The landscape of safety is an ever-changing scene through which industry
professionals must find their way to success. What are your most important
markers on the road to safety… Leadership? Compliance? Technology?
We like to live by the philosophy, “Knowledge Keeps Everyone Safe” and
“Successful People Never Stop Growing”, and that is exactly what we aim
to do at the 2015 Rocky Mountain Health and Safety Conference. We will
arm you with the tools to use creativity when developing your safety plan,
understand the latest mobile technology and social media with imaginative
ways to implement them, and hear the latest updates in OSHA standards.
These topics are only the tip of the iceberg!
Our speakers will give you new tools to energize your safety program and
help inspire employees to be healthy and safe. Exhibitors will be on hand
with the latest products and services to give you fresh ideas for meeting
your safety goals and providing a safe work environment.
The Colorado Safety Association staff and Board of Directors look forward
to seeing you in May.
Liz Couture
Executive Director
May 18th-19th, 2015
Westin Westminster
10600 Westminster Blvd.
Westminster, CO 80020
Room Rate: $139.00
Monday, May 18th:
8:00 am - 9:00 am
Registration, Exhibits and Breakfast
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Find the Courage to Be Creative
10:00 am - 10:30 am Exhibit Break
10:30 am - 11:30 am Safety Climate: The
Pulse of Safety in
Your Organization
Safety & Health
Start with the Truth
11:30 am - 12:00 pm Exhibit Break
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch: Robotic Aviation in the Industrial Environment
1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Exhibit Break
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Discussion: Recent
Safety and Health
Developments and
What They Mean for
your Organization
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm Exhibit Break/Prize Drawing
Excellence in Safety
Employers and
Exploring How
to Use Social
Media to Improve
Health and Safety
Tuesday, May 19th:
8:00 am - 9:00 am
Registration and Breakfast
9:00 am - 10:15 am
Green Beans and Ice Cream: BEYOND ZERO INJURIES A New Frontier in Safety
10:15 am - 10:30 am Break
10:30 am - 11:30 am Welcome to the
Modern World of
Human Factors
Design for
Occupational and
Health and Safety:
Smart Technologies
and Smart Products
EHS Leadership
Best Practices
11:30 am - 12:45 pm Lunch: Essential Tools for Managing a Crisis (You Can’t Plan for a
Crisis When You’re Having One)
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Thinking Outside
the Fence: The
Reality of General
Liability Exposures
Surrounding a
2:00 pm - 2:15 pm
2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
The O’Shea Report: Change 180 - Dealing with Change
Through Humor
3:15 pm
Closing/Prize Drawing
SAFE (Safety
Accountability For
Everyone) - Using
Behavior Based
Safety Equipment
to Inspire Effective
Is the Health of
Your Employees
Impacting Your
Bottom Line?
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Find the Courage to be Creative
John Gilstrap
John Gilstrap, Inc
For the first twelve years of his
EH&S career, New York Times
bestselling author John Gilstrap
never told anyone that he was
writing books on the side because
he was afraid that colleagues might
think less of him professionally.
After his first novel became a
worldwide bestseller and made
him a millionaire, he left the safety
profession to write full time – but
only for a while. In this session,
John will share why he was drawn
back to the safety field he loves so
much, and share the details of the
biggest lesson he learned: the same
creativity that fuels his writing career
is what drives his success as a
safety manager.
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Safety Climate: The Pulse of
Safety in Your Organization
Rob Gardner & Chris Volz
Liberty Mutual
The concept of safety climate
was introduced in 1980 by
Dov Zohar, PhD as a means to
describe employees’ perceptions
of management’s commitment to
safety in organizations. There is a
growing body of scientific studies
on the topic of Safety Climate
with emerging evidence that it
is a leading indicator of safety
outcomes. In 2009, with Zohar’s
assistance, the Liberty Mutual
Insurance Research Institute Safety
Center for Behavioral Sciences
began an agenda of safety climate
studies. This breakout will address
elements of these studies that are
helping advance safety climate
as a practical tool for Safety
Management System improvement.
Safety & Health
Performance Matrix
Rick Zellen
Scott Dolan
Steve Cox
PCL Construction
Kristin R.B. White,
Jackson Kelly PLLC
Join EH&S professionals for a
discussion as to what makes a
successful safety program and
how that success is measured.
