B Summer Floor Coverings Featuring Summer Knit Underwear N 'ADDITION to other special Hems, we wish to emphasize that our present offerings in summer knit AT COST AND LESS underwear will meet every possible requirement. Not only do we carry a most complete line of the higher priced Italian silk garments but in medium priced knit underwear We offer a range of selection that is not equalled elsewhere in El Paso. The numbers noted today are at nominal prices and unusually good values. s Beyond Italian Silk Underwear We also underwear is priced aa follows: Italian silk vests, plain, in white and colors, Italian silk vests, beautifully em- broidered, come in white and colors, at 95 to $8.95. at to $1.50 $1.00 Vests 76c 3 ?? 15c VESTS 11c Fifll bleached Sea Island cotton summer vests, Richelieu ribbed, well taped neck and shoulder straps, our "j 1 20c TESTS 15c Gauze summer vests, lxl ribbed, row shoulder straps, well taped, ular 20c values ; 1 special 1 1C narreg- 50c Union Suits 40c - lace-trimm- 0?C special...'. SUMMER TJKI0K SUITS We have a complete stock of sum- Vmer union suits Kayser's, "Viola" and Manbingwear. One Extra Special is noted for the balance of the week. g IOC EXTRA! 75c Vests 58c week Cotton lisle and silk lisle summer vests, several styles to choose values to 35c; special this week 35c VESTS 20c A lei of cotton lisle and meroerfced summer vests, in white and colors, well taped, regular 35c vests are in cluded in this lot, also garments worth up to 35c; special tj ...u $2.50 Some people seem to think that we curry only high priced corsets. While ye CO carry the highest grade corsets madr- - we also have a splendid stock of reliable corsets priced at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50. These are Warner's and Royal Worcester corsets. They come in models for all types of figures, are guaranteed rust proof and are the best corsets for the money that it is possible to produce. We continue the balance of the week our sale of hosiery. This sale embraces: Silk boot hose, worth 50c a pair; extra fine quality, black, gauze lisle hose, worth to 75c per pair; Black, gauze lisle and silk Jfole hose, north to 60c pair; Lace lisle hose, worth to 75c a pair; colored silk lisle hose, worth to S5e ' a pair. You have choice of any of this hosiery at, per pair 39c al M & & Jr & Announcement We announce beginning Thursday a. m., in the Millinery Department, a sale of imported shapes. These shapes are the season's best styles. Values are from $7.00 to $15.00. They will be on sale at $1.00 Thursday morning. The Modart Front-Lace- d Corset The Modart, "The ImproieJ Front Laced," is reiliy the only successful front-lace- d corset. If you have never corset, tried a front-lace- d suppose you come and see some of the Modart models. -- Perfume Demonstration I R0JAS REPORTED Tomorrow we will giro free demonstration of thv newest odors in bulk perfumes. Hudnut's, Colgate's, Bradley's, Haubigant's, Dcjr .'.s, LazelFs- and other fine perfumes will be used. 'The Store of Service' - COL. SANCHEZ HERE TO WILL TAKE WHATEVER MEASURES NEEDED A FEDERAL NOW TALE WITH BLANCO Is Said to Be at Head of 90 Commander of Federals at Soldiers to Govern Themselves in Cuba as CirMen Making For 0jinaga May Have DeGhili. cumstances Diredt. Madera, signs Upon Juarez. May 38. The Washington, D. Col. Jose de la Cruz Sanchez,commander of the federal fo:e at O jinaga, arrived on the G. H. It S. A. Monday evening; Gen. Jose de la Luz Blanco will arrive from Mexico City Wednesday. The two together with federal commanders, Mexican consul Enrique C. Llorente and Alberto Madero, will hold a council of war at the Mexican consulate regarding the campaign against the rebels in the state of Chihuahua and around Juarez. CoL Sanchez was accompanied by his nephew, Pancho Sanchez, and a number of his troopers, wearing civilian clothing. He crossed