COLLINS Cadence VOLUME 44 April 2015 Shelli LeBlanc Principal Kelly Thompson Assistant Principal An Exemplary & TBEC Honor Roll School Beth Hall Counselor 6 02 0 S h a d o w b e n d Pl a c e T h e W o o dl a n ds , T X 7 7 3 8 1 2 81 - 29 8 - 3 8 0 0 M ai n 2 81 - 29 8 - 3 8 0 3 F ax Lunch Times 5th: 12:00 — 12:30 p.m. 6th: 12:30 — 1:00 p.m. Front Office Times: 8:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Bell Schedule: 8:30 a.m.—3:45 p.m. From The Principal One test down and four to go! So proud of our 5th grade students during Reading STAAR testing on March 31st. We appreciate your continued support of the children as they prepare for these rigorous tests. It is important for students to sleep well the night before the test and to eat a healthy breakfast the morning of the test. On the day of testing our campus will be closed to visitors. Our testing students should bring a lunch that can be eaten in the classroom. Non testing students will eat in the cafeteria at an adjusted time however visitors will not be allowed to stay and eat with their child. Collins Calendar Highlights 4/7 Spirit Night 4/13 1: 1 5 p P T O M e e t ing 4/14 Spirit Night 4/20 -23 STAAR Test 4/30 Progress Reports go home 5/1 5th Grade Junior Achievement Class presentations District STAAR Benchmark Testing Dates 5th Grade Thursday, May 21st Social Studies 6th Grade Friday, May 15th Science Tuesday, May 19th Social Studies Dates Subject to adjustment. STAAR 2015 Testing Dates Please place the following dates on your family calendar. 5th Grade Monday, April 20th Math Thursday, April 23rd Science 6th Grade Tuesday, April 21st Math Wednesday, April 22nd Reading ATTENDANCE Important Reminders Students should not be dropped off before 8:00 a.m. Children should be in the building by 8:30. Instruction time starts at 8:45. They have to be in their seats and ready to work. Change of transportation requests must be made by 3:00 p.m., except in the event of an emergency. Students leaving early for appointments at the end of the day must be signed out by 3:30 p.m.; we cannot call for students during dismissal. Students will be called for dismissal upon parent's arrival in the front office. We cannot call for students prior to your arrival. Parents, make sure your child has money in his/ her lunch account in case they forget their lunch. COLLINS INTERMEDIATE As we continue the school year, please continue to remember the importance of school attendance and arriving to school on time. In addition, children who arrive late to school miss the important groundwork that is laid by teachers at the beginning of the day. The instruction and learning that occur on a daily basis in the classroom is our central mission. Parents who make regular school attendance and punctuality a high priority are helping their children learn to accept responsibility, which is an important lesson for a successful life. As we work to increase Collins Intermediate’s daily attendance – please continue to support your child’s educational process by limiting the amount of school missed except for illness. Collins Intermediate daily goal 98.5%. 3/9/2015 3/10/2015 3/11/2015 96.8% 98.1% 97.4% 3/23/2015 3/24/2015 3/25/2015 99.0% 98.8% 97.1% 3/30/2015 3/31/2015 4/1/2015 97.4% 98.4% 97.1% 4/6/2015 4/7/2015 4/8/2015 97.4% 98.5% 98.5% 3/12/2015 3/13/2015 97.7% 94.7% 3/26/2015 3/27/2015 99.1% 98.1% 4/2/2015 4/3/2015 97.4% Holiday 4/9/2015 4/10/2015 98.7% HOW TO ACCESS THE LIBRARY CATALOG Click on Schools Click on Collins Click on the third link on the directory to the left (Library Catalog) Check out the helpful links on at Home or go to the tab that says Catalog. If you want to look up books at a certain reading or interest level in the catalog: Look for the green line on the bottom half of the page that says narrow the search Click on Show More Click on award or enter grade level or interest level A list will be generated of Collins books on that level. Consideration: Children often read a grade level below their actual reading level for pleasure. The Collins Book Club will meet once a month on Thursdays at our students’ lunch times. All the books we will read fit into genre studies and can be used for class reading records. Except for Starfire, the library will loan books to the first 25 students who sign up. Students can sign up now for any or all of the discussions. Please remind your children to mark down book discussion dates in their planners. Date: Apr. 30 Out of My Mind (realistic/disabilities) COBRA COUNCIL As we start the Spring Semester, we wanted to remind you of the dates for Cobra Council this Spring. Remember students must attend these meetings. After 2 unexcused absences, they can no longer participate in Cobra Council. April 23rd May 7th and 14th Please remind student to be on time to Cobra Council meetings. We have some team building, and hopefully Challenge Course activities coming this Spring (if the weather gets nicer). We want to students to be able to participate in these events and if they are late, they will miss safety guidelines and key parts of the activity. 