Winter 15 DragonNews - Collierville High School

From our Principal
A Collierville High School PTSO Publication
Winter 2015
Collierville High School Community!
It is exciting to realize that we have completed our first semester in our new municipal school system and that semester two is underway! Collierville High School is
blessed with incredible students, engaged parents, and supportive community
members. I would like to take this opportunity to share some of the impressive happenings at CHS.
Our student body, led by our Student Government Association, adopted 100 Angel
Tree children this past December! A special thank you to our students for impacting the lives of these
I am thankful and proud to announce that our faculty and staff PTSO membership is 100%! Our PTSO is
intentionally committed to support our students, teachers, and community. We appreciate the impact they are having at CHS.
The continued support from our community is astounding. The Collierville Education Foundation
awarded $13,276.80 to our teachers through grants! Thank you to CEF for generously supporting our
students and teachers.
A few weeks ago, our faculty and staff voted Ms. Marina Brashear as the Collierville High School
Teacher of the Year. Ms. Brashear is a dedicated teacher who works in our Department for Exceptional Children. She is a remarkable educator and essential member of our staff.
As we begin the second semester, there will be several important events and activities taking place spring sports, course selections for next school year, theatre productions, EOC and AP testing, and
many other programs. I encourage you to stay involved by checking our school’s webpage regularly.
Thank you for your continual support. It is truly great to be a Dragon!
Chip Blanchard
Important Update of CHS Attendance Policies
*NEW PROCEDURE: Please complete an absence note and send with your child upon return. A pdf of
an Absence Note can be found on the school’s website.
Parents are asked to call the Attendance Office the morning their student is absent and explain the
reason for the absence. If the parent does not call the day of the absence, a parent note will be required from the student when he/she returns to school. Without a call or a note upon returning to
school, the absence will remain unexcused. In cases of 10 unexcused absences, the student will be
required to produce a doctor’s note to excuse any subsequent absences. Students who are absent
from school are ineligible to participate in extracurricular activities held after school on the date of the
absence. District policy determines if the absence will be recorded as excused or unexcused. Unexcused absences will result in zeroes for all class work missed during the absence. A student has 48 hours
to return a parent/doctor note or the absence will remain unexcused.
If a student is going to be absent (2 days max.) for extenuating circumstances (mission trip, college
tryouts, etc.), they may apply for an excused absence through the Attendance Office. The application must be completed a week prior to the absence. If the principal approves the absence, all requirements listed on the form must be completed for the absence to become excused. Failure to
complete the requirements will result in an unexcused absence.
If your child becomes too ill to stay at school, it is required that the parent or the parent’s designee
comes to the Attendance Office to sign the student out. This is for the safety of students who are too ill
to stay at school. NO EXECPTIONS.
Continued on page 4
Important Dates
Thursday, January 29 from 5-7 pm:
Thursday, January 29 from 6-8 pm:
Thursday, February 12 from 3-6 pm:
Thursday, February 26 at 6:00 pm:
Tuesday, March 3:
Tuesday, March 3 at 5:30 pm:
AP/Honors Fair in CHS PE Gym
8th Grade Open House
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Honor Academy Senior Banquet at Collierville First Baptist Church
Junior ACT Day
MANDATORY TN Promise meeting in Auditorium
Calling All Junior Parents
The statewide junior ACT date will be on Tuesday, March 3 and we will need all the volunteers we can get for the picnic
that is provided after testing concludes. Be on the lookout for a postcard for ways you can get involved.
Tennessee Promise
Tennessee Promise offers two years of tuition-free community or technical college to Tennessee high school graduates.
Over 180 CHS seniors have taken advantage of this phenomenal opportunity. Way to go Dragons!
A TN Achieves regional coordinator met with eligible seniors on Thursday, December 11, and each student received the TN
Promise handbook at this meeting. Eligible students attended the first of two mandatory meetings on Thursday, January 8.
Eligible students are also required to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Air (FAFSA) and apply to a community or technical school by Sunday, February 15, 2015.
Kudos from the Counselors
Congratulations to the Commercial Appeal Academic All-Star Weekly winners so far!
Roger Li - General Scholarship
Christopher Dufour - Foreign Language
Jake McCutcheon - Drama & Speech
Sabrina Curley - Music
Anna Raheem - General Scholarship
Swathi Ganesh - Science
Laura Lester - Art
2014 PSAT
PSAT scores will be distributed during a homeroom during January. Be looking for these at home if your student took the
test. Students who take a challenging course load each year most often become members of the ACT 30 and Above
Club and are recognized as National Merit Scholarship participants. The PSAT taken during the junior year is used for the
National Merit program so honors level freshmen and sophomores are encouraged to take the test as practice. PSAT’s
online program offers helpful hints concerning test preparation and college and career planning.
