URIN/Urine urine diagnostics - servotest ® SERVOTEST® 11 SERVOTEST® 10 The large test strip, including leucocytes pad, without ascorbic acid. 100 strip economy pack SERVOTEST® 9 The large strip for detecting the 9 most important parameters, without leucocytes and ascorbic acid. 100 strip economy pack SERVOTEST® 5+NL The ideal combination specifically for the gyn. practice, including leucocyte pad. 100 strip economy pack SERVOTEST® C Ketones (mg/dl) Nitrite Protein (mg/dl) Bilirubin (mg/dl) Urobilinogen (mg/dl) Blood (Ery/μl) Leucocytes Specific Gravity • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Servotest® 5+NL • • • • • • Servotest® C • • pH-value Glucose (mg/dl) Servotest® Servotest® 11 • • Servotest® 10 • Servotest® 9 UrinE test strips economy pack á 100 strips 2 • • • • SU Value Pack = 100 Tests Ascorbic acid (mg/dl) Even more economical - The ideal rapid diagnostic test for every clinic or practice. 100 strip economy pack REF SERVOTEST ® The complete-strip with 11 reagent pads. 100 strip economy pack Price SU min. 5 SU K4 6120 18,10 17,70 K4 6099 16,90 16,20 K4 6092 16,00 15,00 K4 6111 13,90 12,80 6,20 5,80 K4 6098-00 SU = SALES UNIT. ALL PRICES IN € URO EXCL. VAT Hormone tests - Pregnancy tests IVD 2009 URIN/Urine HCG Pregnancy test-strips individually sealed A highly sensitive test-strip: • detection at 25mlU/ml HCG in urine • detection early as first day after missed period • in-built test control • competitively priced • minimal packaging therefore environmentally friendly • simple and quick to use • the large, wide strip makes handling easy • individually sealed in aluminium pouch • result within 5 minutes Cleartest® HCG test strips SU 20 tests REF C3 20 Price SU min. 5 SU 11,70 10,50 Put Cleartest® test-strip up to marker in urine, read result 9 after 5 minutes. NEGATIVE = 1 line appears (not pregnant) 12 3 6 Cleartest® HCG Pregnancy Test-Strips a In Practice box 20 test strips loosely in practice box. Long and wide strips. Sensitivity at 25 mlU/ml HCG in urine. Shows result after just 5 minutes. Cleartest® SU REF HCG test strips 20 tests C3 2020 Price SU 9,50 min.10 SU 7,80 Cleartest® HCG PregnancyTest strips URIN/Urine POSITIVE = 2 lines appear (pregnant) URIN/Urine So easy to analyze! a ECONOMY - model The narrower and shorter test strip-version for the price-conscious customer: length = 77 mm width = 4 mm Sensitivity at 25 mlU/ml HCG in urine. Shows result after 5 minutes. 12 3 9 6 Cleartest SU test strips 25 tests REF C3 2020-ECO Price SU min.10 SU 9,80 6,90 Value Pack: 25 Test-Stripes www.aerztebedarf.at 3 Hormone test - Pregnancy TEsts URIN/Urine Cleartest® Midstream HCG-Test a SepArately sealed in peel-pack Detection at 25mlU/ml HCG in urine. The strip can be dipped into the urine sample or held in the urine stream. The result appears within 5 minutes. 12 3 9 6 Storage: 15-28 ºC. Packed singly, incl. patient information ClearTEST® SU REF Midstream HCG-Test 1 test C3 3011 5 tests C3 3011-5 Price SU 2,40 11,20 How to use: or pregnant (+) not pregnant (-) URIN/Urine Clear & Simple - COMBI Pregnancy Test a test cassettes for use with Urine or serum Detection at 25 mlU/ml HCG in urine or serum. 12 3 9 6 Clear&Simple SU REF HCG-Combi Test cartridges C3 1004 25 tests es ridg t r a est C Pack T 5 2 e Valu How to use: 4 SERUM Easy and comfortable to use: Just drip urine or serum onto the test pad. After 5 minutes you can read the positive or negative result. Storage: 15-28 ºC. 25 separately sealed cartridges. SU = SALES UNIT. ALL PRICES IN € URO EXCL. VAT Price SU min. 5 SU 15,90 14,70 Hormone tests - Pregnancy Tests, Candida; Trichomonas IVD 2009 URIN/Urine Clearview HCG-II pregnancy test a cartridge Test For the qualitative detection of HCG in urine Pregnancy is detected at ≥ 25 mlU/ml in urine. Pink lines show a result after 3 Minutes. Test pack: 20 cartridges. 12 3 9 6 sealed separately, incl. 20 disposable pipettes. For professional use only. Storage: 2-30 ºC. CleaRView SU REF HCG II 20 tests C3 1003 Price SU 33,00 Clearview EASY HCG URIN/Urine pregnancy test a Test units For the qualitative detection of HCG in urine. For professional use only. Detection ≥ 25 mIE/ml. The urine sample can be applied to the test unit by dipping, pipetting or direct application. Blue lines show a result within 3- 10 minutes. Test pack: 20 singly sealed units. Storage: 2 – 30 °C CleaRView SU REF Easy HCG 20 Tests C3 10032 Cleartest® Candida Price SU 3 6 For the qualitative detection of Candida albicans antigenes in vaginal smear tests. Singly sealed test cartridges, pipettes, extraction buffer, sterile swabs, mixing tubes and usage instructions. Result within 10 - 20 Minutes. Storage: 2 – 30 °C ! New SU REF 5 Tests C3 0805-05 18,50 10 Tests C3 0805-10 34,00 Cleartest® Trichomonaden Price SU 12 3 9 a Rapid test ABSTRICHE/swabs Candida ABSTRICHE/swabs 12 9 a Rapid test ClearTEST® 23,80 6 For the qualitative detection of Trichomonas vaginalis antigenes in vaginal smear tests. Singly sealed test cartridges, pipettes, extraction buffer, sterile swabs, mixing tubes and usage instructions. Results after 10 Minutes. Storage: 2 – 30 °C ClearTEST® SU REF Trichomonas 10 Tests C3 8880-10 www.aerztebedarf.at ! New Price SU 43,40 5 Hormone test - ovulation test, menopause URIN/Urine Cleartest® Pro Natal OVULATION Test a Test cartridges singly sealed The quick and easy to read ovulation test to qualitatively detect luteinised hormones (hLH) in urine. Just place a few drops of urine onto the test field and the test shows after 5 minutes if ovulation will occur within the next 24 - 36 hours. 12 3 9 The in-built control shows whether the test has been performed correctly. 