Yale commencement 2015 Special Events Information Yale commencement 2015 Special Events During Commencement Weekend You Can: > > > > > Take a turn with your favorite collegiate dance partner Saturday night at the “Boola Bash.” Look for the next Cole Porter in the musical produced by the Dramat, Yale’s largest theater group and our nation’s second oldest. Experience choral music from Brahms to “Boola Boola” as sung by the Yale Glee Club in beautiful Sprague Hall. Catch a concert of contemporary and nostalgic tunes by the Whiffenpoofs and Whim ’n Rhythm. Don’t miss Yale’s oldest musical tradition—The Yale Concert Band’s rain-or-shine twilight concert. Rich traditions weave through the events surrounding Yale’s Commencement. Take a moment to review the enclosed invitations and visit commencement.yale.edu for special performances and services offered throughout the weekend. From a Saturday afternoon carillon concert to a taste of Yale Dining’s finest with your new graduate on Monday afternoon, we know you will find enjoyable ways in the enclosed to celebrate Commencement 2015. Website Resources “Boola Bash” yalestation.yale.edu/boola-bash Yale Glee Club yalegleeclub.org Yale Band yale.edu/yaleband Yale Symphony Orchestra yso.commons.yale.edu Yale Dining yale.edu/commencementdining Whiffenpoofs whiffenpoofs.com Yale Dramatic Association dramat.org Whim ’n Rhythm whimnrhythm.com Commencement Schedule A complete listing of events throughout Commencement weekend is found on website commencement.yale.edu. Saturday, May 16 noon to 1:00 pm Carillon concert, Yale Guild of Carillonneurs. Best enjoyed from Old Campus. 2:30–3:30 pm Baccalaureate, Woolsey Hall This hour-long service, which is also repeated twice on Sunday, features an address by President Salovey and remarks by the Dean of Yale College. Students and their guests are assigned to one of three services, depending on residential college affiliation. Baccalaureate service for seniors and guests from Branford, Jonathan Edwards, Silliman, and Trumbull Colleges. 3:30–5:30 pm President’s reception for seniors and their guests, Beinecke Plaza (Hewitt Quadrangle) Rain location: Commons and The Presidents’ Room, Woolsey Hall, 168 Grove Street. 8:00 pm Yale Glee Club Commencement Concert, Sprague Memorial Hall, 470 College Street, 203 432-4136. 8:00 pm Yale Dramatic Association musical, “A Chorus Line,” 222 York Street. Earlier performances are on Friday at 8:00 pm and Saturday at 2:00 pm, www.dramat.org, 203 432-1210. 9:00 pm “Boola Bash,” a dance sponsored by the senior class, Lanman Center, Payne Whitney Gymnasium. Festive attire, spirited fun. conferencesandevents@yale.edu, 203 432-8714. Sunday, May 17 9:30–10:30 am Baccalaureate service for seniors and guests from Morse, Pierson, Saybrook, and Timothy Dwight Colleges. 11:00 am–12:00 pm Baccalaureate service for seniors and guests from Berkeley, Calhoun, Davenport, and Ezra Stiles Colleges. 2:00 pm Class Day exercises, Old Campus. Includes the awarding of undergraduate prizes, a celebration of Yale College traditions, and an address by an honored guest. Seniors assemble on Cross Campus at 1:15 pm and process to Old Campus wearing academic robes and headgear of choice. Following Class Day (approximately 4:30 pm) Receptions for seniors and their guests hosted by masters and associate masters in residential colleges. 