Keith Ash forms - The Community School of West Seattle

Community School of West Seattle 2015 Auction Donation Form
Donation forms are due by 6/9/15. Donation items are due by 6/2. Auction is 6/6.
donor (company or individual)
business contact person
Use Only Inventory #
Catalog #
Very important! Describe donation in detail (attach extra sheet if necessary)—catalog listing will be based on your
description. Please include any restrictions. Gift certificate expiration date (if applicable)*:
Donor’s estimate of donation value (estimated retail value, appraised value)—PLEASE SELECT/COMPLETE ONE OPTION BELOW:
This is a single item (e.g. one toaster or one party for four couples to be bid on as a single item). Its value is: $
This donation includes multiple identical items (e.g. 5 of the exact same toasters or 8 “spots” at a party or other event) to be
bid/sold separately. The per-item value is $
The number of items is
Please select just one:
signature of donor
 Item or gift certificate attached
Item or certificate to be delivered to CSWS by (date):
 CSWS should make a gift certificate for this donated item
Solicited/procured by (please print):
9450 22nd Avenue SW – Seattle, WA 98106
(206) 763-2081 fax: (206) 762-2369
Federal tax ID # 77-0590799 Non-profit 501 (c) 3
White copy: CSWS Yellow copy: donor retains as tax receipt
* All gift certificates must be used within one year of auction unless otherwise noted.