10/15) Plats for surrounding single family subdivisions INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: John McCarty, with McCarty Granberry 3. Engineering, and representing Magnolia Preserve, 4. LLC, is requesting a recommendation for the 5. Magnolia Preserve Planned Development Outline Plan to allow 74 single family dwellings on 38.07 acres, located at the southeast corner of Shelby Drive and Fleming Road (see Exhibits 1 and 2). BACKGROUND: The Planning Commission recommended approval of a request to rezone the 38.07-acre property from FAR to R-1 Low Density Residential at the March 5th meeting. The BMA will consider the rezoning on First Reading on April 13, 2015, with the Second Reading and public Hearing scheduled for April 27th. The Third Reading is tentatively scheduled for May 11th. The property is vacant and is surrounded by FAR to the south, R-1 Low Density Residential to the west (Collierville Farms Planned Development and Saffron Hill Subdivision), vacant R-1 to the north, and RL-1 Large Lot Residential to the east (Windsong Park Estates). Prior to applying for this planned development (PD), a neighborhood meeting was held on February 24, 2015 (see Exhibit 3). KEY QUESTIONS: 1. Does the proposed PD comply, generally, with the Land Use Plan? Yes. The PD, as well as the related rezoning request, is consistent with the 2040 Land Use Plan in that it is in conformance with the Conventional Suburban Neighborhood and the Maximum Gross Residential Density Map. 2. How has the PD been designed to blend with adjacent land uses? Transitions between different development patterns often include opaque buffers (with fences and vegetation) or matching lot widths and sizes at the perimeter of the development (e.g., lots widths 75% of adjacent neighborhoods). Sometimes the buffers are in easements, but “best practice” is to provide them in common open space maintained by a homeowners’ association. The property to the south has future development potential, but the property to the east (Windsong Park Estates) is already developed as 2-acre estate lots. The Planning Commission should particularly consider how compatibility is addressed for Lots 15 through 25 adjacent to Windsong Park lots, which have lot widths of around 245 feet contiguous to Magnolia Preserve. To meet the compatibility requirement in the Zoning Ordinance, a PD should be designed to blend with adjacent land uses, and to be responsive to the character of surrounding properties and the existing neighborhood area. The developer of the PD has included a 7.5 foot fence easement supplemented with vegetation along the 1 east and south boundaries of the property to provide a transition between the adjacent to R-L1 and FARzoned property. Design standards for the PD have been submitted that include landscaping plans, fencing, and example home design (see Exhibit 4). The Planning Commission must decide if the design approach meets the intent of the compatibility requirement. 3. Will the streetscape along Fleming Road be compatible with existing developed Fleming Road frontages? Yes. The 2040 Plan anticipates this area continuing to develop. Some of the single family subdivisions with frontages on Fleming Road include one-acre, or nearly one-acre, lots along the Fleming Road frontage (see Exhibit 5). These lots either face directly onto Fleming Road (Whisperwoods, Chestnut Hill, Saffron Hill) or face the intersecting roads with a side yard facing Fleming Road (Fleming Gardens). The perimeter lots along Fleming Road and Shelby Drive shown on the conceptual lot layout in the Outline Plan for Magnolia Preserve (see Exhibit 2) all face the interior streets. The rear of the lots back up to the common open space that will contain continuous landscaping and fencing along Fleming Road and Shelby Drive. The conceptual lot layout in the Outline Plan shows lots ranging in size from 15,643 square feet to 20,291 square feet along Fleming Road, consistent with Harvest Oaks Subdivision and all larger than the minimum required by the pending R-1 zoning. 4. What are the implications of the 31-foot Alternative Right-of-Way? The applicant has requested a reduction in the right-of-way (ROW) width from 50 feet to 31 feet. The Subdivision Regulations allow the Planning Commission to modify the ROW width requirements in cases where topography or other physical conditions that make a street of the minimum required width impracticable. Street widths may not be modified solely for the purpose of increasing the area of marketable land. The location of the development along an arterial road (Shelby Drive) requiring dedication of 57 feet right-of-way (ROW) from the centerline, and a minor collector (Fleming Road) requiring dedication of 36 feet of ROW from the centerline, could justify an alternative ROW width for the interior streets. A 9.5 foot pedestrian and utility easement will be provided on