7:00 pm Yale Concert Band Twilight Concert, Old Campus. Rain or shine. Admission is free. 8:00 pm Yale School of Music Commencement Concert, Sprague Memorial Hall, 470 College Street, 203 432-4158. Admission is free. 8:30 pm Whiffenpoofs and Whim ’n Rhythm concert, Woolsey Hall, www.whiffenpoofs.com or www.yale.edu/whim. 8:30 pm Dramat performance, “A Chorus Line.” See Saturday listing. Monday, May 18 9:30 am Wearing academic regalia, seniors assemble in college courtyards for march to Cross Campus. Procession to Old Campus begins at 10:00 am. 10:30 am University Commencement exercises, Old Campus noon Presentation of diplomas in residential colleges 1:30 pm (approximately) Lunch in residential colleges, 203 432-0420 No tickets are required for Commencement, Baccalaureate, or Class Day. Visit website commencement.yale.edu for additional information, or call 203 432-2317. Commencement Information Additional information about Commencement weekend is found on website commencement.yale.edu. Parking Entrances to Old Campus University lots are open to the public from 4:00 pm Friday through 7:30 am Tuesday. For lot locations, see this folder or Commencement website. Satellite parking with accessible shuttles to Old Campus is available Monday from 7:30 to 9:45 am from Pierson-Sage garage on Whitney Avenue. Handicapped drop-off is at Lot 51. Cars with handicapped tags or plates will be accommodated in Yale Lot 26V, 201 Prospect St., from 4:00 pm Friday through Tuesday at 7:30 am. Directions to Pierson-Sage handicapped dropoff and Lot 26V are on website www.yale.edu/ commencement. Although all gates will be open after Commencement, entrance to Old Campus is restricted beforehand. Guests may enter Old Campus through gates on College Street and High Street. Gates on Elm Street are opened for the procession but are closed to guests. Guests of Davenport and Pierson Colleges may wish to use the Howe Street garage. Turn right onto Howe from Chapel Street. Garage will be on right. Transportation Although shuttles are available to take Commencement guests to some diploma ceremonies, streets surrounding Old Campus are extremely congested. Guests of colleges at a distance from Old Campus—especially Morse, Ezra Stiles, Pierson, and Timothy Dwight—may find it convenient to reserve a complimentary wheelchair for older family members. To ensure availability, contact Heather Calabrese by April 30, heather.calabrese@yale.edu, 203 432-2317. Special Requests Assistive listening devises and interpreting services are available on request. Please send an email to heather.calabrese@yale.edu by April 30 to ensure availability. Additional information for guests with disabilities or health concerns is at commencement.yale.edu. Video Streaming Commencement and Class Day ceremonies are streamed live on website commencement.yale.edu. The procession steps off from Cross Campus promptly at 10:00 am. In preparation, streets surrounding Old Campus are closed to traffic at 9:45 am. Until that time guests may be dropped off close to Old Campus. Guests in wheelchairs may enter Old Campus through a specially marked gate adjacent to Lanman-Wright Hall on High Street. Gates on College and High Streets are also accessible. Rain Commencement and Class Day are held outdoors on Old Campus regardless of weather. Diploma ceremonies in some residential colleges may be moved to the alternative locations listed below. All other diploma ceremonies will take place under tents in college courtyards. Berkeley Levinson Auditorium Yale Law School Calhoun Yale Repertory Theatre Morse Trinity Church on the Green Saybrook United Church on the Green Ezra Stiles Christ Church, 84 Broadway Trumbull Battell Chapel Service of Remembrance The University Chaplain’s office will sponsor a Service of Remembrance at 11:00 am Saturday in Dwight Hall Chapel, 67 High