the river near Sierra robcharged Blanca was winter, and was accompanied to El Paso with and the bing the National bank in Juarez of by state ranger Charles Webster. "My troops are at Ojlnaga," he said, several thousands of dollars. Later, beafter evading the question of what his fore a military court, Kojas was sentenced to five years Ip the penitentiary purpose was in El Paso. "I do not Tor not obeying Oroxeo In making a know the number, as they are scattered campaign against the federal forces over considerable territory' he said, with a smile which said that he knew at Ojinaga. to a man how many troops he had. raeallea-fo- r salts half price. R. V. 110 Texas. Pearson. Antonio Hojas, who was released from the Chihuahua penftentiarr early in the week by order of Gen. Orozco, is reported to have turned federal and. with 90 of his followers. Is said to have returned to his old haunts in the Guerrero district. It was rumored in Juarez Tuesday morning that Rojas had reached a point near Madera with his band and at any time was likely to attack the town, which is garrisoned by about 60 rebels. No confirmation of these reports could be obtained In Juarez. Hojas was a general in the rebel army when the revolution broke out late- - in REBELS DEFEATED IN ATTACK ON FUERTE $1.40 for $1.00 4 Bottles reg. 35c KINGSBURY'S or Jams for 1.0 pure fruit absolutely Guaranteed, Tou have choice from the following: BlackMS Fig Marmalade. berry, Raspberry, Plum, Apricots, Peach, Grape. l'RKSKKVES Strawberries, Peaches. Figs, Quinces. Preserve j Levy Grocery Co. Tucson, Ariz., May 28. Two hundred rebels demanding the surrender of Fuerte. Sunday, Were defeated by ISO federals under Gen. Iturbe, the rebels falling back to Cholx. where a battle is expected. The rebels attacked Slnaloa, Monday. The were cut at Rosario and no detailswires are received of the Acopeneta attack. It is believed the rebels are attempting ta form a junction to attack Mazatlan, Aco-penet- a, C, United States is prepared to. send marines and bluejackets to the interior of Cuba for the protection of American and foreign Interests, where necessary, and where no Cuban forces are available for that purpose, even though president Gomez should object to such a course. It is emphatically held at the state department that American marine and navy officers are expected to take such measures as become necessary to protect American and foreign plantations. Prairie Arrives la Cuba. Caimanera. Cuba, May 28. The naval transport Prairie arrived here early today, bringing 775 men of the United States marine corps. Rarnlag Property. Santiago, Cuba May 28. A body of insurgents burned 8000 tons of sugar cane, many cars and other property on the plantation of Marcos Sanchez, in the vicinity of Guantanamo. and belonging to the American Fidelity company. Cars To Transport Treeps. Denver, Colo., May 28. Union Pacific railroad officials In Denver today resetted orders to send sufficient equipment to Cheyenne, Wyo, to meet demands for a sudden movement of troops from Fort D. A. Russell. It is believed the order is intended merely to supplement the instructions from Washington yesterday to hold Fort Russell troops in readiness to move immediately In response to rush orders. REBELS REPULSED ; ATTACK MAZATLAN New Tires for Baby Buggies 3-- 8 00 Young's EI Paso Furniture Co. "Sugar," Best Granulated, 18 lbs. for Best Quality Hams and Bacon, 18c Pfr lb New Potatoes, 6 lbs. for 25c Irish Potatoes, 8 lbs. for. .25c Bermuda Onions, 6 lbs. for 25c White Rose Lard, 10 lb. can for $1.35 MAIL ORDERS Verv Best Hard Wheat Flour, Dia- mond M Brand 48 lbs. for. .$1.60 2 lbs. for. . 