Attention Seniors: Graduation Program Scholarship List
Has your child been offered a scholarship? We need a copy of ALL scholarship award letters, even if your student will not
be accepting the scholarship. Scholarships are listed in the graduation program and we only know about them if we receive a copy of the letter. All award letters should be given to Mrs. Taylor in the Guidance Office and she will make a copy
of them. Scholarship award letters must be turned in by Friday, April 17 to guarantee their inclusion in the graduation program.
HOPE Scholarship Changes
Students with a cumulative weighted GPA of 3.0 or higher OR a minimum composite ACT of 21 or higher are eligible for the
HOPE Scholarship. NEW: Students attending four year institutions can receive up to $1,750 per full-time enrollment semester
as a freshman and sophomore; then up to $2,250 per full-time enrollment semester as a junior and senior. Students attending a two-year institution can receive up to $1,500 per full time enrollment semester as a freshman and sophomore.
CHS Counselors
Last Names A-Co: Pat Bell,
Last Names Cr-He: Kristy Krotzer,
Last names Hi-Me: Carolyn Comella,
Last Names Mi-Sh: Jani Smith,
Last names: Si-Z: Courtney Wall,
8th Grade Transition: Jerri Czosek,
Page 2
Winter 2015
From our Vice Principal
It’s hard to believe that the first semester has ended! This has truly been a wonderful school year so far,
and we are looking forward to the spring semester.
Course selections for the 2015-2016 school year will begin in early February. Counselors will meet with all
students individually in order to determine which courses best fit their needs. The course selection sheets
will come home to you for your approval. Your feedback and involvement in this process are integral to
your child’s success.
AP Fees were due November 25. If you have not yet paid, please do so as soon as possible. There is a link on our school’s
website to pay online through PayPal. You can also send in a check to Lisa Toldi in the main office. Please write your
child’s name and his/her AP classes in the memo section. AP fees are due for both fall and spring semester classes.
Remember that the best way to be involved in your child’s education is to check Powerschool, our school website, and
teacher websites daily. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us anytime.
Brandi Hynes
Congratulations to Coca-Cola Scholars Semifinalists
Congratulations to Anna and Anne Raheem for being selected as semifinalists in the Coca-Cola
Scholars Program! The Raheem sisters will each receive a $20,000 scholarship if selected as finalists. The
Coca-Cola Scholars program is reserved for 150 applicants nationwide.
CHS Alumni Association Scholarships
The CHS Alumni Association (CHSAA) will be awarding $20,000 in scholarships to graduating Seniors. CHSAA is very excited
to announce the expansion of the number of scholarships it will award to the 2015 graduating class. This expansion will give
more students the opportunity to be granted a scholarship.
The ‘new’ scholarships will be three (3) Technical School Book/Tool Scholarships and six (6) Collierville Alumni Scholarships.
Each Technical School Book/Tool scholarship awarded will be $500.00 to the school of choice for books or tool purchases
and each Collierville Alumni Scholarship awarded will be $1000.00 to the school of choice.
Get more information regarding these and other CHSAA scholarships available on the CHS website and/or the CHS
guidance office.
We are so pleased to support the Class of 2015! Go Dragons!
The Alumni Association
The Hospitality Committee is Looking for YOU!
Do you enjoy baking, cooking for a crowd, entertaining, or just want to be more involved with the high school?
Then the HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE is looking for YOU! There are opportunities to bake, donate, and serve every month.
You can be as involved as you like.
If you would like to BE INVOLVED with the school, we have the simplest of ways to do so - by sending in food items - either
store bought or homemade OR by donating time - serving at one of the meals we offer our staff during the school year.
Please consider joining the HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE today! Contact Beverly Stopher at for more
CHS Publicity
Please send any “newsworthy" photos and/or stories about our students, faculty or school to Amy Murrah at to be submitted to the local newspapers! Let’s keep the great things going on at our school in
the SPOTLIGHT! Remember to include the names of people in the picture as well as details about the event.
Winter 2015
Page 3
Continued from front page
A driving student may sign out without a parent coming to school for a doctor’s appointment if the following two requirements are met:
1. The student brings a note from a parent explaining the check out and the time the student is to leave.
2. The parent calls the Attendance Office prior to the check out to verify the note.
Without the note and phone verification the student will not be allowed to leave school.
ALL check outs for doctor’s appointments will be excused only after the student brings to the Attendance Office a “return
to school” note from the doctor’s office upon returning to school.
Due to the excessive number of checkouts on Fridays, a parent will be required to come to the Attendance Office to sign
the student out of school. Notes, faxes, or phone calls will not be accepted for Friday checkouts.
