William K. Sanford Town Library At the Library June 2015 629 Albany Shaker Rd. Loudonville, NY 12211 HOURS: Monday - Thursday 9 AM - 8 PM Friday 9 AM - 6 PM Saturday 9 AM - 5 PM Closed Sunday through September 6 Call 458-9274 for information. e-mail us at: info@colonielibrary.org Web Page Address: www.colonielibrary.org Board of Trustees Rosemary Armao, President Jason Kramer, Vice President Matthew D. Sissman, Secretary Kimberly Fanniff Carol Rosenthal Janet Kiffney Donna Martin Town of Colonie Paula A. Mahan, Supervisor Town Board William Carl David Green Brian Haak Linda Murphy Paul Rosano David Rowley Death With Dignity in NYS: How Can You Make a Difference? In April, over 80 people attended a panel Discussion on Death With Dignity in New York State here. Death with Dignity-Albany, the sponsors of that discussion, will be having a follow up on Tuesday, June 30, starting at 12:15 PM. Half of the states in our country are currently considering “death with dignity” bills. New York is no exception – here, three legislative bills and a lawsuit have been introduced seeking to make it legal for terminally ill adults to choose aid in dying. How can people effectively advocate for legal change in NYS? Join us for a discussion of advocacy tools and techniques led by Barbara Bartoletti, Legislative Director of the League of Women Voters of NYS, who is a seasoned expert on lobbying and other forms of advocacy. Also featured will be Mark Dann, the New York Regional Campaign Manager for Compassion and Choices – one of the leading national organizations working to improve care and expand choice at the end of life. The program is free and open to the public. Further information: info@peoplework.com How To Self-Publish With Local Author Lue Cleveland A sure way to get your book published is the self-publishing route. One person who took that route will be here to talk about her journey: local author Lue Cleveland retired from her work in the education field and pursued her lifelong dream of writing a book. Along the way, she learned a great deal about the world of self-publishing and she will share her knowledge and experience with self publishing in an interactive workshop on Thursday, June 18, at 6:30 PM. Topics will include: writing, editing, copyright, ISBN, barcode, LCCN and a question and answer session. Lue, a married mother of three sons, currently resides in Albany and has always loved and enjoyed writing. Her first book is the recently-published mystery novel Perception. She is presently working on her second novel (currently untitled), which will be a sequel to Perception. Book Review: H Is For Hawk Our monthly book review is moving to the evening this month for a review of the surprise best seller of 2015 – a book that combines falconry and grief: H Is For Hawk by Helen Macdonald. The review will be on Wednesday, June 24, at 6:30 PM. About the book from the NY Times: “The premise of her memoir is simple: Macdonald loses her bearings after her beloved father’s sudden death. She retreats from the human world. She’s a poet, historian and longtime falconer, and for complicated reasons, she seizes upon a strange yet sublime prescription for what ails her: She will raise and train a young goshawk, a cur of a bird to some, notoriously difficult to tame. Bigger, ‘bulkier, bloodier, deadlier, scarier,’ she says, than other hawks they are sometimes confused with.” The book “is good about death, about parents, about depression, about solitude and about keeping small cute, dead animals in your freezer to toss to your hawk. But it is especially good about class and gender.” (continued on page three) 2015 Photography Contest Get your photos ready for the annual Library photography contest coming up in August. Amateur photographers may submit up to two framed photos for the 2015 Colonie Library Photography Contest and Exhibit. Photos will be judged for their impact, artistry, and technique. All entries must be framed with a wire (preferred) or clip for hanging, with the photos between 8x10 and 11x14 (not counting the frame), and received at the Library's Information Desk by 5:00 PM on Friday, July 24th. “Like us on Facebook” Go to www.facebook.com/ colonielibrary More Stories & Highlights... Color for Residential Interiors.........................p. 3 New Computer/Technology Classes................p. 3 Computer/Technology Class Schedule............p. 4 PROGRAMS 1 MONDAY- Hudson Mohawk Bird Club: Bluebird Trail Management and Research- Interested in maximizing success with your bluebird boxes? Or just to learn more about bluebirds? In this program, Kevin Berner will cover his research findings related to which nest box designs are most effective for attracting bluebirds and how predation can be minimized at nest boxes. Speaker Professor Kevin Berner is in the SUNY Cobleskill