6 Results: 5 minutes Storage: 2 - 30 °C SU REF 7 tests C3 10420-S Price SU 9,90 min. 5 SU 8,75 URIN/Urine Cleartest® Pro Natal Cleartest® Menopause For the semi-quantitative detection of human follicle stimulating hormones (hFSH) in urine. For professional use only. Test cartridges, singly sealed. Menopause 6 3 9 Result within 3 – 5 minutes. Storage: 2 – 30 °C. Cleartest® 12 6 SU REF 2 Tests C3 0717-02 5,70 6 Tests C3 0717-06 11,10 SU = SALES UNIT. ALL PRICES IN € URO EXCL. VAT Price SU Cardiac diagnostics - myoglobin, ck-mb, troponin i IVD 2009 SERUM BLUT/BLOOD During a myocardial infarction the damaged heart tissue releases specific proteins into the bloodstream which can be traced selectively with the help of these 3 tests. Hence the tests are excellent cardiac markers with also quickly narrow down a myocardial infarction. The antibody tests can be stored at room temperature. a CLEARTEST® MYOGLOBIN Quick test for qualitative detection of myoglobin in whole blood, serum or plasma. PLASMA Detection: from 2 - 4 hours after infarct up to 24 - 36 hours > 50 ng/dl Result after 10 minutes Storage: 2 - 30 °C 12 3 9 6 a Cleartest® CK-MB A one-step membrane-immunoassay to detect human CK-MB (creatine kinase MB) in whole blood, serum or plasma quickly and qualitatively. Detection: from 3 - 6 hours after infarct up to 2 - 3 days > 5 ng/dl Result after 10 minutes Storage: 2 - 30 °C a Cleartest® TROPONIN I This test is a one-step membrane-immunoassay for quick and qualitative detection of human heart-troponin I in whole blood, serum or plasma and a helpful means of diagnosing a myocardial infarction (MI). 12 3 9 6 detection: from 4 - 6 hours after infarct up to 6 - 10 days > 1 ng/dl Result after 15 minutes Storage: under 28 °C ClearTEST® a MYOGLOBIN a CK - MB a Troponin I SU REF Price SU 5 tests C3 8810-05 9,80 10 tests C3 8810-10 19,20 5 tests C3 0542-05 9,80 10 tests C3 0542-10 19,20 5 tests C3 26005 V 19,20 10 tests C3 26010 V 29,90 20 tests C3 26020 V 45,50 www.aerztebedarf.at 7 STUHL/faeces tumor marker - Humanofecal CLEARTEST® HUMANOFECAL a For detection of human blood in faeces 12 Cleartest® Humanofecal is a quick chromatographic immunoassay to qualitatively detect low concentrations of occult blood (FOB or human haemoglobin) in human faeces. It selectively detects occult blood in faeces from 50 ng/ml or higher or from 6 µg/g faeces. Result after 5 minutes Storage: 2 - 30 °C 6 Cleartest® SU REF Humanofecal a reacts exclusively to human haemoglobin 10 tests C3 5010 17,10 20 tests C3 5020 33,50 50 tests C3 5050 83,20 The advantages over other known faecal tests. It‘s just so easy 1. Using the applicator-stick attached to the lid of the collection-tube, the patient collects a sample and places it into the buffer solution, screwing the lid on tightly. No contamination and the specimen is now ready for testing. • Detects only human blood in faeces. Other guaiac-methods often give false positive results, reacting to animal blood in food, certain vegetables, fruit and medication. • High sensitivity and accuracy. • Sample collection simple and hygienic for the patient. • Sample remains sealed and is easy to transport. • Testing requires no direct contact with the sample itself. • Comes with sample collection aid 2. To perform the test in the laboratory, the tip is removed from the sealed collection-tube and a few drops of the solution placed onto the test field on the cartridge. The results appear within 5 minutes. 8 3 9 SU = SALES UNIT. ALL PRICES IN € URO EXCL. VAT Price SU tumor marker - Humanofecal HB/Hp STUHL/faeces IVD 2009 CLEARTEST® HUMANOFECAL HB/Hp Spezial Immunological stool-test to qualitatively detect human haemoglobin and the human haemoglobin-haptoglobincomplex in faeces. This special faecal-test specifically detects the haemoglobin – haptoglobin complex present in the sample. This complex is more resilient than haemoglobin and is therefore not affected by the digestion, thus enabling detection of intestinal bleeding in areas above the large intestine. Sensitivity 25 ng/ml. Content: Every test comes complete with instructions for the patient, sample-bag and sample collection aid. Each test cartridge is singly sealed. 12 3 9 6 Result after m minutes. Storage: 4 – 30 °C. Cleartest® SU REF Humanofecal HB/Hp Spezial a haemoglobin a haemoglobin-haptoglobin-complex 10 tests C3 0602-10 28,00 20 tests C3 0602-20 55,00 Price SU Humanofecal-faecal sample collection aid It is almost impossible to obtain a faecal sample from a toilet without difficulty, or the risk of the sample coming into contact with water, deodorisers or cleaning solutions which could then affect the test result. The ideal faecal sample collection aid made of watersoluble paper has solved that problem: The self-adhesive collection aid is laid across the toilet and attached to the toilet seat. Once the sample has been obtained, the paper may be easily detached and flushed away with the faecal waste. There is no danger of blocked plumbing. Ideal for the doctor’s practice, or anywhere where sampling is required. Type SU Faecal Sample Collection Aid REF Price SU 50 pieces H7 61000-50 5,90 150 pieces H7 61000-150 15,40 www.aerztebedarf.at 9 tumor marker - AFP, CEA BLUT/BLOOD CLEARTEST® AFP - tumor marker a Qualitative detection of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) in whole blood, serum or plasma. SERUM The normal AFP-level in serum in adults does not exceed 10 ng/ml. Increased AFP-levels are detectable in adult patients who suffer from malignant diseases such as liver-cell carcinoma. This test functions as an early marker for cancer of the liver in high-risk patients. PLASMA Result after 10 minutes