Attendance is taken at the beginning of each class period daily. Students who arrive to school after 7:10 AM are required
to check in through the Attendance Office immediately upon entering the campus. Failure to follow this procedure will result in disciplinary action. A parent must sign in students who arrive after 7:10 AM.
If a student checks in late to school, the student can avoid receiving a tardy provided a parent calls the Attendance Office prior to the student’s arrival explaining the reason for the late arrival and the time we can expect the student to arrive.
Saturday School may be assigned for being tardy to school if a parent does not call or accompany the student.
Seniors are allowed two excused absences for college visits. A college visit permission form must be picked up from the Attendance Office one week prior to the visit.
This form must be signed by the counselor, a parent, and all the student’s teachers and turned in to Attendance at least
one day prior to the college visit. Juniors are allowed one college visit day after verification that they have taken the ACT
and the Guidance Department has received the score. Juniors in the Honor Graduate Program receive two college days.
An eligible college visit must include an appointment with a school official and signed documentation to verify the visit.
Students are given one day for make-up for each day of school missed if the absence is due to an excusable absence
(gold slip).
Legacy Walk “Our Foundation”
In an ongoing effort to raise funds for scholarships, the Collierville High School Alumni Assocation (CHSAA) has embarked on
a fundraiser that will provide funds and enhance the look of the school.
We have replaced a section of concrete at the school’s entrance to the building with laser engraved commemorative
pavers honoring our alumni.
What better way to remember and honor a relative or friend than to have their name engraved in a place of prominence
along with fellow classmates?
The cost of the pavers is $50 each, or $45 for multiples. To order, call CHS at 853-3310.
Thank you in advance for your support!
For the latest information about the Collierville School district, including school board meetings, agendas and
minutes, careers with the district, school calendars, and more go to
Booster Clubs, sponsors, teachers, parents: Please send news, pictures, and information for the Spring Dragon News
to Kim Pappas at by March 9. Newsletter will be published electronically after Spring Break.
Page 4
Winter 2015
Support STEM/TSA
Send Roses and Candy to sons and daughters, couples and crushes!
Roses will be delivered during 1st period on February 12th. Turn in completed Order Form to Main Office (Attn: Ms Brasher) by
Jan 30, 2015. Checks can be made payable to CHS.
Rose color meanings:
Yellow = For friends/family
Pink = I have a Crush!
Red = I’m in Love!
Blue = Secret Admirer
One Rose $3
Half Dozen Roses (6) $16
One Dozen Roses (12) $30
Total $
Yellow Rose
Pink Rose
Red Rose
Half Dozen Roses (6) $20
One Dozen Roses (12) $35
Total $
One Rose $4
Blue Rose
FREE One (1) Chocolate/Candy Bar (with the purchase of any rose package) $1.50 each additional candy bar
Extremes Sour Candy
Kit Kat Chocolate Bar
Reese’s Peanut Butter
Snickers Chocolate Bar
Total for Roses and Additional Candy:
Delivery Information:
1st Period:
Memphis In May Student Exchange Program
CHS is honored to have been chosen to host Memphis In May's student exchange program! The country being honored for
Memphis in May International Festival 2015 is Poland.
Collierville High School families are needed to host students from Poland April 13-17 (proposed dates, exact dates TBD).
Please find the host application and informational sheet links in the school website. All applications and questions can be
directed to the CHS guidance office.
Live, real-time help online for Math, Science, English, Social Studies and Writing is available 7 days from 4-11 pm at the
Collierville Burch Library. Visit the Burch Library at 501 Poplar View Parkway or call 901-457-2600 for more information.
Winter 2015
Page 5
Stay Informed!
There are many ways to keep up to date with what’s going on at Collierville High School:
The CHS website,, is FULL of information, news, announcements and upcoming events.
‘Like’ the CHS PTSO on Facebook at and check the website
Follow Twitter accounts @CHS_PTSO, @CHSDragons, @cville-schools, @Cville_SGA, @CVilleCrazies,
@DracoPlayhouse, @CHSDragonFB, @CHSDragonLax, @CHS_Soccer - just to name a few!
Sign up for daily email alerts on PowerSchool.
Watch Collierville AM live Monday through Friday at 7:00 am on Comcast Ch 19 or online at
Join the CHS PTSO and be added to our new email distribution to get information sent directly to your inbox.
Have a Question?
CHS has a dedicated Administrative Staff ready to assist and answer parent questions. Please refer to the information below for administrator areas of responsibility.
