Colonial Park United Methodist Church Making disciples of Jesus Christ by seeking God’s will, sharing God’s love, and serving God and our neighbors Volume 32 March 25, 2015 Number 12 From United Methodist Questions, United Methodist Answers by F. Belton Joyner, Jr.: How do we know God? What we know about God is what God has revealed to us. Human understanding of God is limited by the boundaries of human imagination and vocabulary. God is beyond human capacity. God is “wholly other.” Sometimes this is referred to as the transcendence of God. God has taken the initiative to be known by humankind. The biblical word for this kind of knowledge has a quality of intimacy and closeness. God is here. Sometimes this is referred to as the immanence of God. The full expression of God is in Jesus Christ. No wonder that Jesus is called Emmanuel—that name means “God with us” (Matt. 1:23). God cares so much about what is happening among humans that God came and lived among us. That tells us something about God! Ages ago, people who responded to God’s loving presence began to keep a record of what God did among God’s people. Stories were told. Poems were written. Laws were noted. Events were remembered. Teachings were traced. Testimonies were recalled. Legends were transmitted. Judgements were heard. Hope was depicted. People of faith began to recognize that these records of God’s work were themselves revelation from God. So we say that the Bible is another way we get to know God (2 Tim. 3:16). United Methodists tend to put an emphasis on a personal experience with God. A preacher might say: “It is not enough to know about God; one must know God.” This personal experience is sometimes active in the obvious (“God has made the orchid a thing of beauty!”), which might be called general revelation. This personal experience is sometimes companion only to the gift of faith, which might be called special revelation. In this regard, United Methodists often celebrate the experience of founder John Wesley, who wrote in his May 24, 1738, journal about what happened when he went to what was probably a Moravian small-group meeting at Aldersgate Street in London: “About a quarter before nine, while [the reader] was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, for salvation; and an assurance was given me, that He had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death.” Out of such encounters with the movement of God, we get to know God. Peace, Scott Holy Week Worship Services Palm Sunday—March 29th at 8:30, 9:30 & 11:00 am This service embodies the sharp contrasts of Holy Week. As we enter with the palms, we experience the joyous demonstration of loyalty to Jesus as he enters Jerusalem, including festive Palm Sunday music. However, as we move further into the service, the mood changes to a more somber one when we confront and respond to the story of Jesus’ passion. Maundy Thursday—April 2nd at 7:00 pm On this night, we commemorate the supper Jesus shared with his disciples before his crucifixion, when Jesus washed his disciples’ feet and instituted the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. The word “Maundy” comes from the Latin mandatum novum, recalling the new commandment Jesus gave. He said: “Just as I have loved you, you should love one another” (John 13:34). We will remember that commandment and both of Jesus’ actions that night with a service of Word and Table. Continued on p. 2 The Week Ahead . . . Sunday, March 29 Palm Sunday 8:00 am—1:00 pm UMW Craft & Bake Sale 8:30 am Traditional Worship Service 8:30 am - 12:00 pm Nursery 9:30 am The Gathering Worship Service 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Traditional Worship Service Kids’ Own Worship/202 12:00 pm Children’s Library Open 4:00 pm Colonial Park Rangers Youth Group/FP 6:30 pm Pickleball/CLC Monday, March 30 9:30 am Fitness Our Way/CLC MDO 5:30 pm Yoga/CLC Tuesday, March 31 6:00 am Men’s Spiritual