Vita - Department of Communication

Curriculum Vita
Emily A. Rauscher, Ph.D.
University of Southern Indiana, Communication Department
3092-Liberal Arts, 8600 University Boulevard
Evansville, Indiana 47712
Ph. D.
University of Missouri
Degree conferred May 2012
Primary Area: Health and Family Communication
Secondary Area: Interpersonal Communication
Dissertation: Family communication about genetic disease risk: Investigating factors
promoting disclosure and individual wellbeing
Dissertation Advisor: Colin Hesse
Committee: Loreen Olson, Colleen Colaner, & Christine Proulx
Western Kentucky University
Degree conferred May 2008
Primary Emphasis: Interpersonal Communication
Secondary Emphasis: Organizational Communication
Capstone Project: The communication of egg donation
Advisor: Blair Thompson
Committee: Angela Jerome & Kumi Ishii
University of Southern Indiana
Degree conferred May 2006
Major 1: Communication Studies
Major 2: Marketing
Advisor: Wesley T. Durham
Magna Cum Laude
Academic Honors and Awards
 Top Four Paper Award, WSCA Interpersonal Interest Group, 2014
 Graduate Student Research Award, University of Missouri Communication Department, 2012
 Top Four Paper Award, WSCA Interpersonal Interest Group, 2012
 Top Paper Panel, CSCA Graduate Student Caucus, 2011
 Top Paper Award, CSCA Graduate Student Caucus, 2009
Rauscher, E.A., & Durham, W.T. (2014). “As long as you’re sure you don’t want any more
children”: Men’s privacy boundary management of information about their affirmative
vasectomy decision. Communication Studies, online.
Olson, L. N., & Rauscher, E.A. (2014). “It can’t be domestic violence; We’re not married!” The
many faces of intimate partner violence. In D. O. Braithwaite & J. T. Wood (Eds.), Casing
interpersonal communication: Case studies in personal and social relationship (3rd ed.).
Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt. Invited by editors.
Rauscher, E.A., & Hesse, C. (2014). Investigating uncertainty and emotions in conversations about
family health history: A test of the Theory of Motivated Information Management. Journal
of Health Communication, 19, 939-954.
Hesse, C., Rauscher, E.A., Roberts, J.B., & Ortega, S.R. (2014). Investigating the role of hurtful
family environment in affectionate communication and relationship satisfaction. Journal of
Family Communication, 14, 112-128.
Hesse, C., Floyd, K., Rauscher, E.A., Frye, N., Hegarty II, J., Peng, H. (2013). Alexithymia and
impairment of decoding positive affect: An fmri study. Journal of Communication, 63, 786806.
Hesse, C., & Rauscher, E.A. (2013). Privacy tendencies and revealing/concealing: The moderating
role of emotional competence. Communication Quarterly, 61, 91-112.
Hesse, C., & Rauscher, E.A, & Wenzel, K. (2012). Alexithymia and uncertainty management.
Communication Research Reports, 29, 343-352.
Rauscher, E.A., & Fine, M.A. (2012).The role of privacy in families created through assisted
reproductive technology: Examining existing literature using Communication Privacy
Management theory. Journal of Family Theory and Review, 4, 220-234.
Olson, L. N., & Rauscher, E.A. (2010). We’ll never be that kind of couple: The Variability of
intimate violence. In D. O. Braithwaite & J. T. Wood (Eds.), Casing interpersonal
communication: Case studies in personal and social relationship (2nd ed.). Dubuque, IA:
Kendall Hunt. Invited by editors.
Research Under Review
Rauscher, E.A., Hesse, C., Miller, S., Ford, W., & Youngs, E. (Resubmitted October 2014).
Privacy and family communication about genetic cancer risk: Investigating factors
promoting women’s disclosure decisions. Submitted to the Journal of Family
Hesse, C. & Rauscher, E.A. (Submitted January 2015). The relationship between family
communication patterns and child vaccination intentions. Submitted to Communication
Research Reports.