Sensitivity: 10 ng/ml Storage: 2 – 30 °C 12 3 9 6 Cleartest® SU AFP-Test REF Price SU 5 tests C3 0701-05 10,50 10 tests C3 0701-10 20,50 BLUT/BLOOD CLEARTEST® CEA a Tumor marker FOR whole blood, Serum and Plasma PLASMA SERUM A test specifically for diagnosing cancer through the qualitative detection of CEA. The carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is usually present in foetal blood and newborns. The CEA level drops rapidly after birth. The presence of cancer, particularly cancer of the liver or intestine, causes the CEA level to rise. A high CEA-value at the first detection of a carcinoma is significant to the further treatment of the patient. The test may be used as an early marker and during pre-and post-cancer treatment. Continuously high CEA levels after treatment indicate occult, metastizing diseases. Result after 5 minutes Sensitivity: 5 ng/ml Storage: 2 – 30°C 12 3 9 6 Cleartest® VE CEA - Test 10 5 Teste 10 Teste PZN REF 0523904 C3 9010-05 0523910 C3 9010-10 SU = SALES UNIT. ALL PRICES IN € URO EXCL. VAT Price SU 10,50 20,50 infection diagnostics - Chlamydia, Strep B IVD 2009 SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED URIN/Urine ABSTRICHE/swabs DISEASES! CLEARTEST® Chlamydia 12 a incubation unNecessary 3 9 6 Immunological rapid test to qualitatively detect the chlamydia antigen in the female cervical swab and the male urethal swab or urine sample. After 10 minutes a clear colouration denotes a positive or negative result. Cartridge test, sealed singly. Storage: 2 – 30 ºC. Cleartest® REF 10 Tests C3 10065-10 20 Tests C3 10065 Price SU 18,70 min. 3 SU 18,40 36,00 34,10 ABSTRICHE/swabs Chlamydia - complete set SU CLEARTEST® Strep B 12 a Rapid EnzymE ImmunoAssay TO detect Streptococcal Group B antigenes 3 9 6 Simple to implement: Leave the the sample swab in the extraction buffer for 10 Minutes. Apply 3 drops of the buffer to the test cartridge. Result after 10 minutes Specificity: 98% Sensitivity: 97,4% Storage: 2 – 30 ° Cleartest® Strep B cartridge test SU REF 10 tests C3 10332-10 15,50 25 tests C3 10332 36,00 www.aerztebedarf.at Price SU 11 infection diagnostics - Gono, Syphilis SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED ABSTRICHE/swabs DISEASES! Cleartest® Gono Cleartest® a Immunochromatographic Rapid test To qualitatively detect the neisseria gonorrhoeaeantigene in the female cervial swab and the male urethal swab. Storage: 2 - 30 °C. Result after 10 minutes. Gono 12 3 9 6 SU REF 10 tests C3 1520110 Price SU 20,00 25 tests C3 15201 45,00 ATTEntion! New and optimized test BLUT/BLOOD Cleartest® Syphilis Cleartest® Syphilis is a test to qualitatively detect Treponema pallidum antibodies in human whole blood, serum or plasma. Relative Sensitivity: Relative Specificity: Accuracy: 99,7 % 99,6 % 99,7 % 12 3 9 6 PLASMA Storage: 2 - 30 °C. SERUM Application: Apply sample, result can be read after 10 minutes. Cleartest® Syphilis 12 SU REF Price SU 5 tests C3 0610-05 9,10 10 tests C3 0610-10 17,95 SU = SALES UNIT. ALL PRICES IN € URO EXCL. VAT infection diagnostics - Strep A IVD 2009 ABSTRICHE/swabs respiratorY Diseases! Cleartest® Strep A 12 a Test strip-Format 3 9 6 A rapid test for the qualitative detection of group A streptococcal antigenes in throat swabs. The results are easy to read: 2 stripes show a positive result, 1 stripe means negative. The control stripe indicates that the test has been performed correctly. Results appear within 5 minutes. Incl. sample swabs. For use at room temperature. Storage: 2 - 30 °C. Cleartest® REF Price SU min. 5 SU 10 tests C3 10343-10 15,50 15,10 25 tests C3 10343 37,80 34,80 Price SU min. 5 SU 33,50 31,00 ABSTRICHE/swabs Strep A test strips SU Cleartest® Strep A 12 a cArtridge-Test 3 9 Now available as cartridge test. 6 Storage: 2 - 30 °C. Application as above. Cleartest® SU REF Strep A cartridge test 20 tests C3 10343-20 www.aerztebedarf.at 13 infection diagnostics - INfluenza, tuberculosis ABSTRICHE/swabs respiratory Diseases! 12 3 9 6 CLEARTEST® Influenza a influenza Antigen Type A and b Rapid test Quick, chromatographic immunoassay to qualitatively detect influenza A- and B-antigenes from nasal swaps. Result after 10 minutes. Storage: 2 - 30 °C Cleartest® Influenza SU Price SU min. 5 SU 5 tests REF C3 19012-5 16,30 15,80 10 tests C3 19012-10 31,00 30,00 25 tests C3 19012-25 78,00 72,00 Cleartest® Tuberculosis SERUM This qualitative chromatographic immunoassay test detects M.tuberculosis antibodies in serum or plasma. Conducting the test: Place the serum onto the test cartridge. Result after 15 minutes. PLASMA Storage: 2 - 30 °C Available in three packaging sizes. 12 3 9 6 Cleartest® Tuberculosis test 14 SU REF Price SU 5 tests C3 0810-5 11.50 10 tests C3 0810-10 17,95 20 tests C3 0810-20 32,50 SU = SALES UNIT. ALL PRICES IN € URO EXCL. VAT infection diagnostics - Pylori, Tetanus IVD 2009 PLASMA SERUM BLUT/BLOOD FURTHER InfECTIOUS DISEASES! Cleartest® PYLORI A to qualitatively detect Helicobacter Pylori Antibodies This test screens the blood for antibodies, the presence of which indicates an immunity to the bacteria. 