020-0724 Reviewing Supply Chain Strategy - a longitudinal case study Roy Stratton, Nottingham Trent University, Burton Street, Nottingham, NG14BU, UK Roy.Stratton@ntu.ac.uk Tel: +441158488689 POMS 22nd Annual Conference Reno, Nevada, U.S.A. April 29 to May 2, 2011 Abstract Markets are increasingly characterised by demand uncertainty and short product life cycles that are often exacerbated by supply shifting to low cost global sources. The effect of these two changes is the growing importance of a cost versus response trade-off, acutely felt in the apparel industry (Fisher, 97; Lowson, 2002; Lee, 2002; Stratton,2003, Sun et al., 2009). However, when management is confronted by such transitions the implications of poor response are often only belatedly acknowledged and addressed. This paper reports on a longitudinal case study where the trade-off implications of such a transition initially resulted in significant supply instability. The study explores how and why stability was re-established through product and process design changes with particular reference to the systematic causes of the management inertia. This case is then used to explore how existing supply chain strategy models (Fisher, 97; Lee, 2002) support such decision making. 1.0 Introduction The term supply chain management (SCM) was originally introduced in the early 1980s (Oliver and Webber, 1992), however, the concept of a supply chain is a natural extension of production operations management and there are common underlying theoretical developments (Schmenner and Swink, 1998). Central to these is the need to control variation (Shewart, 1931) which rapidly progressed into an awareness of the implications of variation on the wider production system (Deming, 1986) in improving overall supply chain performance. The quality revolution that developed in Japan quickly merged with the Toyota Production System (Ohno, 1988) with what we now know as lean supply. This led to a flow focus, level scheduling, close supplier relationships and the reduction of wasteful variation that drives inventory and capacity buffering. Rather than directly reducing the wasteful variation in the supply chain western attention was directed at understanding how to manage the supply dynamics associated with mulit-echelon information and material flows (Forester, 1961). The need to manage such variation and uncertainty resulted in the emergence of the concept of manufacturing strategy (Skinner, 1969) and with it the need to focus (Skinner, 1974; Hill, 1985; Porter, 1987) in making strategic choices. The supply chain offers the opportunity to focus differently across the supply chain through postponement (Zinn and Bowersox, 1988; Van Hoek, 1998; Olhanger, 2003) and mass customization (Pine, 1993; Fitzingler and Lee, 1997). These concepts effectively limit the impact of the demand variation and uncertainty through postponing the introduction of customized design features (Walker et al., 2000). In this way both lean and agile systems can be associated with the same supply chain (Nailor et al., 1999). 1.1 Supply chain strategy models Our understanding of how these concepts and theoretical developments impact supply chains have been influenced by two particular publications (Fisher, 97 and Lee, 2002) which have been validated academically through various hypotheses tests (Selldin and Olhager, 2007; Sun et al., 2009). Such tests verify the general relationships but do not effectively evaluate the practical utility of the conceptual models from a management perspective. This paper aims to explore the practical utility of such models by using a longitudinal case study to identify the managerial issues and then evaluate the support offered by these models in comparison with a further model developed through multi-case research (Stratton, 2008). 2. Theoretical models in support practice These three conceptual models are described below. 2.1 Fisher‟s supply chain management model Fisher (1997) used empirical case research to clarify the trade-off relationship between different classes of product with efficiency and response in a supply chain (Fisher et al., 1997). Figure 1 highlights the need to align the design of the supply chain with the uncertain nature of the product, embracing the concepts of uncertainty, trade-offs and buffering (capacity, inventory and customer tolerance time). Efficient Supply chain Match Responsive supply chain Functional Products Innovative Products Mismatch Mismatch Match Figure 1. Matching Supply Chains with Products (Source: Fisher, 1997, p109) Fisher uses the model to convey the concept of performance trade-offs and clearly associates the supply chain choice of efficiency (therefore minimal buffering) with minimal demand variation and uncertainty associated with functional products. Whereas, demand uncertainty, associated with innovative products, is allied to the choice of a responsive supply chains. The top right mismatch zone effectively conveys the excess and shortage consequences of not suitably buffering in the case of innovative products. Fisher uses this model to stress the need to adopt three coordinated strategies. 1. Strive to reduce uncertainty (e.g. timely demand data or common parts) 2. Avoid uncertainty by cutting lead-times and increasing the supply chain flexibility so that it can produce ideally within the tolerance time of the customer. 