Rauscher, E.A., Hesse, C. & Trask, S. (Submitted January 2015). The dyadic influence of
attachment and affection on relationship satisfaction. Submitted to Communication
Hesse, C., Rauscher, E.A., & Trask, S. (Submitted January 2015). Family communication patterns
and communicative responses to jealousy: The mediating role of alexithymia. Submitted to
the Journal Family Communication.
Rauscher, E.A., Young, S.L., & Durham, W.T. (Submitted February 2015). “I’d know that my child
was out there”: Perceptions of young women regarding the role of egg donation in the ‘ideal’
family. Submitted to the Journal of Marriage and Family.
Research in Progress
Rauscher, E.A., Hesse, C., Miller, S., Ford, W., & Youngs, E. Seeking information about genetic
cancer risk from genetic counselors: A test of the TMIM.
*Currently writing manuscript
Hesse, C., Rauscher, E.A., Roberts, J.B., Ortega, S.R. The influence of affection and positivity on
physiological and psychological health outcomes.
*Currently revising manuscript
Rauscher, E.A., & Freytag, J. The role of family communication patterns and privacy management
in understanding family health history information.
*Collecting data
Academic Conferences
Paper Presentations
Hesse, C. & Rauscher, E.A. (April 2015). The relationship between family communication patterns
and child vaccination intentions. Paper to be presented at the Central States Communication
Association Conference, Health Communication Interest Group, Madison, WI.
Hesse, C., Rauscher, E.A., Roberts, J.B., Ortega, S.R. (November 2014). The influence of affection
and positivity on physiological and psychological health outcomes. Paper to be presented at
the National Communication Association Conference, Interpersonal Communication
Division, Chicago, IL.
Hesse, C., Rauscher, E.A., & Trask, S. (November 2014). The dyadic influence of affection on
communicative responses to jealousy. Paper to be presented at the National Communication
Association Conference, Family Communication Division, Chicago, IL.
Hesse, C., Trask, S.L., & Rauscher, E.A. (February 2014). Family communication patterns and
communicative responses to jealousy: The mediating role of alexithymia. Paper presented at
the Western States Communication Association Conference, Interpersonal Interest Group,
Anaheim, CA. Top Four Paper Award
Rauscher, E.A., Hesse, C., Miller, S., Ford, W., & Youngs, E. (November 2013). Privacy and
family communication about genetic disease risk: Investigating factors promoting disclosure.
Paper presented at the National Communication Association Conference, Family
Communication Division, Washington, D.C.
Hesse, C., Floyd, K., Rauscher, E.A., Frye, N., Hegarty II, J., Peng, H. (November 2012).
Alexithymia and impairment of decoding positive affect: An fmri study. Paper presented at
the National Communication Association Conference, Interpersonal Communication
Division, Orlando, FL.
Hesse, C., Wenzel, K., & Rauscher, E.A. (November 2012). Older adults’ discussions of elder care:
Testing the Theory of Motivated Information Management. Paper presented at the National
Communication Association Conference, Scholar-to-Scholar Division, Orlando, FL.
Rauscher, E.A., & Durham, W.T. (November 2012). “As long as you’re sure you don’t want any
more children”: Men’s privacy boundary management of information about their affirmative
vasectomy decision. Paper presented at the National Communication Association
Conference, Family Communication Division, Orlando, FL.
Rauscher, E.A., & Hesse, C. (November 2012). Investigating uncertainty and emotions in
conversations about family health history: A test of the Theory of Motivated Information
Management. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Conference,
Health Communication Division, Orlando, FL.
Hesse, C., & Rauscher, E.A. (February 2012). Privacy management and disclosure: The mediating
role of emotional competence. Paper presented at the Western States Communication
Association Conference, Interpersonal Communication Interest Group, Albuquerque, NM.