2 TRANSPORTATION Changing Buses Important Reminders Absences When a student is absent, there will be work in each class requiring completion in a timely manner. Students will need to talk with each teacher to get ISN notes, worksheets, and instruction. Early Checkout Please be mindful when a student is checked out of school they are missing valuable instructional time. To date Collins has accumulated 4,971 hours worth of missed instruction. When possible please bring your student back to campus after morning or mid-day appointments. Thank you for your continued assistance by limiting the amount of time a child is checked out of school. Signing Students Out of School If you are checking students out of school for appointments please note that 3:30 p.m. is the latest that we are able to call your child from class to be checked out. COLLINS INTERMEDIATE Students may NOT ride another bus except in emergencies and only with the permission of the Director of Transportation and the campus principal. Parents must call the Director of Transportation at the bus barn to receive permission. The Transportation Department then notifies the school. The south county transportation center is located on Sawmill Road north of Wilkerson Intermediate School. The south county transportation phone number is 832.592.8800. Transportation Changes Changes in transportation must be made in writing by the parent and sent to the teacher. No changes will be made without a written correspondence from the parent. We understand that an occasion may arise when it is necessary to make a last minute transportation change. These last minute changes should be reserved for emergency situations only. For the safety of our children, these changes should be made before 3:00 p.m. Car-Line Rules and Procedures Cars are required to stop behind the stop sign and not proceed forward until the stop sign is moved at 3:48 p.m. We ask that you not park in the small parking lot and wait for your child. If you do not wish to wait in the car line please make other arrangements. Be courteous to those waiting in the car line and not pull around those waiting and “cut” in line before we call for car riders. We do not want cars moving in the parking lot when we dismiss walkers and bikers for all students’ safety. Students leaving early due to appointments MUST be picked up by 3:30 p.m. to not interrupt the dismissal process. Walkers and bikers are dismissed at 3:45 p.m. Car riders are dismissed at 3:48 p.m. The car rider line is usually completed by 4:00 p.m. For afternoon pickup feed, please approach the driveway from Woodlands Parkway to Shadowbend turning right into driveway. This will avoid traffic congestion from the Research direction. Morning Drop Off Please remember students should not be dropped off before 8 a.m. No adult supervision is present before 8 a.m. Only honor performance groups with scheduled practice are permitted early arrival. Afternoon—Students Walkers We have a large number of students that have become walkers in the afternoon. Many of these students are walking to meet their parents at Kroger or in the neighborhood closest to Collins. We do not promote this practice and ask you to consider using the traditional car rider line. Student safety is of upmost importance— it is imperative that students NEVER cross Showdowbend in the middle of the street. A cross walk should always be used when crossing the heavy traffic that exists on our main road. 3 REMINDERS Tardy Visitors and Volunteers should complete the application required. Visit volunteer/default.aspx Parent Access—Visit http:// student-parent/pac.asp to update or add your contact information. When writing a check to the school, be sure to include name, driver’s license number, and date of birth. To add to your student’s lunch account, visit m Parents are welcome to enjoy lunch with their kids in the special eating area set up for guests. Please be reminded that child nutrition policy prohibits visitors from bringing in food to share with other child other than their own. COLLINS INTERMEDIATE A student is tardy if they are not in the classroom by the 8:45 bell. A student tardy to class will: Have a tardy marked in the computer A note placed in the student planner by the teacher After the 3rd, 4th and 5th tardy a warning email will be sent home On the 6th tardy the student will be assigned a before school detention The tardy counts starts new each nine weeks Some things to remember: Dropping students off by 8:30 a.m. is the best way to ensure a student has time to: Put instruments away Visit Locker Pause for the Pledges and Moment of Silence Be in their classroom prior to the 8:45 bell Dress Code As warm weather is arriving it may be helpful to review the district policy regarding student dress/grooming: The District prohibits pictures, emblems, or writings on clothing that are any of the following: lewd, violent, suggestive, offensive, vulgar or obscene, or advertise or depict tobacco products, alcoholic beverages drugs, or any other substance prohibited under FNCF(LEGAL). Halter-tops, muscle shirts, and spaghetti-straps tops are not permitted unless covered by another shirt. Midriff shirts, or shirts exposing the midsection of the body, are not permitted. Blue jean cutoffs or unhemmed shorts are not appropriate dress for elementary/ intermediate school classes. Make-up/cosmetics may not be worn or applied at school. Hats are not to be worn inside a school. Hair and hairstyle should not be distractive. Spandex clothing, yoga pants and leggings are to be worn under other outerwear that are at least fingertip in length. Pants/shorts may not be worn lower than undergarments. Students who choose to wear shorts to school must wear them at fingertip length when the student rests his/her arms at his/her side. Flip flops may not be worn during P.E. classes. Girls may wish to wear shorts under their dresses. Dresses and skirts should be of appropriate length (fingertip) and tights should