Street, to honor family and friends who have died, 203 432-1128. Cann tr e er S Fis et he r Be lla my Cu rti s Yale commencement 2015 eet Cot tag e Str 45 g lin er ty le St vini ang Di adr Qu 9 n ua rq l Ma ape Ch d et Law renc e Stre et 30 4 p ie rso n- sage garage 0 0 EA 54 g 19 of din ss stry uil Cla emi ch B Ch sear Re 1 0 ne str Kli emi Ch b La 6 35 ve nu Ba y St 8 23 mp re e an Slo sics y b Ph La et 20 ge Sa ll Ha na t lS re re er 22 4 95 l f 1 nta s o nme as C l v i ro e c n E ien Sc nter Ce ce n fi e ld W es ree ch St in t te rA ve nu St et re St ol ist Br se r Ro nte Ce ale ) (Y lice Po tr kS n se Ro ll Ha le h Ya a l t r He nte Ce eet nal 3 8r a d rg n s de sio Un mis Ad ce Lu ll Ha re et bu ll St e eP la c kS q uar Howe Street Lynwood Place s ma el ho hap .T St re C Mo Pi er so 0 36 12 01 Ch ap 21 np or 2 GP 5 SC Y 20 B 2 11 1 3 1 34 elap Ch rk Yo r a g e Ga -4 7 14 3 0 ro ok s ne rk Ha wer To n ra fo s 12 9 3 od Wo l l Ha Ma n so La na l te ua s rad ice 5 5 d e rg S e r v U n re e r Ca 5 Audubon Street b r rne Wa u s e Ho w Do ll Ha d 70 tio 1 42 erna Int nter Ce Ro se ld nfe all H ey itn Wh ove G r u a re Sq P 96 e ols Wo l l Ha e g d i br y Si 4 l ey ss y Ba rar Lib WL H r ke l ey Ca lho igh Le ll Ha on ati S t fi c e ll e f le tte l Ya s t O rfe Ba ape Du Po anCh m n La ight am rn Wr Fa La l et bi re er St ll nd Va Ha t an elp s lc We h Ph n an sly nde ell Lin itte Cl Ch Mc ut tic l ec Hal nn Co wr Bi ng hy ot t Tim igh Dw n 0 25 AS SF 46 2 53 Wall Street 80 a ifk Sl rie nd He ll Ha 66 32 0 d ro p- o ff o n ly P e l Ya s s e Pr 02 3 r o it Vi s n t e r 3 Ce 9 14 14 Elm Street 19 5 15 7 N EW HAVEN GREEN ce ha ma 81 un OLD CAMPUS lli 93 el ck l 90 oe Hal 82St 9 45 1 45 e gu l ra Sp Hal t igh Dw ll Ha rd 12 m 9 Chapel Street r fo er Art nt Ce itish Br 9 P 10 yb t Ar llery Ga ry rto pe e Re eatr Th r ke Be re tu ulp S c rd e n Ga ria Lo nter Ce do Ru ll Ha 35 4 s C ROSS CAMPUS an th na ds Jo war Ed lph n ee Gr ll Ha Be ull t et el St re to ya le at h le t i c fields Park Street P we H o re e t St rage Ga 21 7 ve se i Ro mn u Al ty rsi i v e t re n U ea Th n Edgewoo d Avenue 21 an ric er me nt -A Ce 211 ro r a l f A tu l 5 Cu 20 mb Sa 22 8 32 2 Tr u P 429 6 29 ld no Ar ll Ha Da n lde Go nter Ce sic y Mu rar g Lib lin al er St ori ry m a Me Libr York Street ay f Of ay dw r oa eate Th ay 35 oadw Br m n mo H EWITT QUAD e ck ine y Be rar Lib o tin al La ltur r Cu nte Ce 1 05 30 P an ric r me nte e A Ce tiv ral a N ltu Cu 26 n ica er ter 5 Am en 29 ian al C As ltur Cu P High Street Yo r Elm Street a dw Co g lin er St w ng La ildi Bu York Street ce eP la Lak y wa rk Pa er To w ay Bro am an 4 40 15 rtl 2- ue Bo a dw Br Ki 43 all len H H e d l ey Ha 17 33 A ve n B ro le Ya r e sto ok nh Du b La P 2 ney ra Ez les i St s 44 W h it ll ffe P Grove Street of te ll a Ha adu s Gr udie St se From Route 15, (Wilbur Cross/Merritt Parkways) from i-91 & i-95 P Temple Street we Go et Dix p om yT Ra use Ho r Mo H S SS et re P s kin ie av S tr e St l ra nt Ce wer Po ant Pl in et Le er iv Ol n ect un P cto P ro sp 0 10 wer To w y Pk hm 33 e y n ey Pa itn Wh m Gy 24 D 40 un hm As As lw 27 e g lon rin Ma ginee En nter Ce n tso Wa l l Ha Be an nm La nter Ce Al en ue P 1 all 28 87 Tr um eet 35 30 27 0 Take exit for I-91 North toward HartfordSpringfield. Continue for a short distance on I-91 to Exit 3, Trumbull Street. Stay in middle lane as exiting and continue straight on Trumbull Street. At fourth stoplight, turn left onto Prospect Street. At intersection of Prospect and Grove Streets, Prospect becomes College Street; Woolsey Hall rotunda may be seen on the right. Proceed