May 2, 2015 - Color In Motion 5k Run

May 2, 2015
The Movement Memo:
A few notes to guide your through your COLOR-filled day
We hope you’re ready to get in Motion!
Whether you’re planning to walk, run, or just
party, we want you to have a COLORFUL blast
of movement and fun. We want to thank you
for joining us at our Washington D.C. Color in
Motion 5K on Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 at RFK
Stadium. We put together this memo to help
you through race day so you can enjoy a safe
and incredibly colorful experience. Please take
a moment to go through this information and
email us at
if you have any additional questions.
Thank you!
The Color In Motion 5K Team
Packet Pick-up
Sports Authority
3701 Jefferson Davis Hwy
Alexandria, VA 22305 11:00 am - 7:00 pm
You, of course! And all your friends… why would you let them miss out on all the fun?! If you are picking
up packets for team members/friends, you need to bring their ticket and a completed “packet pick up
waiver” for each person. You can find one of those at the end of this document.
Get your family and friends intimately involved in the action on Race Day by having them volunteer at
one of the color pits. Volunteer color throwers are in the perfect spot to get that race day photo and to
throw color on the runners! Bring your family/friends on race day and have them come to the Volunteer
An incredibly awesome packet with all kinds of cool stuff, your WHITE participant shirt (don’t worry,
you’ll get it nice and colorful on race day), your race number, your race wristband, a most colorfully
important – your very own packet of Color Dust™ to bring to the race (be sure to save it for the
color bash at the finish line! You can always buy more if you need it.) All this, along with other race
information and promotional items, and you’ll be ready to get fit and colored on Saturday.
When & Where?
Friday, May 1st, 2015, at Sports Authority from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm will accommodate all runners. We
recommend and encourage all runners to pick up their packets on Friday. If you’re unable to pick up
your packet on Friday you can still pick up your packet on Saturday, but you may have to wait in line.
You will want to arrive at RFK Stadium no later than 7:30 a.m. on Saturday if you choose to pick up
your packet on race day.
We like to keep things simple follow the signs and bring this stuff:
- Photo ID
- Bring some extra cash to purchase some Color In Movement Gear to beat the crowd at the race.
- If you’re picking up the packet for your friend, be sure you have their printed ticket with you or a
packet pick up waiver.
- Need to reprint your ticket? You can print a new one by
clicking HERE (
Because you’re awesome and you don’t want to miss out on all the fun! You’ll be ready
to move on race day after hitting the packet pickup.
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Race Day-
RFK Stadium
2400 E. Capitol St. SE
Washington DC 2003
What happens on race day?
Pretty much the colorfullest day of movement
you’ve ever had in your life! We encourage all
runners to stay to the left and walkers stay to the
right. Please stay to the right of any cones that
will be along the course. Please be courteous to
your fellow participants.
When? Schedule for the day:
Please plan on arriving at RFK Stadium early to
Party! Here’s the schedule for race morning:
8:00 a.m. - Color Chasers™ can begin to arrive
9:00 a.m. - The race will begin*
9:30 a.m. - Final wave of runners starts*
10:00 a.m. - Color Bash
11:00 a.m. - Finish Time
What should I bring on Race day?
• Color Chaser™ participant shirt
• Color Dust™ packet for the finish line
• Clean up stuff
• Cash/credit card
• Towel/clean-up rag
• Bandanna
• Sunglasses
• Camera/cell phone
• Change of clothes
• Clean shirt
• Clean socks
• Clean shoes
Remember your cash and credit card. We’ll have
all kinds of awesome swag, and extra Color Dust™
packets for sale!
*Runners will be sent in waves every 5-7 minutes.
You are not assigned to a specific wave.
If you wish to start in an early wave, please arrive
early for the first wave of runners.
Bring your friends!
Still have some friends that haven’t signed up
yet? Share the promo code “MEMO” with them
and they can save $5 off their ticket!
