Event Sponsorship

“Color Me Cured”
April 19, 2015
Dear Sponsor:
I am Southwest Michigan Pre-Teen 2014 and I am organizing a family fun walk/run to benefit the Arthritis Foundation.
The event will take place at Coloma High School. I am looking for your support to make this a great event. I have
attached my story on the back of this form for your reading pleasure.
Sponsor Levels: *****Your donation is tax deductible*****
Curing Sponsor
• Name on Banner and ALL Promotional Items
Inclusion with On-Air Broadcasting
Logo on T-shirt
Mile Marker Sign
Logo on Website
Healing Sponsor
Inclusion with On-Air Broadcasting
Logo on T-shirt
Logo on Website
Therapeutic Sponsor
Logo on T-shirt
Logo on Website
Supporting Sponsor
Logo on T-shirt
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Maurissa, I ______________________________________ would love to be a sponsor for your exciting event.
Please contact me at _____________________________________________________________________.
I plan to be a
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You can email this form to Cindy LaGrow at lagrowdc@sbcglobal.net or mail to P.O. Box 152, Coloma, MI 49038. Any
questions, please call 269-757-4433.
I am the face of Arthritis!
You probably know at least 1 person
that has Arthritis.
Arthritis is the #1 Disability for
people in the US.
My grandmother noticed that I was limping a lot and my hands were swollen. My parents took me to the
doctor who then referred us to several different specialists. We went to Michigan State University Hospital
and then ultimately choose to go to the University of Michigan Hospital.
We went through a lot of mis-diagnosis like lupus, cancer, and hypothyroidism. I was diagnosed at the age
of 2 with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have been in the hospital many times. I spent Christmas in the
hospital a few years ago when my appendix burst due to medications that I was taking. I was on
Methotrexate, which is a cancer drug for 5 years. I now am on new medication and it seems to be working
well for me now. I go through flare-ups often especially as the weather is changing that results in severe
pain, swelling and diminishes my immune system so I get sick a lot. But I am one of the luck kids that don’t
have worse effects from Arthritis. Some of my friends are in wheelchairs and cannot walk due to their
I have participated in Arthritis Ambassador Events and went to Speak in front of Congress in Washington
DC when I was 9 to plead for more funding for Arthritis Research. All proceeds from my event will go to the
Michigan Arthritis Foundation where over 85% of all fundraising goes toward research. I want to help
make an impact and find a cure for arthritis so no one has to suffer anymore.
**We are looking for sponsors, healthy food donors and volunteers. If you would like to request a
presentation to your organization please call my mom and I can come and talk to your organization about
this great event.
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