85c California Grape Juice ...... pho.e, 2424-240- 835-- M Per pint- -. JFiuk $1.00 Per quart 15c California Table Claret, per SOLICITED. BEST AND YET Something Big is Going to Happen kCL-- Sf THE 2Sc IT'S WORTH WATCHING BEST THAT gl"&5c EVER HAPPENED fi5 WELL KNOWN MAN IS HOLDUP ORDER IS KILLED FOR TREASON RECEIVED TOO LATE Executed by Federals at Ma- Dynamite Ordered Held by Washington Already Had zatlan Americans Are Gone South. Leaving Country. 28. Rob- erto Alinada, millionaire member of one of the chief families of Slnaloa, was executed for treason by the federals last night. His execution has caused consternation here as it was the first time a wealthy man has paid the extreme penalty for disloyalty. It was held at midnight and in private on the Paseo Centenario in front of the Glorieta Brittanlca on the shore of the Pacific. Another prisoner was executed by the firing squad of 12 at the same time. Almada was a leader of rebels when Culiacan was taken. A month ago he sued for a pardon and, believing that granted, came to Mazatlan 10 it wasago. days He was arrested, tried, found guilty of treason and paid the penalty. The prisoners taken by Ojlnaga near Mocorito several weeks ago were transported 'to Tres Maris penal colony Instead of to the fedaral army in front of Orozco. The gunboat Guerrero was in port one hour Sunday en route from the penal colony to MansanlUo and took aboard 50 men of the local garrison. But meager reports have been received of the bsttle at Acaponeta. They are still fighting. The rebels Guerrero, Canedo and Tirado have formed a junction and now control 700 men. The American consul at Durango has sent a circular to every American in the mountains warning him to pack his most valuable belongings and prepare for instant departure for safety on the coast at Mazatlan. It is a five days' horseback ride. No reason is assigned for the circular, which is peremptory. American consul Alger leaves Mazatlan today for an official visit to Culiacan. His purpose is not known. Two mining men from the Mocorito section say that the general belief is that American intervention is probably what has brought about strained relations between natives and Americans. They declare the Americans are preparing to leave their property. Federal authorities claim to have the country well in hand. TORREON REPORT IS STILL UNCONFIRMED The report of the taking of Torreon by the rebels still lacks confirmation. Pascnal Orozco. the military commander of Juarez, has received no further advices about the reported capture of the federal stronghold by Campa and Arjtumedo. Torreon is well defended against rebel attacks, according to a message received here early today by E. C Llorente, the Mexican consul, who inquired of Albert Aguillar, chief of arms at Torreon, concerning the report thatr ' Torreon had fallen. "It is absolutely false," wired AguJlAar, "that Torreon has fallen into ySehands of the rebels and it never w'jft, because it has a strong garrison .V defend it.'" FEDERALS IIIRIXG SOLDIERS BY THE iAY 1' SIXALOA Mazatlan, Mexico' May 27. (Delayed in transmission yiAn engagement between 160 federois and an equal number of rebels ay Fuerte. 1 miles from here, resulted fx tbe defeat of the rebels with a loss 0f two men. The federal troops folrowed the rebels towards Croix, where another battle was expected. Ruralgj are now scouring the southern paJts of the Fuerte district to keep rebeft8 away from American colonies in thrt vicinity of San Bias. The feileilaj commander is reported to be hiriniX a dollar a day with the DrivileIi.o nultttne: the servica at any timle at tne ena of a day's work. Col. s - BIGGEST We'd teN you when but we don't know yet LION GROCERY CO. 5. Tucson, Ariz., May 28. The federals FIGHTIXG WITH REBELS IX VICINITY OF TORREON. reDUlseri the rebels in their attack on Monday, according to word j Acaponeta Mexico City, May 28. A telegram here toda. the reDeis losing from a special correspondent of El received 10 killed and a number wounded, and ImparciaL filed at 11:40 a. m.. Monday in Torreon states that the city the federals one killed. A number of citizens aided the fedwas quiet The federals, he said, were in defending the town. concentrating in Alves. 