F R E Q U E N T LY A S K E D Q U E S T I O N S S TAY I N G C O N N E C T E D H A S NEVER BEEN SO EASY! [ How do I RSVP for the reunion dinners? The Westtown community is now in the palm of your hand, thanks to the alumni mobile app. Connect with classmates, network for a job, and get Westtown School news, all on your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Android devices. Search for EverTrue in your mobile marketplace and select Westtown. Information regarding individual class offsite reunion events will be sent separately by each reunion class’ reunion planning committee. Payment for all off-campus events is collected by the reunion planning committees. [ Where can I stay in the area? Are there directions to campus? A list of local accommodations and driving directions are available on the school website by visiting www.westtown.edu/alumniweekend. West Chester University’s graduation weekend is also May 8-10, 2015, so book your hotel rooms as soon as possible! √√√√√√√√√√√√√ [ How do I RSVP? Use the enclosed reply card or register online at www.westtown.edu/alumniweekend. Please reply by April 30, 2015. [ Where should I park? The West/Girls’ End and East/Boys’ End Parking Lots are reserved for Special Needs Parking and for the classes of 1925-1964. The Cabin Lot is reserved for the 50th Reunion Class. All others, please use the parking lots below the Lower School, behind the Athletic Center, or the Oak Lane Playing Fields. SUPPORT YOUR CL A SS GIF T Make a donation online at www.westtown.edu or mail a check, made out to Westtown School, to Westtown Fund, 975 Westtown Road, West Chester, PA 19382-5700. For more information, contact STEPHANIE ZIEMKE, Director of Annual Giving, at (610) 399-7922 or stephanie.ziemke@westtown.edu. Please note that our fiscal year ends on June 30. T H E L A K E R E S T O R AT I O N P R O J EC T I S U N D E R WAY ! Due to construction, there will be no access to campus heading south on Westtown Road. To get to the West End parking lots, please approach via Rt. 926 (Street Road). ≤ YO U ’ R E I N V I T E D T O Alumni Weekend MAY 8-10, 2015 2015 √√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√ INTRODUCING A SYMPOSIUM FEATURING ALUMNI, PARENTS, FACULTY & STUDENTS Why The World Needs More Westonians ≤ Alumni Weekend Schedule of Events M AY 8 - 1 0 2015 √√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√ INTRODUCING A SYMPOSIUM FEATURING ALUMNI, PARENTS, FACULTY, AND STUDENTS M O R E S A T U R D AY A C T I V I T I E S The world needs more Westonians because Westonians engage with and shape their worlds. This alumni weekend, you are invited to hear how Westtown alumni, students, faculty, and parents are living lives of meaning and success. Presentations range from senior Zach Gambill ’15 talking about his project to use phytoplankton to feed people in malnourished countries, to The World Needs More Kevin Roose ’05 and Teacher Kevin Eppler discussing Business and Ethics, to an alumni panel on Make Work Make Meaning. There will be something for everyone in these interactive sessions! ALL AFTERNOON Westonians F R I D AY, M AY 8 , 2 0 1 5 Upper School Class Visits 10:52 am Meet in Central Lunch with Students 12:26 pm Dining Room Singing Mice and Bees That Count: How the Stories You Share Can , Heal the World Miranda Loud 86 2:00 pm Barton-Test Theater S A T U R D AY, M AY 9 , 2 0 1 5 Registration 8:30 am - 1:00 pm Outside the Barton-Test Theater Memorial Meeting for Worship 9:00 - 9:45 am Meeting House Yoga with Marcia Hepps ’73 9:00 - 9:45 am Dance Studio in the Athletic Center Westtown Alumni Association Annual Meeting 10:00 am Barton-Test Theater , Keynote Speaker/Performer: Wendi Grantham 85, actor and vocalist Head of School Luncheon (Classes 1925-1964) 12:00 pm Dining Room 50th Reunion Luncheon (Class of 1965) 12:00 pm Cabin Reunion Lunches (Classes 1970-2010) 12:00 pm Raiford Field Non-Reunion Lunches (Classes 1966-2014) 12:00 pm Raiford Field Symposium The World Needs More Westonians 2:00 - 3:30 pm Science Center 1799/K.O.B./Granolithic Societies Reception 4:30 pm Head of School’s House Buffet Dinner 6:00 pm Dining Room S U N D AY, M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 5 Pancake Breakfast 9:00 am Dining Room Meeting for Worship 10:30 am Meeting House Memorial Service for Earl Fowler 2:00 pm Meeting House Senior Projects Display Esther Duke Archives F O R T H E F A M I LY 2:00 - 4:00 PM Hayrides Swimming in the Pool 14 yrs/younger need a parent Ropes Course 10 yrs/younger need a parent Leave from the Belfry Yarnall Pool Below Balderston Track AT H L E T I C E V E N T S 2:00 PM Varsity vs. Alumni Baseball Game Crew Field (batting practice @ 1:30 pm) Boys’ Alumni Lacrosse Game Raiford Field 4th Annual Brown & White Tennis Tournament Competitive Matches: 3.5 rating or higher Non-competitive Play: Open to all levels and ages Stadium Courts 4:00 PM The “LONG” Run for Fun Cross Country Course/Meet at Balderston Track DON’T MISS 12:30 PM Your Reunion Class Photograph Reunion Lunch Locations 2:00 PM Dorm Tour Leaves from Central Children’s Activities and Babysitting Lower School iLab 3:30 PM Afternoon Tea Science Center Dorm Tour Leaves from Central Reading and Book Signing of “The Truth About Twinkie Pie” Kat Yeh ’82 Upper School Library THE WORLD NEEDS MORE WESTONIANS: A SYMPOSIUM OF WESTTOWN CHANGEMAKERS 2:00 PM Science Center [ Design Thinking [ Residential Life at Westtown [ Westtown Lake Update 2:30 PM Science Center [ Business and Ethics [ Make Work Make Meaning [ Raising Independent Children 2:50 PM Science Center [ Design Thinking [ Residential Life at Westtown [ Innovation and Entrepreneurship
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