the lot frontages to allow for the installation of sidewalks and utilities. Street-facing garages on an alternative 31-foot right-of-way could result in an overlap onto the sidewalk by vehicles parked between the street-facing garage and the street but the Outline Plan includes a requirement that garages may not face the street unless the garage is at least 20 feet behind the front façade of eh residence. DISCUSSION: The Magnolia Preserve PD Outline Plan (see Exhibit 2) proposes 74 lots on 38.07 acres and 3.72 acres (9.8%) of common open space (COS) including a community pool, perimeter landscaping, an entry park, a pond with a fountain, and a dry pond. Pedestrian trails surround the two ponds. Outline Plan Exemptions and Additions: The Zoning Ordinance allows exceptions from the zoning district regulations governing use, area, setback, width and other bulk regulations, other design features, and such subdivision regulations as may be necessary or desirable to achieve the objectives of the proposed PD, provided the exceptions are consistent with the standards and criteria contained in the PD ordinance and have been specifically requested in the application for the PD. Request exceptions are listed below. 1. 2. 3. 4. Reduction in the minimum lot size from 15,000 to 14,200 square feet. Reduction in the minimum lot width from 100 feet to 80 feet. Reduction of the front yard setback from 40 feet to 30 feet. Reduction of the side yard setback from 10 feet minimum and 25 feet total to 7.5 feet each side. 2 5. An alternative right-of-way width of 31 feet for the internal streets with a 9.5 foot pedestrian/utility easement along all internal road frontages. Bulk Requirements: Table 1 above compares the bulk requirements for R-1 zoning to the proposed requirements for the PD. The proposed minimum lot size, lot width, and front and side yard setbacks are all less than those allowed by the R-1 zoning district; however, with the 3.72 acres of COS, the gross density is 1.94 dwelling units per acre (dua), slightly less than the gross density of 2.9 typical of the pending R-1 zoning. Design Standards: The Outline Plan includes a short section on Design Standards. The Outline Plan should reference the “pattern book” (see Exhibit 4 and discussion below) as the required design standards (see Condition #2). The reference to minimum heated square footage of a home should be removed from the Outline Plan and placed in the restrictive covenants to be enforced by the developer and homeowners’ association (see Condition #3). Access and Circulation: The dedication of the right-of-way for Fleming Road and Shelby Drive are described in this section of the Outline Plan along with the alternative right-of-way for the internal streets. Landscaping/Screening/Open Space: The Outline Plan text provides the dimensions of the Fleming Road (20 feet) and Shelby Drive (25 feet) landscaping, and notes that each will have a 6-foot privacy fence with brick columns. The Design Guidelines require that when walls or fences stretch longer than 50 feet then the design of the fence must be modulated to provide a regular rhythm without being monotonous to avoid a stockade appearance. There shall not be unbroken expanses of fence or wall longer than 50 feet. The Zoning Ordinance requires that “fences or vegetative screening at the periphery of a planned development shall be provided to protect occupants from undesirable views, lighting, noise or other off-site influence, or to protect occupants of surrounding areas from similar adverse influences.” The Outline Plan should include language that requires that the landscaping, screening and open space design must meet the Town’s Design Guidelines and the Zoning Ordinance requirements for a planned development (see Condition #4). Drainage and Utilities: Sections on drainage and utilities are included in the Outline Plan. Phasing & Modifications: The Outline Plan states that the development will be built in two phases and that the Planning Commission and BMA may modify the plan if equivalent alternatives are presented. Pattern Book Design standards are required for a PD to ensure that the development meets the Town’s expectations that the Outline Plan will deliver an exceptional quality community design. The design standards show the overall landscape plan, details of the park at the entry to the development, and details of the landscaping and pedestrian circulation around the two detention areas. A lot will be dedicated to a pool house and pool for the residents and the design for the structure and the associated landscaping are also included. Other details include a possible play structure, cross-buck fencing, wood arbors and street furniture. There are suggested modifications to the “pattern book” in Conditions #10 and 11. Next Steps: • Rezoning Process Continues: The BMA will have the first reading of the rezoning of the property on April 13, 2015, and a public hearing/second reading on April 27, 2015. Third and final reading is tentatively set for May 11, 2015. • Planned Development Process Continues: The BMA will review the PD on April 27, 2015 in conjunction with the public hearing/second reading of the rezoning. 