accompany shorter dresses, skirts or shorts. Cell Phones Students are allowed to bring cell phones to school. Once a student enters the building in the morning the cell phone/electronic device must be turned off. A classroom teacher may allow a student to use a cell phone/electronic device as an instructional tool. Once the class is over the device should be turned off. Once a student has left the building the device may be turned back on. 4 FROM THE NURSE—CLINIC INFORMATION Kelly Patin - Front Door Security As a new safety feature, Collins's main front doors will now remain locked during school hours. A receptionist will monitor the doors for visitor access. In addition, an intercom box is available so visitors may contact the front office staff. We appreciate your assistance to help keep our children safe. Contact us at 281298-3800 if you have questions. Immunizations: Parents of 6th grade students: Please remember that all immunizations must but current and up-to-date before schedules for 7th grade will be handed out during summer orientation. The mandatory immunizations include: Tdap, Varicella #2, and Meningococcal (MCV4). To help make it a smooth transition please turn in updated immunizations records to Nurse Kelly ASAP or have the doctors office fax them directly to the clinic at 936-709-9809. What’s going around: Allergy season is now here with the beautiful Spring weather. Please encourage your child(ren) to wash their hands when they come in from outside to remove the pollen and avoid touching face/eyes to help with the allergy symptoms. FROM THE COUNSELOR H.O.T.T. SHOTS—I am visiting with students this month about Celebrating Diversity and Bullying Prevention. It is important for students to have a healthy respect for diversity of beliefs, cultures, and people who look and think differently as well as experiences and culture. Please visit my website for more tips on how to help your child with ways to show tolerance, how to get along with others, ways to handle bullying and more information about exploring and celebrating diversity. SCHOOL REPORT CARD INFORMATION Drop-Off Table Deliveries, including lunches, during the school day will be left on the drop-off table. Remember to complete the sign-in sheet designated by grade level. Include all the required details on the sheet. It is your child's responsibility to check the table throughout the day and/or we will announce items at the designated lunch times COLLINS INTERMEDIATE 2014 Federal Report Card – The 2013-2014 Federal Report Card for Texas Public Schools is now available on the Collins Website under the NCLB Report Card Tab in the left hand margin. This is an additional report card supplemental to the School Report Card and Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) notices that were sent out earlier in the semester. TRAFFIC UPDATES Please be aware of traffic closures, for additional and updated information on IH 45 and SH 242 closures for this construction project from The Montgomery County Transportation Program, please visit and click on Lane Closures. Also, as a courtesy, The Woodlands Township includes many major Road/Lane Closures on its website at 5 SPIRIT WEAR 2014-2015 Spirit Wear (Tylers’ Style Prints) Bus Dismissal At The End Of School Students will remain in their classrooms until they hear their bus called over the loud speaker. It is very important that students listen closely for their called bus – as not to miss it. Rainy Day Dismissal A “Rainy Day Dismissal” occurs when we have severe weather as determined by Administration. If a “Rainy Day Dismissal” occurs, biking and walking are not allowed. Please be aware that if your child is not eligible for bus transportation as noted above, you will need to make prior arrangements for rainy day dismissal transportation. COLLINS INTERMEDIATE $22 Navy Long Sleeve (white distressed lettering available in YL, AS, AM, AL) $15 Short Sleeve (Camo lettering) *limited sizes available (YL, AS, AM,) $15 Short Sleeve (Chevron lettering) *limited sizes available (YL, AS, AM) Vintage Spirit Wear (limited sizes available) $15 Hoodie – Grey (YM(5), YXL(2), AS(10)) $5 Short Sleeve T-shirt – Green Collins Cool (YM(2), YL(12), YXL(31)) NEW PTO COLLINS WEBSTORE Please visit the new PTO Webstore at: 6 2015-2016 PTO NOMINATIONS We are approaching the time for nominating our new PTO board for 2015/2016 school year. Our meetings are the second Monday of each month at 1:15 PM. We welcome anyone that has an interest in helping with our wonderful school.... These are the PTO positions: (not all of these will be available) Tardy Policy President Vice President Students are released to report to class at 8:30. A student is tardy if they are not in their classroom by 8:45 a.m. A student is tardy if not in the classroom at 8:45 a.m. Secretary Treasurer School Supplies Membership/Call Book Field Trip Coordinator Spirit Nights Yearbook Fall Frenzy Staff Appreciation Staff Appreciation Assistant 5th Grade Coordinator 6th Grader Coordinator Campus Enhancement PBS store Technology/Web Store Admin Box Tops Coordinator Spirit Wear/Logo Volunteer Coordinator Junior Achievement Coordinator Red Ribbon Week If your child is tardy, he/she must stop by the front office to receive a tardy slip before entering the classroom. Each student is allowed six tardies per semester. When a student receives seven tardies, a referral form will be sent home. This process will start over at the each nine weeks. Please contact Tina Rabson at with any questions you may have. STUDENT