10 miles to the erals Quinteros and Franco, with 40 folNoti ice to the Public. southwest in Durango, where Gea. lowers, the federals in the outBlanquet now has 1,500 men with ar- skirts offought The sai itary committee has selected according to today, Mazatlan tillery. June third .ts the cleaning up any. All Dispatches to El Imparcial state an unconfirmed report late this afterpatrons e requested to have their that Candidado Aguilar. who, accord- noon. garbage ri adv and placed at a convcni-s- o ing to a goernment report detested place. cnt Joseph Ra 1. a secondhand rteal-- r to cause too much hs nutsame, Argumt-ndand Campa at San Juan at 405 South El Paso street, who was time in g' ithering de Guadalupe, has been defeated by arrested Friday afternoon on tue Uluracnthnl. s. the rebels near Torreon. Cliairn; charge of onspiracy to smuggle arm's f CommittPe. to 7ieico. and amrm.mtion nril . 11 Slze. Refrigerators nmmi.-sivT- T to tl-,i H Slim. '.i!m iu' VTfrijjeriHOri ' ., 11 Htrdiu'i C , 302 Mil! C - 1. u.i t .1 J03 MllK Sir, . I : Buy Fr&ffl ?08B awl Bay For Less BELL PHONE :: 307 S. EL PASO ST. -- 1DERSBLL ALL OTHERS i:. Overland St. Bell Phone S0.-3Into 15S det-ign- Mail Orders Given Special Attention Mazatlan, Sin.. Mex.. May JL .'iO For next week only we will put new tires on your baby buggies for 20c each, inch size. Phone us or bring your buggy in. in the WEDNESDAY SPECIALS A fortunate purchase by our New York 75c Hosiery 39c s - 'The Store of Service" Gowns 95c -- J- plOD out-of-to- office enables us to offer this Extra Special These gowns are made of m night gowns. good quality cotton crepe and come, in White, pink and light blue. They are slipover .styles with short kimono sleeves. Neck and sleeves are daintily trimmed with Torchos lace. Such gowns are worth" regularly up to $ 1 .50 ; offered as an Extra Special beginning tomorrow morning. A Bath Room Rugs for $1.85 $3.50 M Extra! Extra! $1.50 Crepe Night Corsets at $1.00 to spe-ci- reason we give 3rou choice of any CP T SpJ Jl hat in this special lot for 35c VESTS 29 Our mail order facilities are unsurpassed locally. We ask customers to take advantage of our advertieemente at all times. OOC ..v UC at 20c Imported sift lisle vests and plain lisle vests, values up to 75c; Extra Special this JJQrt Our Arcade displays are always a correct forecast of coming fashions as well as the correct styles of the day. Always include a visit to the Arcade when down town. Special wear stor-- . Heavy and absorbent. No bath room beautilul complete without one. The colors are guaranteed fast. g QE Special while they last !kfanv HP HERE yet remain good selections in our spe- cial offer of tailored Jiats at $1.00. This is, beyond a doubt, the greatest millinery value ever given in El Paso. Our whole idea is to clqse these hats out. miirlrlv Jinrl for that Kayser's summer weight- union suits, low neck and sleeveless with knots, regtight or ular 50c garments; Extra a r 50c VESTS 39c Imported lisle vests, also silk list; and plain cotton vests, sell regularly up to 50c each; QQ rfo Values to $14.00 for $1.00 EXTRA! ...ADC for 6.00 Matting Rugs handsome patterns, well made and practically proof. The ideal summer covering for your floors. Size 9x12. Some get even more than $6.00 for these rugs. PO While they last Tailored Hats W-9- 5 Derby ribbed summer vests are offered as an Extra Special Q C at a Doubt fiiggest Dollar Bargain Ever Given The Italian silk union suits, in white and colors, plain and embroidered, at to $7.95. Vests 3 for 25c Imported silk lisle vests, in whiie and colors, some with fancy crocheted yoke, values to $1.00: Extra Special the balance DC of the week at cost. $6.95. EXTRA! EXTRA! regular 15c garments; epe- pcial