3. Once uncertainty has been reduced or avoided as much as possible, hedge against the remaining residual uncertainty with buffers of inventory or excess capacity. (Fisher, 1997: 114) This model and the associated strategies emphasise demand uncertainty rather than wider sources of variation, however, it implicitly encompasses the concept of postponement in the first of the three coordinated strategies. Again, the use of buffering is embodied in the third strategy, with the trade-off implications implicitly if not explicitly conveyed. Fisher‟s model, therefore, implicitly links the key concepts of uncertainty, performance trade-offs and buffering mechanisms in a supply chain setting, but does not attempt to integrate this with production and other sources of variation and uncertainty. This model, therefore, is limited in its utility to SCM and the model is not presented in such a way as to support falsification. 2.2 Lee‟s supply chain management model Lee (2002) extended Fisher‟s model to accommodate supply as well as demand uncertainty, claiming that the uncertainty associated with the supply chain also needs to be strategically managed. In addition to the demand uncertainty Lee maps the extremes of supply uncertainty identifying „stable processes‟ and „evolving processes‟ with low and high levels respectively. Lee identifies the continuous improvement need to adopt uncertainty reduction strategies as opposed to the trade-off management emphasized in Fisher‟s model. To accommodate these different sources of uncertainty Lee (2002) proposes four viable supply chain strategies: efficient, responsive, risk-hedging and agile. High Supply uncertainty Low Demand Uncertainty Low (Functional) High (Innovative) Efficient supply chain Risk-hedging Supply chain Responsive supply chain Agile supply chain Figure2. Matched Strategies (Source: Lee, 2002, p114) The efficient and responsive strategies are closely allied to Fisher‟s model as there is low supply uncertainty. A risk-hedging strategy is allied to low demand and high supply uncertainty and in this situation he advocates managing the disruption through pooling and sharing resources in the form of inventory or capacity. The final strategy, agile supply, aims at being responsive and flexible to customer demand, while hedging the risk of supply uncertainties. Agile strategies are, therefore, for the most unstable environments, high demand and supply uncertainty. Lee leaves these strategies at this conceptual level although he discusses with examples the need to postpone and buffer with inventory and capacity. He finishes by stressing the need to devise the right strategy whilst also identifying the need to dynamically adjust and adapt. However this is not specifically addressed. 2.3 Variation & Uncertainty Buffering (VUB)Model This model (Figure 3) was developed through multi-case research (Stratton, 2008) of which this case is one of six. This research identified key concepts of variation and uncertainty, performance trade-off and buffering mechanisms (capacity, inventory and forward load). Therefore, avoiding the use of complex constructs, such as flexible and agile, used in Lee‟s model. This VUB model, in a similar way to Fisher (1997), incorporates three coordinated generic strategies, however the definition of these strategies is more tightly defined around seven observed propositions linking the key constructs. Focus Limiting operations related capabilities (e.g. price and delivery speed) GS 1 Buffer the variation and uncertainty GS 2 Reduce the variation and uncertainty Reduce / align buffering GS 3 Separate or postpone the variation and uncertainty Figure 3 Variation and Uncertainty Buffering Model The generic strategies were found to be present in all the cases investigated and the GS definitions are as follow. GS 1 Buffer variation and uncertainty Variation and uncertainty in a supply chain drives the need for buffering and the mix of buffering mechanism (forward load, capacity and inventory) determines the performance trade-off. GS 2 Reduce variation and uncertainty The reduction of variation and uncertainty reduces the need for buffering and the associated waste. The variation and uncertainty may be in demand, supply or internal processes (including set-up time). GS 3 Separate or postpone variation and uncertainty The buffering requirements in size and form may be limited by separating or postponing the impact of variation and uncertainty on the supply chain. The model shows these generic strategies need to be focused on limiting operations trade-offs or market priorities with the intention of reducing /aligning the buffering mechanisms, as illustrated in Figure 3. The model embraces the concept of variation as well as uncertainty but emphasizes the buffering implications, therefore, the need to reduce and align the buffer choices with the market priorities. These generic strategies can be aligned to the classic paradigms discussed earlier but as the model illustrates they need to be uniquely coordinated. 