12 3 9 6 Direct from whole-blood, plasma or serum. Helicobacter pylori is one of the most common bacterial infections worldwide. It is one of the main causes of duodenal and gastric ulcers and has been associated with gastric cancer and lymphoma. The World Health Organisation has declared the bacteria a Class 1 carcinogen. Every year, costly medications are prescribed for the treatment of symptoms, however they do not rid the body of the bacteria. Cleartest® SU REF 10 tests C3 00910 24,50 C3 00920 46,50 C3 00930 62,50 Pylori 20 tests cartridge tests 30 tests Price SU CLEARTEST® Tetanus BLUT/BLOOD aRapid test to qualitatively detect Tetanus-Antibodies in Blood, Serum or Plasma. This test is an easy way to check the effectiveness of Tetanus immunisations. SERUM It is also ideal for detecting IgG/IgM before an anti-toxin immunoglobin treatment. Sensitivity: 96,5 % Specificity: 87,0 % (in comparison to other rapid tests). Results within 20 minutes. Storage: 1 - 30 °C Package with 25 single cartridges, buffer solution and pipette. Sealed seperately. PLASMA Result after 10 minutes. Storage: 2 - 30 °C Relative Sensitivity = 93,0 % Relative Specificity = 89,2 % Accuracy = 90,7 % 12 3 9 6 Cleartest® SU REF Tetanus 25 tests C3 4210 www.aerztebedarf.at Price SU 97,00 15 infection diagnostics - Mononucleosis, Rotavirus PLASMA SERUM BLUT/BLOOD FURTHER Infectious Diseases! Cleartest® Mononucleosis A For the qualitative detection of infectious mononucleosis from whole blood, serum or plasma*. • result shown through colouration • in-built test control 12 3 9 6 Cleartest® SU REF Mononucleosis 25 tests Price SU C3 11540 48,50 STUHL/faeces Result after 5 minutes Storage: 2-30 0C *) This disease is not uncommon and often remains undiagnosed or is diagnosed too late. Cleartest® Rotavirus Sensitivity: Specificity: Correlation: Rotavirus is the cause of infant enteritis worldwide. There are 7 known rotavirus groups, 3 of which (Type A, B and C) cause human illnesses. People suffering from enteritis excrete the virus, which is then spread through skin and hand contact or in food, water or other liquids. Result within 10-20 minutes Storage: 1-30 0C Do not refridgerate or freeze. A immunochromatographic Test to detect Type A rotaviruses in human Faecal samples. 94 % 98,3 % 96,9 % 12 3 9 6 Description: The test enables early detection of all rotavirus antigen Type A serotypes. Facilitates clean faecal sample testing. 16 Cleartest® SU REF Rotavirus 20 tests C3 1410-20 SU = SALES UNIT. ALL PRICES IN € URO EXCL. VAT Price SU 51,50 Diverse Practice diagnostics - D-Dimer PLASMA BLUT/BLOOD IVD 2009 Cleartest® D-Dimer a quicktest to qualitatively detect D-Dimer in whole blood or plasma. When the protein Fibrin splits and causes plasmic coagulation, DDimer is produced. When coagulation occurs, the concentration of D-Dimer in the blood increases. This test enables the preclusion of a pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis or disseminated intravascular coagulation. Results after 8 minutes. Sensitivity: 80 ng/ml Storage: 2-30 0C Do not freeze. 6 SU REF Price SU 1 test C3 0501-E 5,90 5 tests C3 0501-5 29,95 10 tests C3 0501-10 57,90 Clearview Simplify D-Dimer Test BLUT/BLOOD D-Dimer 3 An immunochromatic rapid test for the qualitative detection of D-Dimer in human whole blood and plasma. Test may be conducted using venal or capillary blood from the finger tip or plasma. Visual result, no device necessary. Results after 10 minutes. Sensitivity: 80 ng/ml Storage: 2-25 0C PLASMA Cleartest® 12 9 12 3 9 6 Clearview Simplify SU REF D-Dimer Test 10 tests C3 27V05285 www.aerztebedarf.at Price SU 69,95 17 Diverse Practice diagnostics - Micro-AlbumiN, CrP Cleartest® Albu-MIC Simple to use: Dip the test-strip in the urine sample, wait 10 minutes and then read the result. URIN/Urine An interesting alternative to other wellknown micro-albumin tests is the new Cleartest® Albu-mic strip-test from servoprax®. This is an immunochemical strip-test which indicates the presence of albumin in the urine sample exceeding the detection limit of 20µg/ml. As with pregnancy tests, the result causes a colour change on the teststrip. Each test-strip is individually sealed. 12 The test-strips are of flawless quality, and laboratory tests have proven that the results are reproducible and comprehensible. 3 9 6 Cleartest® Albu-mic is available in 3 practical sizes, each economically priced. Results after 5 minutes. Storage: 2 - 30 °C Cleartest® REF Price SU 5 tests C3 8005 12 tests C3 8012 9,90 30 tests C3 8030 22,10 4,40 SERUM BLUT/BLOOD Albu-Mic SU CLEARTEST® CrP aRapid test to detect crp in human whole blood or serum samples The C-reactive protein (CrP) is an acute-phase protein, the concentration of which increases at the presence of bacterial or viral infection. Its detection can give information to help evaluate the type of infection present, for example a streptococcus A infection. Elevated CrP levels in inflammation-free patients indicate an increased risk of infarction. Concentrations up to 10 mg/l are regarded as normal in an adult. Storage: 2 - 8 °C. Do not freeze! 12 Colours stabilize within 3 - 30 minutes - then read result. Additional materials required (not included): variable laboratory pipette (5 µl - 20 µl), pipette tip or appropriate capillary pipette. 18 3 9 6 Cleartest® SU REF CrP - semiquantitative Cut-Off: 5 - 200 mg/l 12 tests C3 4012 SU = SALES UNIT. ALL PRICES IN € URO EXCL. VAT Price SU min. 5 SU 24,90 23,10 Diverse Pra xisdiagnostik a - CrP IVD 2009 BLUT/BLOOD Cleartest® CrP (10/30) a Rapid test for the semiquantitative detction of crp in whole blood, serum or plasma. For the detection of inflammation resulting from bacterial infection arteiosclerosis. For professional us in in-vitro diagnostics. SERUM The sensitivity cut-off is 10 mg/l with a 30 mg/l reference line. Test pack: Test cartridge, pipette, microcapillary (10 µl) – for conducting tests using whole blood, pipette tube for blowing the capillary pipette, buffer solution, mixing tube, usage instructions. PLASMA For tests using whole blood a sample container is also required (for venous blood) or a lancet ( for whole blood from the finger tip). Not included: 3,5 µl capillary pipette for tests conducted using serum or plasma samples. 