Quest/CR 9:30 am UMW Craft Group/FH 1:00 pm Knitting & Crochet Group/GR 6:00 pm Zumba/CLC 6:30 pm Prophecy of Grace Study/GR Wednesday, April 1 9:30 am Fitness Our Way/CLC MDO 10:00 am Prayer Group/GR 2:30 pm Youth Activities 5:30 pm Yoga/CLC 6:00 pm Helping Hands Circle/FH 6:30 pm Chancel Choir Thursday, April 2 1:30 pm Pickleball/CLC 7:00 pm Maundy Thursday Service/SC Friday, April 3 Church Office Closes at Noon 9:30 am Fitness Our Way/CLC MDO 10:00 am Prophecy of Grace Study/GR 7:00 pm Good Friday Service/SC Saturday, April 4 8:30 am Men’s Breakfast & Study/FH 11:00 am—1:00 pm UMM Pork Loin Sale CR - Conference Room SC - Sanctuary FP - Fire Place FH - Fellowship Hall CLC - Christian Life Center (Gym) GR - Garden Room CH - Chapel J.O.Y. Senior Adult Schedule All senior adults are invited to mark their calendars with the following schedule of activities for this month. Plan to attend and enjoy each event with your friends! J.O.Y. Supper Club at Lunch: 10:30 am on Thursday, March 26 Our J.O.Y. Group will go to the Lenten Service at Calvary Episcopal Church for our Supper Club at Lunch this month. We are going on Thursday, March 26, and we will leave the church at 10:30 am. We will have lunch at Calvary around 11:00 am and attend the Lenten Services at 12:05 pm. The speaker will be Dr. Mitzi Minor, Professor of New Testament at Memphis Theological Seminary. Dr. Minor is a very popular speaker and it will be a great opportunity to hear her. Please sign up and plan to attend this time of fellowship and enrichment. If you have a question or need transportation to the church please call us, Mary Ann and Joe Piercey, at 901489-3899. Holy Week Worship Services Continued... Good Friday—April 3rd at 7:00 pm During this service we will remember Jesus’ death…something we must do in order to fully experience the joy of Easter. Through scripture and song, we will follow Jesus on his way to the cross, stopping along the way to observe various moments from Jesus’ time in the garden to the sealing of the tomb. Easter Sunday—April 5th at 8:30, 9:30 (on the lawn) & 11:00 am The Day of Resurrection, the day of new life! Sin and death are defeated, and we gather to rejoice. The alleluias, which have been buried through the season of Lent, are spoken and sung again, reminding us that all praise belongs to the risen Lord. This Easter, we will celebrate with festive music and the truth that Jesus, who once was dead, is alive. Come, hear that the empty tomb means life for us. HOP ON DOWN TO THE EGG HUNT Children of all ages are invited to attend our annual Easter Egg Hunt to be held on Saturday, March 28th at 10:00 am. There will be games, treats, and fun for all. Please assist us in collecting individually wrapped candy to fill the plastic eggs. A collection basket is located outside the children’s ministry office. Thank you! THANK YOU TO OUR VOLUNTEERS March 29 Crucifer & Acolyte Evan Alford & Kathryn Cooper Nursery Libby Bilderbeck Extended 2’s 3’s & 4’s Ellen & Ken Markwell Children’s Church Eric Clark & Stacy Lowe CP Ranger Dinner Jessica & Patrick Moore Christine Russell It’s time to order your Easter Hydrangeas! Order forms are available upon request in the church office. The cost is $16 per hydrangea and payments can be made to “Colonial Park UMC.” The deadline for all orders is March 29, so get your order in now. All proceeds go to support our youth programs. UMW Craft & Bake Sale 8:00 am—1:00 pm on Sunday, March 29 Baked goods and crafts will be accepted in the Garden Room on Saturday, March 28, 9 am-1 pm. Baked goods must be priced, have the baker's name and telephone and be marked for NUTS. Crafts must be priced. Ladies, let’s get to makin' and bakin'! 