Fisheries, Wildlife, and Environmental Science Department, where he has taught Wildlife Management, Wildlife Techniques, Terrestrial Ecology, and Natural History of the Vertebrates for 28 years. He has conducted bluebird research since 1987. Professor Berner was the Research Chairman for the North American Bluebird Society for a dozen years and has been on their Nest Box and Education Committees. At 7:00 PM. 3 WEDNESDAY- Albany Artists Group Exhibit Opening ReceptionThe annual exhibit by one of the oldest art groups in the area will be on display June 2-29. The public is invited to the reception from 6:00-8:00 PM. 4 THURSDAY- Neal Benoit on The Belmont Stakes- Due to surgery, Neal Benoit’s first two Triple Crown previews were cancelled; however, he will be here for a Belmont Stakes preview – complete with on-screen race and racetrack analyses. Neal’s website www.gettingoutofthegate.com is dedicated to educating and entertaining fans of the sport. He has been an avid horseplayer for 35 years and travels regularly to horse racing venues throughout the United States. Check out the website – you’ll be impressed! The website not just about wagering. There are all kinds of stories, articles, profiles, and interviews on handicapping and on the many people involved in all aspects of the sport. At 7:00 PM. 6 SATURDAY- Capital Region Parrot Society- A special presentation of a webinar that was originally recorded on December 13, 2014, and features professional animal trainer Barbara Heidenreich offering “Solutions for Biting and Aggressive Behavior in Companion Parrots.” If you are tired of getting bit by your parrot or are stumped by his or her aggressive behavior, then this is the program for you! The total run time is about one hour and 45 minutes. After the program, we will have a discussion. The Capital Region Parrot Society is an all volunteer, not for profit 501c3 organization dedicated to adoption and rescue of parrots and to providing education on their proper care. For more information about our organization, please visit our website at: www.crparrotsociety.org Please join us and learn more about these beautiful and fascinating creatures! At 1:30 PM. 8 MONDAY- AARP of Colonie--Chapter 2873- The chapter will hold a Chinese Auction. Bring new of slightly used items for inclusion in the auction. New members and/or guests are welcome. At 1:00 PM. 8 MONDAY- Mystery/Suspense Book Discussion Group- The group meets on the second Monday of each month in the Youth Services Activity Room. This month’s discussion will be Kate Atkinson’s book Case Histories. Copies of the book are available ahead of time at the Circulation Desk. At 1:30 PM. The Friends of the Library gather every second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM in the Youth Services Activity Room for their regular meeting. To register for programs requiring reservations please call the Information Desk at 810-0314 (direct line). 9 TUESDAY- Film Series: American Cinema and WWII with Lenny Zapala- The Miracle of Morgan’s Creek, a 1944 screwball comedy film written and directed by Preston Sturges, starring Eddie Bracken and Betty Hutton, and featuring Diana Lynn, William Demarest and Porter Hall. In 2001, The Miracle of Morgan's Creek was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant". The film also holds position #54 on the American Film Institute's 100 Years... 100 Laughs list of the top 100 funniest films in movie history, and in 2006 was voted by Premiere one of "The 50 Greatest Comedies Of All Time". At 6:30 PM. 10 WEDNESDAY- Red Cross Blood Drive- Nearly every two seconds someone in the United States needs blood. The Library will be holding a blood drive to help boost the regional blood supply. To be eligible to donate blood, donors must be 17 years of age (16 with a signed Red Cross parental permission slip), weigh at least 110 pounds and have ID with them when they donate. Anyone who has received a tattoo has to wait one year from the date they received the tattoo. For those that have other questions regarding eligibility, you may call 1-800-RED CROSS. To make an appointment please call 1-800-RED CROSS or visit www.redcrossblood.org. Remember, every blood donation helps save three lives! From 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM. 11 THURSDAY- Documentary Film: Love is a Verb- Join the Turkish Cultural Center of Albany in collaboration with the International Center of the Capital Region for a screening of the documentary film, Love is a Verb. This film by Terry Spencer Hesser shines a spotlight on Sufi leader Fethullah Gulen and the social movement he inspired among Sunni Muslims in Turkey in the late 1960’s which has since spread across the globe. For more information, contact the International Center of the Capital Region at info@iccralbny.org or (518) 708-7608. From 6:00–8:00 PM. 15 