on College Street, past Wall and Elm Streets until the middle of the next block. The Phelps Archway entrance to Old Campus is in the middle of the block, opposite the New Haven Green. Bradley Street 12 us e Av Str GROVE STR EET C EMETERY s an Ev ll Ha 10 37 nz 77 Ca y od ab m Pe seu Mu 5 t’s H ill ho Loc n ide es Pr use Ho 46 a kr 20 51 ch ba ll ein Ha e ck t L o re e e St rag Ga ey tn e hi W enu e Av r a g a G 1 P b 36 w . ho T. M a n s rc Ev ll Ho ll Ha Ha Sa ch ns eb rvi re et n em St tso Wa n t e r Ce rs de n u Fo ll Ha et St S tr e Ma st r bo Os bs La e ct et et W s bb Gi bs La La ine y Kl olog Ge Se SW de No P ro sp P s all Ing k Rin er Av en ue 2 Ca to s c i e n c e pa r k ga r a g e nt n oo Kr ll Ha 4 20 Ce Hum phre y Stree t W hi tn ey Co St n to 0 p r os p e c tsac h e m ga r a g e 2 1 0 ss ine y Kl olog Bi wer To e nd 23 P t igh st W r b We La From Interstate 95, north or south From north: Take Exit 61. Drive south on Whitney Avenue for approximately five miles. Turn right on Sachem Street at the Peabody Museum traffic light. Continue to next traffic light at Prospect Street and turn left. Proceed until Prospect Street becomes College Street at the Woolsey Hall Rotunda. Follow directions above. From south: Take exit 57. Drive east on Route 34 (Derby Avenue) for approximately five miles past the Yale athletic fields. Take left onto Route 10 North (Ella T. Grasso Boulevard.) Proceed to fifth traffic light and turn right onto Whalley Avenue. Continue straight for 1.3 miles. Whalley becomes Broadway, and Broadway becomes Elm Street. Commencement guests may be dropped off at the corner of Elm Street and High Street, with entrance to Old Campus on High Street. You may also proceed on Elm Street to College Street and follow the above directions. Orange Street rA 4 t ree L Bishop Street t 0 y g lin str er St emi Ch b La igh Wr b La Church Street ste 25 0 From Route 34 P P 14 2 55 Crown Street P Church Street 31 36 34 Lincoln Street e s S tr 38 31 t ree o d la n o rt h Temple Street he Wo et Edw ards Stre From west: Follow directions from Route 34 above. Orange Street 0 5 9 t E rd dw a nc St on S tr ee e 27 T il t 16 17 30 > o n an S t. R H il ls P la c id e Wi 25 ce ien k Sc Par n l to science pa r k ga r a g e t ree le Ya r m Fa am ial rn Fa mor M e rd e n Ga Directions to Old Campus Public Parking Lots t Mu ll e tre tS P St son Ha rsh ec rsh ca Ma tani B o rd e n Ga Ma sp m l ey ee b Gr l La ia or Pro Me sc i en c e pa r k ga r a ge P 6 40 Yale University Parking Lots College Street P e rg nb ce ee en Gr nfer Co nter Ce Temple Street tts Be use Ho Commencement Housing Office PO Box 207135 New Haven CT 06520-7135 November 2014 Dear Parent(s): We are pleased to offer housing to you and your guests on Yale's historic campus for Commencement 2015. Space is limited, especially for those who need special accommodations for medical reasons. Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis. You and your guests will share a suite with an unfumished common living room with other guests. In most cases, you will also share a common in-suite bathroom, which does not have a lockable door. In some buildings, the bathrooms are down a common hallway. Bedrooms are furnished with single beds, dressers, desks, and chairs. Rooms will be cleaned and beds made up with linens, blanket, and pillow. Towels and soap will be provided. Be sure to bring any other personal toiletries. No daily maid service will be provided during your stay. General Information FEE: $162 per person; this flat fee covers your entire stay of one, two, or three nights. HOUSING DATES: Housing