3 • Subdivision: To create a subdivision, the following steps are required. During this process, issues such as drainage, detention, infrastructure (water, sewer, etc.), sidewalk installation, easements, right-of-way, and restrictive covenants shall be addressed. • Preliminary Subdivision Plat/Subdivision Infrastructure Construction Drawings: Planning Commission review and approval is required for the entire subdivision. Subdivision Infrastructure Construction Drawings will be required to be submitted simultaneously with the Preliminary Subdivision Plat for review by the DRT and approval by the Town Engineer. The Design Review Commission shall review the common open spaces and the tree mitigation plan. A Development Agreement from the BMA will be required for the construction plans. The applicant should plan to provide private covenants, and these will be reviewed by the staff and the Town Attorney at this stage, and must be recorded along with the final subdivision plat. • Final Subdivision Plat: To create lots for sale, a Final Subdivision Plat is required. Planning Commission approval is required for three (3) or more lots. EXAMPLE MOTION: To recommend approval of Resolution 2015-20 to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, which approves the Magnolia Preserve Planned Development Outline Plan (Exhibit 2A), and which includes conditions of approval in Exhibit 2B. CONTACT INFORMATION: Contact: Organization: Owner Applicant Project Planner Reggie Garner John McCarty Nancy Boatwright, AICP (primary) Jaime W. Groce, AICP Magnolia Preserve, LLC 3023 Centre Oak Way, Ste 101 Germantown, TN 38138 755-4258 Phone: Email: Address: McCarty Granberry Engineering 198 Progress Road Collierville, TN 38017 634-4807 Planning Division 500 Poplar View Parkway Collierville, TN 38017 457-2363 4 Exhibit 1 EXHIBIT 2 RESOLUTION 2015 - 20 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF COLLIERVILLE, PURSUANT TO TITLE XV, CHAPTER 151.150 THROUGH 151.160 OF THE TOWN OF COLLIERVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES, APPROVING THE MAGNOLIA PRESERVE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the Town of Collierville has determined that it is in the best interest of the citizens of the Town to develop the property located in Collierville and specifically described as the Magnolia Preserve Planned Development; and, WHEREAS, it has been determined that the only reasonable way to assure completion of such development in a coordinated, timely manner and in a way which causes minimum negative impact on the Town is through the designation of the project as a Planned Development in accordance with Chapter 151 of the Town of Collierville Code of Ordinances; and, WHEREAS, application has been made for such approval of the Magnolia Preserve Planned Development pursuant to Chapter 151 of the Code of Ordinances of the Town; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and Board of Mayor and Aldermen reviewed the Magnolia Preserve Planned Development in separate hearings and the Board of Mayor and Aldermen conducted a public hearing on __________________; and, WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the hearing, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen approved the Magnolia Preserve Planned Development with conditions, which are detailed in the attached Conditions of Approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF COLLIERVILLE, TENNESSEE, THAT: Section 1. The Magnolia Preserve Planned Development Guidelines and Outline Plan are hereby approved as described in Exhibits A attached hereto. Section 3. Certain Conditions of Approval are required as provided in Exhibit B attached hereto. Section 4. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the requirements of said aforementioned section of the Zoning Ordinance shall be deemed to have been complied with; that the Planned Development and Conditions of Approval for the Magnolia Preserve shall bind the applicant, owner, mortgagee (if any), and the legislative body as well as the heirs, assigns and successors in interest of the parties with respect to the content of said plan and conditions of approval; and that the applicant and/or Res. 2015-20 1 EXHIBIT 2 owner may record the plan documents in accordance with Chapter 151 of the Zoning Ordinance for Collierville, Tennessee. Adopted this ______ day of ________________, 2015. ___________________________________ Lynn Carmack, Town Clerk Res. 2015-20 __________________________________ Stan Joyner, Mayor 2 WINCHESTER RD. FRANK RD. BYHALIA RD. BRAY STATION RD. SHELTON RD. BAILEY STATION