2 Adult Study Group: Bill Fuller is still playing piano for us—thank you! Kitty Bartlett gave the opening prayer, and Ginny Reed was our Sweet Lady—yum! We had 16 members present. Really glad to see Gus Morris, Lil Allen and Roberta Landers back. Now that it’s springtime, let’s hope next week we will have a full house. Jim Moss had a great class on John, and gave our closing prayer. Please visit us—we enjoy company! Covenant Class: Room 105 - We invite new worshipers and guests to our class. We are an intergenerational fellowship of couples and singles from the mid-30’s on up, and our classroom is located across from the choir room down from the nursery. We study a variety of short-term lessons. We look forward to seeing you Sunday. Fidelis: Thank you, Charles Gilliland, for an interesting lesson and discussion about Jesus, as he breathed on the disciples and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit.” If the disciples were to go, as Jesus did, He knew the power they would need. As Ezekiel raised an army from dry bones and God had breathed life into Adam, Jesus gave power to His disciples. 21 present. A big welcome back for Robert Scallions, who will teach next Sunday. Visitors are welcome. Friendship: Our class studies short term books on a variety of Christian topics. If you are looking for a Sunday School class, you are welcome to visit us. We meet in room 251 above the Fellowship Hall at 9:45. Wesleyan Class: Sunday, March 29. Title of the lesson: The One Who Comes. Purpose: To join the Palm Sunday crowd in celebrating Jesus as Lord. Hearing the word: Mark 11:1-11. Key Verses: "Those in front of him and those following were shouting, 'Hosanna! Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord.'" (Mark 11:9) Junior High/Senior High Sunday School: Join us in Room 250 for lively Bible lessons and discussions that will help jumpstart your week at 9:45 am each Sunday morning. M u s ic No t e s BELLS! HOSANNAS! AND PALM BRANCHES! Come join us this Sunday, March 29, as we celebrate the beginning of Holy Week, the most important week in the Christian year. We will have the procession of children of all ages, Chancel Choir, handbells, organ and palm branches. Then the little bitty Pre-K's will sing four little songs that they have worked so hard on. The Colonial Park Rangers, youth handbells and Chancel Choir will join forces to sing "Blessed is He that Comes in the Name of the Lord! Hosanna!" Jim Collier will sing "The Holy City"...and then the tone of the service will change as we begin to experience the events that will happen later in the week. Harlon and Janie Walker will sing "The Sacrifice." There will be a Reader's Theatre reading of the Passion Story by Stacey Stevens, Scott Alford and Bill Fuller. All of this combined with great congregational singing and Holy Communion will be a fantastic start of Holy Week. The 8:30 and 11:00 am traditional services will be identical. The Colonial Park Rangers will be singing in the 9:30 Gathering service as well. Please come, and invite all your relatives and friends to join us. SPECIAL NOTE TO GOOD FRIDAY TABLEAU PARTICIPANTS: This is for all of you who have consented to be a part of our tableaus, "The Way of the Cross," to be presented on Good Friday night, April 3 at 7:00 pm. We will have our one and only rehearsal on this coming Sunday, Palm Sunday, March 29 at 4:00 pm in the Sanctuary. The rehearsal will last about an hour and you will get your costume at that time. As always, you are so greatly appreciated and we thank you for your participation in this event. Family Promise Week: April 12-19 Help us provide food and shelter to the homeless by offering to help with set-up, take-down, meals, laundry, or even just spending time with these families that are experiencing difficult life situations. We will be hosting them for one week, and we will need everyone’s help. Sign-up sheets are out in the Main Hall, and you can contact John Oldenburg at with any questions. Let’s share God’s love and serve God and our neighbors in need through this great outreach! 