MONDAY- Chinese Film/Discussion Series- I-Hsin Wu, Adjunct Professor of Sociology at Ualbany, is currently hosting a film/discussion series titled “Introducing Chinese Culture Through Chinese Films.” The series began last November and concludes this month with the multiaward winning Taiwanese/Japanese film Yi Yi: A One and A Two – written and directed by Edward Yang, about the emotional struggles of a businessman and the lives of his middle-class Taiwanese family in Taipei seen through three generations and from three different perspectives: the middle-aged father, the young son, and the teenage daughter. At 5:00 PM. Knitting Group Dates The knitting group will meet in the Youth Services Activity Room on Fridays, June 12 & 26, from 2:00-4:00 PM. For further information contact Cindy Kinch-Kemp at 783-9382 or cmkinch@aol.com . AARP Driving Classes Thursday & Friday, June 18 & 19, from 1:00-4:00 PM Tuesday & Thursday, August 18 & 20, from 1:00-4:00 PM Call the Library Information Desk at 810-0314 for reservations. Attendance is required at both sessions. There is a $20 AARP member/ $25 non-member materials fee payable to AARP. Class size is limited and advance registration is required. For information on other classes, please call Pat Latimer at 463-5221. Certain services and programs are adaptable to people with disabilities, upon request. Please contact our Outreach Librarian at 458-9274 to discuss your accessibility needs. 16 TUESDAY- Fresh Air Fund New Host Orientation- Families hosting a New York City child for the first time will learn details about the Fresh Air Fund and what to expect during their hosting experience. Each summer, the Fresh Air Fund matches thousands of New York City children with volunteer host families. These visits provide unforgettable summer experiences for everyone involved. At 6:30 PM. 16 TUESDAY- Colonie Tuesday Night Live Poets' Corner- Local poets and writers of all ages are invited to present six to ten minutes of their original work at this open reading forum. Hosted by William Robert Foltin (785-1252). At 7:00 PM. (ESL Room) 17 WEDNESDAY- Pre-Planning Cemetery Services- An introduction to pre-planning for your family’s cemetery needs presented by Joe Mazmanian from Memory Gardens Memorial Park and Cemetery. The step-by-step educational program includes history, rules, regulations, current laws, and burial options for you and your family. Reservations are required. At 6:00 PM. 18 THURSDAY- How to Self-Publish with Local Author Lue Cleveland- At 6:30 PM. (see story page one) 20 SATURDAY- People to People Student Ambassadors- From 9:30 AM-12:30 PM. 22 MONDAY- Maximize Your Social Security Benefits- Make sure you are aware of the few key decisions that can make a big difference in the amount of your Social Security benefit. Attend our workshop and learn strategies for maximizing your benefit, tax planning and supplementing your retirement income. The session will cover key Social Security benefit decisions and simple steps that can help maximize your benefit. Join us before your make landmark decisions that may not be able to be reversed. Presented by Frank Finch, Principal of Life Stages Financial Group. Reservations are required. From 6:15-7:45 PM. 23 TUESDAY- An Introduction to Mindfulness: What's All the Buzz?- Have you been struck by the recent wave of news stories, articles, and use of the word "mindfulness" in the media? Large corporations, hospitals, and schools have introduced mindfulness into their environments and the research on the positive outcomes is ever-growing. With thousands of books, videos, websites, and device applications, how does one choose a place to start? As a psychologist with over a decade of teaching mindfulness to individuals and groups, Dr. Erika Frances has found a practical way to introduce the basic elements of mindfulness and offer real-life strategies that fit into today's busy world. Join Dr. Frances in learning how to make the time in your schedule to slow down for a moment while feeling more connected with the world around you. Discover what all the buzz is about! Reservations are required. At 6:00 PM. 24 WEDNESDAY- Book Review- H Is For Hawk by Helen Macdonald will be reviewed by Richele Ford. At 6:30 PM. (see story page one) 25 THURSDAY- Color for Residential Interiors- For most people, choosing paint colors can be overwhelming. Not only is it necessary to take the room’s furnishings into consideration, but paint finish, adjacent room color, sight lines, architecture and light sources all play an important role in making an informed choice. This 60 minute talk (plus Q & A) is comprised of a Powerpoint lecture including over 50 examples of how and how not to use color. The talk combines both the science and art of proper color application and an exploration of the profound emotional, psychological