RD. HOUSTON LEVEE RD. 57 5 72 SHELBY DR. SHELBY DR. EAST SITE * HOLMES RD. FLEMING RD. FOREST HILL SR 38 BYHALIA RD. AV E. IRENE RD. AR JOHNSON RD. PO PL Exhibit A VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE SITE DATA TABLE TOTAL AREA OF TRACT 38.07 ACRES PROPOSED LAND USE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING CLASSIFICATION R-1 TOTAL NUMBER OF LOTS 74 GROSS DENSITY 1.94 UNITS PER ACRE COMMON OPEN SPACE 3.72 ACRES % COMMON OPEN SPACE 9.8% SETBACKS: FRONT 30 FEET SIDE 7.5 FEET REAR 30 FEET MINIMUM LOT AREA 14,200 SQ. FT. MINIMUM LOT WIDTH 80 FEET OUTLINE PLAN MAGNOLIA PRESERVE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT COLLIERVILLE, TENNESSEE EXISTING ZONING: R-1 TOTAL AREA: 38.07 ACRES DATE: FEBRUARY 20, 2015 SCALE: 1" = 100' DEVELOPER: MAGNOLIA PRESERVE, LLC 3023 CENTRE OAK WAY SUITE 101 GERMANTOWN, TN 38138 198 PROGRESS ROAD, COLLIERVILLE, TN 38017 901-634-4807 SHEET 1 OF 4 WINCHESTER RD. FRANK RD. BYHALIA RD. BRAY STATION RD. SHELTON RD. BAILEY STATION RD. HOUSTON LEVEE RD. 57 5 72 SHELBY DR. SHELBY DR. EAST SITE * HOLMES RD. FLEMING RD. FOREST HILL SR 38 BYHALIA RD. AV E. IRENE RD. AR JOHNSON RD. PO PL Exhibit A VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE SITE DATA TABLE TOTAL AREA OF TRACT 38.07 ACRES PROPOSED LAND USE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING CLASSIFICATION R-1 TOTAL NUMBER OF LOTS 74 GROSS DENSITY 1.94 UNITS PER ACRE COMMON OPEN SPACE 3.72 ACRES % COMMON OPEN SPACE 9.8% SETBACKS: FRONT 30 FT SIDE 7.5 FT MIN REAR 30 FEET MINIMUM LOT AREA 14,200 SQ. FT. MINIMUM LOT WIDTH 80 FEET OUTLINE PLAN MAGNOLIA PRESERVE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT COLLIERVILLE, TENNESSEE EXISTING ZONING: R-1 TOTAL AREA: 38.07 ACRES DATE: FEBRUARY 20, 2015 SCALE: 1" = 100' DEVELOPER: MAGNOLIA PRESERVE, LLC 3023 CENTRE OAK WAY SUITE 101 GERMANTOWN, TN 38138 198 PROGRESS ROAD, COLLIERVILLE, TN 38017 901-634-4807 SHEET 1 OF 4 Exhibit A I. Outline Plan General Guidelines A. The Magnolia Preserve Outline Plan shall serve as the land use and transportation plan and define the planning objective to be achieved for the development of the Magnolia Preserve Planned Development. B. The Magnolia Preserve Planned Development will be developed as a strong neighborhood with a sense of community. This will be encouraged through the use of a prominent single divided entrance and extensive landscaping. C. The Common Open Spaces will be developed with details that encourage the use of the spaces. D. A Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions shall be applicable to all lots in the development. A Homeowner's Association shall be established to assure that improvements and common open spaces are maintained in a quality manner. E. A comprehensive signage system will be implemented to insure continuity in the development. II. Bulk Requirements A. The maximum gross density of the Magnolia Preserve Subdivision shall be less than 2.0 Dwelling Units Per Acre. B. Minimum setbacks are as follows: Front: 30 Feet Rear: 30 Feet Side: 7.5 Feet. C. The minimum lot size for lots in the development shall be 14,200 square feet. III. Design Standards: A. The minimum heated square footage of a home shall be 2,500 square footage for single story homes and 2,800 square footage for two story homes, exclusive of garages and open porches. residence. C. Homes shall be a minimum of 2/3 brick or masonry type construction and shall be Traditional, French Country or English in style. IV. Access and Circulation: A. 36 feet of Right-of-Way for Fleming Road will be dedicated to allow for a 72 feet wide Collector. B. 57 feet of Right-of-Way for Shelby Drive will be dedicated to allow for a 114 feet wide Arterial. C. Dedicate and improve internal street to a 31 feet wide Right-of-Way with 26 feet of pavement section with sidewalks and shall include a 9.5 foot wide pedestrian/utility easement on both sides. VIII. Phasing and Schedule: A. This development will be built in 2 phases. It is anticipated that the first phase will be built in 2015 and that the second phase will be built in 2017. IX. Modifications: A. The Planning Commission and/or the Mayor and Board of Alderman may modify the bulk requirements, access and circulation and landscape requirements if equivalent alternatives are presented. Legal Description of the Magnolia Preserve Planned Development owned by Magnolia Preserve, LLC Beginning at a set pk nail at the centerline intersection of Shelby Drive and Fleming Road; thence south 86 degrees 58 minutes 45 seconds east with the centerline of said Shelby Drive, 1226.22 feet to a set pk nail in the northward extension of the west line of Lot 1, Section A, Windsong Park Estates recorded in Plat Book 79, Page 16; thence south 02 degrees 25 minutes 46 seconds west with the northward extension of the west line of Lot 1 of said subdivision recorded in Plat Book 79, Page 16, 