3 Remembering Our Vows… Will you support Colonial Park United Methodist Church with your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service and your witness? Our Prayers: Please pray for our shut-ins. Our Service: Thank you to everyone who helped out with the VBS Funshop on Saturday! Our Presence: 3/22/15 Worship, 8:30 am: 34 The Gathering, 9:30 am: 73 Worship, 11:00 am: 160 Total: 267 Sunday School: 119 CP Rangers: 25 Our Offerings: Sunday Offering 3/22/15 $ 9,924.20 Budget $ 725,149.00 Weekly Requirement $ 13,945.17 Gifts to the Church In memory of Al Caldwell, by Ben & Betty Hale, Wayne & Vicki Robertson. Judge Frank Crawford, by Lucy Crawford to the Easter Offering. Jo Gallimore, by Ben & Kathy Hill, Ken Lassiter & Shari Stevens, The Muscari Family, Reba C. Trout, M.B. Wingfield, Albert & Ann Hegman, Ben & Betty Hale, Wayne & Vicki Robertson, and The Jowers Family. Jo Gallimore, by Lynn & Rhonda Harris to the Music Ministry. Jo Gallimore, by Lottie Hogue to the Senior Adult Ministry. Felix Green, brother of Jewel Hill, by Shirley Parham & Vicki Watson to the Prayer Group. Fay Perkins, by Tim & Denise Cooper. Blanche Boren Scott, by Lewis & Anita Herrington, B.D. Colten, M.B. Wingfield, Ben & Betty Hale, Jewel Crowson, Scott & Anne Bush, Wayne & Vicki Robertson. Blanche Boren Scott, by Lynn & Rhonda Harris to the Music Ministry. Blanche Boren Scott, by Shirley Parham & Vicki Watson to the Prayer Group. Blanche Boren Scott, by Lottie Hogue to the Senior Adult Ministry. Les Stratton, by Judy Rutledge, the Adult Study Group, Bob Sharp, Sandy Wynns, William & Betty Rachels, Martha Starr, Jack & Minnie Walker, Jerry Gay, Benton Wheeler, Albert & Ann Hegman, Mr. & Mrs. Willis H. Willey, James F. Springfield, the Cordova Club Owners Association Board of Directors, Jamie Chapman, Ben & Betty Hale. Les Stratton, by Lynn & Rhonda Harris to the Music Ministry. Les Stratton, by Lottie Hogue to the Senior Adult Ministry. Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study The next men’s breakfast and Bible Study will be on Saturday, April 4, at 8:30 am in the Fellowship Hall. Non-Profit Organization Colonial Park United Methodist Church 5330 Park Avenue Memphis, TN 38119-3605 U.S. POSTAGE PAID Memphis, TN Permit No. 671 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Church Staff Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Scott A. Alford Directors of Senior Adults & Home Care Ministries Rev. Dr. Joe & Mary Ann Piercey Pastor Emeritus Rev. Charles Stewart Director of Music Bill Fuller Organist Susan Steppe Director of Children’s Ministries Debbie Trusty Director of Mother’s Day Out Elizabeth Levy Director of Youth Christie Entrekin Director of Recreation Brian Maness Financial/Membership Staff Charlotte Martin Admin./Publications Staff Erin Potter Facility Maintenance Erica Clark & Neil Vause Church Security Eric Clark is a weekly newsletter of Colonial Park United Methodist Church. Items for the newsletter should be submitted by noon on Monday to Erin Potter, Publications Secretary. The newsletter is published biweekly, mailed third class on Wednesday, and e-mailed weekly, except holidays. Visitors are invited to the Sunday worship services at 8:30, 9:30 and 11:00 am, and to Sunday School at 9:45 am. Join us Sunday mornings 9:30 am in the CLC Neighborhood Center Food Drive Featured Food for March: Sunday Morning Worship March 29: Dr. Scott Alford Liturgist: Susan Warner Scriptures: Isaiah 50:4-9a; Philippians 2:5-11 Pasta Noodles & Saltine Crackers Drop donations in the grocery basket in the main hall. Holy Community UMC Smith Center Breakfast Schedule: April 19 Colonial Park Youth Handbells: don’t forget that we’ll be playing at the 8:30 and 11:00 am services this coming Sunday! GROUP Drive 4 April 12 Tel: (901) 683-5286 Fax: (901) 684-1391 E-mail: Web: Office Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm There will be no Wednesday Faire on April 1 due to Holy Week. United Methodist Men Plan Easter Weekend Sale Supplement