3.0 Research methodology This apparel case study (Stevensons) comprises two echelons in the supply chain with the focal company supplying direct to a major high street retailer in the UK. The case study covered 3 years which involved 6 site visits together with a retail customer survey and customer interviews. In total nine senior level management interviews took place together with gathering a collection of multiple sources of data. Repeated visits enabled the collection of contemporary evidence and the development and testing of the causal relationships. The study concluded with the relocation of the garment dyeing facilities to a lower cost country in a joint venture. This case formed part of a wider research project that gave rise of the VUB model being evaluated. The research questions centred on clarifying the key concepts/variables and their relationship to each other. Such research is clearly suited to focused multiple case research (Melnyk and Handfield, 1998; Voss et al., 2002). The approach adopted embraces analytic induction which is now a well established research approach (Yin, 1994) that Eisenhardt (1989) has developed into a staged theory building process to encourage rigor. This process was followed and commences with tentative propositions/hypotheses that are progressively developed through the focused analysis of cases. These cases were selected (Yin, 1994: 48) to both replicate and extend the boundaries of the emergent theory. The automotive, grocery and apparel sectors were chosen to reflect a cross section of supply chains that encompass distinct forms of variation and uncertainty. The case analysis involved inductive analysis of transitions in the level of stability, with a particular focus on the trade-off performance associated with changes in the choice and level of buffering mechanism. Data was collected in line with a protocol using multiple sources of evidence. The data collection methods included plant observation, semi-structured interviews, archival records and documents, with due attention being given to triangulation and subsequent analysis (Miles and Huberman, 1994). Case data was collected in line with pre prepared semi structured interviews, followed up by archival data and observations allied to changes in transition. The interview process was designed to take an overview of the immediate supply chain from the perspective of the company concerned before centering on any sustained transitions in variation, uncertainty and buffering mechanism. Such transitions provided the focus for data collection with reference to customer order winners and qualifiers, together with the nature and location of associated buffering mechanisms. Emphasis was placed on exploring changing trade-offs associated with the transition and the drivers and actions involved in reducing, mitigating and managing the trade-off implications. 4.0 Stevensons case analysis 4.1 Overview Stevensons is a garment dying business that was originally vertically integrated with the Coats Viyella Group (CVG) in the UK providing the capability to postpone the colour choice in garment manufacture. The transition in stability occurred in 2001 when the Group dissolved and much of the work moved offshore, considerably extending the colour choice lead times with the move to yarn rather than garment dyeing. Stevensons downsized and developed its capability to both garment dye and finish within 10 days. The capability was, however, more expensive and the tension between fast response and low cost resulted in uncertain demand over the years, finally resulting the plant being closed and moved to Sri Lanka and Bangladesh in 2006. The case outlines the issues and the factors underlying the transitions concerning sourcing choices. 4.2 Supply chain issues and analysis Stevensons garment dyers occupies a 17-acre site in Derbyshire and is one of the largest garment dyeing facilities in Europe, combining expertise with the economies of a semi- automated plant which was part of a multi-million pound investment installed in the late 1990s. For several decades it was part of the vertically integrated Coats Viyella Group (CVG). Typical garment dyed products included knitwear, hosiery, and woven fabrics, but the technical requirements of knitwear had become their main focus of activity in recent years as this area of CVG business had proved more difficult to move offshore. Stevensons worked alongside local knitting and finishing factories in the design and development of garments as well as volume production. As CVG was a major supplier to high street retailers Stevensons had generally been made responsible for developing the seasonal colour pallet and recipes across their product ranges as well as supporting product development. In 2001 CVG withdrew from garment manufacture, closing or selling off its interests in knitwear. Stevensons annual sales quickly fell from £15M to £5M and their full time workforce was subsequently reduced from over 500 employees to a little over 100, in their fight to remain in business under a management buyout. By 2002 their major retail customers still depended on them for the colour pallet and recipe specification, but few regular production orders remained. 4.3 Typical product and dyeing process Typical garment dyed products are often solid (single) colours, but the garment dyeing process can be very sophisticated. For example, by pattern knitting ecru (undyed) yarns with different dye resist properties the cross dyeing process enables complex coloured patterns to be dyed into a garment. A wide range of fibres may be dyed in this way, including: lambs wool, acrylic, cashmere, cotton, and mohair. In the case of knitwear, as the name suggests, garment or piece dyeing involves dyeing the garment after it has been knitted in the natural colour of the fibres, referred to as ecru. The alternative is to use pre-dyed yarn to knit the garment. The garment dyeing facility at Stevensons comprises a wide range of chemical treatment processes, but the main capability is embedded in the semi-automated dye mixing and dispensing to the dyeing machines. 