the balance of the week This beaaSful carry a complete stock of Italian silk underwear. Be sure and see these remarkable rug bargains Monday. We are overstocked on matting rugs and will close them out at . Washington. D. C. May 28 Despite an alleged agreement by Gen Orozco not to molest a consignment of dynamite from El Paso. Tex., to Chihuahua City for use in mines, Mexican rebels have captured, according to reports received here, two carloads of the explosives. Immediately upon the receipt of this information secretary MacVeagh ordered the collector of customs at El Paso to hold up the remaining three car loads. President Taft authorized the exportation upon the condition that Gen. Orozco's forces would not interfere with it. Collector A. L. Sharps received the advice from the treasury department to hold up the shipment of dynamite, which was Intended for the San Toy Mining company. But the telegraphic advice was sent too late, as the last of the five cars were exported on May 24 and were sent snnth cult nt Jitftr. Monday en. dug, the same time that the teivgram was icteived by the customs collector :n 21 Paso. The dynamite was for Donald Gillies, THE LONE STAR SUMMER PAVILION Good Music Each Evening t On the County Road 6 2 Miles From SI ASSAYZRS m axl EI. A BIG NEW SHOW 31jJ tou--r- - Gro-ve".-- s d -- - nd : . us 10c by mail. in stamps, OPEN DAT 1 ire ii ti :i- -" i, .. ,n e r '.n - t . . it "n e er Klcr-BaBB- AJTO MCHT BMgt captain was drowned at sea. He comes back, and he had also married whila away, by mistake, and in fact. It was a series of mistakes that presents some very amusing sides. Mr. Lee, in represented manner, his inimicable Caraway Bones, the nndertaker. Billytt Nora Medway, and Capt. as Evans as the captain's widow, portrayed the prominent features in the mistakes made, while George 3iedwa, the son. and the other persons on the program success of t..e all contributed to thesongs, and Parfeature. The special eight ticularly that by the little tot ofwas a. years, "one of the Lee family, an l neTer failing source of wondir costume, transport to the crowd. The and genand dancing, songs, laughter ani eral and unadulterated pleasure hour or two at rest afforded by anprove to value of the Airdome will anyone attending Era-me- Man. Be a TWec-ii- n and at We can dresa you correctly reasonably than more same time the ready-to-westores. K. ;efr: the of son, 110 Texas, local home ar tailoring. ALLEGED KTMCAPSE MAKES $1000 BOND Ramon Xuner. indicted on the chariot kulnapirg Edwar'Hbtt- and Law irnic loirterae last year, has been r. leaded un $1000 bowl." Converse an-had been Blatt were Americans who with Madero forces and were on their av to El Paso when seized on what was i nmed to be AmerK.ui .oil an-u.-rlodged in the Juare jail. I heir ou urre.! iust before the nr-- t battle - n-l- eac ot .lu.'.n .' Tailor Made- SwXb at Cot. Roai Snell. pew suniniefcsultsv I guarantee toflt yea takj our oir at i" md less. R. V. l'tarsoo, ;rtail-orer- . Melu.. fjS. TEXAS. AMERICAN DAIRY LUNCH CO. mis-tak- - Wtrm C8ITCHETT ft FSRGSM AseayerB Chtmist MeUBnrgiaU AGENTS -- OR OSS SHIPPERS 219 San Fraadsee St Sell Phone 334 Auto Pheue 1334 TONIGHT AND ALL WEEK -t as. Custom Assay Office Along the Mohawk 59n oT Offleeaaltakoratem Paso Theatre 4bB3j p. o. Cv.SearrsHfcao&CMafeB; eprt-s-age.- It Uevtrtai ttpag. jfajBtoj tam' Stock Company Ei Bsszisx. SJC, Ctoncof AaetftU. Ww t ExaaJtZt MYRTLEVAN - i CHEMISTS mmL D. W. Na-sare- II & H.