Top Four Paper Award
Rauscher, E.A. (November 2011). Managing privacy in families at risk for genetic disease: A
Communication Privacy Management theory perspective. Paper presented at the National
Communication Association Conference, Family Communication Division, New Orleans,
Hesse, C., Rauscher, E.A., Roberts, J.B., & Ortega, S.R. (November 2011). Investigating the role of
hurtful family environment in affectionate communication and relationship satisfaction.
Paper presented at the National Communication Association Conference, Family
Communication Division, New Orleans, LA.
Rauscher, E.A. (April 2011). The role of privacy in families created through assisted reproductive
technology: Examining existing literature using Communication Privacy Management
theory. Paper presented at the Central States Communication Association Conference,
Communication Theory Division, Milwaukee, WI.
Rauscher, E.A. (April 2011). “I’d know my child was out there”: Perceptions of young women
regarding egg donation in the ‘ideal’ family. Paper presented at the Central States
Communication Association Conference, Student Section Division, Milwaukee, WI. Top
Paper Panel
Rauscher, E.A. (April 2010). Friends who were once romantic partners: Predicting commitment
using the investment model. Paper presented at the Central States Communication
Association Conference, Interpersonal and Small Group Interest Group, Cincinnati, OH.
Rauscher, E.A. & Symonds, S.E. (November 2009). “How will you ever understand him?”
Examining the role of privacy management in adoptive families. Paper presented at the
National Communication Association Conference, Family Communication Division,
Chicago, IL.
Rauscher, E.A. (April 2009). “We didn’t talk about that in my family”: Examining the effect of
family communication patterns on family privacy orientation. Paper presented at the Central
States Communication Association Conference, Family Communication Division, St.
Louis, MO.
Rauscher, E.A. (April 2009). Diffusing egg donation: Persuading donors. Paper presented at the
Central States Communication Association Conference, Student Section Division, St. Louis,
MO. Top Paper Award.
Rauscher, E.A. (November 2008). The association between young couples and private disclosures:
Communication about individual life plans. Paper presented at the National Communication
Association Conference, Interpersonal Communication Division, San Diego, CA.
Discussion Panels
(April 2015). TMI? How much personal information should a professor share in the classroom?
Presented at the Central States Communication Association Conference, Instructional
Resources Interest Group, Madison, WI.
(November 2012). Advancing the Communication Discipline: Professional Development in
Doctoral Education. Presented at the National Communication Association Conference,
Student Section, Orlando, FL.
(April 2010). Graduate Student Perspectives on Theory: Benefit or Burden. Presented at the Central
States Communication Association Conference, Communication Theory and Student Caucus
Divisions, Cincinnati, OH.
Grants and Funded Research
Hesse, C., & Rauscher, E.A. (2010). Alexithymia and affectionate communication. Research
Council Grant, University of Missouri-Columbia: $7,500
Research Interests
Communication about genetics; communication about family health history; discourse dependent
families; communication related to infertility and family planning; issues of privacy and disclosure
in families and health contexts; family health issues in media; mediated depictions of health
Academic Memberships
 National Communication Association, 2006-present.
 Central States Communication Association, 2008-present.
