Fresh Ideas Case Studies Bill Quay Community Farm Association Bill Quay Community Farm is based in Gateshead, and since 2013 has been run by Bill Quay Community Farm Association, a registered charity that operates the farm on a not-forprofit basis, benefitting the wider community. The farm received a grant of around £50,000 through the Fresh Ideas Fund in 2013 which helped it to develop the infrastructure that it needed to generate a sustainable income stream. The grant was used towards developing its staff, which in turn has led to Bill Quay Community Farm offering educational courses in partnership with Houghall College to young people. This has benefitted the local community by providing young people with new opportunities, education and skills. The full time education courses on offer at the farm are: Countryside Skills, Animal Care and Animal Management. Groundwork North East Groundwork North East (Groundwork) focuses its activity in communities where it can make the most difference. Its work is carried out regionally across three main areas: creating better places; improving people’s prospects; and promoting greener living and working. Groundwork was awarded a grant of just over £20,000 through the Fresh Ideas Fund to assist in the purchase and modernising of Butterwick Tree Nursery CIC, which provides horticultural training for offenders and unemployed young people. The grant enabled Groundwork to spend invaluable money on marketing, including a redesign of the Butterwick Tree Nursery’s website, organising events and securing advertising in trade magazines. Thanks to the Fresh Ideas Fund, Groundwork was then able to access further funding which then went on to help it employ an apprentice at Butterwick Tree Nursery.
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