and physiological effects that color has on all of us. Amy Krane, Architectural Color Consultant and founder of Amy Krane Color, is trained by the International Association of Color Consultant/Designers of North America and was selected as “Best of HOUZZ 2014 + 2015”, the home decorating website with over 25 million monthly users. She is a regular contributor on Upstater.com and was featured recently in Hudson Valley Magazine and Home Depot’s in-house magazine, InPaint. Reservations are required. At 5:45 PM. 27 SATURDAY- Capital District Genealogical Society: Italian Americans and Their Rich Legacy- Speaker Professor Philip DiNovo, Officer and Founder of the American Italian Heritage Association and Museum, located on Central Ave., Albany, will talk about the material at the museum. The speaker/program begins at 1:00 PM followed by the Computer Group at 2:30 PM. 30 TUESDAY- Death With Dignity in NYS: How Can You Make a Difference?- At 12:15 PM. (see story page one) 30 TUESDAY- Fiction Book Discussion Group- The group meets on the last Tuesday of the month, September-June (off in December) in the Youth Services Activity Room. To join or for information, contact: Paul Drezelo, drezelop@colonielibrary.org. At 7:00 PM. H is for Hawk continued Our reviewer will be Richele Ford, and she writes: “I have been a falconer for 15 years and have flown red-tailed hawks, harris hawks, and a kestrel. I also have an Education Permit from both NYS and the federal government. This allows me to give Birds of Prey educational programs. For those programs I work with a great horn owl, a barred owl, a barn owl, and a screech owl along with any birds that I have on my falconry license. I give programs at many locations in the capital area and at many State Parks throughout the year. I live with my husband of 30 years who is also a falconer. I have two adult sons who have, over the years, helped out with our birds.” Friends of the Library News Summer has come and with it the Friends of the Library Book Nook at the Crossings. We will be there every Saturday until September 12. Do stop and visit. Remember, all hardcover books are $1, paperbacks are $.50, and children’s books are also $.50. We continue to accept donations of books. There is a continuing need for children’s books. All proceeds from all Friends events are used to help the library obtain equipment, furniture and material it might not otherwise be able to afford. We hope to see you at all our events, and remember the Friends meet the second Tuesday of the month in the Youth Activity Room. All are welcome! New Computer/Technology Classes Finding and Using Freely Available Legal Resources on the Internet: Tuesday, June 2 @ 7:00 PM Want to learn more about finding legal forms, filing a court claim or action, getting attorney assistance, alternatives to court, where to find cases, statutes, rules and legislation on the web? This class provides information on all the above (focused on NYS law) plus an overview of the NYS legal system. Reservations are required; call 810-0314. (Intermediate) Using our Transparent Language Software to Learn a New Language: Thursday, June 11 @ 7:00 PM Want to learn the basics of a new language for interpersonal communication, travel or just for fun? The library provides Transparent Language software, an Internet-based program that teaches basic listening, speaking, reading and writing skills for 80 foreign languages and 24 native language ESL programs. This service is limited to Colonie library card holders. This class provides an overview of the software to help you start using it and learning right now! Reservations are required; call 810-0314. (Intermediate) Computer/Technology Classes... Registration is required for all classes; call 810-0314 All classes will meet in the Training/Conference Room (unless otherwise noted). Prior registration is required; call or visit the Information Desk. Skill Level Legend... Level is indicated by each class description. Beginner: No prior knowledge or experience required. Intermediate: Proficiency with the mouse and keyboard, basic Internet browsing, and familiarity with Windows recommended. Advanced: Confident computer proficiency recommended. Introduction to Computers: One on One (Beginner) Schedule an hour with a librarian. Depending on your skills we can focus on whatever basic skills you want. Thursday, June 11 at 2:00 PM or 3:00 PM Facebook For Beginners: Tuesday, June 9 @ 7:00 PM In this Social Media Lecture, you will learn basic survival tools for navigating the hazards and joys of Facebook. Designed for those library patrons who have already created or are thinking of creating a Facebook account. (Beginner w/Internet) Presenting Through PowerPoint: Saturday, June 20, 10:0011:30 AM This class will give an introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint, a