This panel discussion will cover
the evaluation and measurement
of a company’s safety and health
program. The topics to be explored
include: How does a safety director
evaluate whether the company’s
safety program is effective? Is it
only a function of reduced injuries,
or are there ways to quantify and
measure what actually makes a
successful safety program?
Start with the Truth
John Gilstrap
John Gilstrap, Inc
When it comes to establishing
effective safety programs, the
words we use and the images we
project mean a great deal – both to
managers and employees. In this
session, John Gilstrap will challenge
every attendee to re-think much of
what they have long considered to be
the “truth” about workplace safety.
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Robotic Aviation in the
Industrial Environment
Drew Jurkofsky
Unmanned Experts
Due to increased capability and
availability, Unmanned Aircraft
Systems (UAS) are becoming a
valuable, cost effective tool for
collecting aerial images and video
stream. Under recently proposed
FAA regulations, which make UAS
commercially viable, it is expected
this technology will soon be widely
accepted. UAS expert, Drew
Jurkofsky, will give us a glimpse
of how your company can use the
Unmanned Aircraft Systems to
enhance your operational safety and
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Interactive Discussion: Recent
Occupational Safety & Health
Developments and What they
Mean for Your Organization
Rod Smith
Sherman & Howard LLC
Herb Gibson
OSHA Denver Area Office
Dave Nelson
OSHA Englewood Area Office
Participate in this highly interactive
discussion on recent developments
in occupational safety and health.
Topics will include current
enforcement trends, OSHA guidance,
and proposed rulemaking.
Rod Smith of the law firm Sherman
& Howard LLC, will present the
employer’s perspective on these
issues. Herb Gibson and Dave
Nelson, OSHA Area Directors, will
share OSHA’s point of view on these
upcoming changes. We look forward
to an exciting, fast-paced discussion
that will educate the audience as
to “what’s hot” in occupational
safety and health, and provide an
opportunity to ask panelists your
pressing questions about trends and
Excellence in Safety
Darrell Lingk
Colorado Department of
Over the last three years, CDOT
has been in the process of
implementing a new behavioralbased safety process across the
organization. This new approach
is called “Excellence in Safety”
and it focusses specifically on the
supervisor/employee relationship
at the front line level (i.e. where the
work gets done). During this break
out you will learn how a new safety
process can be introduced into an
organization that has a fairly rigid
and hierarchical business culture. It
will show you how to approach your
leadership team and gain buy-in at
all levels of the organization. The
goal of this program is not to simply
reduce on the job injuries by some
arbitrary percentage, but to elevate
our safety culture first and foremost,
and then ideally a reduction in loss
history will follow.
Engaging Employers and
Employees: Exploring
How to Use Social Media to
Improve Health and Safety
Lili Tenny
Mountain & Plains ERC
With the rise of social media
and a new generation entering
the workforce, there is a need
to address new communication
methods that engage employees,
and promote health and safety.
Social media is not only creating
a more adaptable way to
communicate, it is also playing an
important role in shaping workplace
culture and helping shift away
from the traditional hierarchical
model. Lili will share effective tools
for safety professionals to use to
reach businesses and employees
on the job. You’ll leave this session
with the tools and the confidence
to implement new communication
strategies at your company.
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Green Beans & Ice Cream:
A New Frontier in Safety
Bill Simms, Jr.
The Bill Sims Company, Inc.
For years, leaders have been
challenged with hitting the goal of
zero injuries. Millions of dollars have
been spent by leading firms in search
of Zero, the “Holy Grail” of safety.
Many of these efforts have proved
beneficial, and yet many others
must be questioned. Some of the
finest safety cultures meet the goal
of Zero Injuries, only to find that a
tragic event shatters Zero, leaving it a
hollow memory of what was, but no
longer is. Why does this happen?
Is Zero really the right goal or is there
a better one that will drive continuous
safety improvement? Learn what lies
Beyond Zero, and how this is the
goal your culture must strive for to
not only survive, but thrive in today’s
competitive landscape.