Academic Appointments
Texas A&M University Department of Communication
August 2014 – Present
Assistant Professor
University of Southern Indiana Department of Communication
August 2012 – May 2014
Contract Assistant Professor
University of Missouri Department of Communication
August 2008 – May 2012
Teaching Assistant
Western Kentucky University Department of Communication
August 2007 – May 2008
Teaching Assistant
Western Kentucky University Department of Communication
August 2006 – May 2007
Research Assistant
Teaching Experience
Texas A&M University
COMM 205: Interviewing Principles and Practices
COMM 370: Health Communication
COMM 460: Family Communication
COMM 470: Health in the Family
University of Southern Indiana
CMST 107: Intro to Interpersonal Communication
CMST 201: Introduction to Communication Studies
CMST 407: Communication and Healthcare
CMST 427: Family Communication
COMM 611: Communication and Personal Relationships
COMM 612: Health Communication
University of Missouri
COMM 1200: Public Speaking
COMM 1200: Public Speaking (Business Section)
COMM 3050: Survey of Communication Studies (Writing Intensive)
COMM 3525: Conflict and Communication
COMM 3561: Relational Communication
COMM 4520: Family Communication
COMM 4960: Directed Readings (Health Communication)
Western Kentucky University
COM 145: Public Speaking
Teaching Interests
Health Communication
Health in the Family
Public Health Campaigns
Communication for Health Professionals
Health Literacy
Communication Theory
Privacy and Information Management
Media Effects
Public Speaking
Interpersonal Communication
Family Communication
Introduction to Communication Studies
Communication and Social Relationships
Research Methods (Qualitative or Quantitative)
Small Group Communication
Health Communication and Media
Master’s Committees
Sarah Nelson, Thesis, Defense April 2014
Erin Dunn, Thesis, Defense April 2014
Erica Brooks, Comprehensive Exams, Defense April 2014
Sarah Harlan, Thesis, Anticipated defense August 2014
Committee Member
Committee Member
Departmental Service
 Serve on awards committee at Texas A&M University. August 2014-present
 Served on search committee for Assistant Professor in health communication position at Texas
A&M University. August 2014-February 2015
 Served as Association of Communication Graduate Students President April 2010-April 2011
 Served as Association of Communication Graduate Students Treasurer April 2009-April 2010
 Served as a member of the assessment review boards for Communication Studies and the Master
of Arts in Communication programs, University of Southern Indiana
 Served as a member of the CMST Core 39 Assessment Task Force
University Service
 Assisted students in the Human Development and Family Studies Department at the University
of Missouri with workshop presentations in capstone class, November 2011
 Taught workshop on presenting research to students in the McNair Scholarship program at the
University of Missouri, March 2012
 Volunteered for parents and families weekend at the University of Southern Indiana, October,
Professional Service
 Volunteered at the information booth at the 2007 National Communication Association
convention in San Antonio
 Served as NCA Student Section Vice-Chair Elect November 2009-November 2010
 Served as NCA Student Section Vice-Chair from November 2010-November 2011
 Served as NCA Student Section Chair from November 2011-November 2012
 Served as NCA Health Communication Division Graduate Student Representative from
November 2011-November 2012
 Respondent, (November 2010). Politics, health, and instruction: Multiple perspectives in
interpersonal and computer-mediated communication, at the National Communication
Association Conference, Student Section, San Francisco, CA.
 Chair, (November 2010). The fluid and stable nature of family relationships and their origins, at
the National Communication Association Conference, Family Communication Division, San
Francisco, CA.
 Respondent, (November 2011). Lies, stress, deception, and fear: Papers in interpersonal and
health communication, at the National Communication Association Conference, Student
Section, New Orleans, LA.
 Chair, (November 2011). “Simply the best”: The top five papers of the student section, at the
National Communication Association Conference, Student Section, New Orleans, LA.
 Respondent, (November 2012). The best of the best: Student section top papers, at the National
Communication Association Conference, Student Section, Orlando, FL.
 Chair, (November 2012). Message effects and health behavior outcomes, at the National
Communication Association Conference, Health Communication Division, Orlando, FL
 Chair, (April 2015). Not the “F” word: Approaches to feminism in the college classroom, at the
Central States Communication Association conference, Women’s Caucus, Madison, WI.
 Reviewed papers for the Student Section from 2008 to 2012 NCA Conferences
 Reviewed papers for the Student Section from 2009 to 2012 CSCA Conferences
 Reviewed papers for the Health Communication Division 2012 to 2013 NCA Conference
 Reviewed papers for the Interpersonal Communication Division 2013 NCA Conference
 Served as a member of the “Reviewer in Training” program for the Journal of Family Communication
from 2010 to present
 Selected as a member of the Associate Review Board for Communication Studies, 2013-2015
Community Service
 Volunteered for the Girls in Bloom Expo, February 2013