4.4 Original knitwear process route Garment dyeing had advantages over yarn dyeing for both the supplier and the retailer and therefore had become a popular option when CVG was developing new products for their customers. Almost the first decision in the yarn dye manufacturing process is the colour choice, whereas with garment dyeing it is close to the last. Committing to a colour and quantity is a risk that worsens the further ahead you forecast therefore, it is important to minimise the lost sales or excess stock by postponing this decision as long as possible. This need to delay colour choice also puts pressure on the seasonal workload for yarn dyeing and subsequent knitting in an attempt to delay the colour choice and subsequent start of production. Therefore, there has been a constant tension over the years between the manufacturer attempting to efficiently smooth his capacity demand by insisting on longer lead-times and the retailer compressing the lead-times in order to postpone the colour decision. CVG was also commercially aware of this conflict as it was common practice for them to share the losses associated with excess stock at the end of a season with their retail customers. The neat advantage offered by garment dyeing was the partial separation of these two conflicting requirements. The knitting factory was able to start manufacturing garments as soon as the styles were agreed, typically much earlier, without having to wait for colouring decisions and dyed yarn to be supplied. This use of ecru yarn also enabled longer production runs and fewer set-ups, which improved the reliability of the process as changing to different coloured yarns introduces process variation and associated quality issues and delays. Also, with ecru yarn there is no risk of running out of specific colours and therefore yarn wastage and shortages are reduced. The garments were knitted at this stage in two pieces with the neck separate from the body. The garment was normally then stored ready for colour specific call-offs. With the colour recipe and treatments having been pre-specified, once the colour choice was made by the retailer, the ecru garments could be processed immediately assuming dyeing capacity was available. The actual dyeing process can involve several semi automated stages taking over 11 hours in all. Once dyed the body and neck were assembled at one of the local satellite finishing factories, where labels were attached and the garments pressed and packed for dispatch to the retailer‟s distribution depot. Figure 4 illustrates this process. Colour specified 4-6 weeks prior to Depot arrival Undyed yarn knitted into bodies and necks (Knitting factory) Knitted bodies and necks stored at Stevensons Awaiting dyeing instructions Onshore Bodies and necks garment dyed, finished and dryed at Stevenson’s (Dye Works) Dyed bodies and necks Linked, labelled, hung, pressed and packed (Finishing Factory) Retailer’s Distribution Depot Onshore Figure 4 Original piece dyed knitted garments process sequence Although this route enables the colouring decision to be made much closer to the time of sale, typically 4-6 weeks, there was commonly pressure to delay the colouring decision still further. It was therefore common for these finishing satellite factories to need to respond to significant peaks in demand as garments were prepared for the start of the season, commonly resulting in workers being laid-off then reemployed a few weeks later. The reasons for not assembling the knitted garment before the dyeing process and therefore relieving this uneven demand profile further was discussed in the mid 1970s when the dyeing of fully assembled garments was popularised by Benetton. However, at that time the benefits were not seen as significant and therefore the process was not developed. The Commercial and Operations Director at Stevensons recalls visits to Benetton‟s Dye Works in Italy in the mid 1970‟s and subsequently doing dyeing trials with the neck attached while he was working as the Dye House Manager at Courtaulds, another major high street retail supplier. These trials, around 1977, were successful but the process was never put into production. One of the main arguments against this new development, as he recalls, was that the knitting factory production costs were higher than the finishing factory and a finishing stage would still be necessary anyway. As the Commercial and Operations Director recalled. „Courtaulds and Coats Viyella saw little benefit in introducing such a change and therefore the capability was not developed until after 2001. Old habits die hard though, and we are still dyeing the necks separately for one of our customers even today.