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Welcome to the Modern
World of Safety
Melissa Ferrick & Marc Wetter
URS Energy & Construction
Smart phones, tablets and other
mobile technology continue
to transform our lives. Access
to information and people is
unprecedented and applications
seemingly pop up overnight to
make our life more productive and
sometimes more cluttered than ever
before. But are organizations getting
the most out of this technology in
terms of keeping employees safe?
In this session, you will learn how
to apply mobile technology in ways
that improve safety in the office and
in the field.
Human Factors Design
for Occupational and
Environmental Health and
Safety: Smart Technologies
and Smart Products
Juyeon Park, Ph.D
Human Factors Product Innovation
Lab, Colorado State University
Personal protective equipment
(PPE) is equipment worn to minimize
exposure to serious workplace
injuries and illnesses. However,
the extra layers of PPE often add
an additional load to occupational
workers. For example, while there
is no doubt the turnout gear worn
by firefighters save their lives, the
bulky, protective clothing may make
firefighters clumsy, causing them
to trip or be injured, and impedes
vision, mobility and movement – all
critical skills in fighting a fire. This
presentation will overview various
human factors issues and potential
design solutions for PPE to improve
occupational and environmental
health and safety for diverse user
populations, ranging from firefighters
to hospital patients.
EHS Leadership
Best Practices
Ryan Hellman & Craig Snyder
Hellman & Associates
Whether starting at a basic
compliance level or building towards
an externally-recognized EHS
management system, operational
leadership is required to effectively
implement and sustain EHS
improvements. This session will
highlight some leadership best
practices and examples around
compliance risk assessments,
EHS program development and
implementation, hazard corrective
action and closure, and continuous
11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
Essential Tools for Managing
a Crisis (You Can’t Plan
for a Crisis While You’re
Having One)
Steve Gray & Marv Rockford
Rockford Gray, LLC
There is nothing that challenges
an organization like the onset
of a crisis. Unfortunately, many
companies do a poor job of
planning, often because their
leaders think, “this won’t happen
to us.” Surviving a crisis with your
reputation intact means having
a workable plan and knowing
how to execute on that plan. This
program will be both informative
and interactive. During the session,
Rockford Gray will offer up crisis
management scenarios that will
cause you to consider the steps
you should take when disaster
strikes. These steps involve every
aspect of crisis response, including
operations and communications
as well as employee government,
client and partner relations, and will
serve as a helpful refresher to those
who are intimately involved in crisis
response. This session will provide
practical and proven tools that will
get any organization started with its
crisis response planning.
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Thinking Outside the Fence:
The Reality of General
Liability Exposures
Surrounding a Construction
Andy Giza
Willis Group
Whether you are a contractor
performing construction activities
or represent a firm that has
hired a contractor to perform
work within your facility, general
liability exposures are very real
and frequently overlooked. This
oversight can potentially lead to
costly unregulated claims that can
far exceed the cost of workers’
compensation claims, which are
governed by statutes. This session
will review the common exposures
associated with construction
activities that are in direct contact
with the general public and/or your
work force, and will equip you with
knowledge and tools to address and
help control these exposures.
SAFE (Safety Accountability
For Everyone) Using Behavior
Based Safety to Inspire
Effective Communication
Jeremy Sibert & Joshua Caudill
Hensel Phelps
During this session, Jeremy and
Joshua from Hensel Phelps will walk
you through how to use the Safety
Accountability for Everyone (SAFE)
Program as the primary method for
observing and correcting unsafe
behaviors of workers as well as
unsafe environmental conditions.
They will focus on components of
effective communication and its
use as part of the SAFE program in
addressing unsafe behaviors and/
or environments observed in the
field and how to positively reinforce
safe work practices. Details
of the program including form
documentation, database entry, and
implementation on a jobsite will also
be covered.
Is the Health of Your Employees
Impacting Your Bottom Line?
Karen Curran
Pinnacol Assurance
This session provides an in-depth
look at how the health of your
employees is impacting workers’
compensation costs and frequency
of claims and productivity. We will
review the research on worksite
wellness and its impact on workers’
compensation and provide you
with the resources and tools in
developing a worksite wellness
program and best practices.