57.00 feet to a set 1/2" rebar with plastic cap in the south line of said Shelby Drive (57' from centerline); thence south 02 degrees 25 minutes 46 seconds west with the west line of Lot 1 of said subdivision recorded in Plat Book 79, Page 16, 247.11 feet to a set 1/2" rebar with plastic cap; thence south 02 degrees 28 minutes 14 seconds west with the west line of Lots 2 through 6 of said subdivision recorded in Plat Book 79, Page 16, 1036.38 feet to a found iron pin in the north line of Parcel 2 of the Kenneth Michael Stewart, II and wife, Christy A. Stewart property recorded at Instrument No. 13044057; thence north 87 degrees 54 minutes 13 seconds west with the north line of said property recorded at Instrument No. 13044057 and with the north line of the Donald L. Gary and wife, Patricia L. Gary property recorded at Instrument No. P4-5131, 1228.07 feet to a set pk nail in the centerline of the aforesaid Fleming Road; thence in a northerly direction with the centerline of said Fleming Road the following calls: north 02 degrees 28 minutes 43 seconds east, 577.47 feet; north 02 degrees 17 minutes 08 seconds east, 381.41 feet; north 02 degrees 52 minutes 22 seconds east, 401.43 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 38.072 acres of land. V. Landscaping/Screening/Open Space: A. The Common Open Space along Fleming Road shall be 20 feet wide and provide landscaping and a 6 foot tall wood privacy fence with brick columns to act as a buffer to the street. B. The Common Open Space along Shelby Drive shall be 25 feet wide and provide landscaping and a 6 foot tall wood privacy fence with brick columns to act as a buffer to the street. C. There shall be a fence easement along the south and east side of the development. The developer shall install a 6 foot tall wood privacy fence with brick columns to provide a screen to the existing properties to the east and the south. D. All Common Open Spaces shall have extensive landscaping to enhance the aesthetic value of the overall development. VI. Drainage: A. A Grading and Drainage plan will be submitted to the Town Engineer concurrent with construction plans for review by the Town prior to commencement of construction. B. Onsite detention will be provided to prevent any downstream drainage issues related to the development of the subdivision. C. Adequate EPSC measures will be in place during construction. VII. Utilities A. The water system shall be capable of producing a minimum residual pressure of 20 PSI at a minimum fire flow of 1,500 gpm and shall be approved by and constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Town of Collierville. B. The sewer system shall be approved by and constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Town of Collierville. C. There shall be a 9.5 foot wide utility/pedestrian easement along the front lines of all lots a 5 foot wide utility easement along all other lot lines. OUTLINE PLAN MAGNOLIA PRESERVE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT COLLIERVILLE, TENNESSEE EXISTING ZONING: R-1 TOTAL AREA: 38.07 ACRES DATE: FEBRUARY 20, 2015 SCALE: 1" = 100' DEVELOPER: MAGNOLIA PRESERVE, LLC 3023 CENTRE OAK WAY SUITE 101 GERMANTOWN, TN 38138 198 PROGRESS ROAD, COLLIERVILLE, TN 38017 901-634-4807 SHEET 3 OF 4 Exhibit A ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATE I, John R. McCarty, a professional Engineer, do hereby certify that the plans and conditions contained herein are in accordance with the engineering design requirements of the Town of Collierville as contained in the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations or as modified herein and approved by the Mayor and Board of Alderman. I ___________________________ hereby certify that the Planning Commission of the Town of Collierville approved the Magnolia Preserve Planned Development as contained herein. __________ _____________ Engineer __________ _____________ Secretary, Planning Commission ________________________ Date BOARD OF MAYOR AND ALDERMEN CERTIFICATE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S CERTIFICATE I, ________________________ (printed name of signer) do hereby certify that the Mayor and Board of Alderman of the Town of Collierville approved the Magnolia Preserve Planned Development as contained herein. I, R. Blair Parker, hereby certify that the plans and conditions contained herein are in accordance with the landscape and screening requirements of the Town of Collierville as contained in the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations or as modified herein and approved by the Mayor and Board of Alderman. __________ _____________ Landscape Architect ________________________ Date __________ _______________ Mayor, Town of Collierville ________________________ Date ________________________ Date CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION I, Reggie Garner, Jr., as the duly authorized the