Chip Blanchard
Principal, main office, policies/procedures, budgeting, overall instructional plans
Brandi Hynes
Vice Principal, curriculum, guidance service, PowerSchool, teacher evaluations
Kristi Hancock
Asst Principal 9-12 IEP, building text coordinator, oversees special education
Dr. Dan Holcomb
Asst Principal 9th grade, security, athletics, textbooks, lockers, schedule of events
David Matykiewicz
Asst Principal 11th/12th grade, attendance, parking, ISS, substitute teachers
Lela Williams
Asst Principal 10th grade, transportation, clubs, AP testing
Email addresses can be found on the school website at
Special Thanks to these CHS Dragon News Sponsors!
The sponsorship of these businesses helps the PTSO meet the needs of our students and staff.
Please support them whenever possible.
No Appointment Necessary
853 W. Poplar
Collierville, TN 38017
Mon-Fri 8am-8pm
Sat & Sun 9am-5pm
Would you like to see your ad here and
reach over 1500 homes in
Collierville while supporting the CHS
Contact Kim Pappas at
for sponsorship information.
100% Collierville - Pride in Our Town - Pride in Our School!
Page 6
Winter 2015
Beautification Thank You
A big “thank you” goes out to Doug Chevalier, Mark Hodges, and Michael Faught from
Central Church who helped Sara Hale with installing 4x4 wood edging around the six trees
outside the cafeteria. The new edging will not only look beautiful for years to come, but
will also stay in place and keep the mulch from going onto the sidewalk. Thank you to Mr.
Sawyer’s classes for getting the beds cleaned up, for placing mulch around the school,
and for keeping the flowers watered.
Project Graduation 2015
Project Graduation is an all night event held at the Collierville Community Center the evening of Graduation. This
year the event will be held May 14, 2015. It will begin at 10:00 pm and end at 3:00 am on May 15.
Tickets are $35.00 if purchased by March 31 and $40.00 if purchased after. Reservation forms can be picked up in
the front office at CHS.
Like us on facebook to see photos and comments on last years’ event - Collierville High School Project Graduation.
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer with Project Graduation 2015, please contact Karen Conlan at or (901) 496-6692.
CHS Prom Dress Closet
Michelle Kelley is organizing a Prom Dress Closet for young ladies needing a dress to wear to CHS Prom. Dresses can
be dropped off at the main office. Watch for more details on the CHS website and Facebook.
PTSO Membership Thank You
Thank you to all the faculty, parents and students who have joined the PTSO for the 2014-15 school year. Because
we don’t fundraise as elementary and middle schools do, your membership fee supports all the PTSO does for the
school, faculty, and students such as teacher grants for classroom materials and student scholarships. If you have
not joined, it isn’t too late! Contact Julie Sparrow at or join online at
Around Collierville
Keep an eye on what is going on in our Town! ‘Like’ Town of Collierville on Facebook, follow the town on Twitter
@colliervillegov, follow Town of Collierville on Google Plus, watch Channel 19 on Comcast Cable or Channel 99 on
AT&T U-verse, and see what is happening in the Board of Mayor and Alderman meetings live or catch up later at
Live Life Local 38017 - Collierville!
CHS Draco Playhouse Theatre
Mark your calendar and plan to attend the next production of the CHS Draco
Playhouse Theatre. Les Miserables will be performed Thursday, April 16 through
Saturday, April 18 at 7:00 pm and Sunday, April 19 at 2:00 pm.
Tickets will be $10/$15 and can be purchased at the door, 1101 N Byhalia Road.
For more information, contact Mr. Keith Salter at or
Mrs. Emily Taylor at or call (901) 853-3310.
Winter 2015
Page 7
To the Parents of
or Current Resident
Calendar At A Glance
School Board
Appreciation Week
AP/Honors Fair 5-7pm
8th Grade Open House
ACT Test
Professional Development
Day-No School for Students
SAT Registration deadline
Honor Academy
Senior Banquet 6:00pm
Junior ACT Test/Picnic
TN Promise Meeting
ACT Registration deadline
SAT Test
Spring Break
CEF Bowl-a-thon
Good Friday - No School
SAT Registration
Les Miserables
ACT Test
For a complete calendar of events at CHS, including details on athletic,
academic, and fine art events, log on to and
click on the calendar link. Also follow @CHSDragons and @CHS_PTSO
on Twitter.
Chip Blanchard, Principal
Follow on Twitter at @CHSDragons
Inside This Issue
Attendance Policies
CHSAA Scholarship
CHS Draco Playhouse
Counselors’ Corner
Dragon News Sponsors
From Our Principal
From The Vice Principal
Legacy Walk
Memphis in May
Project Graduation
Stay Informed
Valentine Roses Order Form
Serena Heilman, PTSO President