‟ (Commercial and Operations Director) 4.5 The yarn dyed and garment dyed processing options post changes Although other parts of CV‟s operations, such as men‟s shirts, had been progressively moving offshore over several years, knitwear was more specialised and not so well progressed by 2001. With the loss of the CVG supply chain the retailers rapidly became much more dependent on offshore supply, initially via other intermediate UK suppliers, but increasingly dealing with the offshore suppliers direct. However, the Far East manufacturers utilised yarn dyed routes with the associated need to specify colour, typically 18-20 weeks prior to depot delivery, as illustrated in Figure 5. Colour specified 18-20 weeks prior to Depot arrival Yarn dyed and spun Body and necks Linked and labels Attached Yarn knitted into body and necks Offshore Container transported on hangers to UK Hung, pressed and Packed Dense packed Offshore Container Transported dense packed to UK Retailer’s Distribution Depot Unpacked, refurbished, hung, pressed and packed At Stevensons Onshore Figure 5 Yarn dyed knitted garments produced offshore post changes Now part of the Quantum group the Stevensons management realised they needed to offer a dyeing and finishing process in one if they were to have any chance of winning back dyeing work based on fast response. The finishing processes they introduced involved steam pressing, labelling and packaging on hangers ready for retail stores. This initially enabled Stevensons to take advantage of the growing demand for refurbishing garments transported here close packed, typically from the Far East, and preparing them for retail display. This rapidly growing market helped to sustain sales revenue levels but typically at a low unit price as it did not take advantage of their dyeing capability. Colour specified 1-2 weeks prior to depot arrival Body and necks Linked and labels attached if possible Ecru yarn knitted into body and necks Dense packed and shipped to UK Offshore Unpacked, Dyed and finished, labelled if necessary hung on hangers, pressed and packed in UK at Stevensons Garments stored in UK at Stevensons Retailer’s Distribution Depot Onshore Figure 6 Garments ecru knitted offshore and garment dyed and finished onshore at Stevensons Fortunately, an additional source of revenue was also available in the form of recovery work from overseas. For example: fixing a dye, making the garment machine washable, or even redyeing. The cost of such recovery could range from £1-50 to £3-00 per garment. However, in the longer term the company needed to exploit the fast response capability that their dyeing facility could offer. With their finishing facility in place they were offering between 5-10 day lead-time from colour choice to distribution depot. (See Figure 6). The principle they worked to was postponing the colour choice with as few finishing operations as possible. They had now perfected the process where the neck was attached offshore, and where feasible the garment labels also could be attached offshore otherwise the cost of labelling within the Stevensons‟ finishing process added an extra 17p, but at least one of the labels usually specifies the colour. The dyeing and treatment process also causes the labels to curl and discolour and although they were still readable this was not acceptable to their most quality conscious retailers. Where labels needed to be attached they also needed fast response from the label supplier once the colour had been agreed. 4.6 Quantifying the process route trade-offs The Throughput Implications In response to the limited interest in their fast response route, Stevensons tried to better understand the market need and especially the problems experienced further down the supply chain through markdowns and shortages in the retail outlets. In 2002 together with the help of the Industry Forum they independently surveyed 11 major retail stores looking at the stock levels of various colours and sizes of garment previously dyed by Stevensons, but now yarn dyed and manufactured entirely in the Far East. The survey showed that, whereas the availability of sizes was roughly in-line with those planned this was not the case with colour. In this instance there were major shortages in beige and black and a particular excess in reds that were subsequently marked down in price. In this particular case an additional supply of black garments eventually arrived, but 3 weeks after the other garments had been put on sale, further complicating the situation from the customers‟ perspective. Subsequent discussion of their findings with the retail management teams confirmed that these consequences were increasingly widespread. It was generally acknowledged that the low global supply routes were resulting in longer lead times so obliging the retailer to commit to colour well in advance of the season and therefore limiting the retailer‟s ability to respond to uncertain colour demand. Typical offshore supply lead-times were: Garment shipping 6 weeks (including despatch delays and customs) Manufacture 4 weeks (assuming capacity is booked especially peak season) Yarn shipping 4 weeks (assumes shipping is required) Yarn and colour work 4-6weeks (assuming capacity is booked especially in peak season) These offshore timescales could be expeditiously compressed by using air transport, but this was an expensive option. As a consequence order commitments are typically made over 20 weeks ahead, where forecasting for 30 percent of stock keeping units (SKU) have been claimed to be over 25 percent in error. This is a figure commonly quoted in the industry and obviously seen as sensitive by the retailers present but multiple sources were found to support this level of forecast error. It was also acknowledged that this forecasting accuracy did not significantly improve until after the start of the season, typically only 12-16 