is available Saturday, May 16; Sunday, May 17; and Monday, May 18. CHECK-IN/CHECKOUT: You may check in after 10 am on Saturday, May 16. It is extremely important that you vacate your room by noon on Tuesday, May 19. The University requires immediate access at that time to prepare for alumni reunions which begin on Thursday, May 21. Sorry, we are unable to make any exceptions to this date. KEYS: Each suite door and most bedroom doors open with a key, which will be provided to you at check-in. In addition, an electronic access device, also provided at check-in, is required to enter the buildings. SPECIAL NEEDS: Please let us know as soon as possible if a family member or guest has a disability that requires special accommodation. Due to limited room availability, note that the person requiring a lower floor will be housed with one other family member only. Remaining family members may be housed on an upper floor. Elevators are not available in most buildings. PAYMENT: Reservations may be made on website www.yale.edu/'commencement using a credit card. Click on "Plan Your Trip" and then "Accommodations" and follow instructions. Or, checks or money orders payable to YALE UNIVERSITY can be forwarded with the enclosed reservation form to: Commencement Housing Office Yale University P.O. Box 207135 New Haven CT 06520-7135 DEADLINE/REFUNDS: The final day we will accept reservations is Friday, April 24, 2015. Confirmation will be emailed by Friday, May 1, 2014. No refunds will be given after April 24. For additional information, visit www.yale.edu/conimeiiceiTient . Congratulations to you and your graduate! Jeanne W. DeChello Facilities Superintendent, Silliman & Timothy Dwight Colleges Yale Commencement Housing Coordinator ieanne. clechello((vya1e,edu 203-432-0706 Yale Univers ty Commencement 2015 Housing Reservation 1 orm Please note that credit card reservations may be mad Home I hone ( ) Parent or Guardian's Name City/State/2 Parent's Address Parent's online at wwv •yale.edu/commencement. 'p Code for reservation confirmation. '-mail PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Graduate's Name College Affiliation or School Dorn Room # Phone Phone Off Campus Address (if applicable) Relationship to Name of Person to be Housed Graduate Age Male/Female Room Assignment (office use) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 $162 Per Person Total Amount $ Enclosed: Check ( ) Money Order ( ) Special It istructions: Does anyone listed above require special ;ial housing accommodations for medical reasons? Please explain. OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received: Date Deposited: Check or MO number Deposit Slip # Yale Glee Club Jeffrey Douma, Director To: Parents and Friends of Members of the Yale 2014 Senior Class From: The Yale Glee Club Re: Commencement Concert, Saturday, May 16,2015 The Yale Glee Club annual Commencement Concert, will be held on Saturday, May 16, 2015, at 8:00 p.m. in Sprague Hall, 470 College Street (comer of Wall Street), in New Haven. The Glee Club will perform a variety of music, including contemporary works, motets, spirituals, folk songs, and school songs. We are inviting families of graduating seniors to order tickets in advance. To ensure the best seating, please place your order as soon as possible. Tickets are $12 for guests, $10 for students On May 1, tickets will go on sale to the Yale community and the general public. Please visit http://music-tickets.yale.edu/ and follow the calendar to May 16, 2015 or call 203-432-4158 to reserve tickets
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