undersigned owner of the property shown, hereby adopt this plan as this plan as the corporation's plan of development, however, it is expressly stated that the street, rights-of-way and any easements shown herein shall not be dedicated or granted to public use by these plans. Final Development plans are required in subsequent approval processes, whereupon necessary rights-of-way and easements will be dedicated and granted, I certify that, duly authorized to act in the State of Tennessee, that it is the owner of said property in fee simple, and that siad property is not encumbered by any taces which have become due and payable. co hereby certify that I am the owner of the property shown and described and that wI adopt this plan of subdivision with my free consent and dedicate all easements to the Town of Collierville and rights-of-way, streets, alleys, walks, parks and other open spaces to public and private use as shown on the plat. State of Tennessee County of Shelby Before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State and County aforesaid, duly commissioned and qualified, personally appeared________________________________________ (printed name of owner), with whom I am personally acquainted and who, upon oath, acknowledged himself to be owner of Magnolia Preserve, LLC, and he as such owner, executed the foregoing instrument for the purpose therein contained. In witness whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix my seal this, the ____ day of ________________, 20___. _____________________________________________ Notary Public My Commission expires: __________________ MORTGAGEE'S CERTIFICATE We, the undersigned, __________________________________________ (printed name of mortgagee), mortgagee of the property shown, hereby agree to this plan of subdivision and dedicate the streets, rights-of-way, easements, and rights of access as shown to the public use forever, and hereby certify that we are the mortgagee duly authorized so to act and that said property is unencumbered by any taxes which have become due and payable. __________ __________________________ ________________________ Mortgagee (signature) Date State of Tennessee County of Shelby Before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State and County aforesaid, duly commissioned and qualified, personally appeared ________________________________________ (printed name) of ________________________________________, with whom I am personally acquainted and who, upon oath, acknowledged himself to be ___________________ (title) of the ________________________________________, the within named bargainer, and that he executed the foregoing instrument for the purpose therein contained. In witness whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix my seal this, the ____ day of ________________, 20___. _____________________________________________ Notary Public OUTLINE PLAN MAGNOLIA PRESERVE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT COLLIERVILLE, TENNESSEE EXISTING ZONING: R-1 TOTAL AREA: 38.07 ACRES DATE: FEBRUARY 20, 2015 SCALE: 1" = 100' DEVELOPER: MAGNOLIA PRESERVE, LLC 3023 CENTRE OAK WAY SUITE 101 GERMANTOWN, TN 38138 My Commission expires: __________________ 198 PROGRESS ROAD, COLLIERVILLE, TN 38017 901-634-4807 SHEET 4 OF 4 Exhibit B RESOLUTION 2015-20 MAGNOLIA PRESERVE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OUTLINE PLAN CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The minimum lot width proposed is 14,200 square feet and the minimum lot width proposed is 80 feet. Correct the Site Data Table to reflect these proposed bulk requirements. 2. Reference the “pattern book” in the Outline Plan and include a statement that the PD will comply with design standards contained in the “pattern book.” 3. The reference to the minimum heated square footage of a home (III.A.) shall be removed from the PD Outline Plan. 4. The Outline Plan, under V. Landscaping/Screening/Open Space, shall require that all common open space shall meet the Town of Collierville Zoning Ordinance and Design Guidelines. 5. There are two “Sheet 1 of 4” in the Outline Plan. Re-label the second sheet as Sheet 2 of 4. 6. Include the dimensions of the common open spaces on conceptual lot layout (Sheet 2 of 4) of the Outline Plan. 7. Remove the Mortgagee’s certificate from Sheet 4 of 4 as this is not appropriate for an Outline Plan. 8. Use the following language for the Planning Commission certificate: I, __________________, hereby certify that the Planning Commission of the Town of Collierville recommended approval of the Magnolia Preserve Planned Development (Resolution 2015-20) on __________________. __________________________ __________________ Secretary, Planning Commission Date 9. Use the following language for the BMA certificate: I, __________________, hereby certify that the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the Town of