weeks long. More recently the cost of markdowns has been formally measured by the retailers concerned, but the immediate and long term impact of stock-outs is not so easily quantified. The operating expense implications Stevensons also sought to understand the net manufacturing cost to their retail customers when adopting the garment dyed route. They estimated figures showing that the garment dyeing route was just 35 pence above that of yarn dyeing (See Figure 7). • • • • • • • Ecru versus dyed yarn Wastage of dyed yarn Reduced import duty Cost of scour Cost of pressing Cost to label and pack Reduced transport costs TOTAL £ 1.50 0.15 0.20 0.33 0.05 0.07 0.20 2.50 Figure 7 Claimed savings associated with the garment dyeing option They presented these figures to show that £2.50 of the £2.85 Stevenson charge for their dyeing and finishing could be saved by the retailer in adopting the garment dyed route. Clearly, realising these potential savings would need to be worked on with the ecru garment supplier, therefore, the claimed savings were difficult to verify. However, they did acknowledge the benefit to the offshore knitting factory of being able to smooth out the seasonal load. It was also acknowledged that because the dyeing of the yarn is at the beginning of the process route, any fashion colours put pressure on this lead time. This means that the late release of colours results in a very tight schedule during the peak manufacturing period with little opportunity to use inventory or capacity to buffer against uncertainty. Consequently, it was not uncommon for air freight to be used to meet launch deadlines. In this instance postponing the dyeing process was the obvious means of avoiding demand uncertainty and the technology already existed. If garments are produced in ecru form offshore they can be stored at Stevensons who set themselves the target of delivering the garments to the retailer within 5-10 days, a target which they achieved. Stevensons already had the dyeing facility but now realised they needed to invest in the additional, but not difficult finishing process that includes dyeing, label, press, examine, package and despatch. The practice of dual sourcing strategies has demonstrated that the postponement of the dyeing process is not necessary for all the stock, as a partial forecast could still be sent overseas to preserve Stevensons capacity. Therefore, building the ecru option into the garment design to enable postponement avoids the current mismatch and effectively avoids the tradeoff by holding ecru inventory and assigning responsive capacity only to the dye and finishing process. Whereas the move to offshore supply two years previously induced a mismatch, the offshore ecru supply and local finishing restores the balance and ensures both low cost and fast response. In this way product design strategies needs to not only to take account of the technical needs of production but also the business needs of the market and the delivery system. However, to better understand the retailers‟ reluctance to use this route interviews were made with two merchandisers of major retailers who had recently started using Stevensons on a volume production basis. A customer representative interviewed in October 2004 was present at a meeting at Stevensons with the offshore supplier of the ecru garments as they were being processed. The purpose of the meeting was to improve the coordination between the two plants on future orders. This was clearly a discouraging factor as the merchandiser was typically having to deal with such anomalies. The garments being dyed and finished were already priced up at 15 Euros and the garment dyeing route was seen as warranted even with low priced knitware. However, with the retirement of this merchandiser in 2005 this project was not progressed by his replacement. This account has been included here as it provides evidence of fragile strategic developments at the operations level of buyers and merchandisers. A point to be developed in subsequent analysis. In 2005 a menswear Merchandiser for another major retailer made intensive use of Stevensons for garment dyeing and finishing, producing 400,000 acrylic jumpers. When interviewed in March 2006 the Buyer‟s view was that the fast response offered by Stevensons was now acknowledged to be of significant strategic benefit for the uncertain fashion colours. He did not expect, however, the route to be used for the basic colours which would be either yarn dyed or garment dyed offshore. He explained how the drive for higher gross margin and lower levels of discounting had encouraged the selection of deep and narrow colour ranges which naturally discourages the riskier fashion colours. „We have put more colours back in the last couple of years because we have felt more confident. In previous years we either bought a tiny amount of it and ran out or we had an excess. I remember one year there was wall to wall burnt orange everywhere. I would like to think that would not happen today.