SAFETY We have seen a recent increase in news/media coverage regarding Synthetic LSD/N-Bomb drugs in our community. CISD Police created a helpful information sheet that can be found at: . If you have any questions or would like to visit with administration—please do not hesitate to call the school. UTILIZE ONLINE PARENT ACCESS Please visit Parent Access as often as possible to keep up to date on all current grades and missing assignments. COLLINS INTERMEDIATE 7 SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR THE 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR COLLINS 5TH & 6TH SUPPLIES NOW AVAILABLE FOR SECURE ONLINE ORDERING BY CREDIT CARD! We will not be taking orders by check or cash this year. To order your supplies: 1. Log on to 2. Type in COL006 for the SCHOOL ID 3. Enter student’s info 4. Click “add to cart” & “continue” or “check out” Cost for both 5th and 6th grade pack is $65.00 Plus 8.25% sales tax added at online checkout. ONLINE SALE: NOW THROUGH JUNE 16TH 2015 COLLINS INCOMING 5TH REGISTRATION Monday, May 4th: 4th grade visits Collins (During School Day) Monday, May 4th Incoming 5th Parent Orientation Night @ Collins 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 5th 4th Grade Instrument Selection (Band & Orchestra)@ Collins 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 6th Incoming 5th Parent Orientation Night @ Collins 9:00 a.m. (Repeat Session) Monday, May 11th 4th Grade Instrument Selection (Band & Orchestra) Collins 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. (Repeat Session) Students interested in Percussion must attend this night to be considered! KNOX REGISTRATION May 1 Deadline for all course request changes Dates may be adjusted. If Knox changes a date—Collins will send out a parent message immediately SOCIAL MEDIA Please help Collins keep our focus on academics by assisting with social media. If possible avoid children having a social media account such as Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook. If your child has a social media account please monitor their activity and their friends regularly. Please remind your children of the importance of saying and staying positive when using social media. Remind students that pictures and things they say stay on-line indefinitely. Report concerns or inappropriate use of social media directly to the company. COLLINS INTERMEDIATE 8 CISD 6TH GRADE SOLO & ENSEMBLE On April 11th, 6th grade band members participated in solo and ensemble at Wilson Intermediate. We are so very proud of all of our 6th grade band students that participated. On April 18th, 5th grade band members will perform in solo and ensemble at College Park High School. Students should wear jeans or dress pants (example: black or khaki) with the band polo. Performance time for students will be shared when the information is available. MARK YOUR CALENDAR! *String Fling @ College Park HS, May 20th, 7:00pm *Collins Orchestras Spring Concert, May 27th, 9:30am and 6:30pm More detailed information about these events will be sent home closer to the date. SINGERS AND RINGERS Congratulations to Lanna Fitzsimons and Tamara Ozol who represented Collins at the CISD Intermediate Choir Concert on March 4. Thank you for your sharing your beautiful voices. Both the Concert Handbell Choir and the Chamber Handbell Choir will competed on Saturday, April 11 at Wilkerson Intermediate in the CISD Solo & Ensemble Contest. We are proud of the students for their participation in this event. ART Congratulations on Collins Intermediate School's excellent art program which has again this year produced winners in the Pearl Fincher Museum of Fine Arts Student Art Contest and Juried Exhibition. COLLINS INTERMEDIATE Jacob Law, First Place, Division III, for “Taking a Break” Ezra Hu, Honorable Mention, Division III, for “Flowers With Many Colors” 9 2015-2016 Collins Cobra Students Thursday, August 13th Collins Express (Lockers, Books, Schedules, Supplies, Spirit Wear) 9:00 - 12:00 p.m. 6th Grade 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. 5th Grade Students/Parents unable to join us for Collins Express will receive all items the first day of school. Thursday, August 20th Meet & Greet 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Monday, August 24th 1st Day of School Monday, September 7th Labor Day - School Holiday Tuesday, September 8th Parent Information Night @ Collins 6:30 p.m. SUMMER 2015 ATHLETIC CAMP OPPORUNITIES Our Collins students have many opportunities to participate in various athletic camps this summer. Please visit the following link to learn more: SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS NEEDED: Conroe ISD Transportation Department NOW HIRING SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS No experience needed **Paid CDL training $13.70 per hour starting pay **Full benefits 180 working days + in-service days **Summers off $150.00 Sign on Bonus Requirements for employment: Must pass background/criminal records check Must have permit and must be able to obtain CDL with passenger and school bus endorsements (CISD will provide training) Training will start after permit has been obtained Must have a good driving record Must pass Department of Transportation physical and drug screen NON-DISCRIMINATION The Conroe Independent School District (District) as an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner. For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936) 709-7752. COLLINS INTERMEDIATE 10
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