12 3 9 6 ! New Results after 5 minutes! Storage: 2 – 30 °C Cleartest® SU REF CrP (10/30) 10 Tests C3 401030 Price SU 33,70 BLUT/BLOOD Cleartest® CrP HS (10/60) „high sensitive“ aRapid test for the semiquantitative and selective detection of crp in whole blood, serum or plasma. SERUM For detecting and monitoring inflammation resulting from bacterial infection or arteriosclerosis. For professional use in in-vitro diagnostics. The sensitivity cut-off is 10 mg/l with a 60 mg/l reference line. For tests using whole blood a sample container is also required (for venous blood) or a lancet ( for whole blood from the finger tip). 12 3 9 6 Not included: 3,5 µl capillary pipette for tests conducted using serum or plasma samples. PLASMA Test pack: Test cartridge, pipette, micro-capillary pipette (10 µl) – for conducting tests using whole blood, pipette tube for blowing the capillary pipette, buffer solution, mixing tube, usage instructions. ! New Results after 10 minutes! Storage: 2 – 30 °C Cleartest® SU REF CrP HS (10/60) 10 Tests C3 401060 www.aerztebedarf.at Price SU 33,70 19 Drug Tests - Cleartest® Drug Test-strips Cleartest® DRUG URIN/Urine a The rapid drug-screening test-strip CLEARTEST® Drug test-strips are chromatographic lateral-flow-immunoassays for the qualitative detection of various drugs in urine. CLEARTEST® Drug test-strips indicate the presence of the drug. Confirmation should be made through clinical testing and professional verification when the presence of a drug tests positive. These tests are for professional use only. Now with different cut-off levels for monitoring drug abuse therapy! Visual interpretation is easy! Immerse the Cleartest®-test-strip into the urine up to the max. marking, wait 5 minutes then read the result. Storage: 2 - 30 °C. POSITIVE 12 = 1 line appears 3 9 NEGATIVE = 2 lines appear 6 INVALID = no line appears CLEARTEST® Drug-screening teststrips Drug Type SU REF Amphetamine AMP 1000 ng/ml 20 tests C3 11130 19,90 Amphetamine AMP 300 ng/ml 20 tests C3 11130-300 19,90 Barbiturates BAR 300 ng/ml 20 tests C3 18040 19,90 Benzodiazepines BZD 300 ng/ml 20 tests C3 18030 19,90 Benzodiazepines BZD 200 ng/ml 20 tests C3 18030-200 19,90 Buprenorphine BUP 10 ng/ml 20 tests C3 19093 19,90 2-Ethylidin-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidin EDDP 100 ng/ml 20 tests C3 19050 19,90 2-Ethylidin-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidin EDDP 300 ng/ml 20 tests C3 19050-300 19,90 Extasy MDMA 500 ng/ml 20 tests C3 19070 19,90 Cocaine COC 300 ng/ml 20 tests C3 12020 19,90 Cocaine COC 150 ng/ml 20 tests C3 12020-150 19,90 Methadone MTD 300 ng/ml 20 tests C3 19030 19,90 Methamphetamine MET 1000 ng/ml 20 tests C3 11330 19,90 Methamphetamine MET 300 ng/ml 20 tests C3 11330-300 19,90 Methamphetamine MET 500 ng/ml 20 tests C3 11330-500 19,90 3,4-Methylendioxyamphetamine MDA 800 ng/ml 20 tests C3 19040 19,90 Morphine MOR 300 ng/ml 20 tests C3 11230 19,90 Opiates OPI 2000 ng/ml 20 tests C3 18050 19,90 PCP Phencyclidine PCP 25 ng/ml 20 tests C3 14030 19,90 Propoxyphene PPX 300 ng/ml 20 tests C3 18060 19,90 Tetrahydrocannabiol THC 50 ng/ml 20 tests C3 13030 19,90 Tetrahydrocannabiol THC 150 ng/ml 20 tests C3 13030-150 19,90 Tetrahydrocannabiol THC 20 ng/ml 20 tests C3 13030-20 19,90 Tricycl. Antidepressants TCA 1000 ng/ml 20 tests C3 19091 19,90 20 Cut-off level SU = SALES UNIT. ALL PRICES IN € URO EXCL. VAT Price SU Drug tests - Cleartest® Multi-Drug URIN/Urine IVD 2009 CLEARTEST® MULTI-DRUG 12 a With THE choice of Methamphetamine or Methadone 3 9 The cleartest® Multi-Drug test is a chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of 6 different drugs and their principal metabolites in urine. 6 Result after 5 minutes. Storage: 2-30 0C The drugs you can detect are: 1METMethamphetamine: standard or MAD optional Methadone 2COCCocaine 3 THCCannabis/Marijuana 4MORMorphine 5BZDBenzodiazepine 6AMPAmphetamine Prodecure: 1.Apply 3 drops of the patients urine onto each of the sample fields on the cartridge. 2.Wait for the coloured lines to appear. The result can be read after 5 minutes. 3. Read the result. A pink line appearing in the control window (C), means the test was processed correctly. A pink line appearing in the drug-substance zone means that the result for the corresponding drug is NEGATIVE. If no pink line appears, it means that the result for the corresponding drug is POSITIVE. CLEARTEST® MULTI-DRUG Methamphetamine SU 5 tests REF C3 23005 Price SU 39,90 Methamphetamine 10 tests C3 23000 77,50 Methadone 5 tests C3 23015 39,90 Methadone 10 tests C3 23010 77,50 www.aerztebedarf.at 21 Drug tests - Cleartest® Multi-dip Cleartest® MULTI-DIP URIN/Urine a and screen for 4, 5, 7 or 10 drugs simultaneously Available in 14 different drug combinations! The complete package contains urine beakers. Easy to use: 12 Fill urine beaker MDMA MOR 500 300 Buprenorphine 1000 Cannabis/Marijuana MET 300 Tricyclic Antidepressants COC 300 MAD TCA THC BUP 300 1000 50 10 Methadone Cocain/Benzoylecgonine BZD 300 Morphine Benzodiazepine BAR Extasy Barbiturate AMP Cut-off ng/ml 1000 Methamphetamine Amphetamine 2 Insert Multi-dip test-strips into urine for 10-15 seconds 3 Read result within 5 minutes. MULTI-DIP SU 3 9 6 REF C3 30400 Note: The combination drug test can be ordered singly (without urine beakers) or in a dispenser pack of 10 per test type. Price SU 42,00 4 tests ● ● ● ● 10 4 tests ● ● ● ● 1 C3 30400-1 4,60 10 C3 30400M 42,00 4 tests ● ● ● ● 4 tests ● ● ● ● 4 tests ● ● 4 tests ● 1 ● ● ● ● ● 10 1 10 C3 30400M-1 C3 30496 C3 30496-1 C3 30535 4,60 42,00 4,60 48,00 5 tests ● 5 tests ● ● 1 C3 30535-1 4,95 5 tests ● ● ● ● ● 10 C3 30535B 48,00 5 tests ● ● ● ● ● 1 5 tests ● ● ● ● ● 5 tests ● ● ● ● ● 5 tests ● ● ● 5 tests ● ● ● 6 tests ● 6 tests ● 6 tests ● ● ● ● 6 tests ● ● ● ● 6 tests ● ● ● ● ● 6 tests ● ● ● ● ● ● 1 C3 30605B-1 7,15 ● ● ● ● ● 10 C3 30605-OE 67,80 6 tests 6 tests 7 tests ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 10 1 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 10 1 10 ● C3 30535B-1 C3 30535E C3 30535E-1 C3 30596 C3 30596-1 C3 30605 4,95 48,00 4,95 48,00 4,95 67,80 ● 1 C3 30605-1 7,15 ● ● 10 C3 30605A 67,80 ● ● 1 ● 10 ● ● ● ● ● ● 1 ● ● ● ● ● ● 10 C3 30605A-1 C3 30605B C3 30605-OE-1 C3 30607 7,15 67,80 7,15 69,00 7 tests ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 1 C3 30607-1 7,60 10 tests ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 10 C3 306010 98,50 10 tests ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 1 C3 306010-1 10,65 10 tests ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 10 C3 306010-B 98,50 10 tests ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 1 C3 306010-B-1 10,65 22 SU = SALES UNIT. ALL PRICES IN € URO EXCL. VAT Drug tests - Cleartest® Multi-dip Discreet IVD 2009 URIN/Urine CLEARTEST® Multi-DIP Discreet a For discreet drug scree- ning using this multipledrug test with integrated neutral urine beaker. Handling is easy: The patient urinates directly into the beaker. The outer label on the beaker should be removed in the laboratory to reveal whether drug traces are present in the sample. The temperature-control panel on the back of the beaker indicates whether the sample has been manipulated through the addition of another liquid such as water. 12 Result after 5 minutes Storage: 15-28 oC 3 9 6 Cleartest® SU 5-fold test 1 Test REF C3 605 6-fold test 1 Test C3 606 Price SU 8,20 9,90 Each beaker is singly sealed. Type Cut-Off Methamphetamine MET 1000 ng/ml Cocaine COC 300 ng/ml Opiates MOR 2000 ng/ml Cannabis THC 50 ng/ml Phencyclidine PCP 25 ng/ml Amphetamine AMP 1000 ng/ml C3 605 C3 606 • • • • • • • • • • • Cleartest® Sample Adulteration test URIN/Urine Drug a A test for controlling that urine samples have not been manipulated For qualitatively detecting creatinine, glutaraldehyde, nitrite, pH, specific gravity, oxidation substances, pyridiniumchlorchromate in urine samples. ! New 12 Result after 1 minute. Storage: 2 – 30 °C. 3 9 6 Cleartest® SU Adulteration 25 Tests www.aerztebedarf.at REF Price SU 19,80 C3 0402 23 SPEICHEL/saliva Drug tests - Cleartest® Drug-saliva test CLEARTEST® Drug-saliva test 12 a Sixfold Test The CLEARTEST® Saliva Drug-Test is a chromatographic lateralflow immunoassay for rapid qualitative detection of the principal metabolites of: • • • • • • 3 9 6 Amphetamine THC / Marijuana / Cannabis Opiates / Morphine / Heroin Methamphetamine Cocaine / Benzoylecgonine Phencyclidine in human saliva. The CLEARTEST® Saliva Drug-Test detects the metabolites above the cut-off levels as listed below: Implementation is easy: Using the saliva swab provided, saliva is collected and dripped onto the test-cartridge. Wait 9 minutes and then read the results. This is an ideal test for the police, the company doctor or in any field where drug taking could have fatal results. Drug Type Opiates/Morphine OPI Cut-Off Level 40 ng/ml Marijuana/Cannabis THC 100 ng/ml Cocain/Benzoylecgonine COC 20 ng/ml Phencyclidine PCP 10 ng/ml Methamphetamine MET 50 ng/ml Amphetamine AMP 50 ng/ml The tests are individually sealed. Result after 9 minutes Storage: 2 – 30 °C. Cleartest® SU Drug-Saliva test 5 tests REF C3 70601 Price SU 77,00 This test-strip is a highly sensitive enzymatic test for the detection of alcohol (ethyl alcohol or ethanol) in saliva or other liquids. The qualitative result indicates the presence of alcohol in the sample. Alcohol concentration is ascertained by comparing the colour on the teststrip, ranging from light green to dark green/grey, with the colour chart provided. Packed singly, with detailed instructions and colour chart. SPEICHEL/saliva CLEARTEST® Alcohol detection 12 3 9 6 Evaluation after 2 minutes. Storage: 2 - 30 °C. Cleartest® Alcohol 24 SU 2 tests 10 tests REF C3 601 C3 601-10 SU = SALES UNIT. ALL PRICES IN € URO EXCL. VAT Price SU 4,20 18,50 diverse diagnostics - anti-bioterror IVD 2009 ABSTRICHE/swabs ANTi-Bioterror This new rapid test is designed to detect 9 dangerous irritants and toxins in suspicious samples or on surfaces. The largest threat of Bioterror is through travellers or in packages of unknown origin or with unspecified contents. This test can eliminate doubt within 20 minutes. 12 3 9 6 The Test: For the detection of 9 dangerous substances: - singly sealed, incl. swabs and developing solution. - 1 test per pack Cleartest® SU REF An 1 test-set C3 7910 Price SU 165,00 Conducting the test: Rub the swab on the surface under suspicion. Place the swab into vial with the developing-solution and shake for 10-15 seconds. Open the vial and place 4 drops on each of the 9 test fields. Result after 20 minutes Storage: 15 – 30 °C. Result Substance Characteristic 1. Anthrax Detects Bacillus anthracis spores, no cross-reaction to other Bacillus spp. Cut/Off 10 4 CFU/ml 2. Y. Pestis Detects Yersina pestis F1 antigens, no cross-reaction to other Yersinia spp. 104 CFU/ml 3. Tularemia Detects Francisella tularensis LPS antigens 104 CFU/ml 4. Cholera 01 + 0139 Detects Vibrio cholerae 01 LPS antigens, no cross-reaction with other Vibrio spp. 104 CFU/ml 5. Poxviruses 105 CFU/ml Detects poxvirus antigens (Variola virus, Vaccinia virus) 6. SEB Detects Staphylooccus aureus enterotoxin B antigens 7. Ricin Detects Ricin antigens (from Ricinus communis) 8. Botulinum Detects Clostridium