‟ (Retail Menswear Merchandiser) When asked where the impetus came from for garment dyeing in 2005 it was clearly a directive from the top of the organisation to offer more vibrant colours. „The pressure was to extend the colour range in 2005 and we knew we had to do it in such a way that the markdowns were not compromised… We had to provide more colour and we asked how do we go about doing that and we came by this route of making them in the Far East and dyeing them in the UK‟. (Retail Menswear Merchandiser) 5.0 Case Evaluation Table 1 summarizes the nature of the transition, the tactics adopted and the corresponding strategic use of buffering. Table 1 Stevenson case summary Case companies -delivery systems Stevensons Changing levels of variation and uncertainty CVG withdraw from garment manufacture and onshore knitware manufacture moves offshore. Subsequently a mix of onshore and offshore manufacture is adopted on a limited range of products. Distinct supply tactics adopted Strategic use of buffering CVG onshore knitting, garment dyeing and finishing process. This tactic decoupled the knitting factories from the more volatile colour choice enabling more scheduling flexibility. 4-6 week call off by retailers involving garment dyeing, neck attach and finishing. Offshore supply of finished garments produced from predyed yarn resulting in a colouring lead times of 18 weeks+ Impact of seasonal variation on knitting smoothed by inventory buffering ecru garments and postponing the colour choice and finishing. Offshore supply of finished ecru garments with neck attached, produced in advance of peak demand. Stock held at Stevensons. Garments dyed and finished on site with a lead time of 510 days. Ecru stock produced off-shore offseason so helping to smooth capacity demands on suppliers. Stock finished to order in line with demand and replenishment lead time. Reactive capacity needed to at Stevensons to meet peak sales demands or hold finished stock. No intermediate pre-colour inventory buffering opportunity. This together with extended lead times result in the need to make to finished stock with high levels of demand uncertainty. Table 2 interprets the transitions further in terms of the key constructs in relation to the order winning criteria. The table shows the impact of the system developments on the buffering mechanisms. Table 2 Summary analysis (the number of „ √‟ represents relative weighting of buffer choice before and after the related case transition) Order winners (Hill, 2000) Case study Delivery system Stevensons - before - after - offshore only -Hybrid - offshore - onshore 5.1 Replenishment Lead time Demand Variation & (uncertainty) Internal Process Variation Buffering Mechanisms Price (P) Delivery speed (DS) Long Short Mixed High Low Batch size Forward load Inventory Capacity P/DS Short Mixed (Low) Medium √ √√ √ P/DS Long Mixed (High) Large √ √√√ P DS Long V Short Low High Large Small √ √√ √ √√ Fisher‟s Model (1997) Figure 8 illustrates how the case can be graphically related to the model. Prior to supply moving offshore the colour choice lead time was relatively responsive at 6 weeks (lower right segment). With the moving of supply offshore the colour choice lead time increased to 20 weeks. This effectively positioned the supply in the top right mismatch zone. Although this is not necessarily inefficient it is certainly unresponsive. Figure 8 shows how the postponement strategy can be represented in the model. Figure 8 specifically shows the ecru garments being produced offshore under stable demand conditions (top left) and finished on-shore with a responsive supply chain (bottom right). In this way the Fisher model effectively represents the trade-off implications and the opportunity to operate separate strategies in the same supply chain through postponement. Responsive supply chain Efficient Supply chain Functional Products Innovative Products Match Ecru garments produced offshore Mismatch Mismatch Offshore supply option Match Finishing of ecru garments at Stevensons Figure 8 repositioning the supply chain alignment via garment dyeing (source Fisher, 97 modified) 5.2 Lee model (2002) This model does not attempt to convey the mismatch implications of misalignment as graphically as Fisher‟s model, but can represent changes in supply uncertainty. The move to offshore supply is represented by the arrow in Figure 9 indicating the increased supply uncertainty. Moving the work offshore increased the supply uncertainty resulting in a shift into the agile zone, however, this was not anticipated and adopted as a proactive strategy. The opportunity for Stevenson to provide the „agile‟ capability provided a life line to Stevensons, however, it would be only short term unless the fast response capability could be sold to meet the demand uncertainty. Supply uncertainty Low Demand Uncertainty Low (Functional) High (Innovative) Efficient supply chain Agile supply chain High Risk-hedging Supply chain Responsive supply chain Figure 9. Moving from responsive to agile (Source: Lee, 2002, p114) modified 5.3 Stratton model (2008) The above models can be used to convey the need to consider the position on the matrix and the general nature of the supply chain strategy choices. However, these models have limited practical value in supporting management in the development of unique solutions to meet the changing business need. The VUB model attempts to go one stage further by emphasizing the direction of improvement but also the need to realign any change in the level of variation and uncertainty across demand or supply using common constructs. Table 2 highlights the need to acknowledge the trade-off implications of the different buffering choices in relation to the market priorities. All three generic strategies are apparent in the case study (Table 3). Table 3 The