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
The O’Shea Report:
Change 180 - Dealing with
Change Through Humor
Tim & Kris O’Shea
The O’Shea Report
Being bombarded with change at
every corner can leave you feeling
a little weary. Have no fear, Tim and
Kris will take you on a humorous
and informative journey through
the ups and downs of dealing with
our constantly changing world.
Described as the “Saturday Night
Live for Business,” this session
promises to be unlike anything
you’ve ever seen – and one you’re
unlikely to forget!
Platinum Sponsor:
Pinnacol Assurance
Silver Sponsors:
Jackson Kelly PLLC
Nestle Purina PetCare
Sherman & Howard L.L.C
Wells Fargo Insurance
Xcel Energy
Bronze Sponsors:
Ames Construction
Associates Insurance Group
Colorado Business Bank
Colorado Chapter of ASSE
CRS Insurance Brokerage
Flood & Peterson
ISU Insurance Services of Colorado, Inc.
Lakeland Foundation
Richards, Seeley & Schaefer, Inc.
Media Sponsor:
Colorado Construction & Design
There is still time for your company to become a 2015 Conference
Sponsor. Contact Rachel Massman at 303-373-1937 for more information.
General Information:
• A registration confirmation will be sent to you. If you do not receive a
confirmation, you are not registered.
• Cancellations received on or before May 8, 2015 will be refunded full
amount minus a $50.00 service charge.
• No refunds for cancellations received after May 9, 2015.
• Substitutions may be made at any time.
• Only one badge will be issued per registrant.
• Badges may NOT be exchanged between personnel within a company.
• Name Badges are color-coded to indicate if you are registered for the full
conference or just one day.
• Please be prepared to show identification to pick up your name badge.
• Daily drawings for fun prizes.
Consent to Use of Photographic Images:
Registration and attendance at, or participation in CSA meetings and other
activities constitutes an agreement by the registrant to allow CSA the use
and distribution of the registrant or attendee’s image or voice in photographs,
videotapes, electronic reproductions and audio tapes of such events and
Education Credits:
Certified Safety Professional (CSP)
The full conference provides one point (1.0) in the category 6.*
Pinnacol Safety Group Policyholders:
Each day of the conference is approved for one training credit for those
companies participating in the Pinnacol Safety Group Program. You must sign
a form at the registration desk to get credit.*
*Stop by the CSA registration desk to sign the appropriate forms.
Full Conference (2 Days)
Member/Alliance Member:*
Before May 4th - $435.00
May 4th or After - $495.00
Non-Member: $495
Fee includes admission to all program sessions, meals, breaks and entrance
in door prize drawings.
*Group discounts available to members when they register three (3) or more employees at
the same time. Call Liz Couture, Executive Director for pricing at 303-373-1937.
One Day (Monday or Tuesday)
Member/Alliance Member:*
Before May 4th - $295.00
May 4th or After - $355.00
Non-Member: $355
Fee includes admission to all program sessions, meals, breaks and entrance
in door prize drawings.
Register on-line:
Email your registration form to:
Mail:Colorado Safety Association
1114 W 7th Avenue, Suite 150
Denver, CO 80204
Location & Lodging Information:
Westin Westminster
10600 Westminster Blvd.
Westminster, CO 80020
Phone: 1-888-627-8448, or 303-410-5000
Rate: $139.00 single standard room
Request the room block for the Rocky Mountain Health & Safety Conference.
To receive the above discounted conference rate, make your reservations
before May 8, 2015.
Attendee Registration
Company Name: ____________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________ Fax: _________________________________
Attendee Name
Registration Fee
1. _ ________________________________________________________
o 2 day
o Monday only
o Tuesday only
2. _________________________________________________________________
o 2 day
o Monday only
o Tuesday only
3. _ ________________________________________________________
o 2 day
o Monday only
o Tuesday only
Payment Amount: ______________
Payment Information
o Check enclosed (Payable to Colorado Safety Association)
o Visa
o Master Card
Card Number _______________________________________________________
Expiration Date _____________ CVV Code _____________________________
Signature __________________________________________________________
Billing Zip ___________________
Special dietary needs:________________________________________________
Special accommodations: ____________________________________________
Phone: 303-373-1937
Fax: 303-373-1955
1114 West 7th Ave., Suite 150
Denver, CO 80204
Denver, CO
Permit #322
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