your family's Easter meal by purchasing a delicious smoked pork loin prepared by the Colonial Park United Methodist Men. The cost is $30 each and you may reserve your selection by signing up on the order sheet in the Main Hall or by calling the Church Office at 683-5286. You may pick up your order on Saturday, April 4, from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm at The Fireplace. Payment may be made at the time of pickup. The deadline to reserve your selection is April 1, at the end of the business day. All proceeds will benefit the United Methodist Men’s missions and services. Place your order today! April 2015 @ Colonial Park UMC Locations: GR—Garden Room CR—Conference Room CLC—Christian Life Center (Gym) FP—FirePlace FH—Fellowship Hall SC—Sanctuary Sun Mon 5 6 9:30 am MDO Easter Sunday See Sunday Schedule 9:30 am Fitness Our Way/CLC No afternoon Children 5:30 pm Yoga or Youth Activities 12 13 See Sunday Schedule 9:30 am MDO 9:30 am Fitness Our 9:30am—1:30 pm Way/CLC Lifeblood Drive 5:30 pm Yoga Wednesday Faire Sunday Schedule 2:30 pm Youth Group/GR 8:30 & 11:00 am Traditional Worship Services 5:30 pm Dinner/FH 8:30 am - 12 pm Nursery 6:00 pm Helping Hands Circle/Craft Rm. 9:30 am The Gathering Worship Service/CLC (4th Wednesday in 105) 9:45 am Sunday School Classes 6:30 pm Chancel Choir 11 am Kids’ Own Worship, 202 12 pm Children’s Library Open 4 pm Youth Group/FP Making disciples of Jesus Christ by 4 pm Colonial Park Rangers/ CLC & FH seeking God’s will, 6 pm Youth Handbells/Choir Room sharing God’s love and 6:30 pm Pickleball/CLC serving God and our neighbors. Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 9:30 am MDO 9:30 am Fitness Our Way/ CLC 10 am Prayer Group/GR 5:30 pm Yoga/CLC No Wednesday Faire 2 3 4 8:30 am Men’s Maundy Thursday Good Friday Breakfast & Bible 1:30 pm Pickleball/ Church Office Will Close Study/FH CLC at Noon 11 am—1 pm UMM 7 pm Maundy 9:30 am MDO Pork Loin Sale/FP Thursday Service 9:30 am Fitness Our Way/ CLC 10 am Prophecy of Grace Bible Study/GR 7 pm Good Friday Service/ SC 7 6 am Men’s Spiritual Quest/CR 9:30 am UMW Craft Group/FH 1 pm Knitting Group/GR 6 pm Zumba/CLC 6:30 pm Prophecy of Grace Bible Study/GR 8 9:30 am MDO 9:30 am Fitness Our Way/ CLC 10 am Prayer Group/GR 5:30 pm Yoga/CLC See Wednesday Faire 9 10 am—2:45 pm HMS Orders 12 pm JOY Lunch/FH 1:30 pm Pickleball/ CLC 14 6 am Men’s Spiritual Quest/CR 9:30 am UMW Exec. Mtg./CR 10 am UMW General Meeting 1 pm Knitting Group/GR 6 pm Zumba/CLC 6 pm Doss/Shettles Grp. 6:30 pm Prophecy of Grace Bible Study/GR 15 9:30 am MDO 9:30 am Fitness Our Way/ CLC 10 am Prayer Group/GR 5:30 pm Yoga/CLC See Wednesday Faire 16 10 am JOY Outing 1:30 pm Pickleball/ CLC 10 9:30 am MDO 9:30 am Fitness Our Way/ FH 10 am Prophecy of Grace Bible Study/GR 11 Youth 30 Hour Famine 17 9:30 am MDO 9:30 am Fitness Our Way/ CLC 10 am Prophecy of Grace Bible Study/GR 18 Bible Skills Camp Out Family Promise (April 12-19) 19 20 See Sunday Schedule 9:30 am MDO 9:30 am Fitness Our Way/CLC 5:30 pm Yoga 21 6 am Men’s Spiritual Quest/CR 10:00 am UMW Circle Mtgs. 1 pm Knitting Group/GR 6 pm Zumba/CLC 6:30 pm Men’s Dinner & Mtg./ FH 6:30 pm Prophecy of Grace Bible Study/GR 22 9:30 am MDO 9:30 am Fitness Our Way/ CLC 10 am Prayer Group/GR 5:30 pm Yoga/CLC See Wednesday Faire 23 1:30 pm Pickleball/ CLC 5 pm JOY Supper Club 26 27 See Sunday Schedule 9:30 am MDO 9:30 am Fitness Our 12 pm Children’s Way/CLC Council Mtg./GR 5:30 pm Yoga 28 6 am Men’s Spiritual Quest/CR 9:30 am UMW Craft Group/FH 1 pm Knitting Group/GR 6 pm Zumba/CLC 6:30 pm Prophecy of Grace Bible Study/GR 29 9:30 am MDO 9:30 am Fitness Our Way/ CLC 10 am Prayer Group/GR 5:30 pm Yoga/CLC See Wednesday Faire 30 9 am—5 pm Life Line Screening/ CLC 5 24 9:30 am MDO 9:30 am Fitness Our Way/ CLC 10 am Prophecy of Grace Bible Study/GR 6:30 pm Youth Dinner Theater/CLC 25 11 am—12 pm HMS Pick Up/FH
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