Generic Strategies for Stevensons Generic Strategies Case study GS1 Buffer the variation and uncertainty Stevensons Buffer stock of ecru garments held at Stevensons. Stevensons provides a proactive capacity buffer for dyeing and finishing (10 days). Forward load off-shore manufacture of ecru garments to avoid demand peak GS2 Reduce the variation and uncertainty Demand uncertainty associated with colour choice is reduced through shortened lead time, enabling replenishment to consumption rather than forecast. Uncertainty of ecru garment reduced due to aggregation of demand by size and style. GS3 Separate or postpone variation and uncertainty Adopt garments dying process to separate (postpone) colour choice from garment manufacturer. Although these generic strategies are defined more specifically than Fisher‟s (1997) the findings are in agreement regarding the need for the strategies to work together. We are, however, still left with the question of how to support the creative process of identifying the underlying strategic conflict and how to resolve it. Figure 10 is a development on Figure 3 that helps link the model to the conflict resolution diagram (Figure 11). This variant on the VUB model (Fig 10) focuses attention on the underlying operations conflict which is represented in Figure 11 as D-D‟. This identifies the underlying conflict as the tension between needing to placing orders early and late. The conflict resolution diagram is completed by defining the corresponding requirements and the common objective. Conflict resolution diagrams are an established means of systematically resolving core conflicts by challenging the underlying assumptions (Stratton and Warburton, 2003; Stratton and Mann, 2003) and Table 4 shows how this assumption breaking process can be linked back to the generic strategies. Focus Limiting operations trade-off Clarify the conflicting requirements GS 1 Buffer the variation and uncertainty choose and locate buffers Reduce / align buffering GS 2 Reduce the variation and uncertainty challenge the assumptions underlying the conflict GS 3 Separate or postpone the variation and uncertainty separate out the conflict Fig 10 Variation and Uncertainty Buffer Model Extended to challenge assumptions This development of the VUB model attempts to more dynamically link the management issues with a process of enquiry that seeks to identify routes to satisfying the generic strategies in a focused and coordinated way. Although the conflict resolution diagram is widely used by management it has not been formally tested in this context to date. Assumption:- Pipeline delay cannot be reduced? - Supplier demand needs to be level scheduled? Requirements Prerequisites Objective A Maximise Business performance B Minimise unit production cost (via remote low cost suppliers) C Assumption: Satisfy Volatile -There is no possible Sales Demand advanced information? D Order early to long-term forecast Apply separation principles D‟ Order late to short-term forecast Assumption:- The resulting fluctuations cannot be effectively protected by inventory? Figure 11 The Stevenson case supply cloud from the retailers perspective Strategically limiting operations trade-off requirements explicit conflict B &C (D versus D‟) Minimise unit production cost (via remote low cost suppliers) and Satisfy uncertain sales demand Orders early to long-term forecast . Versus Order late to short-term forecast Reduce the underlying variation and uncertainty (challenge underlying assumptions) Separate or postpone the variation and uncertainty. (separate out the conflict) (D-D‟) Buffer variation and uncertainty using forward load, inventory and capacity buffers (challenge buffering assumptions) (Assumption C-D‟) - because the casting specification cannot be released early Separate conflicting requirements on condition (standard from special) Separate in time the release of the casting specification (Assumption B-D) – because reserving capacity is not feasible (Assumption A-C) – because no advanced sales data is available Separate upon condition: fashion products from basics. Separate in time: early and late orders Separate in space off-shore and on-shore manufacture Separate the whole from the part: Garment manufacture separated from the colouring process (Assumption C-D‟) – because uncertain demand cannot be effectively buffered by finished stock. (Assumption B-D) – because transportation lead time is long. (Assumption C-D‟) – because order must be produced as one batch. (Assumption A-C) – because all the demand of all products is unpredictable Table 4 Linking the breading of assumption to generic strategies (Stevenson case) (Assumption B-D) – because there is no means of postponing the colour choice. (Assumption C-D‟)- because shortage and markdown costs are excessive Conclusion Although only one case is reported here the longitudinal study provided extensive detail and depth that identified the importance of the key constructs of uncertainty, trade-offs and buffering mechanisms (capacity, inventory and forward load). The case clearly illustrates the implications of strategic changes, the impact on the decoupling points and the distinct strategies before and after the customer order penetration point. The case effectively illustrates how the three supply chain strategy models are broadly consistent but provide different insights. 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