705 School House Dr. Milliken, CO 80543 (970

705 School House Dr.
Milliken, CO 80543
(970) 587-5742
Important Dates
March 25—3rd grade
Recorder Performance
1:50 pm ONLY
-Parent Teacher Conferences
March 26—3rd Quarter
Award Ceremonies
-Parent Teacher Conferences
March 27—NO SCHOOL
Begin Spring Break
March 28—State Odyssey of the Mind
April 6—School Resumes
April 10—Hair Today,
Gone Tomorrow
Upcoming Music Performances
March 25—3rd grade recorder
program at 1:50 ONLY
April 30—Band concert 7:00 pm
May 5—4th grade ―Go West‖ at
1:30 pm and 7:00 pm
May 13—5th grade ―Fractured
Fairy Tales‖ at 1:30 pm and 7:00
Re-Enrollment Paperwork
It‘s that time again. Re-enrollment paperwork will be
given out during parent/teacher conferences. Please ensure that all outstanding fees are taken care of prior to re-enrollment for the 2015-2016 school year.
Please call Sue Smith at (970)587-5742 x106 for questions regarding fees and payment.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent teacher conferences are Wednesday March 25th and Thursday March
26. Please use the following link to sign
up for conferences with the elementary
school teachers.
Odyssey of the Mind
Congratulations to both of the KQA Odyssey of the
Mind teams. We had a great showing at the district
competition last weekend. Our middle school
―Runaway ‗Train‘‖ team placed 1st and our elementary
school ―Pandora‘s Box‖ team placed 5th. Both teams
are advancing to the state competition on Saturday
March 28 at Ft. Collins High School.
Anyone interested in Odyssey of the Mind next year is
welcome to join us in showing support for our KQA
teams at the state competition and see what it is all
about. For more information please contact Amanda
McCosh amccosh@weldre5j.k12.co.us .
Yearbooks are now on SALE!
We are excited to offer an online order/pay option to get order yearbooks. See the attached
form for instructions. You may order one (1) yearbook at a time, but have the option to
pay with your credit/debit card. Memory Book, who publishes our yearbook, will process
your payment and notify me that you have ordered a yearbook. If you have more than one
child that you would like to order a yearbook, you will have to do them one per order. They
are looking to expand that next year to order more than one at a time.
The deadline for ordering has been extended to March 26.
Thank You
KQA Yearbook Staff
Spring Cleaning?
Award Ceremonies
During your spring cleaning, please
collect items to donate to our school
rummage sale on May 2. Our fall rummage
sale earned about $1300 for our school, so any
donations are appreciated! Items can be
dropped off at the school on Friday May 1st –
we will have a movie night for kids and could
also use some volunteers to organize the donations for the sale as well. The rummage sale
will be on Saturday, May 2nd from 8:00am to
3:00pm in the KQA gym.
Our 3rd quarter award ceremonies have been
rescheduled for Thursday March 26. We hope
that parents and families are able to join us
in celebrating the success of our students.
Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade
Awards will be at 8:00 am.
Third Grade, Fourth Grade, and Fifth Grade
Awards will be at 9:00 am.
Middle School Awards will be at 10:00 am.
KQA Art Show
We are pleased to announce that an art show will be on display for all families to enjoy during Parent Teacher Conferences. Look for exemplary student artwork to be displayed
throughout the school including the walls by the library, computer lab, office, and in hallways.
Our students have created some great works of art and we are excited to share them with
Meet our NEW School Counselor!
During Parent-Teacher conferences,
stop by and meet our new school
Movie Night
Our final KQA
Movie night for
Mrs. Lynn Keber will be in her office this year will be
on Friday May 1.
from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm and from
Our movie is Al6:00 pm to 6:30 pm on March 26th
exander and the
and 27th.
Terrible, HorriShe is looking forward to meeting
ble, No Good,
more of our KQA family!
Very Bad Day.
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow!
As a reward for students
reaching their gold for
Read the Most from Coast
to Coast, Mr. Stoody and
Mr. Kummer will be shaving their heads. The assembly will occur at the
end of the day on Friday
April 10.