Collierville approved the Magnolia Preserve Planned Development (Resolution 2015-20) on __________________. __________________________ __________________ Mayor, Town of Collierville Date 10. The following changes/corrections shall be made to the design standards book (“pattern book”) for the PD. a. Provide a title for the booklet (e.g., Design Standards). b. Remove the Outline Plan text. c. Include written design requirements for the residences (e.g., percentage of brick/masonry, window types, location of garages, roofing, etc.) and resubmit for staff review. d. The residences must meet the design standards in the Outline Plan. The photos shown do not all meet the requirement that “garages shall not face the street unless it is at least 20 feet behind the front façade of the residence.” Include additional language that vehicles may not overhang sidewalks. e. Re-label the “overall site plan” as the “overall landscape plan.” f. Show on the landscape plan(s) where the play structure will be located. 11. The Overall Landscape Plan shall be revised to include fence details and landscape plates for the Fleming Road and Shelby Drive frontages, and for the 7.5-foot perimeter fence easement along the east and south property lines. Trees shall be included within the easement to provide a buffer/transition between the PD and the adjacent properties to the east and south. Exhibit 3 198 Progress Road, Collierville, TN 38017 (901) 634-4807 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING MAGNOLIA PRESERVE SUBDIVISION FEB 24, 2015 A neighborhood meeting was conducted at the Sanctuary on the Square on Tuesday February 24, 2015 at 5:15 PM with the intent of informing the current residents in the area of the proposed Magnolia Preserve Planned Development and allowing the comments and concerns to be addressed. We had a turnout of approximately 20 people. No person spoke against the development, but several concerns were raised. Overall, there was a positive feeling from the attendees and it appeared that they were satisfied with the plan. Below is a list of comments or questions and our response. Why will the entrance be on Fleming Road and not Shelby Drive? Shelby Drive will have more traffic in the future since it is planned to be a six lane road. The entrance off of Fleming Road will provide a safer entrance and exit for the subdivision traffic as well as for Shelby Drive. We are concerned about construction traffic on Midnight Sun. We can install “No Construction Traffic” signs on midnight sun. We can also install a temporary construction entrance on Shelby Drive during the subdivision infrastructure construction. Construction workers will park inside the development and can enter through the temporary construction entrance on Shelby Drive. Will Fleming Road be widened? Yes, we will widen Fleming Road along the entire length of the project. How long will the construction last? The development will occur in 2 phases. Phase 1 will last approximately six months and will hopefully start in July 2015. Phase 2 will probably start in January 2017 and last approximately six months. There were several questions about storm water. We explained the purpose of the dry detention pond in the northeast corner of the development and how the water will continue to leave the site in the same areas. We also explained that our detention design would not increase any volumes or velocities of the storm water. We also explained how we would be solving the drainage issues at Lot 1 of Windsong. There were several questions related to the size and price of the proposed homes. The average home size will be 3,400 to 3,800 square feet. Our proposed PD will allow a minimum home size of 2,500 SF for a single story and 2,800 SF for a 2 story home since there are always a few home buyers looking to build a smaller square footage home. There will be a furnished model home. The average price will start around $400,000, but will probably go higher. There were a few questions about fences and buffers. We explained that the main plan is for a 6’ wood privacy fence with brick columns around the east and south side. One resident asked about additional plantings on the east side. We will have our landscape architect look at the existing vegetative cover and see where we might need to add additional plantings. The fence will be owned and maintained by the HOA and built with each phase. A question was asked about the modifications since the Planning Commission Sketch Plat. We explained that we reduced the lot widths on the center street and changed to the 31 foot alternative right-of-way. A question was asked about the hours of construction. We explained that the contractor would be held to the town’s typical noise codes. Exhibit 3 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5 Exhibit 5 Exhibit 5 Exhibit 5 Exhibit 5
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