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Race Day -
Starting Location:
RFK Stadium
2400 E. Capitol St. SE
Washington DC 2003
Lightning, heavy rain or high winds are a
couple examples of weather conditions
which may result in cancellation or delay
of the event. Please come prepared for
weather. RACE DAY DISCLAIMER: If the race
is cancelled due to weather conditions and/
or an act of God or a participant is not able
to participate the day of the event we regret
there will be NO REFUNDS. Stay updated by
watching the race page and our Facebook
Washington D.C. is going to be home to
hundreds of acres of colorful fun! For
directions, visit Google Maps or Map Quest
and type in the below address:
RFK Stadium
2400 E. Capitol St. SE
Washington DC 2003
Parking will be in lots 3, 4, and 5 at RFK
Stadium, and will be $15 the day of the eventCASH ONLY. We encourage you to take public
transportation where possible or car pool.
Please be courteous to others and watch
for pedestrians in the parking lot and other
areas. Remember, don’t get grumpy… this is
supposed to be FUN!
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and a few other safety rules
We have a few “color commandments” that will help you have a great time and enjoy a safe event. In
addition to the “commandments”, we have a few other rules just to help clarify… So, here they are:
1. Be Courteous: Throw color on others as they would throw color on you
2. Be Safe: Don’t do stupid stuff that puts your safety or the safety of others at risk
3. Have Fun! Come read to have a great time!
The rest of the rules
• Avoid “colorful” language, remember, this is a family-friendly event
• No alcohol is allowed at the Color In Motion 5K
• Strollers are welcome, but please start at the back
• Walkers on the right, runners on the left
• Follow directions provided by security, medical staff, race officials and volunteers
• Kids MUST be accompanied by their parents at all times.
• Goggles, sunglasses, dust masks and any other protective items you want to wear are definitely allowed!
• Throw away your own trash; please do not litter!
The Motion Store will be set up and we’ll have all kinds of fun gear, gadgets and gizmos. Be a part of
the movement and come ready to add a little extra color to your day.
If you have used or forgotten your Color Dust™ or you would like additional color, we’ll have some at
the store and the Color Bash™ for sale. Cash or credit for color and gear purchases, no checks please.
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Clean up & Thank you!
Clean up tips
While the Color Dust™ is formulated to wash out, you MAY end up with some colorful armpit stains or
other stains on shoes, clothes, and anything you bring, so it’s probably best not to wear your Sunday
best. Here are some tips to help you clean up after the race:
• Wear your participant shirt – it’s designed to be colored!
• Use the clean-up station to have excess Color Dust™ blown away
• Shake off excess color before washing; wash your colored gear separately with cold water. We prefer Tide because it’s got that colorful box, but there are a bunch of products out there to help you clean up your clothes.
Hair and Skin
• All you beautiful blondes out there may want to oil your hair before the race – leaving conditioner in or some olive oil work well.
• Wear a hat or a bandanna
• Sunscreen and a little lip balm will do wonders for your skin cleanup after the race
Eyes, ears, mouth, and nose
• We recommend sunglasses or goggles. We’re sure you can come up with something and we’ll have some colorful sunglasses at The Movement Store if you want to add a little color to the day
• A scarf, bandanna or dust mask can help you keep all those holes in your face protected. We should warn you that you may have blue boogers for a week and every once in a while somebody will ask you, “what’s that in your ear?” You can smile (that’s green on your tooth) and say, “It’s just a little evidence of my colorful, motion-filled weekend!”
Thank you for helping us support Rock Recovery!
And thank you to them-you’ve been great to work
with. To read more about their mission, visit their
Thank you!
We are especially grateful for our volunteers and
all those who have made it possible for us to bring
Color in Motion 5k back to Washington D.C.!
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Packet Pickup
Permission Slip
Only use this form if you need to give permission to another individual to pick up your packet.
You can give them your printed ticket and/or provide this permission slip.
I give my permission for my packet to be picked up by __________________________
My shirt size: __________________
Gender: ____________
Participant Name (please print legibly): ___________________________________
Participant Signature: ___________________________________