&TA.U Bargain Matinee and Stage A train on the Mexico North Western railroad which was carrying the rebel Reptioa Saturda . and federal wounded of the battle of San Isidro de Temosachic to Chihuahua hospita; was shot into at Santa Isabela Monday morning. There were about 12 wounded on. board the train from the battle, both federal and rebel, and as the train was passing through AMUSEMENTS. the station a band of men opened fire on it. The train was immediately stopped "JOSEPKIXE" IX PICTURES. and conductor Archer, who was in 'Josephine," an produccharge, jumped off and hid in the em- tion by the Cinea Co,elaborate be of Borne, bankment to await the cessation of shown at the Wigwam today. willThe shooting. The engineer again started greatest care has been shown in the his train and the train went on to Chidetail, the events of her life are huahua, leaving conductor Archer at covered and frim the time the gypsy foreSanta Ysabela. told her future until she heard the news of the birth of the h.ng of Rome. The gowns worn by JoseBUFORD MAKING phine and the women of the court are a feature. SLOW PROGRESS The best civil war drama of the Aboard the United Stutvs Transport year is promised for tomoitir. Bufor May 2- ?- (r.-- Wireless to Los Angeles.) Hampered by headwinds and EL PASO THKATKR. seas, the Bnford with 384 American This week the Mjrtle Vane comre.ugees aboard, will not arive at San pany is a play which Iiego until Wednesday at noon or although presenting new to thatev&oers of El Jater. Paso is said to be recognized as one The seven cases of typhoid taken of the very best vehicles of enterMazatlan are tainment aboard the transport at on the American stage. Forty-on- e of the refuconvalescent. "Along the Mohawk," replete with pagees will be landed at San Diego. and comed. should be acknowlOne hundred and sixty, including 27 thos edged b t'pe patrons of the El Paso missionaries of tbe church of the r as one best yet, manager will land at San Pedro, and 183 Fogg says, the has never before been it will be landed at San Francisco. seen here but is absolutely guaranteed by management. the Tickets arc on SAYS RAILROAD REVENUES sale at Kjan's nothing higher than LA1WJELY HKLI THE REBELS i rni.s ju gnen everj are May 28. uuinees A great Satuid.i Los Angeles. Calif.. at at 10 and 20 cents. part of the funds to finance the MexiThere will no be matinee on 3unda. can revolution is being derived by Gen. but on.- on V(eduesdav. Hereafur Orozco from freight and express receipts on the Mexican National rail- two bills per week will be gnen. road, according to E. R. Jones, vice AT THE AIROOME. president of Wells Fargo and company, Sus manager Fogg: "The Lee Co. who is in Los Angeles today, after "a opened its second week last night with trip into the southern republic. laughable the farce, An Awful Mis"The rebels are operating the railroad and taking, of course, all receipts take to a good house. Mr. Lee as the rtaker. was very funny, as usual. ' from freight, passengers and Hab Angeles In her song numsaid Mr. Jones. "The total amoants to about J3TS 000 ber was the hit of the show. A very noticeable feature of tl;.- I.ee Co. is a month." the baundance of beautiful wardrobe used. The chorus is seen in entirely ECZEMA CURW) 1 lTO M DAYS. costumes in each song numThe Paris Medicine CO.. 224 Pine diiferent ber, which adds not StK-.'- t a little to the St. Louis, Mo., manufacturers show. 'An Awful Mistake' will be Tasteless Chill Tonic and of given tonight new Quinine, have a night o Bromo and tomorrow Laati beats are on sale at Ilyan' The p.n-eami woml. rful discovery. GROVE'S TIS, which tlwv guarantee to are 25c, .15c an(1 50c for b..e "This skV flitting comciT was rei cure an rase of ECZKMA. no matter of hov. Ions; standing, in 10 to 30 days, dered hv the .lame.-- P I.e, L.nipan. and will refund money if it falls. who seem to he prime favorites In El CUTIS is perfectly Paso. The srr it made GROVE'S f when M ir clo.in and d. - mU stain If vour dru;-priik!ov of -fi.i!. v. Pace fcKip8hfn$ Assay Qmm TRAIN BEARING THE WOUNDED PIRED UPON Train Stops, and Resumes Journey Without Conductor Archer. h.ip f LONE STAR INN of iJniliuahtiu. nd it Managesaeat Under - T i.; -- z. t.
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