program designed for creating presentations. Learn how to create a simple presentation, create and edit slides, insert pictures, apply designs, and run the slide show. (Beginner w/MS Office) Buying and Selling Online: eBay, Craig's List and Amazon: Saturday, June 6 @ 10:00 AM or Tuesday, June 16 @ 7:00 PM (ESL Room) Discover the differences between direct buy sites and auction style sites, understand the best practices for protecting personal information, and learn the benefits of buying and selling online. (Beginner w/Internet) One on One Computer Help (Beginner through Advanced) Bring your computer questions for a half hour of hands-on learning with a technology expert. Possible topics: Internet and social media, email, Mac and Windows operating systems, MS Office, file management, digital photo editing and cameras, apps, ebook readers, tablets, and more. Dates: Friday, June 5, from 2:00-4:00 PM, Monday, June 8, from 10:30 AM-12:30 PM; Friday, June 12, from 2:00-4:00 PM; Thursday, June 25, from 3:00-5:00 PM Overdrive Downloadable Audiobooks: By appointment; call the Information Desk Do you have an Ipod/MP3 Player/ Smartphone/PC and enjoy audiobooks? Learn the basics of downloading free audiobooks from our Overdrive digital service. Please feel free to bring your device into class. (Beginner) iPad Clinic: Monday, June 1, from 2:00–4:00 PM Kindle Clinic: Monday, June 8, from 2:00–4:00 PM Android Clinic: Monday, June 15, from 2:00–4:00 PM Nook Clinic: By appointment; call the Information Desk Do you have an E-reader/tablet and need to learn how to use it? These clinics will teach you the basics of using your device, as well as how to download free ebooks from the library’s digital catalog. Please feel free to bring your device. (Beginner) Microsoft Excel 2010 Basics I: Thursday, June 18 @ 6:00 PM This class will explore the basic features of Excel. Students will learn how to create a worksheet, perform simple calculations, and enter basic data. Students should be familiar with the Windows environment, the keyboard and be able to use a mouse. (Intermediate) Microsoft Excel 2010 Basics II: Thursday, June 25 @ 6:00 PM This class is designed for library patrons who have completed the Introduction to Excel class or are already familiar with the basics of entering and manipulating data in an Excel worksheet. Topics such as graphs, charts, advanced formulas, and data manipulation will be explored. (Intermediate) Advanced Excel 2010--Charts/Graphing, Data Analysis, Statistics: Thursday, June 4 @ 7:00 PM This is an advanced class designed for individuals who have a solid understanding of Excel and who are looking to use it for data analysis purposes. The class will cover how to create charts/graphs, use pivot tables for analysis, common statistical functions and Excel's free downloadable analysis add-in, Powerpivot. (Advanced w/strong Excel skills) Microsoft Access 2010 Beginning/Intermediate Class: No class this month; call for waiting list This is a two-part class teaching the basics of Microsoft Access 2010 databases. In class one, database fundamentals, creating tables and relationships, importing/exporting data will be covered. In class two, creating forms, queries and reports (pending time available) will be covered. (Intermediate w/Excel) Windows 8/8.1 Clinic: Saturday, June 13, from 10:00 AMNoon Learn how to get the most out of the new Windows interface, customize your home screen, navigate with a mouse or touch, access settings, and install apps. Bring your laptop or tablet to class to obtain hands on experience, or watch demonstrations that will prepare you to use your desktop at home. Bonus: learn how to stream videos and download free digital library content using the Overdrive app. (Beginner) File Management Workshop: Organizing Files and Photos: Thursday, June 18, from 2:00-4:00 PM Is your computer a chaotic jumble of digital photos, music, documents, and other files? Learn how to cut through the clutter with Windows File Explorer. We will explore file management principles and practice moving, renaming, sorting, and organizing files and folders. (Intermediate) Career Help Intro to Screen Casting: Monday, June 22, from 2:00-4:00 PM Learn how to connect your laptop, iPad, tablet, and/or smartphone to your tv to watch videos on the big screen. See the Apple TV, Chromecast, and HDMI cables in action, learn common ways to connect devices, and find out how to watch movies for free through the library. (Intermediate) Call the Information Desk to schedule help with a resume, prepare for an interview or fill out an online job application. Information Desk 810-0314. careers@colonielibrary.org Registration is required; call 810-0314 (See page three for new classes on Transparent Language Software and Legal Resources)
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