botulinum A, B , E antigens, no cross-reaction to other Clostridium spp. 9. Brucella Detects Brucella spp. (B. aborus, mellitensis, suis) antigen 1 ng/ml 50 ng/ml www.aerztebedarf.at 10-50 ng/ml 1 ng/ml 25 t Diverse Practice diagnostics - servoplate®, servocult, Servotube servoPLATE® Culture media a the economic Alternative 4 x 5 sterile, sealed plates at an attractive price! servoPLATE® culture media SU REF Price SU min. 5 SU Selective agar for path. fungi 4 x 5 plates C3 10415 11,50 9,90 Sabouraud 2 % glucose agar 4 x 5 plates C3 10413 11,50 9,90 Candida elektive agar (Nickerson) 4 x 5 plates C3 10412 11,50 9,90 Dermatophyte selective agar (Taplin) 4 x 5 plates C3 10422 11,50 9,90 Fungi agar (Kimmig) 4 x 5 plates C3 10421 11,50 9,90 The culture media contain these agar Urine culture media CLED-Agar to detect the overall count of bacteria MacConkey Agar for the selective growth of gramnegative bacilli SERVOCULT • • SERVOTUBE • • SERVOTUBE M • • 2-fold u.c.m. with patient labels 3-fold u.c.m. with patient labels 3-fold u.c.m. with patient labels 26 Cetrimide Agar selective growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Malt-Agar to detect yeasts and moulds • • SU REF 10 pieces C3 19100 6,75 10 pieces C3 19110 7,35 10 pieces C3 19130 7,35 SU = SALES UNIT. ALL PRICES IN € URO EXCL. VAT Price SU LABORATORY-/Practice demands - Cytobrushes IVD 2009 Celltip® DUO Cytobrush At one end a plastic Ayre spatula and at the other end a cytobrush. 10 brushes per polybag, 10 polybags per dispenser box. non-sterile SU REF 10 pieces B9 1200-2 Price SU 2,49 Celltip® Cytobrush For endocervical and vaginal smear testing. The spiral nylon brushes enable sufficient cell material be obtained for examination. Made of pliable plastic, with nylon bristles. Packed 10 pieces per polythene bag 10 cytobrushes per polybag. 10 polybags per dispenser box. non-sterile SU REF 10 pieces B9 1200 Price SU 2,49 min. 5 SU 2,10 GYN - Cervical brushes For the routine cervical smear test, sterile, singly packed, 20 cm long Packed seperately and sterile, 50 brushes in dispenser box. Material SU REF plastic 50 pieces B9 1400-S Price SU 19,00 Celltip® Cytobrush a With safety tip For endocervical and vaginal smear testing. With pre-cut tip for easy removal in the Petri dish. C 27 LABORATORY DEMANDS - Readytest® BLUT/BLOOD Compatible with all Compur-Bayer photometers Note the practical economy pack of 400 tests Square cuvettes HB and ERY for use with all practice photometers from Compur/Bayer, such as D 1, D 2, D 3 and Minilab. These ready-for-use cuvettes come with a practical snap-off cap and end-to-end capillaries 5 µl/10 µl. Carefully snap off the round tip of the cuvette cap. Hold the end-to-end capillary onto the blood droplet on the finger tip and fill, wiping any excess blood from capillary. Avoid air pockets Type SU REF HB 40 tests, lancets and swabs K3 SPH 0002 Price SU 19,90 ERY 40 tests K3 SPE 0001 19,90 Type SU REF HB 400 tests, lancets and swabs K3 SPH 000200 190,00 ERY 400 tests K3 SPE 000100 190,00 Place the capillary in the cuvette. Price SU Replace the cap and shake the cuvette until the blood has been completely washed out of the capillary. The capillary should end up in one of the corners of the cuvette. After a reaction time of at least 3 minutes, set the cuvette with the cap facing upwards, onto the photometer and begin determination. Important: Setting the cuvette upside down onto the photometer (with the lid facing downwards) will lead to false readings. Turn the cuvette the right way up and begin again. Consumables: Replacement end-to-end capillaries Suitable for Readytest square cuvettes Type SU REF 10 µl for HB 40 pieces K3 1010 2,95 40 pieces K3 10 2,95 5 µl for ERY Price SU IVD 2009 BLUT/BLOOD LABORATORY DEMANDS - Readytest®, Waste Bags Round-Cuvettes HB and ERY for Miniphotometer from Dr. Lange. Type SU REF HB 40 tests K3 SPM 1143 Price SU 19,90 ERY 40 tests K3 SPM 1142 19,90 Consumables: Calibrated 10 µl pipettes Suitable for Dr. Lange tests and Readytest round cuvettes. SU REF 250 pieces A1 0102 Price SU 11,70 Autoclavable waste bags a Made of PE-foil. For the safe disposal of problematic medical waste. Contaminated waste may be sterilised in these heat and tear resistant bags. Once sterilised at up to 140 °C, the waste is safe for disposal in the usual manner. Minimum purchase = 1 carton (SU). Format thickn. SU 300 x 660 mm 16 µm 1000 REF I2 130130 Price SU 259,00 360 x 760 mm 16 µm 750 I2 131130 212,25 360 x 460 mm 16 µm 750 I2 132130 171,75 400 x 650 mm 16 µm 1000 I2 134130 320,00 600 x 760 mm 16 µm 500 I2 135130 220,00 smart fix - special bags Suitable for 30 litre, tall-form bins. Made of HDPT, strong, tear-proof, ideal for contaminated waste. May be incinerated. With double sealing bands for safe disposal. Volume Size SU 30 l 440 x 760 mm 12 Rolls of 20 bags www.aerztebedarf.at REF I2 246265 Price SU 47,40 29 HYGIENE - Instrument disinfectant For safe cold sterilisation of thermolabile instruments and endoscopes in only 10 minutes Add to lukewarm water and the solution is ready! • free of all aldehydes and toxins • biodegradable, rest can be poured down the drain • not harmful to the user • does not irritate the airways • particularly economical PeraSafe® is a unique system for sterilising medical items quickly and safely. The active ingredients ( peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide) come in a powder concentrate, which, when added to water, create a solution. PeraSafe® SU REF Sachet of 16.2 g makes 1 litre solution 1 piece M3 0691 3,75 Tub containing 10 sachets of 16.2 g makes 10 x 1 litre solution 1 piece M3 06910 32,90 PeraSafe® is a bactericide (incl. microbacteria), virucide, fungicide and sporicide. Box with 100 sachets of 16.2 g 1 piece M3 069 Small Pack 81 g makes 5 litres solution 1 piece M3 07000 PeraSafe® is safe on delicate instruments. PeraSafe® has been tested and approved by most manufacturers. The advantage of the unique PeraSafe® solution is that it is safe to use and is practically odourless. The anti-corrosion system together with the almost neutral pH-value makes it possible to sterilise rustproof rigid and flexible endoscopes and other instruments simply by immersing them into the PeraSafe® solution. PeraSafe® does not fix proteins and prevents the development of micro-organisms. PeraSafe® does not present a risk to the user and no vapour-extraction device is required when the solution is used as PeraSafe® does not produce harmful vapours, as do chlorine-based disinfectants. The concentrated form is space saving as well as easy to transport. PeraSafe® fills all criteria for disinfecting medical thermolabile items which cannot be autoclaved or heat-sterilised. PeraSafe® is economical and safe for the user, patient and environment. PeraSafe® is currently the most modern cold-disinfecting and sterilising system available. 30 Price SU 298,50 8,40 Box of 24 x Small Pack of 81 g 1 piece M3 070 Medium Pack 162 g with measuring cup makes 10 litres solution 1 piece M3 07011 16,50 Box of 12 x Medium Pack of 162 g 1 piece M3 0701 192,50 Large Pack 810 g with measuring cup makes 50 litres solution 1 piece M3 0681 48,45 Carton of 6 x Large Pack of 810 g 1 piece M3 068 272,00 How it works: PeraSafe® oxidises proteins through hydrogen peroxide and peracetic acid. Storage and Shelf-Life PeraSafe® should be stored in a cool, dry environment and has a shelf-life of 2 years . Once opened, the container must be kept tightly shut to ensure that the powder remains dry. Life of solution 24 hours after preparation, after which time, the solution can be poured down the drain for disposal. Additional Information: Prior to sterilisation using PeraSafe®, instruments must be manually cleaned. The number of disinfecting cycles possible reduces over time. SU = SALES UNIT. ALL PRICES IN € URO EXCL. VAT 196,00 IVD 2009 HYGIENE - Virkon Your surface disinfectant and cleaner! guaranteed non-toxic guaranteed alcohol-free guaranteed formaldehyde-free environmentally friendly proven effective unbelievably economical fights mould and mildew ready for use in seconds cleans and disinfects Take 1 virkon® concentrate tablet (5 g) and normal, lukewarm water: Within seconds you have a spray/wipe disinfectant (effective for 6 days) active against viruses, bacteria, mould. Manufactured in accordance with the current BPD-directive.* Virkon® disinfectant is not only ideal for use in the laboratory, clinic or practice, but also for cleaning and disinfecting medical equipment, as well as in the food industry and sunbed salons. Ideal for cleaning and disinfecting damp areas. No more mould! Proven effective in kitchens and bathrooms. No need for: ● ● ● ● ● heavy canisters a variety of disinfectants for different areas cleaning first and then disinfecting wasted quantities of expired solutions environmentally harmful products Virkon works: ® ● Cleans and disinfects in one step. ● Non-toxic, does not emit noxious fumes or irritate the skin or eyes. ● Ideal for surfaces, walls, for dialysis and analysis machines, suction devices. ● An ideal surface disinfectant for food preparation areas. Virkon® Starter Set (small) Complete with 500 ml pump spray bottle and 10 tablets (5 gr. for 500 ml). Enough for 5 litres of disinfectant. REF M3 5005 Virkon® Starter Set (large) Complete with 1 litre pump spray bottle and 20 tablets (5 gr. for 500 ml). Enough for 10 litres of disinfectant. M3 5001 Virkon® Value Pack Complete with 500 ml pump spray bottle and 50 tablets (5 gr. for 500 ml). Enough for 25 litres of disinfectant. M3 5050 Virkon® Supply Box Complete with 500 ml pump spray bottle and 500 g powder concentrate (no tablet) with measuring spoon. Enough for 50 litres of disinfectant. M3 500 Virkon® Bucket Where greater volume is need for larger areas. Bucket with 5 kg powder concentrate for 500 litres of disinfectant. Price SU 25,75 35,50 85,50 98,90 M3 5000 495,00 Virkon® Sachet Pack For making larger quantities of disinfectant, 1 sachet of 50 g makes 5 litres of disinfectant. Pack of 50 sachets, enough for 250 litres of disinfectant. M3 256 Virkon® Pump Spray-Bottle, 1 litre vol., with spray nozzle. Empty. M3 1000 3,95 Virkon® Dispenser-Bottle, 0.5 litre vol., with spray nozzle. Empty. M3 1005 3,95 198,50 Virkon® has been proven to destroy all important human pathogens: Viruses: HIV, Aids, Hepatitis B, Polio, Lassa fever, Rift Valley fever Bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus (incl. TB), all bacteria causing food poisoning, proven effective against a large number of antibiotic resistant types Fungi: Candida and all known dermatophytes Virkon® is a unique oxidising system which destroys pathogens by dissolving the outer membrane. HBV virus before HBV virus after contact with 1 % Virkon® solution Note: If stored under dry conditions, the virkon® concentrate has an extremely long shelf-life. The prepared solution actively disinfects for up to 6 days only, losing it’s pink colouration. However, the solution retains its cleansing properties. virkon® meets all current European norms for disinfectants (BPD = Bioside Product Directive). These norms supercede all earlier norms. A large number of independent tests have proven the effectiveness and quality of virkon®. www.aerztebedarf.at 31
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